stonetoomany check in.

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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stonetoomany check in.

Post by stonetoomany » Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:35 am

I am miserable with my weight and fed up of dieting. I am going to stick to the no s diet. I am unable to walk for the next few weeks but when I can I will make more effort to.
I cannot see me doing the shovel glove so I am going to try some exercises in a book I have for toning up.

I would like to lose a stone but I accept that this diet will take me to where my body wants to be.

Ok then I am going to sign in each night and add the simple. failed, succeeded or s day comment. Boring posts but hopefully will keep me focussed.

Have to say that I am feeling a touch skeptical.
Weighed in at 152 3/4 . Will weigh dec 1st.

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Re: stonetoomany check in.

Post by Kevin » Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:21 pm

It's worked for a lot of people, but I can understand your skepticism. With regard to walking versus Shovelglove, walking is the more important weight loss exercise. I hope you are back up on your feet again soon!
stonetoomany wrote:I am miserable with my weight and fed up of dieting. I am going to stick to the no s diet. I am unable to walk for the next few weeks but when I can I will make more effort to.
I cannot see me doing the shovel glove so I am going to try some exercises in a book I have for toning up.

I would like to lose a stone but I accept that this diet will take me to where my body wants to be.

Ok then I am going to sign in each night and add the simple. failed, succeeded or s day comment. Boring posts but hopefully will keep me focussed.

Have to say that I am feeling a touch skeptical.
Weighed in at 152 3/4 . Will weigh dec 1st.
1/13/2011-189# :: 4/21/2011-177# :: Goal-165#
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:17 pm

Welcome! If you focus on doing the rules to the letter, and especially include a bit of exercise daily, whatever you enjoy, you'll lose weight.
And you'll actually enjoy it!!
How about making a HabitCal for NoS, and daily Exercise?
That's the easiest way to keep accountable, and then you don't have to worry if your posts are too boring.. :wink:
Best wishes,
8) Debs
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Post by stonetoomany » Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:41 am

Thankyou for the welcome :)
And the well wishes....I have a broken toe, I'm on crutches and it's taking hours to walk anywhere. :x Still it won't be forever.

I don't know what a habit cal is? a habit calender? I will read the forums more thoroughly and find out I am sure...

Yesterday...success. I had two menthol cough sweets (does that count as an s?) and I ate three pieces of pasta when cooking. :shock: I am sure that can't count right? But anyway I need to work hard on not picking stuff when cooking-or taking random swigs of milk or juice. (juice is fine but by drinking from the carton I can ficish a litre carton in an hour.-must use a glass.

I found that I was hungry by dinner time and my tummy was rumbling. Not a painful hunger. It's just that I guess we don't feel hunger very often these days so it's an unusual experience. Sometimes I snack so much that I am full by the time I have made dinner.
Sad really.
so many people dying of hunger and then in contrast, so many harming themselves with excess and poor quality food.

At the moment my main focus is on following the simple rules. But I am hoping that like Reinhard I will start making every meal count in terms of nutrition.

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Post by stonetoomany » Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:50 pm

I think I succeeded.....I only ate at meal times although I had crisps with lunch...not good choices.

I have just set up with one of those veg box schemes hoping it will be good so I will be motivated to eat more.

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Post by stonetoomany » Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:03 pm

Day 3.....Failure. Yay go me *sarcasm*

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Post by skaldmaer » Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:32 pm

stonetoomany wrote:Yesterday...success. I had two menthol cough sweets (does that count as an s?) and I ate three pieces of pasta when cooking. :shock: I am sure that can't count right?
That's a big one for me, too - tasting a little bit of sauce to make sure it's seasoned right is one thing, "tasting" whole spoonfuls of something while it's still cooking is a whole different matter....
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Post by Dandelion » Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:44 pm

I wouldn't worry about such little things as a few strands of pasta while cooking, cough drops or crisps at lunch. It's often better to make changes more slowly - and three meals a day with no snacks is such a big one for many people, it's enough all by itself without worrying about micromanaging those three meals. I have also found the more satisfying the meals are - on every level, not just nutritionally, the less likely the urge to snack or eat sweets.

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New year.

Post by stonetoomany » Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:24 pm

I don't know what went wrong. but I feel fat and unhealthy. I'm going to give no s my all in the new year and exercise more. I may blog in from time to time but mostly i hope to make a 1 year update next jan.

wish me luck lol.

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Post by stonetoomany » Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:33 pm

I hit 157 which is 2lb lighter than my previous heaviest.

I have been no s-ing for three days. Not eating potato chips with lunch either-I have to cut these out as they are my major downfall.
Saving alcohol for weekend. Takeaways and good quality chips will be reserved for planned weekend treats. I am planning my treats in order to keep control and have something to look forward to during the week.

Feeling a little hungry but at the same time I am feeling much less bloated. I have long suspected that something in all the crisps I eat bloats me out and upsets me.

I am planning a rich pudding for the weekend. A kind of hot pear upside down cake with walnuts and caramel on top served with whipped cream. I am going to really enjoy it and have one large glass of red wine. Those are my planned weekend treats.

I have a new oven arriving on Friday which is going to really make food and weekend puddings fun.

Before summer I no s'd for two weeks and lost 4lb. I know that it took about 5 days to stop feeling so hungry between meals.

Here are my hunger drinks pref without too much milk or camomile tea, nettle tea. Fruit juice, fruit concentrate, water.

Eating a wholegrain thing at a meal. Brown Rice for lunch is more filling than bread etc.

Evenings are hard especially with tv on and relaxing. If it gets too much I go take a long bath.

If it all gets too much and I have to eat I will have an apple or other fruit or carrot etc. And a large glass of water.

It's a bit like giving up smoking. Your body getting used to going without something. I think if I was going to have a physically intense day I would go for a bigger brreakfast or eat some wholegrain crackers and a banana as a snack.

So anyway 3 days in..I will weigh on the 1st of feb. two and a bit weeks away. I hope to see 2-3lb lost. But really any change would be great.

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Post by stonetoomany » Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:27 am

I have followed no s diet succesfully now for 11 days.
I snacked three times but those were two apples and one banana.

My treats at the weekend were a small piece of banoffe pie and a kit kat.
In the first week lost two pounds but so far this week I have gained 1. :(
I don't undersand, I have cut my snacks out and even ruled out all crisps even n s days. And on my s days I only had one reasonable s each day.
I even did three half hour sessions of just dance on the wii.
I can't cut back on my meals or else it will be too much like a conventional diet and I won't stick to it.

I feel better, much less bloated and more energetic but that 1lb gain is really messing with my head. I'm trying to tell myself it's a bowel thing iykwim :wink:

Monday is the official day and I just want to see the number down from last week not up, even if it's only half a pound.

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Post by ShannahR » Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:20 pm

I was reading your check in and I just wanted to make a quick suggestion. I just started NoS too (Jan 8 or so) and I was just as skeptical as you in the beginning. My suggestion is...stop weighing yourself. It seems like it's discouraging you. I have always had that problem on previous diets. I don't know if you have read the book or not but if you remember it says you have to give the diet at least 3 months to work. I decided I would weigh myself once per month and give it at least 3 months. What a relief it is not to obsess over the scale! If you think you can, I would give that a try. Just focus on following the diet and don't worry about the number, it will take care of itself. It will feel weird at first, but after a while it's liberating.
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Post by stonetoomany » Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:39 pm

Thankyou. I have carried on and have not faltered.

I was given cake at pudding the other day and felt rude refusing so I had a smaller bit and will only have one s at the weekend. I have planned a snickers bar for this weekend. Last weekends treats were a small regular bag of m and m's and a bag of skittles.

I have not eaten crisps for two and a half weeks. Still not safe to eat any lol.

The morning after weighing and getting upset my weight had actually shifted and showed a loss of 1lb. I have lost exactly 3lb in two weeks. I have written down the next three mondays for weighing so I will update those and then move weighing to monthly. (I am also taking measurements.)

But I still have no more bloating, no water retention, I have regular bowels now and my clothes are becoming more comfortable again. My rings are no longer tight on my finger.

Not exercised since friday though. I have a house guest and don't feel comfy doing it around them.

Despite the scale number I am not going to quit this way of eating because physically I just feel so much better.
It's getting easier to ignore the munchies...a cup of fruit juice or tea normally gets rid of that.

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Post by stonetoomany » Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:46 am

ok so I was really naughty this weekend......
lots of honey roasted peanuts
a snickers bar
three packs of monster munch
2 kinder choccy snack bars
mixed raw nuts
pizza slice as a snack
500ml bottle cherry coke.
2 glasses of champagne
takeout chinese

um and normal meals......k so this was a bad thing but I'm going to mark it and move on. I guess my weight will probably be up this week. Never mind. at least this was the only bad two days in three weeks......this was a normal sort of day before. I felt so sick and fat last night....lesson learned.

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Post by stonetoomany » Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:38 pm

I'm back again.
I am just too annoyed with my weight. It doesn't go up but ist's not where I want it. I want to lose just 1 stone (14lb) I want to do it by next spring but really if it takes a year so be it. No pressure.

I'm on day nine so far. It's going well. I had to modify it slightly to tackle problem areas. I have quit potato chips and corn snacks etc completely. I was eating nearly 350-500 calories a day of those. They are a real problem for me. So they are gone. I may have plain popcorn (with a little sugar) as an s every now and then.
I am also sticking to only one 250ml glass of juice or milk a day rather than a litre of both.
I have one cup of tea or coffee anyway so that can stay. The rest is water and squash. I'm counting soda as an s and won't have more than one small glass of wine in any day.

Today being an s day and also my son's birthday I will be eating out Just a regular sized chicken breast with bbq sauce and cheese with veg and potato and then a slice of st lucia banana cake when we get home.

I'm currently thinking of ways to get exercise into my day.

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Post by stonetoomany » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:40 am

still going strong.
yesterday I ate one small jelly sweet and a pinch of fruit cake. I don't think they are big enough to count.
My weight has not really shifted significantly since last thursday but I'm not officially weighing till 1st of each month.

I started Callanetics from an old book. I have done two sessions. It seems to be pulling me up straighter and it warns that you may gain 7lb in the first few weeks due to muscle. So I am persevering with both and think my results should show change in a month or two.

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Post by stonetoomany » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:17 am

yesterday was tricky bu I think I got away with it.

Breakfast-only a banana-we had to be out early.
lunch- pizza hut argh!!!! I managed a handfull of nachos, a tablespoon of each-pasta,coleslaw,potato salad. Then four pretty small slices of thin crust pizza.
Dinner-omelette made with chipolatas (3-4) plain haricot beans, green peppers and spring onions. A tablespoon of cheese and a little hp brown sauce.

I was very very tempted to eat rubbish and snack yesterday and I did have one more slice of pizza than I had planned.
I ate three sweets (candy) I'm declaring a success.

I woke up this morning feeling slimmer, my stomache was not so bloated and my thighs feel a bit tighter. I was really pleased and it's really made me want to continue doing the callanetics exercises. I have only done two sessions but yesterday I walked past a window and saw that I was standing straighter and I had a bum.

I weighed although I should only be doing that on the 1st of each month. That should be my new resolve so after today I refuse to step on the scales until the 1st. I should pick them up and put them up on the wardrobe.

Anyway 2 weeks in and I am down 3lb. 151lb. I'll be really pleased when I see it in the 40's.

Today's obstacle? taking the children to town and for fast food lunch.

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Post by stonetoomany » Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:57 pm

Breakfast...full fat strawberry yoghurt.
Lunch burger king chiken bites and fries and fanta--did not finish it because I felt full. (my appetite doesn't seem so big.)
dinner a small bowl of home made pasta carbonara.
(eggs,bacon,butter,cheese and spinache tagliatelle.)

250ml bottle orange juice.

about to do callanetics (dvd this time not book.)
I am doing the 10 years younger in 10 hours program either from the book or dvd two times a week.

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Post by stonetoomany » Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:27 pm

Breakfast bowl of meusli
lunch-1 slice margeurita pizza, banana and a strawberry yoghurt.
Dinner will be beef stew and dumplings.

Tomorrow another birthday, another cake and possibly meal out or chinese take away. Small piece of cake for me and a sensible meal choice with one plate only.

I'm feeling a little different in my clothes :the fabric seem to move about more and seems quite tickly.

Feeling the podgy belly today but the day after stomache exercises it always seems this way and then the day after it feels trim and tight.

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Post by stonetoomany » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:42 am

strange day....I know I've lost a little weight....I know I feel better in my clothes. But when I look in the mirror I still see fatness.
I know I still have a way to go so it's a bit of a reality check. At least I know I'm on my way. If I lose 1lb a week I will have lost my stone by mid January.

I must carry on with this. 2 weeks and 1 day along and it seems easier than it did to begin with. Must carry on with the exercise also.

I refuse to be this big again.

Looking at and dealing with my weight is making me worry about dh. He's double my weight.

he is 308lb. :? His gran and aunt had heart attacks at 50 and his mum is diabetic. I am so worried about his health. But I can't make him do this. I might buy the no s book and see if I can get him to look. I know he's not happy with his weight. I guess I am trying to lead by example. I may reduce his portions and see if he notices.

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Post by stonetoomany » Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:09 am

1st of the month official weigh in. Although this is my first month and has not been a full month. I started on October 12th. At 154lb
Today I weigh 151lb. I have lost a steady 1lb a week which I am really pleased with. It means I could reach my goal by mid jan.

I need to list this weekend's s's though. I went a bit over the top I think. And friday was a birthday meal.

1 strawberry cornetto
3 small plates of chinese buffet.
1 glass red wine
1 2 finger kitkat
a slither of sponge iced cake.
a handful of jelly beans
8 brazil nuts
an extra glass of juice

I guess the wine, juice and nuts are not so bad. The things that were completely unnecesary were the ice cream cone and jelly beans.

I will try to limit the s's next weekend. The more restrained I am now, the easier christmas will be on me.

edited to say.....on June 21st I weighed 158lb. I couldn't even fit into my biggest jeans and had to wear tracksuit bottoms. I lost 4lb in 3 weeks of no s at the end of July before falling off of it in the summer holidays. However I usually weigh 7lb more after the holidays and didn't this year.

Since june then I have lost 7lb. That's a long period of time but hey 7lb is good.

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Post by stonetoomany » Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:06 pm

Not very daily am I? lol.

Doing ok. I ate a couple of things I probably shouldn't yesterday but no harm done. Today has been back to business.

I have kept up the twice weekly callanetics and even threw in a session of yogalates today.

Though not showing enough weightloss to be noticeable, there are parts of me not looking as bulgy and my clothes are more comfortable.

I'm keeping going! Really excited at the thought of the1st december weigh and measure in.

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Post by stonetoomany » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:04 am no luck really last year. I think I was too fixated on weight and every time gained a pound in a week or even a day I gave up. Silly really I kow.

So I made a new year's resolution to stick o the no s diet. Just to follow it for the sae of establishing good eating habits. I know that mine were awful. I need to tackle those if I can ever hope to lose weight and keep it off.

I have PCOS so I am supposed to watch my carbs specially sugar. As insulin resistance is said to be the cause. I don't think I need to low carb or GI I just need to eat properly. Although I have switched as much as I can to wholegrain.

If I follow no s for a whole month the no s book promises that it will start to become second nature. So I am going to trust it and see what happens. I have nohting to lose by this.
If I get to six months and haven't lost any weight then I will look at following a diet alongside it.

But for now it's habit I am working on. I have also banned myself from the scales until the 1st of each month.

It's been almost a week and what I have noticed so far is that aside from a few urges to snack...I am less bloated. My stomache is not puffed out all the time. I feel a bit more comfortable. Last night I ate a larger than normal dinner (because I fast on Friday mornings till lunch) and I felt uncomfortably full even thought it could be said that I ate les than I would normally.

I have not tried to ban crisps this time. I am allowing them at lunch time but not every day. I have had two packets this week and I don't feel deprived. These are my big problem I could eat five bags a day! If I made them an s I overdose at the weekends so I have decided not to forbid them. I canonly eat them t lunch times and sometimes at lunch I am eating something that I won't enjoy crisps with.
So far this is working well.

We have a box of lovely chocolates set aside for the weekend. And a desert. I set myself a pre planned 6 chocolates.

I have found the habit cal a Godsend because I love seeing the green and it's really hlping me to keep going. I added cals for my son's physio which seems to get missed far too much. I also set them for skincare and bible reading. The red marks on my son's physio are starting to really bug me so I know that this is helping to inspire me.
If the habit cal was ever taken offline I would have to carry on on paper!

I'm so thankful for the oppurtunities to take back control of food and to be free to enjoy it again.
Dinner time is a plaeasure.
The carvings are a little like when I gve up smoking. I know from experience that they will gete asier to resist as time passes and then one day you don't even think about it

God blessed us with such a wonderful and pleasurable way to re fuel. All over the world millions of people are dying because they have no food and here we shovel it into our mouths and hate it or don't even think about it.

It's true we have s many diet foods but are still so fat.

On a uk comedy show there is a diet club character she takes a chocolate bar and holds it up She calls it the half calories diet. She cuts the bar in two and says now look you can eat this now because it is half the calories. And because it's half the caories you can eat twice as much.

And sadly that's the kind ofcrap we fall for.

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Post by BrightAngel » Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:58 pm

stonetoomany wrote:On a uk comedy show there is a diet club character
she takes a chocolate bar and holds it up
She calls it the half calories diet.
She cuts the bar in two and says
now look you can eat this now because it is half the calories.
And because it's half the caories you can eat twice as much.
Thanks for the comedy.
I love this so much I'm putting it on my Thread.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by stonetoomany » Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:21 pm

lols. Glad you liked it.

Ok 11 days in and my habit cal is a sea of green and yellow! hurrah.
At the weekend I had six chocolates and a big chunk of banoffee tart.

I feel slimmer. My trousers are looser. Surely that can't be right? Maybe I am imagining it and that just washed effect has faded.

But I feel odd away from the scales. Everyday I go to stand on them and say NO not till Feb 1.

So I have no idea what my weight is but I am not fixating on numbers all the time. That's a nice feeling.

I am wondering how much I am losing or will lose. Will I reach my goal weight? will it take me further? What if I am not happy being as thin as it makes me? will it stop all by itself and just plateu? will I like where it ends.

Those are all the questions in my head. I guess I will deal with them when I need to. Right now my focus is on habit and gaining control.
I am blindly trusting that I will lose weight. For now those green boxes are my focus.

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Post by Over43 » Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:26 pm

Hi Stone,

I don't think you need to blindly trust. The green boxes will end up translating to weight loss.
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain
You pale in comparison to Fox Mulder. - The Smoking Man

I made myself be hungry, then I would get hungrier. - Frank Zane Mr. Olympia '77, '78, '79

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Post by stonetoomany » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:20 am

Thankyou over 43.

This week I had two reds.
On tuesday we discovered that some chilled deserts we bought would not last until the weekend. So my slip up that day was simply one small trifle in a pot.

Last night I ate some chocolate and cheesy nachos. Friday is hard and actually we would rather switch sunday to Friday evening as that's when we relax and watch a movie and have a drink or two. I will be careful for the rest of the weekend. And try not to eatjunk next friday.

My planned s's for this weekend are a 330ml can ofcold cherry coke. Not had a fizzy drink since Christmas.
I'd also like some sweets maybe fizzy worms.
And fruit salad desert with squirty cream.

I am wondering if I need to make crisps an s. I have had three bags over the week. (35g) I used to eat three a day or more. My head tells me that I won't lose weight if I am still having crisps sometimes with lunch.

So resolve for next week is to make crisps an s and see how it feels and whether I get the urge to binge on them at the weekend if so then it may be safer to allow them in the week.
I will not pig out on friday.
I will plan three s's for the weekend.

So why was this week hard?.......I stepped on the scales. I said I wouldn't but I did and my weight was the same as when I started two weeks ago. Luckily I remembered that I am trying to build habit for now but I should not have stepped on the scales. It made me feel a bit defeated. Anyway I stepped on today and I have lost 1lb. (why weight doesn't really fluctuate.)
So anyway I am not going to step on again until the 1st of Feb. Just concentrate on keeping N days correctly.
If I lost 2lb a month I would reach my 14lb weight loss by the end of July.
Not major exciting but actually sustainable and healthy and still sooner than a year :) and into healthy bmi by early May.

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Post by stonetoomany » Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:00 pm

Ok so that's two s days over and Friday a falure.
But never mind.

This week I have a few goals from now till next sunday evening.

succesful n days all week
no standing on the scales
crisps and cornchips are s's.

Need to work on some of the habit cal habits I have going. I made those for a reason so I am going to work hard on those too.

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Post by stonetoomany » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:26 pm

I had one bag of crisps

I had three chocolates but I didn't count them as failure. :wink:

I stepped on the scales a couple of times......must try harder.

We booked a holiday to spain in June and that's inspiring me right now. I will roast if I don't feel confident enough to wear less layers.

s's this weekend?
Well I would really like some alcohol.
We have two desserts to use up.
I won't buy anything else because we still have chocolates and tons of biscuits left from christmas.

so....this weekend...enjoy those desserts. And a couple of drinks. And some biscuits with a cup of tea.

Next week. Keep those n days green!

Don't step on the scales!

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Post by stonetoomany » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:07 pm

Into a new week. I feel more positive and more relaxed about it.
I don't feel worried or defeated by the weekend. I can't remember every s I had in the end but I know that they weren't excessive. It was like a regular pre s day diet. Probably more restrained.

My husband discovered that my jeans are looser. :lol:
Actually they are. I need a belt. But they were always a bit loose this pair.
I haven't lost much I am sure. At two weeks in I had lost nothing. But I am not bloated or uncomfortable.
I feel slimmer even if I am not.

Challenges are...
Friday nights-must keep these N!
When studying I need a glass of water near-can't study in the Kitchen.
When I am cooking I need a glass of squash to sip slowly otherwise I pig out when I'm in there.

I'm gonna keep this week green. May even attempt a half hour of just dance on the wii.

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Post by stonetoomany » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:37 am

Last week was awash with red marks on the habit cal. Not just for the diet but pretty much everything.

I have no idea why. But my weight is still stable so I'm not going to give up. After all this was about habit not perfection and pounds of loss.

I really care about the things I put on the habit cal. So I am going to try really hard to do them. I should add to them too but as I am not fulfilling what I have I won't add more yet.

What's hard at the moment is that from 9-3 when the kiddies are at school I have to be studying and have to cram everything else into after school.

Never mind I'll pull up my socks and try to soak this week in green.

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Post by stonetoomany » Mon May 11, 2015 6:51 am

I haven't posted for four years!!!!!!!!!

Ok I lost track of the diet.
I did the slimming world diet for a few weeks in 2013 and got down to 10 stone 6lb. Then stopped because I was fed up with counting sins and eating pretty much the same thing over and over.

I then did a teacher training year and am now an NQT and the weight piled on! So much takeaway, high sugar snacks and rubbish lunches. So much cake in staff rooms!

I got up to 11 stone 8lb and felt crap. I went out and bought loads of size 14 (uk) trousers and admitted defeat.

But...something kicks in and says look you have a family who are type 2 diabetic with weight. And my hormone issue (pcos) means I need to be aware of blood sugar for the future.

So aware that every diet has led to weight gain and knowing that I've been happy on no s before I thought it was time to try again. I'm in it really for control not a miracle weight loss.

I can see from all the posts that nearly everyone loses even if it means 7lb over a year. I have lost a few lb in the first two weeks but I know that I always drop some junk quickly.

My current morning weight is 11 stone 3lb. I'm 5'3 1/4" so my healthy weight is between 10 stone and 10 stone 5. (I always thought I was 5'4"!)
I know that something odd happens to my energy and body below or over 10 stone 6. That particular weight seems to make a huge difference. No idea why.

So far it's been two full green weeks and two S weekends but the s days have just been pretty normal. I've had some sweets(candy) and a can of Coke. I went to a wedding after dinner but apart from a dressing and coleslaw I had less pastry and fatty stuff and loaded up on fruit kebabs and salad. They've been days the same as pre diet but better.

What I've noticed...waist measurements went down two inches and thighs two inches. Hips haven't changed.

Ibs is much more comfortable and there have been no early moring dashes.

I have started sleeping all night and waking with the alarm. So so unusual and the first tme in years.
I feel very relaxed in my body and tingly after eating.

Having to eat three meals a day has meant that I've had nice food. Trying to get a mix of veg/fruit whole grains and protein. I've been deseprate to eat real food for years. I thought there was something wrong with me as I only wanted crisps and stuff. But actually I have an appetite now and enjoy the meals.

I will be sticking to this for life. I have no idea what weight it will take me to. I hope it's 9.5 stone. I wouldn't want to be smaller but I'll see where my body is happiest. I'm not making a major effort to lose rapidly or massively at the moment I just want to eat regularly and normally.

Healing slowly.

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Post by gingerpie » Mon May 11, 2015 9:58 am

Welcome back. It sounds like you are already well on your way to establishing some good habits. Best of luck this coming week.

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Post by osoniye » Mon May 11, 2015 11:09 am

stonetoomany wrote:So far it's been two full green weeks and two S weekends but the s days have just been pretty normal... I'm not making a major effort to lose rapidly or massively at the moment I just want to eat regularly and normally.
Hi, stonetoomany- Welcome back. That all sounds very wise and like you are really ready to embrace this simple system. You're not the first person to go away for a while and need a restart (I am one, too).
I wish you the best!
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by eschano » Mon May 11, 2015 2:14 pm

Welcome back! I have one of those "particular weights" as well. I can say, however, that that milestone that always has me reeling upwards again does change over time when I stick to NoS. It goes down. It used to be 76kg, then 74kg, now 70kg. I touch 70 and psychologically something clicks and I gain, fall off the wagon, etc. I don't like how I feel when I get below that weight. But: it has come down over time.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
Started again January 2021

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 12, 2015 6:24 am

Welcome back! I too tried this a few years ago but just wasn't ready. This time around is going really well though. Nos is the best. You got this!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Post by stonetoomany » Fri May 15, 2015 7:13 am

Week three almost green
So annoying that for two weeks of this I have had laryngitis. I am a teacher so I have been signed off of work.
That means movement has been minimal. But I have stuck to the diet.

In attempt to get better quickly I have been taking a green smoothie with my lunch.

a banana, strawberries, coconut water and two handfuls of spinache.

My skin looks really good and I feel/look slimmer even if the scales aren't really budging. My hisp are going down an 8th or so a week so it's all slowly slowly moving in the right direction.

Still sleeping really heavily. Not taking codeine now so the sleep change must be diet related. So nice to sleep peacefully.

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Post by stonetoomany » Thu May 21, 2015 6:50 am

Well I have been at home again. week 3 of laryngitis. No exercise.
This week has been tough. The kitchen is a mess and I am really depressed and anxious. This week I want to eat junk.

We had fish and chips on Tuesday which broke our no take away rule. I think we might have fried our chips and used frozen fish in batter anyway. It's red but ok.

Yesterday was hard and I wanted so much to buy chocolate and crisps and fizzy drinks.
In the end I bought an Innocent brand smoothie and mixed dried fruit and nuts. I figured that if I was going to snack I would get some nutrition out of it. I didn't go mad on them. But then I realised that I hadn't eaten breakfast so I gues that was breakfast. That probably explained some of why I was feeling snacky.

With lack of exercise or movement I am surprised to be losing weight.
I'm floating around 11 stone 1 and 2. I'm so happy about that though. Yeas this diet is super super slow but it does work. At my heaviest I was 11.9 And when I started it was about 11stone 6. I'll be so excited to get into the 10's and watch it slowly dip.

This weekend will be my last lot of daily and weekly weigh ins. I'm going to try to stay off the scales for a full four weeks after that. Trusting that in that time, even if it's only a pound it will go down.

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