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This Path Is My Life Check-In

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:16 pm
by This path is my life
Day 1 (last night) SUCCESS

Something positive about the day: Spent quality time with 6 of my closest friends and had a wonderful relaxing time.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:27 pm
by This path is my life

positive point: I made a huge effort to consciously relax throughout the day and I was rewarded with no pain from my usual tense and painful shoulders. I also enjoyed bonding again with my friend who moved today.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 5:00 pm
by This path is my life

Positive Point: Had a little extra but then stopped and got right back on track which felt really great.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:19 pm
by This path is my life
Day 3 Failure

Sense of inhibition went down while under the influence :) Oh well, today is a new day.

Positive Point: Had a great time :)

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:20 pm
by This path is my life
Positive Point- I discovered that I don't want to have a certain relationship in my life and I did something about it.

Positive Point- I went to a great gathering of close friends and families and it was really beautiful and fun and I felt really relaxed.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:51 am
by Bee
Hi This path,
Glad you're here and I hope you like NoS, I think it is a great way to practice moderation when it comes to eating. Anyway, I love it. I like your check-in, it is a great idea to post something positive every day. I just was wondering about the failure that you posted, it looks to me like it was on a Saturday. I am not trying to be critical of your NoS-ing or anything, but I just wonder if you're doing S-days on weekends or not, because as far as I would be concerned, that day was an S-day, which is a day you can't fail. It is a day off. Anyway, do what you have to do, there is more than one valid way of doing things here, but I just want to make sure you know about S-days.

Anyway, enjoy the NoSing and keep on truckin!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:17 pm
by This path is my life
Thanks Bee!!

Actually I always post the morning after the day that I'm talking about to make sure that the day is done with so I don't have to change my post. So the failure that I had was technically on a friday (so close!!). Weekends are definitely S days though I am experimenting with only having 1 S day per week instead of 2.

Anyway thanks for the encouragement and have a great day!!!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:18 pm
by This path is my life

Positive Point: I spent time with a good friend that I hadn't spent time with in awhile. I also flexed my brain a lot which felt good. AND I have been walking to work one way in the morning (1 hour approx. 4 miles) and I have been doing it for 2 days now and it feels FANTASTIC!!!!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:53 pm
by gettnbusy
Hi Jenn! Like watching you go girl!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:35 am
by This path is my life
So I realized that I had 2 Day 3's so yesterday was technically Day 8 and not Day 7

Positive Point: Was really feeling upset and stressed but managed to avoid a very tempting binge with a little self talk about how going down that road would turn out. It was hard to feel those feelings but I did and I am proud of that.

Also I mastered the bus system today, at least for the ones that I need which I'm very happy about b/c now I can get my walk done in the morning on my way to work and take the bus back in the evening and all for free!! I feel positive

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:36 am
by This path is my life
Thanks GettnBusy how have you been? Doing well I hope!! Good luck!!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:54 pm
by This path is my life

Positive Point: Doing really well on habit. Enjoying the peace of mind that no-s gives me :) I've resisted homemade double layer chocolate cake with hm choc. frosting for 4 days now. It's sitting in my fridge for me until tomorrow. I don't even know if it will be good then but I've been impressing myself with my willpower.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:09 pm
by This path is my life

Positive Point- I am currently studying for the GREs and I had a very productive study day yesterday.

I also felt a lot of negative feelings and didn't feel the need to eat over them, I just felt them! It was hard but it felt good at the same time.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:44 pm
by This path is my life

I had a really pleasurable s day yesterday. Some homemade granola in the morning with brown sugar, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and cranberries, an amazing pasta dish with lots of basil, garlic, olive oil, spinach, spicy sausage, parmesan cheese, and toasted almonds. Delicious!! I also had lots of fruit, some homemade chocolate cake, some dark chocolate and later a fantastic dinner of italian roasted potatoes, chicken with some kind of delicious seasoning, noodles in peanut sauce, homemade venezuelan biscuits with butter and 6 different types of cheeses and finished it off with some mango ice cream and later chocolate fudge swirl italian gelato with cappucino chocolate.

And all of this tasted a million times better b/c I waited to enjoy it on an s day.

Life is beautiful.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:57 am
by This path is my life
Sunday Day 12 SUCCESS
Positive Point- Feel much less stressed about the GRE have been really productive and proactive about studying and trying to deal with it positively instead of stressing and procrastinating and making myself a mess.

Monday Day 13 SUCCESS
Positive Point- I'm normally social and outgoing but much more comfortable around my own friends and familiar people and much less so around strangers and I've noticed I'm becoming much more comfortable in any environment which feels really good.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:21 pm
by This path is my life
Tues Day 14 SUCCESS

Positive Point: Again I really felt today that I can finally enjoy the pace of my life and take things in. What a great feeling after the hellish pace of my life over the past year. I still have tons of stuff going on, but I can enjoy it much more.

Wed Day 15 SUCCESS

Positive Point: I started yoga again in the mornings which is my substitute for shovel glove. So far so good. Since having more time I've also incorporated a lot of habits that I've always wanted to build into my daily routine like flossing, walking (that's been there), keeping my apt. clean, and drinking more tea and water. Though I'm starting my monthly resolution tmw and my first one will be drinking 10 glasses of water everyday. I also took Reinhard's advice and today is my first day of oatmeal for lunch at work. Not bad at all. Things are really looking up.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:48 pm
by This path is my life
Thurs. Day 16 SUCCESS
Positive Point: I am really enjoying my walk to work in the morning. It gets me ready for the day and gives me a lot of energy.

Fri Day 17 SUCCESS
Positive Point: I find that I only have difficulty with keeping no-s when I'm under the influence, so I don't know if I will count those times as failures because it doesn't happen often and it's not my normal state of mind.

Sat Day 18 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Learned a very important lesson about foresight. Whew do I understand the consequences of my actions!

Sun Day 19 SUCCESS
Positive Point: My S days are much less excessive and much more enjoyable.

Mon Day 20 SUCCESS
Positive Point: I resisted homemade cookie dough tonight!!!!!! so that I can get to 21 tomorrow (Tuesday)!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:53 pm
by This path is my life
Tues Day 21 SUCCESS
Positive Point: My habits are so well-trained it's amazing!!! Mungo is behaving very well :) Even my hunger seems to be better trained and I only get hungry before meals and night hunger is much more rare and when it happens it doesn't bother me anymore I just drink some more water and go to bed.

I am feeling absolutely fantastic with no-s, and having been doing this for over a year I'm trying to figure out why it seems so much easier now as compared to other times.

Some things that I find help:
My monthly resolution is drinking 10 glasses of water per day and I have been donig that and that's been going great.

I eat lunch at 1pm, I don't know why but that 1 hr. difference really helps me be less hungry when dinner rolls around.

I plate EVERYTHING this is so important and has largely become automatic, but it really helps the random snacking or picking while waiting for a meal.

I have been strict (especially about cheating) but not perfectionistic about my no-s habits, this helps Mungo not be confused and therefore less likely to annoy me.

I drink 1 liter of green tea during work, really helps with hunger as well.

I walk to work in the morning (4 miles takes 1 hr.)

I've been doing 20 mins of yoga in the morning in place of shovelglove, we'll see how that goes.

I am MUCH less stressed, though I still have a lot on my plate, so to speak, it is all at a much more manageable level than before. I find when I'm stressed it's much easier to overeat and lose the exercise.

I have been gentle and forgiving with myself if I do make mistakes. IF I FAIL, BREATHE, THINK ABOUT HOW TO PREVENT IT/WHAT I LEARNED FROM IT AND LET IT GO!! That's the best advice I would give anyone. To me this is a life long plan so it's all about persistence and consistency, not perfection.

I've been trying out Reinhard's suggestion of oatmeal for lunch and also having a bigger home cooked breakfast and it's been working out fantastically!! I bring fresh fruit for lunch and that's the only thing I have to worry about! I may start keeping a fruit bowl at my desk. I haven't decided yet. I much prefer fresh fruit to dry fruit, but it's amazing how much time this saves me in the morning! Thanks Reinhard!!

I'm not going to focus on this too much but my goal is to keep up with a monthly resolution (next month: yoga 20 mins. 5 days a week, before work) and my biggest goal is to reach 100 days. There will be something so rewarding about seeing that number. Anyway on with Day 22.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:14 pm
by Jammin' Jan
What a great string of Success days you are having! Keep it up! :D

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:34 pm
by This path is my life
Wed Day 22 SUCCESS
Positive point: Relaxed and spent great time with friends

Thurs Day 23 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Tried to work on the most difficult relationship in my life

Fri Day 24 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Revisted a difficult part of my past in a healthy way

Sat Day 25 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Bonded with some old friends

Sun Day 26 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Withstood major stress/uncomfortable feeling eating

Mon Day 27 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Had an incredibly emotionally draining and difficult weekend and still did very well with my habits.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:55 pm
by This path is my life
Thanks Jan, I'll stop by your check-in soon!

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:16 pm
by This path is my life
Tues Day 28 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Had a nice dinner with a person that I'd like to become friends with, ordered a big platter dinner and couldn't finish it and also felt my habit really ingrained well when I didn't even feel any desire to eat the delicious naan that was sitting in front of me the whole time after I decided I was full. Victory for my habits!

Wed Day 29 SUCCESS
Positive Point: I had a really crazy busy day with a very nice lunch and a later dinner but felt comfortable the whole time. I would like to start drinking tea again. I had a very cathartic and much needed talk. I felt better and not even one thought about resorting to food to deal with all those difficult feelings. Victory again!!

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:37 pm
by This path is my life
Thurs Day 30 SUCCESS
Positive Point: Had a nice walk.

Fri Day 31 SUCCESS
PP: Spent quality time with a wonderful friend and her family

Sat Day 32 SUCCESS
PP: Was very productive in terms of my studies.

Sun Day 33 SUCCESS
PP: Was even more productive in terms of my studies.

You're so helpful!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:06 am
by mondurvic
Hi, Charis,

Just read your entire Check-in and am so inspired by how well you're doing and how good you sound. I have not yet started (though I'm a multiple repeat who once made it through 20 days), but when I do, I plan to include a Positive Point every day, too. I love the idea, and thank you for it.

Thanks for the help.


Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:40 pm
by This path is my life
Hi Judy,

Glad you find it helpful, I really do especially because in eating and particularly dieting we tend to focus on what we're doing wrong on what we still have left to do this a positive point keeps my mind in the right place. But did you mean mine or Charis' check-in? I think you meant mine, though I have seen a Charis on this board. Anyway best of luck with everything. Some of the best advice I can give you besides the positive point is to accept that there will be days that aren't perfect but don't let those get you down (or set off a binge) because even 80% good over the rest of your life is infinitely better than a few days/weeks/ even months of 100% and then when you don't get 100% a few days/weeks/months of 0% (i.e. going totally off no-s because of frustration). Anyway have a great day.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:13 pm
by This path is my life
Mon Day 34 SUCCESS

PP: I decided that yesterday I'd have dinner as an S meal with my friend who's moving away permanently, and so I had ice cream and this amazing toasted sandwich with salami, pepperoni, cheese, hot peppers, ham, turkey, bacon, italian seasoning, mustard and mayo but rather than finish the whole sandwich just because I technically could I decided to leave half of it because I was full. That was a nice feeling.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:17 pm
by This path is my life
Tues Day 35- Failure- involving rice krispie treats made with peanut butter instead of marshmallows and lots of cheese and bread. hhhmm...

PP: Delicious.

Wed Day 36- SUCCESS Back on track like it never even happened :) Sometimes you have to look failure in the face and just smile

PP: I smiled at the sun and felt very joyful during my walk.

Thurs. Day 37- SUCCESS- Hungry today but lunch will be delicious soup soon and some bread and such. WATER IS SUCH AN AMAZING AMAZING HELP!!!

PP: Will enjoy lunch with 2 dear friends

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:33 pm
by This path is my life
Fri Day 38 SUCCESS
Positive Point: I studied and felt productive

Sat Day 39: SUCCESS
PP: Huge party, lots of friends and family, tons of food all day. Great S Day

Sun Day 40 (!!): SUCCESS
PP: So my "adopted" mom told me yesterday that I shouldn't eat anymore because I had eaten a couple hours earlier. (little did she know it was an s day) and she said: "I'm going to be watching you to tell you if you get fat", and she said that she was doing it out of love. I don't know how to feel about that. She herself is in spectacular shape for her age (or 40 years younger).

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:38 pm
by This path is my life
Mon Day 41 SUCCESS
PP: One of my closest friends left for 6 months abroad but another came back from 2 months abroad the same day!

Tues Day 42 SUCCESS
PP: Really productive with studying. Feeling confident.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:29 pm
by This path is my life
So I've been super busy lately studying but everything is going swimmingly!! I jotted down my positive points in my planner so i would remember them

Wed Day 43 SUCCESS
PP: Went for a great walk with my friend

Thurs Day 44 SUCCESS

PP: Felt very productive

Fri Day 45 SUCCESS

PP: Appreciated the beauty of a gorgeous summer day

Sat Day 46 SUCCESS

PP: Felt happy with myself

Sun Day 47 SUCCESS

PP: Had an enjoyable s-day

Mon Day 48 SUCCESS

PP: Feeling habits are really ingrained

Tues Day 49 SUCCESS

PP: Struggled with feeling difficult feelings a lot, but "swam" through them, felt very triumphant

Wed Day 50(!!) SUCCESS

PP: Stayed somewhat positive about work issues

Thurs Day 51 SUCCESS

PP: Felt very close to my best friend

Fri Day 52 SUCCESS

PP: Discovered that my tastes are a lot more discriminating now and that if I don't like the taste of something I actually don't want to eat it! Wow.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:53 pm
by Jammin' Jan
What a wonderful post, so inspiring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:52 am
by This path is my life
Once again I made notes to myself to post my positive points (pp) later here we go...

Sat Day 53 SUCCESS
PP: Felt productive with studying

Sun Day 54 SUCCESS
PP: Had a great bonding session with someone that I work with who's having brain surgery, really gave me some much needed life perspective

Mon Day 55 SUCCESS
PP: Spent some time trying to figure out what I want for myself

Tues Day 60 (!!) SUCCESS
PP: Enjoyed how beautiful summer mornings can be

Wed Day 61 SUCCESS
PP: Bonded with some of my new co-workers, that really was fun

Thurs Day 62 SUCCESS
PP: I played with some kids today for a project I'm working on, one really liked me without reservation and right from the start and wasn't afraid to grab my hand and drag me to the playground even though she didn't even know me! Kids are so refreshing

Fri Day 63 SUCCESS
PP: Felt productive and like I was making progress. Said goodbye to a special someone. Bittersweet.

Sat Day 64 SUCCESS
PP: Enjoyed some delicious homemade cookie dough and Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Buns Ice Cream (it's incredible!!!!)

Sun Day 65 SUCCESS
PP: Struggled with some difficult feelings and didn't even have the urge to avoid feeling them or eating over them, wow!!!!

Mon Day 66 SUCCESS
PP: I did a good job today of accomplishing the things that I set out to do without feeling overwhelmed by them. I also took a lovely nap and watched a little refreshingly mindless TV (Mythbusters!)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:53 am
by This path is my life
Thanks Jan!!! You inspire me!! I wish you the best.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:54 am
by Jammin' Jan
Keep it up, Jenn! I love reading your positive points!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:36 pm
by This path is my life
Thanks Jan!!! I find that the positive points really help me keep moving forward and staying consistent even if everyday isn't that great or as perfect as I want it to be.

Tues Day 67 SUCCESS
PP: Have been doing better with one of the habits that I am working on (responding to email in a timely fashion) I think it's really starting to stick.

Wed Day 68 color=green]SUCCESS[/color]
PP: Handled a difficult work situation in a proactive and positive way without getting stresed or upset about it. Go me!

Thurs Day 69 Failure
PP: Definite stress/emotional eating from this exam I have to take in a week that basically determines if I get into grad school... onwards.

Fri Day 70 color=green]SUCCESS[/color]
PP: Felt proud of my productivity at work today but the real positive point was incredible bonding with an amazing woman I met at work... you know those people that really just touch you with their soulfulness? She is one of those, I am very glad to have met her.

Sat Day 71 color=green]SUCCESS[/color]
PP: Got up early, felt energized, cleaned my house and made some lovely ginger peach black tea.. will go for a walk later in the woods near my house and to the local art fair with a new friend I made recently. I know this sounds crazy but b/c of no-sing for so long I am definitely more sensitive/attuned to sweet/sugary tastes and I had some cinnamon oatmeal today and it was just as decadent and indulgent as any s-day treat!! Wierd, I know.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:16 am
by This path is my life
Sun Day 72 SUCCESS
PP: I felt some really strong feelings today and cried awhile too, but I know that I finally can feel my feelings even if they're scary I know I don't have to use food to dull/mask them. I've waited so long to get to this moment. I'm so proud of myself.

Mon Day 73 SUCCESS
PP: Had my performance review today at work which I was kind of stressing out about b/c I was worried that my work hadn't been good enough, but the review was stellar, my boss was totally and completely impressed with my work and had nothing but good things to say. She even rated me much higher than I rated myself on 5 categories. Wow. Wow.

Tues Day 74 SUCCESS
PP: Had a long talk with my significant other and felt very connected.

Wed Day 75 SUCCESS
PP: Had a very very scary/stressful moment today and managed to cope w/ it by trying to solve the problem and pacing around my room until I calmed down. Very proud of myself. [/u]

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:29 pm
by Jammin' Jan
What a long string of successful days!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:38 pm
by This path is my life
Day 1- Wed.


Positive Point: Resisted homemade donuts and found that it increased my willpower tremendously. Also I spent some quality time with a good friend who I had been trying to catch up with.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:23 am
by This path is my life
Day 2


I had a productive day that was incredibly busy but I dealt with it in a positive way, even things that would have normally upset me I took in stride. My eating was enjoyable too. Life is good, hectic, but good.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:17 pm
by This path is my life
I'm happy to say that this is not Day 1 at all since I have been following No-S since my last posting and beyond but I miss the deliberateness of posting a "postive point" of my day. I'm always looking on the board anyway especially since it's been a lot more active recently thanks to the book so why not post anyway?

Day 1 Tues:
No S = Success

Positive Point: I took my hour long walk right when I woke up this morning at 7 and it really made my day beautiful and productive. It feels so good to do things for myself just simply because it makes me happy and I deserve it.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:36 pm
by Blondie
For me, there is nothing like exercising first thing in the morning to start the day off right. I feel better, look better, think better...

Well done.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:17 pm
by This path is my life
Blondie- I agree completely!! Thanks for stopping by my check-in :)

Ok let's try this posting thing again (at least sticking to the habit isn't the problem, only posting it :))

Day 1 Friday= No-S: SUCCESS

Positive Point: Finding out that in 2 years on No-S (actually 3 total but 2 since I first got my cholesterol checked) my cholesterol has dropped from 229 to 182!!! My good cholesterol went up and my bad went down and the doctor said "your numbers are perfect, you're going to live forever"!!! I am so excited about this I am going to post it on the main page!

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:21 pm
by joasia
Do you eat everything, are you vegan, do you eat out a lot or cook at home a lot? Just wondering, thanks for your time. Could you post a sample day? I have found that most people that have had success here eat very healthy, oatmeal for lunch, vegan, etc. Wondering what your experience has been.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:39 pm
by This path is my life
Hi Milczar, sorry it's taken me awhile to get back to you, it's funny that I have no trouble sticking to No-S but can't seem to make the habit of posting on my check-in daily (or even often) but I'm going to work on that.

To answer your questions: Yes I eat everything. I'm not vegan but I live in a vegetarian community so I don't get to eat meat at home. I think one of the tricks at least for me is eating at home because portions in general are smaller and healthier than in restaurants. I save my eating out for S Days and they are glorious! I can't really describe a sample day because I usually eat leftovers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and I don't have any control over what those are because other people in the house cook everyday and I eat whatever they cook. I can try to post some of what I eat this week though, hopefully that helps. Best of luck!

Day 1 (Mon) SUCCESS!

Positive Point: Going on a 1.5 hr walk with one of my closest friends after a busy day at work (great way to unwind) and then having a bonfire with my housemates.

Day 2 (Tues) SUCCESS! (unless otherwise noted later today)

Brkfst: Coffee, cheese, .. not sure what else I'll eat (forgot my leftovers so I have to scrouge around for something at work).

Lunch: Posole (Mexican soup with hominy, pork and other delicious things) and bread

Dinner: TBA


Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:15 pm
by This path is my life
Day 1 SUCESS Sun.

Positive Point: Just moved and am settling in but this morning I had a nice walk with the woman that I'm living with and got to see a little of the area. Off to be productive!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:40 pm
by This path is my life

Positive Point: I was extremely productive and it felt great. I walked a ridiculous amount.

Day 3 Tues SUCCESS

PP: I was as productive as yesterday but learned a lot about how to make my life easier in my new home. I also walked a ton again.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:09 pm
by This path is my life
Day 4 Wed Failure

PP: I think Day 4 was the hardest day I've had in awhile for some reason. I did eat 2 pieces of chocolate but the great thing was that I didn't let that tip me over into "I've already failed so I guess I"ll eat everything mode" I actually had a normal No-S day despite that which is incredible for me. Because of that I'm tempted to call this day a success, but it still was technically a failure.

Day 5 Thurs SUCCESS

PP: Today I had to deal with some really difficult emotions/situations but instead of letting them ruin my no-s day by eating emotionally I talked about it, and I decided how I would make it better and had a normal No-S day and then when I could talk to the person about it it totally repaired everything 100% and it wasn't the end of the world and I was still able to have a good No-S day. Also I went Spinning which I love for the first time in a long time and it felt fantastic.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:13 pm
by This path is my life

PP: I decided to post for today even though the day has just begun and if it changes then I'll edit this. I am so happy because my morning movement (in place of shovel glove) now consists of a mixture of yoga, meditation, and squats and is very satisfying and I no longer have to make time for my daily hour walk because it's now built into my routine for walking to work. I am so happy about that! I know I'll get it every day it'll help clear my head before and after work and it's purposeful walking which is my favorite kind.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:00 am
by This path is my life

PP: Fridays are always the hardest day for me, if I make it through until Friday honestly then Sat. and Sun. are so easy, which I did this week!

Day 7 Sat and Day 8 Sun BOTH SUCCESSES

PP: Lots of delicious food and tons of socializing at a BBQ and movie night. I'm happy that I'm getting to know new ppl in my new home.


PP: I had my first day of orientation today, it was very successful. I committed to working on my relationship with my roommate and it got better quickly.

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:54 am
by This path is my life
Day 10 Tues SUCCESS
PP: I went to my first yoga class in awhile, it kicked my butt but felt fantastic afterwards. I walked home in the rain and spent a long time catching up with an old friend. My relationship with my roomie seems to be getting better by the day.

Day 11 Wed SUCCESS
PP: I went on one of the most fun dates I've ever been on. It felt fabulous to really connect with someone, especially since I don't know many people here. We went out to dinner and I felt like I didn't need to eat everything. I also found that an afternoon drink i.e. cup of tea or coffee or soda or even water with lemon works wonders. I'm looking forward to a productive day tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:20 am
by This path is my life
Day 12 Thurs SUCCESS

PP: This week was much easier than last week, I'm relieved by that.

Day 13 Fri SUCCESS

PP: I had an S-dinner with a friend which I enjoyed very much.

Day 14 Sat SUCCESS

PP: I had a really enjoyable S-Day with lots of delicious things.

Day 15 Sun SUCCESS

PP: I worked on a farm today, I had a great time and then I had a really social evening which felt great. I'm working on my difficulties with procrastinating and feeling like everything has to be perfect.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:10 am
by This path is my life
Day 16 Mon SUCCESS

PP: I had an extremely productive day and am working on certain areas of my life that I am trying to improve. I also had a day where I totally and completely understood my math class which is a completely new feeling and I was overwhelmed with this great feeling of empowerment and ability to accomplish and overcome Stats with this feeling of "I can do it". What a great moment.

Day 17 Tues SUCCESS

PP: For a moment I really felt that my current endeavors are a marathon not a sprint and that I should just take it easy and that I would be able to do so. Hopefully I can keep that up. The yoga class I am taking does wonders for that. I met a lot of my incoming classmates today and that went very well as well as I had a very pleasant drink with a new friend.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:25 pm
by This path is my life
so i was out of town for a little while and didn't get to post, but luckily all my days were successes!

Day 18 Wed SUCCESS

PP: I had a very productive day and met some of my new co-workers and enjoyed that time.

Day 19 Thurs SUCCESS

PP: I realized I'm much more confident than I used to be, what a great feeling.

Day 20 Fri SUCCESS

PP: I caught up with an old and good friend.

Day 21 Sat SUCCESS

PP: I had some really enjoyable meals at my aunt's house, what an amazing cook she is.

Day 22 Sun SUCCESS

PP: I spent time with my relatives that I hadn't seen in awhile.

Day 23 Mon SUCCESS

PP: I had a really enjoyable 3 meals today and moved forward in a current relationship.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:00 am
by This path is my life
Wow this past week went by so fast! I need to post more regularly, but I did keep track.

Day 24 Tues SUCCESS
PP: I hung out my co-wokers and had a great time with them. I really enjoyed that social time.

Day 25 Wed SUCCESS
PP: I was very productive and am settling into a routine.

Day 26 Thurs SUCCESS
PP: I enjoyed learning more about what I'm going to be doing for work (in part) this year.

Day 27 Fri Failure
PP: Fridays are always hardest for me, but at least I enjoyed myself.

Day 28 Sat SUCCESS
PP: I was tricked into a date! I hate that, but at least I had some nice conversation.

Day 29 Sun SUCCESS
PP: If this hadn't been an S Day it would have been a failure because I let me emotions take over because I was disappointed about a date that I was supposed to have that never called and getting into a minor accident and damaging my car, not horribly but still.

Day 30 Mon SUCCESS
PP: I was very productive in preparing for my first day of class tomrrow.

Day 31 Tues SUCCESS
PP: Today was a good day, extremely busy but positive. I was organized and had it together. I am proud of myself, I also lucked out on a bunch of cool office equipment.