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there can be only one!!!! ok two...

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:36 pm
by guille
for those how love highlander as much as i do, you are welcome.

i need your opinion of something.

i have been experimenting on different approaches to shovelglove, i did 40 mins two times a week for some months, i liked that method but now i feel it is time to go back to the regular shovel training, 15 mins every week day. but still, i want to try something different.

i found this article ... exercises/ and decided to addapt it to shovelglove

it is useful to build more streight and muscle when you do bodyweight exercises or have lighter weights

the rutine takes 15 mins, the problem is that in those 15 mins you can do only 1 exercise you will repeat 2 times per week, in case of bodyweight exercises its simple, one day for pushing mucsles, one day for pulling, and one day for legs, but for shovel it aint so simple right.

so if you had only the possivility of choosing 2 exercises for your rutines, the ones that work the most parts of the body, which would you choose?
i know many would choose shovel, but the problem is that i dont do shovel, i felt some pain in my spine the first times i did it, and choose to focus on the other exercises.

so i have been thinking of which 2 shovelglove to choose, they should be very complete, address many different muscles and to be relatively different from each other, so they will work differet things in different days

in order to deside that i divided the exercises in 3,

1- isolated ones- flip lever, hoist sack, tuck bales, churn butter. i know they work more than one muscle but compared with the others its much more clear which parts they affect more, also all of them can be done with one hand in a controled manner, good luck trying to do strocke oven or dfp with one hand only...

2- smacked ones- choop wood, dfp, fireman, chop tree. this all are relatively similar, and the base of the movement is to hit something, a post, a tree, an ork, and i feel they have a littler reseblance to push ups, dips and pushng motions, because of the muscles that get most tired while doing them.

3- pulling ones- shovel and stoke oven, in the case of stoke oven i imagine i have to get a pizza out of the oven, so i have to ,with a lot of control ,lift the hammer to pull the pizza out, it makes the movement much more challenging and also makes it a similar, more advanced motion of shoveling.

so, thinking about what exercises address the most mucsles, and are most challenging, i decided to do one for smacked ones, and one from pulling ones.
that leaves me with stoke oven and some other from smacked ones, in my opinion the most difficult and the one that uses most muscles is dfp, but chop wood(the swiss automaton version) is a grat option too.

so which 2 ex would you choose?