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Finding Happiness in an Imperfect Body 2015

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:13 pm
by LookingForSanity
I started No S-ing yesterday. Well, yesterday was an S day, but I S-ed in such a way that it was reasonable. One S (sweet), two plates and one S (snack) at the end of the day. But I did a lot less S-ing than I normally would have done on an S day before I started the No-S way of eating, I'd say.

I didn't weigh in yesterday, so I'll just weigh in now, that I weighed in this morning and I am at 196.4. For a 5' 4-1/2" lady, that's a lot of weight. I hope to one day reach a goal of 130-135, but if I never do, that's a-okay with me. I just want to get rid of the insanity of the control food has had over me my whole adult life.

So here is my new beginning. I plan to only weigh once a month (first of each month). That's the plan right now, apt to change at a moment's notice because I change my mind sometimes as often as the sun rises and sets. But one thing I have my mind set on is that I will never count another calorie again for as long as I live. I'm happy to be No S-ing and that's no S.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:36 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Welcome to the board, a wonderful group of supportive ladies and gents who are ready to welcome you and encourage you every step of the way on your journey to a better you.

Stay the course, you cannot go wrong by doing right. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:55 pm
by LookingForSanity
Hi Berry, Thank you for the nice welcome!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:09 am
by eschano
Hello! You are definitely in the right place for sanity.
Remember, especially in the beginning, that you cannot fail on S days.

I would recommend you pick a day of the week you weigh in every month, such as the first Wednesday every month or so because your weight might fluctuate heavily between the days at the beginning and you don't want to be discouraged if one 1st of the month is a Friday and the next one a Monday where you will inevitably weigh more.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:39 am
by LookingForSanity
Hi Eschano, Thank you also for the nice welcome and the wonderful tip. I will do just that and make it the first Sunday in each month. Terrific advice! I appreciate it. :)

I see you're in maintenance now. Congratulations! :)


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:19 pm
by LookingForSanity

January Weigh-in: 196.4 (starting weight)
Pounds Lost: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 0

10 - S Day
11 - S Day
12 - Success
13 - Success
14 - Failure
15 - Failure
16 -
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Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:03 am
by LoriLifts
We're glad you're here!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:11 am
by LookingForSanity
Hi Lori, Thank you very much. I'm happy to be joining all of you and look forward to getting to know everyone. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:33 am
by LookingForSanity
I did so well all day until the evening. Just felt the need for comfort food and became a complete rebel. I will stay strong tomorrow!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:18 am
by eschano
I strongly suggest instituting an evening ritual that you find satisfying. I used to drink a glass of wine but because I am worried about hydration at the moment I am now drinking a warm herbal tea and it signals to my body that food is over.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:34 pm
by gingerpie
Any sort of comforting activity might be substituted for comfort food. For example: a warm bath, a massage, writing to friends/loved ones, phone calls, any artistic expression you might enjoy. Anything that works to provide the warm comfy feelings you are looking for yet not be food.

Good luck,

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:01 pm
by LookingForSanity
Thank you Eschano and Gingerpie for the great tips! :)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:00 pm
by kccc
Your thread title caught my eye - wonderful! Welcome to the board.

I will say that I think No-S allowed me to "make friends with my body." I think I was constantly at a state of war, or at least armed truce... as if it were a wild animal that would wreak havoc if not controlled. I was always trying to keep my inner piggie in check, and it was always resisting!

Over time, giving that inner piggie three good meals a day has lowered its rebellion-level. And I found I liked eating good food, not feeling overstuffed, and enjoying occasional treats without a side order of guilt.

My body isn't perfect, but no one's is... even the photoshopped models we see in the media. But it's healthy, and I have learned to be nicer to it, and in return, it's nicer to me.

Best of luck reaching your goal! Remember, it's a slow process, and that's okay. Babysteps take you where you want to go. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:20 pm
by clarinetgal
Welcome! :D

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:10 am
by LookingForSanity
Thank you ClarinetGal and KCCC for the welcome! :)

KCCC, I think I misposted on the title of my thread. I should have called it "living happy in an imperfect body" because I'm pretty much a happy camper no matter what comes my way or what my weight. ;) But I'm glad you stopped by to pay a visit because I thoroughly enjoyed your reply! I hope that No S will give me the same freedom you're feeling from the guilt of too much snacking. That's what I am striving for. :)

I've tried so many different ways to lose weight and the thing that seems to have worked for me over the years is counting calories. But I couldn't stick to that for a lifetime, though I tried to tell myself I could, again and again.

I've tried intuitive eating for a while now and I just can't trust myself. Before I ordered the No S Diet book, I had already ordered a book that arrived today called "The Overfed Head", which is basically intuitive eating, but called "thintuition".

Well, silly me thought that maybe I'd give it a try today (once again) because I honestly would love for intuitive eating to work for me. But as always, I found out that I cannot trust myself at all with it because I have no self control with the freedom of intuitive eating.

So tomorrow, I'm going to eat the No S way and I'm vowing to myself that I'm going to follow this plan throughout 2015 and see where it takes me. What have I got to lose besides hopefully some pounds? ;)

Thank you all for the warm welcome and friendly support! :)