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NoSnacker Daily Check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:03 am
by NoSnacker
Anyone out there that remembers me? Not sure who is left since the last time I was on here.

I'm hoping to give this another shot after a few attempts. I was feeling great about things when I did. I just totally let the weekends do me in, well I did me in of course but my weekends were not so good for me.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to get a clean slate going here and get some green days under my belt.

Any words of encouragement



Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:05 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm still here....and I definitely remember you!! Great to see ya :)

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:47 pm
by jw
I just joined a few months ago, but welcome back anyway! You're brave to start again right in the middle of the holidays!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:28 am
by eschano
Welcome back! You can do this! Can't wait to read about your journey.

My first day back was a success!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:57 am
by NoSnacker
My first day back wasn't bad at was actually kind of freeing to wake up this morning knowing I followed the No S vanilla.

I know it is a bad time to start with holiday's around, but I was back to tracking calories and going way over leading to over snacking and weight gain.

12/4 - Success!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:29 pm
by herbsgirl
Welcome Back! :D :D :D :D Yes, I remember you! We wrote on each others threads quite a bit!


Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:02 am
by NoSnacker
2nd day back on No S and I have to say I can taste the freedom..

I think I'll do a 21 day habit

12/4 N - Success
12/5 N - Success
12/6 N - Success
12/7 S -
12/8 S -


Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:08 am
by NoSnacker
Day 3 - :mrgreen:

Yesterday was day 3 of getting clean again with No S. It was a tad tough yesterday with being hungry. Ate lunch early around 12:00ish, planned to stop at the store on the way home after work...boss called and I didn't leave as planned and didn't eat dinner until 7:00, I was starving.....I did eat enough at lunch but going that long between meals was not good....especially starting out again..

Going to dust off my book and read again just for some more mental preparation..

Weekend here hope to allow myself some freedom but in moderation last time my binge eating took hold me...and it just escalated to full binging daily.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:43 pm
by herbsgirl
Getting back to No S! Have a wonderful day :D

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:29 am
by NoSnacker
Saturday - 12/7

Success - binge free day

Did have 1 dessert
Followed 3 squares

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:12 pm
by oolala53
You're here!

I think for your purposes, this is a great time of year to start. Not to crow, but did you look at the thread called "How do you handle the holidays?" I think there is a lot of value in going through the holidays making the effort to eat sanely, and I left a rather long message about how to think about it so that it doesn't just seem like, poor me, giving up all this good food.

This time around, you have permission NOT to eat just because you can on S days. The average French person, even with desserts, eats about 1/10th of the sugar an American does, but doesn't feel deprived. She revels in the variety of flavors and textures at lunch and dinner (since breakfast is very routine). And she doesn't consider permasnacking a pleasure at all. It ruins her appetite, and appetite is central.

I'm on your side!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:17 am
by NoSnacker
Sunday - 12/8 - Success - binge free day

Thanks Oolala, I like this little section especially from your reply. I so have dropped the whoaaaa eat whatever and whenever I want on the weekend..
oolala53 wrote:This time around, you have permission NOT to eat just because you can on S days. I'm on your side!
I'll check out the post,,girl if anyone can crow it is you! :D

As for starting around the holidays, I don't have much going on in ways of parties and food all over the place I've posted homemade Christmas cookies around would spell disaster for me.

My goal for the weekends is "Binge" free..yet allowing myself the freedom to have a snack, seconds or a sweet..."a" "one", etc. is key.

Thanks again for the extra permission...I needed to see that....

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:52 pm
by herbsgirl
A binge free S day! Keep it up!

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:30 am
by NoSnacker
12/9 - Success

I posted on the general thread my past patterns...If it were positive I would have posted to the yearly check in.

One big lesson learned from my 2 attempts once in 2011 and once in 2012 was WEEKENDS are not meant to be free for all, GREEN light to binge...this type of thing carries into the weekday causing it just harder and harder to get back on track.

So the one big thing I'm changing this time is my weekends are going to be "Moderate" - sticking with 3 squares and allowing a snack, second, or sweet whichever..but not a 2nd or 3rd helping of chips...or 2 snacks or 2 was too much for me to bare...

So on to round 3, hoping to success this time with small fails along the way but not due to weekend binging.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:48 pm
by oolala53
If that sounds fair and reasonable to you, go for it. Remember that it might NOT sound so fair in moments of temptation, but remembering your past regrets will help.

I'm sorry in a way that you had to come back because I know it's probably been painful living with disordered eating in the meantime, but I'm also glad you're ready now. Relapses CAN lead to more sober determination, and that is a good thing!

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:13 am
by NoSnacker
12/10 - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!
oolala53 wrote:Relapses CAN lead to more sober determination, and that is a good thing!
I think you hit it this one right on the head!!!

I know it won't be easy at times and I have to remember that..and I also joted this down from the book!

"Don't let the complicated perfect be the enemy of the simple good enough".

Someone pointed out on my other thread a couple questions..that I found interesting...check out my response if you have time.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:27 pm
by jw
Thanks for looking in on my thread, NoSnacker! Sounds like you are doing great!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:03 am
by NoSnacker
12/11 - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

I was reading a little more this morning and I was happy to read that some succeed the first attempt, some the 12th, the bottom line from what I took in is that this is doable, regardless of attempts, just never give up...this is my serious 3rd attempt where using the habit cal..I love the habit cal!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:40 pm
by oolala53
Not giving up making the lapses shorter is key. Long term loss maintainers failed many times before they realized they just had to stop letting slip ups derail them for days, weeks, or years at a time. It's not earth-shaking to hear; it's just earth-shaking to DO. Get back on the plan as soon as possible. And that will vary. That's why "the plan" has to be as fair as possible.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:10 pm
by NoSnacker
Oolala, such sound advice...

I guess I'm here for the ride, be it bumpy or smooth. I feel good about it this time, in hopes I succeed to be what normal must feel like when you don't have to try anymore except during week moments.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:36 am
by automatedeating
I have just used my house calendar to mark green days, but it has been impressive to see your journey with habitcal. I'm almost convinced to give it a try...!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:22 am
by NoSnacker
12/12 - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

My day yesterday!
Well it was fine during the morning hours of work with regards to no snow, but the time I left work it was a blizzard, took my normal 10 minute drive to over hour if not more, my gas empty light came on and I thought oh great we didn't fill up the car...anyhow things started to clear up and I was able to stop at the store and gas pump...

While walking through the store I was so stressed from the drive everything was looking good, the chocolate especially.....all the christmas goodies out in full force...

I did make it home and thankfully I had left over chili and some rice in the fridge so dinner was quick.

So I never thought I was a stress eater, just a boredom eater..well the way I wanted to crunch, have something, just anything, made me realize "yes Deb you are a stress eater as well"..

But happy to report my day was "green". Found some tasty tea at work apple and cinnamon, really really good and hit the spot for after lunch when I always want something sweet

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:04 pm
by jw
I've had that experience in Buffalo, NoSnacker! I went on a bus trip to a museum there for a 2-hour presentation. When we went in, the sky was blue and the pavements were bare, when we came out, there was a blinding blizzard and the whole world was white! Gotta love that lake effect!

And it makes you hungry -- chili was the perfect thing to have waiting!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:53 pm
by oolala53
Deb, I still sometimes have to try in weak moments, but most moments aren't weak. I still marvel at being able to walk down the candy or cookie aisles of the 99cent store without really wanting to pick up a thing. I can even look right at all of it. But I didn't put myself through that in the beginning unless it was a weekends. Now it's just because I'm walking through the store. And once in awhile, I get something for an S day.

The great thing about No S is that it combats eating for most non-hunger reasons: stress, boredom, loneliness, etc. Doesn't matter why. If it's not mealtime, NO CHOICE. (Judith Beck recommends even writing that on an index card and looking at it periodically during the day. Then it starts popping into your mind on its own, too.)

So proud of you getting home for your chili and rice. Worth waiting for!

Here's to a green Friday.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:28 pm
by NoSnacker
So far my day is going having my favorite, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and turkey sausage..has been awhile!!

Made sure I ate enough at each meal...k

Off for now!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:57 pm
by automatedeating
Congrats on surviving the storm (of weather and temptation). ;)

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:22 am
by NoSnacker
12/13 - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

I've re-read the "I'm an Emotional Eater! When I'm Depressed, Food is my Only Comfort" from the No S book. Actually posted the whole section in sparkpeople as well as the link to Amazon in case any of my spark friends would like to check it out purchasing the book.

And bottom line is "strictness" for me is key. So my weekend is here...and my mindset is 3 squares, 1 sweet snack - which is cheesecake that I bought. I'm hoping with my boundaries and 1 self-indulgent I will keep on track. Hence read the above reference section knowing it will reinforce my not going with the WTH effect, as guess who I'm hurting most, when the binge is done I'm left with myself to deal with still in worse condition emotionally and physically.

I have a hiatal hernia...and I bet it was caused from binging..the stomach can only hold so much food....and so not good for the heart..when binging one seems to forget the damage being done to the body...yik.'s to a moderate weekend!

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:26 am
by NoSnacker
JW, Oolala, Automatedeating..............

Thanks all of you for stopping by!

Oolala I do have the Beck book, maybe I will make up some cards...I remember that one "NO CHOICE" - makes more sense to me now!!

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:45 pm
by NoSnacker
So far for my Saturday so good....

Ate only brunch today as I was busy running around Christmas shopping...getting ready to eat dinner and thennnnnn have my special piece of cheesecake...whoaaa....

I can't wait to stop thinking of the whole process....done with the book almost...

How does one stop thinking of this all the time....??? Beat can get tiring...

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:09 am
by MJ7910
i used to constantly think about food. that's why i was counting calories and so concerned with exercise. now i am getting a lot better with it. i have taken my mind off of it to some extent. i ocasionally decide to start a new exercise program and get excited about that but other than that, i don't get too worked up anymore about food. which is awesome. i was a wreck about 2 years ago. sounds similar to what you go through with bingeing. i did that all the time. it has been about a year since a particularly rough time where i binged all the time on whatever... usually it was strange concoctions of whatever sweet stuff i was craving. now i still overeat every now and then but it's not nearly like it was. it's a very good feeling to step away from food. the first thing i had to do was view it as a "this is just what i'm doing" strategy, which was NoS. And yes, My first S days were crazy! And i did gain weight. but considering how restrictive i was with myself previously, of course i was going to gain weight. but then i found i got over the binges. i think you will too. you just need to give yourself time. your mind will slowly seperate from food thoughts all the time. you might actually think about other important things in your life . it is a great feeling and i know you'll be there if you stick with NoS. It's been almost a year for me.

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:13 am
by NoSnacker
12/14 S - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

So for my "S" days I'm still going to mark as green when I have a binge free day :)

I was surprised because I had leftover chicken which really lost it's taste and in the past I would just eat it, but yesterday I thought why would I eat such nasty tasting stuff and I finished off the rest of my dinner..

Had a small piece of cheese cake and 1/2 serving chocolate...k the chocolate wasn't planned, but was part of my dessert :)

Here's to Sunday...moderation is k!

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:19 am
by NoSnacker
MJ7910 wrote: but considering how restrictive i was with myself previously, of course i was going to gain weight. but then i found i got over the binges. i think you will too. you just need to give yourself time. your mind will slowly separate from food thoughts all the time. you might actually think about other important things in your life . it is a great feeling and i know you'll be there if you stick with NoS. It's been almost a year for me.
Just what I needed to hear...there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks MJ7910!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:57 am
by NoSnacker
12/15 S Day - Was a "Food Gone Wild" day....

I know an "S" day, but my goal this 3rd time around is NOT to binge on "S" days..

I didn't seem to care while in the midst of doing it, until after I was done I was not happy.

I posted my Habit Cal on another site I track "and the one red" against all the green is a reminder to me, that I'm succeeding not failing.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:33 pm
by oolala53
It's very hard to accept when the urge/desire to eat is there that "this is the moment" we're thinking about at other times when we say we don't want to binge or snack or whatever. I remember often thinking (in the beginning) in the car on my way home, as I was having very strong urges to stop and buy sweets or even a burrito that I would eat on the spot even thought I knew I had a dinner planned, "This is the moment. This is the moment I have to make the decision NOT to obey this urge." It was NOT fun! It was very uncomfortable. A part of me almost couldn't believe it.

You might consider for next week planning MORE S's in. Or you could stick with your original plan and try to plan specific, absorbing activities between meals. Or a composite of both. I paraphrase a psychologist I heard speak almost 30 years ago, who was talking to an alcoholic about her drinking. He said, "The question is not why you drink. Th question is what would you do if you didn't drink?" How will we fill our time when we're not eating? It can be harder to face than we want that we find so few activities as compelling as eating. But we're not alone, obviously, as so many people in our culture of food excess choose to eat rather than many other actions.

I admit that I spend a lot of time online, watching TV, or shopping (though not always buying.) I thought I was going to write a novel or end world hunger, or at least declutter, but here I am with pretty boxes stuffed with unorganized papers and shabby furniture (NOT shabby chic!), etc.. And you know what? This is fine, so far.

You CAN face this down, Deb.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:52 pm
by herbsgirl
NoSnacker-another thing that has really helped me is

For example if you want a goal to only have a certain amount of food or a certain amount of S days or S events, you can make a commitment and put money on it. I put 18 dollars on each commitment for each week. Studies show that if you put money on it, you are very likely to be successful. This may help you establish those habits for the long term and get you started good!!

It really helps!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:07 pm
by oolala53
BTW, I've read that this site actually put a limit on how fast dieters wanted to bet that they would lose weight because it was just too easy of money to make given how ambitious dieters often are.

Making the bet on BEHAVIOR is much more reasonable, though it sounds like you must be very honest.

Note that the weights the men on the site aimed for were not at the low end of the BMI. Also, for one of the men, if he is now 45 years old, he is lighter than 87% of his same-height peers, which in my mind is still rather ambitious. Women often choose weights so low that they try to be lighter than 90% of their peers or more. That is likely not a reasonable way to live or put yourself under betting pressure for. Even with our high rates of overweight or obesity, I think only a small percentage of women are meant to live comfortably at the low end of the BMI.

Although the author of this site sometimes refers people to the people's choice page, I find that it is even harsher than the BMI scale, at least for women. For instance, women in my age and height category say that they would not be content with their weight until it reaches 129 lbs, which is 16 lbs. less than I weigh now, and which would put me in the 6th percentile, or lighter than 96% of other women! And that BMI is still 21.5, not even the lowest in the normal range.

INHO, all the more reasons to choose behaviors.

I'm toying with using stikK for some decluttering goals.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:55 pm
by NoSnacker
Herbsgirl and Oolala, thanks so much for the valuable feedback...I'll take a look at my S day's and perhaps incorporate a couple of S's instead of one..what might have happened is I planned 1 and ended up having another and the guilt and WTH set in...

I know if I want to change bad enough I have to do something....

I'll go check out the site!

I'm not sure about betting against others as who knows if they are being truthful, right...we'll I better go check it out first before I make statements :)

Update, my BMI is 29.9.....and I love the site Oolala because I'm 5 4-1/2 inches and I haven't found one yet that fits me..expect now..I'll save to my favs! People's choice says I should weigh 146, I'm 177...I can live with that because I maintained 144 for a couple years a felt great!

Update: Herbsgirl..really cool site..I'll have to think of something..I'm trying not to focus on weight, maybe I can focus on reducing my BMI to 28..hasn't been that in a long time!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:02 pm
by oolala53
That is the BMI I was at when I started, though it might have been higher, as I discovered (drat) that I'm an inch shorter than I used to be, so my BMI was higher than I thought. I'm at 24.2 now.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:19 pm
by NoSnacker
Yes, I shrunk from 5' 5"......funny I would tell the nurse, no you must have that measurement wrong...but I guess not..we shrink as we totally stinks :)

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:28 pm
by herbsgirl
Yeah, I use the for other stuff too!!

Here is a list for an example:

-a comitment to eat slowly (1 minute average between bites)

-a comitment to do certain household tasks ect each day

-a comitment to exercise a certain amount (1 mile daily)

-a comitment to eat 3x a day

-a comitment to eat more normal sized bites on average

ect, ect... you get the picture, but Stickk has changed my life!

This alone has made a HUGE difference in my house being cleaner, the laundry getting done and having a cleaned up kitchen and bathroom. I commit to spending at least 20 mintues in the kitchen daily, 5 minutes in the bathroom, 1 more loads laundry daily ect, ect ect.

What makes the difference with Stickk, is that even if I dont FEEL like doing those things, I go ahead and do them anyway almost always because I dont want to lose the money! Plus, I really want the end result, ie... a clean house, a smaller body ect ect!!!

It just gives me a little more oomph to get started on things I really want to do but cant find enough push to actually do it faithfully!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:43 am
by NoSnacker
Herbsgirl, I like some of those commitments...I could use some cleaning around my house!!!!

Thanks for sharing!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:46 am
by NoSnacker
12/16 S - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

Yesterday was much better for me to get back on track after a crazy day on Sunday with food.

I'm ashamed to say I got into a bag of candy I bought for someone for Christmas on Sunday...NOW I have to replace :(

Thanks for everyone's support....

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:49 am
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:You CAN face this down, Deb.
Thanks so much for really helped me to have a successfully Monday.

AND congrats on such a nice BMI!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:51 am
by automatedeating
Glad you had a "S"uccessful Monday!! :)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:07 am
by NoSnacker
12/17 S - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!
oolala53 wrote:You might consider for next week planning MORE S's in. Or you could stick with your original plan and try to plan specific, absorbing activities between meals. Or a composite of both.
Hi Oolala, when you suggest More S's, is this for the weekends? I think so but wasn't sure..

And "You CAN face this down, Deb" is my new motto!!!!


Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:06 pm
by oolala53
Yes, more S's just for the weekends. Maybe two fist-sized snacks and one sweet after a meal each day? Just to give yourself a little more leeway.

I like your new motto.

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:48 pm
by NoSnacker
Oh, okay...I will try that....if it will keep a binge away... :)

My motto very well inspired...I can face this....


Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:18 am
by NoSnacker
12/18 S - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

My attempt this time compared to 2011 and 2012 seems almost like I've been doing this for awhile..and happy to report my obsessive thoughts seemed to have calmed down a bit. Feels like now that I truly know I have my fence/boundaries/strictness in place with following Vanilla No S as my plan and I tell myself "No Choice" and "it is OKAY to say NO to myself" doesn't hurt and I don't feel deprived..I think mainly because I'm ensuring I eat plenty at my 3 meals. And most importantly telling myself "You CAN face this down, Deb"...

Not sure if is okay to feel happy about it at the moment, but it does seem as less of a struggle during the other option...not the honeymoon phases I had before, just more or less relief and the sense of being back home :)

And on the weekend I will try to allow more S's as Oolala suggested in hopes it will help with my all or nothing thinking and my "Food Days Gone Wild".

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:58 pm
by automatedeating
NoSnacker, you sound different! You sound calm, determined and aware!
I noticed you have added some stats to your signature (I always like those!)

Did you ever sound so aware of yourself and your typical challenges in your previous two attempts? Something could be very different this time that will keep you NoSing for life. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:54 pm
by NoSnacker
automatedeating wrote:NoSnacker, you sound different! You sound calm, determined and aware!
I noticed you have added some stats to your signature (I always like those!)

Did you ever sound so aware of yourself and your typical challenges in your previous two attempts? Something could be very different this time that will keep you NoSing for life. :)
I feel different..I think this time I have decided to not have the free for all on the weekends..meaning going into the weekend without thinking I can eat whenever I want...having the 3 squares as my base and planned moderation of S's. I think I always remember how good I felt before...

Oh ya, AND no mods for me...I played with those the first 2 times...not a good idea..especially for those that allow sugar in their weekly plan, guess what eating sugar only makes one want more..our pleasure spot in our brains will want a fix more often!!

AND this time I'm not getting on the scale like a mad women, worrying if I'm gaining weight.

AND it is thought provoking questions that you send my way at times :)

OH ya and the support I receive from everyone... :P

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:15 pm
by oolala53
There is no guarantee what will keep binges away. Or should I say the urge to binge because in the end, we choose to binge or not. It's convenient if we don't get the urges, but it's not necessary. It can feel like we don't have a choice, but that is just the habit talkin'. Unless we are hallucinating, we pick up the food, chew, and swallow. When we really get that we can absolutely stop right in the middle of really really wanting the food, even spit food out, it becomes easier. We may not choose to stop, but that's a different issue. It doesn't make us criminals not to stop. It just means that at that moment, we are obeying the voice of habit, not the voice of resistance. If we can just think for one second, "I'd really like that food, but I can also not eat it. It's hard, but I can do it," it may be all it would take. It might not work some of the time, but even a few times can get the ball rolling.

I think the odds are with you this weekend, Deb.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:51 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:There is no guarantee what will keep binges away. Or should I say the urge to binge because in the end, we choose to binge or not. It's convenient if we don't get the urges, but it's not necessary.

I think the odds are with you this weekend, Deb.
Oh I'm sure I'll get the WTH hell urges and will fall on my face at some point because I'm human, but for today I feel good :)

Let's see what the weekend holds for me...I'm going to bet on me :) but we'll see...I don't want to be too cocky about things...

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:59 am
by NoSnacker
12/19 S - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

Yesterday, was a tad hard waiting until dinner because I had to eat my lunch early (noon) for a medical test....after a few errands on my way home stopped for a cooked chicken and added some sides..I also enjoyed a little applesauce.

I have some apples going bad so I'll make some homemade, I try to eat low GI which applesauce believe it or not is consider low on their charts.

Overall, glad I did pick up the chicken, who knows what I would have gotten into for dinner...

Oh ya, found some hot chocolate for the weekend, tad expensive but I thought as a treat.

I know I'm hungry, so I'm thinking of food :)

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:33 am
by NoSnacker
12/20 S - Success - No S Vanilla which means binge free day!

So the weekend is here...and I'm not going to lie, I hope I can keep to moderation...this is my third attempt at this and I rather not do the all or nothing thing with food..mostly it was permission to binge..."Food days gone wild"....

My latte machine arrived last night, so I'm going to have a cup on the weekends as to not become dependent on it. So excited....

I'm hoping to report tomorrow that my day was binge free :)

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:45 pm
by middleager
Hope it goes well!

Food Day Gone Wild - Sister's day indulgence

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:09 am
by NoSnacker
12/21 S Day - Binged

Reinhard - Podcast
You could even extend it to help with "S-days gone wild," a perennial concern. S days are always yellow. But if you aren't happy with them, qualify. You still can't fail on S-days, but you can still complain about them, systematically, and collect data on them that might help to make them less problematic.
I did pretty well until I decided to bring home the leftover Chinese and cheese cake...all of it ended up in my stomach. I'm also glad I don't have many social events happening in my life because once I feel I over did it, I just shift into the WTH gear.

When I got home I ate the leftovers....when I was NOT hungry and already full - to me this is a binge.

I ordered shrimps and mixed vegetables>>>>>and an egg roll ended up on my plate....
*Leftover pork fried rice (I didn't order it, was left overs)
*Sweet and sour chicken (again, didn't order it, left over)
*Cheesecake - two small pieces (I should have left behind!)

So mmmm check on my feelings....
1. I have to realize that today is a new day, and can be a moderate day!
2. Get right back into routine - my 3 squares and planned S's
3. Stay away from the scale :)
4. I made the decision to polish off the rest of this stuff--lesson learned--leave the leftovers--no reason for me to bring home,,,,but I think at that moment I decided I was going to eat it--so may have been no stopping me.
5. Most important thing>>>>>>forgive and forget>>>>>

So onward to start my day...guilt free...after a little dusting off.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:28 pm
by oolala53
Ah, yes. You sound like a different person from the one you were before. Binges happen. They do not signal permanent failure. You move on, treasuring N days.

Abut the French and Italians, I used reading about them to help me get and stay compliant to No S. That's all. Just knowing that whole slim cultures eat very similarly to No S helped me keep accepting that I was making the right choice to skip snacks, have a small breakfast (typical in both countries), and eventually limit myself to smaller meals. And not count calories. I don't try to copy their meals or cuisine. Just the habit of mostly three meals. It helps me realize I am not on a diet, and don't need to be.

Re: Food Day Gone Wild - Sister's day indulgence

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:15 pm
by Diligence
NoSnacker wrote:So mmmm check on my feelings....
1. I have to realize that today is a new day, and can be a moderate day!
2. Get right back into routine - my 3 squares and planned S's
3. Stay away from the scale :)
4. I made the decision to polish off the rest of this stuff--lesson learned--leave the leftovers--no reason for me to bring home,,,,but I think at that moment I decided I was going to eat it--so may have been no stopping me.
5. Most important thing>>>>>>forgive and forget>>>>>

So onward to start my day...guilt free...after a little dusting off.
What a great reflection and attitude to have! I'm proud of you! I feel the similar about things in the house that are no-no's for any given reason--that I need to polish them off to get them out of the house, but the reality is that I just should not have brought them in the house in the first place or should just let them sit for an S day or tossed rather than feeling compelled to just finish them off quickly to get them out.

Easier said than done. I find it much easier to see these things with some loved ones trying to lose weight -- that if they stopped bringing in the junk food that they wouldn't feel compelled to eat and would be able to stay on whatever plan they are on at the time. While I often avoid bringing in junk for that very reason, I, too, am guilty at times. It's then that I need to put things in perspective and make appropriate choices rather than throwing in the towel just because the temptation is there.

Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I hope you have a great week! :D

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:47 pm
by middleager
It seems like a good idea to review, plan for next time but forgive and move on. Good for you.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:54 pm
by MJ7910
Forgiveness is key. And realizing it is ok to skip an opportunity for an S-event, even on an sday. Took me a long time to not crave going out and getting a little treat in secret like oolala53 was saying. If I was out of town I still sometimes get a panicked feeling if I can't get in all the treats I want when I know a weekend is almost over. It takes several months to get comfortable with the idea that life isn't all about food. My s days were pretty wild my first few months but it has gotten a lot better. Don't shame yourself for messing up, especially on an Sday. Just know that it will even out if you stick with it. The good habits on Ndays will help out.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:59 am
by NoSnacker
MJ7910 wrote:Forgiveness is key. It takes several months to get comfortable with the idea that life isn't all about food. My s days were pretty wild my first few months but it has gotten a lot better. Don't shame yourself for messing up, especially on an Sday. Just know that it will even out if you stick with it. The good habits on Ndays will help out.
Thanks for this comment! So I was marking my S day's as Red when I felt it was a binge...I think for awhile so I don't get hard on myself I'll mark all yellow as an S event. When I see red, that is frustrating....I feel in my heart that I can make this work this time, they say 3rd times a charm. Mmm wonder where that came from...

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:24 pm
by middleager
I should do a search for the colour coding system I guess. I have just been putting ticks and crosses and Ss on my calendar. You know yourself and what you need to do, but it does seem a bit mean to yourself to do red Ss I think.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:07 pm
by oolala53
S days are yellow FOREVER. You can eventually have a separate calendar for modifications to S days. :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:34 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:S days are yellow FOREVER. You can eventually have a separate calendar for modifications to S days. :lol:
I feel much better seeing YELLOW for sure!!! NO tweaking I told myself straight up Vanilla and what did I do..tweaked....YELLOW to RED..duh..slipped right by me!!

Today so far I'm feeling good about sticking to my 3 squares.....I'm getting hungry right about now...

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:14 am
by automatedeating
Yay, NoSnacker! I am VERY glad that you are not putting reds on S Days anymore! You can NEVER fail on an S day!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:49 am
by NoSnacker
automatedeating wrote:Yay, NoSnacker! I am VERY glad that you are not putting reds on S Days anymore! You can NEVER fail on an S day!
Oh thanks sure took the pressure off and helped me to stay focused yesterday...

12/23; SUCCESS - vanilla........

I have to say I was looking forward to eating my 3 squares. Although at the time my over the top S days seem appealing, but in reality they do nothing for me except during the time it takes to scarf stuff down...before and after is a battle of the mind...and thinking of eating clean can be frightening coming back to a N day...

But like I said, I have been down this road and am recalling all my previous traps that caused my failure.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:27 pm
by MJ7910
NoSnacker wrote:
MJ7910 wrote:Forgiveness is key. It takes several months to get comfortable with the idea that life isn't all about food. My s days were pretty wild my first few months but it has gotten a lot better. Don't shame yourself for messing up, especially on an Sday. Just know that it will even out if you stick with it. The good habits on Ndays will help out.
Thanks for this comment! So I was marking my S day's as Red when I felt it was a binge...I think for awhile so I don't get hard on myself I'll mark all yellow as an S event. When I see red, that is frustrating....I feel in my heart that I can make this work this time, they say 3rd times a charm. Mmm wonder where that came from...
so glad you are not marking them red too! you know what, if i did that, my entire first month on NoS would be all red S days back when i was still bingeing. but guess what, it did get better. there are S days when i say "no, i don't really want that, i'm going to pass" it will improve! my first attempt at NoS was June of 2012. I gave up after only about a month and a half because I was gaining weight and frustrated with that. The reason I was gaining weight was because my body was starving! I was on an extreme diet for about a year before that and my body only ate 1400 calories a day to 1600 at most. any more than that, and i used to beat myself up. life is not worth beating onesself up over food intake! so yes, the second time I did NoS, i also gained. but guess what, i lost 3 of those pounds already. and i'm slowly working on getting not to my "goal weight" which is an arbitrary number, but where my body wants to be weight wise. and i want to trust that my body knows that. you will get there and it will get better.

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:18 am
by NoSnacker
MJ7910 wrote:
so glad you are not marking them red too! you know what, if i did that, my entire first month on NoS would be all red S days back when i was still bingeing. but guess what, it did get better. there are S days when i say "no, i don't really want that, i'm going to pass" it will improve! [/quote wrote:
Thanks a lot..this is very comforting to read..seems for the most part if one does NOT give in to the urge each day can get a tad easier for the most part.

Looking forward to one day saying, this is the way I eat "just because" it feels right for me..

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:20 pm
by NoSnacker
Yesterday was a mix of moderate and overindulging...I didn't get hungry until like 9:30 this morning.....

My friend stopped over and brought me some homemade Italian xmas cookies...they went right into the freezer until this weekend..I plan on having 4 on my S days..until they are gone.

In the past I would eaten the whole container and ended up friend is following No S with me so she was kind enough to bring a smaller container.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas..

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:24 pm
by automatedeating
So cool that you are doing NoS with a friend!

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:17 pm
by middleager
Putting the treats straight in the freezer is a great idea. I hadn't thought of that.

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:02 pm
by oolala53
I still sometimes use the freezer trick. For less perishables, I've sometimes left them in the truck of my car! I have forgotten at times they were even there.

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:52 pm
by NoSnacker
Ya not all that long ago, my husband bought me a bag of Cracker Jacks..they are in my cupboard...I totally forget I have them...I guess I really don't care to much for them now that I'm older AND that they are still here and I didn't binge on them regardless if I like them or not.

The freeze thing has worked with my cheesecake too..although on a bad night I almost decided to thaw one...and thankfully I said nope only for the weekend.

Have a great one my friends!

Forgot to mention, I had my son and grandkids over for pizza and wings today...I had my serving and SENT the leftover home with them....normally I would have kept it or went back for I seem to be getting full faster these days..and I KNOW if it stayed in my house, my N day would have went red...

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:48 am
by oolala53
You can actually wait for the cheesecake to thaw? :)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:44 am
by NoSnacker
Oh ya Oolala I don't like cold things :) except ice cream..even all my fruit has to be room temp..taste better to me.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:42 pm
by oolala53
Don't mean to belabor this, but following up on your thread on the general board...

When you say that "fence around the law" and being strict about moderation are reasons you're being able to stay compliant, are you aware that thoughts about these pop up in the day and help you stick to your meals? Or do you think having read about them actually helps you keep from even having the urge to eat come up and you don't think about it much?

I'm pumping you because I want to start a local real-life support group and want to be able to pass info along without people feeling they have to comb over years of this board, though of course they can. I don't want them getting discouraged at first because it doesn't just happen automatically or because they expect not to feel any desires to snack or eat more. I believe they have to be willing to have to be purposeful for at least awhile.

I think one of the biggest problems is that people expect that their desires for food will somehow match what they think they should be eating. They'll think, "I don't want to overeat anymore," but then fall apart when the thoughts come later to overeat! But it's a rare person who doesn't still want to overeat even though she thinks she shouldn't.

I believe a lot of people succeed by just coming to the conclusion that they may still actually want to overeat, but not as much as they don't want to. No S helps them get to that point. It's not that they never want to break the rules; it's just that breaking the rules will have results they aren't willing to live with anymore.

Plus the fact that there is still a lot of pleasure in eating, whereas with dieting, it can take a lot longer to realize you actually do still enjoy eating. It helped me that even before I started No S, I realized that I didn't prefer to eat a big serving of lasagna or other "non-diet" food all the time. Most days, rather simple stapes with nice commercial sauces were very pleasing. But I was still doing a lot of compulsive/binge eating of sweets outside of those meals.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:12 pm
by automatedeating
I'll chime in here, although I'm sure you meant your question for NoSnacker! :)
I deal with REPEATED, EXPECTED, and MULTI-DAILY desires to snack.

It took only a few weeks to break myself of the habit of actually picking up random food and eating it; but every day I have to prepare myself to confront the desire to eat random food that is around. "It's not an option," is the simple answer I tell my inner toddler. I have lots of other self-talk phrases, such as, "Don't worry, you'll get a nice meal soon,", and "You'll feel better after eating 3 regular meals today,"; and "Don't ruin your appetite with that snack,"; and "You are not a Snacker!". Sometimes I am more curt with myself, such as: "No! Go find something else to do!"

It is the rare day that I go more than 1 or 2 hours without thinking about snacking.

Eating a really big meal usually does hold off that urge for up to 3 hours, but beyond that, the urge is always there, hovering and waiting for me to give in.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:15 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:When you say that "fence around the law" and being strict about moderation are reasons you're being able to stay compliant, are you aware that thoughts about these pop up in the day and help you stick to your meals? Or do you think having read about them actually helps you keep from even having the urge to eat come up and you don't think about it much?
Truly I think it is because I made up my mind that during the week straight vanilla is the only way I can go about this. I think my past failures has a lot to do with this kind of thinking as well. My past failures is my motivation.

As far as my food, I do have to say I have been eating low glycemic foods for the most part, but I have started that before coming back to No S. I don't have foods that will make me have intense cravings..not sure if that makes a difference, they say it does....
Reinhard "How strict should you be? The stricter you are, the faster your habits will take hold. I find the fence around the analogy helpful because it keeps me from trying to evaluate potential exceptions on a case-by-case basis"
I remember getting very excited like I was going to get my fix when I would drive home from work thinking of the chips or nacho chips waiting for me to devour when I walk in the I know that I won't be doing that anymore...strange...

And truly Oolala a lot of the stuff you have said to me over the last few weeks has impacted me a lot and I attribute to my success so far. I think with the wealth of knowledge you have a support group that you start will be very successful. I think as long as they know it is normal to obsess at first and that really Vanilla is the only way to go..and with your support "You CAN beat this, Deb"...many can succeed. I would be willing to join your group virtually :)

Overall, I took a lot of what Reinhard said in his book to heart this time and realizing the urge will pass. It feels like the urges give up faster now..

I'm no where near S days being moderate at all, but hopefully someday they will be, the freedom of having them does help me.

I truly hope this time will be different for me..I mentioned on my other post about getting the book "Brain over Binge"....interesting concept that makes a lot of sense. Our urges that lead to binging really stem from dieting, from starvation during our younger years. I was both anorexic for a year or so which lead to binging. I feel hopeful...I do....

Will I fall on my face I'm sure I will...but for now I'm enjoying the freedom from the intense urges :)

If you like, I'll start jotting down notes when I have an urge and what I say and/or do?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:10 pm
by middleager
In the past, I have tried writing stream of consciousness about what i am actually telling myself when i have the urge to eat. It showed me what was really going on in my head AND gave me something to do apart from eating.

Hard wired habits

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:51 am
by NoSnacker
Yesterday I was thinking of food a tad bit more even though I did eat good size portions of food at my meals.

Thinking it is because I allowed myself to much freedom this weekend....let's say my meals are moderate but my snacking is not. And the stink of it is the stuff I was eating didn't do a thing for me even thought I love potato chips and my friends Christmas cookies. Oh ya, it did do something for me, felt like crap the next morning...didn't beat myself up though, kept thinking it will all work out.

Anything over moderation turns into mindless munching which is a terrible habit that my mind is hard wired to do. Hence, why building these new habits will rewire my brain.

Mindless munching be gone!

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:16 pm
by finallyfull
I think thinking about food begets thinking about food. When I am doing well, I quickly remember to "change the channel" -- and actually DOING something makes a huge difference. For instance, plunking my butt down to watch Love Actually for the third time this holiday season leads to lots of thoughts of food, while getting up and doing laundry and cleaning up the piles of Christmas clutter literally makes me forget about food entirely.

(For the record, I ate a bunch of chocolate and watched the movies and I'm not sorry! Don't have to be -- I'm on No S!)

I equate food thoughts with the desire to buy new stuff. I realize I will always want more -- new blankets, a new car, a trip, a new tree in the backyard, a shiny new coffeemaker -- whatever. I'm just built to think about "the next thing" -- but I don't buy it. I very rarely cave because I don't do debt, and I don't want to, so I just treat my desires like a kid asking for toys. The big difference with food is that it's all over, whereas I have to pick up a catalog or go to a store to be bombarded with messages for stuff.

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:17 pm
by oolala53
Deb, I gently suggest that you try to think of mindless eating as just a habit rather than a terrible one. That gives it too much importance. It's just a habit. I know you keep wishing that it would just go away on its own, but most habits don't. It's okay if you have to institute some way to limit yourself on weekends if you find yourself not being satisfied with a little snack here and there. Just don't expect that because you make the decision before the weekend that you will have your snacks on plates that it will not OCCUR to you to go back to your old habit. That desire will likely come even though you've decided previously to do something different. So what? The thought comes, it's difficult for a bit while you reaffirm that you want to either have your snack then on a plate, or wait and eat that food, whatever it is, on your plate at lunch, and then do whatever you do on N days between meals, or whatever. It can be hard to find something diverting to do to keep your mind off the urges, but it is key.

If it's not being too curious to ask, what DO you do on weekends? Is there a lot of very open time?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:02 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi Oolala, my weekends aren't really all that full....I usually sit on the computer in the morning, then workout..then run grocery shopping, etc. after that I'm pretty wiped...I get up at like 3:30 / 4:00 am most days, but then again I go to sleep by 8:00 most days...winters are boring to me as I hate the cold and rather stay in the house.

I have 3 cats that I enjoy time with and I read..just downloaded some games on my Kindle so looking forwarding to trying them out.

I have things I could do like clean or organize things but I have to be in the mood because once I start I wipe myself out. My husband says I'm nuts.

The urges to eat those things are definitely habit of the stuff really doesn't do anything for me :)

Happy New Years!

p.s. Finallyful and Oolala thanks for the valuable feedback!

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:07 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:Deb, I gently suggest that you try to think of mindless eating as just a habit rather than a terrible one. That gives it too much importance. It's just a habit. I know you keep wishing that it would just go away on its own, but most habits don't. It's okay if you have to institute some way to limit yourself on weekends if you find yourself not being satisfied with a little snack here and there. Just don't expect that because you make the decision before the weekend that you will have your snacks on plates that it will not OCCUR to you to go back to your old habit. That desire will likely come even though you've decided previously to do something different. So what? The thought comes, it's difficult for a bit while you reaffirm that you want to either have your snack then on a plate, or wait and eat that food, whatever it is, on your plate at lunch, and then do whatever you do on N days between meals, or whatever. It can be hard to find something diverting to do to keep your mind off the urges, but it is key.

If it's not being too curious to ask, what DO you do on weekends? Is there a lot of very open time?
This was great feedback...I have to try to rethink my thinking :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:30 pm
by oolala53
My quote feature doesn't work, so I have to use regular script.
"Truly I think it is because I made up my mind that during the week straight vanilla is the only way I can go about this. I think my past failures has a lot to do with this kind of thinking as well. My past failures is my motivation.

As far as my food, I do have to say I have been eating low glycemic foods for the most part, but I have started that before coming back to No S. I don't have foods that will make me have intense cravings..not sure if that makes a difference, they say it does.... "

So it sounds as if you're saying that because you accepted that vanilla is the best option, the thoughts to eat between meals don't even occur to you.

But the failures are also part of it, and that I understand very well. That's why I say that failure can be useful! It can make you more determined. You just don't want to go back to what you were doing. I'll make a guess that it's because you just felt so cruddy so much of the time, right? Not only mentally out of control, but physically too filled with food too much of the time. Meal-based cultures down deep know that, too. If you just eat all the time because you can, you are not likely to enjoy your food as much, especially if slimness is also valued. (In cultures in which plumpness is valued, women enjoy frequent eating and don't feel a bit bad about it. They feel lucky to be able to do it! They even fear losing too much weight for fear that their husbands won't find them sexy anymore. And there are few media images telling them they should be slim, athletic, etc.)

It sounds, too, like it is getting clearer and clearer to you that the payoff of eating too much, even for the pleasure of the moment, just isn't there. I call that the total pleasure experience. When we're honest, we often eat because it IS pleasurable in the moment, but when we start seeing eating as a total experience, the during and the after, that we start getting stronger about making the tough decision in the present of giving up that pleasure of the moment. That doesn't mean the urges won't be strong!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:33 am
by NoSnacker
Right on..the thoughts of eating between meals is now in my mind unacceptable and not how I truly want to live my life....but the urges to have something in between does slip in there for sure...but not as loud should I say.

Reading the Brain over Binge surely has pointed out that triggers will happen that will cause an urge say for secondary pleasures as in the taste of the food, the numbness it can bring on and on, but our higher self can acknowledge the urge as garbage thinking and move past it, over time it will rewire the Brain as in changing the binge habit to just a fleeting urge...only when we feed it and fight it that it grows..and hence a binge.

Another thing she says is when we link our giving in to binge eating to say boredom, being sad, anxious, and other reasons we just continue to believe that we binge because of these feeling when actually we accepted the fact that we are going to binge because of them which results in our eating for the secondary pleasures and not truly solving our life's problems by eating we just end up feeling worse about ourselves.

A lot more in-depth within the book of course...but seems habit and changes to the Brian will occur with building good habits.

I think with this deeper understanding she offers in the book and no s I might have a fighting chance.


Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:54 am
by oolala53
On Sparkpeople teams, I often tell people that stress, boredom, emotions, etc. don't make us eat (as so many people insist); they make us WANT to eat. That's not the same thing. We don't have to eat just because we want to! We can have all the desires, emotions, stress, etc. and still not eat.

I think what makes it hard is that we still subconsciously give ourselves the choice to eat; thinking we have a choice and that we might miss out on a nice experience makes us waver. Wavering is harder than definitively saying no. Judith Beck recommends writing NO CHOICE on an index card and just reading it periodically, or even carrying it and pulling it out in tough moments until it's not needed anymore.

How was your New Year's Eve? I made dinner for a friend, and had nothing else. We went to an event that left me all perked up and here I sit awake. I feel the slightest bit empty and it's such a great feeling to go to bed with!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:31 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:On Sparkpeople teams, I often tell people that stress, boredom, emotions, etc. don't make us eat (as so many people insist); they make us WANT to eat. That's not the same thing. We don't have to eat just because we want to! We can have all the desires, emotions, stress, etc. and still not eat.

I think what makes it hard is that we still subconsciously give ourselves the choice to eat; thinking we have a choice and that we might miss out on a nice experience makes us waver. Wavering is harder than definitively saying no. Judith Beck recommends writing NO CHOICE on an index card and just reading it periodically, or even carrying it and pulling it out in tough moments until it's not needed anymore.
This is spot on, the urges do not have to be acted upon and like you said to me recently giving it too much power only makes it stronger.

I could swear you read the brain over binge :). She totally believes that stresses may bring on an urge, but they do not make us eat. I do have NO CHOICE on my spark motivation display...I'll have to write it down again on paper.

We didn't do much, just stayed home..had our normal dinner. I went to bed early my husband woke me up at 11:50 and we couldn't open the wine for a toast so that never happened...I did wake up feeling happy with myself :)

Happy New Years!!!! Sounds like you had a great time!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:34 pm
by oolala53
Kathryn pulled things together in a very accessible way, but her ideas aren't new. I wrote a long post about all my influences that led me to a lot of similar conclusions, but it felt too long and too irrelevant, really. If she's working for you, what difference does it make?

I was impressed because it SEEMED she figured out on her own some things that people usually need more support for. Much like Reinhard, except that I think his structure is much more supportive, with people contending with how to limit meals and with snacking only two days a week. Would it occur to most bingers to push themselves to wait the length of time it takes sometimes for a meal? Though a lot of BED literature insists on meals and snacks, a minority don't, and I'm convinced that letting people keep that attachment to frequent eating, as well as the chance more times each day to overeat, is in the way for a lot of people.

You are going to lick S days this time, Deb!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:52 pm
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:Kathryn pulled things together in a very accessible way, but her ideas aren't new. I wrote a long post about all my influences that led me to a lot of similar conclusions, but it felt too long and too irrelevant, really. If she's working for you, what difference does it make?

I was impressed because it SEEMED she figured out on her own some things that people usually need more support for. Much like Reinhard, except that I think his structure is much more supportive, with people contending with how to limit meals and with snacking only two days a week. Would it occur to most bingers to push themselves to wait the length of time it takes sometimes for a meal? Though a lot of BED literature insists on meals and snacks, a minority don't, and I'm convinced that letting people keep that attachment to frequent eating, as well as the chance more times each day to overeat, is in the way for a lot of people.

You are going to lick S days this time, Deb!
I just got into a heated discussion with my husband, he is trying to lose weight and insists on 6 meals a day..I TOLD him I can't do that, as every time I eat, I have to deal with perhaps continuing to eat which can lead to a binge...No S works for me. I also told him that I hid my eating at night where I could consume a days worth of calories and then some when I binged. Snacks lead me to want to binge..or should I say the URGE is rather strong for me after eating.....

After our discussion he completely understood where I was coming from.

Did you say you have the blog or that you had it and decided not to post it? I would be interested in reading anything you post. I'm still digesting Kathryn's book, it will take a while to sink in, just makes sense to me..just as you said in plenty of post...we control our urges by either giving in to them or walking away from them.

It also seems we were duped into believing our emotions controll our giving in to a binge..that our issues cause us to binge...when in reality like you said we make a choice, conscious or unconsciousness to eat or not to eat. There are tons of people out there with issues of life and they don't binge..I want to be one of those people!

Thanks....I truly hope so!!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:38 pm
by lpearlmom
Really a larger part of binging I think comes from diets that are too restrictive. There's an almost impossible to ignore biological drive that comes with those kinds of diets. Here's an interesting study that you're probably already aware of: ... -that.html

Nos it's not too restrictive. It's quite reasonable and in fact does the opposite of what many other diets do. Instead of making us feel we can never get enough, nos reassures us over and over that we can have plenty of good food just not nonstop, 24 hrs/day. It's helps us develop the good kind of discipline.

At least this is my humble opinion!


Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:30 pm
by middleager
Good to have your husband's support. Here's to new habits in the new year :D

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:55 pm
by NoSnacker
Lpearlmom wrote:Really a larger part of binging I think comes from diets that are too restrictive. There's an almost impossible to ignore biological drive that comes with those kinds of diets. Here's an interesting study that you're probably already aware of: ... -that.html

Nos it's not too restrictive. It's quite reasonable and in fact does the opposite of what many other diets do. Instead of making us feel we can never get enough, nos reassures us over and over that we can have plenty of good food just not nonstop, 24 hrs/day. It's helps us develop the good kind of discipline.

At least this is my humble opinion!

Very interesting article..I wasn't aware of the study..thanks for sharing..I agree No S is very reasonable in the approach...and dieting surely has made America fat along with the snacking!

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:40 am
by oolala53
Diets being too restrictive is the result of people looking for immediate weight loss rather than looking for how to NEED less food on a consistent basis. That isn't done by forcing people to eat very little food.

People can try to rush things on No S, too. Watching for weight loss can mess with people's minds, but so can watching too much for changes in appetite.

But I've also found that it has taken effort to eat in accordance with that appetite. Worth it, but effort nonetheless.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:17 am
by NoSnacker
oolala53 wrote:People can try to rush things on No S, too. Watching for weight loss can mess with people's minds, but so can watching too much for changes in appetite.

But I've also found that it has taken effort to eat in accordance with that appetite. Worth it, but effort nonetheless.
Yes, I know the scale has been my downfall in the past...especially when I'll feel happy and content knowing I have done well on my N days even with a crazy S day, get on the scale and all the good feelings replaced by negative, discouraging thoughts. I do want to lose weight for sure to be healthy, but I'm not in a rush to get there now...I think deep down in the past it was a major focus, even though I might have insisted it wasn't.

I always check in with my appetite asking myself what am I in the mood for and if I switch something up all the better because if I force myself to eat what I really would have rather not, it would lead to rebellion and a binge.

Putting forth the effort is going to be worth it for sure.

You are the poster child for No S - and so glad that you find the time to mentor to us. I know I tell you all the time, but I say what is on my heart :) "Thank you, Oolala".

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:44 pm
by lpearlmom
NoSnacker wrote:
I always check in with my appetite asking myself what am I in the mood for and if I switch something up all the better because if I force myself to eat what I really would have rather not, it would lead to rebellion

I definitely agree with this. That's the only part of intuitive eating I kept. I always eat what sounds good and since I like all kinds of foods, it still works out to be nutritionally sound at the end of the day.


Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:09 pm
by automatedeating
Linda--that was a fascinating article and a very interesting website that I would like to peruse further.

Great discussion on your thread, NoSnacker. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:57 pm
by Diligence
NoSnacker, I'm glad you were able to converse honestly about eating with your husband. When one hides eating, it is difficult enough to identify and admit it to oneself, let alone frankly tell another about it and take a stand for oneself. Way to go! I hope the discussion bears good fruit for both of you both now and long-term. :D

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:45 pm
by oolala53
I meant to give kudos to you for explaining your situation to your husband and to your husband for getting it so quickly!

Don't be discouraged if he ends up losing weight on his own regime. Men statistically have an easier time losing weight for all kinds of reasons. I think one of them is that they're less emotionally attached to the whole thing. Don't worry; they're more emotionally attached to other things, so it probably balances out.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:03 pm
by automatedeating
Yeah, they're more emotionally attached to sports! My husband can shed tears over a football game and truly be grieving..... it only upsets him more that I absolutely cannot get it!