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S. Michele's daily check in #2

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:08 pm
by Michele
Today was a little harder for me the temptations were real bad, but I was successful!!!!! :D I had a pretty good lunch and I have an apple for my other evening class tonight, and my trusty ice water. :wink:

Hope all is well with everyone I will be away for the weekend, I might not be able to post for a few days, But I will be remembering all of what I have learned over the last few days. God bless you and Happy No S day!

S. Michele

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:55 am
by carolejo
Hi Sister,

glad to hear that it's going well so far for you. Just a short note though about the daily checkins. If you just keep 'replying' to your own check in, rather than starting a new thread each day, you'll have all your checkin stuff together and it will be easier to go back in the future and see how well you've done.

Congratulations on your first few successes though.

all the best

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:26 am
by gratefuldeb67
Good luck Sister Michelle!
Glad to hear you are sticking it out against those "evil" temptations...
(Like the ones from "Sister brownie lady" LOL...)
I bet Saint Francis would like NOS if he could try it...
Bless you too!
Have a nice weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:52 pm
by Jammin' Jan
As I recall, St. Francis had a real liking for St. Clare's almond cookies. :D Of course, the rest of the time, he fasted a lot. I wouldn't like that part, but the cookies would be nice on S-Days!

You sound like you're doing well. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we'll look forward to 'seeing' you on Monday.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:40 am
by Vicky
Hi Michelle: Glad you had a good start - keep trying and be gentle on yourself - Vicky

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:09 pm
by Vicky
Michele: Where are you??? Vicky - I miss seeing your messages here - I will email you!! Vicky -

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:12 pm
by Michele
Hi Vicky,

Well, I made it back yesterday from our trip. All I can say about Monday and Tuesday is well, I was not very sucessful. But I can start again today.

I have to agree that St. Francis would have liked the No S diet, of course he fasted all the time he did have a sweet tooth for Lady Jacomo's cookies. Today is sucessful, I am at school, away from temptations.
Yup, it's good to be home.

Peace to all, God bless S. Michele

check in

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:43 pm
by Michele
Today was a sucessful day, I had Total cereal with strawberries with skim milk and a banana for breakfast, Lunch was meatballs in mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes and a small coleslaw and water. Supper will be a simple sandwhich and an apple.
I try to eat more at lunch time so that I wont be as hungery during the afternoon. :wink:
I have been pretty good lately with all the temptations around the house. I just remind myself that I can have it on saturday if there is any left.

I weighed myself today and surprisingly I didn't gain alot of weight after my S days. and believe me after I ate the supersized icecream cookie, I thought for sure I would gain. Then again I did take the stairs most of the time and walking around for the tour on Monday hopefully burned some of it. I still weigh 207, I have a long way to go. :(

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:02 pm
by CarrieAnn
Hi Sister Michele,
Welcome! :D Want to let you know that this No S lifestyle gets easier with time. I started in July of this year and now I hardly even think of it, it just comes naturally. I do the same as you, have cereal or oatmeal with fruit for breakfast & have a large lunch to get me through to dinner without snacking. I know that you can do it! Please don't get discouraged if you fall back on an S item during your N days. That is normal, like I said it will get easier the longer you do it. I had plenty of trial & error also.

Hugs & Love!
CarrieAnn :D

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:02 am
by Michele
Thanks CarrieAnn, I apprieciate the encouragement. You are right, I just need to skick with it.
I couldn't find a sandwich at the University that I liked, so I opted for the chili which was mostly beans and I only ate half of because I wasn't that hungery. I still have my trusty apple :!:

Have a great day.
Sr. Michele :D

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:46 pm
by reinhard
Sister Michele,

I'm sorry I haven't welcomed you sooner -- welcome! The no-s rules are profane of course, but I think they are a natural fit for someone with practice in more sacred orders. I am very excited to have you on board!


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:22 pm
by Michele
Thank you very much for the welcome. I am happy to be here, I didn't think there was anything profane about No S. Maybe I should read it again?
I hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Your in my prayers.

S. Michele

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 3:17 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yeah I don't get it either???
But I'm laughing my head off right now!!!!!

I know...
You just need to add these little words before the rules to give them more Biblical umph!

Thou shall not have Sweets,
Thou shall not have Seconds...

and then just say

Peace and Love
(and silliness :))
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:17 pm
by Michele
HAHA, I love it! it's so ..... Biblical. Watch out for those burning bushes.

so far today has been sucessful :D
I only had cereal for breakfast, I can't believe I wasn't hungery earlier in the morning, but it lasted until now. There has been some temptations, but I think I can wait it out until tomorrow. Have a happy S weekend :!: :!:

God Bless, S. Michele

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:45 am
by Vicky
Keep up the good work Michelle!!! You have worked hard all week!! May God continue to give you strength!! Vicky

Week #2

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:18 pm
by Michele
Today was a sucessful day! I was pretty tempted to get into some candy at work, but I looked the other way in time. :)
Just being careful and watching my portions. Of course my weekend was a complete success! Thanks for the support. Hope you all have a great week.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:44 am
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Sister Michelle!!!!
Keep on a rockin!
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:53 pm
by Michele
Well, I missed checking in yesterday, it wasn't a sucessful day anyway. I was tempted to have just one cookie, and that turned into 2 I stopped myself, but then I messed up later at a meeting I went to. :cry:

Today will be more sucessful, I will check in later for today but so far I had a bagel with light cream cheese, and a cup of coffee.
Hope everyone has a great day.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:00 pm
by Michele
:( Well as you can tell, yesterday was a complete failure. Today is another day and I was already tempted to a donut, which I quickly & polietly said NO to.

I just need to keep my goal in mind, and all will be well. I would love to loose some weight by August 15th, 2006. Thats my goal.

Hope you all have a great day. Tomorrows Friday! Praise the Lord!!


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:08 pm
by kimmi
Yeah, today's Friday! And what does August 15 represent, something special?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:34 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Well, I missed checking in yesterday, it wasn't a sucessful day anyway. I was tempted to have just one cookie, and that turned into 2 I stopped myself,
Hey Sister, stopping at two cookies is actually something to be proud of!
Well as you can tell, yesterday was a complete failure
I disagree completely!!!
How could it have been a "complete failiure"??? You must have eaten well on some level.... And in my opinion, if you were able to stop at two cookies and not eat five or ten, or the whole bag, I'd say you were experiencing, what I'd call, a "Controlled Screwup"....
Not a complete failure...
Today is another day and I was already tempted to a donut, which I quickly & polietly said NO to.
I just need to keep my goal in mind, and all will be well. I would love to loose some weight by August 15th, 2006. Thats my goal.
Great work there!!! Nobody is out to get you and make you fat (except maybe Sister Brownie! :twisted: LOL...)

Michelle, long term goals are wonderful, and I'm guessing that you are looking at your one year anniversary here???
But I suggest that you also have short term goals....
Get from one moment to the next...
All we can really control is the present moment...
Not the past, not the future....
Praise the Lord and he will give you strength! :D
Keep a strict account of every time you do something positive like the donut rejection incident above, and don't focus on each messup you have so much... Just focus on the positive! This will build up your feelings of Willpower and each one, is, as Reinhard puts it, a
"Spiritual Pushup"!

PS... What do you Sisters do over there for daily exercise?
(I keep wanting to say "Nuns on the Run"! LOL...)

Have a great day and keep it up!
Peace and Love!
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:24 pm
by carolejo
Kimmi..? did you cross the dateline or something? Last time I looked it was DEFINATELY still Thursday. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Michelle, Deb is very right with this. You CAN'T have had a complete failure. There's no such thing here.

Wasn't there at least one period between meals where you didn't snack? Did you really eat more than one plate of food at every meal? Was everything you ate laden with sugar..?! Surely not. If you say yes to all of these at once I won't believe you :P

Even what you might think of as a really bad day can't honestly be less than 50% success, when you look at the whole thing. Honestly!

Here's hoping things go well for you and you make your goal.
We're rooting for you.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:00 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Kimmi has "Wishful thinking syndrome"....
Yeah, it's not Friday yet! LOL..
Make it a good day no matter which one it is!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:30 pm
by Michele
Well ok, I guess I have to admit that I wasn't soo bad. I could have said no more than I did, but like someone said once before on another post (it might have been Deb :) )
She mentioned that this is a life time change, so..once or twice a week slips are to be expected right? :wink:

I just get impatient with myself, I can be my own worst enemy at times. August 15th is just a special day that I picked. It seemed like it was far enough away that I could loose the weight in a reasonable amount of time. :o

Thank you all so much for your encouragement.
today for lunch I had a ham sandwich with a small amount of Harvest Chips Multigrain, it said a serving size was 11 chips. So I tried to stay close to that number. And I had water with lunch. I brought an apple to eat while I am at school, I will get a small cup of soup later.

exercise for me right now is walking steps. I should do more, I have access to a stationary bike, but right now is a busy time for me. maybe tomorrow I will be able to do some work on it.
I think I am going to ask for a sledge hammer for Christmas, that should raise a few eyebrows. I will see.
God bless, have a great day!

S. Michele :D

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:30 pm
by Jammin' Jan
August 15th is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Apart from being a very beautiful feast of the Church, does it have another special significance to you, Sr. Michele?


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:45 am
by Michele
Well, there was nothing really to eat at school except some old looking subs, I decided that a trip to Taco Bell wouldn't be bad, I mean there is no deep frying, no real grease to worry about. I had 2 soft shelled tacos and part of a burrito I was too full to finish it. That was my supper, and I had an apple earlier. So now I am done eating for the night.

Well, tomorrow is another day! I didn't snack today. thats starting in the right direction. I don't do the taco bell thing much, only when I am desparate :shock: God Bless have a good day.


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:56 am
by carolejo
Hey, there's nothing in this plan against fast food of any kind. As long as it fits on a plate, that 'particular micro-decision' is up to you. :)

I sometimes also eat fastfood stuff. Usually when travelling and the options are limited, but sometimes also just because "what I *really* want for lunch today is a BURGER". As long as I'm not eating that every day, or even every week, I can't see it's a problem at all.

Well done for not snacking. That's a whole load of 'spiritual diet pushups' (to borrow another of Reinhard's great phrases).

Hang in there! It will get easier, I promise :)


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:13 pm
by Michele
Sorry I missed signing in yesterday, I was so tempted to have some Halloween candy, and I snuck one, then 2,3, and stopped at 4.
:shock: I think it is too hard for me to stop eating candy during the week and then eat it on the weekend. I think I need to go more cold turkey for a few weeks except on extra special days like holidays and birthdays.
I think I need more disapline with this program for a few weeks, then when I have gotten myself under control, then allow myself one thing that I would really like.
It's too tempting for me to mess up on monday after eating chocolate on Sunday. I tink I need a 12 step program. :)

Hope everyone has a good week.

Sr. Michele

Another Victory!!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:57 pm
by Michele
YES! I was finally able to look desserts in the face at a luncheon today and say no thankyou. :o :shock: :shock:

Someone even tried to lure me in by waving a plate of cookies under my nose, how mean is that?? :twisted:

I just smiled and said, no thanks, I don't want to get fat and die young! :lol:
So today was a success Praise the Lord! :P :D :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Have a great day!
Sr. Michele

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:23 pm
by Jammin' Jan
I have a hard time, too, resisting the goodies if I have feasted on Sunday. Same for snacks and seconds! We just keep trying, right?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:40 am
by cvmom
Hi Sister.

I am the same way on Mondays. Last Monday I opened the freezer and staring me in the face was the kid's Dreyer's Ice Cream. (They had some left over since I usually only buy that stuff on Saturdays and Sundays.) Well I almost had a wrist-jerk reaction with a spoon but I had to snap myself out of it and tell myself that it was Monday. So, I try to keep S foods either out of the house during the week or out of my sight. By Tuesday I am fine but sometimes I think that S days wake up my Sleeping Sugar Monster!!!! LOL


PS. I would have been very annoyed at someone waving cookies under my nose. I worked at the school today and was offered Pumpkin Cookies about 3 times. Fortunately they were not in my line of sight. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:42 am
by Michele
Well, today was another victory day! My teacher brought in some lovely looking mini pecan pies, I was tempted, but managed to keep far away. I opted for a banana. I had a small sub for supper with some fruit. Tomorrow is friday!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Not that I am excited or anything, but I have the day off so I can catch up on the house work and all the other lovely things that need to be done.
I just need to stay focused on my goal. This week was hard, I could not believe all the lovely little things that were out there to catch my eyes. I weighed myself the other day, and it seems like I lost a few pounds, but I am not sure because when I got on the scale again a few minutes later, it said I gained 10 pounds. I don't like that scale. The weird part is I didn't eat anything before I weighed myself. I don't think I gained weight that fast even for me that would be something.
I will have to try a different one.
Have a great day!! S. Michele :) :D

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:18 am
by gratefuldeb67
That scale is soooooo lame Sister!!!
But you Rock!!!!!
Thanks for writing on my checkin today.. I will stay out of the fridge tonight and you keep saying "Uh uh" to those mini pecan pies...
Then, Saturday, go and eat a big slice of
"whatever" pie you want!!! :P
Pecans, I mean,,,,
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:06 am
by Michele
8) Hi everyone! today was another victory day. I had a hard time today with wanting to snack, I didn't but man did those cookies scream my name. Well, I survived, hope you all have an excelent weekend.
God bless,

Sr. Michele :)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:25 pm
by carolejo
I find Fridays are either easy to get through, cos I can honestly say (NoS Angel sitting on my right shoulder) "just hang on until tomorrow, then it's Saturday and you can eat that if you still want it" OR very hard, as in (little devil sitting on my left shoulder) "What's the difference? Tomorrow is Saturday anyway. One day difference isn't going to matter."

Usually it's easier to listen to the 'good' advice, rather than give in to temptation, but not always!

Good on you for resisting on Friday. Hope you're having a great S day today, Sister Michelle!


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:06 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Ho ho, Caroljo,

That little devil was positively screaming in my ear yesterday! But there is just so much satisfaction in resistance. And now today is Saturday, and the little bugger is effectively silenced for a while.

Congratulations to you Sr. Michele for resisting the Snack Monster! It was hard, but you did it!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:18 pm
by Michele
Yup, I did it with the help of God's grace, but now that it's saturday, I am not hungary! What's up with that? :?
But I did have 3 cookies with my breakfast and mabe that was enough for now? I don't know. Some one left a Symphonie candy bar ungaurded in the kitchen, I don't think it's good for it to be left alone on a saturday, maybe I will take care of it. :wink: :wink:

Have a great weekend. See ya later.

Sr. Michele 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:37 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yup, I did it with the help of God's grace, but now that it's saturday, I am not hungary! What's up with that?
Isn't that weird!!!???? :shock:
LOL... :lol:

This just proves that so much of our eating is simply
"Impulse" eating...
Once we wait long enough, usually, that passes...

I say go for the symphony bar and enjoy every last morsel!

I personally would be hitting the haagen daaz... :P

Bless you Sis!
Peace and Love,
8) Debbie

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:56 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Forbidden fruit is always more tempting. Once you know you can have it, some of the interest disappears.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:43 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Jammin Jan...
You know that Oscar Wilde quote about getting rid of temptation???
But for us, we must abstain till S days!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:54 pm
by Jammin' Jan
No, don't know that quote.


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:53 pm
by gratefuldeb67
"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it..."

Oscar Wilde



Nov. 21

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:55 pm
by Michele
Today was successful, Today marks our 150th founding in Poland, so I had 2 cookies with my lunch. I am surprised thats all I wanted, and I was fine. I am not tempted to eat the rest of the candy bar I started yesterday. I am trying to save the rest of it for my birthday. in a week, I think I can do it.

God bless you and have a great week! :D

Sr. Michele

Nov 23

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:44 pm
by Michele
I have been sucessful both yesterday and today! Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy.

God bless, Sr. Michele

November 25th

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 10:24 pm
by Michele
Today was sucessful, I went out to eat for lunch and had potato pancakes. with applesauce. I wasn't hungry for most of the day. I pigged out yesterdsay, so I guess I wasn't tempted today. Yesterday was a s day right? :?
Just wondering. Hope all is well with everyone. have a great weekend TGIF :D

S. Michele

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 10:27 pm
by Michele

I just realized, today is my one month anniversary :o !!

WOW, I made it so far. Thats cool.

8) :D :) :o :shock: 8) 8) :wink: :P

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:18 am
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Sister Michelle!!!
You are such a cutie!
Congrats on your one month anniversary here!!! :D

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Nov. 28th

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:02 pm
by Michele
Today was sucessful, I am getting ready to do some exercises when I get done here. I started using a rowing machine it might work out ok, you can change the resistance on it.
I was tempted to have a snack today but I didn't I had an apple after supper.

God bless and have a good week.

S. Michele :D

NOV. 29th

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:02 pm
by Michele
Today was a complete success!!
then again it was my birthday, so I indulged a bit. Some friends took me out to eat.
I had a few cookies for breakfast and some other candy not alot, but enough to say I had it. I am learning to just have one or two things that I like and say that's enough, of course these moments are only for S days but today was a special "Holy day" :D

So I tried to be good but it was a great day. :D :)

God bless, Sr. Michele

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:55 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Happy Birthday Sister Michelle!!!
May your year be filled with happiness, health and plenty of great blessings!!!!
Glad you enjoyed your special day!!!

8) Deb

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:02 am
by Jammin' Jan
Happy Birthday, Sr. Michele! I will remember you and your intentions at Mass tomorrow morning.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:06 pm
by Michele
Thanks Jan and Deb, I apprieciate the wishes and remebering me at mass.

Today was actually not to bad to stay away from the sweets. Everytime I looked at something my stomach said NO WAY! Don't even go there.
I guess I had enough yeasterday to keep myself happy.
I am starting to exercise more, I have a rowing machine available to me now, so I can work out when I am able to.
God bless and have a great day!

:) Sr. Michele

Dec. 1

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:23 am
by Michele
Today was a good day, I was not able to exercise on the rowing machine, but I managed to walk the steps whenever I could, at least it's something. Plus I am a little sore from the other day.
But it was a good day, I managed to say no in the midst of temptation.
God bless and Have a great Friday!! :)

Sr. Michele :D

Dec. 5

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:40 pm
by Michele
todat was a good day, I did have a small piece of lemon pie with my lunch, so I guess that's considered cheating. But it was so good. :roll:
I still have a long way to go. I did 30 minutes of exercise yesterday and hopefully today I will do some more.
Hope you all have a good week.

S. Michele

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:38 am
by gratefuldeb67
Small and lemony????
Doesn't even really sound like an S!!!

Keep up the good work!

Now drop and give me twenty Sister Michelle!!! :P

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Tweny what?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:41 pm
by Michele
1,2, 3 arrrg 4, 5 arrr5 6,... close enough.

Ok, I was tempted by some donut holes today, GLAD I said no or Deb would have me do 50!

Today was a great day, no mess ups, Praise God.

:D Sr. Michele

Dec 7.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:10 pm
by Michele
Today was a great day! I was tempted, but managed to say no. Last night I really wanted a piece of cake, but I didn't want Drill Sgt. Deb to find out; so I opted to just say NO :D

I apprieciate the support, knowing that I would have to post my mistakes makes me more aware of the temptation, and I am more apt to say no more often. With Christmas coming, there will be lots of kids bringing cookies and cakes to school, I pray that my gaurdian angel will poke me if I stray off the No S program. :wink:

I am starting to hungery in the evenings even if I eat a good supper, not sure why this is happening, could it be stress related. I would have loved to clean out that cookie jar for lunch today too. nothing like cookies and milk for lunch, especially under stress.

Hope all is well. 2 more days until friday. I can't wait to get my hair done!!!! I need a perm in the worst way. God bless.
:D :)
Sr. Michele

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:23 am
by Jammin' Jan
Just popping in to wish you a happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:39 am
by gratefuldeb67

Drill Sgt Deb here!

Good resistance power Colonel Sister Michelle! :D
Yes I would indeed have you drop and give me 50 for
*EACH* donut you ate!!!

Am I understood????!!!!!


Peace and Love,
8) Deb

At ease.... :P

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:46 pm
by Michele
Oh boy, am I grateful that I didn't eat the cookies then :wink:
:lol: :lol:
Hope you have a great day

Dec 8

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:19 am
by Michele
OK, today was a bit easier since I was not at home to be tempted by the goodies in the kitchen. I did have a can of coke with my lunch, it's a Holy Day of Obligation for me so I felt like celebrating just a bit.
I am happy that I was able to find something warm to eat at school this evening.
A grilled cheese sandwich with lowfat yogurt. very satisfying.
I had part of an apple too but it was going bad so I couldn't eat all of it.
I was tempted to get some popcorn to go with my sandwich, but I figured that the yogurt was a safer bet.

All in all a good day! :)

Have a good one.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:32 pm
by Michele
Thought I would check in today cause I missed yesterday. I didn't do too well yesterday, someone took me and another sister out for lunch, and I had pasta and around 5 biscuits, carb city I know, but the interesting was I wasn't hungery for the rest of the day. I forgot to eat supper! That was a good feeling. Usually I have been hungery all day. I did have an orange before bed though but that was it.
Today I had toast with peanutbutter and mom's homemade plum jelly on it. and some Hazelnut coffee. Not sure what I will have for lunch.

I really cleaned the house today. Vacuumed and mopped so I feel I had a big workout it took me about 2 and a half hours to get everything done.
I am not overly hungry and for me thats a miricle!

Praise the Lord :D :)

Sr. Michele

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:46 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Sister Michelle!
Whenever I make myself vacuum and mop (lol! Mop????)
I consider it an "Everday Miracle"~ :P

That's good hard work indeed!
Enjoy your S days... :D

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:46 pm
by Michele
Yeah, I was impressed that I actually mopped too. :o

Today was a good day so far. it's almost lunch time and I am not hungery yet. :shock:
This time of the morning 10-11 has been a real struggle over the years, I am glad I can control my hunger. :D

Have a great day!!


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:25 am
by Michele
Today was another good day. I had soup and a banana for supper then did about 4 hours of shopping :shock:
Needless to say, I am tired :o I need a sleeping Emoticon ZZZZZ

I did have some chips with my lunch, which was chicken and green beens breakfast was a piece of sausage and a piece of bread and some fruit. water and cranberry juice together.
Hope every one is well. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas.
Whatever your faith may be, have a joyous one!

Sr. Michele

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:46 am
by gratefuldeb67
You are a lovely lady Sister Michelle :wink:
It's very nice to have you here!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:11 pm
by Michele
Thanks Deb, your too sweet.

I really messed up today :cry: :oops:
I was under some stress plus not feeling my happy, joyful self today. So when someone left a few assorted flavored hersheys kisses laying around, I tryed a peanut butter one, then a carmel then another mint one, until they were gone! :cry: :( There was probably around 8 all together.
At this rate, I will never loose any weight.

I guess I need to do some exercise to compensate. I have been so tired lately, even my vitamins aren't giving me any energy. What's wrong with me??!!

I need to get over my bad attitude, and I will be fine.
God bless and have a good day.
S. Michele

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:51 am
by gratefuldeb67
Sister, it's okay to feel bad sometimes... Although it's yucky and hard to live through, it's better to accept the feeling instead of trying to "control" it or judge yourself for having down feelings sometimes.. You don't have a bad attitude, you are just human!
Remember that to err is human, to forgive is Divine...
Bring out the Divine in yourself by forgiving yourself when you aren't perfect...
Hey I don't know if I could resist hersheys assorted kisses...
A great picker upper is always some nice heart pumping exercise... Why not put on some great CD and dance and jump on your bed or something..
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:50 pm
by Michele
Now that would be sight to behold... me, jumping on my bed. :lol:
Your right. I guess I just got caught in that mood and ran with it instead of letting it go. :roll:
But today I am back to being myswelf. Praise the Lord!
AND-- today was successful. :D
I gave away some candy that was in my room for Christmas, it was the fancy kind from Europe that's real good, but I figured let someone else enjoy it for a change.
Well, I am done with my classes after today, so that stress will be gone for a few weeks.
God bless have a good day. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:50 pm
by Michele
Well, I flopped again. Maybe I should drop out until after the holidays? I can't seem to develope any type of will power. It seems like I am having more failures than success. :x

And exercise? HA thats just a dream right now.

Maybe it's the weather that's getting me down, I am not sure.

Have a great weekend.
S. Michele :oops:

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:01 am
by gratefuldeb67
Here's a hug Sister Michelle!
You enjoy your weekend too :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:56 pm
by Michele
Ok I have been missing for a few days, but I am away from home and not really followibng no S like I should be. But I have been riding the bike everyday for a little over 2 miles at a time. I lost 5 pounds (the 5 I gained) so when I get back home I will be ready to get back on the diet completely.
I have a few more days of vacation, until then Chao.

Sr, michele :D

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:39 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Sister!
I missed you!!! :lol:

Congratulations on your great exercise and five pounds off!!!!!!
Wooo hoo!!!
Hope you had a blessed Christmas and hope you have a bountiful and healthy and happy New Year!
Enjoy your remaining vacation!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Starting over

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:51 pm
by Michele
OK, I am back and ready to start over again.
Last week was all failure, no success at all, so I think it's time to begin the new year off with a fresh start. :o
I did exercise when I was home, but now that I am back, I am too tired today to even think about exercising.
I did walk around a store for a hour and a half, and I didn't eat lunch until late and breakfast was half a bagel and scrambled eggs with milk.
I had a chicken sandwich when I got home from shopping.
not sure what I will have later when I get hungery. I was tempted to get into the candy, I had to remind myself that it was monday not Sunday, so I succedded for my first day back :D

God bless and have a great day.
Michele :)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:57 pm
by Michele
Today was a surprising success! :shock: :D

Breakfast was a bagel with 4 sausage links with cranberry juice dilluted with water and 3 small slices of water melon.

Lunch was cereal and a bun with jam on it

Dinner was Chicken with rice, and ice water.

I was very tempted today, but managed to be good. :o

God bless,

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:58 pm
by Michele
OK, today was cereal and a banana for breakfast
a left over taco and a hot dog for lunch with ice water
and boiled dinner for dinner, which consists of Ham, potatoes, cabbage,rutabaga,carrots some celery if desired. It's sort of like a soup, but not really. You have to put everything in a pot of water, let it boil until done and enjoy.
The I made rhubarb cake for dessert, it was good (I had to be sure) :twisted:

Have a good day. :)
S. Michele

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:07 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Sister!
Sounds like you had a super fiber charged day!!!!

I'm coming over for dinner tomorrow..
Save me some leftovers! :lol:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:01 pm
by Michele
Ok Deb, Dinners at 5. please be on time. Have a great day.

S. Michele :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:57 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Sister Michelle...
I wish I could!!! LOL..

Just don't tell me breakfast is at 5 too??? :lol:

Well that's the way Buddhist Monks start their day, morning prayer at 5 am!, though I'm not sure about your Sisterhood :wink:

It's almost an S day!!!
Blessings and have a great day!
Oh is your friend Sister Vicky still with us???
Say hi!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:46 pm
by Michele
Oh no, breakfast isn't at 5, it's at 7. :)
But prayers start at 5:50, then the Holy Mass.
Well, maybe you can make it another time.

Today is successful so far, I've been too busy to think about cheating.

Michele :o :)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:39 am
by Michele
Well so far this week has been a complete success!!

Too bad it's only monday :?

Anyway, I was very tempted, but over came it by just saying NO!
Amazing that such a little word has such power. :)

Peace to all.
S. Michele :)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:25 am
by gratefuldeb67
Well so far this week has been a complete success!!

Too bad it's only monday

I agree! But just keep the faith!!!!
In yourself!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:36 pm
by Michele
Hello, I am back ffrom being AWOL.( again) :(
I am NOT proud of myself for giving up on myself, but that's just what I did. :(
Well, now that it's February, maybe I can start over. :roll:

A co worker is trying to implement a weight watchers program where I work, I am trying to exercise more this week, hopefully I can get back on the band wagon before it goes past me.
Cabin fever is getting bad, I have gone for a few short walks outside when it was 40 degrees out to get over my trapped feelings.

Here we go with round 3.
Have a good weekend!

S. Michele

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:43 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Sister Michelle!
Awww... sorry you are feeling cabin feverish... Join the club!!!
Don't feel bad about sliding a bit during the Winter..
That is a seriously tough time to maintain focus and energy..

The bandwagon will always stop for you.. You can never be too late to start over...

Big smooshy hugs and glad you are here again!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps.. I posted my before and during pics incase you missed that while you were away.. now you can see who this "Peace and Love" girl is! LOL...

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:20 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Hi Sr. Michele,

I'm glad you're back, because I missed you! I know what you mean about cabin fever. I'm going nuts here myself, just exercising inside the house and not walking around town. Oh well, spring will be here soon!

Starting over isn't so bad and it's lots better than not starting over!!!

God bless,



Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:50 am
by Michele
Thank you very much for both of you. I am grateful to know you.
I didn't go away entirely, I would sneak in and out from time to time. But it's good to be back.


Happy S days!

Michele :D

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:24 pm
by 3aday
Welcome back!
Have a wonderful weekend,

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:05 am
by Michele
Ok today was a success, I could have done better, but I am taking little steps This starting over thing is real hard. Why did I quit the first time? :?
My week was pretty stressful, so not much success happened for the first few days, but I was mindful of my goal even though I didn't exactly follow thru. :(

Next week, I will see you all then, have a good one! :)

S. Michele

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:26 am
by gratefuldeb67
Sister Michelle!!!
I swear to God, this is the second time I have thought about you and wondered where you were, and then, within less than an hour you posted!!! :mrgreen:

We must be psychic Sisters!
Hope you had a nice Valentines Day..
Have a great week!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

The prodigal sister returns.(again)

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:37 pm
by Michele
Well, Here I am again. I feel a little shy about coming back. butI realized that even though I have not reached my goal at all I should keep trying. The problem is that I will be out of town from the end of August till October 3.
I feel that with this plan, I was learning self control. Maybe I should give it another try.
Hope everyone has had a good everything while I have been away.

Happy S day.


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:43 am
by gratefuldeb67
Welcome back Sister!!! :mrgreen:
I'm happy about that :)
And don't feel bad!

Hope you have been well!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Day one

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:08 pm
by Michele
Well, today was hard. We are having cookies for desert tonight so please pray for me.
Today was ok. I had a sausage sandwich for breakfast with orange juice with a little lemonade, pretty good. For lunch I had some leftover chicken with noodles and a can of Coke.
Supper will be hot pork sandwiches with beef barley soup, nixing the cookies :shock:
Hope everyone did good today.

Pace Bene