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Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:28 am
by gk
Glad to hear you are enjoying the exercise class. I'm finding if you choose an exercise that really interests you and seems more like an enjoyable hobby than something on your to-do list, it's sure to be easier to stick to!!

You're doing great with No S - way to go! :D

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:40 pm
by eschano
Qualifying what I eat on S days in reneew's November challenge thread really makes me realise how many sweets I eat. And it wasn't even a wild S weekend. Good to put it down in writing.


Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:49 am
by tobiasmom
I totally agree....tracking S day eating has been really helpful for me!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:51 am
by eschano
A new 21 days ahead of me. Goals:
NoS - all green
Sport - 3-4 times a week
Writing - once daily for 8 minutes on N days (appart from the morning pages I already do)

Date- NoS -Sport-Writing
12 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 1x - :mrgreen:
13 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 2x - :mrgreen:
14 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 3x - :oops:
15 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 4x - :oops:
16 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 5x - :oops:
17 -Sday- 2 amaretti, 4 chocolate pralines, 2 scones with clotted cream and jam
18 -Sday- complete perma-snacking on sweets day. Feeling a bit disappointed but have to remember: I can't fail on S days :D Also - wrote 3 chapters! :mrgreen:
19 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 1x - :oops:
20 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 2x- :mrgreen:
21 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 3x - Sday as have work-event past midnight
22 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: 4x- :oops:
23 - :mrgreen: - Sday as reached my goal - :oops:
24 -Sday- :mrgreen: 5x sports. Seems I have a habit now with sports (well, it hasn't been 21 days) otherwise it's an S day - permasnacking the whole day as I hosted a xmas kick-off party and it was great!
25 -Sday- plain yoghurt with fruit, quiche, chocolate cup cake, xmas cookies, cheese with bread.
26 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: - at my lowest weight in 3 years on a MONDAY!
27 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: - Sday as event past midnight (last one this year) - feeling a bit under the weather
28 - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: - :mrgreen: - having a cold but not major
29- :mrgreen: - Sick day as I have a very bad cold - tbs
30 - :mrgreen: - Sick day for everything but NoS
2 -Sday-

I always felt like I needed to be harder on myself. If only I was harder with my fitness regime, with eating less, advancing my career,... I would get what I dream of. I only now realise that it is when I'm much nicer to myself, setting achievable goals and indulging in non-food things: a guilt-free novel, a bubble bath, a candlelight one-plate dinner, a painting session, a good time with friends, ... that suddenly everything else is easy.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:40 am
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:A new 21 days ahead of me. Goals:
NoS - all green
Sport - 3-4 times a week
Writing - once daily for 8 minutes (appart from the morning pages I already do)

I always felt like I needed to be harder on myself. If only I was harder with my fitness regime, with eating less, advancing my career,... I would get what I dream of. I only now realise that it is when I'm much nicer to myself, setting achievable goals and indulging in non-food things: a guilt-free novel, a bubble bath, a candlelight one-plate dinner, a painting session, a good time with friends, ... that suddenly everything else is easy.
I like your plan, and what you said about being good to yourself! :)

BTW, what are you writing?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:58 am
by ironchef
eschano wrote:I always felt like I needed to be harder on myself. If only I was harder with my fitness regime, with eating less, advancing my career,... I would get what I dream of. I only now realise that it is when I'm much nicer to myself, setting achievable goals and indulging in non-food things: a guilt-free novel, a bubble bath, a candlelight one-plate dinner, a painting session, a good time with friends, ... that suddenly everything else is easy.
This is a great realization. I totally agree - making things easy for myself, taking things one step at a time and rewarding myself for progress all help a lot. I sometimes wonder where does this need for harshness / hard core come from? There's always a sneaky part of my brain saying "go hard or go home", even though I know that doesn't lead to sustainable results.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:28 am
by eschano
Thanks so much for your comments ironchef and sweetness! So glad to know I'm not the only one with the "go hard or go home" mentality - love that quote ironchef.

I'm writing on my first novel. I've written since I was 12 but never a proper novel. It certainly is as much of an exercise in patience as the NoS diet. So wish me luck :D

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:50 am
by Gepetto
The comment about go hard or go home really struck a chord with me. I attribute it to formative military training and a culture of competition / zero sum thinking. Congratulations on tackling a novel!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:42 pm
by Sweetness
Eschano, That's awesome that you are writing a novel. I published my first book in February. You have to stick with it to get it done. Mine is not fiction, but more inspirational from my journals.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:15 am
by eschano
I'm seriously impressed Sweetness. Just sent you a pm.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:04 am
by Sweetness

It wasn't hard, because the words were already written in my journals over 4 years. And the inspiration came from God. But typing, formatting and editing, that was work, and took persistence! It's good that you are committing to writing a little each day, because my book would have gotten done sooner if I had cone that. I would procrastinate (sometimes for weeks) when I wasn't sure what to do next, but once I started to work on it again, I could see what needed to be done.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:40 am
by eschano
Thanks sweetness and Gepetto!

Looking at my November check-in above, you'll see that I'm not sticking to my writing daily properly. However, I'm getting there.

And thanks to GK I did my 14 min if not much more every N day this week! Never knew I would enjoy it so much.

A really big thanks to everyone on this board. Without you I'd never stick to any of this. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:03 am
by gk
eschano wrote:And thanks to GK I did my 14 min if not much more every N day this week! Never knew I would enjoy it so much.
Great job! I've had a couple days where I was extra tired and old thoughts floated around, like maybe I could skip a day, but I didn't. Both times I was VERY glad I didn't skip. I have committed to treating these classes like an appointment that will be kept Monday through Friday no matter what. Maybe that sense of accomplishment in sticking to this plan will help with sticking to the food part of it all.

Also, I really liked your "realization about being nicer to yourself, setting achievable goals and indulging in non-food things....". You are so right....being more laid-back and less self-critical does seem to make things easier.

Have a great week! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:10 am
by eschano
I ate loads on the weekend but I also moved a lot and excitingly I'm at my lowest weight in 3 years and on a Monday as well! I'm very excited. Even better: 5 days to go and it will be a green 21 days :D

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:08 am
by ironchef
Way to go eschano! What a nice start to the week :)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:46 pm
by animated
Good stuff eschano!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:14 pm
by eschano
Hi Animated and Ironchef,

Many thanks for stopping by! I always get a lot of inspiration from your posts. Have a good, green week!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:36 am
by eschano
I finally figures out my advent calendar mod. It's not a mod at all. I'll save them for the weekend. After all, I'm alreay having this feeling that if I allow myself one per day it just leads to more overall calories or the munchies on N days. I find it much harder to stop myself once I eat sweets then to only eat it some days, which I guess is the genius of NoS.
So after considering it a lot this is my solution. That said, I'm not counting on an all-green December either :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:31 am
by Sweetness
eschano, you are doing very excellent. Kudos, congrats and High fives!! Also congrats on the weight loss. I'm a couple weeks late but just noticed your updated signature. Down 11 pounds!! :mrgreen: :lol: 8)

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:05 pm
by eschano
Thanks Sweetness! That's very perceptive - I'm seriously impressed. To be honest, I'm quite proud of myself, although that doesn't sound very humble now, does it?
Anyway, in terms of habit: for the second time ever I clocked a full 21 days :mrgreen: Woohoooo!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:42 am
by emmay
2 X 21 days! Excellent.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:36 am
by milliem
Congratulations on your second 21 day streak! :)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:44 pm
by ZippaDee
HIP HIP HOORAY!! Congratulations! You are doing awesome! :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:16 pm
by Gepetto
Double 21's - that should be some sort of metaphor for hitting life's jackpot. Congratulations!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:36 am
by eschano
Thanks everyone, what a great encouragement!

I'm doing the Artist's Way and am in Reading Deprivation week so really, I shouldn't have read your comments :oops: but they were totally worth it. It also means that while I'm updating my status this week until Sun evening I won't read or answer any other threads. I know this is kind of weird but I love the program and for any writer or other kind of artist I can only recommend it!

Thanks again, so so much. I always feel so supported here and it makes all the difference! Please don't think I'm not supporting you this week. I'll be sending you all good NoS thoughts and wonder about what I'm missing in Gloverton.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:17 pm
by eschano
1- S day
2- S day
3- :mrgreen:
4- :mrgreen:
5- :mrgreen:
6- St. Niklas but N day - :oops: had a snack at 4.30am after celbrating until 5am.
7- NWS S day - belated St Niklas, day off and friend visiting
8- S day
9- S day
10- :mrgreen:
11- :mrgreen:
12- :oops: - got a Hazelnut Latte by mistake and decided to treat myself to it - it was delicious but an unexpected NW-treat, so definitely a fail. I also caught me thinking -Ah well, it's December, don't be so hard on yourself. I wasn't. So I feel completely at peace although it certainly won't be a trend.
13- :mrgreen:
14- :mrgreen:
15- S day
16- S day
17- :mrgreen:
18- :mrgreen:
19- :mrgreen:
20- :oops: - had 4 Roses chocolates and 1 Bailey's chocolatini after dinner. Totally worth it. We were celebrating xmas at a friend's house and went to see The Hobbit afterwards.
21- :mrgreen:
22- S day
23- S day
24- Christmas
25- Christmas
26- Holidays27- Holidays
28- Holidays
29- S day
30- S day
31- New Year's Eve

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:33 am
by eschano
OK, thank god I'm back on the boards! I'm done with reading deprivation week in The Aritst's Way. I found it to be pure torture. So happy to be back.
Thankfully only one minor fail. I went out until 5am on Thursday and had a snack at 4.30am, however, I overslept breakfast so I think it's not that bad. btw: Friday was a holiday for me.
All good! Dropped again in weight and am delighted.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:59 pm
by ironchef
eschano wrote:OK, thank god I'm back on the boards! I'm done with reading deprivation week in The Aritst's Way. I found it to be pure torture. So happy to be back.
No reading for a week? Not even novels? I'd go mental!
All good! Dropped again in weight and am delighted.
Well done, you are going so well, and in the Christmas season too!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:17 am
by Sweetness
Welcome back, no reading for a week is just not right! :roll:

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:28 am
by eschano
Haha, ironchef and sweetness: You're so right. I found it extremely hard.

So yesterday I felt sick and I had about 2 grapes for dinner with herbal tea with milk, nothing else. I really tried eating but couldn't. Can I still count it as green?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:13 am
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:Haha, ironchef and sweetness: You're so right. I found it extremely hard.

So yesterday I felt sick and I had about 2 grapes for dinner with herbal tea with milk, nothing else. I really tried eating but couldn't. Can I still count it as green?
Of course! :mrgreen: hope you're all better today!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:44 am
by ironchef
Absolutely. I had a light dinner of fruit a few weeks ago when my lunch was very heavy. I said to myself "this is dinner" and put the fruit on a plate.

And remember S is for sick as well.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:43 am
by eschano
I did it, I did it! I'm at my goal weight and officially of normal weight! Woohoooooo! I haven't been for 7 years or so (although I did come close twice in between) and even back then I was only at normal weight for half a year on some unsustainable crazy diet. I'm so freakin delighted. Didn't know it's possible. NoS is my way of life! Thanks so much everyone for your support.
I'll do my best to hold it over Christmas and if I do my testimonial will follow. Am so happy! Woohoooo!

:D :lol: :D :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:22 pm
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:I did it, I did it! I'm at my goal weight and officially of normal weight! Woohoooooo! I haven't been for 7 years or so (although I did come close twice in between) and even back then I was only at normal weight for half a year on some unsustainable crazy diet. I'm so freakin delighted. Didn't know it's possible. NoS is my way of life! Thanks so much everyone for your support.
I'll do my best to hold it over Christmas and if I do my testimonial will follow. Am so happy! Woohoooo!

:D :lol: :D :mrgreen:
Yes, you did it!!! Kudos, high fives, and whoot! Congratulations to you! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:08 pm
by milliem
Amazing eschano, well done to you!!! What a great success and I bet it feels great to know you did it in a moderate, sustainable way. Congratulations!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:12 am
by ironchef
That is brilliant eschano! I am so, so pleased for you.

Best of luck over the holiday season. Isn't it awesome to be at your goal, and know that you can still enjoy treats on the 24th and 25th (or whatever your S days are) without "cheating"? I'm really excited about this Christmas season.

I also love that with No-S, the maintenance is the diet. You don't have to change a thing - just keep doing what you're doing now :)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:32 am
by eschano
Thank you so much sweetness, milliem, ironchef.

To be fair, my goal weight is in the very high bmi normal weight range but I am just enjoying NoS. Now I feel, like I can just hang out NoS-ing without stressing about my weight and I'll see where I'll end up weight wise - no more pressure :D

God, this is good! And ironchef - you're so right about Christmas: I'm so relaxed about it like never before.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:27 pm
by Sweetness
170 would be my first goal for myself! I was very happy with my body when I was at that weight. But I think the charts say 149 is the top weight for my 5 ft 7". I have very large bones... Anyway, I think it's great that you set yourself a reasonable goal. Well done! :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:22 am
by eschano
You'll get there! It's great to have goal posts. I definitely had. I also plateaued for about 2 months after initially losing and then suddenly started losing again. I might have been slightly less strict when I plateaued but not that badly so think that focusing on the habits will get you there eventually even if your body adjusts in the meantime. But that is just my experience.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:50 pm
by heatherhikes
I left this message at the "December challenge", but am saying it again:


I am so very happy for you! How wonderful it must feel. I hope to get there myself some day.

I do have a question for you, though. I like to write as I know you do, so you'll understand me, I would think. So far, as I also said in another post, have I kept my own NoS journal with a NoS calendar and food log in it. I write myself encouragements, commitment prayers, tips, etc.
I've had good success with it, but lately progress is lacking.
In a way this journal is comforting to me but seems to stifle me at the same time.
So, here's my question: Do you think you would've been this successful without having your own check-in site?
How has it helped you? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. :)

Wishing you a peaceable pre-Christmas season

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:30 pm
by Gepetto
eschano wrote:I did it, I did it! I'm at my goal weight and officially of normal weight! Woohoooooo! I haven't been for 7 years or so (although I did come close twice in between) and even back then I was only at normal weight for half a year on some unsustainable crazy diet. I'm so freakin delighted. Didn't know it's possible. NoS is my way of life! Thanks so much everyone for your support.
I'll do my best to hold it over Christmas and if I do my testimonial will follow. Am so happy! Woohoooo!

:D :lol: :D :mrgreen:
That is FANTASTIC! Congratulations a thousand times!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:14 pm
by eschano
heddi55 wrote:I do have a question for you, though. I like to write as I know you do, so you'll understand me, I would think. So far, as I also said in another post, have I kept my own NoS journal with a NoS calendar and food log in it. I write myself encouragements, commitment prayers, tips, etc.
I've had good success with it, but lately progress is lacking.
In a way this journal is comforting to me but seems to stifle me at the same time.
So, here's my question: Do you think you would've been this successful without having your own check-in site?
How has it helped you? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. :)
Hi Heddi,
Fair question. I think it's definitely been part of why I had some success with NoS - mind you, there are many NoSers with far more impressive successes and I still have to prove that I can maintain :)

So for your question: yes, it's definitely helped but I only use the thread when it helps me and not when I feel it would hinder me. For me the two main advantages have been that it lets me formulate some thoughts and also, that other much wiser NoSers have a chance to weigh in. I can't even tell you how often that reeled me back into the safety zone. And as a writer I'd say you'd enjoy analysing things and putting them into your own words until you find a phrase that sticks so well that it pops into your head whenever you think of breaking the rules.

Also, for two weeks or so I used the journals to see how much I eat on S days and it let me notice that it's a lot. Now my S days are way milder - then again that could have been a natural progression anyways.

So overall I'd say it's worth it but do whatever works for you!

Gepetto: Thank you!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:59 pm
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:You'll get there! It's great to have goal posts. I definitely had. I also plateaued for about 2 months after initially losing and then suddenly started losing again. I might have been slightly less strict when I plateaued but not that badly so think that focusing on the habits will get you there eventually even if your body adjusts in the meantime. But that is just my experience.
eschano, I plateaued for more than 6 months after only losing 3 pounds. That's why I got discouraged when life got busy, stopped trying, then I gained 7 pounds in 2 months! So I have to stick with this, and its not hard. I think the running will be key for me. I'm sure I have now lost the 7 lb that I gained, by the way my clothes fit! (My scale here in Mexico is unreliable, but it does show I've lost 4-6 pounds.) Anyway, thanks for the encouraging input. 8)

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:54 pm
by eschano
I think when you plateau - even for 6months - the key is to hang in there and make sure your healthy habits get firm. Then, maybe change 1 small thing? Not sure - but I understand why you stopped for a while :wink: good that you are back now and

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:44 pm
by Sweetness

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:34 pm
by heatherhikes
Thank you, eschano, for responding so quickly, now, before the holidays.
Your thoughtful and detailed answer really made a difference :!: :wink:
I don't consider myself a writer (as of yet); merely enjoy the craft. Since I've been living abroad it has become more difficult to stay fluent in English, not being a native US American, anyway. Also, I speak much German here and do some German coaching.

Wishing you a joyous Christmas season and New Year.