My first day on the nosdiet

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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My first day on the nosdiet

Post by elizabeth333 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:43 am

Monday, (Feb. 4th 2008), was my first day of the nosdiet. Success! I did catch myself a couple of times almost eating something. It's amazing how often I was eating without any awareness. My starting weight is 246 LBS. My goal weight is 136. I'm 5'7". So I'm trying to lose 110 LBS. I did make it through day one, but I have to admit it wasn't easy. Snacking, Seconds, and Sweets are definitely the behaiviors that allowed me to gain 100 LBs in the first place! Right now is the star of day 2. It's a rediculous time of morning to be up, but I have two babies that disagree! So right now I feel like I'm white-knuckling it. I want breakfast now, but that will throw off my entire day. So if it weren't for diet Pepsi I'd be in trouble. I'm so sick of dieting my @ss off and ending up heavier than when I started. A couple of weeks ago I decided that Lap Band Surgery is probably my only hope of not being obese for the rest of my life, but my husband was against it. We also really can't afford it, so even if he'd have agreed it was a long shot. I talked to my doctor and he wants me to start taking Meridia, (prescription weight-loss drug), but this isn't an option for me because I'm a nursing mother. So I was back to square one, searching the internet for someone elses solution to my problem. I've done so many diets and plans that I'm no longer fooled by the too-good-to-be-true weight-loss scams, and I've spent so much money on plans that have to be paid for before you find out that you could never carry them out long-term that I was not expecting to find anything with real promise. Low and Behold I came accross the nosdiet! This is a doable plan that doesn't deprive me and makes sense! Simple and Easy! But just when you thought it couldn't be more perfect for me, IT'S FREE!!!! THIS GUY IS WILLING TO NOT ONLY HELP ME SOLVE A MAJOR PROBLEM IN MY LIFE, BUT HE's NOT ASKING ME TO PAY FOR HIS ADVISE!!!! WOW, PROOF THAT GOOD PEOPLE STILL EXIST!!!!! So here I am beging day 2. Determined to make it through my hunger pangs till the next meal. Determined to make it work this time, because this is something that can work. This is normal eating not starving. I also want to add an exercise goal soon. I want to do this posting option too because I want to be accountable. So here's to changing my life one day at a time...

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Post by laura99 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:06 am

i wish you well, keep going the first week is the hardest and it WILL get better.

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Post by apple » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:28 pm

Yay for a successful first day! :D

Just take it a day at a time, and if you fail (and we all do), just start again. It can be hard, but your body will get used to the new habit.

Take care.

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Post by kccc » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:03 pm

My lessons learned:

Take one day at a time. (Or one hour, or one minute.)

Remember to eat good meals. Filling. Satisfying.

Forgive lapses - just start over.

Celebrate progress made. :) A note on that.... I did WW, and they wouldn't let us set an "end goal" at the beginning - our goals were "10% goals" until the next would put us in the healthy BMI range. Only then could we consider our final goal! I think that was very wise. So your first 10% would be 24-25 pounds. That sounds more do-able than 110, doesn't it? And it will make a huge HEALTH difference!

And keep coming here for support. We'll root for you! :)

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Post by Murphysraven » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:40 pm

Hi elizabeth333

I have about the same goal as you weight wise, 248 starting and 5'6". Although my goal weight is a little different than yours (the 140s is where I want to be)

I've also considered the lap band procedure and decided against it, mostly due to stubborness. I got myself here and I will get myself out is my attitude. Plus I think the lap band can cause more problems than good in some cases.

I've been an on and off nos'er for a few years, but I've wandered away to quick fads and came back again after finding them to not work or be impossible to maintain.

I've bought gym equipment thats sat around collecting dust only to be sold again a few different times. and I am quite convinced that this plan of eating and exercising is the way to go.

I guess what I'm trying to say is welcome! You've found a fantastic bunch of people in many ranges of weight and goals, but all supportive of each other. I hope you'll like it here.
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Day 2 Afternoon

Post by elizabeth333 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:55 pm

Hi, Thanks everyone for reponding and showing support! I love this message board, and I'm so very greatful to the man who made all of this available to us! THANKS!! I can't even tell you how much better my body feels already, and I'm only half way through day two. Yes, there have been times between meals that I feel hungry, but I actually feel physically and emotionally better after not snacking. My body just plain feels better, and I really have felt happier. I've really realized how much I was eating, and it's no wonder I felt horrible all the time! I was snacking constantly! I know this is the best thing I can do for myself right now, I CAN REALLY FEEL IT!

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:49 pm

KCCC -- I really like the 10% idea. I realize as I think about it that I'm only a few pounds away from my 1st 10% since starting with No-S. That'd 17 pounds. I've done about 13 so far and thinking of it this way seems to make it seem more do-able.

Another bonus of thinking this way is that each time your 10% is a lower number than the last making it seem that much more achievable.

Thanks for sharing the concept.


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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:35 am

Welcome Elizabeth!
:P Lori
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day 3

Post by elizabeth333 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:23 am

Hi, Day three is almost over, and I've done it again. Managed to make it through multiple urges to eat w/o caving. I checked my weight, didn't expect much yet, but I have already lost 4 LBs! What a wonderful reward after a day full of tough cravings! And thank goodness for Diet Pepsi!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:38 pm

Welcome, Elizabeth! And congratulations on your good start.

Do be cautious about reading too much into scale fluctuations -- it's great when they're going your way, but they won't always, even in the best case scenario. This is a long term diet and you don't want short term movements to discourage you. ... .php?id=24


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day 4

Post by elizabeth333 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:19 am

Four days and counting... I'm gonna try not to weigh myself too often so I don't get discouraged. Today I fit in 35 minutes on the treadmill too. Today was easier than the first three days!

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day 6

Post by elizabeth333 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:01 am

Well it's Saturday, and I've made it through my first week! I've done great this week, and I'm enjoying my first S Day.

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Post by elizabeth333 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:59 am

It's sunday night. One week down. I'm having a fat slice of ice cream cake to end my s day. I've decided that I will hold myself to an s day standard for my walking goal too. I'll walk M-F and take s days off. I've also decided to weigh myself only on Fridays from here on out. This way I can keep tabs on my progress at regular intervals and do it when my weight is most likely to be the lowest for the week.
I went to the store today and got fitted for bras. The clerck asked me if I'd ever been fitted for a bra before, and I said yes but it was about 100 pounds ago! She later asked me how I LOST the weight. I said oh no, I gained the weight. I'm looking forward to the day I go back to get fitted again, and I can say 100 lbs ago again, but this time be able to tell the clerck how I LOST the weight!
Also got my hair cut yesturday, went from middle of my back with blonde highlights to chin length angled bob with layers and back to my natural brunette. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! :D

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Post by elizabeth333 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:44 am

I was baking cookies with my daughter today, she's on a special diet, and her cookies have to be wheat and dairy free... so we're making the cookies and when each batch comes out I taste one cookie from the batch... this is what I've done while baking for as long as I can remember.... BAD HABIT! I didn't even realize I had broken my diet! After I ate the last cookie it hit me... THAT WAS BOTH SWEETS AND A SNACK!!! I really didn't even register what I had done till it was done. At the time of consumption I had completely blanked out the no s day!! So today is my first failure day since I've started, but I don't reall count it as a complete failure, I just didn't eat lunch, and didn't do any more diet damage. This is major mindset improvement for me, because any other time I would have given up on the whole day... One step back, two steps forward. :)

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Post by phano » Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:33 am

Yay for you that you realized what you were doing! And especially that you didn't give up.

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Post by kccc » Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:47 am

What rxea said.

Avoiding the "oh, well, I've blown it anyway" syndrome is a MAJOR step (and one it took me many months to reach).

Good for you!

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Post by silverfish » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:23 am

Heheh :) When I lived at a residential college a friend and I used to occasionally go, "Enough! No more chocolate for a month!" (we got through a lot) and it would take me about a week to consistently remember that chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate had - who would have thought - chocolate in them!

I wouldn't call it a failure so much as a... blind spot? i-need-my-head-read? what-the? moment. Or perhaps, in a more positive light, a "moment of ephiphany" ;)

And I hope they were very good biscuits.

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Post by silverfish » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:24 am

Mental aberration! That was the word I was looking for.

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Post by bonnieUK » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:41 pm

silverfish wrote:Mental aberration! That was the word I was looking for.
I just had one of those! Without thinking I bought a coconut & fruit flapjack to eat with my lunch (which was lighter than usual, consisting of salad, oat crackers & almonds). I guess it's easy to think of something like a flapjack as healthy because it's made with oats and fruit, but they contain lots of sugar too :D Oh well, I consider it a food category failure rather than a habit failure as I ate it as part of my meal (I usually have a few different things for lunch to keep things interesting and to keep me full unti dinner at 8pm!).

Good luck elizabeth333! And good for you for not letting a little set-back get in the way :)

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