Home bard (my UR 'experimental' mod)

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Home bard (my UR 'experimental' mod)

Post by chentegt » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:07 pm

Ok, this is still at an 'experimental' phase. This is the first week I've been doing it and so far it's ben fun.

Where I live, there are no "walkable" places around, besides, this is one of the most dangerous places in Latin America. During work I don't have much time to walk.

So, as I really want to walk sometimes, I invented my own urban ranger, but inside my apartment. I call it "Home Bard".

Yeah it may sound stupid or boring but for me it has worked very well so far. This is my alternative to walking-dvds, considering I have a small space to walk inside my apartment (and I don't like to get out from home so early in the mornings):

- cheap mp3 player
- walk around the house around it's many "spots"
- Take all the necessary time until I have to go to work (usually around 45 minutes), walking inside, listening to music, and sometimes singing, and adjusting the pace to the rythm of the song...

I 'use' my imagination a lot, and I can get lost for more than an hour just listening to my favourite tunes... and thinking about my day, and other stuff... so it's working nice so far. Not boring as I expected.

Just something I wanted to share, not for motivation, just to see if someone has come out with some similar idea.

I will let you know how it goes.

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Post by navi » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:19 am

i have done this too, mainly when i have extra "steps" to get in at the end of the day (i am for 10,000 steps on pedometer per day), but sometimes when it is too hot out (live in Florida). i live in a small house, so my circuit includes going around furniture, etc. etc. my cats and boyfriend think i am nuts, but it amuses me......i wish i had stairs to add into the circuit.......

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Post by mjn » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:33 pm

Any way you can get in the exercise is great!! I walk 12,000 steps a day and if it is too hot outside and I don't feel like going anywhere, I walk in the house. I crank up my music and go. Hey, have fun walking however you do it.

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Indoor Walking

Post by zeahpug » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:58 pm

I do this at work as I work in a large retail shop. If there are no customers and no tasks I just walk. Also check out Leslie Sansone 'Walk Away the Pounds" video/DVDs.
BW: 176 lbs 6/08
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Regularly walk over 10,000 steps per day with pedometer (Rural Ranger).
Goal weight 150ish.

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Post by angelka71 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:08 am

I think this is great!! I do this in fits during the day to get in extra steps on my pedometer.

I have the MOST fun doing this when my teen daughter's friends are over...even thinking about it is making me want to laugh! You would just have to see the look on her face...that "O...M...G, MOM" look and then listening to her say something to her friends like, "Yeah, we're having her medicated next week, ignore her if you can!"

Another fun thing I like to do with my little kids (6 and 5 y/o) is to pretend that I'm a drill seargent and we all "march" through the house. Or sometimes the "bunnie hop" and yes, even the "Conga."

Of coarse, the "fun-o-meter" goes through the roof when we do this , again, in front of teen daughter and friends. Especially when we make them join in! So so much fun!!

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Post by reinhard » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:42 pm

Two ideas to make indoor rangering more inspired:

1. Chores. Cleaning. Make it your mission to find things to tidy up during your walks. (with 2 small children and 2 hairy cats, this is never very difficult for me).

2. Audiobooks. I often don't want to stop cleaning when I'm listening to a good audiobook. It's actually become one of my favorite activities. If your library network doesn't have the same amazing selection of audiobooks that mine mine does, Audible.com is an excellent site. The Teaching Company produces fantastic courses that are worth every penny (at least when they go on sale). There are a ton of free courses on iTunesU.



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Post by ou812 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:49 pm

Do you listen to MP3 audiobooks or cd's? My library has a large collection of audiobooks and I think that I may need to get a portable cd player. I don't want to pay for audiobooks, so I think this may be my solution.

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