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Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Hi everyone

Post by Daisy » Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:35 am

Not posted on the Urban Ranger board before, so thought I would just share with you all what I do each day - as far as walking is concerned.

I've been a Urban Ranger for years - the reason being is I have a dog, and dogs need walks. Upto last year I had two labradors but due to advancing years and very poor health they have to be put to sleep - both aged 13 - so they had quite a long life and upto to the last few months always enjoyed their daily walk.

Last September my husband and daughter talked me in to getting a Great Dane Puppy - she is now almost a year old - so I walk her twice a day. First thing in the morning we walk my daughter to school then I meet up with a friend and her dog and we carry on usually walking for about an hour and a half each morning.

In the afternoon we walk back and forwards to school again - so even though I haven't measured the distance it is probably and 5 miles or so every day.

We also have two ponies so after walking in the morning we (me and the dog) go off and do a little shovelgloving mucking out the stables. This usually takes between half an hour to an hour each day - depends on how much grass the ponies ate the previous day - if you know what I mean!!!

Things are a little easier at the weekend, but the ponies still need sorting out and the dog still needs a walk so I'm still fairly active.

Other than the above though I don't do any formal exercise - I can't think of anything worse than being stuck in a gym - my idea of hell!!!!

Kind regards to all - Daisy

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Post by reinhard » Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:12 pm

Thanks for the post, Daisy. Sounds very nice!

Informal exercise is so much better than formal -- the healthy byproduct of something useful or pleasurable.

As much as I love shovelglove (formal exercise pretending to be informal), if I could actually clear stables etc. instead of just pretending to, I'd drop it in a heartbeat.


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