Hoeka in 2012

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:56 am
Location: Botswana

Hoeka in 2012

Post by Hoeka2 » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:54 am

Back again... for a third time. :oops:
Due to log-in problems, I'm back as Hoeka2
I've kept up with no-S, but lately things have started slipping, so I'm back on the boards.
Just some background: in Dec 2010 I was approximately 80 kg, and at 1,58 m, I looked like a pregnant hippo. I weigh 73 kg at the moment - not a huge loss by any means - but it's still a lot better than gaining.
The slipping has come mainly on the exercise front: don't know when last I walked M-F, and the less we say about SG, the better.
So, the way forward:
Planning my meals work for me. I'm not rigid about them at all: I plan 7 suppers, make sure that I have all the ingredients for the meals, and that's it. By having something on paper, it's not so easy to say Oh well, there's nothing to cook, have a take-away. Breakfast is generally a slice of toast (or two) with a protein, while lunch is a wrap with lots of veggies and a protein, generally chicken.
I would like to start walking 7 days a week: I've noticed that when I skip a day, it's so much easier to skip the next day as well, and the next and the next... But, knowing how little I've walked in the past month or three, I'm going to settle for walking M-F, for 3 weeks, then add Sat and Sun. Rainy days, and days when there are thunder and lightning are S-days.
Shovelglove: that 12 pounder is HEAVY! I'm going to go right back to how I started shugging: 1 set of 3 moves, 15 to a side, twice a day, and work up to 14 mins.
That other S word: the scale: from somebody who did not even own one, I now weigh myself daily, record it on a weekly chart, and work out my average weight for the week. That's all I'm concerned with. Any weight higher than the previous week's is marked in red, and I move on. I don't obsess over it: in fact, if I don't note my weight right after I'm off the scale, I forget it. There have been some crazy figures: I've had a 3-day run of 74,1, 72,3, 73,4. So, a weekly average, and that's all.
I've lately run into the dreaded late afternoon munchies - something that I've never had had a problem with. So, I'm going to use that time for all the half-finished craft projects. Double win here, I hope: getting things done, and keeping my mind of food.
So: let's see how it goes this time round...

UR (rain)
B: toast & egg
L: LO goulash & wild and brown rice
S: roasted butternut, LO goulash, extra mushrooms added to the sauce (the goulash was more a mushroomy sauce than goulash by this time, but still tasted good.)

So, not a particularly good start :oops:

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:56 am
Location: Botswana

Post by Hoeka2 » Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:32 pm

Tuesday - a much better day than yesterday
No S
B: 2 egg omelet, 2 slices toast
L: wrap: chicken, courgette, tomato, banana pepper; yellow peach
S: clean out the fridge meal: chicken, mange tout, broccoli, potato
UR: thought it might turn into another yellow day, but the rain let up, and doggy & I had a walk in a light drizzle, sidestepping puddles and mud as much as possible
SG: I'm going to feel those 2 sets tomorrow!!!!

And I finished one of those half-done craft projects :wink: I was crazy hungry, though, despite a big breakfast and my normal lunch.

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:56 am
Location: Botswana

Post by Hoeka2 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:38 pm

No S
Lots of unplanned things; including 2 mediocre meals out; supper more or less the same as yesterday's. With all the unplanned things happening, I didn't go grocery shopping, so had to make do with what I had at home.

B: toasted something
L: tandoori chicken
S: rest of the chicken, broccoli, potato, yellow peach
40 mins, started out too late, and I was boiling hot when I arrived back home. Did see a pair of black storks feeding, though, they're not too common around here

Hoping for an all-green day tomorrow

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