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Luna001 check in

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:06 am
by luna001
Days 1-5: SUCCESS!

I am happily surprised at how well the first five days went. I discovered a few things:

- hunger is not bad. I did feel hungry before some meals but nothing overwhelming.

- certain breakfasts don't hold me over for lunch. One day, I ate a Starbucks breakfast sandwich. Not as filling as oatmeal and fruit, or eggs made at home.

- I traveled two days for work and still managed to only eat three meals, no snacking, no sweets.

- I'm really looking forward to my S days and my frozen yogurt. Not planning on doing any snacks or seconds other than that, I don't think.

I feel like this is sustainable. I feel excellent. I might have put more on my three daily plates than I should have, but my focus right now is on the Vanilla No S.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:24 am
by determined
Good for you!

It sounds as if the first 5 days were great for you. It's amazing how much we can learn about ourselves when eating this incredibly simple way. I have a long history of overeating & dieting obsession & when I concentrate on the simplicity of this plan, I feel SO much better.

You've got a really great start - good for you!

Welcome & much success to you!

Days 6-12

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:06 pm
by luna001
Things are going remarkably well.
I didn't stress on my S days. Ate three meals, one plate on Saturday, plus some frozen yogurt with toppings. Sunday I had two large meals and some chocolate brought by the neighbor. Made my husband throw away the chocolate Sunday evening.
Monday through today (Friday) have been good. No cravings for snacks or sweets.
I traveled for three days this week and stuck to three meals each day. I can't say each meal was the absolute best, nutrition-wise (hello, McDonald's grilled chicken sandwich!) but I did not snack and I didn't eat sweets despite some very stressful work moments. Previously, I would have snacked all. day. long. to cope with the stress.
On one day, I had a fruit smoothie for dinner. But nothing else.
Feeling very calm and good. Also, I seem to have lost one pound, (bought a battery for the scale) although I'm not sure if that's significant enough to really attribute to the diet. If I can lose about a half pound a week, that would be ideal, however. Yay!

Third week

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:20 am
by luna001
I'm well into my third week. Still sticking to the plan and feeling good about it! Three more days and then I celebrate my 21st day of No S.

I was REALLY hungry in between meals yesterday. Today, not so much, but I ate more at each meal. I was very tempted to go for fro-yo tonight because my husband is out of town and my routine was a bit disrupted. I did eat a large dinner, though, and was full. I recognized that I was full! So I decided against the fro-yo and had herbal tea instead.

I'm traveling on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Wondering a bit how I will handle vacation. I'm not going to stress about it, though. I know I will be walking a lot and might cut myself some slack while trying to maybe stick to No S for at least four days.