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Get Bloodwork!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:32 pm
by Dianamoon
I've already mentioned this on another thread I started, but I thought it was a good idea to urge everyone to get bloodwork done. This is true in general but particularly if you are starting a weight loss program. I used to be the biggest scoffer on earth for all the reasons you can imagine. Then I found out I had high blood sugar ("prediabetes") and it explained why I was conking out in the middle of the day, couldn't walk more than a block without listing to one side, and was thirsty all the time. Thank whatever we caught it in time.

I'm guessing that the vast majority of people here aren't looking to get in better shape, they want to lose weight. Being overweight, or overfat, puts you at increased risk of a variety of metabolic disorders. So in the interests of self-knowledge, get these tests:

1. Ha1c (glucose)
2. Thyroid
3. Lipid panel

There's a bunch of others, but I think those are the top three. Talk about it with your doctor. Knowledge is power.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:33 pm
by eschano
Thanks Dianamoon. I was actually considering a full blood work so this might have pushed me over the edge. I'll do it in August for a variety of reasons.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:39 pm
by Dianamoon
eschano wrote:Thanks Dianamoon. I was actually considering a full blood work so this might have pushed me over the edge. I'll do it in August for a variety of reasons.
Thank you! I'm happy to see that my words convinced another person to do this.

I think a lot of us put these things off because we don't want to be hypochondriacs, and it seems "weak." I know I felt that way.

My doctor also was about to put me on an anti-depressant because my symptoms were so nonspecific and seemed like depression. This really disgusts me, but whatever. I was the one who insisted on having blood work done, and it revealed my problems were physiological. I took immediate action and my mental fog lifted.

There are other things you should have tested which is why you should do more research, such as protein levels, Vitamin D levels, crp....I don't know anything about these so I won't speak of them - this you should discuss w/your doctor. But I do know about the Big Three. Get them, they are essential to understanding what's going on in your body.