carolejo's daily Check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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carolejo's daily Check in

Post by carolejo » Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:10 pm

So far not bad. Only been doing this since Monday.

Right now I really really want to eat a Twix bar... But not as much as I really really wanted to eat one this time yesterday. Ha. That's progress of a sort, I guess.

been good in the last 24 hours. Snacked this morning on a small raw carrot, but am allowing this for the first 2 weeks or so until I've finally gotten out of the 'sugar' craving part.

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Re: carolejo's daily Check in

Post by sibyl » Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:32 pm

carolejo wrote: Right now I really really want to eat a Twix bar... But not as much as I really really wanted to eat one this time yesterday. Ha. That's progress of a sort, I guess.
It is progress. Don't sell yourself short.
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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:23 pm


Guess what? I did eat a Twix Bar, last Sunday. Don't worry and S day is just around the corner and you will enjoy it even more.


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Day 1, Attempt B.

Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:36 am

Oh Dear! Oh well. Dust myself down. Accept the FAILURE and keep going.

You might have guessed I didn't do so well last night, although it was partly 'accidental' (Is there really such a thing as 'accidental' eating..? How could I even THINK this...?!!).

There was a big traffic accident which meant the road was closed and I couldn't get home last night. So I bailed out to my favourite Japanese noodle bar in town to wait it out. My Husband (the Boy S) came to join me too (he works on the opposite side of town but was also unable to get back to our house). We decided we'd eat there as we wanted to go out in the evening to our Scuba diving club meet and would probably not have time to cook something sensible by the time we got back.

I ordered my one plate of food (they do really good Ramen noodle soups with lots of fresh veg and stuff in them YUM! It's a good sized portion, but not excessive) but wasn't paying attention when S ordered. He'd ordered his usual dish plus our usual side dish of YakiTori sticks (Chicken pieces on skewers with a really tasty marinade on them) to share. He'd slipped up by ordering the side dish - DEFINATELY a second plate! - totally on autopilot! Instead of leaving them I felt I ought to eat my half of them rather than waste them and risk upsetting the nice guy who runs the noodle bar (we eat there about twice a month or so, and it would be the first time we'd ever left anything. He might have thought that we didn't like his food anymore! - Isn't that daft?) So we had half each as we used to do 'pre-S'.

Here's the rub though. We finished all the food we ordered, but afterwards I felt really bloaty. I didn't enjoy the YakiTori at all! It actually felt really wrong to be eating them.

The Boy learned a valuable lesson - THINK WHEN ORDERING, especially when just starting out, before the habit is ingrained. I learned a valuable lesson - Reinhard is right. Esses just don't taste as good if you haven't earned them!

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Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:39 am

I should point out that the original reason for going to the noodle bar was that they serve free green tea and as the guy who runs it knows us pretty well, he's happy just to serve us with the tea if we like. We quite often use the place as a convienient, pleasant, central meeting-up point.

Just in case anyone wondered!

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:00 am

Sounds like a great little spot! I know what you mean about eating to please others. Isn't it silly?
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Despite everything

Post by carolejo » Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:28 am

In no S terms, yesterday was a SUCCESS for me, and mostly a sucess for the boy S. He had an interview yesterday in Amsterdam. I'm so so so glad that it wasn't in London instead, (fortunately it was twice as expensive to get a train down there from Leeds than it was to fly to Amsterdam, so they rejected this as a possibility) as the the train from Leeds he would have been on would have arrived in Kings Cross at about 8:30am. Just in time to be caught up on the tube as they were blowing it all up. Phew! AND if he hadn't been at an interview, he would have been in London instead at a meeting for his current place of work - again, double phew!

Today I'm a little sad for another reason too. I have to go to a funeral. One of the girls I learned to dive with comitted suicide on Wednesday last week. I've no idea why. It's just such a waste though cos she was only 26.

Still. I can maintain control over what I eat. That's something at least, although it *does* seem odd to be worrying about a diet at this point!

No stupid terrorist is going to worry me into eating too much of the wrong stuff at the wrong time though. Huh.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:59 am

Carole Jo, You sound like one neato lady!
Yes "lucky" about that Amsterdam interview...
Too bad they will probably start getting threats as well since there too have active troops in Iraq...

You sure are one tea-totalling mama! Even have someone who hooks you up with free Green tea? LOL....
Next time, enjoy your Ramen all in one "plate" :wink:
Sorry to hear of your friends sad end...
Good to have you posting, you are cute!
8) Deb
ps.. So what do you think you'll be having on the weekend for an S?

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Re: Despite everything

Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:46 pm

carolejo wrote:No stupid terrorist is going to worry me into eating too much of the wrong stuff at the wrong time though. Huh.
I'm very glad to hear that you and yours are safe. And your attitude is great - terrorists only 'win' when they force us to change for the worse through fear. "Stupid terrorists" indeed.
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Post by carolejo » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:49 pm

Hi guys!

Thanks for your comments and encouragement.

The Boy S and I made a decision to allow a small modification to the timing of S days. We've applied a 'Six O'Clock rule'. Saturday actually starts at 6pm on Friday evening and Sunday finishes at the same time too. That's most practical for us because we go out to visit friends a lot on Friday nights.

I actually don't feel like I NEED to eat anything much in particular, which is surprising really. The one thing I'm most likely to eat is a Twix bar though cos I kind of promised it to myself at the start of this week. I'd also like a really nice jam doughnut (the european kind without a hole in the middle, but with raspberry jam inside it). I'll probably eat this with lunch on Saturday, as a desert. I'm only going to eat one if I can find just the right kind though. It's got to have sugar granules, not icing sugar on the outside. The outside should be slightly crispy and the inside fluffy and dough-ey without being soggy. Mmmm! I can almost *taste* it!

tonight I'm off to meet up with the people from my French class. We're going to (attempt) to play scrabble in French. it will be hard. I expect I might want to fortify myself with some of the homemade pate and toast that some of the other people in the group will bring with them... Oh, and a few glasses of red wine of course.

On Tea - When I say Tea, I mean only the English kind. 'Black' tea leaves, brewed in a pot with freshly boiling water. Served with milk. Green tea, herbal teas such as mint, camomile etc - these aren't really 'tea' to me. I still drink loads and loads of these. It's just the tannin rich, caffeine rich, black tea leaves type I cut right back on. It's a shame really, cos in many other ways tea is actually quite good for you.

As for coffee - most people on this little island can't make proper coffee anyway, so it's not hard to avoid drinking this! I'm untypically fussy in this respect as I refuse to drink any instant coffee. I love a decent freshly brewed one, but none of that nasty 'fully dissolving' chemical stuff. This means coffee consumption is also only around 2 or 3 cups a week.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:14 pm


Your post about the tea really made me laugh. Being married to a Brit, I thought I would float away the first time I went to England for a visit. We were visiting all sorts of people all the time and as you know, the minute someone walks in the door, the kettle gets turned on. I probably had more tea in that first visit then I'd had my entire life. :D

When we went to England last Spring I brought a coffee filter and my Peet's coffee (kind of like Starbuck's). I was prepared simply because I need that coffee jolt in the morning.

Anyway, that Friday 6pm thing sounds good if you can stick to it. I don't trust myself yet to be too flexible. But good luck to you guys.

Have fun playing Scrabble in French.
BTW, Do you know how to spell Olympics in French? L-o-n-d-o-n!!!! (Sorry, couln't resist :lol: )

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Post by Samurai » Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:01 am

Hi Carolejo
Welcome to No S. There are no diet police here, but you'll find that many of us will chime in with tips or advice to point out trouble spots. Please take my advice with a grain of salt, as you of course may not encounter the same problems as I.

But having said that, on with the blurbs of unsolicited advice!

I started out NoSSing with the same desire to start my S-days on Friday night, ending on Sunday night. I, too, wanted to party Friday night and still be a 'Nosser.'

But keep in mind that you are essentially adding an extra S day every weekend by doing so. You get to eat whatever you want Friday night, all day Saturday and all day Sunday, returning to No S Sunday night, which in all liklihood would probably be a No S meal anyway, if you were to even eat late on Sunday night at all.

I've found that it is possible to No S on Friday nights and still hang out at the pub. In a few hours on Friday night out, I'll still eat a plate of beef nachos and drink 1/2 a pitcher of beer, and still be a good NoSSer.

If you're unlike me and have some modicum of self-control on the weekends, it may well work for you. But I just wanted to add a cautionary note, as one who did the same thing, that I ended up eating way more food by doing so than I would have had I remained within the regular No-S guidelines.

Good luck with whatever you decide, and Happy Nossing!
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The first 'S' day.

Post by carolejo » Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:48 pm

Thanks everyone!

So far I didn't go too nuts. Last night I just had a couple of pieces of french loaf with some Pate on, and a load of grapes and strawberries. usually I'd have eaten half the baguette on my own, so that was a serious improvement.
Oddly, I really didn't fancy eating any chocolate which really surprised me! (my friend had some there for people, but I just didn't fancy eating it. I'd even gone out to the store to buy some nice chocolate as a treat after work, but came out with the grapes instead!

Today I've actually eaten (mostly) no - S, dispite it being an S day! Lunch was a little extravagant cos I ate a whole pound of cherries (there we go again, craving fruit instead of chocolate - Did someone re-program my brain whilst I was asleep or something..?)

Tonight will be the biggie though. The boy S and I are taking ourselves out to a really good italian restaurant in town to eat dinner. I'm really looking forward to it.

I take the point about Friday evening meaning we effectively have 3 'S' days. I plan to watch it very carefully and if it becomes a problem then I'll rethink. For now though, I think it'll be OK.

Cheers folks for being so supportive. All help / hints / comments are very much appreciated. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:58 pm

Dear Carole Jo!
Your pic still has me laughing my arse off each time I look at it!
Love it!!!!!
Oh, I also forgot to write back how I loved your story about the rainbow colored teeth! Kids do the darndest things eh wot!?
ps... I think you will do fine with the Friday thing... It's the unplanned "S'ses" that do us in! Enjoy your nights out with friends :D Love,
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Still going. Yummy S days but not overdone it.

Post by carolejo » Sun Jul 10, 2005 1:06 pm

Yesterday's meal out was ay-mazing. We shared a starter of mixed Buschetta, rather than having one each. The restaurant was super nice about this and even divided them up onto 2 plates for us!

Then for mains, I had a chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms, ham and panna-cota, served with a white wine cream sauce. S had roasted breast of duck on a bed of Pak-choi cabbage. Side orders of wilted spinach with Parmesan and Zuchini fries. Some Garlic and Rosemary roasted baby potatoes too.

We didn't even finish off all the side dishes - usually we'd have stuffed it all in regardless of how hungry we were! I remembered a line I read on here somewhere though (sorry, can't remember who it was) 'I'm not a turkey. I don't need to be stuffed' ! How true!

We then had a small espresso each and sat to savour the atmosphere and feeling of having eaten well, but not overdone it. After about 25 minutes, we decided to share a desert and split a portion of chocolate mousse with coffee syrup dressing between us. Yummmmm!!! I'm almost in shock that we could *only* eat half a desert each without feeling hard done by!

The boy reported he could get used to dieting like this, but I reminded him that this is a 'diet' in the purest sense. it's really just a way to eat properly for the rest of our lives.

Here's to eating properly!

Oh, and went I stepped on my scales this morning, I hadn't gained any weight at all from yesterday. in fact, I'm about half a lb down I think (can't really tell, much to fine grain for my scales to show really - terribly unscientific as it's well within the nautral variation my scales have AND my body weight fluctuates by as much as 4lb over the course of the day anyway).

My treat so far today was a bounty icecream bar. We've spent the morning stripping wallpaper in our main bedroom I'm sure this is a great way to exercise those little-used muscles and work up a gentle sweat. The latter part is easy as it's very warm here today (28 degrees C, I think that's about 75 or 80 F, which most of you So-Cal types are probably thinking isn't very warm at all!).

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monday morning "scores on the doors"

Post by carolejo » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:46 am

my monday morning weigh in tells me I'm now at 94.5Kg. Thats 1.5 kg down on last monday morning! (94.5Kg is 208lb in 'transatlantic').

The reason I lost so much just highlights how necessary it is and how much spare blubber I'm carting around!

Yay! Go me!

Other news, I bought myself a little present at the weekend - a 10lb sledge. I did 5 minutes SG this morning for the first time. I'm gooing to do 1 minute more each day till I get to 14 minutes.

S-diet - Sucess.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:48 pm

Great job Carolejo!!!!!!
The reason you dropped such a good amount is because you were good!!!!
Stop with the self deprication stuff... I too am around your weight, give or take a pound or so... It's a long frustrating road to self love, so it's important to start practicing it right now! We think you are fantastic! And you are!!!! You worked hard for your weight loss so give yourself the credit you are due, my friend :)
Lately I refuse to say mean things to myself anymore like I am a "blubber" cart...
I catch myself a lot, though, and nowadays when I do, I say... "Oh shut up you 'mean voice', I look great!"
Anyway.... I imagine you must be thrilled :)
Even on a week when you went out with those friends and another when you had udon noodles??? Imagine the shock that an Atkins group would show if you told them that! LOL...
So, you're a PhD in Physics? How's this?,,,,,
(ain't I a sillyhead? LOL....)
Good going Carolejo!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:12 pm

Cheers Deb.

Yeah, I know I rock, really I do!

In fact, it's kind of odd, cos I always reckoned I must have some kind of 'reverse anorexia' (please excuse the non-political correctness of it all, it's a metaphor in this sense only) because when I look in the mirror, I really genuinely see a thin person! Now, I know objectively that this cannot really be true for 2 reasons. Firstly, every month, there's yet another item of clothing in my wardrobe I can't fit into anymore. Secondly, everytime anyone takes a full length photo of me and I look at it, I end up thinking 'Holy crap! I'm really fat!

I'm fairly tall (5'9") but I take a size 24 (That'll be American size 22). I can tell by how high up I float in the water and by how many blocks of lead I need to sink myself when I go scuba-diving that most of my weight is fatty tissue and NOT nice dense muscle. My basic strength is comically puney. I used to do a little bit of Judo when I was at Uni, but attempts to throw my opponent usually resulted in my legs giving way underneath me rather than me managing to throw them, even if it was training only and they were co-operating!

Off topic, I did a Ph.D. in Physics and finished up about 3 weeks afer 9/11. Thanks to those nice people who are so fond of blowing stuff up, all the money that large multinational companies had for Research and Development evaporated overnight so I ended up temping in the transport industry. Now I've worked my way up through a couple of ranks and am a Logistics analyst by trade. Nothing to do with physics, but numbers are numbers and I do get to tell people where to put their warehouses (apart from up their A**e of course *grin*)


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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:42 pm

Carole Jo, the things you and the Boy eat sound so yummy! And here all these folks go around saying such disparaging things about Br. food ...

I'm a bit like you in that I look in the mirror and see myself as normal size, but I'm actually quite overweight (by appx. 35-40 lbs.) Very odd kind of "reverse body image disorder" as you pointed out.

But then << everytime anyone takes a full length photo of me and I look at it, I end up thinking 'Holy crap! I'm really fat!>> I could not have said it better!
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First day of the Second Week

Post by carolejo » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:47 pm

Brit food is like everybody else's food. Some people might think that all americans ever ate was hamburgers!

I've always been a serious fan of nice things to eat though. It helps that I love to cook too... Saying that though, Leeds also has some fantastic restaurants which have traditionally been my main 'issue' !! One of the things I love so much about this eating plan though is that nothing is off limits.

so, checking in. Today I ate a bacon sandwich with multigrain bread and a peach for breakfast.

Lunch was some leftovers from yesterday's evening meal - they were meant to be homemade bean and mushroom burgers but they fell apart when I cooked them (still tasted amazing though, but looked a bit more like refried beans than burgers *grin*), with some fresh cabbage and sweet potato mash.

Dinner was a lamb steak with spring greens and quinoa.

Shovelgloved for 5 mins in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.


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Oh dear!

Post by carolejo » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:42 pm

I just snacked on a half a handful of mixed nuts and raisins....

Am I allowed to say that I don't think it was a big failure though? I mean, that's so much better than I used to do!!!

I managed to eat them really slowly, tasting them properly and I didn't go 'nuts' (terrible pun, sorry!) and stuff the whole bag into my cavenous maw this time.

That's definately progress. AND I've learned that its all very well to allow yourself some fruit for a non-sinful snack, but no good if you don't happen to have any fruit with you!

Oh well. Pick up, redo and restart.

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:04 pm

This is a far cry from a major setback. Can you reduce your lunch or dinner just a little so that the snack could reasonably be considered part of a meal?

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Post by carolejo » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:22 pm

Actually my lunch was a little lighter than normal. I was eating the leftover greens and quinoa from last night but there wasn't as much of it as there should have been really.

OK. I think I'll consider it 'virtually plated' with my lunch.

I'm only mindful that I don't want to start making excuses because who knows what might become 'reasonable' after a while!? It's like Reinhard says, an absolute ban is easiest in many ways cos you're automatically pre dis-allowed, so live with it (!)


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Post by peetie » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:26 pm

Carolejo, I'm with Ariel. Hardly a major incident. And I would NEVER say improvement is a failure. Doing better is a success in itself!


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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:32 pm

Go with virtual plating, and consider this snack as part of lunch. Also, be sure and take away the clear lesson here: cutting too far back on real meals leads to snacking later.

I understand your point about rationalizing snacks and I am very wary of that myself. However, I am even more afraid of labeling a day a "failure" for a technical, not substantive, glitch, and I know that once I've attached the "F" word to my efforts, I will have a very very hard time getting back on track.

Ultimately each of us is the only person who can judge best how to apply the No-S regimen to his or her own needs.
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Post by carolejo » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:10 pm

You're right. thanks for your help and support, once again :D

Guess what though, all this 'soul searching' over some peanuts is a moot point anyhow, cos this evening became an honorary 'part N day'.

My Husband has just gotten a permanent job - IN AMSTERDAM! So we went out to the local organic restaurant to celebrate.

We didn't have starters or deserts (the Mains were delish and more than filling enough we found) but we did have a side order of mixed chargrilled veg and some freshly baked bread rolls, so it wasn't quite 'all on 1 plate'.

I never realised that I could come to consider a bread roll as 'decadent' and not feel at all hard done by when I didn't eat desert, but HONESTLY, TRUTHFULLY this is really the case!!

Oh, and if I vanish for a couple of weeks don't worry. I've not forgotten you all. I'm off on holiday to france though from Friday 15th and I get back on 31st July. I plan to do 'minimal S' during this time, rather than a real 'no-S' and I'll restart my 21 days counter when I get back. Even just doing this for a week and a half has proved to me that I can do it and that I don't need to eat so much junk, so I'm sure it'll keep me well until I really get back!!

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:46 pm

Wow, CONGRATS to your husband CaroleJo!!!! :D Definitely worthy of celebration. I'm a little confused by your terminology though -- I thought weekends were S days (b/c they start with S) and weekdays were N days. But you seem to be using "N day" to mean a weekend day. Anyway, no worries, it's clear what you meant. Congrats again, and have a great vacation (or "holiday" as you Brits say 8) )!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:29 pm

Hey Carole Jo! We'll miss you mate! Have a good'un drinking wine, eating pate and fresh baguettes! That's gonna be really rough. You have my sympathy! :wink: ... Just remember not to visit the Chocolaterie till Saturday!!! LOL...
Actually, I think there's some mysterious connection with NoS and the natural diet of the French... Please take notes.. It'll be interesting to hear your take on it.
Fantastic news about your hubby's new position.. I imagine that means you will either move, or he will be commuting? Hmmm?
ps... I loved your "terrible" *nut* pun! LOL... hee hee!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:21 am

Hi All,

Yeah, I was lying in bed last night and I realised I'd typed the wrong letter!

What I meant was a 'sort-of half S day'. (Could I call it a 'c' day cos c is the top half of the letter S....?)

As to moving, he'll move over and commute weekly for the first couple of months whilst we get everything sorted out. Then we'll both move over there. I'm hoping I'll be able to transplant myself complete with my current job over there without too much hassle - but I need to get agreement from my Boss and his boss and his boss's boss etc etc first. Even if I can't keep my job, I'm still going over there with him, of course!

This morning my arms were a little sore from SG so I did 6 minutes again, instead of upping it to 7 minutes. Other than that, not a lot to report yet - it *is* only 8:20am!


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Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:47 am

Quick update, Yesterday was a SUCCESS.
No funny stuff (as Reinhard puts it).
This morning I did 5 minutes of SG as my arms are still sore. At least I'm still doing a little every day so it's a foundation.

Tomorrow Morning I'm off on my hols. I'll be back at the beginning of August.

love and hugs to all,

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Back from my Hols.

Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:14 am

I weighed myself this morning and I've not gotten appreciably heavier, despite eating my way across most of Europe. Mind you, I was carrying 20 lbs worth of stuff in a rucksack and 'rangering' around rather a lot, so it probably balanced out.

I'll try to update in a bit more detail later, but now I have lots of work to do.

Only want to report, so far today I had 2 boiled eggs for breakfast and did 10 minutes of SG.

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Post by Blondie » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:44 pm

Welcome back!

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:37 pm

Hi Carolejo, nice to see you back! Sounds like you had a good vacation?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:42 pm

Hey Carolejo! Good to see you peeking out from the plant again! :lol:
Hope the pounds gained were at least from worthy meals...
You were in France eh? I'm sure none of us would do so great with the lure of fresh cheese and baguettes plus those delicious pates and chocolates...
Oh my!
How's your hubbys new appointment in Amsterdam? Have you guys relocated yet?
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:45 pm

Hi guys!

Nah, we're still in Leeds for the time being. S begins working in Amsterdam on 22nd August and will be going out there on the 20th. I'll still be here in Leeds for a little while longer than that as we have to get our house sorted out and make arrangements for our Lyra-Cat to join us.
I reckon I'll be moving out there at the start of October at this rate.

So, Diet wise. Yesterday was a Success. Today was a Success so far, but I'm about to go out for dinner with all my work collegues (most of them work from home but we're all in the office for the first time in 6 months) so I think it's going to be taken as a 'part S day'. I shall just try to be reasonably good but I'm not going to worry about the odd extra prawn cracker.

Shovelglove - Yup, 10 minutes the day before was definately too much for my puny arms. Aw. I can really feel it today so I skipped it this morning. I don't think I've done any major damage, but figured it was better to take it easy for a while. I'll probably try for a 5 minute SG sesh tomorrow morning to build back up.

On another note, was the website down for most of today? I wasn't able to log in earlier.

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Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:52 pm

Oh, and because I've just been reading the discussion on Reinhard's check-in about blogs, for info mine is at and my username is the same, as is my Avatar.... Just in case anybody was interested. I know Sybil already found me *grin*

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:38 am

Well, last night wasn't a disaster, but it wasn't really perfect either.

Restart that No-S counter then for the 3rd time I think.
Oh well. Never mind! Every day I *do* manage to do this properly is better than not at all and even when I'm bad I'm less bad than I used to be. That was DEFINATELY NOT just one plate of Chinese food though!!

SG - Hmm, well, my arms have only just stopped hurting from Monday, but that was definately an excuse this morning rather than a proper reason.

So far today though hasn't been bad. Quinoa porridge for breakfast was yummy and good for me. Plenty of protein in that too as it's a seed grain.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:45 am

I'd like to know the "ancient Chinese secret" that makes us crave it so much!!!! Damn that tricky, tricky, Chinese food! LOL.... :P
There must be a highly addictive chemical in it! :shock:
(I know, I know... Don't pass the buck! LOL...)

Have a great day Carolejo~
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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:58 pm

for me the biggest problem with Chinese food is a social one. We were a group of 6 from work (including my lovely boss) and we all picked a dish to put in the middle and share. Of course, I didn't want to load my plate up too much with what would be a 'normal' amount of food all in one go cos for that kind of social thing it just looks bad. However, I also lack the willpower to only eat the one smaller plate - the food is being paid for my the company, my workmates are asking if I'd like some more of the chicken with blackbean sauce and before you know it... well, that's your third plateload. The plates weren't full in each case and I didn't cave in to the nibbly bits / prawn crackers, mini spring rolls etc, like I would have done before, but even so it was definately NOT no seconds!!!

It's a funny thing though, cos when I first started out, the no sugar and no snacks part (particularly no sugary snacks) was the hardest part for me. Now that's relatively easy. I just say to myself 'silly arse, you're just bored and/or slightly hungry as you should be, so that you'll appreciate your next meal. You can eat that crunchie bar on Saturday if you still want it that badly' and move on to thinking about something else till it's dinnertime. Now though, it's the 'no Seconds' part which is giving me the most grief, but almost exclusively when I'm out socially. For some people, that might not be so bad, but I eat out A LOT, especially in the evenings!

Oh well. I owe it to myself to live and learn, forgive but not forget, redo, restart and retry. And as I said before, every day I do a little better is an improvement. Every day I succeed, even in part, is better than not trying at all.

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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:56 pm

I think you've got the right attitude, it just takes practice, right?

I used to work in a restaurant and the chef called quinoa the "supergrain" or "grain of the future" because it was so high in protein. :)

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:27 pm

Hi Carolejo. The "no seconds" part is the hardest rule for me right now as well. I think because it's the least clear-cut of the 3 rules, and also when I start eating a real meal, sometimes it's hard to stop, knowing I won't be able to eat at all till the next one, which seems so far away... :P Anyway, I'm working on it. And of course social situations are just adding fuel to the fire! I would have caved too. But hang in there, I'm sure you will recover nicely. As for the "addictive chemical" in Chinese food - I'm sure some chinese places still use MSG, right?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:35 pm

Ha ha.. Ariel, I still remember hearing a story where this friend of mine requested that the Chinese restaurant not use MSG... She told them she was highly allergic to it... Well they assured her they don't use it,,,,, "We don't use MSG" they said..."We use acid"..... At least that's what she thought they said...
Well turns out they were trying to say, "We don't use MSG,,, We use Accent!"....

But Accent *IS* msg!!!!! LOL....
Yeah, it's hard to find Chinese without it....

Good thing they didn't really put acid in the food!
Tripping on Chow Mein~ Whoa!

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Day 1 Attempt D

Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:45 am

Yesterday was day 1 of my 4th attempt.

It was a total SUCCESS.

This morning is going OK too so far - grilled Bacon and Tomatoes for breakfast (this is one of carolejo's soul foods). An intense but short 5 minute burst of Shovelglove whilst my bacon was cooking too.

Not even really any funny stuff, although because I was having oatcakes with homemade Hummous and Guacomole for my evening meal, it wasn't quite all on 1 plate as such, but I did measure out how much of it I was going to eat before I started and virtually 'plated' it up.

Damn. Just realised I left the leftover hummous in my fridge at home! :? I was going to have that for my lunch today. (in the form of 2 slices of ham rolled into cigars around a stick of green Asparagus and the hummous, served on a plate with a slice of ryebread - YUMMY!). Oh well. That will have to be tomorrow's lunch instead then and I'll find something else for today.

So, not much else to report. I suppose I'd better do some work then!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:41 pm

Belated welcome back, Carlejo.

No seconds is pretty clear when you're at home, but restaurants (especially Chinese and such where you're expected to share) can be tricky. My most recent screw up was in just that kind of situation. I don't worry too much about it myself, because I don't eat out all that often and when I do it tends to be on S days, or with people who already know about no-s and aren't going to give me funny looks for a single, intense round of buffet.

One thing I've found helpful both for shared Chinese and parties with lots of hors doerves is really simple virtual plating: decide how many rounds you're going to do, and make each round fit in that fraction of the plate. The fewer rounds, or course, the easier this is. Usually it takes just 2. You seem like a good sport, it doesn't look quite as gluttonous, and it paces your eating over a long social event. I don't do this often, because I simple as it sounds, it's complex enough to slippery slope to self deception (and seeming gluttonous is a good safeguard against being even more so), but it's better than completely letting things slide.

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:57 pm

Thanks for the tip Reinhard. I'm sure that will make it much easier! I'll try it out next time.

I mostly eat out with my Husband, who is also trying to do no S so understands. Apart from that, I eat out at friends houses quite a bit too, or cook at home for company.


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Day 2 Attempt D

Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:56 am

Yesterday was a SUCCESS!

This morning I did 7 minutes of SG cause my arms didn't even hurt after the 5 minutes yesterday.

Hopefully I'm getting back on track OK now. Plus tomorrow is SATURDAY!

Advance information (mainly note to self and to keep me honest about it all) - I'm making 19th August an S day as it's the last day that my husband is in the UK, before he goes off to make a start on our new life in Amsterdam. I won't be following him until October, as there are too many things that need sorting out here first. That's going to be tough on him in particular because it's hard to keep overall control of what you're eating when you're living in a hotel and can't prepare any food for yourself. It'll be tough on me too and I'll have to watch I don't cook way too much food for just one person :roll:


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Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:37 am

Friday was a SUCCESS.

The weekend was very enjoyable and I had plenty of small 'S's. My S days don't seem to be any worse than my Pre-NoS consumption, so that's OK. Lots of exercise this weekend though as I was painting our bedroom ceiling - there's lots of things we need to do to the house before we can rent it out and move to Amsterdam properly.

This morning I had a good breakfast and did 6 minutes of SG. Although I wasn't in any pain, my arms are knackered from painting so I had to take it very slowly.

So far so good.
Roll on another week!

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Day 6, Attempt D

Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:54 pm

Well, that's nearly 1/3 of the way into the 21 day club. I'm posting this from the hotel room dial-up (it's really really slow, but there's not a lot else to do right now *grin* the only films on my hotel pay-TV that start after 9:30 are the triple-X version, which simply doesn't appeal!).

I'm especially pleased with myself today cos it was a total SUCCESS dispite being away on business and therefore having unlimited access to free food! I managed to resist ordering a Creme Brulee for desert! I also didn't order a cheese platter! I managed not to snack on anything in the airport either.

Go me! Yay!


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:29 pm

Wow, Creme Brulee, that's quite an accomplishment. You get a gold star for that!

Congrats on your string of successful days, too! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:32 pm

Hi Carolejo! You are probably watching triple x movies while eating cheese platters and licking up creme brulee right now!!!!
Just kidding... :wink:
Well just fyi, the first two options aren't against NoS.. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!!!

Have fun ordering room service!
Keep up the good work!
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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:03 am

On the subject of Triple-X rated films...

I have a good friend who refers to them as "hairy bobbin' man-arse films" in that about all you can usually see is some bloke's hairy bottom bouncing about in front of the camera! :lol:
In view of this being a 'family' board, I won't go any further with this line of arguement *grin*

Yesterday I'm going to count as a SUCCESS, although there was a little 'funny stuff' at lunchtime. The office I went to is located in a brand new light industrial area - it's so new that most of the place is still a building site and the taxi drivers can't find the road name on their GPS - so theres NOTHING there at all, for literally miles around.

One of my colleagues went out to get us some lunch and I asked him to bring something back for me (thinking he'd bring me a sandwich of course!) He wanted to know what I liked so I told him I eat pretty much anything. Anyhow, he returned 30 minutes later with a massive slice of vanilla tart! There's not really any way round the fact that this is an 'S' (for sugar), although it could've been much worse. I ate this as my lunch, the alternative was to drink a ton of coffee, get buzzed and listen to my stomach grumbling all afternoon, and I didn't think it was a valid option!

I still managed to avoid snacking in the airport, eating more than 1 plate of food at the hotel breakfast buffet or otherwise giving in to temptation. Back at home, S had made us a nice leafy salad with some Tuna, sesame seeds and Olives in it for dinner.

This morning I did 8 minutes of SG and I feel great about that. RAH! go me!

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:10 pm

Ok, your colleague has a bizarre conception of lunch. :wink: I think you made a wise decision to go ahead & eat it, so that you didn't starve and run the risk of bingeing later. Traveling is full of dietary obstacles - good job on minimizing the funny stuff so well!

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travel mishaps

Post by Kevin » Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:35 pm

I have to agree: you do the best you can when you are travelling. If you feel like it, do penance. That's what I do. I do an extra 30 minutes of walking or an extra session of SGing when I make one of those borderline, almost unavoidable mistakes. It re-inforces the habit in a positive way, it's good for you, and you can feel like you made good on your bent promise to yourself.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:28 pm

I think I've seen enough "hairy arses" on the table!
No "bobbin" though! Thank goodness!
Yeesh... I guess next time someone asks you what you want for lunch, be sure to say "Not dessert!" :wink:
Hope you are having a nice day today..

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:59 am

Yesterday was a SUCCESS, with no funny stuff, although my choice for Lunch (Fish and Chips) was not a stellar one nutrition-wise, it could've been much much worse. At least Fish and Chips is freshly cooked from recognisable things, unlike burger-meat and reconstituted potato French Fries!
I made up for it though by having an extra portion of fruit with my evening meal, and lots of veggies, so overall, the day's eating wasn't too unbalanced.

This morning I did 8 minutes of SG again (Woot!) but my breakfast was a bowl of chilli flavoured instant noodles :oops: - Again, like the Fish and Chips, not 'breaking' the rules, but still a bit suspect. I need to watch that the junk consumption doesn't spiral out of control at this point.

On a separate note, I was talking to the Boy S last night. He reported that he's been very good about not breaking the diet, but that this week has be particularly tough as he's been feeling constantly hungry. He's tried all the usual things (drinking iced water, eating a small piece of fruit, ignoring it!) but it's proving to be very tough for him. Last night he 'broke' the diet for the first time since we got back off holiday in a controlled fashion by eating a small bowl of museli. He reckoned this was the safest way to avert him from charging off up the road to the Pizza shop! I can't really think of what to suggest, apart from just making sure that he's actually eating enough food for his breakfast and lunch. I'm sure part of the problem is that he's a 'breakfast cereals' person, but I just can't convince him that the more unorthodox, protein-richer options are the way to go for keeping those mid-morning hunger pangs at bay. He then eats his lunch at about 11:30am, so it's no wonder he's ready to eat anything that isn't nailed down by the time he gets back from work!

Any suggestions?

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Post by gj » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:01 pm

hmmm - how about making the muesli/cereals with yogurth instead of milk? personally, i am not eating fruit yogurth at the moment, but thats because if it is in the fridge, i will eat it, diet or no diet. but i guess fruit-yogurth-oholics are a minority ;-)

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:10 pm

we may be a minority, but you're not in a minority of one, cos I also believe that yoghurt is the food of the gods..!

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afternoon munchies

Post by Kevin » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:25 pm

The afternoon munchies can be very difficult to control from time to time. Maybe he needs bigger meals. And, if this isn't too hard for him (I'm assuming he's having trouble around dinner time because he's thinking about dinner), he might get ahead of the curve by making dinner in the morning, so there's no food to stare him in the face while he preps it...

I should mention that because of my diabetes, I've given myself permission to have a very small fourth "meal" late in the afternoon (dinner is late around my house).

Of course, since giving myself the permission to have this fourth meal more than a week ago, I've only eaten it twice. And I cut back on lunch to provide for it, so the overall affect is that I'm eating less. I only eat it to control my blood glucose, which hasn't strayed down as much lately.
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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:26 pm

Carolejo, the first things I'd suggest for "Boy S" are bigger meals and better timing.

If that won't cut it, have him consider what Kevin does. If there's going to be an extra bowl of granola every now and then, better incorporate it into the system than risk the entire system in a vain attempt to prevent the inevitable. And by taking just a couple of his permitted fourth meals, Kevin actually turns them into a virtue. But Kevin may be unusually virtuous, so I'd suggest Boy S consider my first suggestion first...

P.S. it sounds like both of you really know how to fail, I mean instead of turning a minor setback into a disaster you roll with it, keep the damage minimal, and recover quickly. This is hugely important, especially given all the travel you do.

Hope something here helps... keep us posted.
Last edited by reinhard on Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Not so much a check in, as a quick clarification....

Post by Viscount_s » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:15 pm

Despite the term "the boy S", I am Caroles other half, Steve, and I have to say a few things.

First off, the diet is working, no questions about this - I've been good for about a month(?) now and I've managed either to remain the same weight each week, or loose some consistently. (Actually, I've lost weight every week bar one, where it was a close call & we decided that, to be on the safe side, I hadn't changed)

The other thing is that this last week has been incredibly difficult for me: I've been almost permanently hungry from about 4pm onwards & have been forced to avoid the presence of food for fear that the "red mist" will descend, and I'll find that I'll have eaten my weights worth in doritos... I think I have, however, worked out why. Carole posted a comment about having fish & chips for lunch - but for me, lunch is a *small* thing. I'm talking "perhaps 2 marmite sandwiches, and maybe an apple", rather than "a proper meal". So Im going to try & change & eat a more substantive lunch in future. Who knows, perhaps a 3rd marmite sandwich? :D

I know that I can beat this, but its a question of directing the beast, when its woken, rather than hoping it stays asleep. Reinhards comments about knowing how to fail are a good encouragement and I wish that other people who were trying to loose weight could be similarly encouraged. I'd far rather fail "safe" (for want of a better term" than experiencing the red mist again.

I have to admit, I've always battled with my weight, and I've never ever come across a group or process (or whatever you want to call it) that accepts that "people aint perfect, and neithers life", but this one seems to (gosh darn it) actually work; despite the seeminging imperfections of the system (ie the absence of calorie counting, pre-processed snacks & lack of expensive diet books) the blasted thing seems to work! Perhaps its the very simplicity & the ability to cut back & enjoy yourself over weekends that actually makes people stick to it. I dont know, but I'm impressed enough to become an advocate of it.

I'll try & post to let you know how its going, but at the same time, I'm sure that C (Carolejo) will let you all know!

See you anon.


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The munchies

Post by Kevin » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:39 am

They do hit hard from time to time. Just waiting it out might make them go away. The times that they've really hit me were unpredictable. Sometimes I'd go weeks being fine, then have four or five days when I was looking longingly at other people's snacks...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:38 am

Hi Steve!
You and Caroljo are very cool people!!!
I love how both of you express yourselves.. It's so "bleedin" British!!!
A pleasure :D
As far as a light lunch.. Yes, this will usually backfire, unless it's a very late one?
Marmite and toast? Sounds a little like you could use a teeny bit of protein also and/or maybe some salad... something substantial...

Good on you for going a whole month and keep it up!!!
Also, congratulations on your new assignment in Amsterdam!
What is Dutch food like? Hmmm????
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:31 am

Yesterday was a SUCCESS.
This morning I had quinoa porridge for breakfast. I'm determined not to slide down into eating junk. I also did 9 minutes of SG - I'm still upping it by a minute a day at the moment. It's amazing how quickly I've noticed an improvement though, I couldn't have gone for half that time when I started out!

"Boy Watch" - S had toasted cheese sandwiches for breakfast this morning and will try eating a bit of a bigger lunch to see if that helps. I'm sure he'll check in himself again sometime soon to read all your helpful comments and reply for himself. Thanks guys once again for all your suggestions and encouragement. He also picked up the hammer last night and did 5 minutes SG - his first session :D

If I don't post again, have a good weekend everybody!

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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:15 am

two people in my office have birthdays today so the place is AWASH with tasty-looking, S filled yummy treats... so far I have been very good and only smelled them.

I might eat a single cookie as part of my lunch though. Hopefully I can keep a lid on it all though!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:36 pm

Hey Carolejo!
It may be too late, since you are probably preparing dinner already..
But if you ever have an office thing with desserts again, and it's simply
"opportunistic" S's, surrounding you, especially this close to the weekend.
Is there any way you can snag a handful and put them in a bag for the weekend? It might really be hard, but I can say, that the few times, in the beginning months I had been doing NoS, that I really waited for S days to indulge in treats, I truly thought they tasted ten times as good and decadent, compared to just eating them on an unplanned N day...
I'm really trying to get back to that mindset... It makes NoS into a much stronger willpower builder, because everytime you make a really good choice like that, it just fuels that "Happy Cycle".... (as opposed to vicious)
There really is a lot of self esteem and self respect that goes hand in hand with those amazing moments we tell ourselves "I'm really gonna do this!'
So, did you eat those cookies cookiemonster baby??? :P
Have a bleedin' great weekend mate!
Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:36 pm

Bienvenu, monseigneur le vicomte. That's quite a promotion, from "boy s!"

It sounds like your situation is definitely tweakable. Getting the 3 meal structure down as a habit is worth a few extra calories up front.

For me the best thing about no-s is that I actually enjoy my food more than before. It forces me to pay attention to it, the food itself. Before I ate thoughtlessly most of the time, and you can't really enjoy like that (not to mention all the guilt). Most other diets require plenty of attention, but not to the food itself, it's translated into carbs or calories, a mere number.

Looking to hearing more from (or about) you,


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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:31 pm

I didn't eat the cookies!! I repeat, no cookies did pass my lips.
HA! Willpower - I got it here! :D

I shall take a couple home with me though for later on. My birthday-ed work chums find the whole thing fairly amusing, but have been pretty supportive about it all, so that was sweet.

S reported to me that his larger breakfast resulted in no mad hunger pangs mid morning. Hopefully he will have eaten a larger lunch and gotten through the afternoon OK.

Roll on 6pm. Cookies and milk for Carolejo!! *grin*

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Post by Viscount_s » Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:15 pm

Hello everyone - first off, an explaination: "Viscount S" was an email address that I set up to play a computer game, many many years ago, however, it sort of stuck. Also, the simple fact is there doesn't seem to be much in the way of Emperors/Kings/Dukes/Marquesses/Viscounts/Barons/assorted "aristo's" on line, so its an easy account for me to transfer between on-line provders... And the other huge reason why I keep it is that its memorable, so I dont forget where to send stuff to!

As to the diet, well, the bigger meals certainly seemed to end the 4pm hunger-pangs, but I suspect that its not been good for me overall. I suspect that I've simply eaten more food & lost less (if any) weight - but Mondays weigh-in will reveal the truth in a stark (unflattering) way! Personally, I'm going to be surprised if I have lost any weight, but you never know...

Also, tomorrow is an 'S' day for me - there are not many days that you get to leave your job, so I can enjoy myself (within reason, of course). And then I'm leaving the UK & going off to Amsterdam & starting my new job in a weeks time... So I'll be without C.



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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:37 pm

Good afternoon Your Highness! :lol:
Don't shoot yourself down before you get to that point where you are comfortable downsizing the portions *naturally* without even trying...
If that means no weight loss for a little bit, just put a spin on it and realize that it could be faster, but if you aren't feeling you can stick with it long term, even if you lose the weight faster, you will, most likely gain it back, if it comes off so fast.. Believe me, I'm, as we speak, wishing I could speed things up a bit myself... Being ravenous in the evening will one day just backfire and you will just wind up giving in to temptations that could do much worse damage... Most people who do NoS in the beginning, opt for larger portions at mealtime, to avoid the "seconds" and "snacks" that might tempt if the meal isn't sufficient... But the great thing is that pretty much everyone here eventually reports in that, at some point, you naturally feel like eating less to be satisfied...
You won't have to force this process.. Meanwhile, be happy that you aren't feeling like you are "dieting"... Because as Prodigal Sun, put it in an email to me, you feel, with NoS that you are on a "LIVE-it" not a "DIE-t"

Do what's good for you in the long term picture!!! Develop patience and tweak as you go to get the optimal results with the minimal aggravation!!!
Hope your weigh in "surprises" you! Good luck with your change of location!
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:59 am

not doing very well today :cry:

No SG. Breakfast was instant noodles again, but I couldn't even eat them cos I'm so tired they turn my stomach!

Oh well. I'll do the best I can and hang in there. Some days are harder than others. It's just the way life is.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:30 pm

Hugs Carolejo!!!!!!
You and Steve will be all settled in within a little time...
I'm sure the whole moving thing is shaking you up a bit... Who could blame you?
This is a major change...
As for morning hunger... I sure don't have a good appetite until around 10 or 11....
I think you should consider just having a piece of fruit or something and don't try to force anything... I suggest the fruit, or just some juice, because I do think we need the blood sugar to rise a little to get us moving...
Don't feel bad girly!!!
You're right, some days are better than others, but you can still count your blessings, and maybe you'll look at the day differently....
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I wobbled, but I didn't fall out of the saddle...

Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:11 am

Thanks for your hugs, Deb, they were needed yesterday!

Neither of us managed to get much sleep yesterday night - too much going on in our heads and S in particular finds it hard to switch off. Insommnia is something that is hard not to share when you're in the same bed, too! I felt so tired and flat all day, I actually didn't feel very hungry (which is a sure sign that *something* is up, for me!). In fact, until about noon time, I actually felt faintly nauseous I was that tired out! All this uncertainty does get to us though - we feel a bit like we threw our whole lives up in the air and are just waiting to see where they land when they eventually fall back to earth!

Yesterday was, nevertheless, a SUCCESS. I'm especially pleased that I managed not to give in to temptation (yet more birthday cakes in the office).

This morning I'm back on track after a resonable night's sleep. Bacon and tomatoes for breakfast (I really love this combo - my mother wanted that to eat the day she went into labour with me, so perhaps it's hardwired somehow! Actually, she got a contraction just as she was opening the tin of tomatoes and cut her thumb open on it - when my Dad got home there was a big shock, cos he couldn't tell anymore what was blood and what was tomato juice! - but I digress).

I also did 5 minutes of SG. It was really 5 minutes too little, but my colleague turned up to collect me for work so I didn't have much choice.

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Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:22 pm

this lunchtime I had a ham salad baguette and a handful of wild blackberries. I also went for a 45 minute mini-range around the back of the office and have discovered miles and miles of footpaths through fields to check out! It's a shame I'll only be in this office for another few weeks!! I've been working here for 2 and a half years and only just found this out.


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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:33 am

yesterday was a SUCCESS.

This morning, however, was a bit mixed:-
SG - None :(
Breakfast - half a camenbert cheese, 4 oatcakes and a nectarine. :D

I'm finding it hard to get up in time to do both things properly in the morning, cos S isn't at work this week, so I'd rather snuggle up than get out of bed! *grin*

Oh well, he's off on Saturday for good, then I'll have 6 weeks or so without him. :cry: I suppose it's only natural to want to make the most of the time I have, even if it's only 10 minutes extra (not made it to 14 minutes Shovelglove yet, I'm still too puny for that!)

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:36 pm

Me and the Boy on our wedding day, last year.


Just incase you wondered what I look like when I'm not hiding behind a plant!

should warn you though, that's an untypically glamorous pic. Normally I'm a jeans and jumper and army boots type of girl.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:38 pm

Try again Carolejo... It didn't work this time...
You can try it first with the "preview" function, before you hit "Submit"...
Looking forward to seeing a "non camouflaged" You!!!

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:44 pm

fixed it now.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:53 pm

Wow Carolejo!!! You both look great!!!
You are gorgeous!!! And the "Boy" looks very distinguished and handsome...
Definitely a great looking pair....
I like you glamourous!
But I could see you in kickass combat boots and khakis!
Thanks for taking away that plant.. it really did keep you under wraps as I had no clue what you looked like! LOL...
It's fun to know what our family of worldwide Nossers look like!
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Post by cvmom » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:19 pm


Removing the plant from your face took off years!!!!! :lol:

You guys are a cute couple.

Good luck with the move.


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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:11 pm

You guys are so cute!! Thanks for the pic! And yes, for some reason you look much older in your avatar (must be an optical illusion created by the plant).

Job changes and moving are stressful for anyone. Hang in there.

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Post by navin » Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:36 pm

Great pic! Now my question is, when are you going to start calling him the "Boy No-S"? :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:07 pm

Navin!!!!! You are so smart and cute!
:wink: Deb

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:42 am

Thanks everyone! Perhaps I ought to post a more 'realistic' picture of how I look right now - non-glamourous and 2 clothes sizes bigger....? Nah. I'll stick with that one as it's closer to my self image. Besides, I'm heading back down to that size and beyond. It's only a question of time.

Glad to report that yesterday was a SUCCESS for NoS - although I ate a little too much for dinner, it was all on 1 plate but I didn't really need to eat it all. How does that go again... "I am not a turkey, I don't need to be stuffed(!)"

This morning, I brought 2 eggs with me and will have them scambled in the microwave at work in a minute, and used the limited time I had this morning to do 6 minutes SG instead. Not really enough, but better than nothing.

Tomorrow I have an extra S day and a day off work. I plan to spend the whole day chilling out with the Boy 'No-S' (cheers Navin :lol: )

love to all,

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:10 pm

Hello Everyone. I'm having a good day today, but there's something else I'd like to share with y'all (to borrow a phrase from the southern states - there's just no suitable Brit-English equivalent).

Take a look at this link:

Check this out!

It's not rude or anything, I promise! You might even get a little chuckle at it.

On other news, so far I've been really good today. Tomorrow is an extra S day. I'm not in the office so I probably won't post. I'll be back at the start of next week though.

Happy Nossing, and thanks for your help with my weblink *grin*

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Post by carolejo » Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:18 am

Well, he's gone. :( That's it for the next 3 weeks, until I head over there to meet up with him and go look at houses.

S day Friday wasn't very extravagant - As the boy will be living in an hotel for the next month, he didn't really fancy any heavy foodstuffs, so we ate lightly. Although we did spoil ourselves by having takeaway pizza for dinner, with potato wedges and garlic bread, it would've probably fitted on 1 plate anyway (allbeit rather stacked up!) as we shared a medium pizza rather than a large one. I couldn't even finish my half of that!

Yesterday was again relatively S free for a Saturday. The only S was a small bowl of Skinny Cow icecream at my friend Rosie's house. I've never eaten that before, but found it was pretty amazing for a 'low fat' version of something. Don't think it will replace Ben & Jerrys in my affections though, nice as it was. I bought myself an organic, fairtraded orange chocolate Marzipan bar in the wholefoods store yesterday which I haven't eaten yet. I'll probably eat that today.

So. Back to it, I suppose. I'm kind of rattling around the house wondering what to do next!


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Post by JWL » Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:42 pm

my goodness, carolejo, there is definitely something about that plant photo avatar. I thought you were several decades older than you are! Some sort of illusion....

Of course, some of my recent pictures make people think I'm some sort of a biker bouncer tough guy terrorist, so it's all good.... ;-)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:20 pm

Ha ha ha!!! I had the same thought James!!!
Like some little frail person or something....
Well now we know the true Carolejo!!!
That's so funny!

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Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:11 am

Hehe! Granny Carole! (move over Peetie, lemme get some of that prune juice! I'm proper OLD!!!)

I'm actually 29.
I think it's a good age to be as I'm mostly enjoying it.

The Boy is well and truly over in Amsterdam. Got woken by a call from him this morning, from his new office - didn't get to talk for more than 30 seconds though cos I suddenly realised that I'd overslept totally and my workmate would be arriving in about 5 minutes to give me a lift into work! And here's me, standing around in the study, not even dressed! He laughed at me and said he'd call back at lunchtime.

Needless to say, no SG then. In fact, I'll need to find something for breakfast in a minute cos I haven't eaten that yet either. :shock:

Apart from that, not much to report. Nice S days.

TaTa for now.

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Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:57 pm

I just had a little count up, and on thursday morning I will have completed my 21 days of NoS!

Only 2 1/2 more days to go! Yay! w00t!! :D

I had no idea I was this close to 21 days. Right, there aint no way I'm gonna dare mess it up now.


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Not long to go till I'm in the 21 days club!

Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:51 am

Nearly there, but nearly blew it last night!

Went round for dinner to my friends Jo and Andy. Jo made a great homemade indian hot buffet.

Managed to stick to my agreed 2 rounds (but only just). The rounds were slightly larger than they should have been, but at least I didn't really overdo it.

Then there was the 2 squares of Green & Black's dark chocolate with mint.... Hmmm. This is really an S, but I'm feeling like I'm going to cut myself a little slack cos things are somewhat 'up in the air' right now. Afterall, 3 months ago I'd have scoffed half the bar!!

so there we go. Perhaps I bent the rules a little. I think on the whole it's a micro-macro thing though and my habits are fairly well ingrained by now, so I'm gonna let it go and not going to count yesterday as a failure.

This morning - 6 minutes of SG. Bowl of Quinoa porridge.
Slept curiously deeply and dreamlessly last night, but awoke oddly unrefreshed.


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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:08 am

Carolejo, you fortunate soul, you -- I ran across this lovely-sounding piece on Amsterdam
and I had to post it here! It sounds absolutely enticing! Sigh .. and they all have health insurance ... something I need to work on getting ...

The article mentions eating habits of the Amsterdam-ians, too! Very apropos for all us No-S'ers ...

... and if you click back on the "Monday" entry, it even gets into a form of exercise (bicycling)!
Chance favors the prepared. - Louis Pasteur

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:11 am

cheers for that Clicky! I'll enjoy reading it through on my lunchbreak.

Other news, today is day 21 (!) of attempt D. I only have to make it to tomorrow morning and I get my slot in the NoS hall of fame, the 21 day club!

So far I'm doing OK. Breakfast was an avocado stuffed with scrambled eggs. :D

SG didn't happen though :roll: . I'm just not doing well at getting up early enough to do this. Perhaps I need to try and carve the time out of another part of my day instead? What times of day does everyone else find to be best? I like the idea of first thing in the morning, but in practise it doesn't feel sustainable. Mind you, that will probably change when I start working from home in Holland. Any tips?


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:01 pm

Hey Carolejo!!!!
So it seems that "four times a charm" is the rule for you!!!!
I am rooting for you to get to the finish line with flying colors today!!!
I say, once dinner time hits, you are in the clear!!!!!
Fingers crossed mate!
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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:42 am



21 days club, here I come!!


Today I had a nice normal breakfast, still no SG though. :? . Oh well. Lets worry about one thing at a time then. NoS habit is pretty much down pat. Next thing to work on is SG then. No time like tomorrow *grin* (only kidding).

Today I will celebrate a little, before I go straight back to the rest of my life. There is another birthday in the office, so if there are cakes that I really really like (and only then) I might eat a small piece. I think the 21 days milestone is worthy of celebration.

Cheers everyone for all your help and support. Although I did it myself, it would've been much much harder without this board and everyone on it. This is a great community and I really value all of your input.

May your own successes be swift and far-reaching.

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Post by Tonsha » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:15 am

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!

What an achievement! You definitely deserve to celebrate. Schedule in a TWIX for Saturday!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:35 pm

Great Job Carolejo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You did it girl!!!
Rockin the British Isles!!!!!
Enjoy your twix and cake!!!
You earned them!

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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:03 am

Thanks everyone! :D

Well, yesterday I had a small chocolate muffin to celebrate! It tasted great and although the sugar crash 2 hours later made me feel really edgy and 'empty-hungry', I didn't cave in and managed to stick to my planned 3 meals. It's amazing how sensitive to refined sugar I actually am, now I've taken the time to sit back and notice what my body is trying to tell me. I think I'll save the Twix for Saturday though, as Tonsha-Dave suggests *grin*

This morning a nice grounded breakfast of scrambled eggs.

No SG. I'm really gonna have to find a better time of day to MAKE TIME for this.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:41 pm

I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I popped in here, but wow, a lot has happened.

1. congratulations on making it to 21

2. sorry you'll be without boy no-s for so long... that's tough.

3. You're going to have to come up with an uglier "before" for the "before and during" gallery. Why are you people all so good looking?

4. Brains are an S. Especially my brains. :wink:

5. Don't despair about it being tough to find dedicated exercise time. It's inherently tough. It took me a lot of fumbling to find the right slot, and then when my daughter arrived I had to fumble some more. Keep trying and you'll find something. One thing I found helpful was to minimize the number of things I was required/allowed to do before leaving the house in the morning. I used to have a hopelessly overambitious list. Much better to accomplish one or two things than not accomplish 10.

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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:26 pm

Wow! What a stressful day it was today. I thought I had 2 non-urgent projects to work on, but they moved the deadline forward on one of them, and gave me a new urgent project too! I'm going to be spending a lot of my weekend glued to my company laptop. :cry: Somehow it is bearable though, because there's at least 1 thing I've gotten under control *grin*

Thanks Reinhard and everyone for your comments. I love getting comments, when I check back in, I always read through whatever changed since last time but I like to leave my own check-in till last, like a special treat! Does anybody else do this?

I worry that I'm getting a little too attached to the check-in thread :lol: !

Today was textbook so far. I've not had my tea yet, but I'll be having some bolognese sauce that was left over from the dinner my sister cooked me yesterday, with some brown rice and a salad. I don't think it'll be an issue because it's already planned out.

Have a nice one, everyone!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:47 pm

There are way worse addictions in the world than wanting to check the site... LOL....

A've a bleedin great weekend chum!
8) Deb

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