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Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:46 am
by Who Me?
Hang in there! We all have bad days, sometimes.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:11 am
by NoSnacker
I there, I read up a few posts and see you are an emotional eater and binger. I am as well and find that regardless what diet or plan I try, it is not the diet or plan but me. Bingers eat when they are already stuff and keep on is painful to say the least...

But please don't give up. I might try to go back to counseling to help me deal with it. After 30+ years of using food for all the wrong reasons it will be a challenge to break, but I'm sure there are people out there that do.

Keep on keepin on...


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:05 pm
by Over43
Hey GK,

Keep trudging...


Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:48 pm
by gk
Thanks everyone for your support - really helps and I appreciate it!

Well, as you might have guessed already, I've taken a bit of a break from No S this past week. As simple as No S is, I think just having the mindframe of "I'm sticking to a diet" makes me ultimately obsess about food even more than usual. I know they say it'll all even out in the end, but lately it was just getting to be too much for me. Like it was causing more problems than if I would just let it be.

SOOOO......experiment time......I'm going to take an extended break again. Last time I did, I returned noting that I needed the structure....too many binges. Well, I've changed how I'm dealing with a couple other aspects of my life, and I think that might make the difference this time. I'm going to combine that with focusing on just using common sense (basically eating healthy and trying to decrease snacks and not go crazy with the sweets).

We'll see if the more relaxed approach works this time around. I guess right now I'm just overwhelmed with focusing on "being on a diet" all the time (even though No S is as simple as it gets). I psyche myself into thinking "I've gotta stick to this, I've gotta stick to this" to the point that I work myself up into a tizzy over my eating habits. This diet is supposed to make me MORE relaxed around food, not the opposite! And I do realize that is all in my doing. This diet is VERY do-able. I guess my obsessive nature is getting the best of me at the moment. :roll:

Hopefully, this new approach will work for me. If know I'll be baaaack. :D

Good luck everyone and take care! :)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:09 am
by NoSnacker
Sorry to see you go, but I totally understand where you are coming from. We all have to find what works for us that is for sure.

Keep us posted!


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:09 am
by gk
gk wrote:SOOOO......experiment time......I'm going to take an extended break again.

I'm going to focus on just using common sense (basically eating healthy and trying to decrease snacks and not go crazy with the sweets).

Hopefully, this new approach will work for me. If know I'll be baaaack. :D
Results of my "common sense approach to eating"------ Apparently, I lack common sense. :lol: Binges at all-time high. In fact, I haven't binged this bad for years. So much for that.

I guess I need to return to No S with a different plan. Will come up with what exactly that is and return on Monday.

Even bought new books to help with my struggle...."Breaking Free from Emotional Eating" and "Crave - Why You Binge Eat and How to Stop". I'm such a sucker for those self-help books. :roll: :)

See you all soon....

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:51 am
by Over43
You'll get at it. Keep it up!

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:30 pm
by moderatemeals
gk -
so happy to see you back! i always enjoy reading your posts and insights.

i've had more success this time around and i think two reasons have helped. first, i am religiously filling out my habit cal -- good or bad. second, i have come to accept that i will always struggle a bit with emotional eating. instead of looking for No S to cure it, i'm just using it to help keep it in check. for the most part, since learning about No S a few years ago, i have reducing my emotional/binge eating dramatically. in a perfect world, all my weeks would be green but i'm kind of okay if that doesn't happen. i'm still striving toward my goal though because the act of striving toward it will keep me closer to it than giving up because i can't get every week to be perfect.

just my thoughts for now. happy u r back and good luck tomorrow! there is no doubt in my mind that you can do it this week!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:06 pm
by gk
Thanks, O43. :)

Ljk: Really liked your post! That way of approaching No S makes perfect sense to me. The whole idea of trying to be perfect every week and then feeling low when you don't reach that goal can get very discouraging, and your approach seems much less intimidating. I will use that tip to help in my restart. Thanks! :)

WELL....I had planned on throwing in a bunch of mods to slowly work into No S again, but then decided to just stick with plain ole' vanilla and just try to get as many greens per week as I can. (Ljk, Reading your post confirmed that this is probably the best approach for me. Looks like we might be on the same page again. Wasn't it last November that we did so well on No S together? Maybe we'll have a repeat of that this November. :))

I will go ahead and write down my meals each day, including anything I have on a Fail day as well, to help with curbing any towering plates or binges.

I'm not very far into my book about Emotional Eating, but so far it's been interesting. She's talked about how she decided after 15 years of dieting, to finally just eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, as long as she was truly hungry. Talked about how she ate nothing but cookies for supper, etc for 2 1/2 weeks before she finally got over wanting crap food all the time and actually craved good food mixed in with the goodies. Her weight fluctuated for a year or so before she stabilized at a 30-lb. loss. I think that's kinda what I did the past couple weeks.......ate a BUNCH of junk food with healthy food mixed in. I'm suddenly at a point where I don't WANT to reach for another piece of chocolate....craving veggies again. So I think I've reached my "bottom" and I'm ready to climb up again. I think this book in combination with No S might prove to be helpful to me. We'll see.

Will try to keep my daily check-ins short and sweet (after today, of course :wink: ) instead of my sometimes long and drawn-out analyitical musings to keep from my usual obsessive behavior with dieting. Decided to stick with what Reinhard intended....set up a simple plan and stick with it, forgetting all the "static" that can come with dieting.

Hope this works.......I saw a picture taken of me the other day and cringed. My tight "fat pants" were a reminder every day that I need to cool it, but seeing it in a picture really seemed to snap me out of it. Time to stick with this.

Here I go.....


Breakfast: Fiber One Raisin Bran

Lunch: Chicken and cheese tortilla w/sunflower seeds, apple w/peanut butter, honey mustard pretzels

Dinner: Roast beef, cheesy potatoes, peas, orange

It was surprisingly easy today. Felt good to know I wouldn't be battling with guilt about my eating habits.

Instead of filling my plate to the rim and focusing on the fact that's all I would get until my next meal, I just chose a few items and really focused on how they tasted, etc. Enjoyed my food today.

So far, so good. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:41 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey/cheese wrap w/sunflower seeds, veggies/dip, apple/peanut butter, baked cheetos

Dinner: Spaghetti, lettuce salad, Italian bread/butter

Wanted to snack on sweets so much today, but could distinctly tell it was from habit/comfort only, not hunger. Managed to pull through. Kept telling myself that the guilt I would feel afterwards wouldn't be worth it.

Also, I stopped eating my dinner, even though I had an orange left on my plate, because I felt full. For once, I didn't eat just because I could - decided to listen to my body and stop before I overate. Progress! :D

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:19 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinammon and raisins

Lunch: Turkey/cheese wrap w/sunflower seeds, cheesy potatoes, apple/peanut butter

Dinner: Two tostadas, veggies/dip

Such a good day! I've been forcing myself to go to bed earlier, and I can really tell the difference. Seems so much easier when I have more energy and I'm not overtired (duh :roll: ).

Also, my Emotional Eating Book is now covering how you should eat what you are craving, so you don't end up eating everything else and more trying to make up for that craving (hence, the cheesy potatoes with a wrap!!). And ya know what? Worked like a charm. So content.

My plates are FAR from towering like they used to be....lots of plate room not covered....just taking time to appreciate my food and enjoy what I'm eating instead of downing it and wishing I had more.

It's nice not to be walking around, hating myself for bingeing and feeling frustrated that I'm not doing anything to solve my weight problem/eating issues. Yes! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:33 am
by moderatemeals
Great job gk!! You are inspiring me after two red days in a row :( Halloween candy is getting the best of me. Luckily it has just been a few pieces after dinner but still having hard time resisting.

Heading out of town for a girls' weekend today so won't be posting or checking in until Monday. Good luck, you are doing GREAT!!


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:00 pm
by Pangelsue2
Always hard to start again but you are doing it. All of life is lived in fits and starts, I think. We get in trouble when we expect it to be perfect and then give up when it isn't. Best of luck gk. You are always a success as long as you are trying.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:08 pm
by gk
Thanks ljk! Hang in there - you're doing great. The restraint of stopping after a few pieces of candy is a sure success in my book. :)

Pangelsue2 - Thanks for your post. Your words were very encouraging to me!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:20 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins

Lunch: Turkey/cheese wrap w/sunflower seeds, apple/peanut butter, baked cheetos

Dinner: Western omlette casserole, english muffin, orange

Don't seem to have much variety in my breakfast and lunch choices, but I will continue to do so until I'm ready to change......I am paying very close attention to my cravings. Before a meal, I will physically stop myself and think, "What am I hungry for? Something crunchy? hot? cold?" I'm finding I'm much more satisfied when I do this (courtsey of my book again - continues to be helpful to me) However, I'm also the person who has been known to eat the same thing every day for months. What can I say? I'm a creature of habit. :D Right now I can't seem to get enough of the above. I do plan, though, to sort through some recipes and try to expand my favorites list.

Feeling so completely content this week. Hope this green streak continues.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:58 am
by gk
I lost 3 lbs. this week!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!! :D :D :D

In the past it was so easy to say I was following the no seconds rule, but I piled my plate so high I might as well been. I think the food journaling has prevented me from doing that. I think that's gonna have to be a requirement for me from now on.

Amazing what just one week of no bingeing and normal eating will do. Can't remember the last time the scale moved in the right direction. Yay me!! :D :D :D

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:43 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/raisins and cinnamon

Lunch: Turkey/cheese wrap w/sunflower seeds, apple w/peanut butter, few veggies w/dip, ranch-flavored pretzels (a bit overfull but nervous about going into Friday night)

Dinner: Okay, this has to be the most ridiculous meal I've ever eaten. Remember how I've been really attempting to listen to my cravings and eat only what I'm really craving? Well, tonight I just wasn't hungry for the buffet of leftovers we were having. SOO...I decided I'm not going to eat something I'm not hungry for......I'd end up just leaving the table unsatisfied and eat something later tonight. Well, by the time my family was done eating, I finally came to the conclusion that no matter how ridiculous this sounded, it was what I was hungry for, so I was just going to eat it.....

For dinner, I had: A bowl of raisin bran, two small dinner rolls, and a slice of colby cheese. And ya know what? Left the table completely satisfied. And all night (FRIDAY night, mind you) I was totally fine without munching. This is usually a really tough night for me, so it was a pretty big step for me to sail through it easily.

I'm so glad I bought her book on emotional eating! It has helped me SO much so far, and I'm not even halfway through the book!

This week has been a success in more ways than one.....I not only made it through vanilla No S with normal-sized plates and no fails, but I've succeeded in making it through the week with no anxiety about dieting, no obsessing about my next meal, and no counting down the minutes until the week is over. My eating was calm, relaxed and actually enjoyable.

NOW.....the hard part. The past couple times I've had an all-green week, I failed miserably the next week. We'll see how I do this time.....

As for my S weekend, I will try to apply my "eating only what I'm truly hungry for" trick and see if it helps with my usual bingeing on the weekend. I'm not going to limit myself at all, but rather try to be more aware. We'll see how it goes.

Hmmmm...I said I wasn't going to become analytical this time around, but things are going so well, I just had to talk it out. I'm sure I'll need to refer back to this part of my check-in from time to time, on days when I'm not doing so well. Just as a reminder that I CAN do this. :wink:

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:23 pm
by Blithe Morning
Congrats on the sane eating!

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:10 am
by gk
Thanks Blithe Morning! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:07 pm
by determined
gk...LOVED reading your account of thinking things through. What a great choice to eat what you really wanted & it was so timely since we're having leftovers tonight & nothing really sounds good to me. I don't even know if I'm really hungry or not so I'm going to sit here & figure out what I really want to do. Thanks for helping me tonight!!!

You're doing great...janie

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:27 am
by milliem
Well done on a brilliant week, how inspiring! Hope you are having a great weekend :)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:13 pm
by gk
Thanks milliem and janie! It was very encouraging to see your posts. That's what I love about this many others who know exactly what you're going through and cheering you on the whole way. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:38 pm
by gk
S Days

Well, I have to say this has been one of the best weekends on No S that I've ever had. I didn't even have chocolate until noon on Saturday (usually it's the first thing I eat that day.) And I didn't have big portions of anything or snack much either.

Sunday, I had more sweets and over-ate a little, but nothing even close to what I would normally do after an all-green week. I consider that progress!!!

I can't believe after all these years of dieting, I've never actually taken the time to STOP and assess what I'm REALLY hungry for.......not what sounds good or what is "bad" that I want to cheat with, but what my body is craving. I usually open the fridge, see what looks good and dive right in. Now, I don't even look in the kitchen until I figure out if I want something hot or cold, crunchy or smooth, light or heavy, etc. Now, only when I actually feel hungry and know what exactly I'm looking for in my meal do I go into the kitchen and decide what fits those cravings. I can't believe how much of a difference that makes!

Her book, "Breaking Free from Emotional Eating" (by Geneen Roth) focuses on eating whatever you want only when you're hungry (saying your body will eventually crave the good food as well as the treats), but I want a little more structure than that, which is why this way of thinking fits so perfectly with No S. I'm only on page 56 and can feel the difference already. I found this book by going on-line and searching under emotional eating. This book seemed to have the most 5 stars of the bunch. Everyone just raved about it, and I can see why. I'm looking forward to what else she has to say.

On the other hand, I think I also have just finally hit bottom with my bingeing and am finally ready to really tackle these issues. I have a feeling that two weeks ago I would have said "whatever" and not really tried, so I guess you have to have the right frame of mind, too. Either way I feel SO much better about the whole "food situation" and am ready to make a real change. I go onto bigger battles.....the dreaded "Week Two" that seems to crush my willpower every time.....

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:21 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey wrap w/cheese & sunflower seeds, apple w/peanut butter, mix of cheetos and cheesy potato chips, veggies/dip

I've been HUNGRY today. Week Two is doing it's usual number on me. I am currently FULL and still HUNGRY. :shock: Must...keep....busy...... :shock: Must......not......cave....... :shock: ......

Dinner: Breaded chicken, parmesan noodles, peas, ranch-flavored pretzels

WHEW!!! Today was a struggle.....but I did it!! :D Thoughts drifted through my head of just taking a fail day, but I REFUSE to go through that vicious cycle again. I am going to do this!!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:30 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
i am SO happy for your successes!! keep it are doing GREAT!!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:31 am
by determined
gk....Good for you! Some days are just so hard! But you did chalked up another green day & there's nothing that tastes as good as that feels.

Well done...janie

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:22 pm
by milliem
Nice one, congrats on the success yesterday!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:11 pm
by gk
Thanks everyone so much for your posts! I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it. I am so thankful that I have this bulletin to sign into each day. The support here is wonderful and it really helps me alotl! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:14 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: The usual turkey wrap, apple, and baked I had a banana instead of veggies (I can be so wild and crazy. :wink: )

Dinner: Maid Rite, banana, baked BBQ chips

Couldn't have my dinner until LATE tonight.....had lingering thoughts of cheating, but two things helped me today.............

(1) I was pretty hungry when I finally got to eat dinner, but instead of inhaling the kitchen as soon as I got home, I waited and considered my cravings....then I thought of what we had in the kitchen....then I thought of how I would feel after eating certain foods. When I found a perfect match, I made my dinner. And it totally hit the spot. :D I thought maybe after being so hungry, I'd want to keep on eating, but that really seemed to make the difference for me.

And (2).....Every time I thought about cheating, I reminded myself how it feels SO good to not have the guilt of not doing anything about my eating/weight hanging over me all the time. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders......a weight that has been hovering over me for so long. I'm just not willing to give up that guilt-free feeling anymore. I'd rather be a little hungry and eventually get my guilt-free meals and treats on the weekends than reach for a treat or snack that will be gone in 30 seconds only to be replaced with the dreaded regret and guilt.

This is so worth it. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:49 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Maid Rite, banana, apple w/pb, crackers

Dinner: Tator tot casserole, salad, cheetos (obeying my craving)

Struggled a bit this morning. Then came across an article that put things into perspective.....someone who shared their journal about the time they were diagnosed with breast cancer and went through treatment. Suddenly made my "struggle" with sticking to a diet seem completely ridiculous and small. I am always aware of my good fortune with health, but sometimes I read something like that and it reminds me to get a grip.......there are so many more things I could be dealing with that would actually BE a struggle. Suddenly, my hunger stopped and I was completely fine for the rest of the day. And thankful.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:10 pm
by juliek
You are inspiring. I have read Geneen Roth before, but I had never made the connection to this approach. It totally makes sense. I will be hungry at mealtimes and can now eat what sounds right, not what has this carb or that many calories. I'm going to dig that book out and reread it.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:08 am
by gk
juliek wrote:You are inspiring. I have read Geneen Roth before, but I had never made the connection to this approach. It totally makes sense. I will be hungry at mealtimes and can now eat what sounds right, not what has this carb or that many calories. I'm going to dig that book out and reread it.
It has been so helpful to me! I hope you enjoy reading it again. Currently, I'm marking pages and highlighting, so I can scan it quickly for important things to remember.

One of the best books I ever bought (and of course, No S is the other one. :wink: )

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:40 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/raisins & cinnamon

Lunch: Usual turkey wrap, veggies/dip, banana, 4 Ritz crackers w/peanut butter

Dinner: Two soft-shelled tacos, banana, crackers

Today was, dare I say.......EASY. It's starting to feel just routine. No urges for sweets, content with one plate, and no effort to resist snacks.

I almost feel like I should reduce my meals a bit. My plates aren't overflowing or anything, but some of the foods I've chosen are a bit heavy. I was just afraid of slipping during my "dreaded Week Two". But as my husband pointed out, I better not move too fast....don't want to expect too much too soon and then just fall off the wagon again.

I literally cannot remember the last time I had two straight weeks of green. Right now I feel exactly like I did last November. Completely content. Love it. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:57 am
by moderatemeals
Gk -
GREAT JOB!! Almost two weeks in a row...that is amazing!

I haven't been on the boards this week. Out of town all weekend, then a birthday celebration this week and so I haven't really been following No S like I should. I'll start posting again Monday but just wanted to check in and see how you are doing.

Keep up the great work!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:58 am
by gk
Well, just as I figured, weigh-in didn't go too well this morning. I ended up gaining 2 lbs. back. I was kinda bummed at first, but then reminded myself if that's what needed to happen for me to finally get through two consecutive green weeks, I'll take it.

I have a feeling I was having too much peanut butter with my apple every day (next to chocolate, peanut butter is my downfall), and as I said some of my lunches were on the heavy side (maid rites). My new 40-year old metabolism (which I never ordered by the way - any way I can send it back? :lol: ) can't handle what I used to eat.

Notice I already am confident I will have an all-green week and Friday has barely started? That's how good I'm feeling - so if anything, I also gained better habits and willpower, and that's definately a good thing! :)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:08 pm
by gk
Ljk: Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragment! :)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:53 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Egg and cheese bagel (thin-sliced), veggies/dip (my goal is to someday be able to eat veggies without needing the dip), grapes, cheetos, and honey-roasted peanuts (an unusual mix, I know, but hey, that's what I was craving...)

Dinner: Rotisseri lemon pepper chicken, julienne potatoes, 2 dinner rolls (they were pretty small), and an orange

Woo hoo! It's official - I made it through two straight weeks of pure GREEN!!! BIG accomplishment for me. And here I am again....on a Friday night with no cravings. Gosh...I think I might just be on my way up. :D

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy those S's!! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:58 pm
by ~hf
Great job on making it 2 weeks! I have to keep reminding myself that it's ok to eat more than 1 "serving" of a food or even unusual combination so long as it fits on 1 plate. I'm coming off some major "diet head" so I have to talk myself through each meal right now....Anyway, thanks for stopping by my check in to welcome me. Have a great S day!


Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:27 pm
by gk
Heidi: Thanks for stopping by! :)

S Days:

Well, this weekend was pretty......bingey. I was doing fine all Friday night, but once the weekend hit I kinda lost it. it is early in this attempt, I will force myself to push the judgements aside and let the weekends be what they rules...whatever goes. I'll make myself a little more controlled after I have alot more solid N Days under my belt. I've read that more than once on the bulletin board, and it makes sense to me.

Now.....if I can make this week all green I'll be over the top. I have a fun day out with my Mom on Tuesday (which we rarely get to do anymore) and a night out with some friends planned on Thursday. In the past, I have planned ahead and made them a NWS, but I've actually learned something from my many attempts this past year......the more I mess with the system, the more I fail to stick to it. I am going to make this No S attempt as "black and white" as possible......only S Days will be weekends, holidays, and my birthday. I think this will help me to learn to deal with going someplace and eating derailing just because I'm out of my usual routine of things.

Sooo....that being said, this week will be a real challenge. Let's see how I do.....

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:57 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: I have been craving two things off and on for the past few weeks - a chicken salad sandwich and a veggie pizza. Even though I was craving them, I never felt like taking the time to make them and would always settle for something quick. Well, I finally made them. For today's lunch, I had a chicken salad sandwich on a bun (normally I would just make do with sandwich bread), apple w/peanut butter, cheetos and a small square of veggie pizza. Holy cow....I ate that sandwich and had the same reaction as if I would have dove into a piece of rich, gooey, chocolate brownie. I'm learning that if I take a little extra time to get/make exactly what I want, it takes away alot of the restlessness of dieting, because I'm replacing my want for treats with things that I never usually have. Food for thought. :D

Dinner: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes/gravy, peas/corn

Very good day. :)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:11 am
by Sweetness
gk wrote:MONDAY -

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: I have been craving two things off and on for the past few weeks - a chicken salad sandwich and a veggie pizza. Even though I was craving them, I never felt like taking the time to make them and would always settle for something quick. Well, I finally made them. For today's lunch, I had a chicken salad sandwich on a bun (normally I would just make do with sandwich bread), apple w/peanut butter, cheetos and a small square of veggie pizza. Holy cow....I ate that sandwich and had the same reaction as if I would have dove into a piece of rich, gooey, chocolate brownie. I'm learning that if I take a little extra time to get/make exactly what I want, it takes away alot of the restlessness of dieting, because I'm replacing my want for treats with things that I never usually have. Food for thought. :D

Dinner: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes/gravy, peas/corn

Very good day. :)
Excellent thought, I have found that I enjoy eating SO much more, and I have nearly always planned my dinners, but the smaller meal was usually thrown together. (we have the smaller meal in the evening here in Mexico, dinner is at 2 or 3 PM.) The other day I made tuna and cheese sandwiches, but I took the time to put an olive with a toothpick in each half, and on the side I sliced apples and bananas and arranged them decoratively on our plates. My husband said, "Wow, that looks so good!" Tonight I took the time to boil some bowtie pasta to go with the leftover shredded chicken and spaghetti sauce. I even sprinkled some Mozzarella cheese on top. Yum.
Reinhard said something like, "I usually make sure my meals are nutritious or delicious, or both."

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:59 pm
by gk
Sweetness wrote:The other day I made tuna and cheese sandwiches, but I took the time to put an olive with a toothpick in each half, and on the side I sliced apples and bananas and arranged them decoratively on our plates.
Mmmmmm......that sounds wonderful. Will have to make that next. :) That reminds me of a luncheon I went to once.......they served nothing extravagant - sandwiches with fruit - but the way they displayed it on nice plates and "decoratively" on the plate made all the difference!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:18 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran (Again. I know, I know...could I be any more drab? But for some reason I just crave's like my "coffee" in the morning.)

Lunch: Okay, so I planned out my "attack" before I got to the restaurant.....Mom and I rarely get to have an afternoon out together, so I considered today a treat day.....but I wanted to stick to No S. It is very infrequent that I eat out at restaurants anyway, so when I do it's definately a "treat". (That's why plans of eating out twice this week seems like alot to me.) Anyway, I told myself I'd stick to No S, but on occasions like this I would allow myself to "stretch the amount". So, with each course, I visualized as I ate how this would be stacked onto one plate. I ended up getting a dish that gives you samples of several things.....I had a bit of lasagna, a bit of fetticini alfredo, and a bit of chicken parmesan. Before that, I ate 2 small breadsticks and a small serving of salad. Factoring in everything, I had one HECK of a towering No S plate, but I do believe the portions I ate would have fit onto one plate. The things I listed are FAR from healthy and very heavy, so I plan to make my dinner much lighter tonight. All in all, I did good with No S'ing in a restaurant.....Mom offered to top it off with ice cream, like we always do, but I politely declined and also gave her my chocolate mint that was given to me after the meal. That is a definate step in the right direction with me, because usually I tend to say, "Awww, the heck with it", and dive into the sweets. Whew!

YIKES......It's now 6:15 and I'm suddenly seriously considering having some sweets and taking a fail. I know exactly why.....I'm really tired and honestly, I think I'm still full from my big meal earlier, but something about sweets after a big meal seems so satisfying. UGH. I have to resist! I don't want to take a fail after resisting earlier!! :shock:

Dinner: Chicken salad sandwich (even though everyone else was having pork chops...didn't sound good to me.), 2 bites of mac and cheese, and some cheetos (can't get enough of those lately it seems)

SOOOOOO CLOSE. But this is what I did-----I asked myself "If I can't have food right now, what's the next best thing that sounds most appealing to me??" SLEEP. I am so tired right now - I think I must have a touch of the flu or something. Anyway....instead of grabbing a handful of chocolate chips that seemed to be calling my name from the kitchen, I laid down for 15 minutes and gave my body what it really needed - a break. I felt better afterwards and summoned enough willpower to mark a big GREEN on my calendar. And now, I'm going to bed early to get more sleep......

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:48 am
by Sweetness
You had a good plan, I'm proud of you.

Here's a couple ideas, what my hubby and I are having right now: in a mug, put about a tablespoon of vanilla, helps if its real, then boiling water 3/4 full and whole milk up to the top. Sweeten it to taste, I put about 8 drops of stevia in mine. Yum.

Another thing that helps me is to have some fruit with raw pecans and almonds on it. Something about the nuts makes it a treat for me. Tonight we're having some of the fruit cocktail they made for me at the fruit and smoothie place in the market this AM. Papaya, pineapple, apple, guava, strawberries with a little yogurt and granola on top. I added some pecans, yum! Sometimes I just do the pecans, almonds and raisins in a tiny dish.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:20 am
by gk
Sweetness wrote:You had a good plan, I'm proud of you.

Here's a couple ideas, what my hubby and I are having right now: in a mug, put about a tablespoon of vanilla, helps if its real, then boiling water 3/4 full and whole milk up to the top. Sweeten it to taste, I put about 8 drops of stevia in mine. Yum.

Another thing that helps me is to have some fruit with raw pecans and almonds on it. Something about the nuts makes it a treat for me. Tonight we're having some of the fruit cocktail they made for me at the fruit and smoothie place in the market this AM. Papaya, pineapple, apple, guava, strawberries with a little yogurt and granola on top. I added some pecans, yum! Sometimes I just do the pecans, almonds and raisins in a tiny dish.
Thanks so much for popping in when I needed some support. I really needed that! And I will definately try those ideas - sounds delicious!!! Thanks! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:46 pm
by gk

Breakfast: Raisin Bran------ Part of me wants to just call today an S (sick) Day as I think I definately have some kind of flu (just extremely tired). But the other part of me thinks that would be a cop out, as I'm forcing myself to run my errands and keep an appt., so I obviously am not that bad off. Maybe it's just the lousy mood I'm in. Struggling this week.....

Lunch: Chicken salad sandwich, almonds, mini ranch-flavored rice cakes, apple w/pb

Binge: :oops: Let's just say it involved chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, and potato chips and leave it at that.

Dinner: Niece's b-day party: Ribs, potatoes, bit of creamy salad, corn casserole, beans, chocolate ice cream

Snack later: trail mix (with chocolate in it) and cheetos. I'm the one with the mentality, "already screwed up the day, might as well". Need to work on that.

Ahhh dangit.......I could just feel the binge coming on, and I didn't even fight it today. Just one of those days, I guess. Well, I had a good long green streak (for me anyway). Will try to hop back on the wagon and do that again. I refuse to get down about my fails this time around. Mark it and move on, right? :)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:58 pm
by Who Me?
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:22 am
by gk
Thanks, Who Me. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:47 am
by determined
Personally, I think sick days begin with "S". You've been doing so very nice to yourself while you're recovering.

Hugs to you....janie

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:42 pm
by gk
Janie: Thanks, but actually I was feeling better by the time I reached my binge. I think I started out not feeling well, thinking "I'm probably gonna end up cheating today", so by the time I was feeling better, I was already in the frame of mind that I didn't care to fight the urge to cheat. Like Reinhard said.....if you're sick, you probably won't want to eat much of anything anyway. Which is true......when I'm sick, the last thing I feel like doing is eating. I guess that is my true guide on days like that.

Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate it. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:45 pm
by gk

And the vicious cycle begins. Once I have one red day, it seems like it is SO hard to get back on track! I started snacking Thursday and didn't stop. :x

And, I'm already just going to just say this week is a wash and give myself a fail on Friday. I have such a crazy day planned on Friday, that I know it's a sure-thing fail. Not the most optomistic attitude, I know, but......

I am SUCH a creature of habit! I do so well if my day is "the usual", but the minute I have a busy, out-the-norm week, I just can't seem to stick to it. For a minute, I was even doing my usual thinking when I start to fail, "Maybe I should try the "eat only when you're hungry thing" instead of No S, cuz that's what she did in my Emotional Eating book........" No!! I've tried that before and I did nothing but non-stop grazing on junky food for two weeks. I refuse to be a stop/start/stop/start No S'er anymore. I don't care if I'm marking down 8 reds in a row (embarrassing as it may be), I'm going to commit to No S for good this time. I KNOW I can do this...I KNOW I can....I just have to learn how to deal with getting back on track after a red day, and how to adjust to busy and sometimes nothing-but-social eating weeks.

On the bright side, I need to remind myself that I made it through TWO weeks of non-stop green this time, and I haven't done that in forever, so I am progressing somewhat!

Okay....I'm outta here for now, but will be back on Monday with GREEN as my goal. Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:40 pm
by gratefuldeb67
hi gk :)
thanks so much for your kind words on my thread.
hope you have a great day.
deb xx

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:55 pm
by Sweetness
Definitely mark it and move on, don't you dare beat yourself up about it! You are my friend and if you beat yourself up, I'll have to get mad at you!! :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:40 pm
by gk
Sweetness wrote:Definitely mark it and move on, don't you dare beat yourself up about it! You are my friend and if you beat yourself up, I'll have to get mad at you!! :wink:
Thanks so much. :) You know, I consider the No S community my group of friends that truly understand the struggle of trying to eat normally. It's so nice to come here and have someone to talk to who really "gets it", ya know? I really appreciate your support!! Thank you!! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:10 am
by Sweetness
Hope you had a great weekend, Go for the GREEN this week!! :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:37 am
by gk
Sweetness wrote:Hope you had a great weekend, Go for the GREEN this week!! :mrgreen:
Thanks!! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:43 am
by gk

Man, oh man, did I ever inhale the chocolate candy this weekend. It was kind of obscene actually. :oops: . Definately a wild weekend. Oh well....onward and upward, right?

I think I'm done with the food journaling - gets old fast with me for some reason. Will just mark my success or fail from now on.

Also, I've decided to make peanut butter an S for me. That's become as bad as chocolate for me lately.

Ready to tackle this week. Have to bake cookies on Wednesday, so that'll be a challenge. But the kids will be home from school, so they can be my handy little taste testers, instead of myself. :)

My goal this week is for the "diet" and food in general to shift from being my main focus. Oh.....and maybe four successes would be nice, too. 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:48 am
by determined
gk...You are so wise to look at your successes instead of a couple of struggish days. You ARE making progress & you ARE doing well.

It's Monday & I hope the week is wonderful for you...


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:02 am
by gk

Struggled quite a bit around 4:00, but pulled through (thank you, Janie :) ).

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:21 am
by determined
Having Success after struggling is hard, but having Success on a MONDAY is really hard! You did it....WELL DONE AGAIN!!!


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:29 am
by Sweetness
Good for you!! :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:56 pm
by milliem
Heya, just wanted to stop by and say congratulations on your successful monday!

I'm of the same mind as you I think, no matter what colour the days, I'm sticking with NoS. I've had more fails than successes lately, but if I completely gave up then I know the days when I failed on having A snack or A sweet, I'd be eating snacks AND sweets AND second portions and everything else and never have a chance at a sensible day!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:47 pm
by gk
Janie, Patty & Milliem: Thanks a bunch for the encouragement! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:49 pm
by gk

I guess you could say my lunch was a little "full", but my dinner was pretty light so it all evens out. :P

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:53 pm
by gk

Well, I was going to give myself only major holidays and my birthday, but I've decided to join in the fun and include my husband and kids' birthdays, too. Only live once, right? :D

Sooo....that would make today a NWS Day, as my daughter turns 10 today. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:59 pm
by determined
Happy birthday to your daughter!!! Enjoy the day!


Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:12 am
by moderatemeals
Hi gk -
Thanks for your msg on my check-in! I am on vacation so haven't been posting but am trying to follow a modified no s while away. So far, so good.

You have been doing GREAT and have been inspiring me! Keep up the good work and if you do have a red day, just mark it and move on. I tend to beat myself up over it and now Am just trying to remind myself that I will never be perfect...even if I have a perfect week or a perfect month for that matter. I just want to have a healthy attitude around food. One mod that I am really trying to work on is the no solitary snacking since that is a big habit for me. I also bought the geneen Roth book you recommended and am trying to read a chapter a night. I think I've made huge strides in the last 3 or so years but I still think I think about food too much :wink: probably the best remedy is vanilla no s..,when I had my long streak awhile back I found I stopped thinking so much about food after I got over the unit hump of following it.

Good luck and hope you had a wonderful bday celebration!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:20 pm
by determined
I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for such great friends who have been so supportive in this NoS journey. I'm convinced I would have given up by now without the encouragement I've received here. Thanks for all your kind words...they've meant more than I can express.

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving...


Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:22 pm
by milliem
Happy birthday to your daughter, and well done on your successful week so far!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:19 am
by Sweetness
Hope your thanksgiving was wonderful!! 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:49 am
by gk
Thank you all for your wonderful posts! So nice to log in and feel like a part of such a great group of people! I agree, Janie, that I would have given up LONG ago if it weren't for the support of everyone here.

I had a very nice week, but No S-wise it could have been better. Had a fail today, so only 2 greens this week. However, I don't really feel guilty about it. I'm learning to take the greens when I can and mark the reds and move on when that happens, too. Life is too short to dwell on red squares on a calendar. Looking at the big picture......

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'll definately be ready to go into "sugar rehab" on Monday and return to a little more sane eating. I baked those peanut butter blossom cookies this week and devoured quite a few. They are my weakness that I make only once a year.......evidently for a reason. :lol:

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:41 pm
by determined

I LOVE those PB blossom cookies. I only make them once a year too 'cause they can be too tempting!

You're so wise to just pick yourself up, dust off the crumbs & move on....

Have a great day...janie

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:04 pm
by Sweetness
determined wrote:gk...

pick yourself up, dust off the crumbs & move on....

Have a great day...janie
Love this, I'm going to remember!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:13 am
by gk
S Days

So, I'm pretty much feeling like I'm back to square one. Just five days of having all three S's can do that to me. Tomorrow seems kinda daunting to me. I've pretty much had a chocolate IV going for days now. (Ahhhhh...and it's been wonderful :D ). But time for reality.

I think through the next month I'll make a goal of....."let's see how many greens I can get this week" vs. "I'm going to get all greens, unless I FAIL again". It's so hard to stay on track during the holidays. I want to keep a grip on it, but at the same time I don't want to be obsessed about it enough to ruin the fun holiday time of year either. Hey, maybe I could just look at it this way......"won't all the reds mixed in with the greens look quite festive on my calendar??" No?? Well, it was worth a try anyway. 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:09 pm
by milliem
It's hard to find a balance between setting yourself a goal that you don't think you will achieve (and then beating yourself up/feeling bad if you don't) and not actually challenging yourself enough. My concern about not aiming for greens every day is that I will start to not care at all if I fail.... and not trying is worse than trying and failing!

Hope you have a good day today!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:50 pm
by Pangelsue2
I agree with Milliem. If we stand in the doorway and have failure quite visible in our rear view mirrors and can't see success because it is around a couple of corners or over a couple of hills, it is impossible to keep our eyes on the prize. So many of us here are really focused on that rear view mirror. The next new diet creates a lovely picture of the road ahead. I have done it many times myself. I hear about a new diet, I read the success stories and I can easily picture myself doing everything I have to do to get there. Then I don't do it and it becomes the next picture in the rear view mirror. The more I read success stories here and elsewhere, the more I realize that there should be no rear view mirror and no plans around the bend or over the hill. There is only today. This cookie, this chip, this french fry. All effort should be present moment. We can't afford rear view mirror sadness or unknown future bliss. Neither one of them is what is happening right now. I wish I could say I apply this to my every day life but I am struggling like the rest of us. I just think I am heading to a place of no excuses, wishes, dreams or waffling. I am going kicking and screaming to a place where I know it is really all up to me and each and every decision I make. I don't want to go there because it will be hard and that's the truth. I think it would be worth it though.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:20 am
by gk
You guys make a good point, as evidenced by my FAIL today.

Yikes - what's going on with me? I just didn't have any drive to achieve a green today. And it wasn't my usual grumpy, "I don't want to do this anymore" mood either. I just happily felt like ignoring No S today. Where did that come from? Not good, considering my pants are getting tighter and tighter!!!! :shock:

Help!! Remind me why I'm doing this!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:46 am
by Pangelsue2
If I had the answer to that question, I'd be doing it myself. I just know the motivation has to be personal. It can't be I "ought" or "should" do anything. It has to be I "will" do it followed by action. I have been looking for that yellow brick road for a whole lot of years. I hope you find it. Look for it inside your head though, not in some magic diet applied to the outside you. I can guarantee that doesn't work.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:13 am
by gk
Pangelsue2 wrote: I just know the motivation has to be personal. It can't be I "ought" or "should" do anything. It has to be I "will" do it followed by action.
That is so very true. Anything else will give you a Fail Day every time. Oh, and speaking of would be another Fail for me. Today I'm not upset or frustrated by it though. I think it's cuz it's just really busy right now, and I have a lifted mood this holiday season. I've just decided to just go with the flow.....having a treat here and there because I want it, but not bingeing. I know I'll get back on track after the holidays (yes, I consider ALL of December a holiday :D ), but for some reason I'm just relaxing a bit about the rules right now. Still trying to follow the rules and keep things in check, but not really strict at the moment. Isn't that what January is for anyway??? :wink:

Most of my day was really good. In fact, I didn't break vanilla No S until after supper. And even then, it wasn't too bad. Coulda been worse.....and that's what I'll focus on. 8)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:13 pm
by gk
I'm back. I've been pretty sick with a stomach flu for a while now. Just like the one I had last year....NASTY......the barely-have-the-strength-to-get-up-off-the-floor flu (ISH). I still don't think I'm over it yet, but much better. Been like the plague around here....I don't think I've ever had to call the school and tell them that 3 out of my 4 kids are home sick. Well, at least we're not all sick at Christmas - could be worse. :)

I've lost 7 lbs. this week. Obviously, mostly water. But then the fact that I've had nothing but water and a stray cracker here and there for days now could have something to do with it, too. :) The silver lining of all this is that I've more or less had a "reset button" for No S. Got me used to not snacking again. Haven't had sugar for days, so I've been in "rehab" for that as well. Sure like the way my pants are fitting now and don't want to go back to that too-snug feeling anytime soon.

Let's see how I do this week...

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:53 pm
by gk
gk wrote:Been like the plague around here....I don't think I've ever had to call the school and tell them that 3 out of my 4 kids are home sick.
My husband just woke up sick. My 10-year old girl is now the only one left in our family that hasn't gotten it............"and then there was one......". What are the odds that I will get a call from school today saying she's sick??? That's what I think, too.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:46 am
by gk
By the end of the day my nausea finally vanished. The chocolate pie that I had made before I got sick was still sitting in the fridge. It had been taunting me every time I walked by the fridge, looking green in the face. Even as sick as I was, the thought of chocolate pie sounded good....I had no appetite, could barely get down crackers once a day, but chocolate was still appealing to me - yes, I'm a real nut job. I finally caved tonight, since I felt better, but stopped at 3 bites. :D

I've found that my stomach has shrunk alot from this past week. I'll have a few bites of something and seem full (definately foreign for me :wink: ). Gave me an keep this small stomach around for a bit, maybe I'll have my meals with smaller plates. Probably something that won't be long-term, knowing my BIG appetite and love for food :lol: , but if I try to keep my portions small, maybe it'll work for awhile. Might as well try...

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:15 pm
by Sweetness
Gk, glad you're feeling better, sounds like it was very hard, but way to go on looking at the bright side! :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:04 pm
by gk
Thanks, Patty. :)


Snacks: Success
Seconds: Success
Sweets: Success

All day I had no problems with my smaller intake of food. Practically felt like I had just had my stomach stapled or something. I cut my cereal down by half in the morning (was eating a full bowl). Lunch and dinner were on an almost-7" plate that was sparingly covered.....problably about 1/4 of what my usual "sparingly filled" normal-sized plates used to be. In fact, I felt stuffed after that meal! However, after dinner my stomach started feeling weird again, so maybe this flu is one of those that just comes and goes again or something. Either way, I'm loving the fact that I'm not snacking all day and resisted sweets ( I DID feel good enough to indulge in that if I wanted to and chose not to.)

Being just 7 lbs. lighter has reminded me how nice it is to feel a little lighter and is giving me the inspiration to continue with good eating habits......even through the holidays! R.jean told someone else on the bulletin about how tracking your S's individually could help with not scrapping the whole thing and bingeing when you slip up. I have heard of that before, thought about it, but never really tried that in the past, so that's what I've decided to do now. So far, I'm all green and feeling good about it.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:29 pm
by r.jean
Glad you are feeling better and hope this is a good month for you!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:41 pm
by gk
Thanks, r.jean. :)

So I'm finally getting back to reading my "Breaking Free from Emotional Eating" Book, by Geneen Roth. I read something this morning that really struck a chord with me. Thought I'd include it in my check-in as a reminder to myself and maybe it'll be helpful to anyone reading as well......

It is taken out of the chapter that is about forgiving yourself and learning to quit being too hard on yourself, etc. She notes -

"Sometimes you are waiting to get thin to begin your life. And, like so many fifty- and sixty-year old women I see in Breaking Free workshops, you can spend your life waiting to begin. You can grow old waiting to begin. And then you can die without having ever lived."

It dawned on me that ever since I was 16 years old I've been telling myself that "If I just reach a certain number on the scale I'll be content." I actually have reached it a couple times, only to bounce back to a heavier weight. I've never had alot of weight to lose, but always just enough that I think if I was just a little bit thinner I'd be more content, more pretty, more happy. Now, I've reached 40 years old. Instead of playing tug of war with 10 lbs. it's grown to 20 lbs......and I'm STILL waiting for that magic time to happen. I've wasted so much time with this whole weight thing, constantly on my mind, whether I'm obsessing about it or whether it's hovering in the back of my mind. What a waste of time!!!! I don't want to waste the next 40 years "waiting". I'm so consumed by dieting, weight programs, etc. that I'm not paying attention to everything around me. I should be using the time that I'm stewing about my weight to play with my kids, enjoy a good book, or going out to do something fun.

I do realize that the reason I come back to dieting all the time is because when I don't, I gain more weight. The older I get, the more weight I have to lose and it will only get worse if I don't keep an eye on it somehow. On the other hand, if I didn't turn food into this big THING to conquer it probably wouldn't be as much of a struggle. I've turned this into something WAY bigger than it should be. I don't want to turn 70 years old and realize that I spent my entire life struggling with this.

Reminds me of another one of my favorite quotes (though I don't know who said this)......

"Live each day as though it is your last......because one day, it will be."

What if today were my last day, my last week, my last month? Would I want it to be spent fretting about weight, diet strategies, and degrading opinions of myself? Absolutely not! Whenever I remind myself of that quote, I see things more clearly.....the sky is bluer, the trees are greener, the air smells so fresh.....I look at my family and am so grateful for them. These things can be taken away in an instant. Each day is a gift. What a waste to let food overcome so many other more important things to take up my time. It is just food. Plain and simple.

Hmmm......didn't mean to get so ummm.....DEEP :roll: , but sometimes I just need to give myself a mental shake and remember that time is going by so fast. Better sit up and notice before the years fly by and are gone. My energy is better spent on other things than arguing with a carton of ice cream....or berating myself if I'm not a size 8.

Now, I know I keep bouncing all over the place on how I'm going to attempt this whole No S thing - used to be I'd change every other week....lately it's every other day! I guess I'm just trying to figure out what is right for me. This year has been a rather turning point for me. Age didn't ever bother me before. To me, it was always just a number. All of a sudden I was having a real problem with turning 40 (this past July). I think I'm just coming to terms with alot of things in my life right now. Trying to learn to accept myself for who I am. If I can do that, I think my problems with food will subside. Anyway, after much thought on the subject today (as you might have noticed :wink: ), I think I'll go back to just checking in as "good or not so good days" and leave it at that. More or less "leaning towards" No S for now.....trying to take the emphasis off food but still keep me reigned in a bit. No more checking my weight either. The mirror and my clothes are a good enough judge.

As for my actual checking was pretty good. I'm still trying to really listen to what I'm craving to avoid mindless munching and unsatisfying meals. Allowing some treats tonight and trying to avoid over indulging. Main focus to work on.....learning to look at food as FOOD, not comfort or something to do when bored or restless.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:36 am
by r.jean
I have a few years on you so I can tell you that the weight does gradually creep up. So... if the only thing you do is avoid the "creep up" then all is good. You are not seriously overweight. The time will come when you are ready to do something more than simply maintain. But for now, I recommend that you practice vanilla no s as much as possible, eat good meals that satisfy, and try not to gain.

I was jolted into doing something about my eating habits when I gained 20 lbs in less than a year. The slow creep became a fast creep and thank goodness I accidentally found No S by buying the book for less than $2 at a bookstore that was closing.

Good luck to you!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:37 pm
by gk
r.jean wrote:So... if the only thing you do is avoid the "creep up" then all is good. You are not seriously overweight. The time will come when you are ready to do something more than simply maintain. But for now, I recommend that you practice vanilla no s as much as possible, eat good meals that satisfy, and try not to gain.
Thanks for the good advice! :)

Super Slow

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:53 pm
by Over43
Nice string of green you have going.

Super Slow is a method of weight lifting that was"started" in the 1980's. Arthur Jones invented Nautilus machines in the 60's and 70's, in the early 80's he asked Ken Hutchins to create a "protocol" that would be safe for "elderly" ladies with osteoperosis to use.. So, Hutchins cut back on the weight and slowed the repetition down to 10 second positive and 5 second negative movement.

Over the years the seconds have varied, but now a 10/10 repetition seems to be popular. (That is what I use.)

Anyway, I am lucky that I live about 3 miles from a rehab center which has a Nautilus circuit so I go once a week with my wife and we get our strength training in.

I don't know where you live but has information, as well as and

If you go to youtube and type in inform fitness or body by science they have viseos posted.

My wife is a cancer survivor, has osteo arthritis, as well as having had countless (truly I have lost track) discotamies, and she is having success with this style of strength training.

Sorry that was so long.


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:38 pm
by gk
Well......let me recap the past week.....

Let's see.....last Wednesday, I did good except for a few treats. Thursday I had a few more treats. The weekend was a blur of snacking and treats. Then we get to Monday....BINGE.....Tuesday.....BINGE......and Wednesday....oh....nope, a BINGE.

I am very frustrated at the moment. I'm torn actually. I think about the pattern of my check-in over the past year. It goes something like this----I'm doing great, then get tired of dieting and fall off the wagon. I binge for a while, then get sick of myself and start the diet again. And the cycle continues. I constantly revert back to the point of being frustrated with dieting and just want to live in moderation without rules. Just keep things in check. But without any rules in place, I never seem to be able to keep myself from reverting to bad eating habits and bingeing. Heck, WITH the rules in place, I still binge. Just that fact, makes me binge even more!

I've been on this rollercoaster for so long that I'm tired of thinking about it, but at the same time I obviously have to keep trying because the alternative is gaining more and more weight, not to mention the unhealthy foods I'm eating can't be good for me!

I'm sick of hearing myself talk about it, so I can just hear the eye rolling going on when people read my check-ins. I mean enough with the whining. Just do something about it!'d think I was battling drugs or something the way I have NO control over this!! There are people who are fighting and overcoming things that make this look like a drop in the bucket. I tell myself that over and over and still seem to be struggling with it.

This past week, the more disgusted I became with myself and resentful about the whole dieting thing, the more I ate and the bigger the binges got. Yeah, THAT'LL help.

So much for "leaning toward a diet". Just no middle road for me, I guess. Have to suck it up and work at it like everyone else (minus the whining from now on - PROMISE :wink: ).

Okay, my venting is over. Onward and upward. 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:14 am
by Sweetness
gk, I'm just wondering when you are sticking with no s, are you giving yourself healthy portions so that you are satisfied after your meals? I know I would not be able to do no S if I felt deprived at mealtimes. I make sure what I eat is delicious. I am enjoying food more. I'm losing weight ever so slowly, 3 or 4 lb since I started, but that's a total reverse of gaining 5 pounds a year for the past 4 years.

Anyway, we're not rolling our eyes, we're pulling for you. You can do it!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:18 pm
by determined
gk...I agree with one is rolling their eyes at you. The majority of us have been in your position & identify with being in that cycle of wanting to be rid of this unhealthy eating, yet felling compelled to binge. I hate that feeling of knowing what I should do...and doing the exact opposite. And I absolutely understand the weariness of thinking about this...and dwelling on this...and then failing again & again.

I've done NoS on & off for a few years & this time around has been different for me. My reasons for being more successful now are most likely different than yours since we're living in different shoes...I won't pretend to be any kind of expert. My inner cheerleader is uncontrollable sometimes though & I can't help but try and encourage you.

This CAN be beaten. This CAN change for you. can. I think one of the main reasons why I'm seeing changes in my life this time around is that I started seeing this battle as a priority. I know, I know...that sounds minor & of COURSE it's a priority since I thought about it all my life. BUT, I wasn't getting regular exercise, I wasn't planning for what to do when NoS got difficult, I wasn't planning for how I was going to cope when the emotional days got difficult. I've worked really hard at doing all sorts of things in my life, but I wasn't truly working on the plan to help myself. First, I went to my dr. and got bloodwork done and I talked to her about Seasonal Affective Disorder. She put me on a mild anti-depressant for the winter months, took steps to get my non-existent vitamin D levels higher, and warned me that if I didn't get my cholesterol under control in 3 months, she'd put me on medication. UGH. I could either see exercise as my "medication" or start down the road of daily pills. All of a sudden my motivation for getting this area of my life under control increased. I started making a plan for getting through each day...I kept the NoS book on my nightstand to read whenever I needed encouragement...I started knitting again so I'd have a project to keep my hands busy...I started swimming 3 times a week at the "Y"...I trusted the plan....trusted the plan...trusted the plan. The result is that I'm not binging anymore (I've done that all my life), my cholesterol is down 110 points since April...I'm swimming 3 miles a week...I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I don't share that to make you feel worse, but to encourage you to figure out how to get past the emotional pulls on you and elevate this to an objective project. NOT another diet plan to lose "X" number of pounds a month or to figure out how to diet better, but to analyze what battle plan will help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

You can do this. You can. You really can.

Hang in there....Hugs, janie

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:35 pm
by Who Me?
Nobody is rolling their eyes! We really are all here for the support.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:26 pm
by Okaybear

Hehehehehe....wait, not funny? (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist! I'm a punk.)

The thing about diets and exercise that I wish more people would understand is that they're NOT MORAL ISSUES. If any of us on the other side of the boards are judging you, well, we can go jump in a lake. It's your journey, your decisions, your motivations.

That being said, I want you to succeed because I want everyone who WANTS to eat healthier and lose weight to succeed. Not because I think you SHOULD.

Do you have binge-able items in the house? For me, I very specifically binge on ready-made items (like chips or frozen meals). If I have to prepare it, I'm not likely to binge on it. Any way you can limit the amount of food around you?

Also, I echo what sweetness said - if you're treating NoS like a "diet", and restricting too heavily during your mealtimes, of course you're going to resent it and want to binge. Can you up what you eat at mealtimes?

Please don't be disgusted with yourself. Really, it's just food. It's not a moral dilemma. Your value and goodness as a person does not hinge on how "good" you are at dieting. Promise.

You can do it! :)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:47 am
by gk
I've been staying away for a bit.....kind of hovering on the sidelines, gauging what my next move should be - still struggling with how I want to approach this. I logged on and saw so many wonderful posts on my check-in. I felt so much better after reading them!

Patty: I definately was not depriving myself at mealtimes. In fact, I was almost to the point of letting my meals get a little too big....still on a plate but kind of "Jenga-like", if you know what I mean. :lol: If anything, I need to learn how to be content with LESS at meals. Thanks for your encouragement!! :)

Janie: You make some very good points. Maybe I haven't really planned for how to deal with tough times. I kind of just let everything fall apart when they do happen. I will have to put more effort into that part of it. Funny that you mentioned knitting. I don't know WHERE it came from, but for the past month or so, I've had the strange urge to want to learn to crochet. I am a BIG reader.....I also like to watch t.v......but I've never done anything like that. I guess I did cross stitch when I was little and did latchwork for a bit in my teens, but maybe all the talk of it on these boards has stuck that in my head. I have so many books that I don't have enough time to get to, but I seem to want to add to my "fun to-do list". Will have to pick up a book that will teach me how to do that. Anyway, you're pep talk was very inspiring and helped me alot - thanks!

Who Me?: Thank you! This is one of the most supportive group of people I've ever "met". Love it here. :)

Okaybear: Ha!!! Love your sense of humor. :lol: Yes, I have had binge-able items in the house. Lately, I've even been preparing for binges - yikes!! Not good. I don't feel I should strip the house of goodies, because that wouldn't be fair to everyone else in the family, but there are many goodies that that they would like that wouldn't tempt me in the least, so that's what I should stock up on from now on. As for getting S treats and having them in the house a day or so early, I think I will stick to the ones that I have to prepare - you're right...if you have to prepare them, odds are you won't binge on them. Plus, I've found that I enjoy treats that are like that so much more versus the store-bought ones anyway. Good point about NOT treating it like a moral dilemma. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in it, I seem to judge myself solely on if I'm sticking to the diet or not. Not good - I'm much more than that!!

Lately, I've been in my usual "It's the holidays, I'll start soon, but not now" mode. I plan to start soon, but I'm just not "there" yet, I guess. Might try taking away one S at a time this time. Maybe the extra slow appraoch might work. Hmmm..not sure. I think I also might start yoga again after the new year. I quit because I felt like I just didn't have the time, but like Janie said, need to make priorities. Plus, I felt so much better a while back, just after a week or so of doing it. I know I'm just procrastinating and should just start NOW, but......I'm not. :roll: I'll jump in again soon.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:12 am
by Sweetness
gk, Thanks for stopping by my thread, and for your encouraging words. Merry Christmas! :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:31 am
by gk
So, I'm sitting here typing while M & M's are melting in my mouth - apparently I'm not on the diet again yet. :lol:

I've decided my re-start date will be 1/1/12. Yeah, yeah, I know - what a cliche. But, I'm just one of those people who get a boost out of having that first day of the year as a restart date. I've definately decided on a very slow start. I'm remembering the check-in of someone who had really out-of-control-habits and had alot of success with that approach. I think he started with no snacking after 8 p.m. Haven't quite decided what I'll start with.

Starting the year with quite a new frame of mind and approach to things. Will delve into that later. Just felt like touching base for now.

Merry Christmas everyone - hope you have a wonderful holiday. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:34 pm
by gk
A couple of observations.....

If I was drinking as much as I was eating I'd be drunk everyday. The holidays have put me in a whirlwind of chocolate, non-stop snacking and overeating. The stuff is like an addictive drug.....the more you have, the more you want, but the more you want to stop.... :shock:

Weighed myself this morning, just out of curiosity. Would you believe I've LOST two pounds?!?!? My scale has to be off. Either way, it goes to show that the number on the scale doesn't really matter. I may be enjoying my goodies and overeating every day, but I feel heavy and my clothes feel tighter. I also have been avoiding healther foods out of pure belligerence. The result? I am more sluggish and feel groggy even though I am getting enough sleep. Any more, when I move I feel probably about 10 years older than I am, a sure sign that exercise is no longer an option but a requirement. I'm actually craving exercise (yoga is in my near future).

Over the past two weeks, chocolate has become something I "need" more than something that I'm enjoying the taste (okay, I still enjoy the taste but not as much....). Yep....I'm a junkie. No intervention required. Time for the plan to be set up and followed. Remember when I said I wasn't "there" yet? Well, as hard as I know it's going to be to backtrack through all of these awful habits, I think I am finally ready to start. 2012 is going to be different for me on several levels - it's going to be a GOOD year. Now for that plan.......

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:30 am
by Sweetness

I was hopelessly addicted to my chocolate. I had to have at least 3 squares every day. I said, "I'm eating my 3 squares!" I kept it for a time even on no S because it was extra dark, 86% cocoa, and does not get most of its calories from sugar. But when we moved back to Mexico for the winter, I decided it had to go during the week, I just couldn't afford it here. Costs more than 3 times as much, and I have to buy the 72% here. It was hard for a couple weeks, but I had hot chocolate sweetened with stevia to help me through. But now, I even forget to have it even on the weekends!! (of course recently there have been Christmas cookies in abundance) Anyway I just wanted to encourage you. :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:42 am
by gk
Sweetness wrote:But now, I even forget to have it even on the weekends!!
Wow - that would be a miracle for me. Awesome that you have reached that point! And, it shows me that it CAN be done. That it's not a lost cause. Thanks for sharing and for the encouragment. :)