Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:18 am

Oh man was I close to getting a sweet today!!!! But I didn't!!!!!!
And I was pretty tired after jammin last night at the Blues bar, but I still mustered up fifty *super slow* squats!!!!

Richard helped me stay on track in my moment of weakness, and reminded me that I wanted to "get strict" on NoS again!
Yay Richie!!!
Then we just bought some nice plums and peaches and a quart of OJ instead of going for an ice cream or whatever..
I'm still sucking on the pit~

I'm happy the weekend is close :)

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by pangelsue » Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:00 am

You go, Deb. The peaches are awesome this year. I had 2 yesterday and wanted a third. Jam on. Give Richie an extra hug for being a motivator.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:23 pm

Thanks Sue!
The real work here is the mental obstacles.. It's funny how a few months of "funny stuff" with the rules, can create havoc with your willpower, but a few good days back on, can really nip it in the bud and make you feel like gangbusters on your return to them!!!
I really feel so much happier now, and even with my period! :twisted:

Yay NoS!!!
Hope you have a groovy weekend Pangel :)

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:08 am

Has been a great day so far, and I've had almost all my meals.. I feel pretty full though, so I might just have a small yogurt for late dinner...

I am extremely proud of myself for going into a Mc Donalds today because I was really thirsty, and I *didn't* order a soda....
Just asked the guy for water!!!
This is the kind of impulsive crap which I want to eliminate from my life on N Days.... yay!!!
Just say no!!!

That made me feel awesome!!!!!

I'm back on track now behbeh!!!

Have a great weekend all :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by This path is my life » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:00 pm

I just remembered that you said that you'd like people to post comments on this thread, so here is my last comment from your other thread:


I'm glad that you're feeling good, don't worry about yesterday's slight mishap, it's tomorrow and the next day and the next day that matter. You're doing great. I wanted to thank you for all your positive words since I've been with No-S (including lurking time about 7 months now). Your encouragment has really brightened my day when I've needed it most and I'm sure you've done the same for other people too, so thanks for being such an awesome person, I'm sure that you'll meet all your no-s and other life goals too if you just stick with it like you've been doing!! Have a great day!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:06 am

Aw thanks a lot Jenn!
You are so sweet! :)

You have a great evening!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:54 am

hey Deb... congrats on the squats. They really are awesome exercises. I'm impressed that you can do 50! I think I'm gonna have to up the number I do... I did 40 one day recently, but I've been sorta stopping at 25 for a while. I think I'm gonna have to work my way back up to 50, just to keep up with you..... 8)

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Post by Daisy » Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:38 am

Hi Deb - just wanted to say you're doing great - have a lovely weekend with Richard.

Love Daisy

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:27 pm

oops! i accidentally posted on your other thread...sorry! :shock:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:41 pm

Thanks Daisy and Tricia, and also James! LOL..

Seeyas later
8) Deb
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Post by MerryKat » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:57 am

Debs - Congrats on the 50 squats - I am in awe!!

You are such an inspiration the way you pick yourself up anytime you fall and carry on with such renewed energy.

Keep up the Great Job and you will definitely reach your goals.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by pangelsue » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:10 pm

Woo hoo on the squats, Deb. Good for you. Your determination is wonderful. New goals in sight, I'm sure.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:30 pm

Well hi people!
Long time no see!!! LOL..

I was really not well this week and quite down.. My St. Johns wort ran out and that, plus getting a few days of a summer cold, which now is thankfully gone, I was really not in the mood to write about diet and exercise...

And I had a few weeks where I was very very depressed about a love interest which could never work out, and was pretty much dragged through some romantic mud over it, which made me feel pretty messed up, especially because I know that if the circumstances were right, there were some pretty strong feelings for me too, on his end..
So I did quite a lot of crying over that last week, and got pretty drained..

The only exercise this week was doing two massages, but I did adhere to NoS with about 4 successful days, and two minor exceptions.. One, actually was on a sick day, so that's even okay... Had a slice of pie... And I'm very happy about that :)

Last night was the other rule breaking episode, because it was just so close to the weekend and Richard and I decided to have our traditional jaunt to 7/11 for slurpees and nachos...
But no other S's this week, and I really am broke so, actually, we really had very little food in the house and had pretty skimpy meals... :roll:

So today is "clean this mess" day and I'll do some home exercise of some sort for fun :)

I'm gonna try an experiment this week.... I'm really not a morning person these days, it seems, but I'm going to try to jumpstart "Non Optional Shovelglove" again... I always loved that, and really, just because I love Yoga too, doesn't mean I have to just pick one over the other.. I've had enough of a break from Shovelglove now that it will feel like I'm a newbie all over again, which should be fun!

But, I am falling into the excuse machine trap for all my exercise, including Yoga (how ironic, I join the gym and then don't go! Gee don't I sound like a statistic!!! :evil: ) and it's progressively adding to my depression... psychologically, and physically... I haven't gotten sick for months and months, and since I've been slacking these last weeks, I did get sick...

No coincidence.

Okay, so here's the deal.... I'm getting myself up at 7 am, and that's that...

It's really gonna be tough to break my habit of sleeping a little late, but it's worth it... I'm going to do Shovelglove and treat myself to a luxurious hot shower after, and that will be my "Me" time...
Non optional.

I have no where to go at that hour, and no excuses to make...
Now I just need to get some TNT to wake me up...

Fortunately, I did get a refill of the St. Johns that seems to be doing something, and tomorrow I'm going to do several hours of local promoting to get some new clients and hopefully some money fast...
The stress has been pretty overwhelming guys... I guess I just didn't want to complain about it before... Thanks for listening :)

On a happy note, I recorded a cool song last week and had lots of fun doing it... It's on my page on myspace so if you didn't check it out yet, I'd love all you to visit me there :)

Have a great weekend all!
I'll be reporting "funny stuff" and messups, but not necessarilly every day...
If you don't see me, then just assume that I'm doing what I set out to do..
I'm not very worried about NoS, and I'm really gonna get going with SG again and make myself get up earlier to do it! If I don't, I'll post...

Peace and Love,
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Post by operababe » Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:08 am

Dearest Deb,

Reaching out to you with the biggest cyber ((((HUG)))) I can give you.

I think love sucks when you're not loved back. :cry:

It sounds like you're on your way back up, and that shows how strong you are. A force to be reckoned with, that's you, Deb.

If you ever want to talk to me about love, about food, about depression, about ANYTHING..... here's my email:
I'll be glad to be an email pal when you're down, when you're up, and when you're anything in between.

And I've checked out your site, and you are one cool guitar player. Way awesome (that's the word isn't it?). And although the name I use here is Operababe, because I love opera and actually sing opera (yep, I've got one of THOSE voices), I am a fan of Jann Arden and Sarah McLachlan and the Stones and The Who and on and on. I love all music, really. (Except for the rap stuff, I don't get it, at all.) Anyways, you are terrific, and I hope by doing what you love that more good things come your way. And I hope the money situation improves pronto! But you're a force to be reckoned with, you are strong, and you will get through this. Plus, you're extremely beautiful as your pictures clearly show, and that makes me think about your relationship that hasn't worked out, well that dude is an idiot. Loser, big time.

Another big cyber (((((HUG))))) !!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:47 am

Thanks for the hugs Babe!
I really do appreciate your post and offer to chat!

I might just take you up on it :wink:
Thanks for the compliments on my songs :)

Just for clarification, there is one song up with electric guitar, which I am *not* the player... I played on the acoustic cuts..

Have a great evening!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

"The force to be reckoned with!" LOL..
(Thanks! I liked that!)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:37 pm

Okay, mid morning report.. Just wanted to say that I kept my promise to myself and a little extra, so I'm glad about it!

I couldn't really start SG at 7am, but I did get up then, amazingly..
Then I had coffee and surfed the web till about 8 and started SG a little after...

I went very gingerly and slowly with it, and I must say that my hammer feels pretty challenging as my arms have definitely become wimps!!!!!!!!

But I did it and I am very glad to have broken the sloth cycle somewhat..
I shovelgloved for (get this Reinhard) exactly 11 minutes and 1 second! LOL..

I know because decided, when my arms felt like they were losing the battle, that I'd put it down and switch to squats for the last minutes, and looked at my cd player which was playing my "shovelglove song" (a 12 minute live version of the Grateful Dead playing Franklin's Tower) and I stopped just as it hit that number.... LOL..

Then I did 50 squats... The first 30 were very easy and then the last 20 I did in mini sets of three or four and then I'd stop for three seconds and rest in between...

Then I walked Richie to the bus stop on our corner, and after he left, I continued on a walk around the park..
I am happy to announce that I was able to keep pace with two 80 year olds walking their dog! (yeeeesh! LOL..) and my legs felt like spaghetti~

That was a good start to the day!
Thank God the Sun is out today, as we have been soaked to the bones/brain/soul with rain for the past week...

I think this waking up an hour earlier thing is gonna really work out!
Now where's some more coffee????

Seeyall later,
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by doulachic » Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:50 pm

hey Deb, ever see that movie "The Animal", with Rob Schnider (spelling?) Your talking about the 80 yr olds reminded me of the scene in the movie where he is jogging and the old man passes him and calls him a wimp or something... :lol: Too funny! Rest assured that you are doing great! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:27 pm

Thanks Tricia!
I'll be passing those oldies in the fast lane soon enough! LOL...

Had a nice day.. busy, and not enough food..
Just about to eat something..

I didn't do a full fourteen minutes of SG today, because I slept too late, and then I was running late for work..
But I did pick it up and wiggled it around for like five minutes..
Still better than none, habitwise..

We've been running around nonstop today and I will resume tomorrow :)

On a non diet note.. I got a call from some weirdo for massage a little while ago.. Seemed he wanted to know if I was a Chinese lady! Yeesh..
Then he asked "Where you from?" in some thick accent...
I informed him that there were no Chinese ladies here and was relieved when he then said "Never mind", at which point I simply hung up~

Please Lord! Let there be ten good calls for every Bozo call!!!!!

Catchyalater guys!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:49 pm

PS. exercise update...
Just about to eat dinner but I decided to do something to "earn it"...
So I just did my fifty squats...

Hot damn!!!!
Those are awesome!!!!!!!

What a way to get the blood pumping real real fast!!!
Oh yeah, I got my sweat on!
I'm so happy James turned me on to these!
They are so hard but so rewarding!

Seeyall tomorrow :)
8) Deb
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Post by pangelsue » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:43 am

Sounds like some rough water, Deb. Sorry to hear that but you are a strong lady and you are pulling out of it.
Wow! Went to your website. You look and sound terrific. You not only talk the talk of love, it looks like you walk the walk. A winner all the way.
Keep up the good work with the exercise, early rising and moving on. That will raise your spirits and that is only a step away from moving into new areas.
Many years ago, I phoned my. now, husband who at that time was my best friend to discuss the jerk I had been dating for about 6 years. I knew it was over and I was feeling really down. Tom was in a long term bad relationship as well and we used to get together to talk about how stupid we were for sticking with these people. Well, that day we decided to give them both the boot and we went out to celebrate. The rest, as they say is history. I really believe if you want to share your life with someone, there is a right somebody (or somebodies) for all of us. Have faith and remain open to love on all levels. It's there, waiting for you. But telling you about love is really preaching to the choir. Have a great night and feel free to shift the load to any of us, any time.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:03 am

Thanks so much Sue!
I really appreciate your post and kindness!
8) Debs
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Post by operababe » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:39 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:Thanks for the hugs Babe!
I really do appreciate your post and offer to chat!

I might just take you up on it :wink:
Thanks for the compliments on my songs :)

Just for clarification, there is one song up with electric guitar, which I am *not* the player... I played on the acoustic cuts..

Have a great evening!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

"The force to be reckoned with!" LOL..
(Thanks! I liked that!)
Hey Deb, I posted to you on my check in thread, but just to let you know, I had experienced some confusion. I had only time to listen to the first half minute of "Take Me To The River", and because the caption read "Debstar Divine Playing", well, there you go. But I finally had a chance to listen to everything, and I absolutely love your voice! A true alto, beautiful rich, deep tones. Wonderful stuff! I hope you keep recording and jamming, because you never know, the powers that be may come knocking!

And what's all this talk about squats? And James??? Sounds like an excellent workout, though.

Big hugs,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:54 am

Thanks Babe again!
I have a few other tunes up now, one which may be new to you, which I actually wrote myself, called "Pete's Song".....
So I'll put the link on the bottom of this post incase you are inclined to check it out again! LOL..

And James is my boyfriend!!!
Just kiddin!
He is my friend, our one and only "JWL" or the artist formerly known as "Freakwitch" (his rockin Jam/trance band!!!)

Go to

Anyways.. It's been a while all!
Here I am with good weight loss news!

I had my period last week so I didn't bother with weighing, for reasons you can imagine... But it's fully past and I've been quite a good girl regarding moderate sized meals... Almost too moderate I'dsay, as hunger has entered the equation quite a few days these last two weeks...

I am down a full three pounds since two weeks ago!!!!!!!!

This is great! I have been pretty much on a plateau for quite some time and even going up a teeny bit for a while there (shock/fear!!!)
Perhaps the squats and Shovelglove I resumed this week had some effect too, but I'd say it's the combination of everything!

I had plenty of S's during the weekend too~!

I am thrilled!!!

I went to Yoga today and well enjoyed it!!!

Well catchyalater friends!
Only a few days to go to "You know what!!!" LOL..

Peace and Love
(and finally some more weight loss!!!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:55 am

Oh yeah here's my page again.. hee hee..

Thanks for your support Babe and friends!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:55 pm

Hi folks.. I just wanted to state for the record that this month I am going to go cold "turkey" and try out vegetarianism... It should be quite challenging and I am worried about how hard it will be to ride out the cravings for meat products...
I'm not cutting out eggs, cheese and fish though...

Wish me luck and if anyone has some advice from personally going through these issues, I'd love you to share them with me, either here or on a private message :)

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:26 am

Hi Deb! I'm back... and in Washington (not Walla Walla though)

Good to see someone else who tripped on the path got back up... gives me some hope for myself.
Glad to see you doing so well with this...!!!

Going veg is not too bad, but keeping up the protein for feeling full can be hard. I am recently out of college and so am too cheap to buy meat most of the time :) ... plus it takes effort to cook the damn stuff. So much easier to turn on the rice cooker and stir fry some frozen veggies.

Legumes and dark greens are your friend. Be careful with cheese.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:13 pm

Thanks Nonskanse!!! Will do!!!
It's going very well actually!
And the NoS is about 80% in place, though I had a little S yesterday with Richie.. An ice cream shake (it was so close to the weekend!!!! LOL...)

The real challenges these days have been more financial than dietary..
Between my Yoga teacher/friend guru Larry and a special new guy I like alot, who is veggie now for 25 years, and Richie going right along with it all without a hitch, it's been just fine!
At this point, eating meat is losing much of it's appeal to me and my body isn't really craving it at all!
It's awesome!!!
I'm not really forcing myself or feeling deprived!
And I'm down a full inch off my waist from about two weeks ago and a half inch on my arms, so I'm thrilled that the effort is producing good results!!! I'm really happy about it!!! Long have I carried this spare tire around! Be gone chubbies! LOL..

I'm sure I'm eating healthier than I have for years now..

Well enjoy the weekend and keep in touch!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:26 pm

I read a bunch of your thread this morning. Good for you! Things seem simpler in your life now and you are moving ahead. That is very inspiring. Thanks for your thoughts.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:11 pm

Hey Christy thanks!
Hope you are well and enjoying your new chapter in life too!!!

Things are going nicely on both diet and the romance front.. Which seems to take the sting out of the almost unemployed status I'm currently at..
But I have a decent looking massage opportunity on the horizon and should know more about that in a few days.. I'll let your all know what transpires...

Meanwhile I haven't done any exercise this week which isn't very cool..
And I'm waiting for my period to come in the next 24 hours so I'm not feeling all to energetic, but I will do house work today including the dreaded laundry, which I have to do at my Mom because we haven't got a washer here..

Not! :twisted:

Anyway can you tell I am premenstrual?

I measured my waist yesterday and I'm down a full inch from two or thee weeks ago!!!
Very chuffed about that!!!

So seeya again soon friends!
I'll be going away to Florida this weekend but then I'll be back and my plan is to do a big 2 year anniversary NoS party the following week!!!
Complete with a picture gallery hopefully..
Meanwhile I do have a new cell phone pic that I showed to Rein and James already on my myspace music page, and some tunes, so please feel free to visit me there and I'll be waving at you! :wink:
For newbies here, I've gone from a 42 inch waist to a 36 over the two years... Will be weighing in at the end of the month...
For clarification here, the new photo is actually the little semi darkish one where I'm waving, which I took about a week ago, sitting in my puter chair... There are others also on the page, but some are from several years ago...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by hikermom » Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:40 pm


I hope things are going well for you today and that your financial situation will be improving very soon.

You are a wonderful inspiration to struggling No-Ssers like me.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:15 am

Thanks "Mom"!!!
Hop you are doing well and it becomes less of a struggle for you too!

Speaking of Moms.. I just went to my own Moms house and raided her cabinets.. So tonight I am making (stolen LOL.) lentil soup with dried onion soup base and chopped up sweet potato, served over long grain rice!

Smells good!
Almost time for dinner now... And guess who arrived????
My "FRIEND"!!! (NOT) LOL..

So hope you are well in Mississippi! I lived in New Orleans 12 years. That's where Richie was born.
It's nice down in the South (except during Hurricanes! :roll: )

Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Post by operababe » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:09 am

Good God, woman, you are totally HOT!!! Just took a peak at your new pic, and like wow! You are definitely a stunner, tell me you did some modeling work in your past. If not, you could probably land some modeling work in your present!

And your stolen soup sounds delicious. But even if your mom had caught you redhanded in the lentil bin, she would have added a few more things. That's how moms are!

Big hugs to you Debs,
The Babe
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:27 am

Thanks Babe!
Very sweet of you to say such nice stuff!
I appreciate it!
And yes the soup was a hit! Even Richie likes it!

Modelling eh??? LOL..
Well maybe I'll try that! LOL..
That would make me the three M Deb..
Music Massage and Modelling! LOL..

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by hikermom » Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:21 pm

Hi, Deb! I'm glad the soup turned out well, it sounded delicious. I love lentils and sweet potatoes. It's still too hot for soup down here, but by October I should be in the mood for a nice hot bowl of soup for supper.

Unfortunately, over the past year my 8 y/o son has turned in to Mr. Conservative when it comes to food and getting him to try anything new is like pulling teeth. He's like "Mikey" in that old commercial. :roll:

I'm up in the hill country of North Mississippi, so we don't have much to worry about with hurricanes, thank goodness.

Let us know when you get that modelling contract! (I saw your picture too, and I concur with The Babe.)

Have a wonderful day.

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Post by david » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:56 pm


You are looking good! Must be the lentil soup, huh?

I'm looking forward to more No-S progress pics--be sure to flash that great smile of yours!


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Post by operababe » Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:29 pm

3M Deb, LMAO!!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:58 am

Aw shucks!!!
Thanks a lot yall!!!!
I'm blushing!!! :wink:

So I'll see everyone next week with tales of Florida vacation..
Have a great weekend friends!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gettnbusy » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:55 am

I just saw your myspace page. Very nice voice. I just kept the page up and the Stir It Up loop is going over & over and I love it!
Wanna hear about your vacation!11
Take care my friend.
Here is my link so you can finally see what I look like. Keep in mind these are my current pics, and I DO have a quite large azz! :)

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Post by pangelsue » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:59 am

Hi Deb,
Hope Florida is wonderful. Good place to start that modelling career. I'll be looking for you in the fashion mags. LOL. It's wonderful to hear you so up even though the job situation is iffy. You are a phoenix though and will rise again. Blessings on you and Richie.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:07 pm

Thanks Sue and Christi!!!
I appreciate your thoughts and friendship!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:29 pm

So interesting what you are saying about meat. I am that way about friend foods right now. Not bread or sweets unfortunately, but at least no more french fries! I had a couple of my sons' from a happy meal the other day and they were soooo gross & greasy. Yuck.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:39 am

Hi Christi!!!
Wah' up girlfriend!

Yo people!
Go visit Christi's page on myspace yo!!!
She is a hot mama!!!

As far as fries, well I do love them, but not so much from fast food anymore.. I'd rather have those steak fries!
Just not with steak now!

Have a nice weekend if I don't write much tomorrow guys!
For our S day treat today in honor of our two year NoS anniversary today, Richie and I split a package of Lindt chocolate truffles..
And I ate some cheetos!
But can you believe this????

I actually ate them on a plate!!!!!
But I'm really actually quite proud of myself for that!

They were still part of my meal and I didn't want to eat them out of the big unaccountable bag!


After two years, I'm feeling very committed, and I don't mean in a mental institution way, to NoS and not the least bit complacent, as could happen over the long haul with anything..

Well seeyall laters!

Peace and Love,
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Post by pangelsue » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:05 am

Congratulations, hats and horns to you, Deb. 2 years is an awesome achievement. And plating the snacks!!!! I am impressed.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:55 am

Thank you so much Sue!!!!
You are really a "Pangel"!!!
Heh heh..

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Post by CarrieAnn » Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:43 pm

Hi Deb!
I just wanted to thank you for everything you have shared with us on this board during your No S journey. Because of you I am not quiting after one good week and a mess up last week. I am starting again as Day 1 tommorow, Sept. 5th. You girlfriend are one incredible woman!

CarrieAnn :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:32 am

Carrie Ann!!!
I am very honoured by what you said just now...

Thanks girlfriend!
Definitely this group and plan is worth sticking with! It's really not so crucial that you be totally perfect either..
I think it's more about patience and getting the really bad behaviour banished..

A few messups, along the way, is just inevitable on any long term plan!
We are human!

Hope you and your family are well!
As I recall you had a son stationed in Iraq? Am I remember this correctly?

Peace and Love,
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:22 pm

Woo Friggin Hoo!!
My hats off to ya and Richie.
My sons name is Ritchie.
Continued success wishes for you.
And thanks for the hot mama comment. That was so nice to hear; a complete falsehood but much appreciated :)

Luv to luv ya baby!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:04 pm

Wow! I have been awol here so sorry!!!

Hey Christy, stop all that bs!!! You be a hot mama!
No doubt!!!
Watch out all single men in Glendale!!! :wink:

Okay, brief and semi lame synopsis of the last few weeks...
I haven't been overeating or oversweeting.. I have been totally devoid of exercise, except for the few massages here and there..

This is changing this week!
I will post here at least every two or three days, so as not to break my promise... I start a new job Monday!!!! This is going to help my mindset overall, quite a bit, as I've been stressed to no end about money..
It's only part time, but hopefully it's gonna be good and pleasant..
Wanna little laugh folks??
It's secretarial work for a small family owned *monument* company!!!
But seems really like a nice family so *fingers crossed* for Monday!

Maybe having a little more structure and schedule will get me to do some exercise.. Strangely enough, when I don't have any structure and all the time in the world, I become the most slothful!

I can't say I've felt good without exercise either! LOL!

Well as I said, this week I'm going to turn it around! :wink:

ps.. I have still been keeping to the veggie plus fish lifestyle and except for a few times I cringe, like when some guys I know from another forum mentioned *Pastrami and Corned beef*!!! :twisted: (oh how I wanted to kill that guy for reminding me of those faves!!!)
I've been holding strong on that front!
So yay! :wink:
Now with this job, and a regular income to plan a food budget, I'll really be able to make good and varied meals with loads of delicious veggies!!! Yay!!!!

Have a great weekend all!
Enjoy your S days!!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:05 pm

ps.. I haven't weighed for about a month, but my tapemeasure says I'm the same... I'll weigh in a few weeks, as my period is due in the next few days, so why bother then?

Peace again!
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Post by gettnbusy » Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:28 pm

Congrats on the new job Deb! YAY I hope it gives you the normalcy and regimen that you are wanting right now. How did it go this week?

Glad to hear that even though you've been busy you're still not going nuts about food! YAY

This is growth. Thanks for the updates.

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Post by CarrieAnn » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:11 pm

Hi Deb!
I just read your reply to my post, thank you very much! My son was suppose to be deployed to Iraq last summer, but he broke his ankle by racing his Seargent to the chow line. That's my boy, running to food.
His unit is deploying to Iraq tomorrow, Sept. 17th. Thankfully my son is not one of them, Happy Birthday to me since Sept. 17th is my birthday! :D

On the No S front, haven't been doing great, but that's ok. I'm still better than before I started No S again. Each day is a new beginning and another chance.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:32 pm

Happy (Belated! Oops!) Birthday Carrie Ann!

Sorry your son broke his ankle, but frankly I'm happy he didn't have to go!

Good to hear from you and keep your chin up! You'll get back on track!

As for me, I'm really thrilled because I have just spent, pretty much a whole month, or so it seems to me, being "AWOL" here, and home a lot without hardly any exercise whatsoever...
That's not the good part though! LOL..

The good part is that with all that, and the potential for disaster to hit my diet front, just out of plain old depression and sloth, I've still managed to maintain every pound lost! I weighed myself at my Moms today, just for curiosity, and even with my period still waiting in "the wings" to arrive and a weigh in at an evening hour, as opposed to morning weight, I'm the same..
Which, could even mean I might have lost some weight.. The real test will come in about a week.
I'm also happy to see that my tape measure method is still a very good indicator of my weight loss and progress.. It stayed the same too!

Well I'm pretty happy folks!
Between you and I, this month could have been a dieting minefield of problems... I honestly got on the scale, and thought, "Well I'm definitely going to see some kind of gain here" but no!!! We've been keeping 90 percent strict with the rules and once in a blue moon a small virtual plating incident. Even went to a diner the other day, and over ordered a bit, but took home the remainder, and had it for dinner!
Yeah baby!!!
But this is proof that the rules are starting to really get ingrained, even on a bad month!
I'm pleased as spiked punch!!! :D

Seeya again soon!
Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:13 pm

Wow, it's weird to post so little here guys!
I used to be all over this forum!!!
Heh heh..

Well a quick note with some nice news :)

Finally after months of being slothful and sitting on the comp all day long!
I broke the inertia and went to class.. Yoga was awesome and it woke me up again!!!!
Because I've been so sedentary, I felt flabby as could be the last few weeks.. And puffy etc.. Well, I assumed I'd be up two or three or, gasp, maybe even more, when I weighed in on the gym scale yesterday..

I was shocked though, to find out that I'm actually down a whole pound from a month ago!!!!!!!!!!
That was truly a surprise I wasn't expecting at all!!!
Big big relief there!
So, my evening weigh in, which is usually a tad higher than my morning, said I'm now 202 lbs.. last time it was 203..
So nudging the numbers down one pound at a time!!!!
Yay!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

Well hope you all are doing fantastic!
I've been really out of touch, sorry again, but it's cause I've been involved with a new guy online and things are going along really really nicely!

Best to all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by pangelsue » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:01 am

Greetings and congratulations Deb!! Don't know what to congratulate you on first. The yoga, the weight loss, the sticking to plan or the guy. LOL. Good to hear from you again. If you have to be away from the forum, the best reason is a fun busy life. May it always be so.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:00 pm

Thank you Sue! :wink:

Hope you are well!!!
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Post by reinhard » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:27 pm

Congratulations, Deb! Glad to see you here again. Glad it was for good reasons, and hope you can squeeze us in again.

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Post by hikermom » Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:56 pm

Way to go, Deb!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:01 am

Thanks Rein and Mom!!! :wink:

All the best to you!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by This path is my life » Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:49 am

Congrats Deb!

This is what I posted on my daily check-in I just wanted to post it here too to make sure you'd see it:

Deb- I've been trying to choose more healthy meals lately that are still good tasting, because of my cholesterol. Thanks so much for your post though, I will definitely start making meditation a priority in my life and I eventually would like to get into yoga as well but I don't have the money to take classes right now for it. Do you have any relaxation type exercises that you think would be especially beneficial for my situation (cholesterol probs.) I hope that you're doing well. I'll post this on your check-in too later. Have a beautiful day.
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Post by gettnbusy » Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:06 pm

It's nice to see no weight was gained even after your so-named slothful inactivity. That's so great.

Sometimes we need that time to recharge, huh? Sounds like you are starting back up again as before. Good for you.
Talk to you soon Debstar :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:56 pm

Hi NoS family!

I went to Yoga today and it kicked my ass!!!

I'm also really happy to announce I'm down another pound from last week!

Very gratifying to see!!!
Well I'm 201 now!

I feel like I'm getting closer!
I just have to make my exercise more of a priority!!!!
It's ridiculous how I've slacked off till today.. Once in a blue moon isn't helping.. So, I'll let you know how the rest of the week goes next post!
Hopefully it will be much better!
I feel motivated again, after Yoga class!

I'd like to take the opportunity to also invite you all to hear Richards latest song, which we recorded last week and put on my player at myspace..
Please feel free to write, if you feel inclined, to let him know what you think!
It's the song "A Doll"...
Remember, he is ten years old!

This has been a nice week..
I can't lie.. We broke the rules last night and had vanilla ice cream and some cheese doodles..
But we've been holding very strong with keeping mostly vegetarian, and that's been for just about two months now, I think..
We do eat fish and eggs though.. not purely veg..

I have an interview tomorrow and hope I get it!
Also, I have a trip planned to London in December which I'm looking forward too immensely!
I'll be meeting some new cyberspace friends, and this bloke I like in person :wink:
Have a nice evening friends!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Here's the link to Richies song (and some of mine too, heh heh)
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Post by pangelsue » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:01 pm

What a lot of exciting things are happening in your life, Deb. London, wow. That will be an awesome experience. Also congratulations on the weight loss. That 199 is getting so close. I know you have been waiting for that for a long time. I am so glad to know your life is on an incredible upswing. Bask in the light.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:27 pm

Thank you very much Sue!
You are a lovely person to be so supportive!
I appreciate your kind words!

I like the "bask in the light"!!!
Very Yoga like! :wink:
Are you sure you aren't a Yogi? :D

Hope you have a nice evening!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gettnbusy » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:28 am

Deb - you were right.. the book is awful... it aint easy tryin to figure out yoaga from a book and by yourself. It rather sucks, actually!

My gym only offers yoga during the day... like people without jobs need stress reducers? Please! Give it to the working people... WE are the stressed out ones who NEED it! (Can't you tell?!?!?)

Did you get to 199 this week? Maybe? Huh??... sitting on edge of my seat! Watching you bask :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:56 pm

Thanks Christi!!!
I haven't been on my checkin for ages, so sorry I'm replying so late!
Well, you live in California so there's *got* to be other yoga studios around besides the gym.. Often times they will let you come on a per visit basis, so check around for a place where they have a early evening or weekend class.. I personally can't get myself to do this, but there are places where they give a class quite early in the morning...
Good luck!
Thanks for the support and yes I did get to 199 and it felt great!!!!

Have a great weekend!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:31 pm

Hi friends!
I'm just here to report that yesterday was a borderline day..
I'm not quite ready to call it a failure.. Infact it was more like a virtual plating incident, but I'm not too happy about one thing..

I ate a very rushed breakfast which was essentially one piece of bread with jam, and coffee.. So not enough.. I had a job which started that morning and was worried about it. Needless to say the job ended that morning and it's not the first time this has happened to me this year..
I've been hired and then fired from about four jobs in the past four months.. Then I had very late lunch which was okay and perfectly NoS approved.. But after dinner, also NoS approved, I found myself hungry at 12 am before I went to bed so I had a bowl of cereal.. The bowl of cereal really should have been my breakfast, and so again I could "juggle" these food items together better and it wouldn't have been a borderline/failure..
But in my book I'm not too keen about 1. The late eating 2. The fourth meal...
I'm reporting this in my new effort to do Negative Tracking..
I'm going to nip that late night bowl of cereal in the bud.. :)
Have a nice week everyone!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:26 am

Today I had one mini sized Snickers bar from the bag we bought for trick or treaters tomorrow..
It was not a major calorie thing but it was candy, so I strayed from the rules. I'm glad I stopped at one!

Have a great Halloween all!
Major S day around here :)

Peace and Love,
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Post by pangelsue » Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:29 am

You are very positive about your negative tracking, Deb! LOL> Good idea though. I did something similar last week when I was so down about no weight loss in the last 4-5 months. I wrote down everything I had eaten that week that was part of a meal but was not the healthiest choice I might have made. There was lots more funny stuff than I thought. It was a good reminder and got me back on track. What a journey huh? I am also sure that the perfect job is out there for you somewhere too. My daughter bounced around on jobs for some time too and now she has been working at a phone answering service for about 6 years. They are a close group and her bosses couldn't be nicer. She doesn't make a lot of money and has some issues with that but she is so pleased to have found her niche. You will too Deb. There is an employer out there looking for you just like you are looking for them. I will tell you what I told my daughter. You are not looking for a job. You are looking for a match of job, life and passion. That is always much harder to find but worth the wait.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:28 pm

Thanks Sue for the support and love!!!

Well here I am to report that I had a good day yesterday till I found myself sneaking into the kitchen at 12:30 to eat two mini sized snickers bars!
So I'm wagging my finger at myself and will be putting the rest of the candy into either the shed outside or the trunk of my car..
Either of those has to be more of a deterrant to eating the stuff again than just keeping it under the counter in a cupboard..

I'd never have the desire to run out at 12:30 for a candy bar (well maybe if I had very bad pms! LOL) but when it's here, well, yunnow! :wink:

Have a nice day friends!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:10 am

This weekend the plan is to have all the candy eaten before Monday hits!!! LOL..
I screwed up both yesterday and today.. That candy never made it to the car folks! :twisted:

ps.. I'm hating this negative tracking!!!
I'm so embarrased!!! :lol:

Have a nice weekend all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:53 pm

I know how ,uch I love mini snickers bars in the freezer so I had to go through the kids bags THAT NIGHT and remove ALL CHOCOLATE (they'll never miss it) and I took it to work and handed it out to everyone. It had to be out of my house. I'm weak when it comes to chocaltey & nougat & cramel goodness....oooh and peanut butter cups. Had to toss them all. Now all that is left in their stuff is suckers and weird cnady that they like but I don't. Makes it easier for me. Of course, that didn't stop me from buying a huge loaf of bread I love at Costco. I just wanna smother it with butter and garlic salt & parm cheese. YUM! But, what I will do is use some butter SPRAY, a tiny bit of garlic salt & no parm cheese and it will only be 1/2 pice of bread instead of 2. ::sigh::
Sorry about all your negs. You aren't the only one. I haven't lost one single pound in three weeks cus I've been so bad. I am still at 260. It's my fault - barely any excercising, borderline eating.
But I am never gonna get to 250 by Christmas if I keep this up so I have acting poorly for 3 weeks and I need to change it. Hopefully th Lord will be merciful to me in my travels around the kitchen this week and I can resist more, excercise more and trade some veggies in for some carbs :)

Here's to us Deb :)
Richie is pretty good on that sax by the way :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:51 pm

Hey everyone! What's goin on Nossers of the world :)

I've been away from the board for a while, and sadly I can't claim to have been doing it because of successful negative tracking.
But things aren't too bad either.. Not sure if I'll do a 21 day checkin to get back on track, but I am going to post more on my thread to be more actively accountable.

This week I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Carolejo aka "The Plant lady" and Viscount Steve aka "The Boy" with Richie for dinner!
We had Indian food and it was great to spend some real time in real life with such great buddies!
The meal was great, but the dessert stunk! LOL!
So we only violated the seconds rule!

Oh and post Thankgiving report in here:
We have all the leftovers in the fridge and are eating them in normal quantities. Excellent evening for Richie and I and I hope you all had a great one if you celebrated :)

Have a great all and I will definitely be here more for my own sake.. Sorry if I have a lot less time to post on other peoples threads these days.. I'm very active in a few music forums and doing music and looking for work still!!!
I have gone back into total complete inactivity for a few months now.
It's stopping Monday..
I'll report on diet and exercise right here.
Urban Ranger, shovelglove and yoga will all be alternated, but my rule will be to do them each for an average of four days a week.
Maybe not all on the same day.
Seems doable.

Peace and Love!!!
8) Debs
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:08 am

Good luck on work search!
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Post by reinhard » Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:08 am

Thanks for checking in, Deb. The board feels kinda empty without you!

Carolejo and the viscount... wow. Hope they're doing well.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:55 pm

Thanks Rein! That was very sweet to say...
I've actually missed being here too. I've been a tad distracted for the past few months, that's all :)

Thank you Christi for the good luck on work! I have an interview Friday and hope it goes well! I've been on many interviews and it's pretty tough to bounce back after each one when they don't produce any job..
Today I'm doing a corporate chair massage job in my town and I'm really hoping that it goes well. Perhaps I'll get people in there to come to my office too. I could use a lot more massage clients..

See you again soon!
Have a great day everyone :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:15 pm

Oh GOSH I wished you lived in So Cal! I need a good therapist. My last one moved to Laguna/Dana Point and I went there a few times but it was so far. Then she went & opened up her own spa in Las Vegas in some hotel so now I NEVER get to have one. I have never liked most peoples methods so I'm picky... I would love one of yours and let me tell you why - your spirit! Your spirit comes through your writings and your music and there is no way that would translate into anything other than miraculous healing hands. ::sigh:: Well, maybe I could move to NY :)

The job thing is very hard. I was out of work once for 6 months and I just thought I was gonna die sometimes. I would get SO CLOSE and think I nailed it but NO JOB! Its hard to go through, I know. Keep your head up and I'll be praying for your peace, piece of mind, body, spirit and pocket book. Good luck Deb!
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Post by hexagon » Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:47 am

Good luck with the job search. My partner/boyfriend was out of work for about six months and it was really rough for him emotionally. Congratulations on not gaining any weight, and yeah, the exercise is a really good idea, especially when you're looking for work. Yeah, duh, that's pretty obvious, but I saw with my own eyes that exercise played a key role in regulating my bf's mood.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:25 pm

Thanks guys! Bless your hearts :)

I am happy to post that after a completely unstructured existence for the past few months, and a terrible nagging worry that I gained weight as a result of barely doing any exercise and sitting on my tuchis for days on end, I went to my Yoga class today.. I was absent for a long time, and well I wasn't going to weigh myself but ended up just giving myself a reality check. I am only up 1 pound.. So *darn* I'm back to 200.5 lbs but that sure beats what I was worried about.. I thought it might be more like 4 or 5 up..
So there! LOL..

But wow, what a mental trip you can go on when you don't exercise and get out enough, which I haven't.. Your brain feels like crap so you automatically feel bad in your body..
Hmmm.. there may be something to this whole
Mind body spirt thing after all! ;)

I promised my teacher I would be there much more often, and I am very glad I broke the inertia pattern.. It was very hard to talk myself into getting out of the house today, which basically, is crazy!
Once out, everything changes :)

Okay guys! Seeya in a few days!
Enjoy the weekend all :mrgreen:
Peace and Love,
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Post by British Chap » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:52 am

Hi Deb - great to hear you've disrupted that pattern.

It reminds me of a useful thing I learned about procrastination from a book by Mark Forster "How to get everything done and still have time to play" which is short and a great read. I know he's been mentioned on the site before and I'm not his agent! :D

Procrastinating over something and putting off doing it starts to build up energy around the issue in your unconcious mind. What Mark recommeded is that you 'trick' your unconcious mind that is resisting...going to yoga for saying - "I'm not going to go to Yoga, I'm just going to put my Yoga gear on". "Then I'm not going to yoga, I'm just going to get in the car" (or better still take a little walk). etc.

I was amazed how much this helped me get on with some things I'd been putting off doing - it sounds silly doesn't it - but just try it. Breaking things down into tiny actions and saying "I'll just do this" really helps me.

Hope this is useful,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:04 am

Cheers for that Gareth :)
Hope you are doing well!
Yeah, getting into my clothes is a good first step, and then I feel silly being all dressed up and not going! LOL ;)

Messed up tonight by having seconds of pasta.
But I have an overfull feeling which is kinda ruining it, so that's my "punishment"..
I have an interview tomorrow evening so please all keep your fingers crossed!
I'm not sure, but I think I have pms because the commercial we just saw for hersheys kisses, in holiday colored wrappers, made me want to have a couple dozen! :P
I settled for some hot chocolate instead..
It's a borderline S which I'm not really willing to part with for the cold months.. I'm just limiting it to one a day, if even that much.
I'll try to have more tea though instead ;)

Have a nice night everyone!
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Post by reinhard » Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:14 am

Good luck tomorrow, Deb.

Sorry you've crept back up over your milestone, but it's just a touch, and this is a tough time of year even without searching for a job. I know you'll bounce back.


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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:55 pm

YAY My friend!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:19 am

Thanks Reinhard and Christi!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:47 am

Hey Reinhard and NoS friends :)

I had a fairly good day today, but these last three weeks or so, I've been getting back into my old ancient and much despised habit of eating wayyyy late into the evening, as in, when I should be sleeping!
This, I am sure is partially due to the fact that I've been quite stressed, as the job search is not producing a job yet..
Anyway.. I want to approach NoS, almost as a newbie again, and get those demons back under control!
Where is my dayglo "You shall not pass" piccie of Reinhard for my refrigerator now??? LOL.
Seriously though, I will be posting here when I have urges hit me to break rules, especially that one!
It's really not one I'd like to see return.. I need to sic my NoS watchdog on it immediately! There's no *way* I am letting myself gain back my hard earned weight lost! :)
Infact, I'm trying to get psyched up to lose a chunk more this year!!!
I need to think of a cool goal, like, say, going to the store to buy myself some new underwear that my grandma might not fit into! :twisted:

Okay, gonna have a giant glass of water and hit the sack :)
Lots of newbies here these last few months! That's cool!
Looking forward to reading lots of success stories :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by mrs.cummings » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:41 pm

Deb, you're such an inspiration for us newbies. I know you can get back on track!!

Good luck!

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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:21 am

BTW they have DIET hot chocolate... now it has lots of chemicals iin it for the aritfical sweetener but it isnt half bad. Not as smooth & chocolately - but it saves you the 150 calories! Add that up over a week and thats more than 1000 calories not eaten AND you still get hot chocolate. I also use the DIET Flavored Vanilla Coffeee Creamer - it makes it taste better but still... chemicals which I know we are all trying to get away from. I can't let go of my iced tea & sweet & low...its my vice since childhood and I will probably die like a rat in a testing facility due to the saccahrin...oh well. we all gotta go, huh? I might as well go happy with my iced tea!

Just playin! But I'm keepin my tea!

I miss ya! Hugs to you & Richie!
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Post by pangelsue » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:46 am

Hugs from me too, Deb. Sounds like you are having a rough time again and that's the pits. You can rise above it though. You have many times before. There is that right postion out there somewhere and it is calling your name. I watched Prime Time tonight and it was talking about the 6 degrees of separation between humans and how we are all connected to one another. It reminded me of Wayne Dyer saying that when he meditates, he calls his future to him. He believes we all attract what we actively seek. Call it and it will come. We all believe in you.
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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:49 am

Amen to that Sue. Great idea.
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Post by reinhard » Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:37 am

Hi Deb,

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time... please do use this group to help you get through it.

Right now your bad feelings from the job search are dragging your eating habits down. But it can also work the other way around. Get your eating habits in order again and you will go into the job search with much greater confidence. It's not completely rational, but it works. And we all know you can do it.

Looking forward to hearing good news or helping you get through bad,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:03 am

Thanks friends!
I am sorry that I didn't respond to these well wishes earlier, but there was no new little yellow flag on my thread, and I missed that there were new posts.. Mrs. Cummings, I really wish you the best, and thanks for saying I am an inspiration :) It's nice to know that ones presence makes a difference to others. I find inspiration in others so often, and it's really lovely to know someone finds my journey of some help.

I'm happy to say that this week has been *totally* NoS kosher and I even passed on having a little bite of a donut the other day when Richie offered it to me.. It's weird, but it felt very good to say "No it's not an S day".. He deserved it as it was in celebration of a really work packed school week and also a wonderful choral concert he did.. Actually, he had three performances in two days..He sang a fantastic solo introduction to Somewhere over the Rainbow..
Wow.. Was I floored at how terrific he sang.. And it deserved some S's afterwards..

I'm also very pleased to announce that, although I do eat a bit of a late dinner these days, my night time eating has completely stopped, thank goodness..

I hope everyone here is doing great!
Reinhard, I am still so enthralled about your book deal!
Sue, that was a really lovely and appreciated sentiment about calling my future, and I agree with it wholeheartedly.
I'm going to focus on getting some exercise back into the mix here..
Anything at this point would be an improvement..
I'm gonna give shovelglove another whirl..
That's a total upper, as I recall, and who can argue with 14 minutes a day?
I am also going to make sure I meditate every day as well..
I'll post my experiences with that here.

Richie and I are still going strong with cutting out meat and poultry.. Not that I don't have cravings sometimes..

Well, I didn't weigh myself for weeks, but I know I am the same.
I'm okay with a very slow loss during these Winter months.. At least I know and can say with confidence, that I won't be gaining. I'm not the slightest bit worried about it..

Thanks again for the support about work.. Phew.. This has been some year...I am really praying that 2007 brings prosperity and joy to our home!!

Meanwhile, I did a cover of the Grateful Dead's "Casey Jones" last night, so if anyone wants to go to my page on myspace to check it out, and hear me ridin that train (but I skipped the cocaine.. Just too broke this month .. Hah.. Just kidding) please come on over and hit play. I didn't use any click track or anything, so it's a little strange in spots where the parts didn't totally synch up.. Also I tried to play "fake bass" with my guitar, in the absence of a band, and some noodley soloing, heheh..
I'm mainly a singer..
Have a lovely weekend folks and Happy Holidays!!
See you next week :)

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:46 pm

Hi all!
Hope you all had a wonderful New Years!
I'm very ready to get back on track.
I've been very off track in regard to exercise and strict NoS for the past four months or so..
Today I am starting 21 days on habit and Richie is involved too, because his sugar demon is getting out of control, and we always do our best when we are strict together :)

So I'm almost done with Day 1.. Will check in tomorrow morning for a success/failure report.
Included in my recipe for success is *some* kind of exercise!
At least the magic 14 minutes of non-optional exercise :)

I took a waist measurement today and I'm up one inch since last Summer.
38", a little backsliding, but considering it was over 6 months of being unemployed and very down, believe me, it could have been much worse.
For newbies here who don't really know where I started off when I began with NoS, I used to have a 42 inch waist.

This week I haven't weighed, but I will after 21 days on habit.
I'm more concerned about the habits getting reinforced again than the pounds at the moment.. I know the rest will follow and I just don't want to psych myself out. I just want to get in shape again and enjoy that great feeling of looking forward to S days after a good solid week of N days :)

Suffice it to say, if I stick with this I know that I'll be much healthier a year from now, and probably much sooner as long as I stick to the rules :)
NoS never fails me as long as I do it consciously and seriously..

Have a great evening all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by pangelsue » Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:56 pm

Namaste to you and Richie, Deb. Have a wonderful new year. I hope 2007 holds a great job, health and prosperity and lots of music. You deserve it.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:09 am

Namaskar Sue!!! :D
Hope you are well and have the best year also!!!

Today was great, and I only had a tiny second serving of baked beans at dinner.. So I feel good!
Yesterday was good too, but I ate some soybean pods at about 4 am!??? :shock:
You know, the edamame things...
Well it wasn't a chocolate glazed donut!
That's on the menu this weekend :twisted:

Yay! Got in 2 90% NoS good days!
I know it will get easier, but wow, it's amazing how much different it is to actually try to really enforce the rules consciously.. I must have been sliding more than I realized..
It's great to be getting back on track!

See you all tomorrow:)
Have a great evening!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:11 am

Oh ps.. Sue, I like your new signature quotation!
So true!

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Post by mstevens » Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:26 am

Welcome back!

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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:42 am

I'm still watching & rooting for you :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:50 pm

Thanks guys! :D
It's nice to be back :)
I am doing well today and will report in the morning...
Peace and Love,
8) Debs x

ps.. I have a little new song up on my myspace player now, an old blues called "Bring it on home to me" which is very very silly, but we still had fun!
Richie is singing harmonies and playing sax on it too, and there's a recent pic of us together, taken on New Years Eve, when you play the song..
Oh, beware because I let out a very silly and *LOUD* cackle at the end..
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:48 am

Hey all!
Today was pretty good, but I did have a medium hot chocolate at dunkin donuts, and I ate a very hefty dinner..
But the habits are feeling stronger already and overall, I felt today was a decent day.
I also did my Shovelglove!
Have a nice evening :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:29 am

Ack! Last night I ate a half a veggie cheese sandwich from Subway, in the weee hours..
Oh well..
I had some very bizarre dreams as a result! LOL..
Some of the weirdest ever! :roll: :P :lol:

Today was great, but since I'm not in the habit of eating breakfast these last few months, I am now making up for it with pretty big dinners.
It will all level out soon!

Okay.. Catch you all tomorrow :)
Hope it was a good day for all, and guess what???
Tomorrow is Friday! :wink:
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Post by gettnbusy » Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:35 pm

I wanna hear about those dreams <wink>
~I'm still not perfect~

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