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Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:10 am
by losingforgood
It's been a sketchy first month back, but I'm feeling good about finally committing to making NO S my lifestyle for eating. This week has been Very good so far.

Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:13 am
by losingforgood
lol I just realized I said loosing not losing. I'll take loosing, especially if that's what starts happening to my wardrobe at some point ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:26 am
by eschano
Hahahaha! That's hilarious. Glad you're back and committed!

Loosing's here, checking in

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:32 pm
by losingforgood
It's been a very good week so far, and it's almost over. This week, I have not felt the need or desire to snack, all of my meals have been healthy and I've been able to limit my carbs by eyeballing them instead of doing mathematical acrobatics. I love not having to count calories, carbs or fat grams. It's so constricting and it made me resent watching what and how i ate, which made me splurge even more when I did splurge. Now, I'm just thinking about what I want in each meal that's packed with nutrients, will satisfy me until my next meal, and is tasty! I refuse to give up taste just to eat healthier! I still indulged in some old habits last weekend, but not nearly as much as in the past. The only exception I've made to the no S rules has been having my orotein shake after my weight routines. I'm following the advice of my trainer on the timing of getting a quick-absorb protein post-workout. I feel stronger and more energized. And I finally feel FREE from the obsession that runs through my head about food. I always either obsessed over wanting to eat, or obsessed with quilt over having blown my goid eating habits. But I didn't do that this month. I counted even the smallest slip-up from the rules as a red day, said so be it, and moved on. And instead of letting that "so be it" turn into "forget it", I let my "so be it" turn into "tomorrow is a new day". I like this way of being with food. I hope I stay this way for life. Thank you Eschoona, for your encouragement. I really need the community interaction, just to remind me that I'm not alone in this. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:12 am
by automatedeating
Sounds like you are traveling the NoS road of freedom. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:02 am
by eschano
Sounds like you're having a brilliant week! Yay you. And I think if you have a protein shake mod that's great as long as it works for you :)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:18 am
by Sweetness

thanks for stopping by my thread! You are doing well. I love NoS, hope you stick with it and let the moderate habits work for you. 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:04 am
by snapdragon
What a wonderful start you made! Good for you!

Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:56 pm
by losingforgood
Thanks everyone! It has been good. And frankly, for the most part, not nearly as difficult to follow as the first go round. I don't know what switched, but something did. I don't go by the plate rule (don't know if this is a mod or not). I just figure out what I want for each meal, make sure the meal had as much variety of nutritious foods as I can, and try to make the portions if each food reasonable for me, which can vary depending on activity level and other factors. But I still limits the breads and other starches and there are no seconds happening. Most of the time, I don't even crave sweets, snacks or seconds on my no S days. But every so often I do. Lunch time was tough today. I purposely made my organic bread croutons for my salad at a time when I wasn't hungry, in order to reduce the temptation to munch on the bread while preparing them. That didn't matter, because the mental urge was screaming at me! Lol. I didn't cave though. If I had, then I would've had no croutons for my salad :p. so that was a small but HUGE moment of victory. As for my other habits, I haven't stuck to them very well this week. I don't know if I'm fighting something or if I over did it in the gym last week, but I've been wiped out the past few days. I know I'm susceptible to major fatigue and need to be careful about pacing myself when I exercise, especially with my increases. So I'm taking it easy this week because I have 2 house cleanings (Thursday and Friday) and I want to be ready for them. I'll resume my workouts next week if I don't get to them this week. I'll be feeling better by then.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:10 am
by Sweetness
I used to clean a big house. It would take me 6 hours and I would be exhausted and sore afterwards till I learned something. Take Lots of short breaks. I'm talking about sitting down for a few minutes every 45 minutes to an hour or so, with a longer break for lunch. I was able to actually finish sooner and was less exhausted. Hope you feel better!

Losing here, checking in

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:39 am
by losingforgood
My cleanings are 3-5 hours depending on the job. I charge hourly and try to finish in the time they pay for. I tried doing a whole house. It's too much. Usually there are rooms they want skipped. I might stop and stretch for a couple of minutes here and there. after I'm done is when I eat, throw my rags in the wash. and relax for a couple of hours before taking care of my own stuff at home. I just don't obligate myself do do any intense cardio during the weeks that I have cleanings, because one cleaning is equal to probably at least 3 cardio workouts (one workout being an hour). I still try to get my weights in though, because they help strengthen my back and core. Thank you party! I hope so too. I'd like to get to my weight routines this week, but i'm going to have to play it by ear and see how I feel Thursday and Saturday.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:39 am
by eschano
Great victory on the croutons and not small at all! Those are the successes we deal with. And completely agree with the cleanings being a massive cardio session. It's like shovelglove - purposful action!

Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:40 pm
by losingforgood

Yes it is a workout in and of itself. I used to do a whole more, just 5-6 years ago, until 2 personal events knocked me on the ground. All the prescriptions I was given only made me more exhausted. So, I've been kind of left to figure out on my own what combinations of rest, increase in activity, and nutrition, my body responds to best. It's still a work in progress. But In the past 5 years, I've gone from not even being able to go up the stairs to use the bathroom with out draining my energy for the rest of the day, to having an occasional house or 2 to clean, pumping serious iron in the gym 2-3 days a week, singing in my church choir, helping my church make peirogis for their peirogi orders, and Latin dancing on a Saturday night on occasion. Not too shabby I guess. Still not where I'd like to be though. It would be nice to be able to know exactly how to increase physical and mental activity and balance my rest to prevents relapses. So far, it's been a daily guess, and the best I've done is help my crashes be less often and less severe. As for the croutons? Man, the urge to taste test when I didn't need to, was Huge! I'm not against taste resting if it's for the purpose if actually making sure the seasonings are right. Then you only need a very tiny taste. But using "testing" as an excuse to cave to a craving for a preview of the final product is what gets me in trouble lol. Ugh, I'm rambling again lol.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:18 pm
by Sweetness
Losing, Looks like you're getting it figured out. Housecleaning is definitely a workout. I do my own instead of my regular workouts sometimes back in Minnesota. Here in Mexico I'm really spoiled, my cleaning lady is here today and she works hard for 5 or 6 hours for which I pay her about $15, and she's glad to get it.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:58 am
by eschano
I think you're doing a lot - should be proud of yourself to have come so far from not getting up the stairs without panting :)

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:22 pm
by automatedeating
losingforgood, you have really made remarkable activity improvements despite health challenges! You are an inspiration!

Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:47 pm
by losingforgood
Thank you everyone! That people see it after I describe where I was and where I am, is encouraging to me. It's so easy for me to feel like I haven't progressed at all whenever I have a relapse. But when I get reminders from outside sources on how far I've come, it makes my progress even more real for me, because they see it when I don't. I now have a friend who said that she wants me to put her through my stretching routine and back exercise and weight routine to save her back. She knows I 'm not trained or certified, bit she wants me to be her personal trainer. She even said she 's support me if I ever decided to become a trainer. She sees that as my gift, working with people who face similar challenges that I do. Now THAT blew my mind!

Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:50 am
by losingforgood
Well, last week a went very well. Today went well, but it's not over yet ;). The weekend wasn't bad concerning portions, but I had a lot of carby/starchy food, which wasn't good, especially yesterday. Yesterday was Orthodox Sunday, and some of us from my Ukrainian parish visited a Greek parish a hour away for their evening Lenten service... Which was beautiful, btw. They had a very nice Lenten meal afterwards, but it was pasta, rolls and starchy desserts. I'm exempt from strict adherence to the Fasting seasons and days because of insulin resistance. I'm still figuring out how much I need to restrict carbs according to how my body responds to them. Any way, with that many carbs, I would normally have some meat and fat with it. Boy did it go through me this afternoon! I think if I go next year, I'll make sure I eat the way I need to during the day so I 'm not too hungry during the meal there, so that I don't eat as much.

Loosing here, checking in

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:06 pm
by losingforgood
Woo hoo! Now that my plateau is broken, I feel it's a good time to post some stats:

2003: 230 lbs

2006: 175 lbs.

2009: 200 lbs.

Fast forward to feb. 2013: 215 lbs.

March 13, 2014 (returned to No S for good in Feb 2013): 194 lbs.

I'm determined that today marks the end of yo yoing weight, , because I finally found a lifestyle of eating that I know I can stick with. Thank you Reinhard!

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:12 am
by automatedeating
Great progress!

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:48 am
by eschano

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:35 am
by MerryKat
Wow!!! Sounds to me like you are making huge strides forward & to regaining your independence from food! Congrats on your weight loss since Feb 2013 - That is fantastic!