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Searching the site problem

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:53 am
by Graham
Well, is it just me, or what? I want to search old postings for specific topics, and I'm used to being able to put a phrase between inverted commas "-" and have that give me really specific results.

I was looking to see if anyone had posted on "Fast-5" and made the mistake of putting "Fast 5" in the search box and got over 1,000 hits - many of them just about things that were fast, but not to do with fasting - see my problem here?

How do I get good at focusing my searches to find the stuff I want to know about amongst the postings on this forum? Could the search function be tweaked to permit phrases to be used as search terms?

Any help/advice gratefully received. Regards,


Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:25 pm
by reinhard
Hi Graham,

Sorry for the ridiculously late reply.

The phpbb search function is a little goofy.

I'm planning on doing a major site overhaul some in 2010 and porting everything either to drupal or django (still on the fence about which to use). So the search (and everything else on the site) will get MUCH better -- but it will take a little while to implement.

In the meantime I don't want to mess with the phpbb code a whole lot because I just don't think it's a good investment of the scarce amount of time I can spend on tech tweaks.

But thanks for bringing it to my attention -- I'll certainly keep this issue in mind as I'm doing the upgrade.


Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:29 pm
by reinhard
I might just upgrade to phpbb3, actually...

The drupal and django bulletin board modules just don't look up to snuff. The BB is the heart of this site and I don't want to compromise that just to use something with sexy internals.


Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:02 pm
by Spudd
I run another bb and I found the upgrade to phpbb3 to be quick and painless (relatively speaking!). I think it's worth it.