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mrsj check in

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:03 pm
by mrsj
At 1100 I put on my trusty MP3 and ranged into town. Kept the music on while I shopped to keep up the tempo. Did my shopping and ranged on home WITHOUT STOPPING AT THE FAST FOOD JOINT FOR TRASH FOOD!

When I got home I kept the music on and danced with the cat. I was on my feet and moving for over an hour and didn't start hurting until I stopped. A great Urban Ranger Day!

25 Nov ranged with my doggie Thor for 16 minutes. Shopped locally for 20 minutes.

26 Nov. Ranged locally to shop for dinner things. Very tired today.

27 Nov. Ranged 17 minutes with Thor.
28 Nov. Ranged 15 mins. with Thor. Then walked to grocery shop.
29 Nov. Ranged 20 min. with Thor
30 Nov. Ranged 10 mins. with Thor. Ranged into town and home again. Was on my feet for more that 2 hrs. and my knees were killing me.
1 Dec. Ranged 15 mins. with Thor
2 Dec. Ranged 15 mins with Thor
3 Dec. Ranged 15 mins with Thor
4 Dec: ranged 20 mins with Thor
Have urban ranged every day with Thor. I have also overtaken grocery shopping for more rangeing expeditions. I don't grocery shop, I range home the groceries!

30 Nov. Ranged into town and further afield to do errands. Shopped at the mall and was on my feet for over 2 hours. When I got home I danced with Thor and the cat (Frigga). Knees hurt.
Dec. 1-13: Have ranged every day with Thor. Every other day have ranged home the groceries.
Dec 14: Will range with Thor in the morning. Have to range into town, using ChiWalking to help my shinsplints. Then Range home the groceries from local shops. DH working late, so range again with Thor this afternoon. A very active Ranging day!
Dec 15: Range with Thor. There's a snowstorm, so it will be fun. Thor loves snow! Then "home ranging in small spurts the rest of the day.
Realized that this is Day 21!!! Member of 21 Day Urban Ranger Club!!!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 2:47 pm
by mrsj
I'm starting to Urban Range again slowly. As I mentioned in my I'm back post, if I stand more than 15 minutes my knees feel like they've been hit with a hammer. My feet and lower back hurt. I'm too heavy for my joints. I have to start somewhere.

7 May: Hubby and I took the bus to a huge store on the other side of town. The bus stop is about 1/2 kilometer from the store. We spent an hour walking through the store and gardening center. Then ranged back to the bus stop. Ranged to our allotment garden to drop off the plants we bought and then tromped home. All of this for 2 tomato plants! Thank goodness for trollies as plants weigh a lot.

8 May: Ranged to the allotment garden and spring cleaned the house for the summer season. Did a little gardening, ranged to the store to buy more flowers and ranged home. An active day.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:24 pm
by NoS-er

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:46 pm
by mrsj
Ive been tromping around every day as I don't own a car and hate to bicycle. By the time I reach anbus stop I'm over half way to town. Might as well keep going.