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Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:08 pm
by nettee
Hello - I have been on and off this board for a good 6 plus years now. Nothing works as well as a daily check in so here I am again. I have a target run to do in three weeks time and would like to lose maybe 4 or 5 lbs by then to get me up the hills.

Full disclosure - I am on Wegovy - but currently on a plateau weight wise and eating too much sugar and snacks. I have bulk cooked my intelligent dietary default lunches, shopped for some healthy meals and planned my running training with a new Monday morning long run to make a habit of. Ready to go.

Starting weight: 74.9kg or 11st 11lb.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:24 pm
by nettee
I have been reading through my old threads and goodness they are inspiring and also emotional.

The longest on was 2016 - 2018 and this included 9 months mostly on plan and a massive fall off the wagon when my son was injured. 6 years on from the accident he is fine now and ran a half marathon a year ago.

My diet has been up and down since then with a really good 6 months leading up to the pandemic followed by a big rebound in lock down and then a long period of slow losses and maintains from November 2020 to August 2022 when I started Ozempic and have had better losses. I am around 2 1/2 stone lighter than I was after the Covid lockdown and I have used no S periodically as well as getting into the Why we Eat (too much) way of eating. This involves increasing omega 3 fats vs omega 6 and reducing sugar. I am not as light as I was before the accident but am getting closer.

I started running again in 2019 and now am very into parkrun going most weeks. I made reference to my very first parkrun in 2017 and it was good to see that blast from the past which I described as fun. I have now done 122 of them and I am a run director. I also did the same 10K as I did in 2017 this year and ran a similar time so I was pleased with that. At the end of these three weeks I hoping the break the course PB which I set in 2017 at the parkrun. It is quite a tough course and I have not come close since on that one so it would be amazing if I do it. It would be great to match the pre accident weight too, which was 70.5kg or so - 11 st 1.75lb but that is probably a bit too ambitious for three weeks.

I had lots of fantastic support on that thread. Hope there is still a good community on these boards. The accountability is the same anyway but would be great to hear from anyone else on their No S journey.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:28 pm
by nettee
Success for today 😃

First sugar free day for weeks. So pleased I made it. The first day is always the hardest.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:49 pm
by nettee
I have been using the happy scale app to track my weight since early 2019. It is good to look back and see the patterns. I might try an app I have seen on the No S Facebook - cross out visual calendar to be the habitcal.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:49 am
by Amy3010
Hi Nettee, welcome back! I have been using the HabitCal here on the NoS website for years. Good luck with getting to where you want to be for your race!

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:09 am
by nettee
Thanks Amy and well done for being consistent with Habitcal for so long. The scales are showing a good drop for me this morning after my first green day so I am feeling motivated for today.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:47 pm
by nettee
Success for today. I was definitely hungry for my supper but we ate early so it was ok.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:04 pm
by nettee
Fail for today 😢. I am annoyed with myself doing this on day 3. It started with some leftovers from my daughters supper and escalated. I also couldn’t get out on my track night and planned to do some treadmill running but didn’t. Back on it tomorrow I guess.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:51 am
by nettee
Good start to the day I did my treadmill session this morning. Now let’s go for that Green success.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:43 pm
by nettee
Success. For today. A busier evening and some determination got me through.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:11 pm
by WINhappy
Hi Nettee,

Great job getting back on track today and welcome back to the boards. I'm rooting for you - both for your success with your plan for No S leading up to your race and for the race itself. Running sounds like something you really enjoy!

Best regards,

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:47 pm
by nettee
Thanks Win, yes I do enjoy it. Success for today. Iots of red wine but no sweets. Having a weekend away which is fun but still able to stick to No S 🎉

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:36 pm
by WINhappy
Well done, Nettee! Keep up the great work. Best regards, WINhappy

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:11 pm
by nettee
I have been away for the weekend so S days anyway but I am quite pleased with my choices. Grains and lentils in restaurants. One tiny biscuit offered at an old friends house. No ice cream at the theatre. Too much wine on Friday night sadly and a bacon bap for lunch today which is not the best choice but otherwise a sensible weekend.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 5:58 am
by nettee
Weigh in morning after a week and I am 1 lb or 500g lighter than last Monday. Back to the N days.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:55 am
by nettee
Success for Monday. A busy day with lots of driving so the temptations were there but I did ok.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:28 am
by nettee
A fail for yesterday 😢. Another home from work and feeling tired binge. Definitely the most dangerous time of day. Back on it this morning with a healthy breakfast of fruit, yoghurt and chia seeds.

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:23 pm
by WINhappy
Fails happen despite our best intentions, (I think) especially on days when work gets crazy and our meals are delayed. Good job getting back on track! I hope the days since your last post have gone well. WINhappy

Re: Nettee’s 3 week push

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:43 am
by oolala53
Sorry to be a wet blanket but I hope you are not aiming for several pounds of fat to be gone in a few weeks; there is almost no way a person can lose 3 or 4 pounds of fat in a few weeks without huge calorie deficits or starting at a very high weight. Nearly all early weight loss is water from using up some stored glycogen. Still feels good! If you'd be happy with less water and a bit less fat, that's a different story.

I've noticed when I sometimes opt for very little starch at a few meals, I can see the metatarsals on my feet much more easily. It's fun to see but not worth that as a consistent habit. But unless you are already fat-adapted, I would think runners want glycogen stores before an event, no?

Well, you are the experienced runner here! Best wishes.