Thtrchic's Daily Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:46 pm

Friday, SUCCESS. At least it will be. I'm very set on that.

B - cereal with milk
L - oatmeal with butter, sugar, bunch of almonds and walnuts, challah with butter
D - (planned) lean pocket, apple, latte

I really needed another piece of fruit, but was out and never found the time in the day to go get one to go with lunch. I also didn't manage to make exercise happen. Oh well, at least the day was a No S success, which is my primary concern.

And I'm very much looking forward to the relief of a couple S days. It's been a while since I've felt like I really "need" them as I do now.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:53 am

Saturday, S-DAY.

B - cereal with milk
S - several bites of 3 different kinds of bakery cookies and half a piece of amazingly good bakery banana bread, with my friends on the way to the zoo
L - (at the zoo, with my friends) italian sandwich, doritos
S - another of the bakery cookies -- ginger molasses and wonderful
D - (out, with a friend) 1/2 a large chicken quesadilla

Walked a whole lot at the zoo.

It's funny -- it seemed like I ate a TON today and, while it is a lot and more than N days for sure, it's not really that ridiculous. I guarantee I would also have had chips with dinner and dessert afterwards this time last year.

By the way, I didn't end up having the latte last night. And I was mighty hungry by the time I got home last night around 11pm, but stayed strong and didn't eat anything else. And clearly I survived just fine.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:03 am

Sunday, S-DAY. My Birthday. I'm overwhelmingly full. But happy.

B - hot grape nuts with milk and honey
L - (out, with a friend) banana rum souffle pancake with syrup, bacon, part of a blueberry muffin, 2 mimosas
S - several bites of cheese and crackers
S - (at a theatre event) grilled polenta squares, 2 empanadas, small piece of cake (brought for my birthday, very unexpected, but lovely), few grapes
D - (out, with a friend) 1.5 cheeseburger sliders, some fries with ketchup and mystery sauce, part of a insanely huge, but wonderful hot fudge and m&m sundae

I kind of wish there wasn't going to be cake on Tuesday too, but there is and it's being made specially for me for my birthday so I will have a piece. I feel so sugared out right now, though. Water and cleaner eating tomorrow will feel really nice. At this moment I'm actually looking forward to feeling hungry again tomorrow. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:11 pm

Monday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk
L - caterpillar maki roll, little bit of mozzarella cheese with wheat thins, 3 dates
D (in progress) - bagel with butter and cream cheese, tortilla chips, banana

I'm going to an awards event tonight where they'll be serving appetizer type food, but I won't be having any. I simply will not have even one bite. I am allowing myself a diet coke at the bar.

No exercise today -- it'll be a late night.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:19 pm

Tuesday, NWS Day.

B - cereal with milk
L - 4 (eek!) pieces pizza, piece of cake
S - about 2 cups microwave popcorn eaten while popping and bagging 30 bags of popcorn for theatre promo
D - 1 piece pizza, piece of cake
S - (the part of the day I regret) - several devils food donut holes, 2 bite size pieces of candy

Didn't get exercise in. Got home about 8:30 after 3 hours of being on my feet and being exhausted. I'm sure I got exercise level steps in for the day with those 3 hours, but my pedometer's long dead so I don't know (I gave up on it after changing the battery 3 times in less than 3 months -- that's just too many batteries for me to keep buying).


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:02 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS!

b- cup of milk (was running late and didn't feel like I had time for cereal, but needed to get something in me)
L - wheat thins with peanut butter, tortilla chips, banana
D - homemade 1/4 pound burger with cheddar cheese, avocado and barbecue sauce on kaiser roll, orange

Making dinner, and even just as planned, is a big success for me today. I got some bad news at work at the end of the day and was feeling quite down. My gut reaction, and usual behavior, was to buy dinner instead. I need not to do that, though, for money and health. Even with dinner being a cheeseburger, whatever I would have bought would have been much worse. Plus then I wouldn't have lunch tomorrow or Friday as the plan was leftovers both those days.

I also did my exercise this morning -- the 2 mile WATP video with extra upper body work. I'm glad I did it then because I can tell I wouldn't have tonight. I've been faltering in this area in the last couple weeks as my schedule's gotten busier. I decided to just force myself to do it this morning, and will do the same tomorrow. I certainly felt way better for it this morning.


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Post by kccc » Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:00 pm

Wow, those are BIG successes! Way to go!

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:46 pm

Thanks, KCCC!

Yesterday, Thursday, was the second of my three NWS days for the month. The last one is the first night of Passover. I have a seder for the second night now too. I think I'll say I can have soup before the rest of my meal that day, but otherwise one plate and definitely no dessert.

Anyway, WAY too many sweets yesterday, but no failing on S days. :) And I did exercise in the morning before work, which was a nice success. It was harder than Wednesday for some reason, but very good to get done.

Back to N days today -- for a day. What an odd week with 2 NWS days. It feels hard to swing back into it today, but I also know that I can do it and I'll feel much better when I do so I'll just go ahead and do that.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:58 pm

Friday, SUCCESS!

B - cereal with milk
L - leftover cheeseburger on bun, potato chips, apple
D - wheat thins with cream cheese, black olives, almonds, dates

I managed to avoid chocolate cake all day long. I even resisted eating just a little bit of frosting as I walked by it.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:39 am

Saturday, S-DAY. Excessive and I feel gross. Really, again and still, definitely less and better use of real food than my days of the past so not all bad news.

B - cereal with milk
L - proscuitto, mozzarella, and eggplant sandwich on sourdough roll, chips, pickle
S - (out with a friend, at a new to us local brewery) shared order of calamari, 1 beer
D - part of a chicken breast baked with pancetta and olives, scoop of risotto, green salad with mustard dressing, 1 framboise lambic beer
S - too many (16-18) bite size ghiradelli chocolates

Also walked around 3 miles, a good part of it on sand so a good workout for the legs.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:37 pm

Sunday, S-DAY.

B - bagel with cream cheese, 3 pieces bacon (good Niman Ranch bacon made in my cast iron skillet), sliced banana
L - smallish plate of nachos
S - about 2 cups chocolate pudding (wow, it's easy to eat two cups and two cups is an awful lot)
D - (planned, at my book group): chicken marsala with mashed potatoes, dressed salad, something for dessert I'm sure, but don't know what will be served, 1 beer

I'm 20 minutes away from a WATP video with some extra upper body work thrown in. That means I'll meet my 4 times a week goal for the week. That's an accomplishment opening week of a show for sure and I'm pleased with it. And I'm actually looking forward to the coming week with five straight N days. I feel worn out on sweets with two exceptions this past week.



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Post by thtrchic » Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:14 am

Monday, SUCCESS. I'm feeling lousy, getting worse throughout the days, and my meals show it.

B- cereal with milk and banana
L - 2-3 ounces of broiled steak, few tortilla chips, bunch of club crackers
D - bunch of club crackers, 3 dates, bunch of black olives, 16 oz tangerine juice

I'd planned mango with lunch, but couldn't muster the energy to cut it and ended up having crackers instead. Not a great trade, but sometimes that's what has to happen.

Did AM yoga and glad of it.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:53 am

Tuesday, SUCCESS. Not the healthiest ever, but completely vanilla. Still not feeling great. My throat is still pretty sore, but I'm now feeling a lot less achy and my head isn't hurting too much.

B - hot grape nuts
L - grilled cheese on rye bread, potato chips, about 15 oz. fresh squeezed orange juice
D - 2 cha siu baos, 2 clementines

Walked outside about 30 minutes, somewhat slowly, but good enough given I'm not feeling well. I showed up.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:36 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS!

B - hot grape nuts with milk and brown sugar
L - oatmeal with butter, sugar, chopped walnuts, piece of buttered rye toast, few almonds
D - 2-3 ounces broiled steak, potato chips, banana

I have 2 clementines on reserve from lunch. I didn't eat them then and, because I have a late night, told myself I can have them later if I need them. I suspect I'll be ok without them.

I was still feeling quite sick this morning so didn't exercise. I'm doing better, but won't be home until 11 or so so won't do it then. I'm going to have to call it yellow for today on exercise. I'll try very hard to make it up this weekend, but will be on vacation and don't know if it'll fit in or not. I'll do my best, which is all I can do.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:25 am

Thursday, SUCCESS. Although not according to plan.

B - hot grape nuts with milk and brown sugar
L - bagel with cream cheese, potato chips (planned an apple, but yet again never ate it)
D - (out with friends) piece of bread with oil, 1/2 sausage and mushroom calzone, salad of arugula, currants, pistachios in kind of a lot of oil and vinegar

I hadn't planned on going out to dinner and hadn't planned on eating so much, but ended up going out with friends. I stuck to a plate's worth by eating only half my calzone and adding salad and a piece of the amazing bread. Probably should have skipped the bread, but it fit on the plate for sure and I really wanted it (is that a sufficient reason?).

I'm traveling tomorrow, but will stick to no-s.

I'm kind of falling apart on exercise. I know this is the ultimate traditional statement, but I'll start again full force on Monday when I'm back from vacation. I am calling today a red day on that front, though, since I just didn't do it, but instead hung out with friends. Need to find a way to fit in both -- I'll keep working at that.


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Post by milliem » Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:15 am

I've got a few DVDs that are '10 minute' workouts that I try and do when I REALLY don't want to exercise or don't think I have time. When do I not have 10 minutes?? You can string together a few of the workouts if you have more time as well.

You're doing brilliantly so far though! :)

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:25 pm

Ooh, I like the 10 minute idea. That's really a good idea. I actually do have a 1 mile workout on my WATP disc. I've never done it because it doesn't seem like enough, but I don't see how it could be more than 15 minutes and could be perfect for times like that. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Post by kccc » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:44 pm

I do the "15 minutes of anything" minimum, and that works for me. If it's a hard day, that's 15 minutes of REALLY relaxing yoga that helps me go to sleep.

Again, that short amount is enough to make me go "what, you don't have THAT MUCH time?"

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:31 am

I think on the busy and/or late days, 15 minutes of anything will be what I do.

I was successful Friday -- I'm quite pleased with that actually. Another not so healthy day, but vanilla no-s success on a day I'm travelling is definitely a success for me. Yay!

The weekend was a bit excessive, but completely in line with all the people around me (largely thin people) and was part of the parties and dinners I was in Chicago for.

I moved a ton on Saturday preparing for the bridal shower, but no dedicated exercise. I did get some walking in on Sunday.

Today, NWS day for Passover and exercise success! It was another travel day, and therefore a long day, so I'm feeling good about any exercise. I did 20 minutes: the 1 mile WATP video with weights throughout all of it, plus some cool down stretching. It felt really good to do and I'm proud that I stuck to my "I'll start on Monday" pronouncement. Tomorrow's seder number two, so also a late night, and I'll plan to do the same as tonight for exercise. I'll have to eat multiple courses for dinner as a part of the service, but won't have any dessert and will virtual plate and will call that success.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:05 am

Tuesday, Passover Seder Number Two.

B - oatmeal with almonds (and butter and sugar)
L - piece of matzoh, homemade tuna salad, handful of nut/raisin trail mix, potato chips, small apple
D - (in courses) bites of things and sips of wine during service part of seder, hard boiled egg, half piece matzoh with haroset, matzoh ball soup, roast chicken, potatoes, and asparagus, strawberries and coconut

Got home at 9pm so allowed the 15 minute plan. Did 15 minute WATP with 3-pound weights throughout.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:26 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS.

The big accomplishment is not giving in to emotional eating tonight. I had a bad evening and left work feeling very upset. My first thoughts were to just sit and eat chocolate for dinner, but I was able to tell myself no and remind myself that wouldn't help anything. So I stuck with the plan and, although I still feel lousy, am glad for that.

B - oatmeal with almonds
L - matzoh with chopped liver, chopped apple, mix of almonds and raisins
D - greek yogurt with chopped walnuts, bananas, and honey

I don't have the strength for a full on workout after a very long day at work and the general unhappiness of tonight, but will force myself into 15 minutes of something.

EDIT -- did 15 minutes of lower body and ab work.


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Post by Who Me? » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:54 am

I hope tomorrow is happier.

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:28 am

Thanks, Who Me. It was, at least somewhat, better. It's really helpful to hear no matter what.

Thursday, SUCCESS!

B - oatmeal with almonds, raisins
L - smallish portion of pot roast
D - fried matzo, strawberries

No exercise yet other than running around at work all day. Will figure out something.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:00 am

Friday, SUCCESS.

I am so tired. It's been a trying week and my body is done. Luckily it's Friday.

B - oatmeal with almonds
L - fried matzo, strawberries, almonds
D - corn chips with cheese, 3 dates

Dinner was ridiculous and off my weekly plan, but still vanilla No-S. I was just so tired and hungry and it was all I could do not to get a candy bar. I told myself I didn't have to cook, but I had to stick to the official No-S and passover rules. Which I did, but hardly ate a decent dinner. I'm pretty much fine with it, though.

I also walked half an hour.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:48 am

Saturday, S-DAY. Sweet, but not over the top.

B - greek yogurt with chopped walnuts, bananas, honey
L - tortilla chips with cheese, dates, black olives, 3 pieces candy from box of candy that I got as a gift last week (that actually sat on my counter all week without me eating any)
S - (out with a friend) scoop of rocky road ice cream
D - (with a friend) green salad with artichokes, olives, and mushrooms, curried chicken salad on matzo, cream cheese and lox on matzo
S - (aka dessert) few strawberries, chocolate dipped almond macaroon

Walked around a bit, but no real exercise.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:49 am

Sunday, S-DAY. Again, sweet, but not crazy.

B - fried matzo with cream cheese and raspberry preserves
L (out, on a date) - beef and broccoli in a slightly sweet chili sauce with rice at a cambodian restaurant, scoop of ice cream
S - 6 pieces of candy from the box of candy, tortilla chips

Some walking, a bunch of stairs, laundry and vacuuming, but no real exercise. It was a reasonably active day, though, so I feel ok about it.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:23 am

Monday, SUCCESS!

B - greek yogurt with sliced banana, chopped walnuts, honey
L - fried matzo, 3 dates
D - rice and pork with bbq sauce, raisins

It's another 9pm before I leave work kinda night so don't think I'll be getting exercise in.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:20 am

Tuesday, SUCCESS! Its kind of crazy that I can have pizza for dinner and still say that.

B - greek yogurt with 1/2 banana, chopped walnuts, honey
L - mixed green salad with olives, artichokes, avocado in poppyseed dressing, 2 pieces matzo with bit of butter (tsp total) and a little cream cheese (about 1/2 ounce total max), apple
D - (out with a friend, for the official breaking of passover) 2 small pieces stuffed pepperoni pizza, 1/2 side caesar salad with croutons

2 mile WATP video with extra upper body work when I got home from dinner. It felt really good to do.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:51 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS! Not the healthiest ever, but not awful and totally legit No S.

B - cereal with milk (oh, I've missed my cereal routine)
L - 1.5 bagels (actually 3 half bagels) with cream cheese, potato chips, apple
D - 2 smallish pieces leftover stuffed pepperoni pizza, few grapes

Did 40 minutes outside exercise: 5 warmup/cooldown each, 9 minutes jogging (non-consecutive), 21 minutes walking. This was pretty hard for me. I think 8 total minutes jogging is the most I've done before so 9 is an accomplishment. And I haven't done that much in a little while so I'm glad I was able to push myself to this. I'm tired now, but feeling good.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:16 am

Thursday, SUCCESS! It was hard today. In fact, is still hard tonight. I'm having a hungry day, and with that strong sweets cravings.

B - cereal with milk
L - oatmeal with butter, sugar, sliced almonds, 1/2 bagel with a little cream cheese, apple
D - 6 pieces gyoza, 4 pieces california roll, 5 pieces nigiri, 1 piece inari, a little cut up pineapple (it was a pretty full plate -- I was so, so hungry)

Walked about a mile outside and will do another 15 minutes weights/resistance work after dinner settles.


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Post by oolala53 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:33 am

Stay strong! It's worth it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:43 am

Thanks, oolala! This was really helpful to see!


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:25 pm

I did manage to stick to my one plate last night. And did do the rest of my exercise. Yay!

Tonight is another challenge: a going-away party for a colleague that is becoming quite food and dessert focused. If I hadn't already had three NWS days this month, I'd call it one. But since I have I think I need to draw a line. So I am. I will go, eat one plate of food that's not sweet and as close to real food as is reasonable, have 1 drink, and talk and mingle without anything else but water (and maybe diet coke). This is reasonable. And tomorrow is Saturday when I can have whatever I want. And, more importantly, I will feel really good knowing I stuck to my plan AND finished a month without any red days (of course, there were 3 extra yellow, but still it'll be the first time without any red).


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Post by oolala53 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:41 pm

That is so worth it!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by thtrchic » Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:48 am

Friday, SUCCESS! Triumph! A completely red-free month of No-S. One red day for exercise, but a whole lot of green there too. Yay!

B - cereal with milk and banana
L - oatmeal with sugar and sliced almonds, piece of buttered rye toast, pineapple
D - (at a party, virtual plating) large samosa with sauce, smallish handful of seasoned mixed nuts, smallish scoop of pasta salad, 4 crackers with various spreads, couple bites fresh bread, couple bites of roast chicken, couple sweet potato chips, couple carrots with dip, 1/2 cup real lemonade, 1 beer

I feel great about how I did at the party. I ate, but not too much. No one said anything. The only real struggle was when I discovered there was banana cream pie, which I LOVE. But then I remembered there'll be good food again, as KCCC says, and banana cream pie won't be extinct after tonight so there's no urgency to eating it. And I just walked past it.

Yay for a solid April despite the distractions of NWS days. There are two to be had in May -- both in the first third of the month. I'm looking forward to another great vanilla month. No change to food rules and goals, but upping the exercise to 5 times a week from 4.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:50 am

Hey -- I got a silver medal for the month per the habitcal formulations! Yay! I kind of love that!

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Post by SpiritSong » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:49 am

thtrchic wrote:Friday, SUCCESS! Triumph! A completely red-free month of No-S. One red day for exercise, but a whole lot of green there too. Yay!
Congrats, Julie!! :D

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Post by thtrchic » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:19 pm

Thanks, SpiritSong!

Well, official weighing day and I've gained a pound and a half and an inch and a half for the month. This is somewhat disappointing, but really only a little. It was a hard month with a lot going on and I did so well with habit, which is really more important in the long run. I'm also still an inch and half (and a quarter pound) down from March so all is not lost.


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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:56 pm

No matter what happened with the scale at this point, congrats on the habit. It's a nice feeling, no?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Who Me?
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Post by Who Me? » Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:07 pm

Well done!

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Post by thtrchic » Sun May 01, 2011 2:51 am

Thanks, guys! And, yes, it is a great feeling.

B - cereal with milk
S - tastes at various stands at the farmers market, a chocolate meringue cookie from the farmers market
L - 2 pieces inari, some lemon chili almonds
D - prosciutto and mozzarella sandwich with eggplant on sourdough roll, large handful of potato chips, kosher pickle
S - ben and jerry's mint chocolate cookie ice cream (a bit too much of it really, but nowhere near enough to make me feel physically bad)

Walked about 2 hours at the botanical garden and then another 40 on the beach.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon May 02, 2011 1:03 am

Sunday, S-DAY.

B- breakfast sandwich of 2 pieces of rye toast with a touch of butter, fried egg, 2 pieces bacon
L - frozen pizza (~450 cals for the scope of size), 3 pieces of chocolates from the box of chocolates
S - 4 more pieces of chocolates from the box (I then threw away the last couple pieces, which were ones I wasn't that excited about, but knew I'd eat later tonight if I still had them)
D - chipotle chicken burrito bowl with chips

I ate too much at dinner, but actually feel like I've learned a lesson from it. I did throw out some chips, which I haven't done before when having this meal. I feel like that's kind of a big deal. And I feel like next time I'll be ready to just stop eating and throw the leftover out before getting to too full.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 03, 2011 6:56 pm

Monday. NWS day in honor of our annual gala/dinner/auction event.

B - cereal with milk
L - fettucine with bit of alfredo sauce, strawberries, roll with butter
D/S - 5-6 passed appetizers, salmon, couscous, few cooked carrots, few bites of salad, small piece of chocolate mousse cake, several bite size chocolates, 1/2 glass wine

Walked a ton during the event. Plus did 14 minutes of resistance (upper body weights and some crunches) in the morning.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 04, 2011 3:19 am

Tuesday, FAILURE. Grrrrr....

I'm kind of annoyed with myself. It was dumb. The reason is totally exhaustion, but that's not an excuse. It was feeling insanely bad, but as I look at it now I realize it was only medium bad so that's something at least. And I'm not letting myself snack tonight like I want to just because the day already gets marked red. I'm also not letting it be an excuse not to finish my exercise for the day.

B - cereal with milk
L - leftover frozen pizza, strawberries
S - 1 bite size trader joe's cookie and a bunch of trail mix including yogurt covered raisins and itty bitty peanut butter cups
D - black pepper rosemary fettucine with alfredo sauce

Took a 15 minute walk during the day and will do 14 minutes of resistance work momentarily in compliance with the RE90X challenge I joined. Even though I messed up food, I can still be strong with exercise.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu May 05, 2011 5:07 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS!

I had a moment this afternoon where I felt like just chucking this for the week after Monday's NWS day, yesterdays failure and leading into tomorrow through Monday's vacation. But then I came to my senses, remembered my goals, and held strong. And I feel great for it!

B - small serving of yogurt with honey and walnuts, piece of lightly buttered rye toast
L - last of the fettucine with a little alfredo sauce, small handful of almonds, cut up pineapple
D - (out, on a date) smallish plate of chicken pad thai

Walked 15 minutes this afternoon and just finished 14 minutes of upper body weights. I'm 3 for 3 on that this week. Yay! :)

I've given myself permission to let 1 of the 3 weekdays I'm on vacation to be a NWS day. I think not giving in on the other two will be hard, but I really do know that I can do it and know that I'll feel really good when I do. I also think getting in this 30 minutes of exercise on those three days will be challenging, but I also know that's definitely do-able and will keep me feeling strong.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 10, 2011 3:06 pm

Im back from my trip and entirely pleased with how I did No-S wise during it. As planned, I took one NWS day. That was Thursday, the first day. And it was for good things eaten as part of a group -- not mindless snacking or "because I could." I kept Friday and Monday on track. Had a sweet snack (a piece of graduation cake) on Saturday and two sweet snacks on Sunday (a second piece of the cake and an ice cream cone with the group when we went to a "special" place for that purpose). I also got in my basic exercise requirements on all weekdays (plus a little more on Friday). And, best yet, it wasn't really very hard to do this since I was still getting to indulge -- just mindfully and with a plan.

I have a celebratory group lunch today that I'll need to be careful of, but am sure I can work out a plate of reasonable food and then just stop.


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Post by r.jean » Tue May 10, 2011 10:46 pm

WOW! Great Job!

Doesn't it feel so good to know that this has become so much of a habit that you were able to do what you just did? You allowed yourself some small indulgences but did not go hog wild.

You stayed away from that all or nothing mentality.

FANTASTIC! :mrgreen:
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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 11, 2011 2:22 am

Thanks, Jean. It did feel good. Sadly, that habit kind of fell apart today and it's been a failure day. I'll do better tomorrow. That's really all I can say.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 11, 2011 9:28 pm

So, obviously I'm still struggling with a couple of red days a month, but I really do feel so much more in control than I did six months ago. I am now doing a good job of containing these "failures" and getting right back on track. I also can see that they're almost always happening when I'm either unusually and excessively tired or not feeling well. Those aren't excuses, but good to see that in "normal" conditions I'm doing pretty well. Also, even the failures are in smaller amounts of food now than they used to be. This is a slow, slow process after more than 30 years of not eating healthy -- I was raised with snacks and sweets and processed foods always available. It's really hard to break out of that. Despite the fact that I'm far from solid in my habits and have lost only a few pounds in 6 months, I feel like I'll eventually manage to get there. Clearly, at this rate it'll be years, but at least I'm making some psychological progress.

I had oatmeal with chopped walnuts and some brown sugar for breakfast, greek yogurt with a touch of honey and sliced banana plus a bran muffin for lunch (more dental work post-breakfast so needed soft food for lunch), and am planning parmesan noodles with salmon and a some grapes for dinner.

I am kinda sorta sick. I'll be honest about it, but I might take the day off of exercise for the sake of rest depending upon how I feel tonight.


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Post by r.jean » Thu May 12, 2011 1:05 am

I think you are doing fantastic. The slow, steady changes you are making are much more sustainable than quick, drastic changes. Those few pounds are much more likely to stay off along with the next few pounds and the next and the next....

Keep it up!

PS: I looked at my calendar after reading your post, and I have had 10 reds in almost 5 months. I do not think 2 reds a month are a big deal as long as they are red "events" and not all out binges.
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Post by thtrchic » Thu May 12, 2011 1:39 am

Thanks, Jean. That is really helpful to hear!

And I did just finish my exercise -- I pushed pretty hard actually and it feels good, but a little exhausting.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri May 13, 2011 1:20 am

Thursday, SUCCESS! My favorite feeling!

B - oatmeal with a little brown sugar and milk, piece of buttered rye toast
L - macaroni and cheese (the kraft kind from a box) with a bit of tuna, orange strawberry banana smoothie (the real kind with no added sugar or gross syrups or anything)
D - lean pocket, small banana, small handful of black olives

Walked about 25 minutes and gearing up for my 14 minutes of resistance work (lower body/abs today).


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Post by thtrchic » Fri May 13, 2011 11:47 pm

Friday, SUCCESS. I'm really not feeling well, though. I came home from work early and have been resting and laying in a hot shower. I'm not sure I can physically make exercise happen tonight. I think I need to take a sick day on that front. Even though this isn't quite how it works, I'll make it up over the weekend.

B - cereal with milk
L - grilled cheese (needed something easy and warm), potato chips, banana
D - (planned, about to deal with) pasta with alfredo sauce that's sitting in the fridge, something else that takes very little effort and will fit on the plate

I really don't have much available produce at the moment. Tomorrow's the day to get that. I have a couple apples, but am not sure my mouth is up to that yet. And raisins, but I'm not sure that's better. I'll figure something out.


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Post by gk » Sat May 14, 2011 3:00 am

Sounds like you're doing well with the diet. In all my attempts at this, I've found when I am having a lucky streak and sticking with it, I feel so much better because I'm not dealing with all the emotional ups and downs of struggling with food.....just have my three plates each day and enjoy my guilt-free treats on the weekend. Makes things so simple and clear, ya know? (That being said, I wonder why this has taken me so many attempts!)

I think alot of people here (myself included) find the mental aspect of it to be as rewarding (if not moreso!) than any weight loss they have.

Hope you feel better soon!

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Post by Who Me? » Sat May 14, 2011 3:10 am

get well, soon!

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Post by thtrchic » Sun May 15, 2011 3:00 am

Thanks, guys.

I'm still feeling rather blah, but went to a wine tasting today anyway. If I'd been asked to go this morning, I would have said no, but since it had been set for a week I went. I also went to the farmers market since it isn't any harder than the grocery store and I needed fresh produce somehow.

B - 8ish devils food donut holes (I admit this sheepishly)
S - bites of fruit and nuts at the farmers market, the most amazing blueberry and custard danish
L - 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich, few potato chips, few black olives, whole bunch of cherries (yay for cherry season!)
S - bunch of tastes of wine, few bites of cheese, salami, and breadsticks, 2 itty bitty bites of really nice chocolate
D - (out) several big pork ribs with bbq sauce, small side salad (aka lettuce with dressing), most of a baked potato with butter and sour cream

I really feel like having dessert, but I'm really not at all hungry so I guess I won't. I wish I had hot cocoa mix here at home and could make that, but I don't. Maybe for the best since it means I'll just have water for the rest of the night, which is surely better for me.


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Post by Who Me? » Sun May 15, 2011 7:53 am

Cherry season!!!

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Post by oolala53 » Sun May 15, 2011 11:08 pm

I keep cocoa and stevia around, and milk, plus decaf to have mocha. 1/2 coffee, 1/2 milk, 2 t. cocoa, smidge of stevia. Very satisfying to sip.

but water is good, too.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
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Post by thtrchic » Mon May 16, 2011 1:53 am

Ooh, I like the decaf mocha idea, oolala. I've added cocoa to my shopping list to have for the future.

I've had a good S-DAY, although not what I'd call a reasonable dinner. I ended up snacking instead.

B - big serving of greek yogurt with touch of honey, chopped walnuts, sliced banana
L - 3 homemade pancakes with butter and syrup, 2 pieces bacon, about 1/2 cup sliced strawberries
S - (out, shared with a friend) spinach artichoke dip with nice bread
S/D (it's dinner time, but I don't think I can reasonably call it dinner) - bowl of air popped popcorn with garlic olive oil, bit of romano cheese, and salt, and (planned) chocolate and peanut candy bar I picked up last week in idaho that's about the size of 2/3 of a regular candy bar


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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 17, 2011 2:06 am

Monday, SUCCESS. Even though I'm now actually feeling worse. Blech.

B - cereal with milk
L - tuna fish with miracle whip, water crackers, potato chips
D - carrot raisin muffin, peach, dozen cherries, dozen almonds, latte

Walked about 20 minutes urban ranger style. I'm so, so wiped out from this cold, but am going to try and at least lift light weights slowly for 14 minutes. I'm going to count it as a success as long as I start it even if I don't finish the 14 minutes today, but I bet I can power through all of it. Might even be good for me -- who knows.


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Post by oolala53 » Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 am

You don't even have to do all 14 minutes at a time, I'd say.
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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 17, 2011 2:37 am

I did pretty much just that -- took a 10 minute rest in the middle. It's kind of ridiculous, but that's what being sick can do. I got it done, though, and it felt good to push my body a little.

I also decided I didn't really need the almonds with dinner and have skipped that.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 18, 2011 12:15 am

Tuesday, SUCCESS. I stayed home sick from work today and feel a little better, but still not very good. I'm taking a sick day on exercise too -- I'm feeling pretty woozy and just need to stay still.

B - malt-o-meal with brown sugar, milk, and tiny bit of butter
L - 2 leftover pork ribs with bbq sauce, potato pan fried with olive oil and cumin
D - 4 smallish pieces of pizza with mushrooms and olives (ordered, I just couldn't handle cooking), bunch of cherries (yes, this was a very full plate)


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Post by thtrchic » Thu May 19, 2011 12:58 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS. Still sick, but better than yesterday.

B - cereal with milk
L - baked oatmeal made with banana and walnuts, about a cup of mixed strawberries and cherries, small handful of cashews, 1/2 handful of potato chips (craving salt like crazy today)
D - nachos (the salt thing again), watermelon

I really need another day off of exercise. I'm getting better, but struggling like crazy. I think its truly the better long term decision.


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Post by Who Me? » Thu May 19, 2011 1:51 am

Wow, you've got the brutal cold, too.

I can't believe you've managed any exercise at all. Stumbling around is all I can manage.

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Post by thtrchic » Fri May 20, 2011 2:19 am

Thursday, SUCCESS! I'm also finally starting to feel better. Still battling some, but am so much better today. Finally.

B - (out, with a colleague) bagel with cream cheese, 12 oz orange juice
L - (take out) fairly large cheeseburger on bun, french fries with ketchup
D - small peach, last of the strawberries

I'd planned to have another serving of the baked oatmeal with the fruit for dinner, but just didn't feel like eating any more. If I end up being too hungry before bed, I'll have a glass of milk. I suspect it'll be ok. And forcing myself to eat any more seemed silly.

I've done good on walking today. I don't feel like doing the weights/resistance stuff, but I know I can today so I will.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri May 20, 2011 2:59 am

For the official record, exercise complete. And now, an hour later, I am hungry, but it's almost 8:30 and I think I can just push through sans milk.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat May 21, 2011 1:23 am

Friday, SUCCESS! Yay for a fully green week!

B - cereal with milk
L (out with a friend) - about 2/3 of a muffulleta sandwich, small salad of greens with vinaigrette dressing
D - small portion of baked oatmeal, sliced banana

I also had a glass of white wine mid-afternoon at a meeting with a board member.

Good on my walking for the day and will get my 14 minutes of resistance done in a bit.


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Post by oolala53 » Sat May 21, 2011 1:37 am

What is baked oatmeal?
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Post by thtrchic » Sat May 21, 2011 1:46 am

It's rolled oats baked up with some brown sugar, milk, an egg, some spices (nutmeg, vanilla type things). I added some mashed up banana and walnuts. The banana mostly so I could use less sugar and butter. Applesauce would have been even better for that probably. Any fruits and nuts can be added. I only pretty recently discovered it, but found it a nice thing to add to my rotation.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun May 22, 2011 2:50 am

Saturday, S-DAY. With treats, but definitely in control. The perfect kind of S Day.

B - cereal with milk and sliced banana
L - (out with a friend) half a small french dip sandwich, half a chicken with avocado and cheese sandwich, home fried potatoes (like the hash browns that are chunks of potato), couple bites of fruit
S - sample size servings/bites of halibut ceviche, baby shrimp cocktail, grilled salmon, really good vanilla ice cream -- 6-8 bites total of all this combined
D - (out with the same friend) In N Out Burger cheeseburger, about 1/3 serving of fries with ketchup, chocolate shake

Bunch of walking around Monterey and the Monterey Bay Aquarium today.


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Post by oolala53 » Sun May 22, 2011 1:50 pm

I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium last June. Beautiful place, but man, was it cold outside!
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Age 69
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Post by thtrchic » Sun May 22, 2011 11:30 pm

Yeah, it can be pretty chilly there. It's beautiful, though.

S-DAY. Not quite as good as yesterday, but not totally insane. And luckily no matter what I can't fail on an S Day. :)

B - started with a few bites of cinnamon roll until I decided it wasn't very good and wasn't worth it, then a bit later, after regrouping: piece of buttered multigrain toast, couple handfuls of cherries, about 1/4 of a tollhouse cookie (bought 2 of these yesterday at the tollhouse store by the aquarium, didn't want them as my actual treat today because of other plans, but wanted to try one fresh before freezing them for another time)
L - 2 largish pieces of leftover mushroom and olive pizza, largish scoop of good ice cream with a little hot fudge (this is the treat I'd been planning for today)
D - (with a friend, for her birthday, planned) shrimp cocktail, grilled sausage on a roll, chips, salad with olives, mushrooms, avocado and mixed greens in mustard dressing, (probably) homemade brownie from the batch I made for her

Took a nice walk this afternoon -- plus vacuumed, cleaned up the apartment, and scrubbed the bathtub.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon May 23, 2011 9:13 pm

Ok, so somehow I've let myself fall into a constant eating of chocolate day. I've been ridiculous and have eaten practically to the point of feeling sick. I have to cut it out now and get back on track for the day (and life).

I figured recording it here was the first step. :)

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Post by r.jean » Mon May 23, 2011 11:27 pm

How about a day of constant eating of anything and everything? That was my day. I have not blown it this bad in a long time. Oh well, as you say, let's get over it and get back on track! :mrgreen:
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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 24, 2011 1:54 am

Ended up being a bit more than chocolate for me too. It's the craziest I've been with food in as long as I can remember too. But I've gotten myself back on track with dinner as planned.

I think I'm all the way on the tracks and should be ok to move forward. I hope you're doing the same.


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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 25, 2011 12:45 am

I don't know what's happened, but I've suddenly lost all control. It was another giant disaster of a day. I had two (TWO!) pieces of cake during the day plus just came home and had cookies and donut holes for dinner. All habits and lessons and willpower have suddenly fallen away. I did eat my ok dinner last night and then resisted all the snacks I wanted, but then completely ruined it today. And, of course, I feel gross and discouraged now. I don't want to eat like this or be like this. I'm really pretty disgusted with myself right now. I don't know what to do, except, I guess, hope and plan to do better tomorrow. I feel like I've thrown away this month and with that my progress during the year. Then I also feel like it's just two days and I'm overreacting to feel that bad. I just want to do better and feel better....

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Post by Who Me? » Wed May 25, 2011 2:29 am

Hang in there!!!! We all have bad days. You're doing really well, overall.

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Post by r.jean » Wed May 25, 2011 2:38 am

Hang in there! I think that we are all transitioning into summer, adjusting to new schedules, weather changes, etc. I see a lot of struggling going on as I read the posts. After a bad day yesterday, I was No S compliant today. However, I had some chips and a pulled pork bbq sandwich for lunch and then some great macaroni and cheese for supper. So I was compliant but also splurged.

I would love to have a snack right now so I think I will just go to bed. :mrgreen:
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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 25, 2011 5:36 am

I was thinking this morning about how I have a times stopped at a market and bought a bag of chocolate candy and started eating it before I got to work. Then on the way home from a banquet, it came to me that I used to stop and buy containers of frosting and eat them after such an event. I didn't think for a second that I would actually do it today, but it isn't as if it's a given.

I hope you have the strength to get through this next few days. I think three days is when it starts to make sense again.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 25, 2011 3:24 pm

Thanks, guys! I'm taking back control. I decided last night that today would start with exercise -- no matter what. I put out clothes and ipod last night to make it one step easier. And I went out and did it -- 30 minutes walking/jogging combo. I'm ready to eat according to plan today too.

I'll be back to report my success tonight.

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Post by thtrchic » Wed May 25, 2011 11:28 pm

Wednesday, SUCCESS! I'm back on track and feeling so much better to be back in control.

B - cereal with milk
L - peanut butter sandwich, (unsalted) potato chips, strawberries
D - (planned) 1/2 chicken breast with quick mole sauce, brown rice, cherries

And got my exercise in this morning. 30 minutes total -- 22 walking/8 jogging.


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Post by r.jean » Thu May 26, 2011 12:08 am


On to tomorrow!

I am still struggling to stay on track but was No S compliant today too and exercised as well.

It has been an incredibly stressful week at work!
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Post by thtrchic » Thu May 26, 2011 12:11 am

Thanks! And congrats on staying strong!


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Post by thtrchic » Thu May 26, 2011 11:41 pm

Thursday, SUCCESS! I'm feeling so much better!

B - oatmeal with pecans and almonds plus a little sugar and milk
L - leftover chicken with mole and brown rice, apple
D (planned) - salmon patty, risotto (from a box), cherries

Did 30 minutes of exercise -- half walking and half upper body weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 pm

Friday, SUCCESS. Although not over yet, I think I can call it. Yay for getting back on track and having a majority successful week. :)

B - cereal with milk
L - leftover salmon patty with risotto, 2 small kiwis
D (planned, in process) - egg sandwich (1 fried egg, about an ounce of cheese on 2 slices from a brioche loaf lightly buttered and pan toasted), 2 coconut date rolls, few potato chips, few cherries

Did 30 minutes of a walk/jog combo (22 walking/8 jogging) this morning.

For June I am going to be adding a guideline (I'm hesitant to call it a rule) of eating 2 servings each of fruit and veggies a day. I'm hoping this will help me eat a little bit healthier and, through that, lose weight a little faster. I'd been thinking about how to do this without getting too restrictive or require the counting of calories. I'll try this for a month or two and see how it goes.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat May 28, 2011 10:56 pm

Saturday, S-DAY. Doing well. I'm letting myself be hungry. That's not something I do too often on S Days, but I think a tiny bit of weekend restriction might not be such a bad thing. I'll make that my sometimes for now. :)

B - oatmeal with pecans and almonds plus some milk and brown sugar
L - 2 homemade biscuits with butter and homemade strawberry jam (my first time making it!), piece of chicken apple sausage, last of the cherries
S - about 2 dozen lemon chili cashews
D (planned) - egg sandwich (like last night, it was so good I decided to have it again), couple handfuls of tortilla chips, 3-4 coconut date rolls, 4-5 olives
S (planned) - s'mores cupcake (bought yesterday from the always yummy cupcake truck in anticipation of today)

EDIT -- when I put my dinner plate together I decided to skip the olives and that 2 coconut date rolls was plenty. Ahh, the power of looking at a full plate and scaling back. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Mon May 30, 2011 1:01 am

Sunday, S- DAY. Had a major treat for dinner, but no other S's today. Feel good about the day and the weekend overall. I'm not taking tomorrow as an S-DAY. I want to for the sake of an excuse, but I don't have any food related plans so it'd be just that -- an excuse.

B - biscuits with butter and my jam (not a little excessively thick), banana
L (out, with a friend) - 2 full pieces cinnamon brioche french toast with lavender honey and a bit of maple syrup, 2 bites of eggs, 3 pieces bacon, fresh squeezed orange juice
D/S - homemade hot fudge sundae (good vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, pecans)

Had a casual afternoon walk -- I wasn't paying great attention to time or distance, but think it was about 40 minutes going slowly.


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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 31, 2011 1:53 am

Monday. Somewhere between NWS day and a failure. I haven't entirely decided which. I wasn't planning on doing anything but regular N day so am leaning towards failure, but it was somewhat holiday/vacation inspired. I ended up going to the movies and having movie snacks. It was in the spirit of day off treat, but hardly required to enjoy the movie. Anyway, that's what I did and it's done now.

B - cereal with milk
L - homemade cheeseburger on bread, tortilla chips, few olives
S - junior movie popcorn (actually reasonably small, few cups worth) and some chocolate-y trail mix
D - piece homemade pizza with mushrooms, olives, and nice mozzarella cheese, strawberries

Walked about 45 minutes.


Who Me?
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Post by Who Me? » Tue May 31, 2011 4:44 am

Buttered or unbuttered popcorn?

(Want some lemons?)

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Post by thtrchic » Tue May 31, 2011 3:26 pm

Who Me -- Unbuttered. So not SO bad. And sure. :)


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Post by thtrchic » Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:03 am

Tuesday - SUCCESS! I tend to really struggle on Tuesdays for some reason. I'll watch out for that tomorrow since it'll be kind of Tuesday-like after yesterday being a holiday.

B - slightly large bowl of cereal with sliced banana and milk
L - the rest of the olive and mushroom pizza I made last night, strawberries
D - oatmeal with pecans, almonds, milk, and a little sugar (was planning to go out, but plans got cancelled and needed something simple with limited ingredients)

30 minutes of exercise -- 15 walking, 15 weights.


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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:06 am

Wednesday, SUCCESS.

B - greek yogurt with touch of honey, sliced banana, walnuts
L - leftover cheeseburger on bread, few chips (about 1/3 serving), 2 medium carrots, 2 small plums
D - grilled cheese (2 slices cheddar on 12 grain bread), olives, coconut date rolls

I only got 1 serving of veggies in today, but that's because the only thing I had available for dinner tonight was carrots, but my jaw is hurting and I couldn't take anything that hard. I didn't fill the plate with something instead of it, though, so am fine with this since that's the real point so I'm calling it a success.

Did 30 minute WATP Walk and Jog video this morning.


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Post by thtrchic » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:11 am

Thursday, SUCCESS! Even got my veggies in.

B - greek yogurt with bit of honey, sliced bananas, walnuts, piece of buttered 12 grain toast
L - peanut butter and jam sandwich on 12 grain bread, carrots (planned an apple too, but just wasn't hungry when I finished the rest)
D - large green salad with avocado, artichoke hearts, olives, and goat cheese with poppyseed dressing, large roll with butter and bit of garlic olive oil (my plate was full before I got the fruit on, but since it was with veggies, I'm yet again calling it a success)

Walked about 20 minutes this afternoon and will do 15-20 minutes of resistance work in a bit.


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Post by thtrchic » Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:43 am

Friday, SUCCESS! I really like when I feel good about what I did.

B - smaller bowl of greek yogurt with walnuts, bananas, and bit of honey, piece of buttered 12 grain toast
L - leftover cheeseburger on bread, few chips (about 1/3 serving again, maybe slightly less even), apple
D - (at a friend's) roast chicken, macaroni and cheese, green salad with dressing, avocado, artichoke hearts, and onions, strawberries

For dinner the plate was about 1/2 veggie and fruit and a more veggie than fruit. I feel good about happily eating mac and cheese, but actually eating a decent portion of it.

Did the 30 minute WATP walk and jog video this morning. I'm getting myself to exercise, but still not liking it and am looking forward to the two days off.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:39 am

Saturday, S-DAY. Solid.

B - oatmeal with pecans and almonds plus bit of butter and sugar
L - 1/2 small greek wrap, about 1/2 ounce each of salami and cheese, olive oil potato chips, coconut date rolls
D - 1/2 an Amy's cheese pizza
S (planned) - bakery brownie with scoop of good vanilla ice cream

No exercise, but a chunk of walking through a few stores worth of shopping.


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Post by thtrchic » Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:14 am

Ended up realizing I wasn't hungry after dinner and didn't really wanted dessert -- just the taste of it. So I had 2 bites of the brownie and called it done. This is the least S's I've ever had on an S day. But I don't feel at all deprived -- just comfortable. This is kind of nice -- and knowing I'll have a treat or two tomorrow also feels just fine.


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Post by thtrchic » Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:49 am

Sunday, S-DAY. The complete opposite of yesterday. Ate a ridiculous amount of food -- some nice S's, some total crap. And I feel lousy for it. This is by far the worst I've been about eating in a very, very long time. Which I guess is good news in the larger scheme of things -- just not for today. But it's just one day, and an S day and tomorrow things go back to normal. Meals are planned and groceries are bought and I'm ready to go. It'll be a bit of a sugar detox day tomorrow; made somewhat less awful by the fact that I did still drink close to 18 cups of water today.

Let's see if I can even remember what I ate. It might be nice to have it for future reference. And admitting my sins.

B - 2 smallish biscuits with butter and fresh strawberry jam, 2 chicken apple sausage links (this was fine)
L - the other half of the Amy's pizza from last night, bakery brownie minus the 2 bites I ate last night (this wasn't great, but was ok for an S day)
S - 9 mini reese's eggs (serving is 5; if I'd stopped here it'd be ok, but I didn't)
S - about a dozen (yes, a dozen and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but think that's better than hiding it) slightly stale (yep, they weren't even good; they were left over from christmas time) peppermint sandwich cookies (like oreos with peppermint filling)
D - (with a friend, at least) 2 slices ordered pizza, smallish serving of green salad (hey look, I had a serving of vegetables -- only because my friend made it; I didn't really want it), few pieces of bitesize candy (not quite with dinner, but only slightly before -- why? I really don't know)
S - homemade (by my friend) strawberry rhubarb crisp with scoop of nice vanilla ice cream (perfectly reasonable S day dessert except that it followed so much other sugar)

And now the day is done. Finally.


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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:15 am

Woohoo, you go, girl! Man, I've had so many of those S days, even since I started No S. In fact, about 15 months of them! They've started to dissipate! I FINALLY got tired of feeling so lousy. The overeating isn't completely gone, but so much better. And I've been able to exert a little willpower, too, which I hadn't been able to do. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. And the wonderful respite of N days.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by thtrchic » Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:59 am

Monday, SUCCESS. Although I didn't meet my vegetable quota.

B - cereal with milk
L - peanut butter and jam on 12 grain bread, strawberries
D - herbed chicken (with rosemary that I grew myself :) ) and garlick-y orzo, banana chips

Did the WATP 2 mile video with a little extra upper body work. I really didn't feel like exercising today, but made myself anyway and am proud of doing so.


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