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Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:51 pm
by ~reneew
What about the cookies??? Oatmeal raisin. Two. Small.

Alright, I've brushed my teeth and I'm calling it a delayed breakfast. The cookie recipe is a healthy one... and I did eat it all at the same time. It would definitely have all fit on a plate too. I should have eaten a fruit with it instead. I will continue as if it didn't happen, but only if I can control the rest of the day. :oops:

Nope, supper was not good. FAIL for the day.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:26 am
by ~reneew
Terrible weekend. I took full advantage of the S

I know that I really should keep working on the habit, but my weekends are over the top. I really wonder if in the beginning I had used the S days as minimal exceptions instead of a free for all, if I'd have been more successful. It's so hard to go back.

I'm really thinking about sticking to the habit of N days and not changing a thing with those, but coming up with a plan for how to deal with S days. They have me backsliding so far that it undoes the progress of the N days. At least I'm getting the N day habit down. Maybe if I continue FOREVER with good N days, my S days will really start to look like N days. I need to remember what Reinhard told me... I better go find what he did tell me! :arrow:

Reinhard said... "At some point, if you keep it up, it will become harder to fail than to succeed!" He said... "be strict and you'll build a psychological ring of fire around the esses." Wow, huh? I want that!

So, I'm going to stick to the first phase that KCCC wrote since I believe it to be true:

Phase I: Establishing habit
Description/Goal: Getting the N-days down. S-days are often still over the top, but the focus is building N-day habits, and getting them SOLID.
Suggested strategies (IMHO!):
1. Do a 21-day challenge and try to go that long following the No-S rules exactly.
2. If it's too hard to do them all at once, phase them in individually until they're all in place.
3. Lather, rinse, repeat until habits are solid - with some reflection/assessment on what's changing for you. Don't even think about Phase II until your N-day habits are in place.
4. Use the resources on this bb and website (the "Strictness" podcast - #13 - is the one I recommend most frequently at this stage).
1. Some people gain weight initially because of "diet deprivation rebound." Address by: Time - get 21 days of No-S behind you, and see if the initial over-eating has subsided. Re-evaluate
2. Some people can't let go of "diet mentality" and have trouble with hunger because they're simply not eating enough at meals. Address by: adding food until a balance is reached!
Results: More normal food habits. A better understanding of how much you need to eat at mealtimes. Psychological relief from over-attention on food.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:04 am
by NoSnacker
Hi...I have the exact same problem. I don't just over indulge a tiny bit, I binge eat...wake up staring off okay...I think in the beginning I went hog wild thinking it was okay. I have my N days pretty down, but what happened last time for me was I let the S days bring me down to the point where I gave up and left. Not a wise thing I did by leaving.

Something in the No So book.

"Be careful that your S day worries aren't an excuse to overextend yourself and fail"

I could have written your thread for sure....

But today is Monday and a new start to the week...can't let the weekend bring us down.

I won't even get into what I ate, absolutely absurd.

Keep on fighting is all I have so say :)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:08 am
by r.jean
I wonder if you could try giving up your trigger foods? I mean give them up altogether. Chocolate and ice cream used to be huge trigger foods for me so I avoided them at first. I still had sweets on the weekends, but I had sherbet or a yogurt smoothie or something similar. Now I have chocolate occasionally when it comes up on S days but only the really good stuff in small quantities. I almost never eat ice cream. Another example is that I now pick a piece of plain fruit pie over those horribly sweet overdone fancy pies.

The funny thing is that I no longer even like or crave the super sweet stuff.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 12:42 pm
by ~reneew
NoSnacker wrote: I won't even get into what I ate, absolutely absurd.
It's sick isn't it? Lets just say that I ate continually and at least 3 people's worth.

r.jean ~ there doesn't even seem to be a trigger when it's the weekend. It's just a free-for-all, continual chow. :roll:

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:46 am
by NoSnacker
Like you I don't have trigger foods....any food causes me to want to keep eating..hence binge.

How did you do yesterday. For Monday's I have been keeping in mind "No option" 3 squares...

There definitely is a love / hate relationship with food on the weekends...rocky, unpredictable, yet fun and exciting :) go figures...

Have a great Tuesday!!!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:28 pm
by ~reneew
My daughter's end-of-season track award meeting was at pizza ranch buffet last night. I struggled with what to do all day since I CAN NOT DO BUFFETS! I really can't. It's a definite binge just walking in a buffet resteraunt. I ate at home and I not eat a thing while there. There is hope! I did catch myself eyeing food quite a bit and there was an internal struggle going on the entire time, but I looked cool on the outside. 8)
I'd say that was a great big Success with a capital S.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:33 pm
by NoSnacker
You bet that was a great success!!! You go girl!!!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:01 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Wow, reneew that must have been so tough! Buffets are a nightmare for me as well!
Congrats on knowing yourself and making it a success. I bet you feel like a million bucks this morning!

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 3:53 am
by ~reneew
I took an S event today on dessert for my hubby's birthday. I feel like I'm tempted more and loosing control lately so I am going to try my darndest to go 10 days straight strict N. I've had too many treats in the past 5 days.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:28 am
by Amy3010
Oh, I can totally relate to this!!! I am giving myself a kick in the pants and a fresh start today after a string of sloppy days, too. It feels good to know I am not alone! All we need is to get one really good day under our belts to get a good momentum going again, right?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:12 pm
by lbb (Liz)
So true about the less strict we are, the easier it is to bend other rules.
I, too have had too many treats in the last month, so I'm committing to Vanilla for 21. I need to cleanse my body (and mind!). I can totally feel the after-affects.
Good luck today! We can do it~

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:20 pm
by ~reneew
Lets go ladies! We can do this. Dominate your appitite.
I too plan on 21 days but i am going to try to give up my S days and events to be strict N for 10 days. Here I go :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
This is a post that encourages me to continue:
mimi wrote: I am so-o-o happy with how my S-days have evened out. Sometimes I can hardly believe it's me. It takes much less food to fill me up than it used to and the gnawing desire to overeat with sweets is gone. I know it's the head work paying off for me. My S-days are not much different from my N-days. I eat the same types of meals, but include a special dessert at least once each day and usually an evening snack of popcorn. Where popcorn used to be a daily staple, it has now become a weekend treat. I am seeing a big difference in the fit of my clothes -
Thanks Mimi!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:46 pm
by ~reneew
sarahkay wrote: 6 months will pass whether you are dieting or not. Do you want to be thinner after 6 months or heavier?
Love that!

I am doing 10 days straight N days to boost this and to get back on track since I've had too many treats lately. We'll see how I do this weekend. Countdowns tend to motivate me. That's what got me started this time around. I couldn't do 2 days fpr over a year until the week of my birthday. I started on a Wednesday knowing that the Saturday was my birthday and I'd have treats then. It got me going knowing I had a reward. My S days are so crazy that I just want to prove to myself that I can do it. Then, next weekend will be a big accomplishment and well deserved. I write the number of days that I have left on my hand. A big purple "9" is on it right now. I think maybe that the lower number on the weekend may motivate me. We'll see. It's really helping me now. Oh, the mind games we play. Whatever works.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:08 am
by r.jean
I am a little behind on reading posts, but wanted to comment on one thing discussed earlier.

I HATE BUFFETS! When did buffets crop up anyway? It is an insane way to eat. It prompts overeating and often you are eating food that has been sitting around and picked through by large amounts of people. GROSS!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:53 pm
by ~reneew
AND... kids sneeze on your food... nobody has washed their hands... and it really erks me when people are calmly able to eat one single plate of food! That really bugs me. :?

counting down... I have an "8" written on my hand. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:00 pm
by oolala53
Hi, I'm back and trying to catch up.

I have to remind you that you can't really feel miffed about S days if you have streaks of 5 days with treats. Without multiple weeks of strict N days--try 12-, there is no reason to think S days will be reasonable.

I had a good run in New Orleans and am back with renewed energy for further compliance with Vanilla No S and some weekend mods (after 28 months). Had my first crisis today and survived. Wish me luck the rest of the day and weekend. Got a LOT Of work to do tomorrow and that often wears me down. I've really got only tomorrow though, and am trying to bolster myself by saying I deserve to have one win while I have the chance to show myself I can do it.

Sending resolve to everyone!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 2:05 pm
by ~reneew

I did normal S days this weekend. I had hoped to try for N, but my schedule threw me off Saturday with more tennis all day and then I had treats, but at least it wasn't over the top. :)
I reminded myself that S days are what gets me through the N days!
Shooting for normal sane vanilla... maybe 12 more weeks :wink:

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:45 am
by NoSnacker
Stopping by to say hi!

Yes I know the last couple of days I was thinking of my S days just being around the corner...wanting to have something, told myself I have no choice I must wait, put an end to that struggle.

I'm not losing yet, but gaining sanity with food and myself.

Started another round of 21 days. Maybe someday I'll have nicer S days, I'm always scheming up things I can do to make them more like N days, but never in time it will will :)

Here's talking to ya!!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 10:42 pm
by oolala53
I'm really starting to think I should never have sweets unless I am in the company of others (although I did eat three pieces of cake with frosting at a birthday party a few weeks ago. Wouldn't have been a big deal but I went and bought more chocolate and ate it alone.) But it sounds like that wouldn't protect you because you are around others, no?

I just know that when my S days are more structured with pleasant things to do with other people, I don't overeat. However, even when I get out of school and will have more time and energy to pursue a more social life, it won't happen easily. I've had just as much trouble in my life creating a consistent network of relationships as I've had with food. Dr. Freud! Paging Dr. Freud!

Can you think of a time in your life when you felt you were eating rather reasonably but without a lot of effort?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:30 am
by rungirl96
oolala53 wrote:Can you think of a time in your life when you felt you were eating rather reasonably but without a lot of effort?
Every time I start dating a new guy! That's only been twice in the past 3 years, thankfully :D Too bad the weight didn't stay off either time.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:55 am
by ~reneew
oolala53 wrote:Can you think of a time in your life when you felt you were eating rather reasonably but without a lot of effort?
Ummm... when I was 4? No, honestly, Good question. I think my life has been on and off control. Either I've felt in control for a long time or out of control. I tend to be tempted more around people unless I don't haver any food with me. Lately when I'm home alone I have more control, then others tempt me. For instance, I had supper all planned yesterday and it was 4:00. I was doing fine. My daughter was leaving and needed to eat early so she made a frozen pizza. I seem to have no control over any kind of pizza. It haunted me until I caved. I guess I could have stuck it in the fridge quick and had some with supper. Hind-sight is 20/20, but I should try to learn from that. :roll: And avoid pizza at all costs!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:47 pm
by oolala53
I recommend having a portion of pizza with other foods on your plate and eat it with others. But you can have that be a goal for next week or the week after.

I used to polish off a lot of pizza at a time, nearly a whole medium. Now two slices or less is plenty, but I do have to consciously chew slowly and savor. Worth it, but it's probably only a few times a month.

You'll get there!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:27 pm
by ~reneew
Quotes I heard while driving. Authors unknown, I barely could remember what was said :roll: :

If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting.

If you don't make a concious commitment to the important, you're making an unconcious commitment to the unimportant.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:48 am
by NoSnacker
I read in a willpower book that they did a study on people having candy at work, those that left the candy out on top of their desk ate more, tempted to eat more..those that put the candy in a drawer, it was out of sight, out of mind...

I can attest that out of sight does work quite well most of the time. I have a few luna bars that to me would be sweets and some trail mix with chocolate chips in it, that would be a treat as well..I can honestly say I totally forget about them..until now mentioning to mouth waters and my mind starts playing the have it game. I see the chips on the counter all the time, for some reason I don't really look at them...But cause in sight, I did have some with lunch today on my plate.

The Beck book which I was just reading said before every bite of food we didn't want to eat starts with a may not realize it until it is too for instance is "I don't care, I'm eating it".

I do know for sure it is not the food, it is out thoughts that cause us all these problems..ya know.

Keep strong!!! We can do this....

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:30 am
by Amy3010
I have no control over pizza either - so I finally had to make Friday night (pizza night in our house) the start of my S days, and that helped a lot. Now I can look forward to enjoying it without feeling so guilty.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 3:59 pm
by ~reneew
Whenever I say "I was thinking" in front of my Dad he says "see there you go again, that's the problem". That is so true when it comes to dieting! The more it's on the mind, the closer it gets to the mouth. Out of sight - out of mind is true for me. I always have problems with potato chips. Whenever I see them I think I need them. I gave them up for lent and hid them. It really helped. For some reason I rationalize the need to buy them in the first place because I will need them for company and when the kids have friends over. I can rationalize ANYTHING. My kids and their friends have cookies, popcorn, or chicken nuggets. :roll: I really buy the chips for me (don't tell my husband).

So, last night I had a momentary lapse of judgement... that lasted quite a while actually. I thought (see there I go again) that if I replaced a meal with a breakfast/protein bar I'd be that much farther ahead. I had never actually tried them. I was slightly thinking that they are maybe kind of a sweet, but in the sport of common diet myths, I'd just call it a "meal". So, I went to Walmart to get a box. I couldn't believe the price per weight, so the thrifty gal that I am I hatched a plan: to make my own recipe!

Breakfast bars
1 1/2 C. chunky peanut butter
10 C. special K
1 C. cheerie O's
3/4 C. splenda (which of course makes better of the next ingredient)
1 1/4 C. lite karo syrup (the light is actually the color, not the sugar content, but it looked good on the recipe)
1/2 C. powdered milk
1 C. extras (cocoanut, craisins, flax etc.)
drizzle (which ended up to be a thin spread) of almond bark on top

They turned out amazing. My daughter wanted the calorie count, so after 20 minutes of calculating, I discovered that they had "only" 185 calories. 55 less than the store bought one I copied and these were way bigger, so I was thinking that I was queen of the diet bar industry!!!

I ate 4... yes, 4 of those suckers. At least! I also snitched while cutting the uneven rows, and blew my great idea. They were a sweet, they were spread out over the afternoon, and I did fail for the day. SO, supper was an ongoing what-the-heck. See what thinking can do! :roll: I tried to hurry up the plan, and strayed from it slightly. I need to be the hare, not the rabbit!

Then today...

So, yes, I realize that the last 2 days were both fails and that they both, along with most of my other problems with dieting here, started really from trying to make modifications to the plan. Good grief! I need to stop thinkng. :roll: But, since I was already thinking this morning since I was so mad at myself for the two fails, I came up with another plan. :wink: Really, this one is great!

I'm a visual person (that's why I have to hide food). I have not been eating fruits and veggies much since I always want to cram the "good" stuff on my plate. Don't get me wrong, I eat tons of stir-fry, salads, etc. but I sometimes have none with my meal. I've always wanted to fill half of my plate with fruits and/or veggies. That wasn't working well, so I decided to make a special plate for myself. Again, I headed to Walmart...

I bought a plain white corelle salad plate of 8 1/2" to match my own set, and enamel paint the same color as the flowers on mine. Then at home, I stamp-painted green flowers in a line down the center of the plate to divide the fruit and veggie half. I'm thinking that it will be a great reminder to eat half fruits and veggies and to actually eat on a plate which can also be a problem. It matches my set, but has a line down the center, to divide the halves. Maybe I am the queen of the diet industry... at least for today! I'm not changing any of the vanilla rules, just the plate. We'll see how this goes. If it works, I may need to buy 2 more plates.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:03 pm
by ~reneew
I like the way that oolala said this:
oolala53 wrote:We have to make the decision not to eat when it's HARD to say no, not AFTER we've eaten and it's easy to swear off the food. Saying no when it's hard, repeated, as long as we are not eating too little, will change the pattern.

And remember, food is one of the most basic reinforcers you can find, so it may take longer than you want.

and if you read the article on the thread Do the Math, you'll see that it takes about three YEARS for the body to adjust.

So start now and keep going! Sooner you start and the more you keep going, the sooner you get to three years!
So wise... but 3 years? Really? I'd be there if I'd have kept going. Oh well... March of 2015 here I come!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:51 pm
by ~reneew
This is the follow-up to my new plate idea:
My new 8 1/2" plain white corelle plate with enamel flowers painted in a line down the center to divide the fruit and veggie half was a great success... for a while. Instead of having 2 chicken enchiladas like I did the other day, only one fit on the half, so I had one enchilada on half, and a big salad on the other half. I was totally happy with myself until I got down to the bottom and discovered that the flowers were gone. I ate them. The "permanent" enamel paint was meant for this and was even dishwasher safe! I guess the melted cheese in the microwave was too much. Anyone else have an idea? Is there a company that sells 8 1/2 " plates with a line down the center? :roll:

Some interesting divided plate sites that I found while searching the internet:

Livestrong: ... late-diet/ Great idea. I think that with all of my dishes that are mixed together like the chicken enchilada, I'll just do the half of fruit and veggies. More simple. I wouldn't want to get too complicated. There were many many sites with the same idea.

Ha! ... ate%20half

Prevention tip: ... ght-loss-0

CNN: ... index.html

Gov: I'd heard about it but didn't know it was this widespread. :roll: Duh. I like looking at the plate pictures that they have. I'm still looking for one to order.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:43 pm
by ~reneew
Sounds very interesting. I could legally make a treat with just fruit. Hmm... Does anyone have one? Any input?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:42 pm
by NoSnacker
I guess I wouldn't drive myself crazy..use your new plate, minus the paint :). I saw some on the net, but figured why bother. Sorry you ended up eating the paint... :(

I guess we shouldn't out think ourselves. I have been using my corelle plate well before I started No S, love it, love it..

I know I'm visual as well, but you will get used to the new plate in no time and have your mind set on what goes where.

If we get to technical that only puts added pressure on us, careful it is not the diet head trying to creep in.

I think i want to make those bars...maybe for the weekend soon...I too can't eat just one..

I remember i bought a box of soft low cal brownies before and ate all 6 of them in one day..go figures...

Looking for the sanity with food is our goal..and the weight loss will come.

have a great friday!!

p.s. if you order a plate on line make sure not plastic or melamin (spelling), glass or pottery especially if you'll be using it to heat food..not good for you, plastic stuff that is.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:20 pm
by ~reneew
Well, for years I've tried to fill my plate half full with fruits and veggies, but it never worked. I re-painted it and let it dry for a day, and am now not heating my food on it in the microwave hoping that the paint will stay long enough for me to get used to my halfing it. So far it has been amazing!

When I would have had 2 chicken enchiladas, I had one with a huge salad (dressing on the side).

When I would have had a burger and a brat, I had one burger loaded with veggies and watermellon. You see, I'm guilty of skipping the "good-for-you" stuff to get more good stuff :roll:

When I would have had a mountain of spaghetti and meat balls with garlic bread on top, I had half a plate of that with veggies on half. I know that the sauce was technically fruit too so that made it even more good for me. Painless. And I skipped the bread. Wow.

Then tonight when I would for sure have had 3 tacos and probably failed to head back for seconds and nachos or something, I had 1 taco and a taco salad on my divided plate. I have to say that that plate has been saving and motivating me. funny little thing.

This visual seems to really work for me. When I follow No S and don't seem to be getting anywhere, that is a great way for me to make it better without cutting back on plate size, mod rules, or restrictions on the weekends.

I didn't loose at all this month, and if I don't do something, I know that I'd stray to another failure plan and gain. This works for me and is the most sane way for me to go. I just needed to have a bit of a visual reminder.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:29 pm
by ~reneew
I am driving my 14 year old daughter and 4 of 5 friends 2 1/2 hours away to Valleyfair amusement park on Friday. We'll spend the entire day there, then overnight at a hotel, then shop our way home Saturday. Either I'll get a migraine, eat all day, or feel extremely successful... we'll see. My plan is to take ibuprophen ahead of time, plan when and where I'll eat ahead of time and maybe take a stress-releaving nap mid-day. Hmmm... we'll see. I'm excited but it is an N day and I refuse to take an S! Any other ideas? I can't bring food or drinks in, but maybe I can sneak it in??? A bit dishonest but necessary.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:35 pm
by NoSnacker
Sounds like a great idea! Glad the paint dried this time for you :). I might incorporate into my daily meals, 1/2 plate veggies, other 1/2 whatever....I think I'm eating too much food and at my age they say I should be taking in less calories..

Like I had pasta last night and had a bowl full, maybe I could have put on my plate and halfed with veggies...

Hope I didn't come off wrong in my last post :)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:34 pm
by mimi
Renee - I will be facing the same situation next Tuesday when we take a field trip with all of our 7th graders to Hershey Park...I think I'd rather be with you and your five 14-year-olds. :lol: The length of the ride will be about the same for us, only we'll be on chartered buses - no stops...and lots of noise!
I plan to bring at least one bottle of water in with me that I can refill...good idea to stay hydrated in this kind of warmer weather. I'm going to eat a chef salad or grilled chicken salad of some sort in the afternoon. We found a really good place to eat there last year. If I recall correctly,the salads were very large and filling and I didn't need another meal. I packed some fruit and nuts and ate them on the bus on the ride home.
Just make a plan ahead of time about what you will do...remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And above all, enjoy your time with your daughter and her friends!

Mimi :D

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:24 am
by ~reneew
1 :mrgreen: mayday mayday!
2 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 21 straight!!! I can't believe it. I really can't believe how this habit took hold just by making myslef do it for a week or two. Why did I ever quit?
3 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: doing so well! Worried about the next 4 days.
4 :roll: decided to call it an S day. Daughter's confirmation weekend and lots of company.
5 :wink: this is not going so well
6 :wink: daughter's confirmation. Ate all day. What's with that?
7 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: trying to make up for that S-travaganza weekend. I now have all of the great leftovers in my fridge. :?
8 :mrgreen: barfy migraine last night. On meds and migraine hang-over today. I think I ate too much wisconsin cheese. :roll:
9 :mrgreen:
10 :mrgreen: I watched 11 hours of tennis in the hot sun today. The things we parents do...
11 :oops: FAIL change goal to one red only :roll:
12 :wink:
13 :wink:
14 :mrgreen: had to go to a pizza buffet for an end-of-season track awards night for my daughter. Why do they do that? Don't they know I can't control buffets? But I ate at home!!!
15 :mrgreen: :roll: S event- hubby's b-day. Tempted and loosing control lately so I am going to try my darndest to go 10 days straight strict N. I've had too many treats in the past 5 days.
16 :mrgreen: whew!
17 :mrgreen:
18 :mrgreen: borderline.
19 :wink: not too over the top
20 :wink:
21 :mrgreen: strict vanilla from here on out! My 4 kids are getting out of school soon and I need all the sane help I can get!
22 :mrgreen: I had to make cinnamon rolls. They small wonderful, but I have not had one yet. I'm saving it for Saturday. :D Maybe 2 :roll:
23 :oops: Fail with a slice of dull previosly frozen cardboard-like pizza
24 :oops: FAIL AGAIN!!!!!! ug! (see daily if you want details) But I'm not throwing in the towel and I'm still tracking here just because! :evil:
25 :mrgreen: I have a new plan to help with vanilla (see daily for details)
26 :wink:
27 :wink:
28 :mrgreen: even though it was technically a holiday, I did fairly well.
29 :mrgreen: on track and using my plate with a line down the center. It's reeeeeeally helping!
30 :mrgreen: I didn't loose this month. Maybe it's because I found excuses to have treats... and because I wasn't eating enough fruits and veggies. :idea: Next month will be much better. 8)
31 :oops: jelly candies. Wouldn't you know... last day of the month.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:11 am
by NoSnacker
Stopping by to say hi and hope you had another great day!

Off to start my weekend adventure! Hoping to have some sanity with food this weekend, not to feel like I'm on a diet but my aim is to eat when I'm hungry for my meal..and perhaps a nice dessert in the evening..

Have a good one,

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:38 pm
by ~reneew
I clocked over 14,000 steps by about 2:00 on Friday. Not too bad considering... Green day. Then totally off track and uncontrolled this weekend. Surrounded by 5 teen girls on a loooong road trip . Teens snack. I held out for as long as I could... I am concentrating on getting back on track. 21 straight. I need to get the habit before I tweak the S days.

S event today for my son's birthday. One piece of cake, that's all. No extras and no icecream!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:10 pm
by ~reneew
concentrating on 21...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:29 pm
by ~reneew
Today is Friday and I have been doing a lot of thinking (oh no!) and have decided that the weekends are really my isssue now. I totally open the flood gates on S days, binge off and on the whole time, and then have a very difficult time getting back on track. I have done this since I started here. This leads to getting nowhere. I gain 4-8 (up to 10) pounds every weekend and then inch my way back to where I was by Friday... every darn weekend. So, instead of trying some drastic other painful stupid plan, since I know NoS is painless when in the habit... I am eliminating All S days, and adopting S events only. Saturdays and Sundays are going to be "normal", unless there is a special event. It's all a matter of mental attitude, and mine has been destructive. This Saturday, we will be making homeade icecream. I have waited all week for it. I feel that I deserve it, and it has been my goal for good behavior all week. It will be an S event. I will not give myself permission to eat whatever I want all day after that. It will be isolated. Period. I'm hoping that this new way of thinking (which is probably how most successful NoSers have been doing it all along) will be good for me. I need to give it a try...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:45 pm
by NoSnacker
I think I might follow suit...went to the farmer's market today and bought a homemade (mini) pie and that will be my s event today and maybe tomorrow depending on if my hubby wants a piece.

I do feel my weight that goes up and down is really an issue for me mentally all because of S DAY wildness....I have binged 4 days this week cause I am discouraged and didn't care anymore to try....

So off to an S day with high hopes of only 2 S events per S day. 1 is the pie not sure what the other will be...

Here's to success!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:46 pm
by mimi
~reneew wrote: I am eliminating All S days, and adopting S events only. Saturdays and Sundays are going to be "normal", unless there is a special event. It's all a matter of mental attitude, and mine has been destructive. This Saturday, we will be making homeade icecream. I have waited all week for it. I feel that I deserve it, and it has been my goal for good behavior all week. It will be an S event. I will not give myself permission to eat whatever I want all day after that. It will be isolated. Period. I'm hoping that this new way of thinking (which is probably how most successful NoSers have been doing it all along) will be good for me. I need to give it a try...
That's exactly what I've been doing Renee and it works. I don't alter the way I eat or the foods I eat at any meal on Saturday or Sunday. I simply add a dessert - maybe like some peanut butter M & M's (small handful of my favorite!) after lunch and then a more substantial dessert after supper. I also pop popcorn and eat on Saturday or Sunday evening, but usually not both. My husband usually takes me for ice cream on Sunday afternoon and I'll get a small vanilla cone, small Blizzard, or small hot fudge sundae. Other than that, I eat three meals, no seconds or overfills, just like on any other day of the week. I believe that when Reinhard said sometimes on days that start with S, that this is what he meant. I really don't think a person's body notices those extra calories much in the whole scheme of things...and a person doesn't backslide by undoing all the good eating accomplished Monday through Friday.
I'll be anxious to hear how you get along with your new plan!

Mimi :D

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:56 pm
by ~reneew
Lets go nosnacker!!!

Thanks Mimi for the timely advice! It really helps to know that this works for you. It really does!

I've left before and I always gain. And I thought that if I switched to another stupid plan, I'd be doing it 7 days... and this works when I actually do it... so why not try to do it 7 days also. My plan is 7 N days with single-dish S events on S days if it's something special. Really special. Included in that "special" is an extra plate of pizza on Fridays and a bowl of popcorn either Saturday of Sunday. Those seem to be the 2 must-haves and they throw me off every weekend. It went really well yesterday (Saturday), so I have hope. I even forgot about the homeade icecream that I waited all week to have!!! I feel controlled today and I usually don't on Sunday.
I think the whole S day-long thing may be my problem. I can fit a lot in in those 48 hours! I would have been better off if I'd have really done the "sometimes" right off the bat. :roll:

So, now how do I track this on the habitcal? If I color it yellow, it can be either a 2 day-long binge or normal sane days with a few controlled S events. I feel the need to keep track another way (on habitcal) to stay accountable for the control... Any ideas anyone???

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:12 pm
by ~reneew
My weekend went well, I do have to say! Saturday was almost like an N day and I was proud, and Sunday I remembered my icecream that I forgot to make Saturday. Then I started coming up with a couple of "special" S events, and put it to a stop before it got out of hand. Not too much damage done this weekend! Yea! There is hope for me yet. :roll:

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:15 am
by Amy3010
Renee, I have been implementing exactly the same ideas on my S days, because things just kept getting way too out of hand, and I feel optimistic that this is the way to go. It sounds like so far it is working well for us both!

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:21 pm
by ~reneew
Yea! Go Amy and Renee!

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:33 pm
by ~reneew
Well, I learned some things yesterday:
1. If I dress slob-like, I behave slob-like. It was raining and I FINALLY didn't need to really go anywhere except to taxi my kids around, so I wore loose sweats, no jewelery, and didn't do much with my hair... result? I didn't care about my eating either. I guess, when I don't care ~ I just don't care.

2. Cookies are the enemy! I cannot resist cookie dough even when I'm not the one making it.

So, what's my plan of action?

1. Always care what I look like: toss my slob colthes that I don't use for exercise, were my jewelery, do make-up, and even do my nails. It all seems to make me feel bettrer about myself and that makes me care about what I eat.

2. Run for the hills when I hear the word "Mom, I want to make cookies".

Fail for the day... but lesson learned (I hope)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:38 pm
by ~reneew
Experiencing major computer issues... I may need to take a break from here until I get the thing into the shop. I hate to use other people's computers and mine is very ill. I will be back and I will continue to track vanilla on my calendar. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:41 am
by Amy3010
Oh no! Hope it gets sorted out soon - we'll miss you!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:31 am
by ~reneew
Still no computer, and it seems the lack of daily accountability hurts.

This was June:

Well, I'm off to a fresh start with day one on the first of the month. :roll:
1 :mrgreen: And day 1 for me. Good day considering I was surrounded by teen girls snacking. Walked over 10,000 steps before noon. Ha! Wiped by midnight.
2 :wink: Out of controll
3 :wink: no control. ug!
4 :mrgreen: :wink: little S event today for my son's birthday. One piece of cake, that's all. No extras and no icecream!
5 :mrgreen: I wish that cake would disappear.
6 :mrgreen: yea! tough one. That stupid cake is almost gone.
7 :mrgreen:
8 :mrgreen: And I am going to try to eliminate my binge weekends by eliminating Sdays and adopting only s events (see daily for details)
9 :wink: :mrgreen: it went great today! One S event. I even forgot to make the icecream that I waited all week to have! Woohoo!
10 :wink: controlled day.
11 :mrgreen: I'm pumped from the successful weekend
12 :oops: failed. Cookies are my enemy!
Well, I made it to 12 days. I guess I'll start again...

and not doing too well...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:32 am
by Amy3010
oops! Well...the only thing you can do is...pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and carry on. Hope you get things turned around - and have a good weekend!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:54 am
by ~reneew
oolala53 wrote: Hold out for the pleasure of hunger.
love that!

I've been thinking that for me overeating has a lot to do with impatience. If I could wait until I'm hungry or wait for mealtime, I'd be fine. I'm going to focus on patience. I also decided that instead of not tracking the days that I "don't do it" as blank on my habit ,I think I'll start coloring the fails red to show that they were truely fails... I did and mine looks aweful! Hmmm... duh. Accountability.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:51 am
by ~reneew
My Goal (challenge) for June was to reach 21 straight...

1 :mrgreen: And day 1 for me. Good day considering I was surrounded by teen girls snacking. Walked over 10,000 steps before noon. Ha! Wiped by midnight.
2 :wink: Out of controll
3 :wink: no control. ug!
4 :mrgreen: :wink: little S event today for my son's birthday. One piece of cake, that's all. No extras and no icecream!
5 :mrgreen: I wish that cake would disappear.
6 :mrgreen: yea! tough one. That stupid cake is almost gone.
7 :mrgreen:
8 :mrgreen: And I am going to try to eliminate my binge weekends by eliminating Sdays and adopting only s events (see daily for details)
9 :wink: :mrgreen: it went great today! One S event. I even forgot to make the icecream that I waited all week to have! Woohoo!
10 :wink: controlled day.
11 :mrgreen: I'm pumped from the successful weekend
12 :mrgreen:
13 :oops: failed. Cookies are my enemy! Well, I made it to 12 days...
14 :oops:
15 :oops:
16 :wink:
17 :wink:
18 :mrgreen:
19 :mrgreen:
20 :oops:
21 :oops:
22 :oops:
23 :wink:
24 :wink:
25 :mrgreen:
26 :oops:
27 :mrgreen:
28 :mrgreen:
29 :mrgreen: It will be!
30 :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:22 pm
by ~reneew
The challenge for the month is to set a goal to beat and mine is obviosly going to be to do better than last month. I have been on a downward spilal. Company for the weekend, but left before the 4th, so I'm callling my "holiday" Monday the 1st since they were still here and I will treat the actual holiday as a normal day. Go me!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:02 pm
by ~reneew
Doing vanilla with a few double good days thrown in when I feel strong. Concentrating on mild/sane weekends and fluids...

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:20 am
by TUK
Have courage for the rest of July. I hope that you're doing well. Keep up!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:45 am
by ZippaDee
Hey Reneew!!! I'm here cheerin' ya on! Keep on keepin' on! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:27 pm
by ~reneew
love you guys!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:48 pm
by ~reneew
I think its helpful to re-read all of your posts and look for trends. I had huge ones and it really motivated me to stick to it. I graphed my weight out over the last several years and wrote what I was doing along side them and found very obvious trends of thought and frustration. I believe most of my problem is patience... both waiting to eat and waiting to see the results. I saw an obvious correlation between months that were very successful on NoS and months where I actuall had weight loss. Hmm. Go figure. :roll:

I think that writing everything down is a pain. It is an eye opener, but I think it can also sometimes train us to think MORE about food in general which is the opposite direction that I want to go. That being said, when I decide to write everything down I like to use a 4-color bic pen. I write foods eaten when hungry in green, foods eated when not hungry in red, my feelings in blue, and extras like exercise in green. It's way easier to spot trends and progress.

I do however think that the more simple the plan the more simple it is to follow. The more I think about food, well... the more I think about food!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:03 pm
by mimi
~reneew wrote:
I do however think that the more simple the plan the more simple it is to follow. The more I think about food, well... the more I think about food!
I SO agree with you Renee! I saw a little sign with an African proverb while in a museum in DC that read: "A little food to keep life going."

I guess we NoEssers could add...three times each day.

I've never forgotten fact, I wrote it down and reread it occasionally. If I spend too much time thinking about food, well, the next logical step for me is I want to eat it. :roll:

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:05 am
by ~reneew
Out of sight ~ out of mind... out of mind ~ out of mouth! Hahaha!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:06 am
by ~reneew
out of kitchen ~ out of sight!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:55 pm
by ~reneew
Why oh why... when I'm finally in control, feeling sane, and down 23 (since march) following at least a year of daily unsuccessfulness... do I feel so frustrated that I can't sleep at night because I'm trying to figure out which other plan to follow? I tried them all last year and they didn't work. Stick with NoS!!! Keep your head on the weekends and put fruits and veggies on half of your plate! You CAN DO IT!!! :!: :evil: :shock: :roll:

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:39 pm
by ~reneew
So, I (again) decided that I wanted FAST results, so I reviewed all of my other favorite diets and decided to count fat grams. I started out with breakfast which I wasn't even hungry for, but I wanted to tame the urge which comes from eating so low fat. I didn't get hungry again until 2 and by then had supper of fish (which I don't really like) and veggies planned out so when I looked for lunch and started to calculate it all and it took too long... I once again said what the heck and ate whatever. Why do I do that anyway??? I am not an accountant! I hate that! Why do I give up on NoS when I'm not completely following it in the first place??? I was eating junk and failed yesterday.

So, lunch fit on a plate, I did enjoy it and I am back to completely comply with the rules... and to try to fill my plates half way with fruits and veggies. :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:52 am
by TUK
Some things just take time, and lasting results do. Nine women won't ever make a baby in a month.

Stick with NoS!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:38 am
by ZippaDee
arrrrgh! I understand your feelings! My sister started medifast. I know she will lose weight amazingly fast with this. This will NOT work long term for me. It will NOT work long term. 23 pounds since March is awesome!!! It IS! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! We can do this for LIFE!!

Have a great day!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:11 pm
by ~reneew
Thanks for the encouragement. I tell others to stick with it because it does work. I give great advice... if only I could follow it myself!

Anyway, back at it today. I shouldn't mess with it vanilla since I know it isn't a habit yet, but I really feel that I should wait for hunger before I eat. I think that's my downfall during my grazing weekends. I don't get hungry at all. I used to never get hungry, I just kept myself full. :roll: I guess I'm improving.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:23 am
by ~reneew
I'm doing well!

I'm also contemplating a part-time job just to get out of the kitchen... the ironic part is that it would be working in a kitchen. :roll:

edit: I don't think it would help at all...

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:46 pm
by ~reneew
My months have been getting increasingly more red and not suprisingly, I'm not loosing as fast either. Since I started again... March had no reds, April had 1, May had 6, and June had 8 so this July I will reverse that trend and have less reds than the 8 that I did in June. I am also going to record all of those reds instead of leaving them blank (which is ignoring it, really).


1 :wink: S day
2 :wink: slightly special day since we still have company for "the 4th"
3 :mrgreen:
4 :roll: Definitely abusing the holiday! God Bless America!
5 :mrgreen: Back on the straight and narrow... I hope
6 :mrgreen: I do much much better when I plan menus ahead!
7 :wink:
8 :wink: snacks all darn day
9 :mrgreen: great day!
10 :oops: classic case of overconfidence. duh. Those bars hit me like a freight train... all 6 halves... and those bugles too... and then the popcicle. Ug
11 :mrgreen:
12 :mrgreen:
13 :mrgreen:
14 :wink: not too bad!!!
15 :wink: mild. Feel good about this weekend, but frustrated that this isn't faster. Call me impatient.
16 :mrgreen:
17 :oops: cookies again! Who invented those anyway?
18 :oops: so mad at myself... flirted with other diets... but my mind is straightened out now.
19 :oops: making my sons birthday cake... frosting.
20 :oops: What should have been an S event turned into an all day S-travaganza.
21 :wink:
22 :wink: not too bad!
23 :mrgreen: yea! I'm waiting for hunger to eat...
24 :mrgreen:
25 :mrgreen:
26 :mrgreen:waiting for hunger is reallllly helpng!
27 :oops: barely an oops
28 :wink:
29 :wink:
30 :mrgreen: I'm going to do it!!! Even with last week's "whatever"... I'm going to do better than last month! Now I want to do even better next month!
31 :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:51 pm
by ~reneew
I am doing vanilla but listening to my body and waiting for my tum to grumble and when I do that, the "full" feeling actually works! I'm doing great! One day at a time.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:38 pm
by ~reneew
I'm down 24 since March.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:51 pm
by Amy3010
Congratulations!!! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:17 pm
by ~reneew
I've been looking at my first page here on my daily where I post my progress every month and I'm getting scared. I loose through September every year and then gain every winter. I need to break that trend of mine once and for all!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:14 pm
by ~reneew
I'm loosing about maybe a pound a month which is driving me crazy!!!

When I follow vanilla NoS, I struggle with not loosing at all because what-the-heck strikes bad every fail and certainly every weekend. I have issues every time I am hungry and it isn't time to eat, and it is soooooo hard to not eat when cookies get made. I can't wait til the weekend and if I do, I over do it. And I struggle with guilt when I get to eat when I know for sure I'm not at all hungry yet.

When I listen to my tum grumble before I eat and stop when I'm satisfied, that what-the-heck feeling is eliminated because you just wait for the next time you get hungry and the fail will have been erased because your body knows when it needs more food. If cookies are made, I can have one with the next meal when I get hungry. If I eat a too-light meal and get hungry sooner, I can have a small thing to tide me over. I seem to loose way faster eating when hungry... and the weekends off issue is much much better, but my big problem is sticking to either of these very long. I want more loss faster. That would give me motivation. You'd think that loosing 25 pounds would be motivation enough but it isn't.

So, I bought a nice treadmill. It was very slightly used. Great deal! I've been faithfully walking 30 minutes every day for the 8 days that I've had it. I realize that the "faithfully every day" is the key. I also realize that if I faithfully every day did my diet, I'd be thin.

Therefore I realize that if I want to loose weight, I need to do my diet faithfully every day!!! when I slack, I fall back on progress and momentum.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:20 am
by ~reneew
I bought a treadmill and a grill. Hmmm...

I've gone from doing pretty much nothing for exercise other than my daily stuff, to 30 minutes of treading every darn day. I'm realizing that I'm good at keeping at things when I have that 100% attitude. I HAVE to walk every day. There is no debate and no choice. I paid too much. Therefore I've done it faithfully for almost 2 weeks. Yea me!

And the grill... I realize it's a food thing, but I won't always make greasy brats, right??? Tonight I grilled Turkey pepperjack brats. I looooove those and they are have less fat.

I think both are good choices. Also, thrifty me... I got a super deal on both of them :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:40 am
by gratefuldeb67
go rene go!!! :D


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:18 pm
by tobiasmom
I bet that treadmill is one of the best investments you could have made. My ou will soon look forward to that walk every day! And I bet your body is going to respond!! If you are like me and live somewhere smoking hot....the treadmill is a must!!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:20 pm
by ~reneew
Due to the treadmill and these 2 perfect weeks of walking 30 minutes daily, I feel stronger, less tired, and this morning I was actually looking forward to it! I tried to search my feelings for why exactly and there was only a hint of "to-get-it-over-with". Hmmm... I wanted to give it 100% for a month to create a habit. I want to continue forever. The price of it alone keeps me going still.

This slooooow loss might actually be more this month! Maybe a few! Woohoo. It might not take 50 more months after all! I keep reminding myself that at least at the end of the 50 months, I'd be thin, not thicker. :roll: I weigh-in today since it's the last day of the month and a Friday. I feel like I should visit the bathroom, take off earings and spit before this one... drum roll...

I'm down 27 since 3/17/2012. Yea!
(see page one for details)

Just for the record, I'll transfer my success from my little calendar...
1 :oops:
2 :mrgreen:
3 :mrgreen:
4 :wink:
5 :mrgreen: Yes, even on a Sunday!!!
6 :oops:
7 :mrgreen:
8 :mrgreen:
9 :oops:
10 :oops:
11 :wink:
12 :wink:
13 :mrgreen:
14 :mrgreen:
15 :mrgreen:
16 :oops: vacation 4 days :arrow:
17 :oops:
18 :wink: bought a new treadmill
19 :wink:
20 :mrgreen:
21 :oops:
22 :oops:
23 :mrgreen:
24 :oops:
25 :wink:
26 :wink:
27 :mrgreen:
28 :oops:
29 :mrgreen:
30 :mrgreen:
31 :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:58 pm
by ~reneew
Well, there's nothing quite like a 4 day flu to give you a jump in your weightloss... stratigically placed over the weekend. Still weak and achey, but kinda glad I had it. Hahaha. :roll:

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:28 pm
by milliem
Congratulations! :D

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:26 pm
by ~reneew
Hmmmm... a little thought about habit. I think this opens my eyes and I need to dig deep for reasons. ... ture=share

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:06 pm
by ZippaDee
Very interesting....and true! I need to delve deeper as well!

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:49 pm
by ~reneew
I did a rebound from that flu I had. I guess I could have figured I would. It seems every time I get ahead, I get too confident and let down my guard toward temptation. Then I get on a fail-streak. I'm breaking that now. I need to concentrate on vanilla period right now. When I'm strong, I add waiting for hunger. I don't feel strong today. :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:40 pm
by ~reneew
wosnes wrote: "You'll never get anything worth having unless you go all out to get it." Meaning, worthwhile things take effort and sometimes continual effort. It applies to No-S as well.
love that!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:20 pm
by ~reneew
Well, for the record, this is how my month is going... I've been trying to either call it a success :mrgreen: or fail :oops: since my weekend fails are rediculously bad lately. I'm also still trying to wait and only eat when hungry too. This really helps on the weekends.
1 :oops:
2 :mrgreen: even on a Sunday!
3 :oops:
4 :oops:
5 :mrgreen:
6 :mrgreen:
7 :mrgreen: flu
8 :mrgreen: flu
9 :mrgreen: flu
10 :mrgreen: flu
11 :mrgreen:
12 :oops:
13 :mrgreen:
14 :oops: rebounding from the flu
15 :oops:
16 :oops:
17 :oops:
18 :oops:
19 :oops:
20 :mrgreen:
21 :oops:
22 :oops:
23 :oops:
24 :mrgreen: boy, do I need to get back on track! Last month I had 14 good days (pitiful) so I want at least 15. Buckle down girl!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:51 pm
by ~reneew
Copied from testimonials... very encouraging:
NoSRocks wrote: 26 lbs down and still losing ! :) :)

After a few false starts (!) I started the No S Plan back in December 2009, after a life time of struggling with binge eating and food/diet anxiety as well as a host of other things including poor body image and self esteem issues.

After a month or so of No s-ing, I was delighted to discover that many of my symptoms had dramatically reduced, esp my food and diet obsessions.

The S Days were crucial - particularly in the beginning - in order to get me to stick with the plan and work my way through these issues. All other diets and eating plans I had tried in the past were far too restrictive and/or unsustainable and in the end, just made my obsessions with food and body image worse!

As time went by - I struggled somewhat with my S Days - I tended to overeat excessively on sweet and starchy foods and all the other stuff I didn't have on the N Days. After some time, I was concerned that any good I was doing on my N Days may have been undone by the excessive S Days. However,during this time, my weight stayed pretty much the same, give or take a few lbs here and there. That in itself was a huge milestone.

The next stage of my No S Journey began this summer: I realized that in order FOR ME to lose any weight, I would probably have to start streamlining my S Days. I had a goal in mind - a vacation with my much slimmer friends who hadn't seen me in a couple of years. Perhaps it was having the goal or I was in the right frame of mind - or both - but to date, I have lost a total of 26 lbs. I no longer treat my S Days any differently from my N Days. I no longer crave the sweet, starchy foods and my bingeing is a thing of the past!

BUT I will not deny myself treats or S Events on special occasions. I fully intend to celebrate holidays and eating out with my family and friends as I have always done. I am comfortable around food and it does not rule my life anymore. I am so happy that I am able to admit that!!
Congrats to nosrocks!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:27 pm
by ~reneew
I've been a bit wishy-washy lately. To be more honest, I've been cheating more. I'm thinking that it is because I've been trying to wait to eat until hunger hits, then eat my 3. It works for the times when I feel strong and need a change. I guess I now need a change back, for I am back to vanilla with strong determination to behave on weekends. I want October to be green!

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:00 pm
by ~reneew
I just made a double batch of cookies and didn't snitch one single crumb! And I didn't even have to tape my mouth shut with duct tape (yes, I've done that) Usually I eat at least 8 cookies worth of dough just while scooping them on the baking sheet! :D :D Woohoo! Go me!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:22 pm
by ~reneew
Alright, now that I'm back to vanilla no S, I seem to struggle again with the moments when I have my plate in front of me with half of the food still on it and "full" hits. I have been paying attention to it for the last 2 months and it's a good thing, but now I wonder if I stop eating now before I finish, will I be hungry more than the 3 times during the day? When I follow vanilla NoS, I eat 2-3 dishes of food period. It seems to work except for the S-travaganza weekends. When I do that, but add on paying attention to hunger and fullness, I then wonder if I'll get hungry more than the 3. Hmmm... I'm wondering if the 2 don't go together very well, and if so which I should follow. What jump-started me this time was the 100% attitude and all of the things that happened during March that motivated me. Now, I'm nearing the point I was at when I lost the two times during the last 4 years before I gained it back. I want to stay motivated and feel that if I have doublts about one or the other, I'll not be able to keep it up. NoS is simple straight up rules that you can't cheat on unless you modify, but I can gain while doing it! Really. If I only pay attention to hunger and fullness, there are no outside rules to sway me. Either my tum has grumbled or not (when in doubt... you're not hungry yet). The only weak point in doing this is being honest with myself vs. being tempted and cheating myself.

If I am not 100% confident in my plan and the rules, that other little part sneaks in and takes over. This is the kind of wishy-washy thinking that gets me to jump track! HELP! :shock:

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:06 pm
by ~reneew
I am okay with where I am but so so close to a goal (my previous low before I gained it all back) that I could scream. Part of me just wants to starve until I get there just to see that number. :? really

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:13 pm
by Amy3010
LOL - I totally relate to this feeling - grrrrr! :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:40 pm
by ~reneew
mimi wrote: My message to anyone who is struggling is to never give up. Keep at it - make up your mind that you're going to do it, and just do are the only one standing in your way.
Love that!
Mimi has reached her goal and has lost 40!

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:28 pm
by ~reneew
I'm becoming impatient with my lack of ability to loose while attempting (usually not succeeding) vanilla NoS. When I am successful on NoS I loose weight all week then gain on the weekends, and then I slowly loose my incentive to do it at all since the scale remains stationary. 2 steps forward 2 steps back. But, I think I've struck upon a brilliant plan! If I have to be successful to earn my Sunday as an S, it will be like a reward and a restriction all in one! If I have a perfect week, I earn the 2 S days. If I fail during the week, I just get my one S day. I will have incentive all week! Vanilla NoS with an earned Sunday. Double green days are even better. I'm still exercising every weekday, which is great for me! My new treadmill did the trick. 30 minutes every weekday, no exceptions or excuses. I even managed when I had the flu... I just slowed the pace and did my minimum "successful" 15 minutes.

So, this is my new current plan: Vanilla NoS with an earned Sunday

7 days

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:13 pm
by ~reneew
Today I was walking around in a dollar store when a nutritionist came on the radio through the speaker. My thought was "Good grief! Do I have to see and hear about food and nutrition EVERYWHERE I go?!!!" I couldn't avoid listening, although I'd have prefered dull elevator music. She was talking about how she lost weight (yea right, I know her... maybe 10 pounds) and the problem with blood sugar and how people think that sugar intake is cookies and stuff but carbs are often the bigger problem bla bla blah! Anyway, she said that she was on a sugar fast this week just to get out of the habit. She has read extensively about habit and strongly believes that 7 days is all it takes to get a habit going. That left me really thinking about it. I've always heard that 21 days or a month is what it takes. I went over a year struggling to get going again on NoS. One week in March I was bombarded by incentives including a doctor visit and "talk", I turned 45, and my son saw my dish of cake with double frosting and said "Mom, you're killing yourself!". These hit me with a slap of reality. My birthday was that next Saturday and so I gave it my all during that whole week thinking that I'd really live it up on my birthday on Saturday. That got me through, then I didn't really even want to binge at all that S day. The next week went so good that I continued on and did the 21 days that I hadn't been able to do in so so long. All it took that time was 7 days!

The monthly challenges that I've issued are meant to give us all a boost. They work for many, sometimes me... But, now I wonder if just a week is all I really need to jump back on track again after a de-railing. My roller coaster goes up hill and down again every darn week, sometimes with an almost 10 pound fluctuation. Honest! But if I stay on track, I do recover. When I jump the track and skip my successful N days, they tend to continue. I'm thinking that if 7 days is all it takes to get going again after a de-rail, then put your all into the next 7 days!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:11 pm
by Strawberry Roan
I have heard that as well, it takes a week to make or break a habit.
So happy to read that you are staying the course, and very glad that you are enjoying and looking forward to the exercise. I think that is my salvation, not only to maintain weight but for my physical and emotional well being. I just walked for 30 brisk minuts around our beautiful little town on my lunch break AND am already looking forward to hitting my exercise room tonight. I crave it, I really do. Guess it is the endorphins and the sense of control it gives me. I am the only one in control of when/where and how I exercise. :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:20 pm
by ~reneew
Thanks berry, I can't say that exercising helps me to loose weight though. I feel better, have a little more energy and I know it's good for me, but I have tested my theory many times. I exercise 30 minutes 5 days a week for 3 months and see absolutely no weight difference. I'm not sure why... there are many ideas out there, but I have come to wonder if because I have hypothyroidism, maybe it doesn't boost my metabolism at all because my thyroid (thus metabolism) is run by the pill I have to take every morning. I don't know, I just try to stay doing it... I also can't wait for the endorphins to visit me. I wonder if they will. I don't really enjoy it yet :roll: I bought my treadmill mid-August and have done it faithfully since. Think it'll kick in?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:22 pm
by ~reneew
I'm down 30 as of right now. I feel like spitting and weighing again. I really want to get to 31. That's where I was before I gained my loss back. (see page 1 here on my daily for pitiful details) Maybe I'll fast until I get there after all just to see it!!! I will feel really good to just mentally erase the last 2 years of wishy washy trying and gaining and be where I was 9/2010
... mind you I still have 50 to go...
So so close to this goal!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:20 pm
by dana2012
It's awesome that you are so close. It gives me hope.
I hope you will see that goal in the next few weeks :)

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:24 pm
by ~reneew
Yea!!! :D I finally finally got back to where I was before I got off track and gained it all... again! I am extatic! I spent 2 years kicking myself and trying everything out of desperation when I should have just stuck with it. Slow and steady does win the race. I do NoS but wait for hunger. I now have a new goal: half way! I only have 9 pounds to go for that. I copied my first page here just to reflect and erase the last 2 years mentally. And to maybe encourage others to not give up. As you can see, I've started over again and again.

10/08 - 0 starting weight
11/08 - 15 - 20 down. honest. What am I doing? vanilla No S!
12/08 - 20 down, then I got over-confident, quit and it was Christmas time! I seem to always make it to 20, then bounce.
01 /09
02 /09
03 /09 - 0 down. again :oops:
04 /09 - 10 down.
05/09 - 14 down. (but I got a new scale that reads 3 pounds off of the last, so actually 3 more lost from now on)
06 /09 - 18 Slowing, so I reset my goal :wink: got to 20 and bounced.. again...and again...and again. I have for years.
07 /09 - 18 down. I seem to only be able to maintain this summer. Difficult temptations when the kids are around.
08 /09 - 20 - and very determined not to bounce!
09 /09 - 26 down!
10/09- 21 - quit and tried sparkpeople for 3 weeks... duh. Reset my goal again. :roll:
11/09- 16 big gain during the holidays:roll:
12/09- didn't want to know... weigh day was on Christmas and new years was worse!
01 /10 - 17 down.
02 /10 - 17
03 /10- 20
04 /10 -
05 /10 -
06 /10 - 20 just seems to be my number! ug
07 /10 -
08 /10 - 21 I seem to maintain every summer.
09 /10 - 26 down again!!! Woohoo!!!
10/10 -
11/10 -
12/10 -
01/11 - just don't ask... gaining
02/11 -
03/11 -
04/11 - I try daily... and fail daily all winter. Ug.
05/11 - 0 :oops: yep, back to the beginning! I feel miserable!
06/11 -
07/11 - 0 and starting over with a fresh start
08/11 - 11 down. Yea! 2-3 dishes period. 7 days a week.
09/11 -
11/11- 5 down
12/11- 0 down. Back to the beginning. I feel like a fat looser... time to try another plan I think. But then I'm not really doing this either.
01/12- 0 Doing Paul McKenna I can make you thin
02/12- +5 and an new 0 on 3/15/12 :oops: For the past year I've been wishy washy trying everything. Where did it leave me? At a new all-time high! I'll call it zero, but it's a new zero.
03/12- 12 down from my new high. Fresh start the week of my 45th birthday! Vanilla NoS without cut-and-pasting my ideas into it! I went 21 days strictly straight!!!
04/12- 20 down from my highest. I feel like I have the habit: vanilla with a couple double good days a week. Only 1 red this month.
05/12- 22 down. A few reds.
06/12- 23 down. A few more reds. Ug.
07/12- 22 down. Harder to stay 100% when my weekends blow the entire week. Summers with the 4 kids home are tough!
08/12- 27 down. I've started to wait for hunger, get 1 dish, and try to stop at satisfied. It is really helping. 2-3 dishes of food. Also bought a treadmill...
09/12- 28 down. I'm trying to wait for hunger and stop at full along with vanilla NoS
10/12- 31 down so far and finally back to where I was 2 years ago!

On my 45th birthday (3-17-12) I started at an all-time high. A bunch of things happened to inspire me. I'm still too ashamed to write the actual weight here. When I get skinny I will.

Current goal:40 down (half way, big round number... I'd not feel like a freak anymore)
next goal: 45 down (half of my closet will fit ~ spent years here)
next goal: 50 down (just because 50 is a big number)
next goal: 60 down (pre-baby weight ~ I had 4 ya know. I'd be happy here. 3/12 I vowed I'd be here by 3/13)
next goal: 70 down (I got to this weight after baby #2. I'd be extatic! Last time I felt like I failed because I didn't reach my goal.)
Ultimate goal: down 80.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:38 am
by tpaige
Just want to say you are doing great!~