I'd love to get your opinion...

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I'd love to get your opinion...

Post by palish » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:54 am

Hey everyone! How are ya today?

You might enjoy http://www.cha1n.com .. It's a little application that will assist you to keep track of your diet progress (or anything else you'd like to do each day/weekday/week). You can upload images and post about your experiences. Others will see your progress and cheer you on!

I'd love to get your opinion of it.. I'm a poor college student and I've worked real hard on it, so I was hoping someone besides me might find it useful.. :)

What do you think?

Thank you so much!

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Post by katie1980 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:56 am

sorry, I have to say I don't like it, because going to the site, I couldn't easily find what it was or how to use it. Being a busy person (aren't we all!), I like things that are either self-explanatory or have *really* easily found instructions. It could be argued that this is slef-explanatory, but it doesn't seem to have any obious explanations anywhere as to what it is or who it's for?
maybe I'm just fussy, but I thought I'd try to help you out and explain why I don't like it!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:47 pm

Hi Shawn,

It looks like a nice app, but I think I'm going to stick with the habitcal. I'm very fond of the habitcal's simple , scalable color coding, and while there is a social element (you can see how others are doing for your tags, and graphical summaries will make that even easier) it's very unobtrusive. Because while it's interesting to see what other's are up to, the most interesting thing by far to most people will be how they themselves are doing.

It isn't immediately obvious what the chain fence graphic with the numbers underneath represents... maybe a simple chain that grows in length might be clearer?

Good luck and thanks for letting us know about it,


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