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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:06 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Well, let me see, it's been a couple of days.

Saturday was cool, on Sunday I was grazing on sweets. Usually, that is okay with me, but that day it was too much and I did not feel well at night.

breakfast: joghurt with muesli, grapes, bread with cheese
lunch: banana, bread roll, 2.5 wieners
afternoon: strawberries at a friend's. Fail. But they were so delicious, really good organic ones, it would have been a shame not to have eaten them
night: spaghetti with tomatoe sauce and parmesan, grapes

breakfast: strawberries, 1.5 slices of bread with cheese
lunch: left over homemade chicken curry with rice, some grapes and pretzels
dinner: white asparagus with smoked ham & potatoes

breakfast: banana, some grapes, slice of bread with salami
lunch: leftover spaghetti fried with egg. Apricots, raspberries, melon, strawberries.

I am struggling. Tiding myself over the days with the help of chewing gum, watered down fruit juice, diet coke (!) etc.

The children are taking turns in constantly being ill. They get everything going and sometimes I think I have been a paediatric nurse since January. Vacations have to be cancelled, work tasks have to be sandwiched in between household chores & caring for the ill etc.

Well, it also has its good sides, Friday when I finally managed to free up some time and went running I did not have enough time for my favourite running trail so I thought: I can do this if I run very fast. And I did. I was much faster than at my last 5k run because of sheer lack of time. But most of the time I'm on my last legs. I just hope that it's getting better now. Also because it makes me want to turn to food. Giant plates.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:33 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
breakfast: fruit, 3 slices of crisp bread with cream cheese
lunch: small bowl of french fries, bigger bowl of salad (didn't finish it)
dinner: Turkish takeaway

breakfast: two bread rolls with butter, strawberries
lunch: currywurst, strawberries & melon
dinner: leftover borek, strawberries & melon

I love fruit.

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:30 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Well, there was so much to do because of too many unforeseen situations this month but I am quite happy with the results of my June challenge:

Lost about 1.2 kg (average of three weighing days compared to last month, this means that I have almost lost 7kg since I started at the beginning of January :lol:), had some big plates and not always very many vegetables but did not always finish my plate and had only three red days of which only one was a bit over the top. S-days ranging from very tame to quite extravagant.
Everything like in real life.

I'm thinking about not tracking my NoS compliance in July. One the one hand because I will be on holiday for three weeks and on the other hand I would like to find out if this is working for me after 6 months of tracking. But I am not really sure if this would be an invitation to a pre-No-S behaviour party because it is too soon for me.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:27 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Back after three weeks' camping.
I tried to stick to NoS at least a bit so usually I neither had snacks nor sweets on N-days but I wasn't too strict about seconds - after all I was on holidays. Weekends were S-days and, of course, I had some S-events and I did not manage too exercise too often, I ran a few times, swam or rowed sometimes, that was about it.
I had a weigh in before I left and I weighed again when I came back. Exactly the same weight.
Either my scales are not working or this is due to fat-gain-covered-up-by-loss-of-muscles or I simply maintained by trying to stick to NoS in a relaxed way.
I love NoS.

Well, let's see what the next month brings, I hope more exercise and again more NoS-compliance.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:39 pm
by jw
Congratulations on maintaining while on holiday, Jonas! I was wondering about vacations (I have a week coming up in August). It sounds like you have internalized no-S very well!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:34 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Thanks, jw!

I was wondering before my holidays as well
Well, the thing is, most of the time it makes more sense to follow NoS than not to follow it. But this is more or less subconscious. Of course, there are days when I think "But I want to have sth/a snack/some sweets now" but then I either tell myself to wait until the next meal or, occasionally I just have it.

So far, not tracking has been successful. I feel that I slowly become less obessed with thinking about food/losing weight/checking in here.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:43 am
by Jonas Jonasson
I had my three weighing days in a row (at the beginning/end of each month) just for the statistics, I did not really expect much after three weeks of holidays (in maintenance mode, hooray) and an office party.
Well, I seemed to have lost more than a pound since the beginning of July, which is more than I would have expected. :P So far I have lost about 8kg since January.
Even more remarkable: This morning I saw a number on the scales I haven't seen since my teens. Cool. This is something I wouldn't have dared to dream of for literally ages. And now it is just a (welcome) side effect of a more or less reasonable way of eating. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:42 am
by Jonas Jonasson
I have had three NWS-days so far this month (this week, to be more accurate). I'm thinking about not having the two S-days this weekend but only one.
Then again my NWS-days weren't that much over the top, ususally three meals with one of them including a dessert.
Almost no regular exercises but a lot of running around headlessly.
Let's see what my new friend, the scale, says.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:17 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Three NWS-days in a row followed by two S-days last week was a bit too much. Especially because I grazed on sweets almost the whole weekend. This week was quite normal again :D I do some sort of 14 minutes of exercises almost every day but I'd love to get into the habit of running >3 times/week again. Maybe I will track this until it has become a habit again.

I have now reached the weight I have been secretly dreaming of for the last decades and feel good and my first year of NoS isn't even over yet. Sometimes there is still the urge to eat whatever sweet treats I can think of but mostly I manage to give in only at the weekends. And, very suprisingly, haha, such pig outs aren't half as satisfying as a nice N-day meal...

I wonder what will happen during the next months

At a family celebration last week there were two weight-loss motivated vegetarians, one person doing the Hay diet, one person avoiding all kinds of fats, and a Dukan disciple (This means almost all the women who were there). It was funny watching them arranging weird stuff on their plates (for example only eating the fruit of the fruit flan without the cake base or just having meat without pasta/potato salad or vice versa) while eating my normal plate including highly dangerous baguette bread and a slice of cheese cake for dessert. Actually, this is not funny when I think about it - but it just felt so good to eat normally.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:29 pm
by lpearlmom
Isn't it wonderful to have a peaceful relationship with food?? My parents were always on diets and I always felt envious of my friends who had families that ate normally. Regular meals with all the food groups and a glass of whole milk to boot seemed so wonderful to me.

So glad things are going well for you!


Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:13 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Hi Linda, thanks for your kind words. Yes, having regular meals is the key, isn't it?

The next NWS day is coming up, a friend's birthday and she has this pastry cook friend who is coming over with some of his extravagant pastries. I think it will be worth another non-green day - but we'll see.

Went for a run yesterday, currently I only run once a week (if it is a good week) but funnily enough this does not seem to affect my running too much.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:16 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
I haven't been exercising. I've had about six NWS-days this month. My weekends were without much dignity.
Nevertheless, I seem to have lost some weight. I hope that doesn't give me any funny ideas so I had better join the September challenge and be a good girl. Silly me.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:53 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Ha, it's beginning to dawn on me.
Mocha ≠ Mokka
And I kept wondering how a mokka helps people to survive between two meals until someone in another thread just explained what a mocha consists of.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:01 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
I seem to need really big plates at the moment. I could eat the whole day long. I had promised myself that I would get a LOT of food for lunch if I didn't have a snack. It was really ridiculous to look at my skyscraper plate. I told myself it would be okay if nothing fell down when carrying the plate to the dining table. Jonas Jonasson, architect.
Now I am quite full.
Technically alright, I think, but a bit unsightly.

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:22 pm
by oolala53
Are you ALLOWING yourself more than two NWS days a month? Because officially, you get two. Anything else is a failure, unless you can't stand the idea of failing!

S days are S days whether you eat an S on them or not. They are the days you CAN have an S, if you really want it and it fits in comfortably with the rest of your eating. At least, that's what I aim at. I don't take them away because I had too many fails during the week. That invites bargaining and trading, and that is just too much mental power!

I had wild S days well into my second year, but that was still so much less overeating than previously that I clung to No S. Still do.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:08 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Hi there, oolala,
I always feel kind of "whoa, one of the grown-ups" when you have visited my thread...

Yes, I AM allowing myself more than one NWS-days a month. Six was a bit exaggerated but four of them were very those very special occasions which happen only very rarely and which just happened to occur in the same month. But the other two weren't. And I want to try to have only S-events in these cases and not S-days which I have achieve on some of those days. I think I can cope with a lot of fails but somehow this planned non-compliance feels differently.

I think that I think (?) that more than 2 NWS-days are okay because I've read somewhere in the BOOK that you should try to limit your NWS-days to less than three if you are not losing. Maybe my exegesis is wrong but since I am losing...

I feel quite stupid/clumsy a) trying to justify my actions and b) trying to explain things in English. Well, as long as I understand what I am trying to say :?

On a related note: I am not sure if I want to lose more. I cannot say that I ever felt that this could be a problem for me... But I am not exactly an elve/a fairylike type and I don't know if I would look better if my BMI climbed below 22.5. But maybe this isn't a problem and I just won't lose any more weight.
I should concentrate on maintaining and getting fitter at this point.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:42 pm
by oolala53
I think I haven't been at BMI 22.5 since I was 11 years old!

I hope you don't feel you have to defend yourself to me... I see this as a process of weaning oneself off overeating. There are a lot of ways to slowly cut down and cut out. Sounds like you are on track.

It's hard for me to fathom losing too much weight on No S as I've taken years to get into my normal BMI range. But it is quite amazing how small yet satisfying some of my meals are.

You go, girl!

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:41 am
by Jonas Jonasson
You are so right, oolala,
all of this is definitely and only about overeating. And not about losing weight or even maintaining. But, of course, I mostly only look at the symptoms/effects, probably because we have been trained - or rather brain-washed - to do so.
I think I haven't been at BMI 22.5 since I was 11 years old!
You know what? This is also true for me. I've never been really really overweight (except maybe when I was 15 to 17 - couldn't have choosen a worse time for that) but I have never been slim either. I don't feel slim or even "normal" now and when I look at pictures from the last couple of months I always think that the angle is really flattering or "everyone on this picture looks slimmer than they actually are." I have to get used to a new body image I think. If I stay that way that is. But I think I will.

I had a good NoS week and hope that I keep remembering this feeling of accomplishment & success which is much more satisfying than most chocolate bars. I think I will do some sort of tracking for the rest of this year. I stopped tracking but I definitely still need these crutches until I have earned the first coloured belt in NoS.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:16 am
by Jonas Jonasson
My plates are still too full.
No sweets and no snacks are no problem, which is brilliant because I used to snack endlessly on sweets before starting this but I still put much too much & too dense stuff on my plates and find it hard to stop sometimes.
Yesterday I used a dinner plate with a wider rim, I will try to do that sometimes and see what happens. What happened yesterday was that I went to the kitchen after dinner and had some more bites.
Still this seems to be easier than not to overload my plates. Maybe I should try to find out why I need (need? want? have?) so much food and the moment, and curing only the symptoms is maybe not the most insightful and elegant approach but there are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:28 pm
by oolala53
Did you mean a printed rim? Or did you mean you would not put food on the rim?

Brian Wansink found that people eat less off plates with printed rims and that it even made a difference what was printed on them. But the site on which I first saw that and examples of effective designs has been down for quite awhile.

I was reluctant to think I would be affected by this because I so often choose my servings by my hand size, but I have to admit when I use some little luncheon plates I bought at a thrift store, that I eat less. But I don't often choose to use them for dinner!

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:02 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Hi oolala,
both types of plates are of about the same diameter but one has a rim of about 3-4 cm on which even someone as greedy as me wouldn't put any food because it would definitely look weird as if the food was hanging off (?) the rim, a psychological rim so to say. Cool idea to have something printed on the rim. Maybe something like "Stop right here you glutton" would help?

You know so much about food/the psychology of eating/all kinds of theories/academic papers on nutrition/statistics and provide some many new insights and so much help - have you ever thought of becoming a food advisor?

Anyway, the last couple of days were cool.
I did not really use my S-event Wednesday night, I think it was a very okay N-day albeit involving some virtual plating. I declined the dessert which was very nice ice-cream. But I took the time to think about it and came to the conclusion that I was really full so that it didn't appeal to me. So I was asked when I intended to stop starving myself (this was after I had eaten two big pieces of a very rich quiche, one muffin and some fruit...), relax and just have the ice-cream, you have lost so much, you will not gain because of this exception... Me: No thanks, I am full. Put it in the freezer again, maybe I will have it later tonight.
Victory, because I am not too good at these things.
And then the two skinny persons present did & talked about something someone in another thread had called displayed incidents of public eating (?), which really seems to be a trend right now. Look how I can gorge myself and still stay very skinny. While the fourth person, being rather large, apparently did not feel at ease when the others bragged about just how many bars of chocolate they eat every night etc. Well, I couldn't care less.
And yesterday night I used my rimmed plate and it was the first time in ages that there was still some space left on it while I was thinking that's more than enough and even took something off the plate again. Okay, I had a quite opulent lunch only five to six hours before that but still...
Oh, I feel so mature, so very grown-up.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:59 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Fail today.
I was seriously considering to include a mod saying that watermelon is something to drink and not food. Fortunately, the season for it is almost over. I find it much harder to resist than sweets.


Very tempted to do some WTH-ing but stole some weird tasting sugar-free chewing-gum and managed somehow.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:19 pm
by oolala53
I HAVE thought of becoming an advisor, but since I've almost never paid anyone for any of this, and because Reinhard has done this all pretty much for free, it's a little embarrassing to think of how I might get a little money from it. So many people here know so much, too, and we all just share. And it seems everyone and his mother are coaches these days. But it's not out of the question.

If I hadn't lost a middle-class fortune in the real estate market, I'd quit my job and do it for free. I might to do that anyway. I'm starting to think I'd rather be poor than face my job much longer.

I think watermelon is a bit of a conundrum because it's so voluminous. Surely half a cup is too small for a serving. I think two cups is a serving. But it's so watery, it just collapses when you chew, so why not chew more? (Is that your line of reasoning? I do something analogous with grapes and nectarines.)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:07 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Oh well, yesterday I found myself rummaging for sth. edible in my kitchen cupboard and could feel my pulse quickening and my face turning red & hot when I discovered some stale leftover crisps.
I had better return here, the old bad habits are returning.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:36 pm
by automatedeating
welcome back! we've had lots of fun discussions around here lately! :)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:37 pm
by oolala53
Jonas, I know those symptoms. Like I's scoring a drug. I'm guessing on that since I've limited myself to the legal grocery store ones.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:08 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Thank you, automated!
And good to hear from you, oolala.

Glad that I'm back again, I already feel so much better.
No Sweets and No Snacks wasn't too hard during the last couple of months but No Seconds (virtual plating in my case) broke my neck.

Yesterday: Green + Running

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:18 pm
by oolala53
Isn't it interesting how when the food is not all there to start, it's easier to have just a bit more of this or that? It's too complicated to keep track in memory and the body's sense of what is enough is elastic enough that we can accommodate more than we need.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:57 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Yes, and it is too easy to convince oneself that this or that would have easily fit on that plate…

And why is it so much easier to stick to the rules after having returned here? The ritual? The accountability? The constant reminder? Strangely, habitcal does not do the trick for me.

Yesterday: Green + work out

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:08 pm
by automatedeating
I like marking things on my pantry "habitcal" calendar, but it's the writing and reflection and ideas from others, etc., etc., that I love about this forum.

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:04 am
by oolala53
Theoretically, habitcal should work, but research shows people involved with a support group do better on such pursuits as reducing eating.

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:17 am
by jw
Nice to see you back, Jonas -- I did habitcal faithfully for about 6 months and found it motivating, then suddenly it just wasn't any more. Do what works!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:08 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Yesterday: Red + gentle work out

Virtual plating. I had too much bread with my soup yesterday night. At least I think I did. I would have felt a bit silly to store all the slices of bread I wanted to eat on the rim of my soup plate with the company I was with. I guess I will have to learn to be above such situations.

Yes, I thought I would succeed on my own but I'd better stay here. I can see myself asking the nurses at my future nursing home to log me in here...

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:02 am
by automatedeating
That is funny. :) I needed a laugh right now, thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:29 pm
by oolala53
If you think now that it was too much bread, I guess it was the bread you THOUGHT you wanted.

Soup can be tough. At home, I can always put the bowl on a plate and tuck food around the bowl.

I've also used my hand as an approximate measure. It used to be I would allot myself the volume of two fists (for cooked starch) or outstretched hands (for bread slices) or a combination as my total starch for a meal. So, if the soup had potatoes or rice, I had one slice of bread. Nowadays, it's usually less than that as my appetite has decreased. And it makes a difference if there's a solid protein. Yeah, it sounds complicated, but in the moment, it's pretty smooth now. I've never been able to make it completely intuitive.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:51 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Friday: Green + Running
Weekend: Very reddish yellow, ate too much low-quality stuff just because it was there. I am at the 'glad it's Monday soon' stage. Running on Sunday.
Monday: Green

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:54 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Tuesday: Green + work out

Still too much/too dense food on my plate. It will get better.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:48 am
by eschano
Yeah! Two Greens :)

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:15 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Hi eschano, soviel zum Beschreien :D :

Yesterday: Red + Running

Had some of the kids' popcorn in the afternoon. Homemade & salty, I saw it coming… Well, I didn't have anything else inappropriate.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:25 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Yesterday: Green
Very silly schedule: Breakfast 7am, lunch 4pm, dinner 9pm

When I did today's grocery shopping for the week I finally bought the big (400g) box of Belgian chocolates I had been orbitting last Friday… And since I easily consumed 400g worth of not-so-very-excellent sweets last weekend I might as well have the real stuff. At last they are individually packaged, which is not so good for the environment but maybe for my circumference.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:20 pm
by jw
Excellent trade-off on the Belgian chocolates vs. the inferior sweets, Jonas! I find if I resist something I really want, I tend to fill up on substitutes that I didn't really want anyway . . . what a waste! Good luck this weekend --

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:37 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Thank you, jw.
I think it really helped that I had something very nice at home. I had less than half the packet and brought the rest to the office on Monday.

Friday: Green + Running
Weekend: Not too bad, had more S's than my chocolates but did not go beserk like last weekend. Sunday: Running (-14 degrees C. When I finally accepted that it was too cold - because my hair froze under my fleece cap -I realized that I was already too far away for a short cut :?)
Monday: Green

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:11 pm
by ZippaDee
Seeing lots of green in this neck of the woods. Yay! :D Glad you were able to enjoy what you really wanted.on your S days. Smart!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:53 pm
by automatedeating
wow, that is the coldest run I've ever heard of..... wow!

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:43 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Tuesday Green + Running
Wednesday S-day
Thursday Green + work out

This is meant as a preservation spell. A mean honey pomelo is lingering in the kitchen threatening to be eaten by me…

ZippaDee, I love your signature

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:25 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Ha, yesterday's honey pomelo will be part of tonight's dinner. I managed to resist.
I am afraid that many of my green victories may just be technical knockouts… because I am wondering about the following:
Let's say, I prepare my dinner and I put a bread roll, a hard boiled egg, two tomatoes, a pear and a hunk of cheese on my plate and everything fits on it. But after I have cut open the roll, cut the egg and the tomatos and the pear into slices it no longer really fits on my plate. So, is stage one valid? Or was it too much because of stage two?
When I think about what the others here would say there are probably two options
a) This is definitely more than one plate. Fence around the law. Stop being a glutton.
b) Well, just go on like this if it feels okay for you and one fine day you will find that you need less but that may take weeks ore even months.
or maybe
c) I don't understand a word of what you're writing. Learn to write proper English.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:41 pm
by automatedeating
This is one plate. It's called a egg, tomato and cheese sandwich. :lol:

Remember, a vertically stacked plate may be too much, but don't worry about it. It truly will work itself out over time as you find how much food it takes to satisfy you.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:30 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Okay so much for a daily check in

Friday Green + Workout
Saturday Yellow
Sunday Yellow + Running
Monday Green
Tuesday Green + Running

My weekend was more or less okay, I think. But I will have to write Sometimes does not mean grazing, sometimes does not mean grazing, sometimes does not mean grazing 100 times before next weekend.

I was at a potluck Monday night and managed to stick to one plate, hooray. Mainly because I was really full after that plate, it was quite dense food. But I am beginning to notice that I very often feel uncomfortably full after lunch and sometimes also after dinner. But deprivation angst is still predominating. I can wait.

But: I haven't stepped on the scales since I restarted NoS at the beginning of January, I am exercising quite regularly, and I feel like a big inflexible lump. Maybe this is only in my head. Or my hormones are playing tricks on me. Or it has got something to do with the uncomfortably-full-thing.

At the party there were some men talking about their diets. They seemed to be in favour of the "starches in the morning, anything you like for lunch, and no starches in the evening thing." Aka howcanIgooneatingtoomuch.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:40 pm
by eschano
Jonas Jonasson wrote:They seemed to be in favour of the "starches in the morning, anything you like for lunch, and no starches in the evening thing." Aka howcanIgooneatingtoomuch.
Hahahahaha! Hilarious! Yeah, I did that for a while but it's a very fine line when you're allowed sweets in the morning not to have them in the evening and it really doesn't do that much for the snacking problem as technically some snacks don't register.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:25 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Wednesday Green
Thursday Green + Gentle work out
Friday Green + running

Ha, I am at the wonderful stage where I am beginning to eat less without too much of an effort.
Wednesday I was really full after lunch so I only had some fruit for supper; I wasn't even hungry for the fruit, I just felt that I had to have something.
Thursday I had lunch pretty early (around 12) and had dinner at around 9pm and there was space on my plate.
And today was the first time this time that I did not finish my lunch. Okay, I ate everything except for some bites of cheese but still…
Ha. I love this.

I wish I had more time to follow up with the others' threads

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:50 am
by eschano
I love those days where it's just effortless. Well done!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:02 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Time starved.
I try to remember anyway
Last week
Monday Green
Tuesday Green
Wednesday Green
Thursday S-day (don't feel too proud, had more than necessary)
Friday Red (because of yesterday I think)
Weekend S-days (can't remember too much)
Monday Green
Tuesday Green
Wednesday Green
Thursday Green

No sweets and no snacks still no problem. Very often the amount on my lunch plate is borderline. We are having a very stressful time. Actually I am only co-stressed but still my cup runneth over.
I haven't been running or doing any kind of exercise for two weeks, stupid foot issue. This just makes me feel so very yucky. I will try to run now, I am typing this wearing my running clothes.
Drama queen (me).

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:30 pm
by automatedeating
I think I will start using that phrase, "co-stressed"! That is really funny and perfectly describes my current status too. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:37 am
by Jonas Jonasson
Friday Red The others had hey-it's-the-weekend-biscuits in the afternoon, so did I. But I think that was all.
Weekend Yellow Grazing & not running
Monday Green
Tuesday Dontknowyet & running, yeah

These are the days when you (I) accidentially put windshield washer fluid in the rinse aid dispenser of your dishwasher…

Trying to isolate the main difficulties

no sweets
no snacks
some weekends

Not so okay:
no seconds
some weekends

So that is the problem. Now I only have to find the solution.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:21 pm
by automatedeating
you really put windshield fluid in your dishwasher? That will have me cracking up all day! What a great story! :)

So, No Seconds is a clear one for you to fence the law around and tighten up..... but the lunch thing, hmmmm, good to recognize. Since I take my lunch to work, it's usually a smaller meal for me than dinner (by far, actually). Do you eat at home, is that why lunch is bigger than it should be?

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:52 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
you really put windshield fluid in your dishwasher?
Ahem, I must have done so the last couple of times. Yesterday, I just stopped in time and thought that I must have got the wrong bottle but when I looked on the shelf where I keep both, blue liquids in clear bottles of the same size there was no rinse aid bottle only two windshield fluid bottles both of them opened…

Good question about the lunch, I sometimes have it at the office together with colleagues, when I work at home I have it at home, and sometimes I have it on the way home from the office when there was no time…
Stopping after my plate is finished is difficult. This is not so much a problem in the car (I do not have any groceries stored in there) nor at work (thanks to NoS I neither keep any sweets etc. at the office - quite different than before) but at home… Lunch is usually very late because dinner is alway very late, too, and I am alone and I tend to have very big plates by way of precaution. Another point is that lunchtime is the end of me-as-an-adult-person-time when me-as-a-mum-and-most-days-host-of-the-monsters'-colleagues-time starts. Comfort food.
Hm, but if I am not satisfied after an objectively large amount of food I may as well eat less with the same result...
Sorry for this waterfall.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:14 pm
by Jonas Jonasson
Ever tried to put a banana on your plate in an upright position in oder to fit in as much food as possible?
Sad but true.
At the moment I am having a very hard time complying with the rules so I try to bend them as much as possible just to feel a bit less out of control.
Trousers are getting tighter.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:05 pm
by eschano
I'm sorry but hahahaha, hilarious! (no offense meant whatsoever, just: the things we do to bend the rules!) I've never tried that but then I had quite a few fails before.

Try figure out what the underlying issue is. Maybe lack of sleep or seasonal change and hopefully it will get easier.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:02 am
by No BS
Jonas Jonasson wrote:Ever tried to put a banana on your plate in an upright position in oder to fit in as much food as possible?

Sure, Jonas, I take @ ten month hiatus and return to the board to find you going bananas on us!!


Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:49 am
by automatedeating
hi Jonas,
I also wonder about what eschano said.... tired, maybe? and it's been so dark for so long.... spring is coming!