no weight loss

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no weight loss

Post by Jeanne » Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:47 pm

I just can't seem to loss any weight. What am I doing wrong? I lose one pound and I gain it back after the weekend. I feel sad and discouraged. :cry:

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Welcome-this can work for you!

Post by la_loser » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:32 pm

I see that your sign-up date was March 2. If that is when you actually began following No S, I would say that you just haven't given it enough time. Although there may be a few people who join and report some quick pounds lost, that is rarely the way it works. I have been doing No S seriously since summer of 2008 and only in the last couple of months did I really begin to see a loss. Seriously--one pound down then up again for months, then in January, boom, it started to drop off and I've lost 14 pounds since the middle of January.

I suspect in my case, that my body was so used to so many different "diets" which starved me, then I'd overdo and give up then try another one--the yo-yo thing that it really took my system a while to "settle in" to a normal way of eating.

No S does not claim anywhere to be fast--it will be slow and sustainable. But like the saying goes. . . "patience IS a virtue." Give it a couple more months, making sure you are keeping a "fence around the law"--see the main page or the book -- it means to really follow the rules and don't rationalize your way into eating more. And don't try to tweak it or do any modifications until you've really let it take hold.

Another thing that you've probably seen on these boards is that it's really more significant to stay off the scales and let your habits take hold; take notice of how your clothes are fitting. If you are including exercise in your daily habits, you'll find that building a little muscle will make a quicker difference and that when you turn the "fat" into muscle you won't see the pounds lost as quickly but you'll see progress in other ways.

All of this is to say, hang in there--don't give up. . . give it some more time. People occasionally will comment that they are discouraged and leave to go to another program that promises faster results. . . then in a few weeks or months, they're back because they've figured out that this plan can work if you give it time.
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by bluebunny27 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:44 pm

This depends on your goals, your fitness, your motivation ... your desire to change, etc.

Everyone is different.

You want to lose weight ?? Easy. If you control your portions, eat better food and exercise, you will lose weight. Sounds very simple and it is ... just stick it out in the long run and you'll get there.

The combination is the most powerful element ... if you just do the No S and you don't exercise, it might take a while, oh, your weight will go down but don't expect a quick fix if that's all you do.

1- Eat better and control your portions
2- Exercise more
3- Eat better, control your portions and Exercise more
You will lose weight more rapidly combining those items, that seems pretty clear to me, it's not rocket science. ;-)

I'm usually pretty extreme, so I've lost 51 pounds so far in the past 5 months. No S ... yeah, but I also exercise an hour nearly every day, that's where you get the real benefits ... when you do both things at the same time.
It also depends on how much weight you want to lose, you get bigger numbers when you have more to lose. My first month I think I lost 14 pounds, now in the 5th month I am happy with just 5-6 pounds during the month, since I am getting closer to my goal, thet numbers get smaller too.

Of course I may be a bit more extreme than most people, I'm more GUNG HO, you see. Still 30-35 more pounds for me to lose during the next 7 months.
It depends on the effort you put in ... little effort, little reward. Sure it'd be easier to sit on the couch all week, strictly on No S alone but I wouldn't have those numbers by now just doing that, without the exercise.

It's like those people on THE BIGGEST LOSER, how do they achieve such weight losses ?? They work out 4 hours a day and they have all the perfect foods there, dieticians, personal trainers, etc. That's the most extreme you can get.

Sometimes it's hard but I know that when I put in the effort, only good things can happen, like this morning when I stepped on the scale and I had done even better this past week than what I was expecting. It put me in a good mood the whole day. ;-)


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Re: no weight loss

Post by Jeanne » Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:13 am

Jeanne wrote:I just can't seem to loss any weight. What am I doing wrong? I lose one pound and I gain it back after the weekend. I feel sad and discouraged. :cry:
I actually started nos on 12-28-08. I have lost maybe one pound, but I don't seem to be losing at all now. I have always exercised alot all my life, but now I have arthritis in both knees and I am limited in what I can do. I still exercise about 3-4 times a week for about an hour each time, but it is not as strenuous as in the past. I do yoga, strength train, stretching, toning, and not as much cardio because I can't with my arthritis. I know if I lose some weight I will be able to do more again and I won't be in as much pain. I might not need knee replacement surgery if I lose some weight. So why can't I? I feel like crying. :cry: What can I do to see some progress? I don't expect to see fast weight loss, but some would be nice.

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Re: no weight loss

Post by BrightAngel » Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:23 am

Jeanne wrote: What can I do to see some progress? I don't expect to see fast weight loss, but some would be nice.

There's no magic.
What everyone has to do to lose weight is simple....but not easy.....
It's Energy Balance.
If what you are doing now is keeping you at your present weight,
then you have to somehow........

Move more
Eat less.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Post by la_loser » Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:34 am


It's great that Marc has found such success in a short time with No S--but please keep in mind that No S is really all about creating sustainable life habits. I know that I will never exercise an hour every day or be as, as Marc identifies himself, as Gung Ho with pursuing this. If most of us had that sort of mindset, we probably would still be doing one of the other myriad "diets" (notice that's a four letter word!).

So if you've come to No S to find something you can live with 24/7/365 (including S days!), you've come to the right place so long as you do keep in mind, it's not going to be fast--but it will be doable. Vanilla No-S as Reinhard has set it up is not extreme nor restrictive -- but it is something we can live with day in and day out.

I'm just saying that Marc's results are very atypical of what Reinhard suggests is a reasonable expectation. His suggestions regarding portion size and exercise are accurate, I'm sure; it's just that you shouldn't feel like you haven't been following No S if you haven't been going to those lengths.

(And Marc-this is not meant to discredit what you said-it's great that you've done so well so quickly--but from what I've read on these boards most of us are not quite as intense as perhaps you are--although I must say that I consider myself pretty solid in my habits--and of course, there is that other thing that rears its ugly head--the fact that women do lose weight differently than men, especially depending on our ages. Those darned hormones again!)

I see that you have replied about your exercise habits, etc. Bright Angel is right too. . . but I can tell you as I did in my first post that it took a while for mine to start to show. . . I'm betting you'll hear from Kathleen-my memory is that her experience has been quite slow loss--but she's happy with it because it's more than she would have lost if she wasn't doing No S.

Anyway-stay tuned--we're here for you.
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:30 am

******** Hum yeah, LA Loser. it's probably easier for me since I am still rather young, 36 years old. Guys lose weight more easily than girls too ... and younger people lose more easily than older folks ...
plus I used to be in good shape ...
I used to work out a lot, I was into all sorts of sports as well. Old habits die hard, so even if I had put on some weight in recent years, I am still able
to work out now. Of course I didn't start with one hour straight the first day after 5 years of hardly doing any physical activities besides walking. The first day I think I only did 10 minutes of cardio
and then after one month I was up to 30 minutes ... then gradually more and more, adding more minutes each week. Even now, I can do an hour straight, I could do more
than that but I prefer not to do it ... it's better not to skip days rather than doing too much at one time and then you get
so tired you are more tempted to skip days, you see ... with weight loss the best thing is to keep going without skipping too many
days. Once in a while I do an half day where I only train for 30 minutes, taking it easy.

I was just looking at my HabitCal and I've exercised an hour straight in the early evenings
for the past 7 days in a row now, not even counting the shovelglove in the morning,
the few minutes I jog to the mailbox mon/fri around the corner and back (just doing that adds maybe 6-8 minutes of cardio
every day, it adds up) Going up stairs instead of taking the elevator, that sort of thing ... so
I work out quite hard, I understand not everybody can do that, especially if they have health issues.
It's better when you want quicker results though, that's pretty clear. :-)

I'm really doing the no S extreme, as I don't really have off days, it's non stop ... oh sure, I slip off
once in a while but nothing major ... it's rare I have 2 bad days in a row too. Exercising really helps
as well, when you're exercising so hard, you don't want to ruin your effort by eating
a huge piece of chocolate cake...

All my meals are planned in advance for the day, I know when and what I will eat, I prepare it myself so there's no guessing game, it's all really planned, the most nutritious food, it's fuel for my exercise, really ;-) .. the nutrition and the exercise programs, I've been researching this regularly on the web to find information.

Anyway, I am sure if anyone watches what they eat and they exercise, even something mild at first,
simply walking ... there should be results after a while. They'll just take longer if you're not training as hard
as I do almost daily. I prefer doing it fast and hard anyway, it's tougher to stick it out for a long long time when
you're still working on the first 5 pounds after a couple of months, I can understand it can become
frustrating. No diets are easy though, especially without exercising.

Marc ;-)

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Post by amelie » Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:36 pm

I've been doing No S for five weeks and have lost 2 pounds. I'm thrilled, although I didn't lose anything until week 3. But I had already decided this was the way to go. What was the alternative, going back to snacking all day long and eating cookies/candy every day? That hasn't worked so well for the past, oh, ten years or so.

Some of the best advice I've gotten from the book and this board is don't weigh yourself too often, especially if, like me, you're not trying to lose a lot. (I'd love to lose ten, but I'd be thrilled with five.). This ties in with losing the "diet mentality" where you lose quite a bit at first (which everyone knows is mainly water weight but is motivating nonetheless), then plateau or even gain which is so discouraging you give up altogether.

Keep at it. No S really does work.

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Post by Kathleen » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:33 pm

I think this diet is first a cure for disordered eating and then a way to lose weight. I have had 35 years of disordered eating prior to starting No S. My 15 year old daughter started No S after me but seems to be farther along as far as being cured of disordered eating. She's told me last weekend that she's sick of sweets, and I am still wolfing down lots of treats on the weekend.

Could you give some specific information on your weight and age and how long you have been dieting? This could help us in advising you.

I have lost 15 pounds in 7 months. As for exercise, I usually manage to walk 2 - 2.5 miles three times per week. I'm not losing weight because of my exercise program.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:41 pm

Hi Jeanne,

I think we'll need a little more data to make a useful diagnosis.

Here's what we've got so far:

1) You've only lost about a pound
2) It's been 3 months
3) though restricted in your movements, you continue to do the same moderate regular exercise you did previously
4) you have significant weight to loose (how much?) and are finding this agonzingly slow

My questions are:

1) what is your compliance like? Have you been strictly adhering to no-s during the week? Limiting non-weekend "special" days to (about) 2 a month?

2) Are you practicing vanilla 3-meal no-s or have you made any "mods?"

3) Assuming the answer to #1 is close to 100% and #2 is "yes," do you have any suspicions about where the excess is coming in? Big or very calorically dense firsts? Over the top S-days?

4) How much weight do you hope to lose and what are you basing this number on?

If we know a little more, I think we'll be able to give you some good, specific suggestions. We'll certainly try!



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Post by Jeanne » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:48 pm

I am strict during the week eating 3 meals. I don't think I am overeating. I am not overly full. I have not been having more the two non weekend special days during the month. I can't exercise as strenuously as I have in the past because of arthritis in both knees. I feel depressed over this, since I have always been very active with exercise. I still do what I can tolerate 3-4 times a week for one hour a session. I do yoga/ strength training/stretching/toning and not alot of aerobics. I am 62 years old and about 50-60 pounds overweight. It would help my arthritis if I lost some weight. I want to lose enough to be healthier and of course look better. I really don't know how much I want to lose. I have not made any mod. to the no s diet. Any suggestions? :(
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Post by noni » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:03 pm


Every week that I was on No S (which I did strictly) I would lose alittle weight. But one week I had fried foods a couple of times. It still fit on one 9" plate but I didn't lose that week. Check out the content of your meals and if they are grease laden.

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Post by ~reneew » Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:41 pm

I was the same way and I had a real eye opener on March 31st. If interested, you can read it in my daily check in... "~reneew and please work's daily check in" It may help you.
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by marygrace » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:32 pm

marcdesbiens wrote:
It's like those people on THE BIGGEST LOSER, how do they achieve such weight losses ?? They work out 4 hours a day and they have all the perfect foods there, dieticians, personal trainers, etc. That's the most extreme you can get.
NoS is the exact opposite of this, which is very important to remember. Things like the Biggest Loser, as well as most other diets, programs, celebrity weight loss stories, etc., have conditioned our society to believe that weight loss will come over night. It doesn't, and it shouldn't! That's the beauty of NoS--yes, its hard to be patient when you want to lose weight NOW, but your slow weight loss will be SUSTAINABLE. The people on Biggest Loser go to ridiculous extremes, and a lot of them gain weight back after the show because that kind of lifestyle is entirely unrealistic.

Still, perhaps there are some more things you could be doing. Do you exercise? If not, that's definitely a habit you should get into. Also, you mention losing a pound and then gaining it back over the weekend. So in reality, you are losing weight, but you are undoing the weight loss with your S Days. Learning to successfully manage S Days takes time, which might be another reason why weight loss on NoS is slow for a lot of people. I know it was for me! I didn't have a lot of weight to lose (only about a dress size's worth of vanity weight) but it took a couple of months to reach that point. Now though, I'm confident that the weight won't come back, because I've gotten used to these new habits.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:02 pm

I don't think I am overeating.
This is actually the problem no-s is intended to solve. So it's great that you have that at least in place. Whatever you do in terms of tweaking, be very careful not to risk this -- it's emphatically not a given.

And it sounds like you're getting a reasonable amount of exercise as well.

I know this is tough to hear, but honestly, I think patience and persistence are by far the most important things you can do. If you're eating and exerting yourself moderately, to my mind, you've solved the main problem.

That's not to say you could try some small tweaks, like adding "intelligent dietary defaults" or preempting weekend excesses with deliberate rewards or finding some kind of cardiovascular exercise that doesn't exacerbate your arthritis pain, but nothing extreme that risks the platform of moderation you currently have in place.


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no weight loss

Post by Jeanne » Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:09 am

reinhard wrote:Jeane,
I don't think I am overeating.
This is actually the problem no-s is intended to solve. So it's great that you have that at least in place. Whatever you do in terms of tweaking, be very careful not to risk this -- it's emphatically not a given.

And it sounds like you're getting a reasonable amount of exercise as well.

I know this is tough to hear, but honestly, I think patience and persistence are by far the most important things you can do. If you're eating and exerting yourself moderately, to my mind, you've solved the main problem.

That's not to say you could try some small tweaks, like adding "intelligent dietary defaults" or preempting weekend excesses with deliberate rewards or finding some kind of cardiovascular exercise that doesn't exacerbate your arthritis pain, but nothing extreme that risks the platform of moderation you currently have in place.

I don't want to try a strict weight loss diet. That never worked for me. I would always get discouraged and overwhelmed and cheat. I end up eating more and also more junk instead of healthy foods. With no s, I don't have sweets, snacks and all that extra food from seconds. I think this is an easy livable plan. I just wish I would see some results. I am not expecting fast weight loss. Maybe it's the S days. Maybe I'm overdoing it. I don't know, but I'll keep trying.

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Post by woods38 » Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:05 pm

Keep trying Jeanne! Don't give up!

Maybe try adding in more fruits and vegetables? I try to have 2 fruits or 2 veg or one of each at every meal. You can also add them into whatever you cook to lower calories but not the volume of the food you eat so you can still have a full plate of food. :D

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Post by Jeanne » Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:54 pm

woods38 wrote:Keep trying Jeanne! Don't give up!

Maybe try adding in more fruits and vegetables? I try to have 2 fruits or 2 veg or one of each at every meal. You can also add them into whatever you cook to lower calories but not the volume of the food you eat so you can still have a full plate of food. :D
Maybe I'll try adding more fruits and veggies to my meal. I got so sick of salads on weight watchers that I don't eat salads much anymore. I'm not giving up. Yesterday I overate a little at dinner. I felt a little too full, but I think it's because I was upset. I was in a small car accident onThursday and it was my fault. I've never had an accident before. I bruised my foot and had to stay off it and ice it all day Friday. I was bored and upset with myself about the accident. At least, I am thankful no one was hurt. I see how emotions can get me off track. Thanks for your help.
Jeanne :)

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Post by TexArk » Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:11 am

I would just like to add that I am finally enjoying salads and vegetables again. I had been on Weight Watchers or Volumetrics for so many years that I was burned out big time from filling up on those so I wouldn't starve to death or would have points for other foods. For the first two months on NoS I enjoyed bread and fats on my N days that I hadn't seen in years and on my S days I worked my way through family favorites that I had denied myself for too long. I have finished my 3rd month of NoS and now my plates look more healthy and most of my S days are not over the top. I have lost 3 1/2 pounds. I weigh officially once a month. I have peeked in several times in between and there are some serious ups and downs that show up on the scale. For that reason I try to stay off. I think that I will eventually be the weight my body is supposed to be and in the mean time I am a much more pleasant person to be around because I am not starving or stuffing any more.

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Post by Pewari » Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:39 am

Jeanne - is it worth hunting around for some cardio exercise that you can do safely? Are you able to swim and do you have a pool near you? That might help with the cardio exercise without hurting your knees.

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Post by roseha » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:15 am

Hi all long time no post sorry :)

Jeanne - I just wanted to tell you that NoS really *does* work but it really *does* take a while. The good thing is that after a while you should forget you're on a diet. I remember maybe 2 years ago when I went the entire month of June and didn't go off Nos once, and I lost nothing. Then last year one of my doctors told me to "do something about it" and since then I have been more careful, and I am about 14 pounds less now than I was then - I'd say about a pound a month.

I have no eating restrictions myself so the big positive for me is that I get to eat what I want. It's really a plus. Of course I would recommend running it by your doctor but for most people it does seem like a good solution.

Good luck,


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Post by Jeanne » Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:53 am

roseha wrote:Hi all long time no post sorry :)

Jeanne - I just wanted to tell you that NoS really *does* work but it really *does* take a while. The good thing is that after a while you should forget you're on a diet. I remember maybe 2 years ago when I went the entire month of June and didn't go off Nos once, and I lost nothing. Then last year one of my doctors told me to "do something about it" and since then I have been more careful, and I am about 14 pounds less now than I was then - I'd say about a pound a month.

I have no eating restrictions myself so the big positive for me is that I get to eat what I want. It's really a plus. Of course I would recommend running it by your doctor but for most people it does seem like a good solution.

Good luck,

I just wish I would lose something. It is discouraging. I keep trying. Today I did go off a little and had a small snack, but normally I don't snack between meals. This is progress for me. I remember when I tried not eating between meals in the past and it was so hard. Now I don't even miss not eating snacks. I just eat my three meals. What do you mean you are more careful? What can I do? Do you think I need to eat smaller portions? Or maybe healthier meals?

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A watched pot. . .

Post by la_loser » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:21 am

This is from my original post a few days ago to you:
I see that your sign-up date was March 2. If that is when you actually began following No S, I would say that you just haven't given it enough time. Although there may be a few people who join and report some quick pounds lost, that is rarely the way it works. I have been doing No S seriously since summer of 2008 and only in the last couple of months did I really begin to see a loss. Seriously--one pound down then up again for months, then in January, boom, it started to drop off and I've lost 14 pounds since the middle of January.
I'm still not sure when you actually began following No S and I know that even if March 2 was your actual first day that it's been a month now. . . but honestly, I can tell you that you just have to give it time. I'm really close to your age and am carrying about the same excess baggage as you are and I have knee and foot issues too which limits my mobility somewhat. . . BUT as I said above, it took what seemed liked FOREVER to see any loss-but then it began to happen. I also know that if I hadn't been following No s during that time, I would just continued to gain and would be in even worse shape than when I started.

From my memory, most of the people on here who have seen faster results, have been much younger and more physically able to exercise more. Their bodies have not all been subjected to forty years of fighting this battle. My body seemed to say, "is this for real-are you really going to treat me fairly now with regular meals, etc. or is this just another tease and you're going to starve me next or fill me with protein for a while then run back to lots of carbs like you've done before?" That's if my body could talk--or maybe it would just say, "thank you, I think I can live with this-let me get used to it!"

Once you have your habits firmly established for at least a month or two, then you could start looking at making sure you're getting enough fruits/veggies (a la the 1/2 plate fruits/veggies/1/4 plate protein and 1/4 plate starch concept--not a NO S thing but some people have used that idea to help them "tweak" the system a bit), making sure your plates are not 'STACKED SKY HIGH' and working toward "not being an idiot" (Reinhard's words, not mine!) on S days. Have you listened to the podcasts yet? You can do so through the computer-don't have to have an iPod.

You know like we've heard before--Patience IS a virtue! And oh, that other one that used to drive me crazy. . . "A watched pot never boils." Stay off those scales and stay on habit and you will eventually begin to see progress. (pants fitting better, etc.)

Hang in there.
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Re: A watched pot. . .

Post by Jeanne » Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:17 pm

LA_Loser wrote:Jeanne,
This is from my original post a few days ago to you:
I see that your sign-up date was March 2. If that is when you actually began following No S, I would say that you just haven't given it enough time. Although there may be a few people who join and report some quick pounds lost, that is rarely the way it works. I have been doing No S seriously since summer of 2008 and only in the last couple of months did I really begin to see a loss. Seriously--one pound down then up again for months, then in January, boom, it started to drop off and I've lost 14 pounds since the middle of January.
I'm still not sure when you actually began following No S and I know that even if March 2 was your actual first day that it's been a month now. . . but honestly, I can tell you that you just have to give it time. I'm really close to your age and am carrying about the same excess baggage as you are and I have knee and foot issues too which limits my mobility somewhat. . . BUT as I said above, it took what seemed liked FOREVER to see any loss-but then it began to happen. I also know that if I hadn't been following No s during that time, I would just continued to gain and would be in even worse shape than when I started.

From my memory, most of the people on here who have seen faster results, have been much younger and more physically able to exercise more. Their bodies have not all been subjected to forty years of fighting this battle. My body seemed to say, "is this for real-are you really going to treat me fairly now with regular meals, etc. or is this just another tease and you're going to starve me next or fill me with protein for a while then run back to lots of carbs like you've done before?" That's if my body could talk--or maybe it would just say, "thank you, I think I can live with this-let me get used to it!"

Once you have your habits firmly established for at least a month or two, then you could start looking at making sure you're getting enough fruits/veggies (a la the 1/2 plate fruits/veggies/1/4 plate protein and 1/4 plate starch concept--not a NO S thing but some people have used that idea to help them "tweak" the system a bit), making sure your plates are not 'STACKED SKY HIGH' and working toward "not being an idiot" (Reinhard's words, not mine!) on S days. Have you listened to the podcasts yet? You can do so through the computer-don't have to have an iPod.

You know like we've heard before--Patience IS a virtue! And oh, that other one that used to drive me crazy. . . "A watched pot never boils." Stay off those scales and stay on habit and you will eventually begin to see progress. (pants fitting better, etc.)

Hang in there.
I've been doing this since 12-28-08. One of my problems is I can't exercise like I have always done in the past. I have always been active and did a lot of exercise. This past year I have had to do less intense exercise and that has made it harder for me. Now I have changed to more moderate exercise. (more strength traing, toning and yoga.) I can't do all the intense exercise that I have been doing for the past forty years and I really miss that.I'm not giving up. I don't understand why I gained weight, since I was so active. It seems that when I was 46 years old I started slowly gaining weight. The more I exercised the more I gained. Sounds crazy doesn't. Even more strange, I was working at weight watchers at the time and following their plan. How did this happen. I always tried so hard. Seems like I counterdicted myself. (more exercise weight gain, less exercise, no weight loss) This doesn't make sense to me. I do have an under active thyroid, but I am on medication, so that shouldn't be the problem. Thanks for all your concern and help. I need all the support I can get to stay motivated.
Jeanne :)

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Post by Kathleen » Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:40 pm

I'm with you. I got to 205 on 11/22/08 and was 203.8 this morning. What I see is a very subtle shift in my eating. I am finding a lack of interest in stuffing myself beyond full at this moment, but I'm still doing it. For example, this morning, I had cereal and a clementine even though I was full after the clementine. At some point, I am predicting, I'll not eat beyond what is comfortable for me at the moment.

It's almost as if all those years of dieting have conditioned my body to eat the maximum whenever I have a chance because starvation is just around the corner. It's a pain to wait, especially with swimsuit season just around the corner, but I see this diet as something that needs to be a habit that is just part of my life and I accept the weight that results.


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Post by iloverugby1 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:47 pm

you should go to gym regularly and do the fast every alternate day. Simultaneously, you should continue taking some best diet formula, like - diet pills, diet medicines. But make sure that, those are organic and natural products.
Last edited by iloverugby1 on Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Thalia » Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:11 pm

Oh look, a spammer! Sellin' some spam!

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Post by Nichole » Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:11 pm

iloverugby1 wrote:you should go to gym regularly and do the fast every alternate day. Simultaneously, you should continue taking some best diet formula, like - diet pills, diet medicines. But make sure that, those are organic and natural products.
Reinhard, do you allow these types of obvious spam posts?
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Post by Kathleen » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:29 pm

Heck, they're wonderful reminders of what all of us left behind - false promises of quick results!

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Post by Jeanne » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:48 pm

iloverugby1 wrote:you should go to gym regularly and do the fast every alternate day. Simultaneously, you should continue taking some best diet formula, like - diet pills, diet medicines. But make sure that, those are organic and natural products.
Give me a break. What idiot wrote this? This is insulting!!! Go find something better to do with your time. :x

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Just ignore it. . .till it's deleted.

Post by la_loser » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:57 pm

People-don't click on that link in rugby message so it won't receive your "cookies" from your computer. It's clearly a spammer/auto thing that Reinhard will fix as soon as he logs on tomorrow. He already has several things set up to keep this from happening but occasionally one will slip through.

Just ignore it.
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Post by Kathleen » Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:32 am

Any ideas on what I should do if I already clicked on it?

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Post by iloverugby1 » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:54 pm

hey guys,

If you don't know anything, don't blame to an innocent people.
I just provided you one of the best resource for dieting.

Anyway if u blame me as a spammer then I've already removed that link..

Is it okey now.....??

And users who have already clicked on it, don't need to worry. There is nothing like spamming in it.

I'll get less than I expected from the users of this forum. I think so...

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Post by brotherjohn » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:55 am

I'll get less than I expected from the users of this forum. I think so...
Oh, no, my friend, I think you are badly mistaken.

I think you'll get much MORE than you expected.
If you are sincere, you'll get a great deal of wisdom and kind friendship.

If you are a spammer, you'll may have to deal with shovelglovers who have fortified themselves with oatmeal.... :shock:
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Post by BeingGreen » Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:12 am

Right on, brotherjohn!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:41 pm

Hahahaha who spells Mary with two R's???
Only a real "Doctor" obviously!!!!!!!

Reinhard doesn't check this stuff that much guys..
So when you see it, just pm him.
That is, after you have smote them with your shovelgloves after your morning oatmeal! :wink:
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Post by Blithe Morning » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:44 pm

Jeanne, can you pump up your strength training? Building muscle mass is a great way to increase your metabolism. I'm not talking about increasing by a huge amount but if you've been doing strength training for a while, then maybe you've hit a plateau.

Also, I am a big advocate of getting outdoors. I have never seen any medical studies, but I can't get weight to budge during deepest winter.

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Post by roseha » Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:20 am

What do you mean you are more careful? What can I do? Do you think I need to eat smaller portions? Or maybe healthier meals?
Jeanne, sorry I have not been on this board for a few days. When I said being more careful, I just meant not eating between meals, mainly. Not going on and off NoS all the time. I did make the occasional exception around the holidays but I ended up losing weight anyway.

I used Habitcal for awhile but I don't now and I have still lost weight. If you can get the mindset working for you it will be a good start. It does take time, mainly months rather than weeks I have found. Hope that helps.


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