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Tobiasmom's Journey

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:16 pm
by tobiasmom
Where to start? Well, I'm assuming my story's not much different than many other people. I've struggled with my weight most of my life (since age 10). I've been on diet after diet after diet. They all worked....for a time. The issue is finding what I can stick to for life. I believe this is it. Three meals a day. No banned foods. Behavior modification. Taking responsibility for HOW OFTEN I eat.

I've been eating just three meals a day for the past week. I had decided to stop snacking. Then yesterday I researched eating three times a day to see if it was actually healthy for me...and I found this site! So now I'm gonna continue on with what I've been doing with just one little difference: sweets only on S days. That helps me understand what moderation really is.

I've been doing these free online daily workouts. They're only 20-30 minutes long. I'm a military spouse whose hubby isn't here right now, and we have a two-year-old. So I am not able to make it to the gym, and these online workouts are a perfect solution. We also get out for walks every other day to walk the dog!

So since today's my official first day, I will post my check-in for today tomorrow. The thing I'm most excited about is taking this slow. I've always been an all-or-nothing personality. I want results yesterday. But I've decided to be happy with ME in this moment. My body will change eventually.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:19 pm
by good enough
Hello! I'm new too and totally identify with what you're saying - I'm THE all-or-nothing person! But I know moderation will get me further so trying to change. Best of luck to you in your journey! :D

Day 1

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:36 pm
by tobiasmom
So yesterday was a good day...although I was starting to feel under the weather. I had no energy yesterday. Of course this morning I woke up with a sore throat. That's how it goes. We just moved, and climate changes always affect me. I'll be fine in a few days hopefully.....

Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, and no sweets!
B: Cereal with milk and English muffin with pb
L: Top Ramen with hummus and crackers
D: two hot dogs and baked fries
Walked the dog 30 minutes

Since we just moved, I don't have much in the house. We're eating pantry items....

Day 2

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:56 am
by tobiasmom
No snacks, no sweets, no seconds: SUCCESS!

B: strawberry banana smoothie with protein powder, 1/2 English muffin, black coffee

L: tuna sandwich with bbq chips

D: small cheese quesadilla with olives and 1/2 cup chicken alfredo soup

Workout: 25 min. back, hamstrings, and abs

I REALLY wanted something sweet yesterday. I'm planning to make something really yummy this weekend so I have something to look forward to. Sweets should not be something I expect after every meal but something I look forward to once a week!

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:20 pm
by good enough
Wow, looks like a fantastic day!! :D

I know what you mean about saving sweets for special occasions. I had become so used to grazing on low-grade, sickly ww rubbish on a daily basis that it's come as quite a shock. I can't remember the last time I went so long without 'sweets' in fact! :shock: You're right, we will have to treat ourselves to a little something extra special this weekend. And it will be a real treat! :D

Keep up the great work!!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:01 am
by Meikmeika
I felt as if I were reading about myself when I read your initial post.

Isn't it strange to crave something and actually eat it? I've been living off SmartOnes, Skinny Cows, and Low Fat Sweets for some time now. And all I've really wanted was some butter pecan ice cream...LOL! That's what I'll have this weekend.

You're doing great so far! Keep it up!!

Day 3

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:19 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacking, no sweets, no seconds: SUCCESS!!!!

B: straw-banana protein smoothie with 1/2 English muffin and butter, black coffee (MY LOVE!!)

L: salami and provolone on wheat with cheez-its

D: chili cheese dog with baked fries (not as good as I had dreamed of. Got the wrong kind of chili)

Exercise: Walked the dog 45 min.

I'm not making the most healthy choices, but for now I'm working on the habit of three meals a day without snacks and sugar. I've been really tired, but I know it's cuz of the sugar detox! It's good for me! I want to start making healthier dinners, but it's hard cuz hubby isn't here. He won't be living with us til end of December. But I need to make healthier food for the little boy! I went to the grocery store today so hopefully our dinners with be better.

Tofu Queen: I'm planning to make this Saturday night: ... lava-cake/. The thing I like about it is they are pre-portioned minis so I won't eat an entire large cake! We'll see...

Meikmeika: I am truly amazed by how many people following this plan are like me: sick and tired of trying it all! Let's do this together. Slow and more drastic diets!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:28 pm
by Meikmeika
I'm With You!!!!!! We Can Do This!!!!!

That Molten Chocolate cake looks scrumptious & I'm loving the site!

Day 4

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:46 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!

B: egg and cheese on English muffin with watermelon

L: two green chile cheese tamales with a banana

D: 1/2 Marie Callendar's chicken pot pie and one flour tortilla rolled with butter inside, tea

Activity: 40 min. walk

I count today a success. I did one thing I normally don't do, and that's drinking something other than water at meals on Non-S days. BUT I have a really good reason. Water main broke on base and they shut off our water all day. I was home with a sick kid and REALLY thirsty after my walk. Only choices: milk and sweet tea. I had some tea. I would consider it a little bit like soda, but this sweet tea is just from the grocery. It's not the GOOD stuff. Enough said.

Meikmeika: The Pioneer Woman site is one of my favorites. She has the best non-Weight Watchers recipes ever! ha. Her stuff is good. Not the healthiest stuff ever but just some really good home-cooked grub! Her chicken pot pie is to die for! THE BEST.

Day 5

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:19 am
by tobiasmom
S-Day today! This was a wonderful day. My husband is home for the weekend and we spent the day together as a family! Awesome!

I have learned so much just in four short days on this program. Let me tell you...for the first time EVER I am not obsessing about food and what I can and can't eat! Today was S-day. I could eat ANYTHING I wanted. For some reason that works really well for me. I didn't go out of control like I thought I would. Because I knew I could have it, I didn't really want it. It's like reverse psychology for me. Tell me I can't have something, and that's all I want and all I eat. So interesting.

Three meals with a dessert!

B: waffle with butter and karo syrup, black coffee

L: beef fajitas, chips and salsa, 1/2 of a coke (not normal for me. I'm usually going crazy with refills, but I think my body is already getting used to less).

D: dried cherry and blue cheese meatloaf (I actually liked it) with mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce. I had water with dinner. Strange for me. I've been craving that sweet tea, but it didn't sound as good as water!

S: mini molten chocolate cake with homemade whipped cream (this was unbelievably good, but I could only eat about half. Again, very surprised I didn't go crazy on this stuff. )

Yes, I did A LOT of cooking today. I usually don't cook much during the week since DH isn't here. So on the weekends I'm cooking a TON!

Just feeling great today. I'm a bit tired from the sugar I did have, but for the first time in a loooooong time I'm not going to bed dreading waking up to another diet day. I am happy to wake up every day knowing I can choose whatever I want to have....three meals a day. And tomorrow's another S day! Unbelievable!

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:41 am
by good enough
You sound so happy in your post, and I totally share your enthusiasm!! :D This plan is a complete revelation for me. The food obsession is already less than it was just one short week ago, which is pretty hard to believe. I just feel so much calmer doing this!

Sounds like you had a great S day yesterday - the cake looks scrummy!! I surprised myself by not wanting any sweets, but I'm still getting the pizza and beer cravings out of my system so I indulged in that 8)

Happy second S Day! :D

Day 6

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:49 am
by tobiasmom
Yet another S Day!!!

B: egg and cheese sandwich, black coffee

L: leftover fajitas with beans and rice and sour cream, sweet tea

D: grilled chicken breast, roasted red potatoes, mixed veggies, 20 oz. coke (yikes)

I'm planning to possibly have the rest of my molten chocolate cake in a bit, but we'll see....

I forgot to mention yesterday that I took a two-mile walk with the pup. I took him out again today. This time it was 90 outside!! Loving this walking and not forcing myself to do some strenous crazy workout!

Just loving this lifestyle. Back to regular no-s meals tomorrow. I guess the only difference from the S-days is the sweets. I'm liking the three meals a day thing.

Ta-ta for now...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:04 am
by noSer
Sounds like you're doing great! I'm curious about your online workouts. Do you have a link?

Have a great day!


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:10 pm
by tobiasmom

I like them because they are short....20-30 min a day. They are free. Easy to do at home. And they work me out. If you're really, really fit, these may not be for you. But in addition to walking, I'm loving it!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:23 pm
by Ms
You're doing really well!

Day 7

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:05 am
by tobiasmom
Well, I made it through one week! And let me just say what a breath of fresh air this has been! I know I'm down in weight, but I guess I don't know exactly how much because my scale just got unpacked a few days ago. Plus, the scale is not what I'm focused on right now. I'm tempted to wait a month til I weigh. I really just want to focus on following No-S without the distraction of how many lbs I'm losing. And I know without looking at the scale. My clothes are looser!

Today was a holiday for the military so DH was still here. We had a nice family day. Of course I had to remind myself a bit that it wasn't an S day...just cuz he's usually only here on the weekends.

Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!

B: straw-banana protein smoothie with half a Cinnamon Raisin English muffin

L: two tacos, rice, beans, and some chips on the plate, water (I really wanted soda cuz I always have it with Mexican food, but this is where I reminded myself that it was not an S day. Water was fine anyway!)

D: This deliciousness: ... esadillas/ This thing was wonderful! I had it with a nice big cup of water.

I kind of felt like I ate too much today. I wasn't beyond stuffed after each meal, but they were rather rich. I think I'll stick with one taco with the rice and beans next time....I dunno. Working things out here and there. Right now I'm not too hung up on nutrition and such. I'm just following the three meals. But I can see how my body is adjusting itself to a little less food.

Walked the dog again for 40 minutes. I was considering doing my online biceps workout tonight, but I'm rather lazy and tired after a busy weekend. Hubby headed back to school for the week. It always gets me a little down. Working out would probably help, but I think I'll just watch some tv and relax....without any snacks! ha. I could have a glass of wine, though....just maybe!


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:29 pm
by tobiasmom
I weighed myself. Ugh......
Remind me how much I'm enjoying this process and that weight loss is not the only outcome I'm reaching for!
Better stay away from the scale for a while.
I truly LOVE this way of eating.
The scale tends to be an idol for me.

I will not let it define me! I will NOT!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:05 pm
by good enough
You are enjoying this process and weight loss is not the only outcome you're reaching for!


Seriously, I hope you do realise that this is true. I think I'm going to stick with the Monday weigh-ins for now, but only because I know I can pack on a LOT of weight in a month if I put my mind to it. Actually, even if I don't put my mind to it. But it's much more important in the long run that I follow no S, just because it's already brought me more sanity around food than I've had in a very long time indeed. We're both in this for the inner peace at least as much as the weight loss, right?

Keep it up, you're doing some truly great work!!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:24 pm
by Meikmeika
You're doing wonderful!!! Keep It Up!!!!

The diet mentality is so hard to get away from. My clothing fits the same way it did when I started NoS (maybe even a little snugger), which is why I can't even look at the scale yet. Sadly, I'm allowing the scale this control over me. I do know that I feel less overwhelmed and obsessed when doing NoS.

Don't forget that your body is still adjusting to the NoS way of life. If you were anything like me living off diet foods galore it's gonna take some time. Just keep in mind the saneness of NoS or the new dishes you can make without having to calculate the points/calories or having the ability to think of other things besides food....

We Can Do This!!!

Day 8

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:57 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no sweets, no seconds: SUCCESS!!!

B: egg and cheese in a tortilla, watermelon, black coffee

L: 1/2 salami and provolone sandwich on oatmeal bread, plum, and a serving of Doritos

D: crockpot vegetable soup, apple, Irish soda bread

Activity: 40 min. walk with dog and the kid (much harder pushing the stroller up the hill)

So I tried to eat a bit more nutritionally today. I went to the fruit and veggie market this morning and got some good fruit. So I had some at each meal. BUT the vegetable soup was boring and bland and not satisfying. The Irish soda bread I made was pretty good. I wanted to make real bread, but I didn't have any yeast. I will probably have some of that soda bread for breakfast tomorrow with some jelly and/or pb on it! Yum. I am gonna have to do something to the whole crockpot full of bland veggie soup I have. I guess I could add some chicken. Or maybe some extra spices? I put 1/2 chicken broth/1/2 water and Italian seasoning. I dunno. It even had a jalapeno in it.

I had a little fight with the scale this morning, but I've decided that who knows what that was about. Salt maybe? Who knows. I know this is the right way to eat. I do need to watch my portions a bit. I kind of just had whatever as long as it fit on a plate last week. So I think I'll still eat No-S whatever I want to eat but maybe be a bit more aware of my portions on the plate.

Meikmeika: Thanks for the encouragement! I struggle HARD with the diet mentality. I seriously am gonna just stay away from the scale for a while and try to just focus on this way of eating and making it habit. My body is so screwed up from being on numerous diets over the last 20 years. It wouldn't shock me that it's revolting right now! ha.

TofuQueen: I think sticking with Monday weigh-ins is an excellent choice. And you are right: there is so much more to this journey for us than the number on the scale! I don't think I'll weigh again til the end of the month. That would take some major willpower for me....but I think it may be just what I need!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:47 pm
by magrat
For the soup, a little fresh grated parmesan on top goes a long way. Or croutons, or stale bread. It might even just need a bit more salt. I wouldn't do chicken if you want to add meat, it's too bland - I would do sausage. I particularly like a little bit of kielbasa or andouille cubed and fried (to drain off some of the grease) before adding it.


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:06 pm
by tobiasmom
So I've decided to try a monthly weigh-in instead. I weighed this morning for a baseline (since I have no idea what my starting weight was last week). 204.8 this morning. I will not weigh again til Nov. 13th. Yikes. I don't think I've ever gone that long without weighing myself! I think this may be the key for me, though. The scale is such a hindrance for me. I need to get out of my own head.

I added some onion soup mix and pasta to my veggie soup. So we'll see if it helped at all.....

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:15 pm
by good enough
Ooooh, good luck with the monthly weigh-in! You're very brave! I'm terrible, I do an "official" weigh-in every Monday but I do hop on the scale for a sneaky peek in between sometimes as well! :oops:

I think you're right though, if it's going to hold you back from committing fully to the plan then you should try monthly. After all it's the long term trend that really matters.

Good luck and keep up the great work!! :D

day 9

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:47 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no sweets, no seconds: SUCCESS!!!

B: Irish soda bread with butter and a little jelly, mango, black coffee

L: 1/2 grilled cheese, chips, 1/2 a plum (Tobias ate the other half!)

D: Amy's organic cheese tamale verde with brown rice and black beans and an apple (This was super good. I got home from Tobias's art class late and was starving so I just threw this frozen meal in the microwave. The Amy's Kitchen organic frozen meals are awesome! I have had about three or four now, and I've liked them all. I don't usually eat frozen meals, but my hubby isn't here during the week so it's just easier a lot of the time.)

Workout: none today

Today was a bit of a rougher day as far as hunger. I got really hungry between lunch and dinner. I probably should have had a whole grilled cheese, but I'm trying not to overload my plates too much. This whole thing is a trial and error process. I learn daily new things about what satisfies and what doesn't. I'm doing a good job with getting my fruits in. Not too great with the veggies. I should have some salads....but I'd have to get some lettuce! ha.

I have quite a bit of a sore throat today. Gonna lay off the exercise for tonight. I was gonna try to do a video...but since I'm not feeling great, I'm gonna sit on my butt. I'm definitely getting something. Considering the boy has been snotty all week, I'm not shocked. Just gotta get through it.

I'm still feeling wonderful about this plan. I doubt myself occasionally, but what else would I be doing right now? Counting points like a crazy woman for a week and then completely blowing it or just forget it altogether and eat everything in sight. Whether I'm losing weight or not, this way of eating is making me happier...period! BUT I know it's gonna work. I'm eating less and waaaaaay less sugar!

I totally want to be a No-S cheerleader and tell everybody I know about it, but I have tried and failed so many diets....nobody will listen to me right now. I have zero credibility. I have never stuck with anything! Never. So this is my own little secret for now. But you wait. Six months down the line, I will be preaching it to the rooftops!!!! ha.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:41 pm
by Sienna
I totally want to be a No-S cheerleader and tell everybody I know about it, but I have tried and failed so many diets....nobody will listen to me right now. I have zero credibility. I have never stuck with anything! Never. So this is my own little secret for now. But you wait. Six months down the line, I will be preaching it to the rooftops!!!! ha.
When I started, I felt exactly like this! I just knew this was going to work (and I'd never felt that way about a diet before) and it just felt so sensible and so good. Even though it didn't come off quickly at first, I just felt like it was something I could keep up forever. But like you, I had zero credibility because mostly I'd just been gaining weight the last few years. So I've also kept it quiet (except to my husband). It's been nice because I feel like there is no pressure, and no one watching to see if I screw up, or questioning me about whether or not yogurt should be an S etc. I'm with you though - I can't wait until I can get my No-S cheerleader outfit! :-)[/quote]

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:02 pm
by good enough
Keep it up! I'll be joining you on the cheerleading team soon I hope! :D

Hope you feel better too...

Day 10

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:42 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: Leftover Irish soda bread with butter and jelly, banana, black coffee

L: turkey and provolone sandwich, 1/2 an apple, chips

D: green chile and cheese tamale, English muffin with butter, watermelon

Lacking veggies for sure today. BUT I got my fruits in and ate well otherwise.

Took a 40-minute walk. I actually walked with a friend today. Boy does time go waaaaay faster when somebody's with you!

My sore throat is a bit better this evening. Hoping I feel good tomorrow. We've got a busy day. Park day with moms' group in the morning. Walk with neighbor after nap. Then tomorrow evening mom is having an evening out alone. I will probably just go to Barnes and Noble. I love to just sit and relax and read. Hubby comes into town around 9:30 or 10pm! Yay!

Sienna and Tofu Queen, you are welcome to be on my cheer squad any day!!! Anyone else wanna join???

day 11

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:35 pm
by tobiasmom
Well, I can't say for sure it's a success, but I'm planning on it being one! So far I've had two meals. Tonight I'm going out on a date with my husband. Not sure where we're eating, but I'm planning to have one plate and no sweets or seconds. So it's a planned success! ha.

B: English muffin with peanut butter, banana, black coffee

L: grilled cheese sandwich and Doritos

D: Out to eat....probably gonna have a sandwich or maybe a nice salad since I haven't had any veggies. Taco salad? Yumm-o. Depends where we go, though. I'm new to San not sure what's around where we're dropping the boy off!

Walked the dog with the boy for 40 min. Really hot outside! I'm thinking I need to increase the distance of my route, but I've gotta wait til it cools down. It gets sooo hot in Texas. I'm not used to it.

Feeling good today. I am pretty hungry this afternoon, though, after my walk. I think it's cuz I normally eat my dinner in about 45 min. or an hr from now, but we won't be going out to dinner til 7pm tonight! Yikes. I'm just gonna drink lots of water. I won't die from a little stomach hunger. But hopefully I'll make good choices when I get to the restaurant!

Busy weekend as usual. Since hubby is only here on the weekends, we cram A LOT into the weekends.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:08 am
by good enough
Hope you had fun last night! Have a great weekend with your husband - and enjoy those S days! You're doing great!! :D

Day 11 update

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:20 pm
by tobiasmom
Just wanted to update my dinner for last night! It was a SUCCESS!!!! But I have a story, of course.

We went to Carino's for dinner. We didn't get there until 7:30. I ordered a glass of wine. Yep...ONE glass of wine. I had eaten lunch at noon. So it had been 7 1/2 hours since I'd eaten last. Yep....super buzzed. The room started to get dark, I was getting hot, spinning was involved. ONE glass. ha! I didn't have any bread cuz I was waiting to place it on my plate! Our food finally came a little after 8:00, and it was delicious. I ordered something new. It was a new item they had that was kind of like pot roast with egg noodles, tender yummy beef, and some veggies. It had a hint of spiciness. And I had a little bit of bread with it. We walked around for a while cuz I still felt it after dinner! ha.

This was such a success for me. It's the first time ever that I can remember that I left a restaurant feeling unstuffed and normal...aside from the wine buzz!

S day today! Gonna go make some waffles!

Day 12

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:18 am
by tobiasmom
S-Day! Went to the pumpkin patch. Had a great time. Ate a little worse than last weekend...but still within reason. Three meals with a dessert. I'm pretty sugar dead right now, though. It makes me so tired after not having it all week. Watching UFC right now and low on energy. But I LOVE this way of eating. It helps to know that I feel so much better during the week on the regular days. Keeps me going.....

B: waffle with butter and karo syrup, black coffee

L: HUGE chili dog with jalapenos at the pumpkin patch with a can of coke and then some apple ice cream. This pumpkin patch was at an orchard, and that ice cream was amazing. I'm not a huge ice cream fan...but this was magnificent!

D: LOTS of tortilla chips with cheese and guacamole and salsa. Ate way too much of this, but it was delicious. 1/2 of a 20 oz. coke. It just didn't taste that great so I put it away.

Might have a glass of wine later, but it will probably make me even more tired so maybe not?! We'll see.

Didn't go for my 40-minute walk, but we walked A LOT at the pumpkin patch/orchard and then walked around stores, etc.

S-Day again tomorrow, but I think I will lay off the soda tomorrow. It doesn't even taste like I've dreamed of....

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:39 pm
by good enough
It helps to know that I feel so much better during the week on the regular days.
I totally agree. I'm almost finding the N days easier to deal with than the S days at the moment, but that's probably because I'm so used to restriction. Think it will take a while for my weekends to calm down. But for now I'm just going to trust in the process and push on.

Keep up the great work - here's to a shiny new week! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:53 pm
by Sienna
S-Day again tomorrow, but I think I will lay off the soda tomorrow. It doesn't even taste like I've dreamed of....
You've noticed this too? Before NoS, I was a diet soda junkie (actually switched to diet soda from juice because of the supposed caloric savings) I thought I was really going to miss my soda. Nope. I just don't even enjoy soda the way I used to. I now only drink soda if it has alcohol in it (silly sounding I know, but Captain Morgan's and diet coke is one of my favorite drinks - and since I've always been super careful about my alcohol consumption there is no risk of going crazy with it).

Congrats on the green week! I'm totally on your cheer squad! :-)

day 13

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:49 am
by tobiasmom
Well, I am REALLY sick today. I've had a sore throat off and on for the past couple weeks....but now it's a full-blown icky achey cough-like-crazy exhausted low energy sick. Yuck.

Having another S-day today probably isn't helping me to feel any better. Low energy. Ready to have a good clean NoS day! I like the more structured days for sure!

B: strawberry banana protein smoothie, black coffee

L: 2 steak tacos, 1/2 cheese quesadilla, chips, cheese sauce, jalapenos, THREE 20 oz. sweet teas...yikes (but they were soooooo good!)

D: bbq cheeseburger, chips and guacamole, rest of my soda from yesterday, five oreos with milk

Walked 3 miles with hubby, our little boy, and the dog

Hoping I'll feel a bit better tomorrow. I'm losing my voice and everything. Just gonna watch Amazing Race tonight and relax...
Looking forward to a NORMAL day tomorrow without the sugar.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:53 pm
by good enough
Oh No! Sorry to hear you're poorly. Hope you're feeling a bit better today? I left you my secret tofu recipe on my thread! :D

PS. Isn't it funny but I've been really looking forward to N Days too after the weekend! I guess our bodies know what is good for us!!

Wishing you another super week... :D

Day 14

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:32 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacking, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

Struggled a bit today for some reason. My brain wanted to just snack and say screw it! I think it's cuz I'm still not feeling too great. I don't know if I just have bad allergies or what. My throat is really scratchy and I'm coughing a lot...but no runny nose or anything! Anyway, I did make it through the day. Don't know why it was tough....hmm....

B: English muffin with peanut butter, 1/2 banana, black coffee

L: chalupas, beans, rice, part of a quesadilla (overate but it was officially one plate....)

D: fried chicken 3 oz., mac and cheese, tortilla chips

Not a healthy day. But I made it through with three plates.

Walked 40 min. with the dog and my boy

hola hola

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:34 am
by AnneK
Thanks for posting on my thread yesterday. It was nice to hear from some other newcomers on the site.

I enjoyed reading through your check-ins, reading what you eat every day--it was helpful. I think I'm probably going to go through a similar process: focusing on forming the habits and needing to be content with that for a while rather than the results on the scale. A new definition of success.

Re: Day 14

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:47 pm
by Sienna
tobiasmom wrote: Anyway, I did make it through the day. Don't know why it was tough....hmm....
Hang in there. Tough days occasionally are part of the deal - but the important thing is that you stuck to habit and beat the tough day. And sometimes I think making it through a tough day successfully is more rewarding than just making it through a not tough day. Because it really feels like I'm the one in charge. Not extraneous factors that can make life a challenge.

Good luck on another Green Week (not that you need the luck :) )

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:36 pm
by good enough
I made it through with three plates.
Hey - job done! We don't need to be perfect here, just get the job done. I have to remind myself of that sometimes! Well done for winning out over a difficult day. Keep it up - you're doing really great!! :D

Day 15

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:31 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: egg and cheese on English muffin, black coffee

L: deli chicken and provolone sandwich, cheetoh's

D: bbq chicken pizza, 1/2 apple, tortilla chips with salsa

No exercise today. Still feeling yuck. I'm pretty sure it's allergies. My nose is draining into my throat. Scratchy. Itchy eyes. Gonna try to get some allergy meds over-the-counter.
The boy got up five times last night wanting to sleep in my bed. So I am just beat today. He's having a hard time since dad's not here right now. Only a couple more months!
Much better day today eatingwise. Didn't feel like it was as bad of a struggle to stick with the three meals. Yesterday I had visions of snacking for some reason!

AnneK: Looking forward to watching your progress on your new journey!

Sienna: You're right. Tough days are part of the deal in life in general. Just gotta focus on the positives!

Tofu Queen: Thanks for the recipe on your site. I've gotta go get some tofu and figure out what recipe I wanna use it with. Oh...I think I might have an idea, actually!!! I'll let ya know.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:39 am
by ZippaDee
Hope you feel better soon and can get some good rest tonight!! My hubby is retired Air Force...those separations can be very hard on the kiddos as well as you. Take good care!!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:44 am
by AnneK
EVERYTHING is hard when you're feeling sick. Hope you feel better soon!

day 16

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:36 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: English muffin with apple butter, 8 oz. smoothie, black coffee

L: turkey and provolone sandwich, cheetohs, grapes

D: garlic chicken with mushrooms and onions over basmati rice, mango (this was delicious! Haven't made it in a long time and it was simple and delish)

Exercise: 40 min walk (in 90 degree weather!)

Today was a great day eatingwise. I really felt in the groove today. And dinner was phenomenol. I was very satisfied.

I bought some claritin today and some nose spray. It seems to have helped quite a bit. So I'm positive it's allergies now. I still feel pretty ick, BUT I heard from numerous people that local honey taken every day helps allergies. So I'm headed to Farmer's Market on Saturday to get some local pure honey. I plan to have just a tsp or so each morning. I'm thinking that is still ok with No-S since he said some people can put a little sugar in their coffee. I will probably put it in some tea or something. IF it helps these allergies, I am willing!!! I can't believe allergies can make you feel like this! Apparently Texas is a popular allergy state. Who knew??? Just moved here a month ago and have had this "sickness" for more than three weeks of living here!!!

So I THINK things are looking up around here! Gonna go check in with all of you all!

day 17

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:01 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese (this was yummy and kept me nice and full til lunchtime), black coffee

L: turkey and provolone on deli roll, doritos, grapes

D: leftover chicken with mushrooms and onions, english muffin with butter, 3 slices apple

Walked 45 minutes

Pretty good day. Feeling a bit hungry still after dinner for some reason. I think it's cuz I didn't have rice with the chicken like last night, but I felt like an english muffin tonight. Oh, well. I'll just have some water. That helps. May have some wine tonight, but I'm not sure.

Loving this lifestyle! I broke my one-month weigh-in and weighed today. I'm down in weight so I'm glad I checked just to see if I'd made ANY progress! I can for the first time in my life...seriously....picture myself sticking to this way of eating forever. I am not deprived of anything...except extra food I don't need and sugar that I can have on the weekend if I choose. That's not deprivation. That's common sense! Feeling awesome!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:41 am
by magrat
My husband has really bad allergies and zyrtec is the best - better than prescription allergy meds and you can get the generic at Sam's Club super cheap. Hope you start feeling better - it's so hard getting anything done when you're not feeling good!

I am loving this lifestyle too, and I'm a major (recovering) dessert addict! I do know that I will have to stick to this diet for life or go back to my old ways, I don't know that I can do moderation without the No S rules!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:18 am
by AnneK

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:23 am
by ZippaDee
Congrats on taking one day at a time and creating a new habit and new life for yourself!! So happy that the weight is heading in the right direction. whoo hoo!!! We're doing it girl! It's our year! :D

Happy Friday!

Day 18

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:50 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese

L: cheese and chips with sour cream, grapes

D: tuna melt, cheetohs

Walked 40 minutes

Not the healthiest choices today. Didn't have any vegetables. But I'm continuing at this point to stick to vanilla No-S and eat whatever I want at meals. I feel awesome! I know at some point I'll make different food choices, but I'm not worried about it right now.

I'm going to church group tonight. I'm pretty sure they will have snacks and treats there. That's gonna be a bit of a challenge. But I plan to stick with some water and/or coffee. It there's anything super delicious looking, I'll take it home with me and have it tomorrow!

S day tomorrow! Planning to have Dunkin donuts in the morning. I'll just have one or two. Then we're going to the Farmer's Market so I'll get something yummy for lunch there. We're going to a bday party in the late afternoon. It's a bbq. Yum. So I think it's gonna be a great day....and I'm going to try to be moderate!! I know I'm down in weight this week. I don't want to go completely crazy and blow it this weekend. But I AM going to enjoy myself! Hubby comes home tonight! Fridays are the best. Sundays, on the other hand..........oh, well. It's just for a couple more months. He graduates in December.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:45 am
by ZippaDee
Big thumbs up to you! You are doing great! Enjoy your weekend with your hubby!

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:36 am
by AnneK

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:56 am
by ZippaDee
Ha Ha Ha!! AnneK your "Happy Donut Day" made me smile! :D


Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:48 pm
by tobiasmom
Can you believe we went to Dunkin Donuts this morning and nothing looked that good? I actually thought sugar for breakfast sounded horrible! So I had one donut......and put the other one in the fridge. I was really craving my bagel with cream cheese. So I ate half of one. Sugar just isn't very filling......

Hopefully we'll get to go to the Farmers Market today. It's currently raining, though.....

I'll post the rest of my day tonight!

Day 19

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:55 pm
by tobiasmom
S Day

B: 1 donut, 1/2 bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese, strawberry milk

L: 1/2 Chipotle burrito bowl, chips, guacamole, coke

D: LOTS of spinach artichoke dip with bread, chips, root beer, hot dog, cheesy potatoes, cake and ice cream, 1/2 a beer

40 minute walk

Today was a bit of an S day gone wild. We went to a bday party last night and I made my spinach artichoke dip and kind of went to town on it! I did eat beyond full, but I stuck with three meals and ate less sugar than I normally would. Overall it was a fine day....but I couldn't or wouldn't want to eat like that EVERY day.

Church today, and then we're going to a Halloween symphony! Tobias LOVES music so we thought we'd take him to see an orchestra. His attention span isn't great (he's almost three), but I know he loves music, and it's supposed to be a Halloween extravaganza for the kids. We'll see. Planning to eat leftovers it will be more spinach artichoke dip and some pesto and bread, bread, bread. I got this wonderful bread from the Farmer's Market.

I had better get a walk in too....

Day 20

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:13 am
by tobiasmom
Another S day gone wild....

Oh, well, tomorrow's a new day. I know how miserable I felt today. It was bound to happen sometime. The funny thing is that I'm actually still on track....cuz it was an S-day. But, boy, did I gorge myself this weekend. What the heck?!

B: English muffin with lemon curd, black coffee

S: peanut butter, oats, and chocolate chip muffin thingy

L: 3 huge slices of crusty bread with spinach artichoke dip and pesto, chips and cheese with sour cream, strawberry milk

D: cheese fries appetizer, coke, 1/2 monte cristo sandwich with broccoli cheese casserole

S: five oreos with milk

NO exercise.

What a day! I'm exhausted and full just writing that down. ha.

But even though I overdid it, I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. I actually feel excited to be back to No-S days tomorrow, and I know I overdid it. That's not always the case for me. I usually just eat mindlessly and keep going til I reach a pit and go on another NEW diet! Not now. I'm not gonna weigh myself tomorrow just so I'm not totally discouraged. I'll just follow the plan and weigh Wednesday or so.

So that's my weekend. I'm ready for bed now! Goodnight.

Day 21

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:29 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no sweets, no seconds: FAILURE!!!

Can you believe it? I made it to day 21 and had a failure? I'm not sure if you're supposed to start over when you have a failure...I mean, restart with day 1. But I'm not planning to. I'm planning to just move on. Tomorrow's a new 22!

I had an icky lunch, threw it up for some reason, and then proceeded to snack the rest of the afternoon, including a homemade strawberry shake that felt really worth it at the time.

Oh, well. I'm moving on. Tomorrow's a new day. No-S is my new life now.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:29 am
by ZippaDee
No, you don't start just keep pluggin' away!!! Exactly as you's your new life! Sorry you got sick...that's no fun! :cry: Hope tomorrow you feel better!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:03 am
by AnneK
Doesn't throwing up make the day kind of "special"?


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:18 pm
by tobiasmom
So I guess it's just that time of a new eating pattern that I start to revolt (three weeks in). BUT I will not quit. Today is going to be a good day, despite the fact that my mind wants to say SCREW IT. This is the most sensible, fun, and most do-able program there is. I have to stick with it.

But I think since I'm now past 21 days, I need to start regulating my S days a little bit. That's what led to this tough Monday and Tuesday I'm having. So far so good for today, and I have NO plans of a failure today. Just gonna work it the rest of the week and remember the SOMETIMES this coming weekend.

I'll report on my day later....and it WILL be a success!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:44 pm
by magrat
I was feeling the same way - diet fatigue. And really worried that I was going to stop losing now. But this morning I was down again! And my brand new expensive pants are kind of loose and I have to keep pulling them up :roll: Are you weighing in at all?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:38 pm
by emd1212
I'm going through the same thing, but I'm nowhere near day 21! It sounds like you are doing great, however. Seeing results yet?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:23 pm
by good enough
Hello! Looks like you're still going strong over here!

I've had a totally over-the-top few days, can't say it was really relaxing either and I know for a fact I overate. BUT - I'm back to it today. Like you I have already realised this really is a sensible, doable way of eating (and living!) that can work for me, and I am determined to persevere. Just need to remember that 'sometimes'!! :D

Congrats on your success so far and keep up the great work!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:32 pm
by Sienna
I hope you are feeling better than yesterday. And remember sick days are S days - so if nibbling is what you need to feel better after throwing up, that's okay. But either way I think you are right to move forward, no point dwelling on it.

Good luck this week! :)

(And congrats on hitting 21 days!)

Day 22

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:02 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, No snacks, No seconds, No sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: English muffin with apple butter, black coffee

L: turkey and cheddar sandwich, doritos

D: bean and cheese burrito, tortilla chips with salsa

Walked 40 minutes

Yay! I got back on the wagon today after my little craziness yesterday afternoon. I know a sick day COULD be an S day, but I know what my mindset was...and that was screw it, I'm eating like crazy. I didn't eat just to feel better. I ate out of control. So I count it as a failure, but those are bound to happen occasionally. Glad I got my first one over with, and I've moved on!!!

We went to play group this morning and had a good time. I had some trouble after lunch. I really wanted to eat more. I was kind of bored, actually. The boy was sleeping, and I was just sitting on my butt for a few minutes, and I thought about eating. So I got up and did some stuff around the house instead.

My dog is sick today. He is puking and has diarrhea. He won't eat. I hope he's ok. It kind of worries me. He still went on the 40 minute walk with me today. And he's barely drinking. Hopefully he'll sleep it off! He has a very sensitive stomach. I think he's having sympathy puking for me since I puked yesterday!

Gotta finally go get some Halloween candy tomorrow. I've been putting it off to get rid of the temptation......but if I don't go get some, I'm not gonna have anything to hand out to all the kids on base!!! So tomorrow I'm gonna go get some yummy stuff. I will just save a few of my favorites for this weekend!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:13 pm
by good enough
Well done on a great day! Hope you are feeling better & the pup too. That's no fun.

Congrats on fending off the boredom eating, that really is no small achievement. Oh and good luck with those Halloween sweets (not that you need it!). Just remember they will taste even sweeter on an S day, with the week's success behind you!

Day 23

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:37 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese, black coffee

L: 1/2 turkey and provolone sandwich, salad with tomatoes and poppy seed dressing, 1/2 sliced peach

D: chicken enchilada, french bread with butter, corn

Walked 2.5 miles! Increased my mileage by 1/2 a mile today! So I walked up that darn huge hill TWICE.

So I went to the commissary today and bought tons of candy for Halloween AND tons of fruit and veggies. I got spaghetti squash and brussel sprouts and baby tomatoes and salad stuff and apples and broccoli and more stuff I can't think of right now. I just felt that I needed to add some nutrition to my meals....of course if I feel like eating it. I'm not changing anything. Still vanilla No-S. I eat what I want. But surprisingly my body is actually craving some fruit and veggies!!!! The salad today was delicious!

The pup seems better today. He didn't eat all day yesterday and most of today. But then tonight he ate a bunch. So I think he must have ate something bad cuz he seems fine tonight now.

Well, that's all for now. Watching Ultimate Fighter Tv Show. Ya, I'm ridiculous. I love UFC!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:19 am
by AnneK
Glad to hear you're all better, and the dog is better too. Since Halloween is a Sunday, you can give the veggies to the trick-or-treaters and eat the candy!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:55 am
by ZippaDee
Great job!! GO GO GO!!! :D

Great idea

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:41 pm
by tobiasmom
Now, Anne, that is a WONDERFUL idea. One broccoli floret to each trick or snickers for me!!!! No...I'm gonna set aside a few pieces that I really want, and then the rest is going away!!! The only problem is that my little boy will be trick or treating and getting the darn candy back! ha.

Day 24

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:35 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!!

B: English muffin with peanut butter, half a banana, black coffee

L: mixed greens with almonds and sesame dressing, French bread with butter

D: chicken enchilada (leftovers), corn, small handful tortilla chips

Walked 40 min.

Today was a good eating day. I feel good that I'm back in the swing of things. I was struggling there last weekend, Monday, and Tue. But I'm feeling back to my new "normal" self!! I had a really light lunch, though. I wanted to try a salad. I got pretty hungry an hour later, but then it went away til dinnertime. It's THAT time right now so I feel like a rather bloated blob....but I know I'm back on track!

So I have decided that I need to sort of moderate my weekends a bit. Not making any crazy crazy rules, but I'm thinking one dessert day and one soda day...not both on both days. So like on Saturday when we go out to eat I'll have soda but no dessert, and then on Sunday (Halloween) I'll have some candy...but no soda. We'll just see how that goes this weekend. I don't want to make RULES per se, but I'd like to try to prevent the craziness that happened last weekend! Just want to be mindful of what I'm doing here!

This way of eating is just awesome. I'm really enjoying myself....and I'm gonna be coming up on a month on No-S!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:05 am
by ZippaDee
I'm glad that Halloween falls on an S day! I'm not planning on gorging myself, but just knowing that I CAN have a bit makes for a much more enjoyable evening for me!

I'm loving this way of eating as well!! You're doing great!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:53 am
by AnneK
Its funny what you said about your light lunch--I've had similar experiences, where I ate a (relatively) small meal and regretted it, and felt hungry afterward, and then the hunger went away until the next meal.

I'm curious to see how things go for you this weekend. Weren't you already losing weight? Is that you just didn't feel comfortable with how much you were eating on the S days?

You are like two weeks ahead of me so I sort of think of you as my trail leader... :)

S Days (Day 25)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:47 pm
by tobiasmom
So I'm taking Friday and Saturday as my S days for now. Every Friday night we have a get-together with church with desserts, and it just seems awkward to sit there with nothing EVERY week. I don't really do anything on I'll just make Sundays a No-S day. Gonna try it out for now.

I took yesterday as an S day, but I only decided to do it later in the day. It was a very moderate day!4 We went to dinner at someone's house last night, and I made a yummy trifle for dessert. It had lots of fruit with angel food cake and vanilla pudding and cool whip. It was delish!

B: English muffin with spinach artichoke cream cheese, 1/2 banana, black coffee

L: 1/2 turkey and provolone sandwich, mixed greens with dressing and sliced almonds, peaches

D: honey bbq meatloaf, sweet potato bake, green beans (had seconds of this meal - it was so good!)

Sweet: strawberry banana trifle, black coffee

Walked 2.5 miles. I got my pedometer yesterday and put it on at 3pm. I got about 6,000 steps yesterday from 3-5pm. So I'm thinking I'll be close to 10,000 if I use it the whole day. We'll see.

Anne: I'm down a couple pounds. Gonna wait til the end of the first official month to record my actual weight. I've been weighing daily to see the fluctuations overall - even though I was gonna wait the whole month (oh, well). I think it will be close to my goal of 5 lb a month this first month! Last weekend I just had S days gone wild. I was totally down in weight on Friday and then gained a bunch over the weekend. I just don't think that's very good for me overall. So I decided to still have my treats but to moderate it a little more than I was!

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:30 pm
by good enough
I like your idea of taking Friday and Saturday as S days. I really struggle on Fridays (as I did yesterday) because we normally go out for drinks after work and have a late dinner. Leaves me starving - especially not great when having a couple of drinks. I might try that myself!

Hope you're having a great weekend! :D

Day 26

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:39 am
by tobiasmom
S Day!

B: bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese, black coffee

L: bean burrito with sour cream, tortilla chips with salsa, leftover trifle

S: three fun-size candy bars

D: two sliders with garlic fries and 1 1/2 cokes

Dessert: Fudge

Yummy day!

Step Count: 12,760!!!! Proud of this one! I'm shooting for 10,000 a day. I took a 4 mile walk with the dog today. My feet are a bit tired, but it was so nice to get out and let everything go and have just some time to myself!

Good time today. Stayed home most of the day. Then we went to Red Robin's for dinner and Bass Pro Shops (where I got the fudge). I'm pretty tired. We're just gonna watch recorded Survivor and hit the hay early. I MAY have a beer, but it will just make me sleepier.

Overall I am very happy with my S days this weekend. I feel they were moderate yet I enjoyed myself!!

No-S day tomorrow for me. It may be a slight challenge with the Halloween candy, but I had some today instead!

Happy Halloween, Everybody!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:44 am
by AnneK
Congrats on the exercise--sounds like a great day!

Day 27

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:25 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

I feel sooooo good about this one. It's Halloween. My son got a ton of candy. We handed out a ton of candy. I didn't eat any!!! I know it wouldn't even taste as good as my brain thinks anyway.

B: straw-banana green protein smoothie

L: chicken soup, flauta with sour cream and guac, beans, flour tortilla (yum)

D: Hawaiian pizza on the grill (this was sooo good. I made the pizza dough a couple days ago and left it in the fridge. That's the secret. Canadian bacon and pineapple. It was awesome!

This was such a great day. I had exactly what I wanted to eat, but I felt in control at the same time. I sort of wanted the candy, but I wasn't hungry or anything. It was just my head working on me.

Took Bodie for a walk AND took Tobias trick or treating.
Step Count: 10,639!
Gonna do my best to stay over 10,000 or darn close to it. That's five miles a day!

I'm coming close to a month on No-S. I know tomorrow is probably officially 1 month, but I'm gonna wait until 30 days. That seems like a real month to me. I know I probably sound crazy right now.....
But I will weigh Wednesday for my first month on No-S!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:09 pm
by good enough
Hello! Thanks for your post on my thread. You were the inspiration behind my Friday & Saturday S days... Was going to ask you how it went this weekend but I see it went brilliantly! What a weekend to make the switch, with all those sweets about... Well done for staying strong!

Thanks for all your support and keep up the great work! :D

Day 28

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:31 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no sweets, no seconds, no snacks: SUCCESS!!!

B: English muffin with peanut butter, banana, black coffee

L: mushroom swiss pita pocket, salad with ranch

D: pesto calzone with my leftover pizza dough (yum!), tortilla chips

Steps: Only at about 4,800 right now, but I'm planning to walk around the house and step in place til I get to 10,000. No walk outside today cuz we had plans all day with friends. Poor dog didn't get a walk today. Oh, well.....

Eating is going well. Had lunch at a friend's house. I tried to explain No-S to her, but it just doesn't sound that great when I try to explain it. Everyone I've told (which isn't that many people) say that not having snacks is bad for you. Oh, well. Not gonna try to convince people. I think me sticking to something forever and losing the weight will be explanation enough!!!! I love No-S. This has been the freedom I've been searching for!

We're going to the zoo tomorrow. I bet it will be easy to get my steps in tomorrow!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:17 am
by AnneK
Sounds like you're doing super great!

Its been interesting to tell people about No S. My sister immediately decided to try it too. Another friend said she could never handle a diet that let her eat whatever she wanted two days a week--that she'd go on a crazy binge for sure. I've been reading comments on the net, too--lots of people criticizing the no snack thing. Its funny how I was convinced of this myself. I really thought I needed snacks and tried to avoid going more than three hours without food--like I'd go into a diabetic coma or something. its so interesting to discover I don't need snacks at all.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:39 am
by ZippaDee
The "we must eat snacks to lose weight" mentality is very backwards when you think about it?? EAT to lose weight. :? YES...our success with this shall be the proof. You are doing awesome! Have a great day!

Day 29

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:03 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: English muffin with spinach artichoke cream cheese

L: pesto calzone leftovers, tortilla chips with salsa

D: green chile tamale with beans and cheese, peaches

I think I'll start recording my steps in a separate post once a week. My pedometer holds 7 days' worth. So I'll record my steps once or twice a week. It's just too hard to record them each night since I haven't finished the day yet! I'm at 8,339 for today, but I plan to do some more steps to hit my target of 10,000. Yesterday I only got in 7,457...which was pretty good cuz I didn't walk the dog. It rained yesterday. So I walked around the house and ran in place to get as many steps as I could!!!

I'm feeling a bit down today for some reason. The scale wasn't too nice to me this morning. I hate that I let it get me down. I've been really enjoying myself on this plan. I've stuck to it for ALMOST 30 days, which is amazing in itself! I was just hoping my body would cooperate! ha. But I know it's gonna work in time. I just have to be patient. It's only been a month. I have a LIFETIME to lose this weight! Of course I'd like it to be overnight.

I also didn't get a lot of sleep cuz we had major thunderstorms last night and lightning. It freaked out the little boy, and he slept in my bed last night. WHICH MEANS I didn't get much sleep. So I'm sure that's not helping my attitude today.

Today was a success. I'm just gonna go to bed early and hopefully wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow! I also have my monthly weigh-in tomorrow.....

Month 1 Weigh-In

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:17 pm
by tobiasmom
So today was my 30-day weigh-in. The thing is...I only weighed myself after one week on No-S. So I'm not positive what my starting weight was. I know it was higher but not sure by how much.

My weight three weeks ago was 204.8. Today it's 202.8. So I'm down 2 lb. Not the huge loss I would hope for. But that's 2 lb that will NEVER be coming back. And I didn't suffer for that 2 lb. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

And guess what? 2 lb every three weeks would be 28.8 lb in a year. I'll take it!!! I know R promotes 1/2 a pound a week. So it looks like I'm right on target.

I'll check in tonight after another wonderful No-S day - Day 30!! Feels awesome.

You're doing awesome!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:14 pm
by sarahkay
Hi girl!

I'm new to No S and I had a lot of fun reading through your check-in's. You're so motivating with your enthusiasm and down-to-earth-ness.

Keep up the good work! And keep us informed! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:50 pm
by ZippaDee
Congrats on your weight loss!!! YAY! You are doing GREAT!! :D I will be doing a monthly weigh in here too. Our starting weights are almost exact....mine was 204.2. Slow and steady wins the race. Keep on keepin' on girl!

Day 30

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:48 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!

B: 1/2 bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese, 1 apple, black coffee

L: BK veggie burger, small fries

D: crockpot pineapple pork tenderloin with bell peppers and basmati rice

Didn't get a walk in today cuz of the weather. I have been stepping around the house, though. I got in 11,500 steps last night while watching Amazing Race (DVR). I am at 6700 right now. We'll see if I can increase that later. I also plan to start doing a workout from Fit TV. It's yoga and pilates and stretching and abs, etc. I really need to work on some toning in addition to the walking. But I'm not gonna sweat it if I don't get to it every day. Walking is my main workout. Just trying to add in a little extra burn and muscle stuff....maybe to reduce some stress mostly! Being a military wife is tough at times! He's gone all week right now as I've mentioned. It just puts a lot on me here at home. But I'm doing this ONE thing for ME!!!! Following my eating plan and working out!

I unpacked a couple boxes today. One of them had smaller clothes...size 14/16. I won't be able to wear those for a while, but I put them in my closet. It will be so exciting to wear them! I'll just try them on every once in a while. I think I need to lose about 30 pounds to get into most of the stuff. A lot of it has never been worn. I've bought soooo many things in the past to wear WHEN I lose weight, and it has yet to happen! Until NOW!!!! I WILL do this. One day at a time. Slow but sure.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:37 am
by AnneK
Yay!! Congrats on your weight loss. Two pounds is fantastic on top of being able to really enjoy your food and your life. I'm very happy for you!

I'm thinking of it the same way--the loss might be small, but it's not coming back, and I'm not suffering for it.

I also have to admit that I spent the last nine months on diet plans I hated, and wound up with no weight loss to show for it at all. I'll take a half pound a week over that any day. Especially when that day includes pizza.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:21 am
by Sienna
Congrats on the loss (or the win :wink: )!
I unpacked a couple boxes today. One of them had smaller clothes...size 14/16. I won't be able to wear those for a while, but I put them in my closet. It will be so exciting to wear them! I'll just try them on every once in a while. I think I need to lose about 30 pounds to get into most of the stuff. A lot of it has never been worn. I've bought soooo many things in the past to wear WHEN I lose weight, and it has yet to happen! Until NOW!!!! I WILL do this. One day at a time. Slow but sure.
I do this too! I have a bunch of things I've kept that I *should* have thrown out, but I really want to squeeze back into. Some of them aren't even really in style anymore.

The other thing I've done is set myself clothing as rewards for my longer-term goals. I get to buy a new (non-essential) outfit for every 10% weight goal I meet. It's a nice motivator - and keeps me going towards my BIG goal - by which point I will have to buy a LOT of new clothes!


Day 31

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:14 pm
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: SUCCESS!!!!

B: 1/2 bagel with peanut butter (the little boy ate the rest), black coffee

L: homemade bean and cheese burrito, tortilla chips with salsa

D: leftover pork tenderloin with broccoli and basmati rice

Workout: Doing a Tai Chi video from Fit TV tonight. I also walked a good amount today. Will definitely hit my 10,000 steps today.

Today is just one of those know the ones that feel effortless and feel like you've got it all together? They don't happen all too often, but I just feel jazzed today. Do I sound old? I think maybe jazzed is an old lady term! ha. Anyway, my weight was down some more this morning. I ate half my bagel this morning and was full. No extreme temptations. Just loving today!

Tomorrow's an S day for me! No huge plans. We are going to a little bday party at a park in the morning. They are decorating we'll see if I choose to have one of those! Doesn't sound that great right now. And of course tomorrow night at church group there will be some deliciousness. So I might just wait. Saturday will be my other S day. I was tempted to make it Sunday since we have a church luncheon and I know I'll want to have some desserts there. But I think it's best to do it Saturday since we'll be out at the Air Show all day. Too many events, too little S days. ha. just kidding. I don't eat that much differently on S days. I just have a dessert or two and a little soda. That's what's so great about this plan. I eat whatever I want on No-S days (except sugar of course).

Hope you all have a great Friday! Hopefully I'll be this chipper tomorrow!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:43 am
by ZippaDee
Happy that you are feeling jazzed!! And I like that term! :lol: Hmmm? Maybe I'm an old lady. Enjoy your S Days. I love air shows! Sounds awesome!

good morning

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:25 pm
by tobiasmom
Good morning!! Just wanted to update that I weighed myself again and have lost another 2.8 lb since Wednesday. I kind of knew that was gonna happen cuz on my monthly weigh-in on was THAT time. So I was hoping that was why I hadn't lost much. 200.0 this morning (down 4.8 for the month). I'm soooooo close to being under 200! Can't wait.

S day today for me. Cupcake decorating got cancelled cuz it's mighty windy today. Gonna just stay around here and clean the house.

So last night's Tai Chi workout turned out to be 5 minutes of Tai Chi and 25 min of kickboxing! ha. It was a great workout, but I was expecting a nice relaxing workout. It's called In Shape With Sharon Mann and is on Fit Tv at 7am. I just DVR it and do it at night. Today is a step workout, though, and I don't have a step. Gonna have to improvise somehow.....Any suggestions?

Well, have a wonderful day, everybody!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:52 pm
by TexArk
Thanks for your encouragement on my daily check in.

I see you are close to breaking under 200. That number is such a psychological barrier. I will be watching and cheering for you when you make it! By the way, I also enjoy wearing my pedometer and aiming for that 10,000 mark---it keeps me moving.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:27 pm
by Sienna
If you can't find anything safe, stable and step like around the house, you can still do the step aerobics without a step. Just try to lift your knees a little higher as you "pretend" to step onto the step and keep your arms moving to increase the intensity. The old step aerobics program my mom used to use had you start without the step anyhow - and work up to the small, medium or tall step as you needed a more challenging program, so there is definitely still benefit to doing step aerobics without a step :)

Also yay for getting close to that 200lb mark. I've been hovering just over 200 these last few day, so I'm right there with you (and it's going to feel great to break through!). We can both do it! At least, I believe in us. :-)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:35 pm
by sophiasapientia
You're doing fantastic Tobiasmom! You'll be out of the 200s before you know it! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:13 pm
by sarahkay
congrats on reaching the 200 mark! thats awesome! you can do it!! :]

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:47 am
by AnneK
Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy its working for you. KEEP GOING!!!

Days 32 and 33

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:06 pm
by tobiasmom
Friday S Day!

B: egg with cheese in tortilla, fruit

L: turkey and provolone sandwich, chips, grapes, apple juice

S: three fun size candies

D: philly steak sandwich, fries, soda

S: brownie caramel thing that was awesome!

Activity: 9,000 steps

Saturday S Day!

B: bagel with spinach artichoke cream cheese, black coffee

L: shrimp po'boy with red beans and rice, biscuit, LOTS of sweet tea

D: cheeseburger on the grill, chips, two beers, one chocolate caramel candy bar, ice cream (ya...I went a bit overboard last night).

Walked the dog 4 miles!

Having a great weekend. I don't really like S days all the much cuz i always feel kind of icky even if I manage it moderately. But it helps keep me on track the rest of the week to know I can have these days each week! I got a great walk in the morning and my bible study. It was a wonderful morning!

No-S day for me today. Gotta rein it in a bit. Had a CRAZY night last night.

Have a great rest of the weekend, everybody!

Day 34

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:38 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no sweets, no seconds: FAILURE!!!

Yep, you read it right. I had a failure today. I don't know if the S days on Fridays and Saturdays is gonna work for me. We had an event after church today and I had every intention of being good...but it was just plain hard and I made the decision to fail. Sucks. I was quite out of control the rest of the day too.

BUT tomorrow's a new day. Two fails in a little over a month. I'm not gonna beat myself up. I'm making progress day by day.

Moving on......

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:42 am
by magrat
Me too! I intended to be good and do N today but that didn't last long. There is just something about the weekend that makes it hard to do N.


Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:20 pm
by tobiasmom
Here's my steps for last week:

Mon: 7,457
Tue: 11,554
Wed: 10.106
Thur: 8,855
Fri: 9,179
Sat: 8,566
Sun: 2,542 (pitiful)

Daily Average: 8,322

Not quite the 10,000 a day I want, but I'm getting there. A few days I took it off before the end of the day so I might have made it to 10,000....but overall I need to walk more on the weekends it looks like!

Had a bad weekend. Three S days in a row. My stomach is really sore this morning, actually. Something did not agree with me. Of course my brain tells me that this isn't working and I should go on a "normal" diet, but I'm not gonna do it. I'm committed to this. The only reason it seems to not be working at times is cuz I get a little too crazy on the weekend. Last weekend was really good. So I know it's possible. This is a learning process. I WILL keep fighting to win this battle!!!

Gonna go back to what I know this morning. Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, and NO SWEETS!

Day 35

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:00 am
by tobiasmom
Three meals, no snacks, no seconds, no sweets: FAILURE!!!

Yep, having a rough time. I don't know what it is. Gotta get the No-S groove back! One day at a time. One meal at a time.....

I am not giving up. This is the time when I usually throw in the hat and move on. Not doing it. I will make it through this couple failures!

Don't give up on me. I'm checking in regardless. Just want to be truthful and accountable that I am human and I don't have it all together!!!!

Tomorrow's a new day.