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Where to buy a sledgehammer in Norway?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:23 pm
by Frankster
I was thinking about starting with shovelglove, but found out that sledgehammers are very expensive here in Norway. Found an 11 pound in a store called Jernia, but it costs $160!!! A 6-pounder costs $120.

So if there is somebody from Norway reading this, where can I get a cheaper one?

So what I have done now is take a dumbbell-set and fashion a 12 pound and 14 inch long dumbbell as such.


  • Already had it
    Less chance of banging into things.
  • Short, won't get the leverage
It should be OK to start with this until I get a real sledgehammer?

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:18 am
by Frankster
Just a little update.

Did 14 minutes of throwing that thing around yesterday, and my upper arms are burning today. Can also feel it a little bit in my upper back and shoulders, so at least I know it works.

And my dad had an old hammer. Only 8 pounds, but I will test it out for a couple of weeks.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:24 pm
by Spudd
Have you tried someplace like Byggmakker? I don't speak Norwegian very well (I sort of speak Swedish so I can sort of guess some Norwegian, but not much). I couldn't see any non-electric tools on their site but I guess in the store they must have them. I don't know if that's where you looked when you found the one for $120. That just seems like a crazy price. It's just some metal on a stick!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:27 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, Frankster. I'm sorry I can't advise you on the sledgehammer in Norway issue, though I'm stunned that such a simple, common implement would be so expensive there. Your provisional solution looks great, though. And if your dad has an 8 pounder that's a great way to test the waters as well. My guess is you'll find something cheaper soon enough.
