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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:04 pm
by franxious1
Hey, I hope you are doing better.

I like your check-ins because your good N day meals look like something I could live on! Some people seem to eat so low-calorie, insubstantial meals I think, "Well no wonder they're losing weight!" And it's scary, because I couldn't eat that lightly for more than a day or two. But I could survive on your meals. For me, eggs are the most rib-sticking food out there.

Best of luck in the new year.


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:35 pm
by r.jean
I have thought the same thing franxious1! I do not keep a food diary, but if I did, it would look more like 043. I would never make it on many of the food diary amounts posted here.


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:31 am
by Over43
Happy New Year!

I have such an exciting life that I am sitting in front of the tube watching disaster shows on the History 2 Channel.

If the Mayans are right there are about 344 days to go. :lol:

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:40 am
by Over43
To Fran and R. Jean I am glad my posts can be of help. I know if I ate two slices of toast and drank a cup of tea in the morning I would be nawing on wall paint by 7:30 AM.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:38 pm
by oolala53
Have seen references to you before and decided to check your thread. I echo what others have said about some check-ins and small meals, although after two years I'm surprised sometimes how small a meal will satisfy. But I don't force it on myself. But when I first started, I would look at other's meals and think "This person couldn't stick to a diet? This looks like less food than is on a diet!" For me it has just been finding the right mix of what one obesity expert calls luscious and lighter fare. May we all hit and maintain our stride with that in 2012.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:12 am
by Over43
Why thank you. :D Tuesday is start day for the coming year. I have a three day weekend in Sun Valley in April, and will be in Palm Springs at the end of June. Pool side and slender is my motto for the coming months.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:23 am
by oolala53
I've been in Palm Springs at the end of June, and poolside is just about the only place you want to be, except very early in the morning. I think I'm going to adopt a similar vision.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:06 am
by gk
Over43 wrote:I know if I ate two slices of toast and drank a cup of tea in the morning I would be nawing on wall paint by 7:30 AM.
LOL! :lol: Me, too!


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:12 am
by Over43
S Day

Today, even though it was an S Day, has been the best day I have had in about two weeks. I didn't even start eating when Stanford lost their bowl game.

I started using kettlebells last week after a two year lay off. I am a bit sore, but it is a good sore. I have a 35 lbs. kettlebell, and a 50 lbs. kettlebell. We'll see how long I can go before I start to hurt in my joints. What I might also do is get my timer and start timing 14 minute workouts like the Shovel Glove. Probably go 4 days a week.

Everyone have a good evening.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:22 am
by Over43
I thought I might, in this post, explain my portion sizes as some seem to be wondering how I can apparently eat so much, and lose.

1) I try to always (when I'm on) eat a substantial breakfast. I do beliveve for me, that makes the biggest difference during the day. I often have to force myself to eat lunch after eating 4 scrambled eggs, 2-3 slices of bacon, and a slice of toast. It all fits easily on one plate. The protein and the fat in the eggs and bacon are filling.

2) When I am "on" I only eat three meals a day, if Iget hungry I have a glass of Vit D milk. There have been days when I have drank 3-4 glasses. But it seems to do the trick. Water doesn't satiate hunger for me, as some "nutritionists" claim.

3) I don't fear the food: three plates are three plates. Somedays my meal look like a vegan's nightmare, but usually I eat balanced meals. When I start getting in trouble is when I get lazy and grab Mickee D's for breakfast, and although it might be a breakfast burrito and an orange juice, I can tell a difference between a home made breakfast (or lunch) and a quick trip to a fast food joint.

4) Exercise: I am a big believer that you don't have to spend 3-4 hours a week pounding the pavement, doing Insanity, or mindlessly grinding away on a Elliptical. When I started SuperSlow training in late September my leg press was 180 pounds for about 3 minutes. Last week I did 360 pounds for 90 seconds. So, I have doubled my leg strength. I was able to do the Nautilus Compound Row, 160 lbs. for 110 seconds last week. As stated in my previous post I have been doing kettlebells, but I do consider them to be a risk for injury, and am doing more of an experiment with them as opposed to "hard" training.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:23 am
by franxious1
Thanks so much for the detail about your portion sizes.

I actually don't think it sounds like "so much" but that (some) others really seem to eat "so little." Also because you exercise significantly, you need to eat to maintain your muscle mass. I agree that a big breakfast that contains a good amount of fat is sets the stage for not overeating the rest of the day. I will have to try harder to do this for myself; it's just that time to cook real food is limited.


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:00 am
by r.jean
I feel I eat a lot compared to other people, and if I do not get enough protein, I never feel satisfied. Breakfast is essential for me too, and my meals are substantial. I use a full size plate although it is sometimes more full than other times. This is why your food diary has been so helpful. I could see that there are others who eat like I do.

We are different on exercise. I like to put on my music and walk or run. I have always hated exercise machines, but I am trying the elliptical now that I got one for my husband for Christmas. I am also trying to do more shovel glove or other weight work, but I don't love it.

The great thing about No S is that it allows for individual differences. I have been able to figure out what works for me rather than follow prescribed amounts and types of food and exercise.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:44 am
by Over43

I diod have a successful day, I did pop a Kiss into my mouth without paying attention, but 1 Kiss a belly does not make. (Christopher Marlowe)

Breakfast: Two steamed eggs, hashbrowns, sausage patty.

Lunch: Salami sandwich on wheat, yogurt, apple.

Dinner: Meat loaf, zucchini in tomato sauce, mashed potatoes.

3 glasses of milk

Exercise: I read R. Jean's post this morning, and of all things remembered when I lived in Nor. California and would "racewalk" with a collegue on occassion. We're having a very mild winter, I might take that up again. But still do my SuperSlow workouts as well.

Good evening!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:06 am
by Over43
A nice end to a nice S weekend.

everyone have a great worl week.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:13 am
by oolala53
Just curious. How often do you do SuperSlow? I used it a few years ago; I think it was just twice a week. Do you do something else on other days just to keep the habit?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:24 pm
by Over43
I SuperSlow once a week. I have been riding my Airdyne lately.


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:42 pm
by Over43
Well it has been 11 days since my last log in. I have experimented with vegetarianism since then, done some kettlebell workouts, and had an oil gland get infected, which caused serious facial swelling and pain. This led to kick butt antibiotics, which led to incredible bowel issues. In the end, I have lost some weight. Fortunately I ended up not having surgery.

I really like the kettlebells, but my wife can't do them, so I'll keep going to the rehab center and using the Nautilus for the SuperSlow workouts. But kettlebells are as versatile as the shovel glove.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:40 am
by Over43
Re-starting tomorrow. This is so much simpler than not eating this, or that.

My back was a bit sore this moring, from the kettlebells. Which is fine, I am also restarting the SuperSlow workouts on Wednesday, I think I have missed two weeks of those.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:20 pm
by gk
Good luck on your re-start! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:45 pm
by oolala53
Congrats restarting. I am waiting for lunch now and really looking forward to how wonderful my food is going to taste. I feel so good a lot of the time when I'm not stuffed. Keep pressing on!

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:30 pm
by gk
How's Mr. Over43 doing?

Just popping in to say "hi". :)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:56 pm
by Over43
He's doing better thank you. It appears my winter malaise is coming to an end.

Tues: Success
Weds: Success
Thursday: Success (so far).

I am still doing SuperSlow and have added sprints to with the Airdyne twice a week.


Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:37 pm
by Over43
Friday 02.10.2012 Success.

I haven't weighed in sometime with a reliable scale, so I have no idea how much I weigh, but, I look smaller. for my exercise and recreation this week I did my Body by Science on Friday, I rode sprints on the Airdyne, and had a wonderful time skiing.[/quote]


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:59 pm
by Over43
Last week from Tuesday through Friday was excellent. Back on track.

Yesterday (Saturday) was a real "S Day", for the ages.

I'm not as hungry today and have eaten a breakfast and lunch. The breakfast was a vegan protein shake, apple, sliced banana drizzled with honey, and a splash of heavy cream.

Lunch was a ham sandwich, with sliced tomtatoe, cottage cheese, a handful of mini club crackers, and my treat for today, a Coke.

I am planning on doing Airdyne sprints tomorrow and Wednesday with my Super Slow workout on Friday. I have a Olive Garden coupon for $25. That might be Saturday's treat.


Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:31 am
by Over43
Monday Failure
Tuesday S Day

Got on the Airdyne last night to do sprints (Tabata) and was warming up and started getting back pain. So three minutes in I hopped off.

Today I'm still stiff and sore.

Happy Valentine's to you all, as corny as that may sound.


Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:09 pm
by Over43
Wednesday: A Flop!
Thursday: Success!

Friday: We'll see?

Today is my workout day though. I have a half day at work so I will be working out early afternoon. I have that, "I am ready to flip a car over feeling..." so I know it is time to workout.

I have stated my scale broke (I believe...and I know, let the jokes begin :lol:) but it has been a bit liberating. I can see myself getting more muscular in the mirror, but Ihave no idea how much I weigh.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:09 pm
by Over43
Friday: Success!

Great day Friday was, I had half a Subway footlong for brekafast, the other half for lunch, and then ate a plate of Cashew Chicken and General Tso for dinner. I did get my workout in, but it was frustrating becase there were more people at the rehab center than normal. Two of them got on equipment I use and were having a chat.

Saturday and Sunday are S Days particularly since my babies are turning 13.


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:12 pm
by Over43
Monday was an S Day, as it was President's Day. I slept through most of the day. Possibly from the painkillers I used to calm my back down. In between "naps" I would do a set or two of curls to military press with the dumbells.

Today (Tuesday) has started great. An egg and sausage burrito for breakfast, with fake orange juice (I ran out of the real stuff...). Maybe salmon tonight.


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:09 am
by Over43
I haven't been keeping track, but I am down two my second belt notch comfortably, and can notch hole number three.

I am still Super Slow weightlifting with my wife. I have also noticed, as the days get longer I am becoming more active. Which is good. I might by the Spring Ski Pass at Snow King for $99 and see how Wyoming skiing I can get in in the next 6 weeks.

Hope everyone else is doing well.


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:41 pm
by Over43
Doing well. I've lost a belt notch. Haven't weighed in months, but the clothing continues to fit better. My large shirts are actually looking large.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Heading out now to get my Super Slow workout in.



Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:38 am
by Over43
I have stalled, but looking at my daily habits I am sneaking in a handful of peanuts her, and occasional Snickers there. Today was very good. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is all. Plus a glass of ilk and a rum and Coke Zero. Plus, the last two days I have been drinking a lot of water.

Didn't make it to the rehab center this afternoon, but did get a Super Slow workout in with dumbells, a compound curl bar, and a Bullworker. The change felt good.

See you all Monday maybe.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:42 pm
by oolala53
Don't let the improvement in belt notches let that eating gremlin in your brain convince you the handfuls and bites in between are no big deal. He led me astray so many times!


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:50 pm
by Over43
You are correct. It sneaks up. Particularly the Snickers.

03.17 was a bit of a food frenzy. It seems I have one of those once a week. A day (hopefully Saturday or Sunday) that I seem to lose "control".

I have been re-evaluating exercise as well. I am going to continue my Super Slow wrokouts, but I actually am thinking of adding YRG. YesYRG means Yoga for Regular Guys by Diamond Dallas Page, former WCW champion. I did a session this morning and it felt good. Why the addition? I was in Walgreens the other day, and although I can cinfidently state at 48 I may be stronger than I have ever been physically, I was looking at canes because my hip flexibility and back pain is incredible. I can barely swing a golf club anymore.

So, we'll see how the YRG goes.

Bacn to No S this week and keeping tabs on what I'm "subconciously" sticking in my pie hole. I might even start a food journal, something I have never done before.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:05 pm
by oolala53
Maybe a food journal on failure and/or S days only? as per latest podcast. (S day suggestion mine, not Reinhard's.)

I did yoga pretty seriously in my late 20's, early 30's, but gave it up. I still see some of the people I knew then who kept it up. A lot of them are still moving pretty darn well.

I also did superslo in my 40's. I still do some of my resistance work more slowly one day a week, but I found I started to hate exercise again when I tried to keep to the protocol. It's just not fun for me, but things I find fun stress others out. If you love it, keep at it. I think it makes sense.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:32 pm
by Over43
I did it again yesterday, I was half way through a Peanutbutter Cup when I realized I had eaten the first half. My job descrition has changed a bit and I spend a lot of time one on one with students, reading to them, helping them test, etc. So, idle hands are the devil's tool.

I did another round of yoga last night (Not You Moma's Toga mind you...) and it felt good. Oolala, I can empathize with you on Super Slow, it can be tedious, and as your strength increases, and the weight used increases, it can become quite uncomfortable. However, I have been at it since August/September and I want to see how strong I can get. I am 40 pounds from "stacking the leg press. I think a rep of 10/10 at 480 pounds is a goal I like.

Anyway, chat with everyone tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:23 pm
by oolala53
I haven't read your whole profile, so sorry if I am asking you to repeat info, but are you a public school teacher? Wondering what kind of position allows you to work one-on-one with students.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:00 pm
by gk
Just dropping in to say hello......back from my mini-break from No S. :)

You know, I went to a specialist about my hip a couple years ago, and he suggested pilates. He said he went to a class once (filled with women), thinking it would be so easy and it....let's see, how he did he put it....oh yeah...."it kicked my butt! That was hard!". I've read countless times that alot of people who've had signiciant success with exercise/weight loss just gush about yoga and pilates. I hope it helps with your flexibility and back pain. Good luck! :)


Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:33 pm
by Over43
I will answer questions, clarify some posts, and make an admission.

First, yes, I am a public school teacher. I am a "resource specialist" at an alternative high school. I was transfered there in November. To say the least, I have not been pleased, but the kids are fine, and I have access to free sweets.

Second, that should be, "Not your Moma's Yoga," not "Not your Moma's Toga..." That would be almost like a Greek tragedy.

Third, I have been experimenting with Sensa for two and a half months. Truthfully??? I think it makes me hungrier. My reasoning? I eat smaller meals, and then get hungrier later on. I have experimented in a variety of ways, including facilitating No S, and I think I did better at No S without it.

Today: Failure I ate a breakfast laced with Sensa and was eating the formica off my desk by 10 AM.

And yes, I am still doing the YRG by DDP. (Yoga for Regular Guys by Diamond Dallas Page...) My back (And hip gk) are starting to feel better.

Tally Ho


And I forgot, I bought my first yoga mat:


Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:12 am
by oolala53
Why are you not pleased with your work assignment, if the kids are okay? Do you miss colleagues?

I do Spec Ed work, too, but we have mostly mainstreamed kids, so I am in classrooms with 35-40 kids. Things just seem to get tougher every year, and there's not much room for what kids want for themselves, if it's not the college path, and sometimes even if it is.

Anyway, sorry the Sensa seems to be backfiring. Just eat a good breakfast tomorrow. Do it up a little. It's part of the experiment getting back into it.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:09 am
by Over43
I miss my workmates. My new ones are great, but I spent 7 years with the "old" ones.

Ate a delciious, nutritious breakfast this morning without Sensa. Drank a pint of Vit D milk between 7:00 AM and 11:45 AM. Had a couple of chicken strips and tots for lunch.

Between 12:00 PM and 6:30 PM I was busy and didn't think of eating. At 7:15 PM I did a 25 minute YRG session on DVD. Then had a few slices of pineapple and a protein shake (with a banana and goji berries blended in) for dinner.

When I am busy I eat much less. And, I did not miss the Sensa at all today.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:21 am
by gk
Glad to hear your hip and back are feeling better. I'm in the process of doing a little at-home physical therapy for my feet, and then I think I might just join you in the adventures of yoga.

You talk about your shakes now and then......was wondering what your favorites are - are they homemade or do you buy them somewhere?

I was checking into foods that give more energy and stumbled across the "Beauty Detox Solution" by Kimberly Snyder. I'm not going to dive into her "livin on greens" extreme approach, but she is supposedly famous for this "Glowing Green Smoothie" of hers. It has a bunch of greens (spinach, etc) in it, but all the fruit in it is supposed to off-set the "green taste". I am the last person to jump on board when it comes to healthy smoothies, but since everyone has raved so much about how good it is and how it makes them feel so good, I just might have to try it for curiosity's sake.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:10 pm
by oolala53
Sounds like the day went well. I envy your being able to be happy with a shake. I sometimes make myself very small ones to have with a meal, but if I don't have a fair amount of food to chew, I don't feel like I've had a meal. Shakes would sure be easy to make and clean up after!


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:39 pm
by Over43
The weekend was fairly well behaved. I played golf, did some yoga and watched WWE on Netflix. I forgot how cheesy that is, but entertaining.

Will start the 21 day challenge today I guess. Although I count the 31 and 1st.

Not losing weight, although I have not touched a weight in two+ weeks. I think I am "hypersensative" to resistance training becuase I can "muscle up" pretty quickly.

Shakes are not a common meal for me. I need to chew as well.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:37 pm
by Over43
Back posting again. I have experimented with low/no dairy and no gluten. Not much happened, and since I have lost weight before eating these items I don't see it as being essential that I skip these foods. Also, I am not allergic to both so I think I am going to enjoy eating my chicken salad on white bread. :lol: (Gluten free bread is close to hideous and gives me heart burn.)

I am heading to Boise this weekend for a conference and that might prove to be a challenge. I was at Sun Valley last weekend and did OK, didn't overdo it while on a mini vacation.

I am still doing the Yoga For Regular Guys (DDPYoga now...) and have enjoyed that for a month now. I do it for 3-5 times a week. The "sessions" are varied so I get some nice variety. I can touch my shins now and have very little back pain.


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:35 pm
by Over43
A good day so far.

breakfast: omelette, tw English muffins with a thin spread of butter and raspberry/jalapeño jelly, and a homemade mocha.

Lunch: a chicken salad sandwich on wheat, a small bag of Fritos and a cup of peaches.

Dinner: ? Maybe room service when I get to Boise.

Will do two YRG workouts Friday and Saturday mornings.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:23 am
by gk
Nice to see you posting again. And glad to hear the Yoga is working for you.

Good luck No S'ing at the conference. :)


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:07 am
by Over43
i spent most of the last thee days in Boise. Have eaten out a lot, but have been in control of most of it. stepped out a bit last evening with artichoke heart dip and a burger...Vietnamese, P.F. Changs, etc.

I did the YRG on the road and feel pretty good.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:08 am
by Over43
gk wrote:Nice to see you posting again. And glad to hear the Yoga is working for you.

Good luck No S'ing at the conference. :)
It is nice to be back.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:12 am
by Over43
Doing OK. Today was a bust, but last week was good. Starting the May challenge tomorrow. Unless I was in Asia, then I would be starting it today.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 12:20 am
by Over43

Breakfast: 2 fried eggs, 4 link sausages, 1 slice of toast.

Lunch: An Italian Sandwich (way too much bread on this brand), Sun Chips, Diet Mt. Dew

Dinner: Shrimp Salad, Enchiladas, milk

Exercise: The Diamond Cutter workout from DDPYoga...


Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 2:25 am
by Over43

Breakfast: Steak Burrito

Lunch: Chicken Salad Sandwich, Sun Chips, Yogurt

Dinner: Chili Mac, shrimp salad, peaches


Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:00 am
by Over43

Woke up at 2:00 AM with what might have been food poisoning. Ate breakfast at 7:00: eggs, sausage, potatoes,

Lunch: rice and chicken, sliced tomatoes...

Dinner: More chicken and rice, a buiscuit, strawberries with a tad of whip cream

Workout: DDPYoga "Stand Up!" workout


Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:48 pm
by Over43

Breakfast: sausage, eggs, toast orange juice

Lunch: a plate of rice and Mandarin chicken

Dinner: Quarter Pounder, half an order of fries, Diet Coke (was at softball games all evening... :P )


Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:00 am
by Over43

Breakfast: English muffin, sausage, cantelope, cottage cheese

Lunch: Left over Mandarin Chicken (One plate), handful of peanuts

Dinner: two beef burritos, can of Coke

Exercise: Airdyne 30 minutes at 3.0 Level, 11.7 Cooper Points


Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:28 am
by Over43

Breakfast: Egg and sausage sandwich (made at home), mocha (made at home)

Lunch: Jimmy John's roast beef sandwich, handful of chips (it was someone's birthday at work, we get free food...)

Dinner: Egg fu yong, mongolian beef, rice, a tad of Lo Mein...

Went heavy on the dinner, a big plate.

Workout: Diamond Cutter, 50 minutes of yoga, push ups and stretching...

Really wanted a Snickers today, fought that urge...barely.


Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 3:19 am
by Over43
Breakfast: 2 sausages, eggs, toast

Lunch: gyro, fries, Diet Coke

Dinner: Hamburger Helper, Salad...

Not the most nutritiously outstanding day, but I was rushed most of the day.


Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:27 am
by Over43

Breakfast: Protein shake

Lunch: salami sandwich, handful of chips, yogurt, apple

Dinner: eggs and sausage, tomato, a cornbread muffin

Activity: YRG Diamond Cutter workout, one hour of bowling, played 9 holes of golf.

Someone told me I looked fit today. Unfortunately it wasn't the 20 something young lady bowling a few lanes down... :lol:


Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:27 pm
by Over43

S Day It was teacher appreciation day, so we got pozza, doughnuts, etc...I decided to pick another hill to make a stand on.


Success! Much easier day.

Breakfast (big): sausage, eggs, toast

Lunch: Sandwich, tomato with dressing, handfull of corn chips

Dinner: Shrimp stuffed shells, salad, slice of French bread

Workout: Diamond Cutter (50 mins)


Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:33 am
by Over43
S Day


Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:09 am
by Over43

Breakfast: sausage, eggs, Udi's bread toast

Lunch: Sandwich, banana, sweet potato chips (lunch bag worth)

Dinner: A taco macaroni thing I made, salad, diced melom, chocolate milk...

Fitness activites: bowling in the AM, Strength Builder yoga workout in the early PM, sauna mid evening.


Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:56 pm
by Over43

I felt this one coming. Not sure what happened, suspect I didn't eat enough eggs at breakfast in the AM.

I am going to shift my exercise from the DDP Yoga (which enjoy) to the Airdyne (which I think is more efficient...), although I will do the Yoga 3 days a week as well as it keeps my back feeling good.

Other than that, San Francisco on June 16 for a 50th wedding anniversary, SLC on June 23 for a reunion, and then Palm Springs.


Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:40 pm
by Over43
Today is already a cluster fudge: Failure!

The fries and chicken tenders at the bowling alley were overwhelming. Did get 4 straight strikes though.

Airdyne tonight, no sense of giving up on that.

June 1, 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:19 pm
by Over43
I am back, got almost 3/4 of the way through the May Challenge and Bowling Alley food was my downfall. Not sure what it is about the smell of fryer vats, but it gets me.

Today started with a four egg scramble, two soy sausages (when they are seasoned just right you might think they are food...), and a slice of gluten free bread. No statement here, just what was found in the freezer and fridge.

Then watched the Sand Diego Triathlon (on TV) riding my own Airdyne. 35 minutes 11-12 Cooper Aerobic points. I have been "Coopering" for three days a week, the last three weeks. I am pushing the 35 aerobic point range for the last two weeks. 35+ plus points is in the "Good" range so unless I decide to become a middle aged athlete 35-40 points a week should be sufficient to build a good aerobic base and burn 1000-1200 calories a week. Instead of increasing minutes per week, I am going to try to increase points earned within my set time per week. (105 minutes, nothing magical about that, just 35 minutes trhee days a week.)


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:18 pm
by Over43
Today will be an S day. Already had a Coke float watching the golf match...


Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:43 pm
by Over43
Good thing it is the weekend, yesterday was just a chow fest. I can't even remember all I ate. It's pushing 11 this morning and I'm still not hungry.


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:27 am
by Over43

Breakfast: Protein shake with a banana

Lunch: Grilled Ham and Cheese, tomato and cucumber

Dinner: Chili Mac, fruit salad, Coke Zero

Exercise: Airdyne 35 minutes (10.2 Cooper points for those of you counting with me :wink: )

PM Sauna


Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:16 am
by Over43
I have been an absolute "poop" bird the last few days. I think the lack of structure being off work for the summer isn't helping. I seem to be losing size, but that may be from being more active when the Eastern Idaho summer isn't more like the Eastern Idaho winter. (My tomato plants froze on June 5th.)

Anyway, I am keeping up with my exercise. Mpwed lawns today for 3 hours. (Mine and the neighbors...) I wish I could claim a 3 hour ordeal trekking across the savanna of our neighborhood, but I rode.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:26 am
by Amy3010
I know what you mean - I had a rough week myself! Thank goodness it's Friday, though, right? Hang in there!


Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:26 pm
by Over43
The weekend, finally. Watched Germany beat Portugal today, made me smile. And have actually been very good about eating. I wish every day was as easy as today.

Tomorrow will be an S day as well.


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:45 pm
by Over43
Had a nice week in Northern California. San Francisco was beautiful as always. Kept my eating under control, and the Airdyne riding paid off as walking the hills of San Francisco was quite pleasant, particularly as I got lost going to Giradelli Square. (How that happened I have no idea. I've been their many times.)

I rode my parents recumbent bicycle during the evenings.

Played golf this morning and rode the Airdyne this afternoon.


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:29 pm
by Over43
Rode the Airdyne this morning for 35 minutes. That makes three times this week. I may up my rides to 4x a week, but, I don't want to get "bored" with it.

We're heading to Provo in about an hour for a weekend reunion. We'll see how that goes. Big eaters, but good folks. There is a pool involved, I may try to swim some laps.

Everyone have a good weekend.

June 28, 2012

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:05 pm
by Over43
It has been two and a half weeks of reunions, anniversaries, and travel. San Francisco was beautiful, SLC hotter than heck with wild fires.

I forgot to mention Euro Cup 2012. I polished off a bag of Riesens yesterday watching the underwhelming game between Spain and Portugal. Not good.

I am still bombing the Airdyne (or any other exercycle I can find when I travel.) My clothes are fitting quite well, and I am getting fitter.


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:41 pm
by Over43
It's summer, so I have good days and bad days. I have been exercising regularly and think I have lost a pound or two from just that activity. Some days I under eat, other days I over eat.


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:45 pm
by Over43
Riding the Aridyne hard. Starting to be more "mindful" of my poor summer eating habits, and, rescheduling the Palm Springs trip for October.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:40 am
by Over43

I shocked myself.

Rode the Airdyne 40 minutes at 3.0-4.0 level. Earned at least 15 Cooper points...

Dinner was a fillet mingon stuffed withy crab, and coleslaw...


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:15 am
by Over43
Still on summer break. Will hit it hard at the end of August.

I have been active and think I have made some weightloss.

I have been riding my exercycle hard, like trying to escape from an elevator fart hard.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good summer.


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:48 pm
by Over43
I believe today is Thurman Munson Day.

Was in the mountains all day yesterday, not far from Wyoming/Yellowstone. I saw the back end of a bear heading North, fortunately I was driving past on the forest service road, not eating my lunch at a picnic table.

Three meals yesterday, and I am actually thinning down, just the riding the exercycle, skipping the weights and being more active for summer.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:02 pm
by oolala53
Ha cha cha!

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:59 pm
by Over43
Time to change my workout, I'm getting bored with the Airdyne, and the treadmill makes my back and hip hurt.

My weekend was under control. I did have a fruit pie but paif with enourmous indigestion later.

Looking forward to getting back to work and having some structure.

Edit: After all that I rode the Aridyne today for 40 minutes, 11.1 miles, 405 calories and 11.7 Cooper Points.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:33 pm
by Over43
Yesterday was a carnival of food, but much of it was salad and fruit. A Red day if there ever was one, but the fruit is "cleaning my system" if you will.

Rode the Airdyne this morning for 40 minutes, 11.1 miles, 403 Calories burned and 11.7 Cooper Aerobic Points.

I was going to go catch some sun at the pool but the smoke from froest fires are so bad I might just stay inside today.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:37 pm
by Over43
Less food today, although I discovered a bag of Riesen's in the cabinet. :oops:

Jogged 1.33 miles on the treadmill at a 3% incline. The counter said I burned 170+ calories. Dubious.

Hats off to the US Lady's Soccer team. Hope Solo and Carlie Lloyd bailed them out. It was a great game, fun to watch.


Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:38 pm
by Over43
I ate a lot yesterday, which included a lot of fruit. Which means I ate a lot yesterday. :lol:

I am trying to get my poop together, another week until work starts again, that should help.

I just bought my wife an elliptical. I might start using that today for awhile.


Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:57 pm
by Over43
I got my Airdyne ride in yesterday and it felt good. My wife and I put her elliptical together and she has started using that. I have been on it a couple of times and I have to say I have quite a ways to go.

I have started juicing again. I figure a pint or two of juice a day will give me some of the nutrients I don't get by not being a vegetable eater per se, and there are minimal calories involved. This morning I had strawberries, grapes, and carrots, juiced. I don't follow the "recipes" that come with the instructions. I just throw stuff in. Kind of like a stew.

I am now off to live the day, everyone enjoy yours.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:59 am
by oolala53
I saw a Vitamix demo on Saturday and I have to say, I was a bit intrigued. I'm not usually because I like to chew my food but the purveyor made a creamy something that included greens and sweet flavors that was very good! I do eat veggies plenty, including green leafies, but it's never bad to have an option.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:26 pm
by Over43
I got the Nutribullet, which so far has held together.

For breakfast this morning I had orange and apricot blended with a Raw Power protein powder. It wasn't too bad.

This morning so far: Aridyne 40 minutes, elliptical 10 minutes, and a Raw Power protein shake. We'll see what lunch holds.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:37 am
by oolala53
I've read good stuff about the Nutribullet. Do you ever use their recipes? They make a lot of claims. But that's not why I would get it. I'd just want something that could truly pulverize greens and the rest.


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:28 am
by Over43
I don't use the recipes yet, I just throw stuff in from the fridge or basket. I rode the Airdyne this afternoon for 40 minutes and then had a cantelope, strawberry and grape juice mixture. I have seen the claims made for certain juice recipes in the Nutribullet book, and other juicing books, and don't think much of their specific healing properties. I like the juice though, and do think the benefits are good.

As far as No S-ng goes, today started spectacular, and then they bought us Chinese food for lunch, and it fired up my need to feed. I'm not sure what is in it, maybe just the heavy carbs from the rice, but I was a machine after about 3:00 PM. But, it was good Chinese food. I usually only eat it though as a treat on a Friday or Saturday night.

As stated earlier a 40 minute Airdyne ride afterwork, it felt good and I was up about 1/2 a mile over my usual stint. Last night I used the elliptical for 15 minutes. So, I am getting more "conditioned".

Everyone have a good evening.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:36 am
by oolala53
I looked into the Nutribullet and some similar machines. I know for my purposes, they would be plenty. A colleague at work was going on and on about the Blendtec. She was all excited about the idea of it whirring the stuff so fast that it would make soup, hot soup. I was thinking, isn't that what your pots and a stove are for? Couldn't you pulverize everything in a Bullet and then heat it? I doubt the Blendtec cooks the stuff; you actually want it pretty much raw anyway. Anyway, that's just me. I think she thinks it would help her lose weight. She lost about 70 lbs. on WW several years ago and mostly keeps it off but I know she'd like to be thinner. I don't think she realizes just how much less food she would have to eat consistently to do that. I love her to death, but she still measures a good time by how much overeating and drinking was going on. Then again, she doesn't like to cook but she likes freshly made food, not leftovers. Maybe the soup idea would become her default. Ya never know.

I've got to read your thread earlier in the day. By the time I see you've put in 40 minutes on the Airdyne, I'm pooped.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:02 pm
by Over43
Truthfully they are plenty. The apples and carrots are a little more pulpier than I like, but for everything else it is excellent.

Still eating a little more than I want, but, people have told me I look thinner. I haven't weighed in some months and found out the scale at work I was using is pretty, significantly, flawed.

I am getting to a fitness level now that I can start choosing some exercises I couldn't necessarily do before. So, today, instead of riding the Airdyne I might skip rope. We'll see. I still can't get up the gumption to jog. Or, while I'm sitting here looking at my kettlebell, maybe I'll workout with that.

Everyone have a good weekend.


Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:21 am
by Over43
The end of my 48th August.

Will be restarting The No S this Tuesday (9.4.2012)

Looking forward to getting down another 15-20 pounds. I must say (for those of you who remember), my Winter experiment of doing Super Slow weight lifting added a nice amount of muscle, but there was a weight gain I didn't need.

The Yoga I did between March and May didn't help.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:14 pm
by oolala53
Do you think you gained fat during Super Slow? Did you not lose size?

I did Super Slow years ago and did increase strength but it didn't change my body much. My eating was very undisciplined.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:42 pm
by Over43
oolala53 wrote:Do you think you gained fat during Super Slow? Did you not lose size?

I did Super Slow years ago and did increase strength but it didn't change my body much. My eating was very undisciplined.
Yes, I gained fat Super Slowing, I did not lose size, my eating was not disciplined, and I think I took it in the shorts for that. A little weightlifting goes a long way for me. My shoulders, neck and chest got bigger, but so did my waist and hips. But again, it is always nice to be able to lift the stack on the Nautilus leg press machine on a 10/10 cadence.


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:49 am
by Over43
Woke at six am (on a frigging holiday!) and rode the Airdyne. Ate and did yard work until noon.

Watched golf and sauna-ed. Snacked throughout the day, probably because I was sitting on my duff watching golf.

Took an early evening sauna.

S Day

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:50 am
by Over43
oolala53 wrote:Do you think you gained fat during Super Slow? Did you not lose size?

I did Super Slow years ago and did increase strength but it didn't change my body much. My eating was very undisciplined.
May I add a P.S. to this?

I began to really gain the last two months (Jan/Feb) that I was doing Super Slow. From August through December I didn't do too bad.


Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:33 pm
by Over43
This last week was mediocre, however, I hav lost a couple of pounds.

My first disappointment was that the scale at work is spot on, and I truly did only lose 5 lbs. over the summer. So, I was much heavier over the last winter than I thought. Embrrassingly heavier, by 15 pounds. So, I did reach 200+ lbs. on a weight lifting regimen. My wife "told me so..." This certainly isn't my heaviest, but much heavier than the 185 I thought I was at.

This week I was down to 196 lbs. which is 7 pounds below where I was at in May.

So Mr. "Hypersensative to Weightlifting" is going to stick to the Airdyne, and maybe some jogging, and work it off. This week I earned 43 Cooper aerobic points during three workouts. Which is pretty good.

So, I am somewhat fat, and fit.

At the doctor I learned my triglycerides were at 323, which is considered a cardiac risk. So, per doctor's orders I am cutting back on the azucar. Except for the Snickers bar I had yesterday. We'll see how it goes.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:01 pm
by Over43
Tis been awhile since I have posted, obviosuly. Have been back on "the plan" since mid week, last week. I started jogging three weeks ago, mostly on the treadmill, but I have been on the road a couple of times.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:32 am
by Over43
Down 5-6 pounds...I think I'll be posting more. My fitness has increased quite a bit since switching from the Airdyne to jogging. I think it's a gravity thing. And, I have lost a notch on the belt...Time to get in shape for the looming holiday season... :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:47 am
by gk
Hello! I'm back again. :)

Seems like every time I pop in to say hello, you're "down another notch on your belt" and still exercising regularly. A true inspiration to others. Nice job. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:48 pm
by Over43
Why thanks, I wish I could say I do a continual lower of the belt notch, but it is usually down one, up one, etc... On it goes. I am trying to slim down for the holidays. Halloween to New Years is Danger Island for me. Not that Halloween is a holiday, but you all get the picture.

I didn't make it to Palm Springs yet, but did go to Sun Valley in April. Maybe I posted that. I think President's Day weekend I'll head to Jackson, Wyoming. I am kind of fortunate to live 90 minutes from Yellowstaone, and Jackson, and three hours from Sun Valley.

I have been experimenting with Weight Watcher's points. (I found a binder at work of all places that have the points listed.) I was shocked that a lunch at Jack in the Box was 25+ points. I think they over rate eggs (with the yolk...), and under rate certain items (bananas are 0 points?)

Well, I'm off to jog and then get my Buttermilk Pie out of the oven, it is an S Day :lol: .

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:34 am
by eschano
I love the expression "Danger Island". Brilliant - I completley understand.