wantebhealthy's final journey to the top

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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wantebhealthy's final journey to the top

Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:13 pm

i started this on feb 1, i love it. it was a wednesday so i can already have an s day but i am so confident i wont over due it, i actually dont want to. if i cant do this plan ,i feel there isnt a plan out there for me. i have been fighting this for 10 yrs, before that i really didnt have a problem. i just know i am done feeling digusted and letting food binges run my life. the simple rules on this plan are just that, they are so simple. sure there are temptations everyday especially at my work, i work at a daycare center. it is always someones birthday and plenty of sweets around. but for me i just ate them cause they were there or everyone else was eating them. i did so great with that this week. i could always have sweets on the s days IF I REALLY WANTED THEM. that is what makes me stay on the plan on non s days, just knowing i can have snacks or sweets or even alcohol on the s days makes this plan so doable and liveable for life. i am looking forward to finally being able to feel in control and stay committed to something, i am just so happy. and i even excercise 6 days this week. i think it is because i dont have to think about food that much anymore. just eat stop and wait for the next meal. no going in the kitchen and just opening the fridge and closets to eat mindlessly on stuff i wasnt even tasting or enjoying. now i love pasta and on the third day of this plan i didnt even want it anymore. i guess cause i know i can have it anytime i want. i wound up eating a turkey , cheese , tomato,and mayo sandwhich on wheat bread and a glass of milk with a little bit of cheesesteak with no bread.

i have been eating more veggies cause i can have broccoli with some cheese on it, without haveing to worry about how many pts i was going to have left for the rest of the day, or calories or closing richard simmons windows. those plans were good and they will work. but i was just hungry and felt deprived. wow i am really rambling.

anyway i was very successful, wed thurs and fri. and i am sure i will be in control of my first s day too. this will be my final journey and i will get to a healthy goal weight. i feel like the fight is over. i am so grateful to the website. thanks so much.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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6th day

Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:34 pm

i am on day 6 and doing rather well. i survived my first s days. sat i did very well. sun some ice cream and some krumb cake, but not nearly as much as i would have eaten in the past. i am really changing and feel i will reach my goal. i got my excerise in today too.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by peetie » Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:31 pm

Way to go W2BH!!!! Sounds like you are really getting with the program. I have also been on just about every diet on the planet and found they only increased my food obsession. Just what I DON'T need!!!

This is the closest to being normal around food I have been since I was a kid!
I'm glad you're doing so well so early on. Sounds like this is the plan for you.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:50 pm

You are off to a wonderful beginning! Keep up your enthusiasm and determination and you will continue as well as you have begun.

Best advice I ever heard:

Begin. Continue.

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Great Work!

Post by anniede » Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:39 pm

It sounds like you did really well this weekend. Keep on going!

I noticed too that my consumption of sweets and such were down this weekend. I think this program makes you concious of what you're eating, even on a S day. ;-)
(walking in Northern California)

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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:07 pm

hi this is my 11th day, i am doing really good. and yes, i do agree that with this plan you are also aware of what you are eating even on s days. i love it. at work sometimes it gets hard, people bringing in candy and sweets and watching people have snacks in between meals. but honestly, i am not physically hungry when i watch them eat it, i just wanted it because they were eating it, but with this way of eating i just say nope, you have had your breakfast or lunch and you arent even hungry, if you really want that stuff you can have in on s days and it gets me through. as of this morning on the scale, i lost 4 lbs and i feel so much better cause i have been excercising. i think it is because, i can focus on other things now instead of food all day. and i have a bit more energy since i dont feel overstuffed all the time.

one problem i can see is dinner for me, i have been picking at things i make for my family, before i fill my plate, but i guesstimate on how much i picked on and then dont fill my plate as much, it seems to be working.

all i know is i am eating wayyyyyyy less at dinner then i normally would. so i am changing. this will work for me.

we are supposed to get alot of snow today, maybe even blizzard conditons here in new jersey, starting this afternoon, so i may have lots of time to read and post today. but first, excercise time, before i enjoy the day with my family, which will probably include some snacks and drinks later and some game time with my daughter, she is 10 and she is just wonderful! have a great day all.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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17th day

Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:07 pm

i only have 4 more days till i have officially given this the 21 day habit forming changeing my eating for life plan. i have lost 5 lbs in 17 days . i am excercising and i am feeling in control. i still over eat sometimes at dinner, you know i put more on my plate then i need, and instead of stopping when i really dont need the rest i eat it sometimes anyway. but i am sticking with this and have confindence that i will eventually learn to not eat so much at dinner. i just cant believe how i can make myself go from meal to meal without snacking in between. since i am eating what i want at each meal it is just much more satisfying. this sunday we are going out to eat for my husbands grandpops 93rd birthday and i am acutally looking forward to it. i know since it is an s day i can eat and drink without guilt. i have been even in control on the s days. normally i would be like well why stay on my weight watchers or whatever the diet dejour was that week , cause i wont be able to count pts or whatever when i go and still be able to enjoy myself. this plan is great and i cant say enough about it. sometimes i do still have to remind myself to be patient. the weight is gonna come off slow. but summer here, is not for about another 4 months, so i know by then i will be comfortable in my shorts. i hope everyone else is doing great.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:41 pm

i only have 4 more days till i have officially given this the 21 day habit forming changeing my eating for life plan. i have lost 5 lbs in 17 days . i am excercising and i am feeling in control
Rock on babe!!!!!!!
Great news and congratulations!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:46 pm


Wow. Closing in on a perfect score, right off the bat. I'm impressed! And holding my breath for 4 more days... (2 really, since 2 are S).



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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:14 pm

thanks so much for the support. i am excited and i am going to do it. is this cheating with excercise?? i am aiming for 3 days of aerobic tapes and 3 days of toning tapes a week. so i was alternating aerobics with toning. well this week(i think i am pmsing) i didnt feel like doing my toning tape on tues. so i did my toning tape and aerobics on wed. then skipped thursday and did the same thing on fri and today i did a toning tape. in other words, i still got 3 days toning and 3 days aerobics. does it matter how i do it?? just as long as i do it?? just curious.

my husband got me a big heart full of candy for valentines day among lots of other stuff. i have 10 yr old daughter she is in great shape, i should have practiced what i preached to her. anyway, i put the candy away and told my daughter she can share with me on my s days. she is very smart and has always been supportive of me. she still says i am not fat. so today i opened it up in the morning, after i excercised and with a knive cut all the candy open. so i can see what was inside. there were a few that looked good, but after 18 days with the no s, i didnt even desire it. i had altogether. 2 pieces. and i let my daughter have some and i told here she can eat it through the week. i didnt really need to save it for next weekend. you guys dont really know me well, but you dont know what huge accomplishments i am achieving. i was binge/compulsive eater any excuse would do. and i say used to be, i really think i am cured.

on pms week i am always starving, i am a bottomless pit and crave salty greasy and dairy foods. now i havent eaten any of that, well i have added some salt to my meals. but let me tell you, i am going to bed with my stomach growling sometimes during this week, only because i know it is the pms and i know i have eaten enough during my no s days and i am determined not to use pms as an excuse to ruin this for me. and boy do i wake up feeling so much better , not having given in to the food the night before.

i love this way of eating and i feel this is gonna work for me. i am going to spread the word to my friends on another website i have been keeping is touch with and fighting this with for 10 yrs. thank you thank you thank you, reinhard.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:07 pm

is this cheating with excercise?? i am aiming for 3 days of aerobic tapes and 3 days of toning tapes a week. so i was alternating aerobics with toning. well this week(i think i am pmsing) i didnt feel like doing my toning tape on tues. so i did my toning tape and aerobics on wed. then skipped thursday and did the same thing on fri and today i did a toning tape. in other words, i still got 3 days toning and 3 days aerobics. does it matter how i do it?? just as long as i do it?? just curious
Oh my goodness W2BHealthy!
Of course that's not "Cheating"!!! LOL...
If you do *anything* on a regular basis, that is the key...
Find what you like, and stick with it.. But there's nothing at all wrong with variety..
You know... The spice of life!
Exercise should be spicy too!!!
Have fun and great work so far!!!
Wonderful news about enjoying a small amount of that chocolate and fantastic to hear about your wonderful family!!!
Yay!!! You guys will all benefit here...
Peace and Love,
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Post by doulachic » Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:37 am

Hey, you are doing great!! I volunteer at my daughter's preschool, so i know all about the yummy snacks! keep up the good work...looking forward to watching your success! :D

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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:07 am

thanks so much guys, i really need the support. well, i made it through to and passed my 21 days. the excercise is great. but i must tell you, pms was approaching right as the 21 day mark was approaching, and it was hard. i am not absolutely am not using pms as an excuse but let me tell you my stomach literally growls, i mean loud during pms alot of the day even after i have had what should be a satisfying meal. i fought it alot of the time cause i did so well starting on this journey, but there were days when i just at to much at my meals. i never strayed from the plan , but i did over eat. but i did stick to my excercising and i stayed the same. at 21 days i lost 5 lbs.

i have to say though, during pms i just wanted to throw this plan away and say it is not going to work, which by the way i did on every plan during that time of the month, but i didnt. today at work two people were leaving and there was a big cake for them and i was pmsing , so i let myself have the cake, which by the way, i only ate most of the icing and little piece of cake. after i ate it, i thought , here we go again, i blew it, even though i new technically it could be an s day cause it was a "special" occasion. i went to the old mind set of, i blew it. but i talked myself out of that and ate on plan the rest of the day. i did get my monthly so pms is over and i did the best i ever did during that time of the month.

this will be a challenge from month to month, but if i am on program the rest of the time and i just wind up staying the same that week ?, i will still come out ahead. i am trying to still stick with this, cause i always quit in the past. i want this weight off yesterday and that is one of the main reasons i have failed. so i will keep marching on. i so thank everyone for the support. i am still here and i am still fighting. i hope everyone else will do the same.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:26 am

i went to the old mind set of, i blew it. but i talked myself out of that and ate on plan the rest of the day. i did get my monthly so pms is over and i did the best i ever did during that time of the month.
That's awesome!!!!
Good for you!!!!
this will be a challenge from month to month, but if i am on program the rest of the time and i just wind up staying the same that week ?, i will still come out ahead
Yes.. Some weeks you lose, some you stay the same, some you gain a little.. But with mostly good N days you will consistently go down in weight..
And you will feel so great about learning to use that dormant Willpower!
NoS gives us the extra structure and support we need by knocking those bad habits on their butts!!!

Congrats on making it to your big 21 days on habit~

Peace and Love,
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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:23 am

gratefuldeb, i dont even think i mentioned that my real first name is deborah, i go by debi. well i guess if you read my profile , you might have got that info. i dont remember what i wrote. anyway. thanks so much for the encouragement. it is much needed when trying to lose weight. as you might now. i have to get to know you more and your story.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:54 am

Debi and Deb sitting in a tree!!!

Gratefuldeb is way too formal!
Please, call me Deb for short! :wink:

I love your enthusiastic writing style and I know enough from that, that you are very serious about wanting a healthy body and mind..
We are with you on this and I find this board invaluable as a means of support and friendship!
There are wonderful people here..
Reinhard is a wonderful person and "similarly minded" people seem to gravitate to NoS...
Smart and good and serious people.. Not phoneys!!!!!

Hey you live in NJ and me in Long Island.. Maybe we will meet one day in the middle in NYC!
Peace and Love,
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:23 pm

hey deb and all. i have never been to nyc, might be nice to go there. oh , i am very serious about this. after fighting the diet hopping for 10 yrs, i am so grateful to find this and i have to make this work, i have just quit to many times. everything was just hard. feeling deprived, counting pts or calories or shutting food windows, and the low carb i was on, man, i can only have carbs once a day and i had to finish my meal within an hr. so can you imagine what kind of plan that was for me? of course , i made it a one hr binge carb fest. just awful. so you see, there really cant be any more plans for me. i have just done it all.

lets keep the motivation. i would love to be able to share a real success story of me finally getting to my goal wt. i will keep trying to be patient.

thanks for all the encouraging words. i am still doing great. i cant believe on march 1 it will be a whole month since i started this. i think it is time to take my measurments, i took them along time ago on another website so now i can compare them to something.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:25 pm

:oops: hey i lost 6 lbs, i started this at 191 lbs, i am 185. geez, duh!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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one whole month!!!!!!

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:49 pm

:D i am soooooooo happy and proud of myself. ok, it has been a whole month and i am 6 lbs down. been diet hopping for 10 yrs and finally i am sticking to something. so as of about oct i had started losing on and off so as of today, i am down 15 lbs from my high weight of 200 lbs!!! and since excercising consistantly since i started no s, i have also lost some inches. of course i still have a ways to go. but i feel so good. even though yesterday and the day before i was taking a couple of forkfuls of the left over birthday cake on my no s days. i felt bad after i did it but i didnt eat the whole thing or abandon all the work i have done or jumped on another eating plan or bashed myself for doing it. so everything is changing for me. and by the way i threw the cake away. i made it through pms, and fighting with my husband, that is when the bad habits really starting coming in. when i would have a fight with my husband i pigged out. that is when i said no , stop eating the cake cause he is making you mad. that is when i threw it out. all these little changes are really working and i am seeing myself progress.

i still have a hard time looking in the mirror, thinking i am doing so well and i have stuck with this, why cant i see the changes yet. but i did measure myself and saw it on the scale so it is for real. i am doing it.

i hope everyone else is also doing well. i have to start going on the other boards and chit chatting with everyone. oh and i didnt even mention all the family problems i have, i mean with mom, grahm , brothers, so much of life going on. now i have to work on my drinking. just learn not to want a drink when i have had a stressful day. or an emotional day. but, one thing at a time. have a great day all.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by hja » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:44 pm

Congratulations! Great work on the weight loss, and especially on the new healthy habits. Fantastic job throwing the cake away.

Many of us use food and alcohol to feel better when life gets tough. It's a very hard habit to unlearn, but it can be done. Knowing it's a problem is the first step. Stick with it!

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Post by doulachic » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:52 pm

i'm so proud of you! You are doing awesome! it's a good feeling to be able to say no to cake, huh? sweets and emotional eating are a weak point for me, but No S really helps with that...awesome, huh? Let weight watchers keep their durn points! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:27 pm

Great job!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry about the mirror stuff yet..
Mirrors are deceptive and often only reflect the most negative sides of us and our feelings about ourselves..
Yes, your success is real, and just keep on chanting that over and over and over!

We are all happy for you!
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:01 pm

Hey! That is so cool. I'm really really happy and glad for you :D

You'll be a full-on NoS poster-child in no time at this rate.
Great going.

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hi all

Post by want2bhealthy » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:48 pm

thanks you for all the support and encouragement. it means so much. i have been busy all week with my 4th grade daughter getting a part in the high school musical, the music man. oh man, did she ever love it. talk about being a proud parent. what a great experience it was for her. so a couple of nights i skipped dinner cause i had to rush around get her ready and out the door we were for the play, three nights in a row. i thought i could get something at intermission but all they had was candy and peanut butter crackers so i really didnt eat. it was late when we got home. so that may be why i lost another lb. but who cares, i am down another lb. i am 184 now. i am still committed to the no s and still committed to my excercising. the play is over and today i am starving, so i may indulge a bit. i hope everyone is doing great. lets stick with our committments and by summer i might actually learn to like wearing shorts.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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having a rough day

Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:01 pm

today i feel like i want to go into bad eating habits again. i ate to much yesterday and this morning wanted to continue to eat. i am going to get a good excercise in today and stick to the rules of the no s and see if i cant get through this feeling of wanting to give up and jump on another diet. oh ,i know how i have felt for the past ten yrs yo yo dieting and you would think that feeling alone would help me stay on track. i guess i am getting impatient and wanting to lose faster as the nice weather is approaching. i will try to be strong and forget about food till lunch. i have off on mon and wednesdays so it is harder for me to keep to a good eating schedule when i am home. so i will have to keep busy and stay on track. i cant blow this!!!!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:29 pm

Staying on track at home is hard! I sometimes keep a big glass of water handy and take a big gulp every time I get the urge to snack. Sometimes I end up draining the glass really fast. Cabinets are also helpful. I tuck things out of sight and get busy with something else and soon they are out of mind! (Well that's the way it's supposed to work. It doesn't always. But it does more often than not.)
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
Dashiell Hammett

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:34 am

It's a full moon tonight!
Blame Her!!!

That ol devil moon makes us all a bit looney!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:14 am

i am due the 24th, so, i get really bad hunger pains. it is not even cravings. like some people crave sugar like they have to have chocolate or icecream. i just get hungry. like i know i have eaten a satisfying meal, or i know i have eaten enough for a "normal" meal. but........ my stomach literally growls during pms. i mean my stomach never growls, i never have given it a chance to be hungry, cause, for the past 10 yrs i have been a compulsive/binge eater. so i cant even tell you what diets or theories of eating plan have done to me. but.... when i am trying to lose weight, and am being very "on plan" during that week before my monthly, i just give up. i want to jump on another plan and i give up on the plan that has been working for the past couple of weeks. then it is hard to get back on track. i admit i am due to go to a gyno and i need to talk to her about it. but right now i cant control it. last month i did control it though, but i think it was because i was just starting this way of eating and i knew i loved this plan and couldnt quit . but now i am running out of patience.

my 41st birthday is april 28th and on apr 29th my husband booked a hotel in wildwood till mon morn and it has an indoor water park. i love the water and so does my 10 ydr old daughter. i was so happy. but soon knew by the end of apr. i have to get back into my bathing suit. i want to have a good time with my daughter instead of worrying about what i look like in a bathing suit. and my husband is not a person who wants to spend his time off in a indoor water park. so it has always been up to me to have "fun" with my daughter. i love it and i do, but i always have to cover up. like with a tank top.

so right now i think i am just panicking. like i want to go on another crash diet, before i have to get into that bathing suit on april 29th. this has been the pattern in the past. i swear i ripped out my weight watchers, richard simmons and low carb diet plan stuff today!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont want to go back on the yo yo diet thing, but by apr 29th i dont want to look and feel like i did last yr!!!!!!!!! what do i do?????????????????????
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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still hanging in there

Post by want2bhealthy » Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:01 pm

well my feelings for wanting to quit and crash diet arent as strong as they were on friday night. i guess my s days really saved me here. i did go out and buy different foods. it is time to step it up a notch and start choosing healthier foods. i bought some veggies, and brown rice. and even a bag of apples. i might try one. my daughter eats them. i am making a veggie soup tomorrow or tonight and will have that on hand to go with meals to get some of my veggies in and fill me up. hot stuff does do that. my excercise is still excellent and i am really going to try to stick with this. i know i will not ever be happy going on another calorie restricted diet. so here is to a good attitude going into next week and the rest of my journey.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by doulachic » Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:11 am

i feel like this quite often myself, so i know how you feel....but i think once you get to the point of being sick of diets, there really is no going back...especially once you find No-S! :D

i just keep trying to find ways to tweak no-s to fit "me"...kind of like what you said about finding foods that will help fill you up....just trying to eat better, healthier foods..i have found that if i eat some fruit (like apples) with my lunch or dinner, i don't tend to have as many sweet cravings.

anyway, hang in there, you're not alone! :wink:

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Post by juniebumble » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:17 pm

Hi W2BH,
I have loved reading your posts. I can relate with you on so many of your dieting issues. (Well, not the part about effortlessly making the 21 day club on your first try) I even recognized your description of the Crb Lvrs diet. Especially the part about binging for an hour every night LOL.

Then I read about your waterpark adventure and the dreaded swimsuit. I feel your pain. Last summer I went on a vacation which I lovingly remember as Swimsuit Hell :evil: . I did it ONLY for my kids. And this September I will have the opportunity to once again don a swimming suit in front of my family and large extended family (for some reason, this is more frightening for me than strangers are). Even this far from the event I want to get out all of my "other" diet paraphanelia.

Definition for insane: doing the exact same thing over and over again each time expecting different results. When I found the NoS diet, I was insane. I was on my umpteenth WW attempt, and I was looking up diet drugs (Hodia-spelled wrong so ads won't show up) on the internet trying to find a way to stay on the diet. This diet gives me hope. People like you give me hope. By April 29th, you could be down a whole size. You have to be close now anyway. That's an awesome achievement. Look at the BIG picture. How is your 43, 44, 45 etc. birthday celebration going to be? It's going to be slim, healthy, sexy, svelte YOU!!!

Sorry I rambled so long on your daily check in. I think you can do it. I want you to do it, because then maybe I can do it. Good Luck


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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:32 pm

hey doul, how ya doing?/ thanks for stopping in and supporting me. i have been having to fight the last couple of days. but i really cant fail this time.

juni, it does sound like we have alot in common. swimsuit hell, thats funny. i have been falling off plan a bit. but i will get back on , i will not fail!!!!!! i am only up a couple of lbs, but it will stop now, i will not gain all my weight back. i am still down 12 lbs. and i wont quit. we can do it.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:42 pm

Good luck!!!
We all sometimes slip up! I know I have been doing that for a few weeks now..
Just get back on that horse and the pounds will go away again!
This is really one of the reasons I don't weigh myself unless I *know* that I've been sustaining good habits for a long time and exercising..
I have often gone up two or three pounds during being here and sometimes it's period related and sometimes it's just eating too much and going without exercise...
I'm fairly sure that I will be one of those people that takes several years to reach my ultimate size weight goal...
That okay though... Better to do that, than go through yet another major dissappointment after losing 30 pounds fast, and then gaining all of it back..That is the worst!!! Think of how much energy is wasted on an effort like that!
I'm already around 1/3 or so, of the way toward my desired goal size/weight... And it's been painless, so I am just fine with that... I'm not twenty anymore, and I know my body takes much longer and much more effort to change, so that's my reality...But I am not at all, losing sight of my goal!

Your attitude sounds awesome so keep it up!!!!
Looking forward to posts from you in years to come, where we all can brag about how we love hanging out on the beach in our bathing suits!
Meanwhile, enjoy it anyway!!! Junie Bumble, life is too short to worry about what others think of how you look... Love yourself now!!! And stay away from any hodia peddlers!!! :lol:

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Post by doulachic » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:17 am

hey :D

i haven't been doing too good lately... :evil: My birthday really messed me up! haven't been able to get back on track...plus i have been sick all week...whine, whine, whine..! :lol: i am feeling better now though, so i am going to try to get back on plan tomorrow...a little late in the week, but oh well.

glad to see ya hanging around! :D

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fighting urges to diet hop

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:42 pm

doul, i hope you are doing better. sorry to hear you were sick. grateful deb, thanks for the encouraging words. they mean alot.

i am alright, some comp trouble, getting things ready for the town yard sale on sat and i am fighting with the alcohol on the weekends. i am down some inches and another lb. i am down to 183. my thighs stayed the same, hips went down 1/2 in. waist went down two more inches (yea) chest went down 1/2 in, arms went down 1/4 in. so i am pretty happy. i just wish i could see more of my efforts. i am still fat.so altogether i am down 17 lbs. of course i am still thinking of diet hopping but not really acting on it. of course some days i still pick bad food choices, but for the most part i am doing great. my excercise is still really good. i hope everyone is doing well. i will keep fighting this. it is just that sometimes you get tired of fighting. especially when i see people all around me eating and drinking what they want when they want and not giving it a second thought. like yesterday at work, some skinny girl in her 30's ordered cheese fries, my ultimate favorite food. i swear she orders them more since i told her my struggle with food and that they were my food that i have the hardest time not eating. so when i came home last night i got frozen fries out and made them, of course ate way to much of them after i already had dinner. i just was craving them so bad.

now i know i should have just given in and maybe ordered them out and get them out of my system. but these days i am worried about my cholsterol and my blood pressure. but i see now that if i just would have let myself have them, i might not have over eaten at dinner.

my excercise is great though, so i am proud of that. i cant believe it is spring and it is snowing here in new jersey. well i have to get stuff ready for our yard sale on sat. this is when i tend to eat, cause i dont want to do my chores that have to be done, so i procrastinate by eating. but i am not going to do that, there is to much stuff i have to do. well, i am still here, which is saying alot, in the past i would have jumped back on weight watchers or richard simmons or low carb. i wont do it!!!!!!!

have a great day all.
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feeling like a failure again!!!!!

Post by want2bhealthy » Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:29 pm


my eating has gotten totally out of control, i feel disgusting and tired. whether i like it or not, for my health, i am going to have to give richard simmons foodmover another try. it helps to see how much and what foods i need to be eating to make my diet healthy and balanced. i seem not to do that on every other eating plan. i hope i can get in control with rs. i am so grateful for all the support on here, and maybe when and if i get to goal i can eat the no s way to maintain. i will put this post in my journal and will still check in from time to time to see how great other people on this plan are doing and how they are making it work. thanks everyone.
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I AM NOT QUITTING!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:02 pm

i had a couple of really bad eating days(ok binges) well i am pmsing. i go through this every month. got on the scale this morning and only gained back one lb. so i can still turn this around, without panicking, quitting this or feeling like a failure again. the only way i can succeed is to work through my rough eating days put them behind me and keep going.

you know i said i was going back on richard simmons plan, but boy after eating breakfast today, i was miserable . here is why, on these plans that you have to count things, i tend to not eat alot for breakfast and lunch, you know so i can save calories, windows or ww pts so i can make sure i had enough to eat before bed. i didnt like that feeling i had after breakfast and haveing to close those windows and worry about what i had left to eat for the rest of the day. so you see, no s is truly the plan for me. i just have to know when to stop at each meal before feeling over stuffed. so i am here to stay. and i am already feeling much better knowing i dont have to shut windows the rest of the day to see what foods i have left to eat. yahoo!!! thank you reinhard!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop. starting today feb 1, i am 5'3 191lbs 40 yr old f. , i have lost 17 lbs, as of apr.12. now 183 lbs. yes!!!!!!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:36 pm

Want to be healthy!!!!!!
Congrats on your 17 lbs down!!!!
If you stick with NoS, that will never come back to haunt you...
I have about thirty pounds left to lose to be where I would like to be....
I took about 1.5 years to lose the first 25 or so..... If it takes me another two years or even three, to lose the rest, I'm fine with that... If I lose 15 lbs a year and keep it off, and have, basically no problem enjoying the diet and my life, its worth it...
And remember.. This is for life...
Congrats that you are still trying and not giving up!!!
The real key to speeding anything up here, is adding regular exercise at least five days a week...
Good luck!!!!
(PS.. I used to love doing Richard Simmons aerobics workout back in the 80's!!! He is so energetic, even if he is really kind of silly sounding and looking! LOL..Lost about 30 lbs by doing regular exercise back then, and not really even dieting... Of course I was a teenager too! LOL.... :lol: )
Think of long term and just put on your blinders!
If you commit to one plan and keep on plugging, your energy will be rewarded!!!
Promise :)

Peace and Love,
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still struggling!!

Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:22 am

cant get back on track! very frustrated. i wrote about it in the dissussion thread. i just dont want to gain any weight back that i just lost but it looks like i might be headed back down that yo yo dieting path. i have to stop myself , i am setting myself up for failure. ahhhhhhh!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon May 08, 2006 1:21 pm

since my last post, i thought i could count ww pts again or even go on a low carb diet, and as of today i am up to 187, i believe that is a 4 lb gain. i guess i had to learn the hard way, that all the other plans i have tried failed for a reason, i cant make them work for me for life. i am back and i am staying. i cant gain all my weight back. i only excercised for 30 mins twice last week and my eating was so out of control over the weekend. so i need to get back on track with this plan and my excercise. i am glad to be here, i just have to stop thinking that other plans that work for other people dont work for me. that is my problem. i let other people convince me that they will support me and we can do it together but i just wind up binge eating. so i have to listen to me and what is right for my body. and this plan is it. so i am excited to restart this and stay here.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 08, 2006 1:55 pm

Don't jump on another diet, just see if you can make healthy meal choices... No other diet will work on your snacking sweeting and overeating habits... You know that in your heart..
As for turning up the speed of loss, my game plan is to consciously drink much more water with lemon and also get my walking and SG/Yoga on every N day.... I too wish to shed at least 10-15 more pounds by mid Summer! It's ambitious, but I really want it bad!!! So that's my plan this week! I know your frustration, but remember that NoS can be tweaked for optimal results... I got a few cans of tuna and some veggies and celery and I plan on eating a lot more fish meals this week... I'm also going to be very strict about serving size and no virtual plating.... I think that will really make a difference...
I had a wild and excessive weekend but the beauty of NoS is that one can always restart on N days...
I was so lonely this weekend as my Son Richard went to visit Amish country with my Mom... I really filled my lonliness with chips and cherry pie, but after the fact, realized that eating food out of lonliness is far less enjoyable than eating food together... It just doesn't taste as good!
Keep it up!
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official restart

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed May 10, 2006 1:38 pm

i am up a few lbs this week, definitly due to wavering off this plan. i am 186. i feel like i need a fresh start, so i am re doing my 21 day committment on this plan. hoping to never stray again. deb you have some great ideas. i do know deep down that another diet is not the answer, been there and done that to many times. i understand your eatign out of lonliness mine is mostley out of boredom or really because i dont want to do a certain chore or something else that has to be done, so i just eat instead of keeping busy. so that has to change too. so here i go , and here i will stay.
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Post by pangelsue » Thu May 11, 2006 4:59 am

Hi Want2behealthy,
first time posting on your thread. Wow, you need to relax and breathe and give yourself time. You know how I know this? I kept smiling while I was reading your entries. It sounds so much like my mental chatter. When I am successful, I am worried I will fail and when I fail I think what is wrong with me. I can like or hate myself depending on a half pound on the scale. I think we all do that to a a certain extent because we are so hard on ourselves. There always is supposed to be another diet out there that will be painless, quick and make heros or heroines out the weak people we tell ourselves we are. We aren't weak. We are confused and frustrated. The hunger most of us feel has almost nothing to do with food and yet we try to medicate what is wrong with food. We all love you and hear your pain. Go minute to minute until you can do more. I promise I will try to do the same. My daughter tells me that when I am feeling out of control, I should think of 5 things I do well and concentrate on them. Good night and good luck. Look for the spot in you that knows you can do this and nuture that place. Ya know, I think I was talking as much to me as to you.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon May 15, 2006 6:19 pm

i loved reading your post. thank you so much. i know i am not alone and people do feel the way i do and people have been and are where i am now. i strayed off a bit since last wed. but on wed my weigh in day i wont beat myself up about it if i dont lose any weight. i am SLOWLY getting back on track. i will make it. the sooner i get it through my thick skull, that the no s way of eating is finally going to work for me, the sooner i will feel better about myself and the sooner i will get healthy and to a healthy weight. what i really need to do is get rid of ALL the diet books and all the diet stuff i have in one drawer so i wont be tempted to use it again, when i do panic and (stop breathing) and jump on one of those plans. i mean, i have the carbohydrate addicts book, richard simmons foodmover, the atkins book, south beach(from the library) , weight watchers and even a plan that someone sent me from the uk called slimming world. and all of it is in a drawer right next to my bed. at least once a month i pulled it all out and try to convince myself that i will do one of these plans. well, do i have to even say what the consequences of that action is?? i am still here and will stay here and fight. i am hoping to be a success story on here to help other people as much as alot of you are helping me. as always thanks for all the support. i will keep trying!!!
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Hang in there.

Post by pangelsue » Tue May 16, 2006 3:21 am

Boy, do I know what you mean about the collection of books. I had all those plus, Metabolic typing diet, blood type diet, arthritis diet, inflammation diet, dietpower software where I recorded every mouthful I ate, Sugarbusters, Jorge Cruise' 3 Hour diet, e diets, Anne Collins and probably more I can't remember. That is soooo in the past. This is the only diet ever that has made me stop obsessing about what I eat. Because I eat less often, and I can pretty much eat what I want, I don't really think about it anymore. Even if I stop losing and just maintain, I will still stay here. I don't remember the last time I felt this free. Hang in there. It is worth it.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed May 17, 2006 9:59 pm

thanks pangle. i am hanging in and i will stay here. i had gained 3 lbs back of the 17 i lost, but my weigh in this morning i am back down to 184. so i a happy with that and feel i am back on track. now i need to work harder at my excercising. wow you tried more then me. and it is in the past. glad you are doing so well.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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gotta go guys

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed May 24, 2006 1:15 pm

:( i am back down to 183 this morning, which i am happy about, but in a nutshell. the no s diet for me is turning out to be more of a maintance plan. i still eat to much at each meal and take to much advantage of the s days. i am not going to move on towards my goal. so i am going back to carbohydrate addicts diet CAD. i know some of you are probably saying , she'll be back. i dont think so but i do thank all of you for the support and maybe i will be back when i need to maintain my goal wt. the cad is almost like no s. so i should have no trouble sticking with it, of course there are more protiens and veggies required to eat, but i dont over eat on that stuff i just dont like it as much. my trigger foods are carbs. on no s i take advantage of eat what you want at each meal. on cad you have to eat 2 meals of proteins and veggies still no snacking in between and you still follow it all the time. one meal a day you can eat what you want but it says you should balance it. i know it still says eat what you want, but your meal cannot last past one hr. so on this plan at least i know i will control 2 of my meals, so in fact eating less. just thought i should explain why i need to change my plan. thanks again and good luck to all. this still is a great plan, but for a binge /compulsive eater like me, i just cant be in control.
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been thinking

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed May 31, 2006 1:47 pm

ok guys, this is what i have been thinking ...... i love no s and the simple rules of it. problem, i eat to much at each meal. so......... i am following all the rules of no s but on my no s days i am going to count ww pts so i get an idea of how much i should be eating at each meal. i love the no eating in between meals, so it will still be 3 meals a day but less. i dont have a problem with needing snacks in between. this way i can still follow no s on the weekends with a little more satisfaction then when i was just on ww alone. dont know what you guys will think, but this is how i intend to cut portions on no s days and still enjoy the no s plan. oh and of course up my excercise. so weigh in this morning was 185 that is still a 15 lb loss now it is time to cut those portions and really get in control.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 31, 2006 1:53 pm

Go for it!!!!!!

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:18 pm

i have been having a rough 2 weeks. i am only up 2 lbs. i am at 186. no excercsing. i had been trying to get verizon dsl and for a whole week going through the crappiest customer service ever, they kept telling me they would get a techinician out here and it never happen so after a week of that crap and so much time wasted, i sent the stuff back to them and told them to forget it. then my cable started acting up and they said someone would be out , i took off of work and no one showed up , then they said they had no record of someone coming out on that day. so i got rid of my digital cable. but yesterday just got one box back. i couldnt live with out it. then , here is the kicker. i lost my job at the daycare. i am so depressed about it. as of today my old boss really needed me and said i couldnt have picked a better time to go back to her for a job, she needs me. so i do have a job, but i am not happy. i love kids and that was the perfect job. because of an incident that happend in 2000 at my old daycare, when i was left with 20 , 2 1/2 yr olds to watch, everyone else was in the building but wasnt in the room with me, a kid ran out the side door, and a women was passing by in her car and saw him and brought him in the door and called the state. we were interviewed about what happend that day, then we didnt hear anything else about it till 2 yrs later. i must mention also that i was allowed to still work at that day care after this happen and the mother brought the kid back the next day. anyway by time i got the letter, i was watching kids at home and no longer at that daycare.

then the kids i was watching went to kindergarten so i needed to find a job quick, the one i found was the deli. i wasnt happy there so that is when i decided to take a chance and work at another daycare. well, when they hired me i thought everything was fine. after a yr working there, who ever wasnt fingerprinted had to get it done. then 3 weeks after that, a letter went to my new daycare center. it said it was because of lack of supervison that the kid escaped. in a nut shell i cant work in daycares ever again. i cryed for two days. i love kids and everyone said i was really good at taking care of them. i mean babysitting since i was 12, and working at daycare for over 18 yrs, without one complaint from a parent, and now i cant ever do what i love to do best. i have mixed feelings right now, but the most one i feel is sad, i already miss those babies. i could have jumped into a bottle of vodka, but i didnt and i didnt binge that much, just some cheese fries two days in a row. so this is why i havent been on line.

working at a deli with all free homemade foods is going to be hard and i fear cause i wont be truly happy doing deli work i may turn to food. well, here i go my first day back at my old job, that i thought i would never have to work there again. i will need lots of luck. i hope everyone else is doing well.
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Post by This path is my life » Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:33 am

I am sorry about this recent turn of events, but this will pass and hopefully in a week, month or x amount of time you'll find that this actually has even been a good change for you. Maybe this means it's time to discover your other talents besides caring for kids because you've been doing that since you were 12, so it could mean that it's time to find something new. Try to look at this as an opportunity to grow and move forward. And also try to see this situation as another step or level in your No-S life plan. Maybe this event happened in your life right now to give you the chance to prove to yourself that you can stick with No-S for the rest of your life, no matter what crosses your path. It seems to me No-S can be a great tool for you especially at this point in your life. In my opinion you have a choice to make right now, and it doesn't have to do with the deli, or the cable, or cheese fries, it has to do with how you are going to look at your situation and what kind of attitude you are going to take towards your life, again use this as a positive opportunity to show yourself how strong you really are. Of course this wasn't what you expected or wanted, but things never seem to work out exactly as we want anyway and sometimes because of this we find blessings in disguise. A good friend once told me "Life is what happens when you're making other plans" and I have found this to be very true especially for me personally. Good luck and keep us posted.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:39 am

Wow that's stressful stuff!
Well, as for working in a Deli with good food, at least be grateful that you can pretty much eat what you want, with exceptions of sugar and in between snacks.. Free meals to look forward to will work with NoS.. Just don't pick throughout the day...
I know it will be tempting.. Stick with a good breakfast to eliminate any feeling of actually being hungry around the food..

Have a good week!
Peace and Love,
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hey guys

Post by want2bhealthy » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:40 pm

you guys are great!!! i will use this as an opportunity to start over. with no s and my life. since i dont have to be in the deli until 10 in the morning, i am going to do my excercise before i go and eat a good breakfast, that will help me to wait till lunch to eat. although here is the challenge , you really dont get an official lunch break. you keep on working. say you make yourself a sandwhich, and then 5 people come in the door and the phone rings, you have to keep working . so i will have to deal with that. but i wont use that an excuse to not follow the no s plan.

i weighed myself this morning and i am 184. so through all this and not excercising, i lucked out and am still 16 lbs down. i am looking forward to moving forward with my weight loss with the no s only, no counting ww pts, just straight no s. i know it works and i have to be patient.

oh this is really good news, the deli is getting a salad bar real soon. so no more excuses of not wanting to cut stuff and make my own salad or getting a salad that is made up of all lettuce and only some grilled chick pieces, i can make my own and get how much i want. everyday. i really am trying to look at the positive. i am also going to visit the daycare, i cant just go cold turkey, i am going through baby withdrawl already. the daycare is near me so it will be easy to stop in from time to time. i already went there on friday to turn in my aprons and everyone was glad to see me and wanted details on what had happend. and the kids, just ran up to me , i got lots of hi debis and the ones that cant talk, grabbing my pant legs and smiling and raising their hands so i can pick them up. i loved that.

ok. i am looking forward to getting up tomorrow with a whole new attitude. i get let this get me down. i will be trying to see what i can do to clear my name though. i didnt do anything wrong and to have this happen to me, i need to clear my name. i am hoping to start posting everyday too.

i hope everyone else is doing well. thanks so much again!!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:41 pm

since writing in here last, i was doing alright, i got down to 182, well as of yesterday i am back up to 187. i just let myself go, i have been busy and not taking care of me. i also have been having to many "special ocassions". mini vacation at the beach, 4th of july parties and just plain not following the snack rule. so here i go again, getting back on track today. still a bit depressed about not working at the daycare but i am working through that. i hope everyone is doing great. i will come back on more often and see how everyone is doing so i can get re motivated again before the scales go back up to my high weight of 200. i never want to see that again. have a great day all and hopefully i can post more often and stay here.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:48 pm

Good to post when you feel you are slipping..
I don't believe you will ever let yourself really gain back to where you were before... You know you can turn this around!

Good for you on facing it head on!
I'm reaasserting my habits again, as well...

Keep it up!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by pangelsue » Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:16 am

Welcome back. You keep coming back because you know this is the best place for you to be. We welcome you and wish you renewed success.

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:25 pm

hi guys, thanks for the welcome back, and you are right, i keep coming back cause this is the best way to live. although i got a rough start yesterday, i will make today better and stay on program. it is always hard for me to restart. have a great day all.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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gained 4 lbs back!!

Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:11 pm

dont really know what is going on with me. i need to lose the weight and stop messing around with other diet plans. i work with a girl who just lost 16 lbs on ww and i let her convince me to go back on it. i cant do it!! i lost 17 with no s and didnt count anything. i have got to stay here. fresh start today. i need to move more, i only excercised 2 days last week. i am aiming for 5 days of 30 min or more. i am back and i need to STAY here.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by This path is my life » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:55 pm

welcome back. you've just taken the first step again by returning to no-s, keep at it and good luck. hope you have a successful day today.
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good "first"day

Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:53 am

my day was pretty good for starting over. dinner choices could have been healthier but i stuck with the rules of no s. could have excercised more too. anyway , i hope i can continue to stay committed to this. i am so sick of quitting every effort i choose to lose weight, and really change the way i eat and the way i feel about food.

thanks "path" for the welcome back.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:27 pm

hi, i havent been here in awhile. lots of things have been happening. the main one being, i am having marital problems and was gonna file for divorce, but instead opted to try counceling. my husband wont go with me but i cant change him, i can only change myself. i am happy to say i have gone one week without vodka,i have started up my excercising this week, now i have to come back to eating the no s way. my eating has been all over the board, from binging to not eating at all some days, just because of stress. i am starting to feel better. but my last hurtle is my weight. i have kept a 16 lb loss through it all. so i need to go forward and take control of my eating. so another fresh start today. and hopefully i can get a grip. i will feel so much better about myself once i get in control of my weight. i hope everyone is doing well.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:13 pm

man, i guess i wasnt ready to start back in again. i caved today. i think i am gonna get my head straight, read alot of positive posts off here and get my stuff together on monday. this has got to be something i choose for life. i have to tell myself it is not a diet that i keep going and and off of. i am working at the deli now and it is so hard not to pick on the stuff i make. so i have to make sure i get a satisfying breakfast before i go in work. i need to excercise today too. trying to get in control, as i sit here drinking a corona beer and eating sunflower seeds. man what is wrong with me??
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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really really ready!!!

Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:07 pm

i really have had it with myself, trying to lose weight with any other plan but this one. it was working and i came to a plateau and thought i couldnt lose anymore weight on this plan. i was very wrong trying to do other plans. my weigh ins are wed, so right now i dont know how much i weigh last wed i was 185. i excercised this morning and i have got to do no s, that is it!! i have got my drinking under control now it is time to work on the eating and excercising. hoping to have a great day.
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Post by pangelsue » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:52 am

You have really been through hell recently and still you managed to give up drinking, get yourself to counseling and maintain a weight loss. But, incredibly, you are beating yourself up because you can't make yourself do even more. Stop. Congratulate yourself on surviving a long list of trials and tribulations while still maintaining a weight loss at all. You can't see how awesome that is or how unrealistic it is to expect more from yourself. Take a day or two to tell yourself how proud you are of what you have accomplished and when you really, really believe it, then maybe you will want to reward yourself with a healthy diet.
I am back after a month of totally giving up. I hadn't lost any weight at all in over 3 monthes. I hated myself but I could see I was giving up. Every day I was starting over and failing. So I just stopped until I knew who I was again and found my motivation. I was just beating myself up on a daily basis and I didn't want to do that anymore. Look for ways to see yourself the way we do. You are strong and you want to make a better life for yourself. That is admirable and deserves praise, not criticism. Maybe perfection can't be your goal right now. It might be maintaining and doing the best you can until you find your stride. Hang in there.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:52 pm

thank you pangelsue. i will try to be proud of myself for my accomplisments through all this. thanks for reminding me of that. when you have been fighting your weight and feeling bad about yourself for 11 yrs, it is hard to give yourself credit for anything. i only see that i havent gotten to my goal wt. sorry to hear you were struggling. i am glad to here you are back. i have been doing exactly what you did. beating myself up daily and quitting and starting. i had a great day yesterday and it feels like i can be on track now. i excercised yesterday and today. since i did so bad last week and over the weekend i am not going to beat myself up about my weigh in tomorrow. i just need to be in control. and i feel that i am on my way. have a great day.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by pangelsue » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:59 pm

You are on track again and will stay there. You have been dedicated to this site for some time now. There are just pitfalls for all of us and bad times when we find it harder to stay focused. You have done many difficult things in your life time and you are strong. Hang in there.
I have been trying for almost 25 years to lose the same 30 pounds. I haven't given up yet and you won't either. Start younger than me though. LOL!!
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oh i am so mad right now

Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:51 pm

:x wow you arent a quitter are you. good for you for not giving up. thanks for the support but right now i am so mad!!! heres what happened today.
i forgot i made a doc appt 2 weeks ago cause i was getting alot of acid indigestion. they called me at work and reminded me. well. i am back up to 188. doc wasnt to happy cause i said i would get blood work done and i didnt. after a long disucssion of how i have been feeling and everything that has been going on in my life, you would never believe what he suggested i do, well really insisted i do. 5 to 6 days of excercise, no surprise there, but he told me to go on richard simmons food mover. i told him i already tried it several times. i told him i just felt hungry on it. he said well you will feel like you are hungry, considering what you have been doing to your body with the yo yo dieting. i told him i had been on and off the no s diet. he said for the acid indigestion i have been feeling and the tired ness, that could be due to the fact that i am eating to much at one meal. it takes the heart and digestive system twice as long to digest a big meal. so he said to eat smaller meals and try to have a snack in between. also if i excercise after a meal i have only been waiting one hr, he said to wait 2 hrs or do it in the morning before i ate. he suggested the usual things, when i told him i dont enjoy eating fruits, you know , mix fruits and skim milk or yogurt and make smoothies.
anyway i reluctently agreed to faithfully do rs and excercise for one month and get bloodwork done and go see him in a month. well, as you all well know me, i am going into this with failure in the back of my mind. i know that is very bad, but given my history how can i think differently. wish me luck.

maybe if i do this for a month and start to feel better and blood work is ok maybe i can go back on no s i really wanted to eat this way. i know i wont last a week on richard simmons!! see i have to do this, so, if i still have acid indigestion after changing my eating patterns then they can check for another reason why i might be getting acid indigestion. i will keep you posted.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by doulachic » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:50 pm

would it be possible to "virtually plate" a fourth meal? maybe just make your three meals smaller and have the fourth meal like an afternoon "snack" or something? Maybe there is a way to make both of you happy. :wink: Just an idea.

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Post by pangelsue » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:13 am

Admittedly, I will do a lot to avoid going to the doctor. Got a lot of white coat fever. But when I was having major problems with acid indigestion, I did a lot of reading on line and I found out that most people who have acid indigestion actually have too little stomach acid, not too much. When they take antacids, they actually make the problem worse. They suggested 2 things. I tried them both and for me they both work. One is taking a supplement called DGL. It is concentrated licorice and you chew one before each meal. It creates stomach acid which helps digest your food faster and passes it through the digestion process faster. You can get the tablets sweetened or not. I recommend sweetened because unsweetened taste terrible. The other suggestion is drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of cider vinegar in it before each meal. Cheaper and also works very well. The article said, if your acid indigestion was caused by too much acid, these 2 things would make it worse, not better and you could stop and go back to the antacids. Just a thought. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:49 pm

hi, pangelsue, thanks for your great suggestions. this past week i have tried richard simmons and cutting back on alcohol. i cant do rs. surprise surprise. i wanted to try no s cause i dont need to snack in between meals. being a compulsive/binge eater, snacking only makes me more hungry, like i want more to eat then just a small snack. i know eating beyond being full gives me acid indigestion, and drinking gives me acid indigestion. so .......... this is what i have to do, pick healthier foods at my meals and portion them out, none of that, pile it high on my plate thing. well, the alcohol i know what to do with that. my husband and counceling are a different story. i think i have gotten all i can out of counceling. today might be my last day. i know if i stay with my husband i will have to learn how to deal with his anger. i can only control how i react to it. so i am back here today and hopefully i can go back to my doc in a month and tell him i am feeling better because of the no s and excercise.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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had a great start

Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:03 pm

i had a really great day yesterday, at dinner, i made alot of whole wheat pasta, broccoli some olive oil, tomatoes and garlic and some seasonings, and i was able to cut the portion in half and put it away instead of finishing the whole thing, then i wasnt so stuffed that i couldnt excercise. i went for a 30 min walk last night with my daughter. it felt great. now to stay in control and keep telling myself this is for life, i cant keep going off of it. no matter what other people say is good for me.
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cant believe

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:29 pm

i cant believe it has been almost a yr since i found this site. as of today i am well at my weigh in this morning i am still 187, no loss no gain. i overate quite a few times during the week beyond being full. yesterday i binged cause i tried to do ww pts again, and i just cant. so i am sticking with no s and just trying to stop eating when i am full. i just cant count anything. guess i wont be going back to doc on oct 1. i know i didnt lose any weight yet. i do know now though that overeating or bingeing does cause the acid indigestion, just from experimenting. i only excercised three days last week and none yet this week. i know it will play a major part in my weight loss if i can commit to 5 or 6 days a week, especially doing the no s.cause weight loss is slow on this plan for me, cause i really do eat what i enjoy. so i am restarting no s and it has to be for life. everytime i think about switching plans or (advised to do a differnt plan) that is when i notice the bingeing cravings. i have to stop listening to everyone else and listen to my body and do what is best for me for life.
hoping to get it this time. i am still at a 13 lb loss in a yr so i can only move forward and lose more, with the excercise committment i know i will get to goal.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:16 pm

lost my way again. feeling so out of control. if i cant make no s work, i fear i will never get healthy. going to try again today.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by This path is my life » Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:25 pm

You can do it. One step at a time. One day at a time. Just try to get through today. No S is the answer, it just may take awhile to realize that. Good luck.
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Post by gettnbusy » Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:57 pm

The biggest thing in any program is to follow it. Is it hard, yes - but only for a short while. Then it gets easier and easier as time goes on. Shoot for Reinhards 21 day goal. And if you fall down pick yourself up on the next one. Failure happens to all of us. Sometimes daily. But the next time a temptation pops up we can choose even that ONE TIME to say no. And then SAY NO AGAIN. And AGAIN. Even Alcoholics Anonymous (the most successful addiction program by sheer successful numbers at least) says.. It works if you work it and it wont if you dont. Take another example from their wisdom (and the Bible) One Day at a Time... sometimes even ONE MOMENT at a time I have found. You CAN do it honey, trust me. I was nearing 300 pounds 7 weeks ago and I KNOW ABOUT TEMPTATION and no excercise. Think of it this way... you are going to be one year older on your next birthday whether you work your program or not. Wouldnt you rather drop 40 pounds in a year with some hard work than sit here again next year asking why you gained another 20?

Nothing worthwhile is easy, ever. You are going to have to work at this. We all do. Dont think it is any easier for us than for you. We are making a choice DAILY or MINUTE BY MINUTE to work this program for our own good. Are you ready to do this or not?
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:36 pm

gettnbusy my name is debi i hope you are talking to me, cause i appreciate everything you said. you asked if i was ready, i always think i am ready, cause i am sick to death of failing. i work at a deli, i am only there from 10 to 2:30. so it falls into lunch time, but you get so busy that if you make lunch which has to be something small cause there isnt time to have a regular lunch , you dont always get to finish it and you are eating and working at the same time. it is i job i have no choice in the matter working at. i could explain and i will one day when i am feeling chatty, hey i think i did in one of my posts about working in a daycare. anyway, i am pretty much stuck at this job. so my point is, i wind up picking at food from like 11 to 1:30. just eating a little of this and a bite of that. today i shoved a cookie in without even thinking about it. i just shove food in without even thinking. of course right after i do it, i am like man, why did i just do that?? i didnt stick to plan again today. i know it is all about choices, i just cant understand why i am such a compulsive eater, thinking about food all the time. i know i have to change and i do really want to. all i can do is try harder , want it more. i know i wont be able to go much longer eating the way i do and come out clean, you know no heatlhy problems. i have a few, like acid indigestion and sugar is just a little high, i am afraid of diabetes cause it runs in my family, but i guess it is just not scaring me enough. i dont know why. i will keep trying to trust this plan and i need to trust in myself that i can succeed, i dont really have any confidence that i can ever get healthy and lose this weight. maybe if i can get out of that mind set i can make this work.

thanks for your advice and support.
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checking in

Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:16 pm

hi i am still struggling but will make this plan work and i will lose this wt. and be in control. i still think this is the best plan i have ever been on, the rules are simple and if i am ever gonna get a grip on this ,i will follow no s!! as of this morning i am back up to 190. i am going to do the 21 day no s challenge. 21 days , to FULLY commit no straying ,no excuses to break the rules. my excercise isnt to bad, i will increase it.
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:20 pm

Hi Debi. I appreciate your honesty here. Alot of the time it is embarassing for me to admit the struggles I have EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am fine and do really well all day long resisting all the snacks in the office; then I come home. It all just hits me. I have no idea why but I can barely stop myself from grabbing everything in sight. Its not just bad stuff, cus there isn't much in the house anymore. Its ANYTHING. The only thing I've done that is helping me deal with that stuff is to not bring realy bad stuff into the house at all (which I know you cant do at your job) and making little snacks like cubed up chicken I can grab if going through a "spell". But sometimes even that doesn't help. The only thing I have noticed lately, since Ive been paying more attention, is that I need to stay active in something. Now, I know this doesnt help you at work specifically, but maybe you can be creative. I usually will read or take a short walk or clean up a room or go through my old purse collection. ANYTHING to stop me. Now mind you...my house is pretty clean now and I'm running out of things to do. My biggest offender is watching TV when I get the urge to eat/snack. It's my foe. So, lately I've been trying to do other things while watching my recorded programs (I dont like live TV cus of comemrcials so I record them all! LOL). Also, I miss alot so I can always rewind it a smidge if I need to. Or not. Anyway... standing up is probably something you do all day long, right? Let's try to think of something to do while you are standing there in front of all that wonderful meat & cheese. Maybe you could ask your co-worker/boss to "charge" you every time you eat something. Maybe every time they catch you eatin from the shop they charge you $1.00. Now, that could get very expensive for you, right? It might be that kick in the butt to be more strict (see Reinhards post on the 21 Day start over from 10/12/06). You need to be more strict with yourself; just like I do. It's really not hard to be strict - it's just hard trying to build a habit. But if we keep at it and DONT GIVE IN like we have been you & I can do this. Send me your private email address and I will send you my phone # or you can send me your #. I'd love to chat with you since we have so much in common and so much to lose by not staying on target. I get free long distance on my cell phone :)
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:50 am

hi gettnbusy, we are so much alike. i also do the most eating after i get home, it is just anything. i too have to keep busy. that money idea would be a great idea. but you see, it has gotten to the point that they really dont see what i pick at, so i would have to admit that i do that and it wont feel so good. i know maybe that is what i need. like if i go to the section where i have to give someone some potato salad i would see where the other people are that i work with and before i put the potato salad away i take a spoon and eat some. . or if i am filling the salad bar, they are busy making sandwhiches or doing the dishes, and i will just pick at the food on the salad bar. so..... i realize i am doing it and i just have to stop it. i love to watch tv, i do try to fold laundry or go through my daughter school papers, while i am watching tv. some stuff that is only s day foods have to be in the house, i have a really healthy daughter who knows her junk limits, (i taught her welll) and a hubby who doesnt have a weight problem . isnt my email address in my profile? i will check. i would love to talk to with you. oh, i did have a great successful day. it is around 10:00 pm, and i am hungry, cause i ate a really early dinner so i could take a 30 min walk with my daughter before it got dark. around 5:30 dinner was done. but my teeth are flossed and brushed so i will wait till breakfast to eat. be talking to you.
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:42 am

How are U dewn?
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:37 pm

my computer crashed. i am using my husbands computer. anyway, i was still diet hopping , i keep letting people talk me into different diet plans, and my moms diabetes was getting worse cause she wasnt taking care of herself, i got scared again was going going to follow a dibetic diet. but failed , my girlfriend at work is trying to talk me into going to ww with her in jan, she is starting. i like this way of eating and am really gonna try to do this. i honestly dont know why i keep binging and compulsively eating everything in sight. well gotta go to work and gonna try again.!!!
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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:14 am

Diets don't work. They fugg up your metabolism and cause states of ketosis (starvation) if you don't eat enough which makes it even tougher on you to lose weight. Then when you go back to eating normal meals you gain it all back, then some!

Reinhardts plan works...it is for every day eating..it is a lifestyle choice FOREVER. The weight does not drip off...but it does come off eventually at your bodies own pace.

Compulsive eating is something we all struggle with here. We all have our own reasons for doing it. That 21 day journey is short enough that you can handle it! Trust me - IT IS HARD! But when is anything worth having easy anyway? NEVER! It is only 3 weeks out of your entire life that you need to be strict with yourself. After that it becomes such a habit that you only overeat occaisionally for most people. It's just getting past that first 3 weeks.

It is a lifelong decision to protect your health. You are either going to eat healthy now or eat healthy later. You might as well do it now. You have the tools and we are all here for you. Feel free to email me at anytime and you can IM me as well for a quick chat.

One success at a time...when you fall down just get back up and do it again until there are fewer and fewer failiures & more & more successes. It's taken me almost 4 months to get better...and I'm no where near perfect but I notice changes since August.

I wish you peace, calm & understanding to make your informed decision about your life.

Good luck!
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Post by pangelsue » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:58 am

Hi there. Been a while since I posted. Sounds like you are having some difficulties. Maybe some reality check would help. It sounds like you are going to stay with the deli job. That means you have to learn to stop the snacking there. It is just compulsive behavior and like Reinhard has said several times, habit, habit, habit. The longer you do it, the easier it will get. But do you REALLY want to do it. That is the battle I was fighting. I had to stop long enough to find out the answer to that question, first. Do you really want it or do you want to want it? I am trying to really want it but to date I think I was only wanting to want it. Know what I mean?
You are at the deli 4 and a half hours. Maybe make up your mind to eat a large plate of food right before work and then eat a large supper after work. Skip eating anything, ever at work. Tell yourself, I NEVER eat at work and mean it. If you want something, take it home and eat it for supper but never, never eat at work. Might help. Just a suggestion though.
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Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:27 pm

panglesue, i understand what you are saying about "wanting to want it" that makes sense. i would love to live the no s life. i just have to stop jumping on the band wagons, people can talk me into doing stuff when it comes to losing weight by a specific diet, but i always fail. well i guess it is time to talk myself into living a no s lifestyle and stop listening to everything else. yes, i think you might be on to something by telling myself not to eat at work, cause it seems like once i start picking i cant stop. we arent allowed to take things home, we would have to pay for it then, but it might be a good thing. thanks for your post.

hi busy, deep down i know the reality for me is, diets dont work. but then there is part of me that keeps saying if you just try one more time(ww or some other diet) you might succeed this time. but that never happens. i have to learn to be around food and not eat when i am not hungry. i know this is gonna be hard and i am always afraid of failing but i am also afraid if i dont get control of my eating i will end up with diabetes and all the other health problems my family has. i am so sick of talking about losing this weight, i just want to do it!! thanks for both of your support. i know i am not the easiest person to support. i will truly give this an honest effort, after all it is how i will have to eat for life right??
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by hexagon » Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:13 am


I agree with Pangelsue. I think you have to be at a point in your life where you really want to take the responsibility for your health.

I feel that many of us ran to programs like WW because we somehow didn't want to bear this full responsibility, or we felt that we could buy motivation and drive. We have to have this motivation and drive already. Sometimes, if a lot of other stuff is going on in our lives, this might be extremely difficult, and it could be better to wait for a better time to deal with weight loss. Of course, only you'll know when the time is right for you. This might sound like a cop-out, but let me illustrate what I mean.

Many months ago, long before I'd found the No S website, I'd already developed many ideas about weight loss that were the same as or very similar to those on this website. However, I was flying all over the country for job interviews, applying for fellowships/government grants (this is a thankless, time-consuming process), writing a dissertation, and working. I was working on all of this stuff non-stop. After all of this stuff ended, I worked abroad for a few months in a country where I couldn't speak the native tongue, which can be extraordinarily stressful (believe me, just figuring out how to use a washing machine can be an adventure). Anyhow, even though I'd packed on an extra 10 pounds from dissertation-writing and I felt I'd figured out a good way to lose weight, I made a deal with myself to not freak out too much about it until I reached a more steady spot in my life. I felt I just wouldn't have the mental/spiritual energy to do it and I'd be stretched too thin. I think this was a smart decision. When I came back to the U.S. and had some breathing time before starting my new job, I jumped onto the wagon and things went pretty well. (Now, I should have applied this same thinking to when I moved away from friends and family to a new job in a new place, which I did in mid-October...I was expecting a bit too much from myself. After freaking out and beating myself up about not doing a perfect job through this transition period, I waited until things stabilized a bit more and got back onto the wagon, as you can see from my check-in postings, sick days excluded.)

Now, if you are ready, here's my take on some practical approaches...

Again I think Pangelsue has some good ideas. If you see something that's tasty at work, tell yourself that you can take some of it home with you and eat it at dinner. Probably by the time the end of your shift rolls around, some of your desires will have faded.

If this really doesn't work, maybe instead of going "cold turkey" try bringing in your own food for a mini-meal. I know it takes some planning, but one thing I did at my previous workplace, which had a lot of gluttons (okay, that sounds mean of me, but they were pigs) constantly bringing in garbage was to draw the rule that I'd only eat my own food, and I'd bring in whole meals and good stuff. You don't have to do it every day, but you could, for example, bring in a bag of good apples so you'll have them for the week.

Ditch the WW, unless you really like the way the meetings are run. I really thought WW sucked, though. First, instead of making you really think about what you eat like a grown-up, it just makes you obsess over those stupid points. Plus, I don't know about the WW you attended, but mine was such a total waste of time, and insulted my intelligence to boot. Instead of talking about how to address the real psychological issues many of us have with food, they would talk about how skim milk had less points than whole milk. DUH! I wanted to scream at them "I can count perfectly well, it's my emotions about food I can't handle!" Plus, with the no-fat emphasis of WW, I was really hungry a lot. A bit more protein and healthy fats can go a long way. Also, whoever developed the WW recipes must like their food really bland.

If you feel you're really ready to get going on No S (or just being healthier in general), best of luck to you, and I support you all the way!


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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:54 pm

i made it through day 2. it feels great to be in control and know that i can say no. my husband and daughter just walked in from the store and are putting candy in the christmas candy dishes and they bought some really good stuff. i had dinner already and am truly full. so i didnt eat any, i said besides if i really want it i can have to tomorrow which is an s day. hex, i appreciate your support and thanks for sharing the ww story, it does sound like the experience i had. you make lots of sense. i am ready. i mean really ready. so i will listen to everyones advice and suggestions.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:47 am

You did great. One day at a time. One saying NO at a time. You can do this. You have made that commitment to yourself and your family. Follow through and you will not be sorry. Losing this weight is the equivalent of getting educated - it is NEVER a waste of your time to be healthier. And lets face it, its so much better looking into that mirror at a much smaller arse now isn't it?

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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:20 pm

not doing good. been without a comp, hubby got us a new one so we are in the process of getting new email address and hooking up comcast service. it is almost ready, . i have to now get rid of compuserve. been a busy and exciting time of yr, i hope everyone had a great christmas. christi i hope i can get your email into my new comp i never put it in this one. maybe i will see if you emailed me and old email i will send you my new email, if not i can always get on this site. talk to you soon.
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blah blah blah

Post by want2bhealthy » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:29 pm

that is what this post is going to sound like. i got a great new comp. on jan 1 i am starting in with my whole heart and soul but i really need to pay attention to how much makes me full at my meals, i have a problem with portion control. so when i fill my plate up ,even though i dont go back for seconds, i feel like i have eaten enough where i did go back for seconds, even thirds. does that make sense. so when i do this, i am going to really just portion out a "normal" size serving. been overeating and drinking, and for 2 weeks not excercising, been feeling crappy but motivated all at once. i know i said it before(hence the blah blah blah) but i really am ready to commit to this. i know i have to stop singing it and start bringing it. have a great new year all.
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Post by pangelsue » Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:33 pm

Best of luck in the new year. I am with you on the blah, blah, blah. Me too. We can make it if we can bring our actual deeds up to our desires. We both want it. We just don't do it. There is a website called The Reasonable Diet.com. I know nothing about the diet because it costs a fortune to try it. But the woman who designed it is on the radio weekly and has a spotlight called 6 minutes of sanity. The spotlights are all on her website as free pod casts. You can click on them and listen for no charge. She describes her diet as "the-diet-for-people-who-know-what-to-do-but-just-can't-make-themselves-do-it." They are very interesting and informative and there is a lot of common sense advice.
Seriously though, you and I can do it this year. One meal at a time. Every meal we make it right, we are ahead. Skip the ones we don't. The gal who did the pod casts I mentioned above, has one about the good girl/bad girl. If a child did one bad thing like hit a playmate, we wouldn't say "you are a bad child" but we might say "it is not nice to hit anyone". Similarly, if the child hug a playmate, it is not helpful to tell the child "you are good and perfect child" because when the child does something wrong, they feel like they have failed us totally. We could rather say "what a nice thing you did just now.' That way the child can know exactly how he or she is doing at any given time. She suggests that we do the same thing with dieting. To say, I blew my diet makes us all bad and I am on track makes us all good and vulnerable to feeling like a failure when we inevitably mess up. She suggested going meal by meal without judgement. If we have a meal on track, we acknowledge success and note what we did to make it happen. If we go off track we note what happened to contribute to it and makes plans to try and avoid that behavior in the future. We judge each individual behavior and as long as we try to learn from it, we are never failures.
Again, have a great new year. As long as you continue to try, you can not be a failure.
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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:55 am

You're gonna make it after all.... as the song says.
Just keep at it. Its not a short term thing. Its permanent. You have to allow wiggle room and not get off the plan forever.
How is your new computer? Don't you love it? I love new computers (well, not the work of putting all my info on there again!) but I love how fast and shiny they are! LOL

my email is: christi@kentelectricinc.com or socalchristi@hotmail.com

Reach me anytime. I only have your old one... the one that starts with "a"? Yeah, thats it. Anyway.... We are here!
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think i am gonna make it

Post by want2bhealthy » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:44 pm

hi gettnbusy. thanks for the encouragement. almost made a huge mistake, was actually gettting talked into starting ww meetings from someone at work, but luckily she decided to do it on line, i was going to have to tell her i cant do that plan. doesnt work for me. i did pretty good today, but lunch was very light a cup of soup and a piece of cheese and a slice of turkey and tomato all wrapped up. when i got home around 3 i was hungry, i had some air popped popcorn plain. well a little salt on it. now i know if i dont have a good lunch i wont make it till dinner. i am living and learning. i am excited for the new yr and hopefully the new me!! hope you are doing well.
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:17 pm

Keep it up, every time we pick up something to eat..PAY ATTENTION. Don't eat blindly, eat well. If you indeed are hungry...eat an apple or a handful of nuts. I don't even bring crapy stuff into my home cus I'll eat it!! I havent seen a potato chip in 4 months!

We can do it one meal at a time....

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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:32 pm

wow no chips, you are in control. i have lost 4 lbs so far. i need to start posting again though. even though i lost 4 lbs i am still at square one cause over the holidays i gained 4 lbs i was back up to 198, scared me cause i said i would never see 200 again. so i am more determined then ever. i also excercised twice this week i have to do better then that. have a great day. thanks for still supporting me.
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:29 am

Keep on going. I dont want to see you at 200 #'s either!

Rah Rah Rah... I'm cheering for you...

Good job on the 4 #'s :)
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Post by want2bhealthy » Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:56 am

gettnbusy, thank you soooooooooooo much for your support but here i am now, i am not quitting!! have been eating uncontrollably when i get out of work in the afternoon. the deli is slow right now, and if it is slow sometimes we have to clean something, which i hate. or we leave early. so my hubby isnt home or my daughter isnt home from school yet so i get home and eat and then i am tired cause i am so overweight so i lay down. on fri i ate and was done at 3:00 then i laid down then cleaned off angelinas book shelf to give to needy children, and that brought back so many memories of how i read these childrens book and how she loved them and got so excited about them, i started getting so down. i didnt have an appetite till 12:00 on sat. i think i am going through some mini depression. i love reality shows and i see all these young kids in love and going through partying and feeling a relationship for the first time and it was one of the happiest times of my life. when i was young thin and enjoying life.i miss that. i want to be energentic again, i want to be full of life again. i wont get there unless i lose this weight and feel like me again. it is hard and i am going through one of the toughest times in my life right now. i want to conquer this now!!!!
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time to get back to business

Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:26 pm

mini melt down done!! i think i need to post on the 21 day challenge again. as of yesterday i was 194. so not losing much but i am not on program 100% either. excercise was good last week. only once this week. i will try harder on that. so, this is where i am at now.
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melt down back

Post by want2bhealthy » Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:52 pm

hi, i have failed again. i dont know if it was pms or what, but i made my last weekend of s days binges. i felt disgusting, then just found it hard to get back with the program on monday. i am starting the new yr with my old problems. i always say on this plan there is no need to cheat, but yet after a few days, i wind up not making it without wanting to snack in between meals , then that of course sets my appetite off. now these kinds of thoughts are running through my head again,, i am doing horrible. i feel like crap am due for me period anytime now. this wk no excercise at all. girlfriends are visting from all over on feb 22 i saw them about two yrs ago and i still am heavy. i am doing the , get up in the morning and what diet can i hop on everyday thing again. i said it before i can control myself at breakfast and lunch but once i am home and start eating dinner i cant stop. i have got to figure out why i do that. at first it is hunger but then i eat way beyond feeling full and eat junk. i guess i need to eat dinner and immediatly go brush and floss my teeth. then do the dishes. i was also thinking about getting lean cuisines or ww frozen entrees just for dinner, so everything is portioned out for me, have maybe a glass of milk , a veggie or salad with it and maybe a lowcal dessert oh wait we cant have dessert, during the week maybe a fruit. i also was thinking of maybe trying the dexatrim max, where you add the mix to your water. like i could eat a big breakfast take the d exatrim and hopefully it will help me not pick at the deli and have a light dinner. i really wanted to go to wal mart to check out other appettite suppressants but it is so cold here, and i will be going food shopping tonight so i just have to be satisfied with getting something at the local food market. i feel so bloated and big. i am so afraid i will stay here for ever. from anyone who has followed my posts do you think this plan is for me? i mean i am a binge eater, so maybe with the s days this isnt the plan for me,i want it to be, oh i am just so mad right now. i dont know what else to say.
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Post by Kevin » Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:06 am

Maybe you should start differently.

First, don't expect 100% success. Until you develop that habit, it won't happen.

No-S is simple, but it isn't easy. It takes practice. It takes coaching yourself. It takes some will. You work in a place of excess - that's a tough one to get past.

I know that the most difficult times I have are when I'm preparing a meal. When that's the case, I set out raw veggies to eat when I need something in my mouth. Carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, etc. It works for me. Is it cheating? probably, but if a handful of cucumber slices keeps me from eating half a pepperoni,

After dinner, you have to find something else to do. Not something passive, something active.

Good luck. Keep at it. It's not a race, it's a habit. If you manage to lose 2 pounds a month, where will you be in a year?
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:36 pm

thank you kevin. i hear you, and thanks for the great advice. i actually had a great day yesterday cause i did decide not to quit. i have no patience at all. i still think there is a magic something out there that will get this weight off quick. that is my problem. the veggies are a good i dea, i do have a problem with wanting to pick while i am cooking too. i will hang in there. well i went food shopping last night and chickend out on the dexatrim, i was reading it and it has the ecc drug in it supposed to be a natural caffeine. i am just afraid it will make my heart palpitate and keep me from sleeping. also totally forgot about getting the lean cuisine and ww dinners. so i am gonna try to stick with the no s on my own. i went on this site yesterday and reading some posts, it talked me "off the ledge" one women said it took her a month to stick with it to finally realize that she wouldnt be deprived of anything she wanted and that she wouldnt starve to death if she waited 5 hrs in between meals to eat. see with this plan you have to be patient , which i have no patience at all. people promise if i stick with it, stick to the rules, eventually you will train your body to eat less naturally. i really did well yesterday. but the motivation for excercise is just not here this week.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
starting fresh july 1-09
wt 207

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