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gk's daily progress

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:55 am
by gk
Like the new title of my check-in? It's my way of going with the whole "the glass is half full" kinda approach. I figured looking at the bright side of each day has to be a much more pleasurable way to go about this. 8)

After many, many trial and error phases, I do believe I have my plan:

- Three healthy meals and one small snack per day
- Minimum of 3 glasses of water per day
- Same rules on weekends, with the exception of one small sweet each day
- NO CHOCOLATE - EVER - I do believe I've found the key to my success......I think it'll end up being much easier just taking it out completely, so there won't be the ups and downs of trying to stick to certain amounts each week. This, of course, will happen after the initial withdrawal/rehab-like phase. :lol: No longer fighting it.....chocolate apparently is just too tempting for me. No more.

- And finally, some form of exercise Monday through Friday. Weekends - just stay active with the kids (no more "Mom doesn't run" jokes when they ask me to play kickball. :roll: )

Off to greener days...... 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:08 am
by NoSnacker
YOU can do it!!!! I know just like an alcoholic and drug addict..if chocolate only causes you to binge, then just like a recovering person..avoiding is the only option. Sometimes moderation with certain foods is just not possible for some of I'm with you here...sounds like you tried moderation and it didn't work.

I like your goals here...I'm rooting for you!!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:37 am
by gk
Thanks, Deb. :)

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually kind of excited and almost relieved about giving up chocolate. I guess I'm to the point like an addict would be.......feeling exhausted fighting the addiction.....even though you know it's gonna be tough, you're glad someone finally shoved you into rehab to stop the destructive cycle of addiction. (Okay, I do realize being hooked on drugs is WAY harder, but you know what I mean. :wink: )

Be back later to report my first GREEN. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:27 pm
by NoSnacker
How are you holding up? When do you normally give in to the chocolate? What is your plans for your treat on the weekends?

Today is the day for success!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:01 pm
by gk
Exercise - a.m. stretch tape

Today was an extra special green, as I went out tonight where there were fattening appetizers to graze on all night. I had my healthy snack at 4:00, before we went, and then politely smiled and said "no thank you" all night. I did it! :)

Deb: I normally give in to chocolate any time after 4:00. Funny, how it's not in the back of my mind right now. I'd usually be counting the hours or days until I could splurge on it, but now that I know it's never going to be an option, I'm not thinking about it. Maybe my body's in shock and it'll hit me later. :lol: In the meantime, we have TONS of Easter candy lying around the house and it's not bothering me a bit.

I did get to thinking about what I would want my treat to be this weekend. And you know what? I can't think of anything I'd want! Chocolate has always been my treat......I never usually crave anything else. Should be interesting to see how I'm feeling by that time.

Let's make another green day, shall we?? 8)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:38 pm
by NoSRocks
gk, I'm with Deb - those mods sound absolutely great!! I also think targetting something specific i.e. like chocolate and taking it out the picture completely is a really cool idea (and seems doable !) For years, one of my 'pet' binge foods was chocolate ... I used to scarf pounds of the stuff... then to make matters worse, I'd try to counteract the sweetness with bags of chips! Eventually, I got fed up with this 'vicious' cycle and somehow managed to give it up. Not to put you off or anything - far from it hon - this is just MY experience - It took a few false starts and lots of cravings until I managed it. I happened to be in the right frame of mind as at the time, I had a massive crush on someone at school so that kinda took my mind off of it and food in general for a while - LOL (I guess good timing!)

I do occasionally have chocolate these days but I have found I can now take it or leave it. I still struggle with sweet foods but more of the dessert i.e. cheesecake, apple pie variety. Maybe I should look at cutting out a dessert at a time ?? :idea:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:41 am
by gk
Roxy: Thanks for dropping by! When I think of giving up chocolate indefinately that seems a bit drastic and unrealistic, but at the same time I've come to the conclusion that it is DEFINATELY something that I cannot seem to handle. Maybe I'll progress to the point where you are - can take it or leave it - that would be a minor miracle! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:49 am
by gk
After some thought, I've decided to tweak my grading scale for No S.......

Today is technically a red, as I had an extra snack. But, when it came time to mark that down, I just didn't think that gave today enough justice......

I was SO TIRED today, which is why I'm sure I was struggling not to snack all day. But after 5:00, I was starting the usual thoughts...."Aww, screw it, I'll just eat. What the heck." And then I started thinking about the Easter candy....just calling me from the cupboard (see, I told ya I'd crack sooner or later! :wink: ).

I did have the extra snack (a handful of honey-roasted sunflower seeds and some Baked Cheetos - I was craving them), but then I STOPPED. I didn't continue on to a BINGE like I normally would have. AND, I didn't eat chocolate, even though my body was begging for it and I had 10 lbs. of it in the cupboard 6" from my hand.

So, do ya see what I'm sayin? To stop after one extra snack and resist the urge to binge and give up on my No-chocolate rule is pretty big, right? Can't label that with a red. Soooo.......

To be able to still use my Habitcal, I'm going to give my "perfect" days a green, the days I obviously did NOT stick to the rules a red, and days like today (when I slipped a tad, but stayed on track and resisted many other urges to eat) a yellow. Since I want to stick to certain rules on the weekend, I would rate them just a green or red anyway. The only days I have NO rules are my birthday and major holidays, which I will give myself an automatic GREEN. :D

So that is why I'm making my WEDNESDAY a YELLOW.
Exercise - A.M. Stretch (Gaiam - Madeliene Lewis)

Also, I remembered a ways back when I was having trouble at suppertime, I would eat whatever I was craving, instead of what I fixed for supper. Tonight, I made tostadas for the family, but after taking one bite I knew it wasn't gonna do it for me and I'd eat something else later. Believe it or not, I was content with a bowl of Honeycombs. Go figure. :roll: Was perfectly fine the rest of the night.

And THAT is my "Daily Progress" for today. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:50 am
by NoSnacker
What an awesome proud of you, really I am....

And the fact that you did not succumb to the chocolate definitely deserves a GREEN!! How about on your habitcal add No Chocolate. I have the No S diet, exercise and was thinking of adding another for the 2-3 S events..we'll see.. Just a thought..I think going 1 day without chocolate does deserve a GREEN, why not track those days as well.

K, off to work for me....

Have a great day!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:09 pm
by gk
NoSnacker wrote:How about on your habitcal add No Chocolate.
What a great idea! I think I'll do that. Thanks! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:41 pm
by gk

Weirdly enough, this is the first RED day I've had that I feel okay about. I did great all day, but toward evening was hard because we had 4 hours of consecutive soccer practice to attend (4 kids), which made supper super late. Even though I had my 4:00 snack, I still caved and had some animal crackers....which was okay....would've made a YELLOW day I could've lived with.

But then, late at night (we're talking 11:00 here), I was still up getting things done and the ice cream was calling me from the freezer. I contemplated for a 1/2 hour....even hesistated when taking that first bite, but I just decided to do it anyway. My body felt like a string that was pulled so tightly it was about to pop, so I just gave in to it. But this is the GOOD part......

I had a small cup of ice cream and then stopped. It was okay - tasted good and everything.....but it wasn't AWESOME, like I had envisioned. I didn't feel like I was about ready to "crack" anymore, so it did take the edge off, but what's amazing is that I didn't use that as a reason to continue eating, turning it into a binge. (HUGE improvement for me - it was late at night, no one around to witness it, it would've been very easy for me to binge.) I didn't say to myself, "Well, you broke your no chocolate rule, so you might as well dive into the chocolate tonight, before it's off limits again tomorrow." I was totally content with what I had, and it made waking up Friday morning cravings, very content.

So even though I had a RED on Thursday, my DAILY PROGRESS is

- Even though I caved, I stopped at one very small serving of ice cream and resisted a binge

- I learned that chocolate doesn't make the world go around :lol: , maybe I'm getting more satisfaction from my other foods after all. :)

- And I picked myself up from a RED Day.....I didn't get all down on myself and felt like throwing in the towel because I broke the rules. I actually lived by the "mark it down and move on" mentality.

No one said this was going to be easy. But it will get a bit easier and easier as time goes by. :)

Oh, and I did take time to exercise today. Actually it's just stretching - I'm actually learning from my past mistakes (what a concept :roll: ), and starting slowly to avoid injury. I plan to do stretching DVD's for a while, before I attempt anything else, to loosen up my stiff/sore muscles and better prepare my body for exercise. It's becoming part of my usual daily routine already. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:31 pm
by gk

Aww, dangit. Friday's get me every time. Something about it being the end of the week....once the kids get out of school, my body tells me that it's time to celebrate (with food, of course). Unfortuantely, my mind turns a deaf ear and gives in to all those cravings.

But, as from my thread title and signature line, you will see I'm trying to quit being such a downer about this whole process. That's a waste of energy and is only counter-productive. There is almost always at least one good thing learned from each day's attempt at a more healthy lifestyle.

Today's progress? Hmmmm.....I'd have to say that I woke up feeling totally content, but it turned quickly and by lunchtime I was ready to cheat. The good part comes in where I resist it for hours before I give in. Usually on Friday's, I don't even try to resist it. So at least I'm exercising my willpower muscles somewhat. I'll get there eventually.

In fact, I was going to blow off exercise, as I was busy earlier and didn't have time for it, but I think I will sign off here and go do that now. (There's another silver lining......I'm exercising AFTER I cheated and later on a Friday afternoon - that like NEVER happens. :shock: :) )

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy those S's. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:16 pm
by NoSnacker
hi there...yes, every bit of progress is success..the fact you did NOT binge on Thursday was great!!!

if you have trouble with friday's why not take fri/sat as your S days..I have seen people do that here..if i was in need of doing that i would for sure..

thanks for your nice comment on my thread...

i surely have a long road a head of me...but willing not to give up..

if i stayed up so late as you i probably would have a terrible issue.

have a great weekend..

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:26 am
by Amy3010
I completely understand what you mean about Fridays - I have the same thing (in fact had a red one just yesterday :cry: ) - usually do just fine during the day but once the kids get home from school it feels like the weekend has started... Definitely something to work on!
Enjoy your weekend and next week better, right?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:15 pm
by gk
Amy: Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, mastering healthy eating on Fridays is definately an on-going challenge! Good luck to you! :)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:38 pm
by gk

Only one word accurately describes today.....BINGE. Big-time. I don't know what came over me. Busy all day at the soccer field with the kids, and when I get home I inhale every cabinet (except the one with all the healthy foods.) And it's not like it was a bad day or anything. It just came out of nowhere.

Then I find myself going back to my usual pondering....."I wonder if I should go back to S weekends and try that for awhile. I wonder if that will work better." HONESTLY, I don't think I've ever been so wishy-washy about anything else before! :roll: I'm constantly changing my approach to No S (as many of you have noticed, I'm sure).

Today's binge was more over-the-top than the binges I've had in the past, even my attempts at vanilla! It's weird how I can be feeling so content and fine one day and then BAM, it just hits me full force the next day, and I just throw it all out the window without any regard at all.

Maybe taking chocolate out completely was too much too fast? Maybe I should allow chocolate only on weekends again for awhile? Don't know. I keep recalling the thread of someone in the past (can't remember who), whose habits were SO out of control that he did major baby steps....21 days just no eating after 8:00.....then 21 days of another minor change....and so on and so on....eventually he lost alot of weight. Maybe my habits are too out of control for these changes I'm making. Maybe I'm constantly hitting these blaring fails because I'm trying too much at once? Part of me thinks I might benefit from very slow changes like that. Another part of me is so disgusted with the 20 lbs. I've packed on that, I can't bare to take that long to lose weight. And then I laugh at myself, because I've been taking the "strict" approach for over a year now and I've only GAINED weight, so it's not like I'm speeding weight loss up with trying to be strict! :?

Just don't know. Hmmmm.....things to ponder....

As for my daily progress today? Ummmm.....hmmm.......NOPE, just can't squeeze one out today. I digress, I'm afraid. :oops:

Still trying to keep an upbeat mood about all this. But definately did the "one step forward, two steps (or 20) back" today. :roll: I know I will get there someday....I know it will be easier someday.....I'd just like to hit that point before checking into a retirement home is all. Would be nice. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:09 am
by NoSnacker
I had a terrible day yesterday, but that is okay...same for you...but you are succeeding during the week.

Maybe you are right, maybe having chocolate on the weekends is better than saying never.

I like chocolate, but it is not my have to have it food..but I over indulged yesterday on basically I binged yesterday...

I don't plan on binging today, so we'll see...I feel sick from yesterday and if I can keep it down to 1 day a week, that is better than 2.

As for truly only takes our minds off the problem for that really truly only adds fuel to the behavior to try and numb out. Is there a book you could read, or something else that you can set your mind on?

Easy for me to say, I know....I hear ya.

So let's hope for a bit of a normal S day today and if not, let's clean up tomorrow. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:49 am
by SkyKitty
I hope you're feeling batter now after your S day. I wouldn't call it a fail because as long as you concentrate on staying green on N days, you can't fail on an S day. They are meant to be there as a release valve, that is why they are built into the plan. Maybe you had a bit more that needed to be released. You won't every time.

Maybe it would be worth being more lenient, if strict isn't working then why punish yourself for nothing?

One of my favourite quotes is:
'Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and in the end it's only with yourself.'
(Mary Schmich - from the Wear Sunscreen speech/song)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:56 pm
by gk
NoSnacker wrote:As for truly only takes our minds off the problem for that really truly only adds fuel to the behavior to try and numb out. Is there a book you could read, or something else that you can set your mind on?
Actually, I love to read. Sometimes a good book will completely take me away from my surroundings and myself. Only problem is over the years I've learned to indulge with reading AND eating, so whenever I read I get the urge to snack. So much for that escape. :roll:

Thanks for all the support. You've been really helping me alot. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:03 pm
by gk
SkyKitty wrote:I wouldn't call it a fail because as long as you concentrate on staying green on N days, you can't fail on an S day. They are meant to be there as a release valve, that is why they are built into the plan. Maybe you had a bit more that needed to be released. You won't every time.

Maybe it would be worth being more lenient, if strict isn't working then why punish yourself for nothing?
You know, you're right. I was trying to limit my S days with rules, to avoid bingeing as that is a MAJOR problem with me, but I think it will only backfire. As Reinhard said (actually I think it was his wife's idea), we do need the S Days as a release. Even though I had my allotted treat on my S Days, with the "only 1 rule" in place, it still felt restricting with no true complete "release" from rules to look forward to. Can be such a fine line with bingers, as we tend to build up so much through the week that binges can be extreme on S Days. On the other hand, that's why you hear everyone has wild S days at first and they eventually get better with time. Will just take some of us longer, I guess.

Thanks so much for stopping by my thread. Your support is very much appreciated! :)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:14 pm
by gk
OKAY.....I'm ready to attack this week with a mean streak of GREEN. :twisted: I am putting ALL my energy into this effort.

- I will keep super busy, moving all day as much as possible.

- I will pointedly avoid triggers that I know weaken my willpower and plan outlets for them when they are unavoidable.

- I will still keep my plan of 3 meals, no sweets and 1 snack, but will try my darndest to avoid the snack, taking it only when I really feel the need for it.

- I will consider my days only red or green again......even though it seems unfair sometimes when I've done really good with only one mishap, I think the yellow will get me into trouble in the long run.

- Will go back to no limits on S Days (including weekends again), but try to keep them in check (no binging!!). I will allow chocolate on the weekends only again.....omitting completely is still the goal, but a more gradual approach might be better, I think.

- Exercise!!! It will be a part of my day as much as brushing my teeth or taking a matter how busy I am, I will find a way to fit it in Monday through Friday, and just keep moving with the kids on the weekend - no more-watchin-from-the-sidelines kinda Mom.

- No more feeling defeated and giving into the "why even try" way of thinking. This is not more powerful than me. I can overcome this!

- And lastly, I will STOP this crazy fluctuation of rules and stick with the ones above! :) I have given myself more than enough time to figure out what works best for me. Constantly changing the rules is probably confusing the heck out of my wonder it's seeking comfort in chocolate! :wink:

Okay - let's do this!!!!! :D

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:54 pm
by NoSnacker
Okay, you've got a all week!

We can do can do it...

I like your goals....

My ultimate goal is to not binge during the weekends are a different story..this time around I'm listening to the well seasoned No Sr's, to not put limitations on the S days! :)

See ya,,,,keep up the good work!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:28 am
by gk

What a great day! Boy, attitude can really make or break ya when it comes to this, can't it? I followed all my rules that I set this morning, with an attitude of "I WILL DO THIS", and had no problems whatsoever today. Even got by with fairly light plates.

I even was feeling up to trying something a little more aggressive with my exercise (since I had only been stretching, that wasn't a big leap :wink: ). I did a Crunch Cardio Dance DVD (Roku actually). It was so much fun! I always used to like doing the dance DVD's for exercise in the past, so I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. It didn't even feel like exercise, but by the time I was done, I was breaking a sweat and feeling it in my muscles (not the bad pain for once, but the good workout soreness you get).

For 1 1/2 years I've been waiting until I lose weight to buy some new jeans. I've finally come to the conclusion that I cannot wait anymore. Who knows.....No S can be a slow approach to weight loss, so even if I do manage to stick to this for once, it still may take a while for me to lose weight. As of the past month, I have only a handful of pants that fit now, and I'm tired of wearing the same pants over and over.

Ironically, I finally went shopping today and couldn't find any to fit right. The only jeans I could find were the kind with all the extreme bleached out splotches, etc. on them and no Longs. Where are all the normal blue jeans anymore? Just wanted Levi's in a nice shade of blue - NADA. Ah well. Will try some other stores later. The point being......I'm not waiting to start enjoying things anymore. Life is happening right now. Will enjoy the here and now for once and quit the waiting game! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:53 am
by Amy3010
Ahhh, buying jeans - what a dreaded task! I don't own a pair of jeans but will have to buy one for a family portrait my mother wants to do at our family reunion in July - she wants everyone to wear white shirts with jeans - sigh. I guess I will probably wait til June to actually start looking but I am dreading it already...

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:37 am
by r.jean
I hate clothes buying too, especially jeans. I have found the best way to shop is to take one of my 20 something daughters along. They keep the clothes coming for me to try on and keep me away from stuff that they say is too "old" for me. Yet they also know not to pick out things that are too "young" for me.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:07 pm
by mimi
gk wrote:
You know, you're right. I was trying to limit my S days with rules, to avoid bingeing as that is a MAJOR problem with me, but I think it will only backfire. As Reinhard said (actually I think it was his wife's idea), we do need the S Days as a release. Even though I had my allotted treat on my S Days, with the "only 1 rule" in place, it still felt restricting with no true complete "release" from rules to look forward to. Can be such a fine line with bingers, as we tend to build up so much through the week that binges can be extreme on S Days. On the other hand, that's why you hear everyone has wild S days at first and they eventually get better with time. Will just take some of us longer, I guess.
Hi gk! I am at home this morning before a dental appointment and I have been catching up on your thread. I have found from experience with NoS that whenever I tried to impose my own "rules" or "mods" to the program, it only muddied the waters and the simplicity of NoS disappeared. I never lasted with them, and would end up frustrated and bingeing. I have learned the hard way to leave it's either a green day or a red day, period. S-days are no fail days - no matter how over-the-top they might be. Eventually, in time, they will even out for you. I haven't had an out-of-control weekend in quite a while, but it took a long time getting there. I think if you read the testimonials of others here as well, you'll find that they followed the same path. It just takes time. Get your N-days down first and S-days will eventually follow, and, depending on how old you are, it will happen before you're in a rest home! :lol:
I love your new sunny, positive outlook and all the progress you've made with heading off a major binge. That is a major accomplishment and critical to your future progress.
Keep up the great work!

Mimi :D

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:47 pm
by gk
Amy3010 wrote:Ahhh, buying jeans - what a dreaded task! I don't own a pair of jeans but will have to buy one for a family portrait my mother wants to do at our family reunion in July - she wants everyone to wear white shirts with jeans - sigh. I guess I will probably wait til June to actually start looking but I am dreading it already...
Funny you said that, because this Sunday I have to participate in a family portrait and they want us to wear blue jeans and red shirts. I've been dreading it ever since I found out about it a few weeks ago. I've never been one to jump in front of the camera. Guess I will have to suck it in and wear one of the few remaining jeans I can squeeze into. At least it's happening on a Sunday, so I can go home and reward myself with a bowl of chocolate ice cream. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:50 pm
by gk
r.jean wrote:I hate clothes buying too, especially jeans. I have found the best way to shop is to take one of my 20 something daughters along. They keep the clothes coming for me to try on and keep me away from stuff that they say is too "old" for me. Yet they also know not to pick out things that are too "young" for me.
That definately would be a more fun way to go about it. My daughters are only 11 and 10, so I can't use their help quite yet. It's ironic......jean shopping usually frustrates me enough to send me to Dairy Queen afterwards, which is exactly what put me into this position in the first place. :roll: :)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:18 pm
by gk

Today was a bit tough at times, but I got through it by using the "If/Then" method (a way to plan how to adjust in certain situations).

I was pretty hungry at lunch....already starting to think about turning the day Red, when I thought about the If/Then method that I read about in a magazine (someone had lost alot of weight using this method often). I thought to myself....."IF I'm feeling like I'm on the verge of cheating and really hungry at lunch.....THEN, I will forego the average size chicken salad, etc. and have a filling turkey wrap and LOTS of fruits and veggies. I feel like I'm eating's a good-size plate. It takes a while to munch through that much fruit and veggies, but it takes the "not allowed to eat much/deprived" feeling away, and by the time I'm done, I'm stuffed......on healthy foods. A good trade off, I think.

Another thing that helped today was the fact that I wanted to be able to enjoy my S Days. Now that my S Days have free reign, I knew I could have whatever I wanted this weekend, but if I had alot of reds during the week, I wouldn't feel like I deserved my S Days, and I really wanted to be able to enjoy them. All the long-time no S'ers are need a complete release on the weekend....just work on the N Days first.

Tonight was a bit rough......I had a snack (a few almonds and Triscuits w/cheese) at 4:00, because we had to head out to a game. I didn't want to waste my meal, having something from the concession stand with the kids, so I waited until we got home and kids were in bed, etc., etc.

By the time I sat down to supper it was 10:15! I was actually past the hungry phase and going into the just-want-to-binge-because-I-feel-like-it phase. I sat......I considered.....I thought about having tons of fruits and veggies again, but it didn't sound good. I tried imagining how I would feel in a half hour after it was over......Nope, didn't care. I thought about how I would feel the next day when I woke up and had to mark down a RED.....still didn't work.

So then it dawned on me.........Reinhard's rules say only one plate with no sweets. It doesn't necessarily have to be healthy, just a plate. So, I thought to myself, "IF it's late at night, I'm in the mood to binge, and none of my other tactics are working, THEN I will psyche myself out with kind of a "fake binge". I filled my plate with all the things I was craving, whether it was healthy or not. It was a strange plate, let me tell ya....there were Baked Doritos, Corn Chex cereal (in a bowl on the plate), a bagel with lots of peanut butter, honey-roasted sunflower seeds, and vanilla-flavored granola. It was a FULL plate, but ya know what? By the time I got through all that, I felt like I had my binge (the Doritos and alot of peanut butter helped with that I think), so my body was content, but it was totally legal, as I had stuck to one plate and could still claim my GREEN for the day. That's barely skimping by I know, but I think this will help with the transition of getting through binges that want to strike later at night. Will try to keep this to a rare occurrence only.

One last thing, I realized I had forgotten to mention earlier.....I plan to have my weekends start Friday at 4:00 and end 4:00 on Sunday night. That makes the most sense with my schedule, and I'm always ready to start them then and get back on track by Sunday night anyway. Just thought I should write that down, so I don't feel like I'm cheating later in the week, writing it down suddenly that day. :)

Whew - I got quite chatty this time, didn't I? Feels good to write all this out. Helps with the process and all, ya know.

On to give myself another Green. After Tuesday's full plates, I have a feeling I'll be content with a good salad for lunch and a normal-sized plate tonight. My usual rollercoaster-uva-week ride, you know. :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:28 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi there, can you send a plate of that my way :)

I have done that with chips...and others things before...

Keeping on writing and releasing..a good thing!!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:39 am
by gk
Thanks, Deb. :)

WEDNESDAY was a tough one.................but I must be tougher :twisted: , because I made it a GREEN one. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:24 pm
by NoSnacker
YOU can do it, you can do anything you put your heart and mind to!!!

Good for the green, albeit tough!! You DID IT!!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:09 pm
by Amy3010
I love the way you outfoxed that binge with your plate!!! Good for you - way to go! :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:14 am
by gk
Thanks for the encouragement Deb and Amy! It's always so nice to log in and see the support from others who are striving for the same goal - sane eating!!! :)


Well, I'm not gonna supper this evening was rather..........ummm...."jenga-like". Definately a little layering going on. :roll: But, I could feel me slipping again.....I do NOT want a Red so close to the weekend, so I chose to have a heavy meal instead. It was healthier this time, but the quantities were a bit much. You know you ate more than you really needed when you feel stuffed after the meal. I have a feeling the longer I attempt normal N Days that these days will become fewer and far between. Trust in the system, trust in the system........

It occurred to me today that I quite accidently haven't been focusing on losing weight or the magic number on the scale this week. Earlier this week, I decided to just be content with the fact that following No S will take a while to lose these 20 lbs. I am now just focusing on mastering the habit of following my plan for N Days - nothing more. Even though I've struggled these past couple days (food-wise), at the same time I feel alot less impatient and not as frustrated with the whole situation. I may feel the need to binge at times, but I don't feel as hopeless with everything, because I know if I just stick to the plan, it will work eventually.

NOW.....all I have to do is stay green until 4:00 tomorrow, when my S weekend begins.....sure - no problem. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:16 am
by gk
So, I'm up late again tonight (crazy week).

Get this - I have absolutely NO urge to gravitate towards the kitchen. I even helped my 6 year old unwrap a piece of chocolate Easter candy for his dessert tonight....had it in my hands. You know, that usually gets the thoughts "when everyone else goes to bed, it will be THERE waiting for me...."

NOPE. I'm completely fine. Who knew there were other things to do at night, when everyone else is in bed? Like cruising through the No S Boards.....what a great place. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:16 am
by NoSnacker
Wow that is so awesome!!! I like your last to posts a lot. I have been doing the same thing really..just focusing on the sanity. I dusted off my Beck Diet Solutions and will add her mental therapy to my pot. It is so in the head..

I think I might start a notebook with all the times I passed up something, and how I felt the next day or that evening. The feeling of not binging is sooooo nice....waking up feeling proud of oneself, a sense of accomplishment.

I think we tend to forget all of our successes, hence writing each on down as a reminder might help.

Have a great weekend!!!

I hope to not binge, but if it happens I'll get back to sanity on Monday..think I will do one of the suggestions on here...if I'm going to eat it, eat it in front of my husband..NO sneaking eating...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:09 pm
by determined
gk wrote: Get this - I have absolutely NO urge to gravitate towards the kitchen. I even helped my 6 year old unwrap a piece of chocolate Easter candy for his dessert tonight....had it in my hands. You know, that usually gets the thoughts "when everyone else goes to bed, it will be THERE waiting for me...."

NOPE. I'm completely fine. Who knew there were other things to do at night, when everyone else is in bed? Like cruising through the No S Boards.....what a great place. :D
YEEE HAAA!!! What freeing feeling to have something in your hand that would have tripped you up before and now has no control over you. That was more than just a moment...that was a MOMENT TO REMEMBER! If this was a baseball game, you just ran home and got high fives from everyone in the dugout!!! Well done...


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:35 pm
by gk
NoSnacker wrote:I think I might start a notebook with all the times I passed up something, and how I felt the next day or that evening. The feeling of not binging is sooooo nice....waking up feeling proud of oneself, a sense of accomplishment.

I think we tend to forget all of our successes, hence writing each on down as a reminder might help.
That is a great idea. For some reason that brings to mind a fact I read awhile ago....I forget the exact statistic, but if say, you go into a restaurant and have a good experience you might tell just a few people. But if you go into a restaurant and have a bad experience, you'll probably tell twice as many people about it. Just like alot of us dwell on how many fails we've had when we should be dwelling on all the greens we've collected!

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:38 pm
by gk
determined wrote:YEEE HAAA!!! If this was a baseball game, you just ran home and got high fives from everyone in the dugout!!! Well done...
LOL! :lol: Thanks for that visual. Yes, it was a rather surreal moment to hold a piece of chocolate after going 4 days without having it, and not have even an inkling of a craving towards it!! Progress! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:13 pm
by gk
Yep - I'm here to report a big fat GREEN FRIDAY. I cannot remember the last time I had five greens in a row.....been a LONG TIME.

I REALLY think I'm gonna like having my S weekends start at 4:00 on Fridays. Instead of waking up thinking, "HOW am I going to get through tonight without getting a Red?", I was thinking, "I only have to wait until 4:00 and then my S Day begins. BIG DIFFERENCE.

SOOOOOO.......4:00 rolls around. I'm busy, I glance at the clock, notice that I'm officially "off the clock", but continue on with my task.

4:30 rolls around.....I'm ready to have a little splurge that I purchased earlier today. I bought a King size (yeah, yeah, I know, but that's why I'm here to begin with, remember???) Reese's peanut butter cup package (4 peanut butter cups).

I start to enjoy my little chocolate delight.......

First one tastes good. Nothing to write home about, but it's definately giving me a kick.

The second one I eat s.l.o.w.e.r......savoring the peanut butter (best part in my opinion). Now that I'm paying more attention, it's pretty darn good.

I think about saving the next two for later this weekend. After my laughter at that ridiculous thought dies down, I dive into the third and fourth one, eating them both and officially kicking off what I think might turn into a little Friday night binge. BUT.............

I can't eat any more. :shock: And do you know WHY :?: My stomach is telling me - :? "WHOA.....This is TOO much sugar for me. STOP NOW. DON'T WANT ANYTHING ELSE. I'VE HAD MORE THAN ENOUGH." And this is the kicker........I actually STOP. :!:

Now, the reason this is quite remarkable is two-fold......many of you bingers out there know that 4 measly peanut butter cups would only be considered an appetizer to a binge. One who binges would look at that as the tip of the iceberg.

Victory #1 - The fact that I actually stopped, even though I was full, is a big one, because bingers eat when they are not hungry.

Victory #2 - The fact that it's now almost two hours later and I'm still STUFFED and not even wanting to think about candy/treats after that occurrence is PROGRESS. After just ONE week of consecutive greens, I'm already teaching my body how much sugar is too much. It doesn't feel good to have all that sugar in my body, and I can actually notice that already.

:idea: There is hope for me yet!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Can you tell I'm feeling rather giddy??? Or maybe it's just all this sugar coursing through my veins. :lol: :D Ahhh.....a good day. 8)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:17 am
by lbb (Liz)
You can do this.
I'm so glad you fully detailed and described your feelings as we all understand.
And def no judgment on buying a "king size". Those are def my favorites.
I get it.
I'm so proud of you!
Keep it up!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:49 am
by Amy3010
Congratulations on your Friday victory!!! Way to go!

Also, thanks for your support yesterday - I am considering your idea about weekends. It sure seems to work for you!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:54 am
by NoSnacker
Wow what an awesome report..and I like your victory why not write down this experience in a notebook and relish in it's did fantastic, any time WE don't binge is a victory for us...

Awesome...I can feel how good you feel...


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:38 pm
by NoSnacker
gk where did you go..we miss you!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:07 pm
by gk
Thanks, Deb.

I've been MIA due to my embarrassment :oops: .....I've been in a sea of chocolate and snacks since Sunday afternoon. :oops: Why do I do this??? And I was so happy on Friday. Things can turn sour pretty fast, I guess.

It's a rollercoaster I can't seem to get off of. I try to remember why I am trying to stick to these good habits, but as soon as I've got a few greens under my belt, I lose control and end up back where I started. And I've been going through this cycle for about.....uh.....25 YEARS. UGH!!!

I go from one minute, telling myself I don't care anymore....might as well give up and buy some bigger clothes. Then I look in the mirror and tell myself, I CANNOT just give up. I do not feel comfortable with this extra weight and I feel awful after the binges stop. It just gets tiring going through the emotions of it all, ya know?

I keep thinking of people who have been through horrific ordeals or a major medical crisis and pull through, and then here I am wimpering about sticking to a stupid diet. I mean, PA-LEASE!! Why can't I just get over myself and do this for good, huh?? I mean, I've been obsessed with the whole food/diet thing for so many years.....what a huge waste of time! I want so badly to just get this out of the way, so I can focus on other things in life other than food, ya know??

Sorry for such a joy-kill post - I just get so frustrated sometimes.....

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:31 am
by KareBear
HOLY COW-I thought someone had taken over my mind and written out the cycle of my self abuse.....

Well, kinda. Just a fellow No S'r, doing what we all do. Just know that you are certainly not alone. I do the exact same thing and have for years. In fact, I was just telling a friend yesterday (she is doing WW) that I joined WW for the first time when I was in 5th grade. I'm in my 40's now, so that is a lot of years of dieting. I do think, as children of God, we should certainly be nicer to ourselves. Anyway, I am totally babbling, but I wanted to let you know that I know EXACTLY how you feel. Shake yourself off, and start again.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:35 am
by Amy3010
Oh, I feel for you and totally get the feeling of being so tired of this struggle! But don't give up - if you let yourself sink back into the dark side you will feel even worse. This is hard, but what better alternative is there? The only thing to do is keep moving forward. Hang in there!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:04 am
by NoSnacker
I totally agree with Karebear and Amy3010; and young lady there is no reason to be embarrassed, 95% of those on here have failed a few times before it happens..I think each time you will get stronger if you don't give up.

I find it totally almost unbearable to get back on track on a Monday the longer I let the bingeful weekends keep their grip on me.

I might be binge free N days, but I'm not on S days. It surely takes time to get over all the years of dieting...

If I didn't work in an office where I see people, I might just let myself be :)

But for now, the fight goes on...

I do have to say this is my second attempt and easier by far from the first attempt..will this be my last attempt, who knows...based on what I read here, maybe not :0

But we can't give about during N days stick to 2 of the 3 and mark those yellow?

Do you think you can jot down all the reasons you might want to lose weight even if not in your heart right now..and read them 2 times a day, or before a binge..

One of my favorites is "The binge is just not worth it anymore, does nothing for me in reality, it really doesn't"

love ya sista...God Bless,,,,keeep your eye's on the Lord!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:31 am
by determined
gk....first of all, take a deep

There's truly no reason to be embarrassed so try to throw that out of your thinking. Most of us have been in your shoes and really do understand how difficult this can be. I struggled all through February & March and now that I'm finally back on track, I'm so very, very thankful to be back in a good frame of mind. This is a simple way of eating, but it's a hard journey.

We're here for you....hug...


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:20 pm
by gk
Thanks so much everyone. You guys are truly the best.

I've had a pretty low week for some reason. Nothing bad going on, but feeling so down anyway. :( Wish I could shake it. Just don't have the drive to try - I need to snap out of this!!! In the meantime, I've surrendered to bingeing. Reading health magazines while eating chocolate ice cream and cheetos - nice!!! :roll:

I've been surfing on-line.......looking at this diet and that diet.....most of the time I'm thinking, "nope, non-sustainable.......nope, losing too much weight too fast - not healthy......nope, who would take the time to do all that......nope, I don't know half of those ingredients - not realistic.....etc., etc. But yet I still find myself looking for that "magic diet that will work for me".

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

If No S has taught me anything it's that it doesn't need to be a fancy or detailed program to work. Eat less, exercise more, lose weight. It's that simple.

I'll snap out of this. I always do. Until then, my posts will probably be sparse.

Wishing you guys the best --- good luck with your No S'ing!

Thanks again!! :)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:38 am
by lbb (Liz)
I'm sorry you've had a low week, gk. Some are like that, eh?
I've struggled with fails this week and had to laugh when you said "reading healthy magazines while eating chocolate ice cream and cheetos!".
Sounds like my cookie dough during Biggest Loser.
Or today, after a rough workout at the gym, we went to the donut shop. Huh?
But I'm back on track. I'm not going to look back and nor will you!
Just listened to Reinhard's podcast about strictness and if you're interested, here are a few key notes I liked (copied/pasted):

-If you sacrifice strictness, you sacrifice clarity.
-Punishment is bad. It's okay to fail because I can pay for failure later. You think you're paying off a debt but you're opening a line of credit. Making u more likely to fail.
-Fail? Brush off dust, move on.

-How strict? Should I even be strict?
Yes. It builds habits faster. If I'm not strict, it will be harder. Habits are dumb. Strict ESP. In beginning.

-Overeating is infinitely complex. So be strict about things that are clear.

-Silly rules? Perhaps. But big picture it makes sense.
-Exceptions sacrifice clarity.
-Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
-S days are not ones you make up at the spur of the moment.

Have a good weekend. You can do this. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:19 am
by milliem
gk wrote:

If No S has taught me anything it's that it doesn't need to be a fancy or detailed program to work. Eat less, exercise more, lose weight. It's that simple.

You are so right! Doesn't make it easy though :D I had a terrible week last week - just got back from a holiday where I made no attempt to manage my eating at all, and found it so hard to go a day without a snack or sweet so I just didn't bother trying!! *hugs* I hope you find a way to get back on track - maybe start building one N day habit back in at a time rather than waiting until you feel ready to jump back in with both feet? There's no time like the present :)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:56 am
by NoSnacker
Hi gk, I hear ya as well and agree with everyone, it is not easy, heck I ate candy yesterday that I don't like (white chocolate)..what a waste..

It is like quitting smoking...some people quit cold turkey the first time NEVER pick up again..some like me attempted at least 15 times until finally after years of not smoking, to having 1 that set me off in motion to a heavier smoker before..but I finally did it..can I ever pick up another cig, no...thankfully I'm actually allergic to second hand smoke now...okay maybe not allergic, but my nose gets stuffed and I exhale the stuff if I'm around others smoking..just recently I avoid a social gathering as 90% of the people smoke with no regard to my husband went alone and thank God I did not go, he stunk so bad we threw his clothes in the basement..when I went to wash them the next day, the were horrible smelling...I'm so very happy I quit!

Hang in there...each time will get easier, and longer in between with no reds..


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:17 am
by r.jean
Hang in there! I have had a pretty funky week too.

No looking back now. ONWARD! ALL OF US!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:30 pm
by gk
Thanks guys!! What a supportive group - simply the best.

Which makes this update not make very much sense.....

I've decided to head in a new direction for awhile. I've scoured the internet over the past couple days (as I described above), and actually found something that might work for me.....

I'm going to give another diet a try....."The Metabolism-Boosting Diet" by Dr. Joey Shulman. I know, I know....I can hear your groans and see your eyes rolling, but it is normal foods that I like, but just gives me a little more structure than No S, telling me what I should eat to help kick-start my obviously-lagging metabolism since hitting 40. It tells you how to cheat for a release (sound familiar?) and how to adjust while you're out and about.

I like No S......obviously - that's why I've been trying this for the past two years or so....but maybe at the moment I just need something with a little more structure. I just feel like I want a plan that will tell me WHAT to eat at certain times. Help get me out of this sugar cycle with all these cravings.

Now I feel like a traitor posting this on No S - that I'm going to a different diet - but you know how it is in the diet world....that everlasting search for something better. :roll:

I think the No S Diet ROCKS, don't get me wrong, I still believe that. But, hopefully this new plan that has a little more structure, will help me stay on track. I guess I'm not disciplined enough to adhere to flexible rules without losing control (does that make sense?).

I had to order the book/plan....won't get it until around May 10th. So, I plan to just "cut back" until then, get used to eating less (translation - eating normal, without bingeing as much) - and then start in when it arrives. I'm very excited and hope this works out well for me. I'm even taking a "Before Picture", and as evidenced by my HORROR of having to take a picture for the family portrait a couple weeks ago, you know I must be serious about this! :wink:

I wish everyone the best of luck here. You guys are awesome, and I truly feel like I've made some friends on this bulletin board. Such a supportive group. Thanks so much for everything. I'll pop back in in about a month or so.....either with my tail between my legs, confessing that I shouldn't have strayed :oops: :) , or hopefully with good news that I found something that I can finally stick to! :D

Take care everyone and thanks again!! :)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:50 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi there, FIRST, thank you for letting us know that you will be leaving...some people just disappear and that is sad, at least we all know you are heading in a different direction with your life right now..not giving up.

Best of luck..hate to see you go..


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:23 pm
by KareBear
Good luck GK! I don't think you should feel bad at should always do things that are best for you and not what you think is expected of you.

We are here if you need us and please keep us updated on your progress.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:22 pm
by milliem
I think the No S Diet ROCKS, don't get me wrong, I still believe that. But, hopefully this new plan that has a little more structure, will help me stay on track. I guess I'm not disciplined enough to adhere to flexible rules without losing control (does that make sense?).
This totally make sense - NoS is flexible, but you have to be disciplined enough to make each plateful pretty healthy in order to see any real effects I think. Some of us *points at self* don't find that too easy!!

Good luck finding something that works for you, crossing my fingers that you do!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:41 pm
by NoSRocks
I'd just like to second all of the others' posts above, gk! Will miss you but I can totally see where you are coming from! I too have struggled with No S - weekends being the worst for me since I just 'cannot' seem to get a handle on my eating and want to and continue to eat everything in sight until my N Days roll around again and I find that just as if by magic, I am back in control again. Don't get me wrong, I am SO very thankful after years of failed diets and bingeing and starving that at least I have my N Days under control! 5 days out of 7 is far, far better than the erratic bingeing every 2nd day that I had been doing for many years and all the fretting and self-recrimination that goes with it! However, I often wonder how I can get over my S Days overindulging and that is my one 'bug bear' with this otherwise fantastic eating plan! As someone who has experimented recently with other plans (unsuccessfully in my case but don't let that put you off!) in a bid to improve my S Days, I can understand why you would want to try something else and see if it works better for you. Another great thing about no S is you can implement it with other eating/diet plans as it is indeed a lifestyle change and not a diet as such! Anyway, enough rambling from me, good luck gk in whatever you decide to do. Please feel free to post here any time, No S or no - No S - ! :wink: