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Best time of day to walk for weight loss

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:37 pm
by donnao
What is the best time of day to walk to promote weight loss ?

Thanks !
Donna O

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:21 am
by pirateman2k
Short answer is:

All the time.

Medium answer is:

It doesn't matter.

Long answer is too long for me to write out--but you burn the same amount of calories whether you walk in the morning, afternoon, evening, or the middle of the night.

Timing this would only matter if you are a professional bodybuilder or weight-class athlete like a wrestler, boxer or olympic lifter.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:01 am
by reinhard
I agree with everything pirateman wrote :-)

I'd add one further refinement: the best time is whatever time you are most likely to actually do it. Don't allow some real or imagined "optimal" time to become an excuse for doing nothing at all.

I LIKE exercising in the morning. But since my kids get up at 6 and are pretty much physically attached to me until I dump them at school, that isn't an option anymore. So evenings are now the "best" time.


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:24 pm
by chiangmaiboss
I also like to walk in morning. Today I was in Mae Sai which is border with Burma. It was very cool as it in northernmost point of Thailand and is in mountains and still is cold season but will be hot season by end of this month.
I walked on main street which is widest street I have ever seen and also is technically part of highway 1 which goes about 700 miles, all the way to Bangkok. It was also best time to walk because it is also burning season now and the forest is burning all over from farmers burning fields. Smoke gets very heavy later in the day.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:10 pm
by cab54
I agree it doesn't matter as far as weight loss is concerned.

I change mine with the seasons ans the weather.

In summer when it's hot, I do it in the morning to stay cooler.

In winter (or cooler weather) I walk in the afternoon at the warmest part of the day.

But when they weather is really inclement (hard rain, or heavy snow and icy streets/sidewalks.....I get on the treadmill. Not as fun, but better than going days without walking.