Walking beats running

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Walking beats running

Post by i-try-2-b-fit » Wed May 15, 2013 3:41 am

Excellent article about walking.

Link: http://turbocharged.us.com/walk-or-run/

Walk or Run?
May 14, 2013 By Dian and Tom Griesel
A new study concluded that walking equaled running for heart health as long as the same distance was covered. It was not how long you run or walk but how far.
The study included data from more than 33,000 runners and almost 16,000 walkers aged 18 to 80 with the bulk in their 40’s and 50’s. The time period observed was 6 years.
“Both of these activities reduce risk factors, and if you expend the same amount of energy you get the same benefit,†said Paul Williams, a staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California. The more people walked or ran each week, the more their health improved, he said.
Here is a summary of the results:
• Running reduced the risk of high blood pressure 4.2 percent and walking reduced the risk 7.2 percent.
• Running reduced the risk for high cholesterol 4.3 percent and walking lowered the risk 7 percent.
• Running lowered the risk for diabetes 12.1 percent and walking reduced the risk 12.3 percent.
• Running decreased the risk of heart disease 4.5 percent and walking reduced the risk 9.3 percent.
It is interesting to note that for health benefits, walking was actually much better than running. In fact, it is obvious that walking beat running in all categories for reduced risk and some by a significant margin.
Fitness experts often say that running is better than walking for those who want to lose weight (burn more calories) because running requires 40% more energy. However, this observation is usually based on the time spent doing either activity and does not consider our bodies hormonal response or the fuel used. This study actually shows much better results for walking when energy expenditures are equal regardless of intensity.
People often run because they find it more time-efficient than walking an equivalent distance. However, as we point out in TurboCharged, and this study backs up, from a health standpoint walking is probably a better choice. If your goal is fat loss, walking is the clear winner because it can be fueled almost exclusively with fat stores while running requires conversion of lean body mass to adequately fuel the increased intensity.
There is nothing wrong with running if you enjoy it. All activity is good activity. Just don’t think that you need to run or progress from walking to running to reap significant health benefits. And remember, if your goal is fat loss and improving your body composition, walking is a much better choice, at least until you have achieved your leanness goal.
Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.

Link to another excellent article from the same website:


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Post by r.jean » Wed May 15, 2013 6:40 pm

Interesting post.

I am both a walker and a runner. One thing I notice about running is that it noticeably increases my appetite while walking does not. (I tend to measure distance not time so I am exercising longer on days I walk.) I have always assumed this hunger is because of the intensity you describe. So...the bottom line is that running does not necessarily promote more weight loss for me because I tend to eat more when I run for exercise. Yet running in moderation makes me feel good so I will continue.
Last edited by r.jean on Thu May 16, 2013 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by i-try-2-b-fit » Thu May 16, 2013 12:37 pm

Not only that, but too much exercise overly stresses the body - which often happens with distance running.

Stress is stress - whether it's emotional or physical. When the body is overly stressed it secretes cortisol which in turn causes your body to burn lean muscle mass for fuel.

There is a fine line between doing enough and too much. When that line is crossed you're damaging rather than strengthening your body.

That's why "rational" exercise (eg shovelglove) coupled with an activity like walking is superior to the no pain, no gain, bust your butt mindset for health and longevity. This is brought out in the book Blue Zones which studies different people groups around the world that are noted for their good health and longevity. One thing that these groups all have in common is that none of them go the gym and spend hours each week exercising. Natural movement is simply an everyday part of their lives.

The bottom line is that in order to be lean and healthy you need to move and eat properly. Trying to compensate for poor eating habits and food choices by doing more and more exercise is a strategy doomed for failure with poor health as a by product.

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Post by reinhard » Wed May 22, 2013 1:35 pm

Amen. If I had to pick one system of all the everyday systems to follow, urban ranger would be it. It's useful, it's safe, it's healthy, it's psychological and spiritual and intellectual exercise.

I actually do run a bit now, and I enjoy it. But it's amazing to me how injury prone an activity it is. For 10+ years I've been doing this crazy made up exercise with a sledgehammer than seems ridiculously dangerous without a single injury worth mentioning. Then as soon as I start running, this "normal" activity that millions of people do, I've got to see a physical therapist for IT band issues. And every runner I know is in a similar situation. I read Born to Run, and loved it, and went out and bought myself crazy minimalist shoes (" Tarahumara" style running sandals by Barefoot Ted himself!). And I'm fond of the footware, but it hasn't made a lick of different to my IT band (and my wife hates it).


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Post by SuperMysteryCat » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:02 am

reinhard wrote:... I read Born to Run, and loved it, and went out and bought myself crazy minimalist shoes (" Tarahumara" style running sandals by Barefoot Ted himself!). And I'm fond of the footware, but it hasn't made a lick of different to my IT band (and my wife hates it).

I use minimalist shoes for my urban ranging, but I would never spring for the expensive kind. I use water shoes from Wal-Mart (OP brand Wave Walkers or Menhatens - $10). They have a thinner sole and more toe room than the shoes marketed as minimalist. They don't last as long and they are plenty ugly, but you can't beat the price. I picked up several pair because they are only available seasonally.

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Excellent article! Helpful.

Post by Hippy Dippy » Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:30 pm


That article just further shores up my mind to continue adding walking to my routine. It is the easiest movement I can do on a regular basis. And as Reinhard says, it is also spiritual. I have been a "slow" runner and I've trained for marathons (I do those is 6 hours plus--so "slow"). And I've done a marathon where I kept up a regular "fast walk" pace and did better than when I tried to "run" it. As far as weight loss goes...I am not and will never been the lean, lithe runner woman you see typically depicted. I did lose 30 pounds one year while training for a marathon, but that's because I was following WW. And, even with the weight loss, my over-all body shape did not change, there was just less of it to see. : )

Yes, I like walking. It gets me out in actual weather and nature and I can see changes within my neighborhood by doing it on a regular basis. I used to walk 2-3 times a day...I had a 10.5 year old "puppy" dog who I would take with me. My poor baby died on Memorial Day weekend and to be honest, it was sad going on walks without him. I finally decided he'd want me to continue walking...so now I've added it to my habitcal.

Hippy Dippy
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