Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:41 pm

Hahah! Well, I think there was a lot of driving through labyrinths which looked like gutted ancient ruins, and then at some point I was in some water and trying to jet ski (???) or hover somehow, over some sharks!
LOL :lol:

So hey all!!!!
I am really thrilled to be posting this!

After a 90% good week on NoS, which included a total blowout extra S day on New Years Eve, and a few S's we had because Richie and I have been fighting a virus, plus four solid days of Shovelglove,,,,


So, now down from 38" to 37.5"
and arms are now 14.5 inches around...

Still quite a way to go, but if I keep up this rate of, I'm hoping 1/2 inch off every 2 weeks, then I should be at my goal size of 32 inches, by June..

And if I don't get there completely, that's okay too... I just want to have a goal to work towards :)

This might sound small to some people, but it's a change in the right direction, after maintaining weight (and losing lots of tone) over the past six months of inactivity.. What's really amazing folks, is that I know that I've eaten very very well this week, and we have had a few very decadent S days too! ;)

I'm certain the Shovelglove was a major factor here!
I'm totally excited and motivated to keep this up!!!!!! :D :!:

Have a great evening and week all!
See you later..
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:29 pm

There is no such thing as a small loss girlfriend! Come on now.. .We live in the REAL world, not the Biggest loser, or with personal trainers and chefs :) ANY loss is GREAT because it wasnt a gain.

I just love to see your forward progress once again. Last year is in the past (Thank God!) and this year for both of us is so much more filled with promise, prosperity, love and hope.

I think you are the bomb & doing a F A B U L O U S job!

Hugs & Kisses to you & Richie from me & My boys :)
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:44 pm

PS: How is the job search going? Good leads? Bad leads? Not looking anymore?

I am praying for your wisdom and that God will guide you in the direction best for your family.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:03 pm

Thanks Christi!
Much appreciated!

Well I have some semi dissapointing news, but I'd rather post it than stay in some kind of denial trap..
It's finally happened.. I gained back some weight..

Richie and I had to go to the doctor on Monday, after being sick for weeks..
It was a new physician on our health insurance plan, and he had us weigh in... Both of us gained.. Richie is just growing (and a little teeny bit chubbier since it's Winter and he isn't riding around town on his bike etc, but not really remarkable)
I on the other hand have gained somewhere between 6 and 8 pounds since last October or something.. Well I'm not actually even really so sure if that's right, because it was a totally different scale than the one I've been weighing on for the past 18 months at the gym.. Still, it's obvious that my inactivity has impacted on me very poorly..
NoS only works for me when I combine it with regular exercise..

At the moment, I am totally winded from having an upper respiratory infection and and ear infection, and Richie has tonisilitis pretty bad..
We are both now on antibiotics and I hope they help somehow..

I'm glad I went and got this reality check when I did, because I certainly could have gained even more if I had gone on for a few more months like this..
So, my new goal right now, is to get well, and then ease back into my previous activities.. Shovelglove was going really great and I'd like to do it right now, but I am feeling so crappy.. I'm sure I'll be back at it within the next few days though.. But right now I just need rest and tea and soup..
After I get well, I would love to drop those extra pounds again.. I'll re-weigh myself at the gym soon, and at my regular weigh in time..
This visit to the doc was an evening weigh in (I usually weigh in the morning) and I had all my clothing on (usually weigh in my skivvies at the gym).. So maybe it's not that dire..
I just want to get through the Winter now, without gaining anymore and I want to get rid of what I gained recently..
It's so nice to know that when I stick with NoS, it works, so I have no plans of starting any hokey fake diet or anything stupid..
We just need to get strict during N days..
Come to think of it.. We have had quite a lot of extra S days for sick days, and well, they really need to tone down alot!

Oh and Christi and whovever has been following my job search saga..
I left the clerical job yesterday because it was really detrimental to my neck and back.. I had no clue of this when I took it on, but after 5 hours of stooping over file cabinets and yanking out very big heavy folders (sometimes up to four or five pounds of paper in each), and mainly the looking down constantly, my neck was in agony..
Oh well.. I really do need the money, but I need a job I can actually stick with that I find somewhat pleasurable, if not at least, not torture..

So next week I'm going to meet with two different massage therapists who are looking for extra therapists, and it sounds good.
I know I love massage so I guess I'll just have to throw myself into it much more agressively if I want to be a success at it..

I hope you all have a great week!
See you again soon :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:14 pm

Deb, sorry to hear about your double weight/work whammy...

You sound like you're taking it in good stride.

Good plan to not expect further loss until the weather and your health clears up... maintenance is hard enough, under the circumstances, and so important.

Best to you and Richie and looking forward to shovelglove updates,


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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:29 am

I do hope you feel better in the near future. We had the same type of infectious thing going around here for 2 months. I took my antibiotics & it has cleared up finally (except for the remaining cough) and I'm taking the boys in on Friday for their meds so we can all get it cleared up.

job note: You are so right to leave that job. I know money is money but straining your neck so much - it always leads to worse health problems down the road that you don't need. And if massage therapy is your calling - do like I do when I ant something... do whatever you have to do to get it done. You go over that wall, through it, under it, around it...however you have to get it done. Once you are feeling better (like your normal self) there is little to stand in your way of doing what you want. You have the skills (so you've said) and now you just have to match it with your will to make it your livelihood. To help others while benefiting yourself. What a great plan! Have you ever thought of getting your license to do it yourself either out of your home or a small storefront or going to peoples homes or offices? Out here in California there is a HUGE market for corporate executives & studio guys who want you to come to their offices & give them right there. The tables are not too expensive (saw them at Costco last week actually) and the licensing is easy I've heard from my friends. Anyway - you can set your own time schedule that way. I wish I had your skills and could do that. Unfortunately I am not "touched" with the gift of touch :)

Luv you,
Take care of you & Richie and get well soon!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:48 pm

Thank you Reinhard and Christi :)
Quick update and then back to my bed for more coughing and hopefully rest..
Richie and I got our results from the culture back and we have strep throat..

I just wanted to pop in again and say hi and have a nice day guys!
See you soon.
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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We hope you feel better

Post by Kevin » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:05 am

Feel better, Deb. And that boy Richie, too!
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New Month New Stats New Beginning!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:08 pm

Hey Kevin, thanks so much for that! Hope you are well and it's great to have my old NoS friends still here and rooting :)

Wow this year has been very off track for us.. Us meaning Richie and I..
But this last few months have been the most off. Now it's true that we have been sick for a long time, but we are slowly getting better..
My hacking cough is still around but no other really bad symptoms.
Richie is also better, but not totally over this bug.. Seems the stuff takes so much longer to kick than back years ago.. I'm certain that viruses are like some kind of super strains that were not around when I was a kid..
Anyway.. we have been over using the "sick days are S days" clause, to the Nth degree and even on days when we are just a teeny bit uncomfortable, we have been breaking the rules... Richie has been turning back into a sweetaholic, and well, I'm just sitting on my behind and starting to break *all* the rules.

We are nipping this behaviour in the bud today, and it was all instigated by Richie asking if we could buy a big Toblerone bar, because it's an S day, since we are both still congested... (mind you there's no fever, headache, or any other discomfort)
It became glaringly clear to me that we are both totally getting back into the habit of oversweeting and just plain old breaking the rules, and it just has to stop..
When we went to the doctors office last week, we both showed weight gain this year.. For all intensive purposes we really haven't followed NoS much these last three months.. It's not any surprise that we gained weight.

So I told Richie that we can't get the candy until the weekend and took measurements of our waists and bellies to compare to where we were about a year ago, and we are both up.. Richie doesn't want me to post his numbers, but suffice it to say it's about 2 to 3 inches more than it should be for his age and height. I am also up but I want to post my starting and current inches for the record.

When I started NoS in August 2004 this was where I was:

Waist: 41"
Belly: 45"

By June 2005 it was:

Waist: 36"
Belly: 42"

(Belly is measured right around the fattest part of me right at the bellybutton)

Well, I didn't measure much during the period after, it seems as I can't find any records, but I am pretty sure I maintained those numbers until we started slipping again last Summer..

Now I am:
Waist: 38"
Belly: 44"

So there's my reality check and we will be reporting again after a good month of N and S days.. I am certain that this will go back to where it was if we really recommit to the N days, which we haven't..

Please wish us luck all!
I'm glad that NoS is so good and I don't have to search around for any other diet..

More on work and whatever in another post, but things are looking up on that front thank the Lord!

When I think about how long it's been since we've been really strict with the rules of NoS, I am really surprised that we have only backslid this much.. I looked at my measurements from 2003 only about 16 months before I joined NoS.. I was 170 lbs and had a 35" waist... So apparently, before I was with NoS I gained 10 inches over a period of about a year and a half when we joined in 2004.

When I think of my gain now, after finding NoS, in perspective, compared to what it could have been, pre NoS, I guess it's not that bad.. It *could* have been more like going up 5 or 6 inches around my waist not 2 or 3...

It was a bit upsetting for both of us to have to admit that we have been slipping up so much and gaining back some weight, and believe me, it was a bit emotional here for a while getting through the feelings of guilt and "self pity" or whatever, but it really feels good to post this because it's a new start for us both..

Here's to a healthy February and both kicking this illness to the curb and also getting real about being strict and applying the rules on N days..

Thanks for the support all!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs

ps.. for any newbies or people who don't know me.. I did not join NoS in April 2005.. That's when I switched to this new bulletin board from the original Yahoo NoS group.. I have been with NoS from August 2004..
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:59 pm

Good for you two!
Kick arse m'lady!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:53 am

Thanks Christi :)

Richie and I had a few very good days..
It felt terrific to say no to sweets and snacks for a few straight days, *consciously*...

I let him get his Toblerone tonight as we start S days Friday night...
The more we say no during the week, the easier it will become..
What a relief to start implementing these rules again.
I was never unhappy with 75% success on N days, so long as I was really trying and being conscious to use the rules..
This year we just let things totally start to slide..
I'm glad we have stopped that!

Yay NoS!!!!
Richie said his pants felt a little looser today.. Not sure if they were, but it was a testament to his good feeling of being in control of his choices again!
He is so cute guys! I want us both to be able to live a happy and healthy life!

Incase anyone wants to see what we look like these days, I have a cell phone pic of us on one of my myspace pages which was taken on New Years Eve this year.
Have a great S weekend all!
See ya Monday again :)

Peace and Love,
Debs xo
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Welcome home!

Post by mondurvic » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 am

Hey Deb!

Welcome back! I'm back, too - it's been two weeks now. Some days are a struggle, but mostly I'm at peace. Thank God (not to mention Reinhard!) for this plan. I just can't believe in anything else.


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Post by florafloraflora » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:44 am

Congratulations, Deb! Both of you look great!

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Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:57 pm


I'm sorry about those sobering numbers... but at least it's clear what the cause was, and what you know you can do about it because you've done it before. Glad to hear the first two days back on system felt good!

Best wishes and please spare us no detail,


P.S. you guys look (and sound!) great.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:59 pm

Hey Reinhard, thanks so much for still showing your support after all this time, and thanks for the ps. comment :wink:

I am just popping in to write a quick update. It's not really diet related though..
Unfortunately it's to just say that we are *STILL* sick, and feeling worse these days.. Now Richie and I are on a second round of antibiotics.
I don't think we were on the right ones or for long enough last time round.
Richie's strep throat is still there, and I have now been diagnosed with Klebsiella, which is a very resistant bacteria that usually lives in the large intestine and often causes bladder infections, but once in the respiratory passages can cause pneumonia.
I'm feeling floored these days, and completely depressed because, this only makes getting a job much harder. I just started on some new antibiotic last night and between being totally drained, and it being totally freezing around here, I just can't run around at all..
I have to say, besides the first year I was out of school for massage and in a similar situation (looking for work) this has to be the most stressful year for me in ages. It seems just never ending.
Sorry to complain guys and sorry I am so down.
I wish I could be my more upbeat self guys, really! I don't feel good these months..
So anyway, I really look forward to things improving, especially our health
I'm asking for those of you who believe in prayer, to please send your thoughts out for us here that we get well again very soon and that I find some stable work of some sort. I went on an interview yesterday and am just constantly scanning ads for work, but it's been so difficult.
I'll know about the job interview in about a week I think.
Thankfully, I have had a lot of support from my Mom and we have food to eat, but it's just day to day and, like I said, this is unbelievably stressful.
Again, all prayers and good wishes are greatly appreciated for Richie and my health improving, and I hope you all are faring well this Winter.

Peace and Love,
8) Debs

ps.. Floraflora and Judy, thanks so much for writing and hope you are well :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:09 pm

Well this week was semi okay..
We are a tiny bit better on the virus/bacterial thing..
Broke the rules about no sweets this week quite a lot, as we were eating a bunch of Jolly Ranchers instead of medicinal tasting cough drops! :lol:
And I have been diving in for seconds and thirds on vegetable potato soup I made.. Hmm.. Also had some sour cream and onion potato chips when I shouldn't have.. Oh well! My impulses need taming again.
It will happen, and will be much much easier when I'm not feeling ill..
Right now that's just making it quite hard to stick with any structured anything..
However, we did have one gold star racked up in our favor this week and it felt very nice!
Yesterday Richie begged for a brownie when we were at a bagel place getting bagels with cream cheese for a late lunch..
I said "no" to which he said, "well tomorrow's Friday", to which I totally applauded his recommitment.

Of course as soon as Richie came home from school he greeted me with (said in a Homer Simpsons "ooh donuts" type voice)
"White Chocolate Toblerone!!" in anticipation of the weekend!

So, homemade brownies and Toblerone seem to be on the menu this S weekend :)
I think the weather is supposed to ease up a bit too, and if I'm not feeling too bad, I'll try to get some light walking in during the day.
I'm a little cautious though. It's gonna have to be considerably warmer to get me out with my respiratory thing..

Have a great weekend all!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:20 pm

this is a test
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:08 pm

Okay it's 21 days on habit for me and Richie!
Starting on an S day so:
Day 1: Success :wink:
Have a nice day people!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:47 pm

Hi all :)
Sunday was Day 2 success

Yesterday I was very very ill with a lowgrade fever and sneezing and incessant runnyness and chills.. Boy, I felt horrible!
I drank countless glasses of hot water with lemon and sugar, but didn't have any "treats" per se, except a couple of servings of doritos, just cause they were here..
I'm happy to say I didn't use it as an excuse to bake a tray of brownies or eat a bag of jolly ranchers..
So it counted as a sick day, but I'm not counting it towards the 21 days..
Still, because it was a bonified sick day, I'm also not counting it against anything and we are simply resuming our count toward 21 today.
I'm feeling alot better now too, though still very stuffed up.
Thank God the fever is gone.

I have a nice meal 1 in front of me now and so I will take my leave of you to enjoy it :)
I'll report back tomorrow morning.
Peace and Love,
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Post by Blondie » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:04 pm

Hey you...I'm so sorry you've been sick and down. Life can be hard sometimes, I know this...

Congrats on your re-committment. Today will be day 1 for me, so I'll just be a few days behind ya...

xo Blondie

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:52 pm

Thank you Blondie! Great to hear from you!
Welcome back and good luck to you too!
I hope you are well :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:55 pm

Hi Folks :)
Well this week wasn't on target with the 21 days on habit, simply because as soon as we began it, all the sickness symptoms started really flaring up. So a few Seconds were had, here and there, particularly the day I had fever and ate a bottomless bowl of veggie potato soup, and on Valentines we had sweets, but that would have been okay anyway cause to me thats an S day..
But frankly I had a few days which just became a total mental blur..
I was even 14 days late for my cycle due to all the stress, which is a very strange and rare thing for me, though it happened about a year ago when I was super stressed too...
Oh yeah, one day I let us have four large chocolate chip cookies..

Well, I'm just going to regroup and shoot for my usual 75-80 percent good on this plan.. I think just by doing that, I will reverse the gaining trend that started again after 8 months of inactivity and being awol on the boards..

I will be doing regular checkins and when Richie and I are totally and fully recovered and I am employed again, we'll try for the 21 days challenge again..
But I know as long as I post here semi regularly, and just try my hardest, I'll get back to losing weight again.. The immediate goal for this Winter is to stop gaining and *really* abusing the S's, like we started to for a few months there.

If I can get myself together and develop some film I still have from a few months ago, I'll be hopefully posting a few during pics (prior to my weight gain from the last three months) taken when Richie and I went into NYC last November to meet up with Carolejo and Viscount Steve.. LOL..
Speaking of which.. I miss that girl here.. I gotta bug here to post something or other..
But at the time I saw her, she was literally spending about 5 days a week living out of hotels because of her job, so I think that's why she stopped posting.

Oh incidentally, I just have to say I made one of the best meals I ever made last night and I totally recommend it as great comfort food ..
It was vegetarian "cheeseburger" biscuit pie, which I totally crammed with sauteed browned onion, garlic, string beans, corn and vegetarian black bean burgers and veggie sausages, all covered with mozzarella cheese and topped with the biscuit batter..

I really love to cook.. I just hope and pray to God that I find a steady job soon! It would sure help.

Thankfully, I am finally starting to feel myself getting better from the cold, though I'm still pretty congested and my voice is shot..
Hmmm.. Now that my voice is all shot, maybe I should try to get a job on a 900 number line and just try to sound sleazy and sultry! LOL!

Sorry guys..
I think I'm finally losing it! :lol:

Have a wonderful weekend all and really enjoy your S's and freedom!
See ya back in NoS boot camp Monday :wink:
Peace and Love,
8) Debs

Oh ps edit here...
Out of curiosity I measured my waist and I'm very happy to report that it's exactly the same as a week ago, so it seems that, at least, the gaining trend is halting!!
Now only a few more weeks till Spring and I'm sure I'll be losing again once I get more active :)
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Post by pangelsue » Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:36 am

Hi Deb.
Haven't checked on you for quite a while. You and Richie sound like you have been through the mill! So sorry to hear it and hope you are both starting to be on the mend. Life can be so hard sometimes and so unfair. You try as hard as you can and the breaks don't seem to come your way. Perspective helps. I'd like to suggest you try a site called 365 Tao if you feel in the mood. It is a daily 2 minute meditation and there was a wonderful one today called "Knowledge". Really great thoughts about beauty and pain and about how they are both part of a balanced life.

I will certainly be sending prayers your way and hoping that things will improve very soon. In the meantime, just take good care of yourself and do the best you can. Sometimes that is all we should reasonably expect of ourselves. Get well, get rested, find a job and some relief from stress and then get focused on straight vanilla No S. In the meantime make as many good choices as you can.

Went to your website and loved the song. Was that you and Richie singing and playing? I saw his name by the song too. What a good looking pair you make.
Love and peace to you my friend.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:14 pm

Thank you so much Sue!!!!!
After I wrote my last post I totally took a bulletin board hiatus, because it was going so darn slow and I was just feeling tired and bummed..
Last week I finally kicked the virus and infection out..
It took 2 months..

I am sorry I've been so out of touch with you and others here.

I just posted for Richie and this is my special update! :wink:

I lost about 1.5 inches from my stomach during this last month of reasserting the NoS rules! I'm only down a half an inch from my waist, but strangely, I'm down 1.5 inches from my bellybutton line (where the most fat is.. I have a really pendulous Cancerian tummy!)
Well, I'll take it! :D

Thanks for checking my song out! Yeah Richie name is on that one too, because I wanted a myspace where we could post projects that we do together and also with friends.
But it's me playing the guitar and singing, if I am thinking of the same song you were listening to.. :)
If you want to hear the amazing Jazzy Richie, in his element, playing the Alto sax, we have recordings he did from about 8 months ago, on his own page!!
One is even a studio track!
He just upgraded his mouthpiece, with saved up allowance, and now the sax sounds even better.. Like a totally different instrument..
His playing has also gotten a lot better..
We'll record something in the next few months :)
Here's his page!

Have a very wonderful weekend Sue and NoS friends, and of course, the wonderful diet Guru, who I will follow till the very end of my days,,,
Reinhard!! :wink:

8) Debs x
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Post by gettnbusy » Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:02 am

Amen to the diet guru whom I will also follow for the rest of my days. Well, as long as he doesn't go "Hollywood". LOL

So glad to hear your good fortuen on the health front, Deb. (And Richie too!)

So glad that you are feeling better about your No S as well.

How is myapace without me? I miss y'all.

You know I'm thinking & praying about you 2 all the time. I am looking forward to April when I can sign onto myspac & hear Ritchies "new sound". :)

Love from me & my boys to you & Richie,

PS: Since I've been better and not such a slacker I've lost 5 pounds in the last 3-4 weeks...YAY--finally! I was thinking the scale was NEVER going to go down again! LOL
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:33 am

Aw Christi! You are really such a sweet soul!
Thank you very much!!
Congratulations on your weight loss and getting out of slack mode!!
It feels good to take good care of ourselves and know that nobody else is doing it for you *and* that nobody can take it away from you either!!
It's great for self respect and esteem!

Yes, myspace misses you!
I am on that a little too much! :)
God Bless you and your sweet boys!
Did you ever get a Valentines kiss after all???

We had a nice weekend and I just felt like popping in now and saying hi :)

So "Hi" :wink:
Nothing really to report.
Made a very nice meal tonight of roasted potatoes and "barbeque" chickpeas and soy chicken chunks :)
Sauteed the chickpeas in butter olive oil and some barbeque sauce..
Came out real yummy! :D

Have a great week all!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Getting back to posting here :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 07, 2007 7:06 pm

Hi folks :)
Gee there are so many new people and posts I have yet to read!!
I need to get back to this.
Over the last 8 months I have put 10 lbs back on.. That is actually *good* because, considering the potential damage that 8 so-so months *could* have been, this is just a little extra in the large sense of things.
It really was due to my complete halting of all my activity.... Without exercise, no dieting works for me, and certainly not this life friendly one, which actually allows one to eat normally.. I am just too underactive. Don't want to go into major details but I have had a bit of a depressing year in many ways.. It's starting to turn around tho..
So here I is, ready and gearing up to get back to bizness!!!
Yeah boy!!!
Bring it ON!!!!!!!
See you at least once a day for my (hopefully) boring news that I have had a "Success".. and that includes (again hopefully) including a daily walk.. I started that today and it felt awesome!
That ten pounds is gonna be history soon enough.
I just don't even care that much about the number on the scale so much as the fact that I am so flabby now!.. Yuck!! I'll be 40 this June and I'd love to get that bloody double chin out of the way :)
Till tomorrow yall :)
Hope everyone is going great here :)
Sorry I've been so absent.. I never gave up on NoS tho and we do still consider ourselves true blue Nossers!
My mom is now South Beaching me to death.. haha..
I wonder how long *that* will last!!!
I am getting sick of it, and I'm not even doing it!
I'll post all my info here, including the 21 days for both NoS and Urban Ranger.. I should really get out my SG soon now!! Finally living back at my mothers house, I have some room to swing it around :)
We'll see.. First things first.. This month the goal is to get the NoS and UR really down!
I have been meditating every day for an hour, however, so that's been extremely good for me :)
Big up to my friends and NoS family!
Peace and Love,
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Post by Jane » Mon May 07, 2007 7:45 pm

Welcome back Deb!

I am one of the new people, and I have enjoyed your previous posts!

Glad to see one of the voices of experience back! :D
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Post by Blondie » Fri May 11, 2007 6:08 pm

Welcome back!!

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 11, 2007 7:49 pm

Welcome back, Deb!

The bulletin board isn't the same without you.


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Welcome back

Post by Kevin » Tue May 15, 2007 11:38 am

So good to hear from you. I hope the boy is okay, too.
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Post by mimi » Tue May 15, 2007 12:02 pm

Hi! I'm mimi and I've enjoyed reading all your past posts. You're enspiring to us newbies! Welcome back!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 18, 2007 5:32 am

Awwww shucks guys!! :lol:

Lots of love to you all and nice to meet you Mimi and Jane!
Hope you are enjoying the excellent and life altering NoS diet!
There's nothing else out there like this, and we should all consider ourselves very blessed to be here and to have found the phenomenally intelligent and inspiring wonderful
I hope you can finish up with writing the book Rein, and then be able to relax a bit :)
I hope all is going well with you and Mrs. Reinhard and little baby Reinhard..
Looking forward to hearing good news soon :)

Well, this week was pretty good.. I had a not so great week last week, with about two successful days.
But this week I've really been able to stay conscious and dig down deep to find some bloody willpower!!
I had to squeeze very hard to get it to surface though!!! LOL

I've done a few walks this week as well so I feel good about that.
Since tightening back on the restraints, I dropped about two pounds since two weeks ago.

Mainly, it almost feels as if I am a newbie again, but believe me guys, this is much harder.. So my advice to newbies or anyone really, is to avoid prolonged slipups and just do anything you can to turn things around when and if you have a bad day or week. The thing is, you don't want to get psyched out and feel like you are just apathetic. It's better to be frustrated and know you are trying your best (even if that means loads of bad days) than not to even try..

Oh and thanks Kevin, Richie is doing great!!! He is getting mighty pre-teeny.. haha.. Just turned 11 this year and he is just getting so big!
It's taking a lot of effort to (God I hate this phrase!!)
"Just say no"
Darn Reagan anti drug campaign! LOL..
But honestly, it's what's been working on those iffy days..
I am very proud of myself for at least trying now..
My spiritual pushups are little by little getting much stronger!!

Well I'll be 40 in June.. That seems to be a looming over me..
I hope I lose 40 lbs by then!!
Just kidding..

I went for a nice walk and had some great nature time and meditation today at the park.. I even dusted off my muscles and did some yoga for the first time in, I can't remember when!
Felt very good :)
I needed a good stretch.

Okay I am really looking forward to candy and junk on the weekend!
I really earned it with good behaviour this week :)
Wooo! LOL..
Think I'll make a bunch of fresh chocolate cookies!!!
Me want now! LOL..
Too bad Debs,, it's not an S day!
(grrrr.. but I'm hungry! LOL)
Haha.. Really, that's a bit of what my inner dialogue has been for the last two weeks.. But it's great practice and I know it is getting easier with every day I do it.. Just like anything else one practices consciously, I suppose :)
By the way.. I really do want to stay in contact with people here, so I will try harder, but it seems I might only come on every week or so..
Thanks so much for the welcomes back! I have been on myspace a lot these last months, and honestly I am on the computer way too much as it is, so that's really a lot of the reason I have been off the boards.

Hope to somehow catch up here a bit.. I will have to schedule a whole day to read it all! :wink:
I'm just absorbed these days with doing my own soul searching and focusing on music I'm also now on youtube, with a few little vids.. So if you want to see my little ol face, here I am.. LOL :D

Have a great weekend everyone!
Good luck and Peace and Love to all :)
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Post by mstevens » Sat May 19, 2007 6:26 pm

Welcome back!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun May 20, 2007 3:01 am

Thanks M!
I feel like a Born again NoS'ser! LOL..

So after a first lame week, (not this one but last) where I was barely able to stick to even one rule, and a very good week this week, I have lost three pounds!
Nice one!!!

Today we had well deserved goodies and I am totally back with full motivation for the upcoming weeks, months, and years!
I am not letting myself slide for that long again!
This feels way superior!!!

I love this group by the way!!!
belated thanks for being my sounding board through so many ups and downs!
Love to all!!

Oh btw, not to confuse anyone, but I am calling myself by my Spiritual name these days, given to me by my lovely friend Jen from Tasmania!!
(aka Fragrant Flowers, from this board! Where is she now??? must find her!)
so I shall be signing thusly..

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 24, 2007 5:25 am

Hey all! A quick checkin.
I'm doing pretty well this week with NoS..
My home life has turned into a battle field though these last few days.
I'm depressed.
All I can say is I'm very glad to be back and committed.
It's working!
I have lost about 4 lbs so far in the past two weeks.
The return of NoS rules is very very good!!!
Seeya soon :)
Peace and Love,
Debs xx
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Post by mimi » Sat May 26, 2007 12:09 pm

Chin up Deb! Troubles come to us all at some point - don't be depressed! You can do it! Hey, I just realized that you're from Great Neck, NY. I lived on Long Island for a time - Massapequa Park to be exact! My sister and her family still live in Lake Grove. Small world! Have a good weekend!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:05 pm

Thanks Mimi!

Well friends, I had quite a tough few weeks, since last post.
My Dad passed away May 26th after a few very rough years suffering with Parkinsons and heart disease.. I wrote Reinhard, but just felt to internal to get out here and mention it on the boards.
Doing alright now.. I did gain back about 2 lbs of what I lost, due to a lot of food, around the house when we were sitting Shiva, and I allowed myself whatever I wanted then. I knew it would be a temporary period and that I would get back to it as soon as I felt more healed.
I was very very close to my Father.. So I definitely will miss him and feel a sadness in moments when I have an urge to call him or things like that.
But I also know he is at peace and is part of universe and all living things and will never leave me. I was blessed to have his soul join mine for the time I knew him, and he was one of my very best friends.

On the more cheerful side of life, I am now very excited to announce that I have decided to move to England within the next three years or so..
I have made quite a lot of good friends there via internet and recently, a lovely man has crossed my path who i am absolutely crazy about, who lives in Brighton.. We still haven't met, but we have plans to this Summer or Fall.
But it's a great friendship, and we both think great stuff about each other :)
I am very excited about it all!
Regardless of what happens or doesn't with this bloke, I want a change and i have felt very much like I don't really have any life here. I've always been in love with Brits and British culture, music and humour.. It's just very appealing to me!
My Brother lives in San Francisco, and my Dad has passed on. My Mom said she would be happy for me if I am happy, and that she would visit me, so that is the plan people. I figure by three years from now, I should be able to make enough money to save up for a years living expenses over there so I can live while establishing work for myself..
And by then Richie, my 11 year old will be old enough that he can take care of himself.
More news as it unfolds!

I hope you all have great treats this S weekend!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:30 am

Hi all!
Happy S days to everyone! LOL..

I am very glad to announce that this was an excellent week for NoS habits and rules. I can't think of anything except one time when I ate a few chunks of watermelon late in the evening as a small unplanned snack.
Oh wait, I'm lying..
I did mess up one time besides that this week and went out for a hersheys bar, because I was having a total chocolate breakdown!
But in my opinion, if I can do this with at least 80 percent success, then I am happy, and I will lose weight as I have in the past.
I've been really good besides those little mistakes..

Also, I went to yoga class for the first time since waaaay back last year, pre Winter!
I am thrilled to let those of you who might have read previous posts of mine about how I gained weight this Winter, that infact, the doctors scale was different then the gym scale.. I had thought I gained about 12 lbs this past Winter when I went for a checkup, but when I checked on the scale at the gym (which was the one I was weighing myself on for about a year) I had only gained about 3 lbs!


Am really happy about this wonderful new friend I've connected with over in England and that's just feeding into the whole "happy cycle" and I am even more motivated to stick to this and stay on track because I'm feeling so much happier about life!
I've been totally adjusting too, to feeling fuller with a little less these days and leaving a small amount of food on my plate when I notice I am full..

Okay guys!
Enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs x

ps.. I posted a cover version of "You are so beautiful" on my myspace page the other week (recorded for my special friend) ..
Please stop by sometime :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:30 am

Hi all!!! I am so happy to announce that my weight has dropped another few pounds this week!
The exercise and the being good, definitely made it happen!
So now I am a total of 7 lbs down since I recommitted to NoS about 5 weeks ago?

Well some ice cream is callin me now!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:03 pm

Have a great weekend EDS compadres!
I am here for the painful task (ooh this stings!) of negative tracking! LOL..
Mom brought home a moist delicious brownie the other night for Richie, on a Wed... We had the bloody thing around here for two days successfully, trying to resist it, but Richie broke down this morning and had half and I just had the other half with a nice cuppa tea..
I told mom to stop bringing in temptations till the weekend from now on, and she said she would.. I wrestled with the idea of not eating it and just waiting till tomorrow, but boy it really did the trick today.. I just couldn't ignore that it was here anymore.
Oh well.. As well, I almost tried to rationalise the whole thing as this being the beginning of the weekend and calling it an S for "Sabbath" but then again, I'm not in the practice of keeping the Sabbath in any other context other than to use it as a loophole to cheat here!!! LOL.. :shock:
So,, hey, I am just calling it what it is folks...
A little red box on my HabitCal :wink:
But one red box a week ain't too shabby!!!
If it wasn't in the house, I certainly wouldn't have gone out especially to get it. But I did enjoy it! I can't lie!

And some nice news, which I mentioned in my HabitCal thread, which is that I took my waist measurement and my arms as well, and weighed myself this morning, and since last weigh in, I am down 2 more pounds, which makes it a total of 9 since about the beginning of June, and I am down a whole inch on my waist and half an inch on my arms!
I'm really proud of myself!!

I am very happy to be back here!
Sorry I don't go posting much on other peoples threads these days.. I will try to read them more!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:49 am

Hey all.. What's up..
I have been in a crap funk mood all day, so it's kinda impacting me right now and I feel a little unsure here about something..
I posted a success to my HabitCal but in all honesty, I am not sure if I deserve this, because at about 12 this evening I was just going nuts for something with taste.. I didn't eat anything solid, though I was sorely tempted to eat some grapes and cherries..
But I did have a big glass of spicy V8 juice..
For those of you reading who are out of the USA, V8 is unsweetened mixed veggie juice.. mainly tomato, with carrot and celery and spices..
So that filled me up and satisfied my urge for taste..
But I feel a bit unsure about whether it's enough to warrant changing my green box to a red one.
Opinions are welcome..
Have a great one!
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Post by Charis » Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:14 pm

For what its worth I say keep it green

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:40 pm

Thanks Charis!
Green it is!
Had the same thing kinda happen last night but with a glass of orange juice..

But actually only had about 2 and a half meals during the day..
First one was a Whopper..
God!!! I haven't eaten one of those for about six weeks and let's just say, I was unbelievably stuffed.. funny!!
That's truly proof my tum is used to less at this point..
I actually felt like I was force feeding myself the last few bites! LOL..
At home, I've noticed that I'm leaving a couple of bites of food on my plate by the end of a meal, just because I am full.

I think my weight is the same as last week.. Might be up a pound, but I'm expecting my period next week..
Not sure tho.. Haven't checked.

Earlier in the week I had a big Subway sandwich, again, not something I often do these days.. It was ridiculously filling!! But no soda so wheeee!
I am glad to say even with the little jaunt into fast food land this week, by not having the other extra S's, I'm maintaining..
That's such a comfort to me!

I have still yet to start exercising daily.. Honestly, I've been in quite a funk, so I'm still kinda just hanging on to the one habit I'm working on for a while before I introduce another.. I know it will help tho and I also know I need it.. I'll break this inertia soon enough.. It's the being unemployed and searching and searching for work that's just very draining and also my home probs, living with mom again.

Ironic that I have so much time here but don't feel like using it.. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that..
For those of you who know me from back in the Yahoo stone ages, you may remember, but new folks wouldn't, that I am bipolar.. I am definitely in a funk.. Hmm..
Not even doing my yoga which I love!
I am going to clean up and rearrange my room a bit and figure out what daily habit I will start for this week with exercise..
Maybe just the HabitCal thingy will be enough to help me "fake it till I make it" with some external motivation to get me into a daily routine..
I thing situps would be a good one to include!

I'll let you know how it goes..

Have a great weekend dudes!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs x
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:54 pm

Our fearless leader has a "glass ceiling" that does not take away from his no-s days, so I think you should apply that principle to your v-8/orange juice glasses. You are within the glass ceiling, so you should keep your habitcal green.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:34 pm

Hey Jammin J!
Thanks! How you been these days? :D

Yeah it's a green box I'd say.

Anyway.. I'm here to mention why I put a red box for last Friday.
We just decided to start having S's around 6 or something because we were totally dying for ice cream.. I didn't feel like waiting till Sat.
I was gonna mentally start juggling and trading days, and trying to find ways of justifying it all because it was so close to Sat, but for my own sake, I'm just accepting it for what it is. Breaking the rules.
So red box..
I'm actually fine with that.
Believe it or not people, it's actually much easier on the mind to just say, "I broke the rules" and leave it at that, rather than try and find ways to justify it all..
In the end, I wound up only taking on S day on the weekend anyway, not in a self revenge way, but just cos I had enough S's to be very satisfied and really truly want to maintain the losses I've managed so far as well.
I'm holding fast to my nine pounds down and have about another thirty to go!
It took a lot of agonizing over whether I should count it as a failure or continue to keep trying to find a loophole.
What a waste of energy!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
I'll report back probably next Monday..
But I am starting Shovelglove habit today.. I feel ready to take on another challenge and my arms reaaaaally need it! :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:38 pm

Hi Deb,

Congratulations on your success so far -- and on your impressively firm but serene habitcal-ing.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:39 pm

Thanks Reinhard!! Hope you had a great week and hope your little sweeties are both happy!!

Yes I feel really good about it all!!
I am going to be doing a five day cleanse starting tomorrow which has nothing to do with NoS, so for the days I am doing that, I will be putting a yellow box... Last time I tried to do this I wasn't able to go for more than one and a half days, but it's Summer, so the warmth will make it easier for me to do it, as I got a little cold trying to do it in the Fall last time..
I am really really feeling bloated and crappy so I want to just flush myself out like mad..
Worst comes to worst I'll go three days and just come back to normal N days on Monday.
I haven't started Shovelglove yet but will tomorrow.. I had a very uncomfortable and draining few days this week with very bad pms and the first day of my period so I just couldn't muster up much strength... Actually, the bad pms and stuff made me think to try the cleanse again..
Lets see how it goes! LOL :wink:
But, this is not, I repeat, not me giving up on NoS!
Just had to say that for the record before a bunch of people start to try and "helpfully" dissuade me! :P

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:58 pm

Okay I have officially started and ended my cleanse/fast thingy..
It lasted a mighty eight hours!! :lol:
It did get rid of three pounds of water weight though in one day..

Oh well.. I guess I'm not made for these things..
That's okay. :P

On the up side of things, I started two more habit tags for myself and feel very good about both..
Shovelglove, is one, which I did today after something like a year long or maybe longer, break.. Felt fine. My left arm is a bit weak but got through it all fine and incorporated about 35 squats into the time as well as about 10 minutes of Yoga asanas... Felt very very good and focused..
And my other new tag is for meditation, which I went directly into after exercise and that was for an hour.. Wonderful and refreshing..

That lemon stuff does really clear up mucus though.. I keep on expectorating phlegm, which I'm sure has been lingering and building up... So maybe, what I'll do, is keep up with regular meals and NoS and just have several glasses of *unsweetened* lemon water with fresh lemon juice.

Have a great weekend friends!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:15 pm

Hi guys!
I am here for negative tracking. I had placed a green box on my HabitCal for NoS yesterday around dinner, but I screwed up in the middle of the night and ate half a box of blueberries.
Standing up in front of the refrigerator no less!!!!!
When I woke up I decided that for the sake of honesty and being real, I would not just call it "funny stuff" or whatever, because well, it's not funny.
No doubt it's my stressed out brain going and trying to take control, but guess what, I am determined to not have that happen again this week!!
I will now post my HabitCal results in the morning.. Hopefully that will pull me through the rough times in the night..
There was a little voice in my head that said to just have some water but it was squelched out by the bad habit gorilla that encouraged me to eat the blueberries.
I'll do better from now on!
Honest! :wink:
Have a great day all :mrgreen:
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by Charis » Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:03 pm

Thank you so much for your encouragement. You are right I won't allow what went on this weekend to get me down. And the weekends are getting better. Though it does make me laugh at what we all are drawn to during our weekends. I really appreciate how you encourage everyone on this site. We could all use such a positive person in our normal daily life!

Take care and have a nice week!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:48 am

Thanks Charis! No problema! My pleasure.
I know how hard it is, and have gotten plenty of support here as well, especially in my first year.
And you are really doing great! You have to stick with it and you will see that it gets better with time!

Well,,, I'm a little perturbed to be posting this but my HabitCal is showing some glaring red boxes on Shovelglove and my other co-habits, situps and Meditation.. I think I have to get myself to do the Shovelglove earlier in the day. If I procrastinate for too long I get caught up in other stuff and then keep procrastinating and lose my energy to do anything.
I was incredibly depressed today, about a romantic thing which has been fizzling out painfully, and also I was lonely because until a few hours ago, my Son and mom were in San Francisco and I was alone, missing them.
Not a good excuse at all, but it did bum me out and I felt a little like "who cares" I'm turning that around immediately!
Because *I* care!! :P

So I will try to do my Shovelglove before 10:30 from now on..
(people with normal daily routines laugh in background as they read 10:30 as "early" haha)

Peace and Love,
8) Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:35 pm

Phew!!! After a few days of seeing a 2 lb gain, I am back down a pound since resuming N days and exercise! Woo!! Relieeeeef!!!
The gain was due to a few things, one being that I'm pretty sure SG has a bit of an effect on me, perhaps short term, in holding onto weight, and also I really scrutinized the meal choices I made in the past five days and have had a lot of salty meals and quite a few junk food meals. Ate Burger King for two of my meals this week, no fries or soda but still that's such salty processed stuff. Also I had Indian food on Friday and twice as many S's than I usually have these days. One on Friday which was an extra S day, that was a large chocolate shake, and on Sunday I had half a pint of icecream, and a half a bag of potato chips.

This weekend I will make sure to have good potato chips, if I have any at all. I gotta say that I decided to experiment with the 40% reduced fat kind. Cape Cod Kettle chips.. Well usually I have the normal delicious ones and don't overdo it.. A whole bag usually lasts for two days split with Richie over the whole weekend.. This lower fat version was less tasty and paradoxically I found myself eating much more of it in hopes that the next bite would taste better!!haha! Doesn't that seem crazy!!!
So, forgive me, but it's all a big pile of bull$hit about the low fat stuff since you really end up eating more, out of pure dissatisfaction!!!
I knew this anyway.. and to top it off, it had waaaaaay much more of an over saltyness as well..
Give me real chips please :twisted:
Oooh two days till S days!
Wooo woo!

Wishing all a good day and rest of the week!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:42 am

Ouch! This week had way too many red boxes! :roll: :evil: :!: :shock:
Yesterday I claimed as an S day though because I was sick and had a headache and also had to go to the doctor because my eyes got infected and I needed to get on medication.
Today I just slacked off..
But I went for a job interview and they are giving me a trial run next week! I'm excited!!! I really need work and have been looking for a very long time~
Hope you are all well, and I will be good tomorrow :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:45 am

I was great today till dinner when I had a big portion and then went back for seconds!
I'm a bit perturbed!! (and oh so uncomfortably stuffed!)

On the upside, I am glad I did my SG and situps! Yay!!! :mrgreen:
Glad the weekend is here and next week I will do my best to stay very strict! I am much happier when I see dems green boxes yunnow! :wink:

Okay peeps!
Have a great S weekend!
Woooo hoo!!!!!!!!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:09 pm

Hey everyone!
My computer is all messed up due to some
malware and viruses I can't get off the thing.
So I'm going to be doing my best in the next day or so
to totally clean the computer up and then I'll have to reinstall
all the programs and stuff.
What a pain!
Anyway. I really don't have much choice because the way
it's running now, it's barely functional..
I just hope I can get all the basic programs back on once
I take them off.
Till I have things straightened out I will check off my habits
on a real calendar and then update my HabitCal every few
days on my Moms computer.
Hopefully I'll just have this all fixed soon anyway.
Hope you are all having a nice weekend!
I have been! Went to see Steve Forbert at a free concert last night.
Even got a pic of us together on my cell phone! Cool huh!
Incase anyone doesn't know who he is by name, he wrote that big hit in the 70's "Romeos Tune"...
Check us out! I have the pic on my pics page on myspace! LOL

Maybe not the best pic in the world but I was too nervous to ask him to pose for a second shot. He was really nice though and a great performer!

Peace and Love,
Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:24 pm

Well the computer is creaking along and still alive, so I will be HabitCal'ing this week after all!
I am striving for a lot of green days!!

I had four tags on my HabitCal and decided to take one off. I am just going to track NoS SG and Situps for now.. Meditation is great but for some reason I'm not sticking with it as a habit yet. Maybe once I have the others down really really well for a long run, I will add it back. Still hope to meditate, but don't want to bum myself out when I see lots of red boxes. Don't want to attempt too many habits at once and become a jack of all trades and master of none..

Good luck to all!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:34 pm

Hi all :)
I started a job yesterday (still trial period so not sure if it will stick?)
It involved four and a half hours of being on my feet and about half of that time doing massage in a rehabilitation/physical therapy docs office. Today I'm back again but for a whole day. So yesterday I had some S's because I was just getting adjusted to this job and needed a bit of a break. But I'm not claiming it as an S day (though I was close to doing that but realised that most people work!) because it's a big thing for me to have this job now.
I'll let you know how it goes and if they are going to keep me on later!
I'm going to try to have a successful day. Yesterday I actually gave into chips and a snapple *after* work, so the failure could have been avoided but again, I just felt like my ass was whooped from this new job and just kinda caved at the end of the day. Today my plan is to have a nice big salad from Wendys for lunch later, and no snapple and chips! :wink:
The Shovelglove is another story. I am probably going to give myself two extra "exempt days" from SG or at least one, on days I work there, because I really need to conserve my arm strength for the work that day and don't want to overdo anything and hurt myself.
My arms are still tired now from yesterday!!! It will take some getting used to this, but it's a great salary and what I've needed for some time, so I hope they keep me!
Have a great day!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:08 pm

hi, i thought i would stop by and say hi, i read some of your posts and what i got from them is no matter how bad a day you have or how many no s days you stray from, you still consider this way of eating the way you will eat for life. you dont keep quitting and coming back. i have at least learned that from you. thank you. i am here to stay.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
starting fresh july 1-09
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Hey Deb

Post by kymm » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:17 pm

Hey Deb it looks like you are loosing and thats what counts great job!!! :D keep up the good work and good luck in your new job...
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:19 pm

Thanks so much Debbie and Kymm!
I really appreciate it!
I haven't checked in for a few days. Hope all's well with you! :D
Yes, for me NoS is for life, even if I have 20 failures in one month.
They are not always terrible, and I don't always gain from them either.
Well this month has been very mediocre as far as being strict with my days on habit. I chalk it all up to stress!!!
I am waiting for my period now, which is a little late, and holding onto the glorious two or three pounds of excess water weight! What joy! :evil:

The job as it stands is a temp postition and they will let me know in two weeks. There's nothing I can do to make them decide faster, so I'm trying to just stay positive and be patient.
At least I know I have some income to count on for this month..

But I'm turning things around, and having a good day today. We had a bit of a walk today which cheered me up. Also went for a massive shop over the weekend so there's lots of good healthy food in the house which will make it easier to stay on track with meals and eat at home.

Next week I will be driving down to Hershey Park with Richie and so I am making the one day we go to Hershey an S day, since it is truly special in that we haven't had a vacation together for over a year.. So I am expecting to come back sick of chocolate!
LOL! :wink:

Well can't wait till I get past my period as it's just dragging me down right now big time. Sorry to complain.

Incase it matters I did infact gain some weight this month due to my overdoing things, but the buck stops here.. I've already reversed the trend in the past day, to losing, so I'm not worried.
When I am depressed and going up and down those three pounds or so, I still consider myself doing alright as I'm not simply gaining and gaining, which is just so easy to do.
Have a great rest of the week all!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:18 pm

Hi friends! Last month was really a NoS and exercise dud!!!
I've been having some probs, including problems with my eyes these days. But mainly, I had a huge amount of stress and worry on my head about a job I was at which I hoped would be permanent and then they kept me hanging and feeding me a lot of lines, and in the dark for weeks...

I'm outta there! :twisted:
So Sept I am starting fresh!

My weight, even with all the minor failures last month has only gone up a total of about three pounds, but it was up a little more before last week, so it's actually going down again...

My main demon was the old Debs dreaded standby, late night raiding..
Damn. That is a bitch of a habit..
Well anyway.
I'm turning it around and I will be changing my habit tags too, to include Urban Rangering.. That should help a lot because I am in too much...
Hope you all are having a great weekend and for those in the States, enjoying Labor Day..

Peace and Love,
8) Debs
ps... My wonderful Son Richie, did some great tracks with a London based producer friend of ours, so please come and check him out!
Some jazzy versions of Oye Como Va..
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:40 pm

Well hey guys!
I have been really not keeping up with my habits too well.. :roll:
We just got back from Hershey Park. Had a really nice weekend but it was an excuse to totally overeat.. I didn't even go nuts with candy so much as just having too much at meals and lots of snacking..
I was going to just leave NoS as my only habit tag now, so I could focus on getting that solid again, but not doing any exercise seems so lame!! Shovelglove, though it makes me feel pretty great when I do it, seems less important at the moment than getting out more, so I am replacing it for a while with Urban Ranger, and if I start failing repeatedly on that, I may remove it too, because frankly, I would rather succeed at NoS and not get psyched out, by trying to take on too many habits at once.
I'm definitely not giving up on that! I may just try to lose the weight and then add exercise in later.. Sounds counter to my basic philosophy of health, but at the same time, I really know that when I am very very good with NoS, I lose weight. I weighed 205 last week (and I am not weighing again for at least another week!
My personal goal is to get down to 170

Sending all you peaceful thoughts today and a hope for global healing
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Post by mimi » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:07 pm

Well Deb - I'm not keeping up with my habits very well either. Sigh! I vowed to come back to doing NoS last Friday and I made it through that day pretty well. Saturday was another story! Even though it was an S day, I behaved like a perfect idiot snacking most of the day until I was almost sick that evening. I was housed in catching up on grading papers because I had missed school for a few days while I stayed with my son and his family. (Their third child was born on Saturday, Sept. 1.) Sunday was a reasonable S day, but yesterday was definitely RED. I am so disgusted with myself! I was having so much success with NoS up until July when I went on vacation, then school started, and my two new grandchildren were born. I never should have strayed from the program because I can't seem to get back into the "groove." I know I have to because it's the only way of eating that has worked for me, but for some reason I can't seem to get beyond one day. Since you have done this for a few years, do you have any suggestons? Have you gone through this? I would be so appreciative for any advice. I'm thinking it worked so well in the beginning because it was a "new" way to lose weight - and like any other program I have ever tried (and believe me there have been hundreds) the novelty wears off and I'm ready to find the next miracle diet. I can't believe I'm saying all this because NoS is not a fad diet. Anyway, I can relate to you...conquer one habit at a time! Thanks for listening.
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
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Post by reinhard » Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:01 pm


Sorry things have been tricky, but I think you're right to respond by narrowing down your focus. Exercise is important, but maybe it's not possible to fit in right this minute...

Another idea is to maybe is to track a generic "exercise" habit on the habitcal rather than any particular kind of exercise. That you could satisfy by doing shovelglove OR urbanranger OR yoga OR whatever. If you want to introduce some kind of quantitative minimum requirement (to keep your sneaky self-deceiving self from counting the 30 second walk to the car as an "urban ranger" session, for example) maybe say it has to be at least 14 minutes long (you could call the tag "exercise14" to emphasize this).


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:41 pm

That's a wonderful idea Rein!!!
Thank you for writing!! :wink:
Yes, my minimum is 14 minutes in order to qualify as a success..
I would like to do the walking every day anyway as it's really great for my head and I think it will help my weight loss too.
That will satisfy my minimum requirement on exercise and any more that I do, will just be a bonus.
But I am really going to shoot for 30 minutes of walking in reality, whenever possible, just not making it the minimum for the habitcal because I don't want any excuse to bail out and fail on that front..
I really enjoyed the walk yesterday and I just walked around my neighborhood and circled back and forth while Richie was doing his sax practicing, and dinner was cooking in the oven.
I had a great day yesterday with NoS, until late in the evening when I totally caved and went and ate a cold breaded chicken breast..
So no green box today, for NoS but I was close.
Just keeping very honest here.
My mind was actually considering lying about it and calling it a success..
"You can call it 'virtual' plating your lunch from tomorrow!"
What a conniving little mother that mind can be sometimes eh??! :P :twisted: :wink:
Well off I go to the sunny day now for my walk! :D

Have a great day Rein and everyone here, and Happy Rosh Hashonna for those who celebrate it!
May it be a good year for us all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:39 pm

Hi Reinhard and friends :)
It feels like I've been gone forever!
I'm sorry! Don't think I've given up, cos that's NEVER happening! :lol:

I had to take a break from posting because I lost my internet on my computer (the Windows is messed up and Internet Explorer is screwed)
and so I could only go on with my moms.
We are getting a new computer in a few days, so I'll be habit cal'ing again.
God it's too hard to go back and accurately fill in the boxes now, but I can say that I didn't walk or exercise at all, and I did keep about 80 good on NoS, with minimal slipups..
This is despite the fact that I am *so* depressed now and stressed out, in my seemingly neverending search for work. Living with my mom isn't helping either as we don't get on at all..
So I'm happy I haven't totally gained tons of weight, but I am vacillating up and down in a six pound range.
Richie's finally started middle school and doing well, but it's an adjustment for us both..
But he's been great!

Also I have just completed my first week of modified Vegetarianism..
Richie's been meat and chicken free for over a year now and I finally decided to give it another go too.. We are eating fish though.
But it was inspired by watching some hideous videos on factory farming which really made an impact on me.
I will definitely miss meat for a while, I am sure, and I am having a terrible craving today for chopped liver! LOL :)
What goes on in these places is beyond just wrong and I don't wish to support it any longer.
I'll restart my Habit Cal in October once we have the new comm set up.

Best wishes to all!
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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:22 pm


I know you well enough now not to worry about your giving up, but it's always nice when you stop by again. :-)

Sorry about the computer situation! But glad to hear a replacement is in the works.

Don't worry about filling in past months in the habitcal (unless you really want to). If you're worried that what you have in there isn't really accurate, it's not going to feel inspired by it (which is most of the point). Just pick up when you're properly wired again.

Very sorry about the job situation... my advice is: 1) keep talking and complaining to people about it. It'll up your odds of making that critical connection. I got my current position through a fellow member of a book club I was in. 2) cast a wide net. Don't just apply for stuff you're narrowly qualified for. I studied English literature, now I'm doing bioinformatics programming 3) be ruthlessly but constructively self-critical about why previous jobs haven't clicked and fix this issues. Don't take it personally. Try to detach yourself. Make a game out of improving your career-self. It's like playing a role in the theater.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:26 am

Hi all!
Firstly I wanted to say thank you to Mimi, who for some reason, I overlooked the last time you wrote me... I don't know why I didn't see your post till now. I appreciate your support and hope alls getting better for you now :) This is not a fad diet, but basically, like any diet will only work if you stick with it. Keep at it!

Rein, you are a great friend and I'm really always very moved when you take the time to leave comments here. :D
Thanks for your good advice!
I'm glad you realize that I am not leaving NoS when I don't post! LOL

Things picked up quite well on the NoS front since I last posted. Perhaps the posting helped my resolve a bit?
I'd say I had at least three true success days and the others were mildly off (like eating a plum in the middle of the night) I have been able to stick to my new no meat and poultry deal too, which has been a little challenging at times but not bad at all..
And I have lost five pounds since last post! :D
So I am going back in the right direction, and that's a good feeling! :wink:

I'm going to go back to Habit Cal on Monday, and will probably post once a week on this thread to reflect on it all.
Going on an interview Monday, and am crossing my fingers once again!
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:41 pm

Wow.. I am here to say I'm really getting stuck in a vicious cycle of failure lately, and am starting to gain weight again.. :cry:
This is gonna stop now...
I'm very upset with myself right now, but also I have been dealing with non stop stress factors, so I'm not surprised either.
Off to *another* interview now.. Will check in again later.
Have a good day all!
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Post by reinhard » Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:14 pm

Hi Deb,

I hope the interview went well. Sorry to hear about all this stress...

Try to get just one green day in there to break this string of red. I think it will help with the stess.

I know you'll bounce back, but I'm sorry things are so tough in the meantime.


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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:58 am

Hang in there!

Thinking of you.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:25 am

Thanks Rein and Carolejo :wink:
I can't even remember what happened last week so I'm starting again today. I did pretty well today and even exercised twice, but I had a small snack of popcorn after dinner, so it's kinda borderline......
Aw heck,, I'm gonna call it a greenie :P
See you at the end of the week!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:46 pm

Oy vey have I been awol here!
Starting again Monday :)
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Born again NoS newbie! Haha..

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:16 pm

Hi guys. I am just posting to say I'm getting very bummed out at my lack of successes on the HabitCal.. It was very inspiring to me at first, and I know it is a good discipline, but I'm really struggling these days to even get in a 75% good day these days, and like the 21 days challenge which was frustrating me, more than helping me in the past, I'm deciding, at least for the moment, that I'm going to approach this a little differently.
So I'm taking a break from the HabitCal for a little while, because it's bumming me out too much.
I will continue to post here on my thread and update how things are going and what my day/week was like, and I am really enjoying being back on here..
My first year I lost about 17 lbs. It was done by being about 75-80% on target with my habits and with a bit of exercise. The following year I took off about 12 more lbs.. I'm really sad to say that since my reverting back to old habits and staying away from the boards for most of this year, that since just about a year ago this month, I'm now up about 12-15 lbs again..
I'm not surprised and it's actually interesting that it's as much as I lost the previous year, since I've been 1. Losing slowly with NoS (which is fine) and this year was just a complete stop for me of regular exercise and going back to the night time eating and over eating at meals. Well all I can say is that I'm very glad I didn't totally go back to my pre-NoS days, even in my worst months in the last year, because if I had, I would have been up 30 lbs in half a year probably.
Anyway. I'm rambling.
I do want to say that HabitCal is a great tool in general, but for me it's just reinforcing the slump I'm in now.
I did pretty well yesterday. Infact all day I didn't gravitate from any rules, and even very virtuously, if I must say myself, heheh, put away the halloween candy and didn't have *one* little piece, even tho I was alone, and it would have been easy to just pop one in my mouth and pretend it didn't happen!
But I didn't.
Woooo me!!!
This isn't something I would see on the HabitCal, but it was a mini triumph of the day. And I did pretty well with the three plates and nothing else.
But then I stayed up late (bad habit anyway) and by 1:00 am, I was hungry, and it was dark and well,,, suffice it to say, it wasn't a pretty scene with me down there in the kitchen eating spoonfuls of creamcheese and black cherry Hero jam!
I did throw out the rest of the bottle after about 9 spoons of it..
I also had about 8 jalapeno slices..
Wow. I am surprised I'm not pregnant with this kind of weird snacking!
So I'm f*cking pissed off at myself for eating at night and ruining my otherwise successful day.. But perhaps, if I don't try to be so incredibly strict, I will have less to rebel against??? Yes, it's weird backwards thinking perhaps, but in a paraphrase Reinhard said it to me a few years ago, maybe I'm just a little too "free spirited" for it to work ( he was referring to the 21 days on habit for me)..
So I'm shooting, yet again, as in the beginning for slow, maintainable losses and no major gains, with a 75%-80% success rate here.
Getting psyched out is really bad for me, so I'd rather be more realistic about what I can hope to achieve, because then I will really get there through perseverence!
I'm thinking of posting monthly weighins too, but we shall see.
I will definitely be here to keep accountable though, to myself and to stay motivated!
Advanced apologies if I get really longwinded at times!
haha.. I do that :)
And I might whine and complain about all kinds of crap, so in advance, sorry!!
My period is due, seems like today, so I won't be weighing myself officially till after it's over, because I know I am up a lot in water. Went up 3 lbs just since yesterday and I feel very crap!
But I'm in the ballpark of (cringes with embarrasment) 215 lbs now..
Blech. This is basically an emergency red alert for me now, as I'd been staying within the 207-210 range and this is a drastic jump.. So no more bullsh*t. The buck must stop here! :twisted:
I'm also going to post my exercise here too.
Looking forward to being more of an active member here again on others threads as well.
I'd love to make some new friends here again, so please don't be shy and say hi if you are new. I feel a bit like a newbie again meself :wink:
Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:38 pm

Hi all :)
I broke my sloth trap pattern today and attended my Yoga class for the first time since June!
Was great and I am going to go at minimum once a week and shoot for twice :wink:
Weighed myself on the scale at the gym and it was only up about three pounds from June.. My moms scale here at home has about a six pound difference (more!) so I will not trust it anymore..
I'm tired but it's a very good tired :)
NoS is going great too today.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:40 pm

Hi guys! I went back to yoga today for another ninety minute class.
Almost didn't this morning, in favor of sleeping in, but I didn't let myself make more excuses and just went!!!
Woo me!
I'm now down two pounds since Thursday..
This is all due to the exercise as I am eating very normally and enjoying my S day too.

I'm tired but a *good* tired!
Peaceful vibes to all :)
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Post by cvmom » Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:16 am

Hey Debster!

I'll bet that yoga class made you feel great! :D :D

Peace to you!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:33 am

Hiya Dru!
It did feel great!!!
I even convinced myself to go back today, a third time in one week!
I was feeling very low, but I knew it would help, and it did.
Hope you and the boys and hubby are fantastic!
Lots of love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:54 am

Hello friends :)
I just wanted to mention that today I successfully avoided the urge to have seconds, and I avoided a frozen piece of dessert which I almost ate in a moment of pure stress, which I was saving for Saturday.
I really felt good for not caving on either fronts!
Especially the seconds one, which is usually my downfall.
Felt like sharing a good thing and a sign that my habits are starting to become a bit more tamed!
Very pleased about it :wink:
I am sure the treats I have on the weekend will be all the sweeter :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:53 am

Wow.. Really been letting myself slip up alot this week..
Gonna enjoy Thanksgiving and then get right back on with it Friday!
Have a good holiday all :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:02 am

I am very proud to say that I did exactly what I said I would and got right back on track after last week.. I can say I had about four very good days and two normal S weekends and I am down five pounds and have reversed that gaining trend! This is my first move in the right direction in months.
Very relieved and happy!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:06 am

ps.. I somehow have totally stopped night time stress eating.. I think something must have really really been bothering me before and I am pretty sure I know what it was.. Since that "thing" is no longer around the stress *magically* disappeared! LOL..
What a great feeling to be content and in a good place with my eating again.
We had a nice dinner of potato latkes for Hannukah tonight and I did have seconds tho!
But I'm counting it as a kind of S day.

Seeya all again soon :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:10 am

Hi all!
So I am now down six pounds after being on track for about 12 days, and feeling really solid with NoS again.
I love this feeling!
It so beats gaining weight!
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Post by mimi » Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:09 pm

Congratulations! I know how that "solid feeling" feels! I started back with NoS on December 1 and after 11 days I, too, feel really strong - unlike the first few days easing back in that were horrendous!
Again, congrats on your 6 pounds gone!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:22 am

Thank you Mimi!
And good for you for getting solidly on track!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:27 pm

Hi friends :)
I am just posting a quick one to say I got very thrown off track for the past few weeks. Haven't been overeating too much but definitely not keeping track.
I'll be getting back to HabitCal and weekly posts here as soon as I'm better.
At the moment I have a crappy stomach virus that began right on New Years Eve and it's totally wasting me.

Still, Happy New Year to all!
Hope it's a great year for everyone :)

Peace and Love,
Debs x
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Post by Charis » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:07 pm

Hope you are feeling better soon and that the rest of 2008 will be a healthier one for you. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:33 pm

Thank you very much Charis :)
It's still got me but better than a few days ago.
Hope you are well and have a great year too!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:47 pm

Okay my virus is starting to subside and I'm not so awful feeling as I was so I am starting my HabitCal again today.
Really wanna stick with it long term.
I'm going for the GREEEEEEN!
Good luck to all here for a great week :)
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Post by MerryKat » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:29 am

Go Debs Go!!
Go Debs Go!!
Go Debs Go!!
Go Debs Go!!

You have done this before and you can pick up your habits and routines again and sail on into a No S filled 2008.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:17 pm

Oh thank you very much Mo!!!
I really appreciate that :D
Thanks for believing in me ;)
I feel like I need a cheerleading team at the moment.

Still soooo worn down from this virus and feel like I must have a chest infection.. and the doc wasn't in this week so still waiting to see them. I am beat.
My habits have been very slack in regards to snacking over the past year.
Not junk food per se, but eating an extra bit of food at night after my three meals. Tried to get back to it yesterday and technically it was a failure cos I caved in before I went to bed and had a small corn toaster cake.
I really don't wanna fudge around with my HabitCal and want to kick those demons to the curb. The only way is to be honest and keep going through the failures till I get out of that habit and change it.
But I'm happy that I really had a good day till that point and I expect a few bumps in the road, so I am not discouraged. The poor habits are sooooo ingrained.
It took a lifetime to make them and it may well take a lifetime to really change them. I hope not, but I am not in any way fooled into thinking this will ever be a thing I can be in the "Grey and fuzzy" zone and think I'll lose and maintain my weightloss.. That's okay though.
I am sure that if I stick it out and just keep plugging I will deactivate some of those really tough habits with perseverance and patience and diligence.
Gonna be 100% real with my HabitCal and we shall see what the future brings :wink:
I would really be happy to lose about 30 to 40 lbs this year. That would be my goal weight.

Hope you and your family are well in Sunny South Africa!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:18 pm

ps.. I like your signature! Very empowering!
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Post by MerryKat » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:15 am

Debs I will happily be your cheer leader. You have given me so much love, support and advice over the years that it is my pleasure to be there for you.

You are on the right track with recognising the days that you are improving but not calling them a success until they are. Be patient with yourself, you are still not well and you will soon be going for GREEN.

Thanks for the note on my signature. It has taken me along time to be truely honest with myself when it comes to my weight! Realising this along with the wonder of No S is (and will continue to) allow me to take control of my health, body and life. It is so easy to have excuses, but while there are reasons that I may battle to loose weight, there are ways to conquer those reasons.

Have a fantasic day - Focus on each day on it's own and don't overwhelm yourself.

Luv & Hugs
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:23 pm

Hi, Deb <waves>


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:15 am

Hey Mandy! Love yer toes piccie!
haha :)
Hope you are well!

Mo thanks again!

Today I am still sick. My doctor had a death in his family and he's the only one around that accepts my pitiful medicaid insurance and so I have to wait till he gets back next week. I am sure I need antibiotics and must have pneumonia or bronchitis! Arrrghh.. cough cough. Bleh!

Anyway. Despite this, I have been keeping with NoS, so I am very pleased with myself :)

Just no exercise still since I can barely breath and moving ain't happenin either :(
But it's after dinner and mom and Richie just went out for ice cream and I hope they bring some back for me!

I just put a new little reggae style song up on my page on myspace so please feel free to come over and have a listen if you feel like it :)
I'm now hooked up with a new music partner and we are getting on like a house on fire!
He's in London and I'm in NY!
Gotta love the internet!

Have a great weekend friends :mrgreen:
Peace and Love,
Debs x
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Post by funfuture » Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:53 pm

wow, Deb, well done for sticking to No S even when you're sick (and no doubt wanting comfort food!). That's terrific.
Hope you are feeling much better very soon.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:07 pm

Thanks Wim :)
You posted a bit too soon tho.
Yesterday I was up again with fever, and rotten feeling enough to have it warrant a little S treat.
So without guilt I indulged in making an apple pie.
It was also 15 degrees around here yesterday!
But we only had one serving each (me and my Son Richie)
and now the rest is in the freezer for Friday night or Sat.
I truly don't want to gain this Winter.
Reinhard wrote me a long time ago when I was just plateaued at the same weight for months a few years ago when I was a newbie here, and wrote that "During Winter status quo, is a kind of progress in itself"
Well that's not a real quote but a paraphrase but basically what he said.

It's true.
So not gaining this Winter is my goal and if I can get my behind moving again, I know I will tip the scales in the right direction again as long as I stick to the basics here.
It always works out like that for me.
Without exercise NoS only works as a maintenance prog for me.
But it's the best!
So go for it everyone!!!!

Thanks again Fun future!
I'm a bit better today.
Gonna go doc tomorrow.
Good luck to all here~
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:57 pm

Hi Deb :)
~I'm still not perfect~

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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:06 pm

Did Doc give you anything? Mine gave me some antibiotics that I took and that took the edge off. I am still very congested so I am taking Mucinex to get rid of that and it is helping alot - its easier to breathe now with my inhaler too. best of luck in your recovery girly girl. Tell Richie we send our love. My Ritchie was 6 yesterday - such a big boy! I bought him a guitar. So cute! 31". Take care!
~I'm still not perfect~

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