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Trying to get my dad into shovelglove.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:19 pm
by JAD
He's a diabetic with some pretty bad foot pain (neuropathy). Even just walking aggravates it for him, so he's gone from being a very active man to getting no exercise at all. Shovelglove looks like something from which he could really benefit.
I've only started shovelglove myself. I typically work out with kettlebells and ran across a link to shovelgloving while poking around for kettlebell stuff. Can't recommend what I haven't tried, so I dug out my 6 pound sledge and had a go at it. Some of the motions involve muscles that the kettlebells don't seem to touch. Kudos on a great idea.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:01 am
by guille
my dad has a similar thing, high blood presure, and he needs to put down weight, i told him about the no s diet , im not sure he could do shovelglove, because he has knee problems, anyway,i dont think he will follow this, he is insisting on going into a "diet", you know aboid all tasty things and trying to do static bicycle,(which he hasnt touched in months)
i hope it works for him, but i dont think he will follow it on the long run,
but one can not force ideas into others mind.

about kettlebell, i have been checking about that, i thing many principles from kettlebell and clubbell are "musts" in shovel glove like trying to keep the spine on its natural shape, not twisting or bending, and looking at exersises of kettlebells and clubbells i thing many can be adapted to shovelglove

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:50 pm
by JAD
Kettlebell is a great form of exercise. Due to a combination of a youthful rotator cuff injury and arthritis, I had lost much of the mobility in my shoulders by age 45. I needed my wife's help to get dressed. I read a little bit on the web about the benefits of kettlebells, so I bought myself a 1 pood pair and downloaded an iPhone app with a multilevel workout plan. I've been using them for almost 2 years now and have regained about 98% of the use of my shoulders. The left one is still a little less flexible.
I won't say shovelglove is superior to kettlebell or vice versa. Instead, I will say that they complement each other quite nicely.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:47 pm
by reinhard
JAD, sorry I haven't popped in here sooner.

I've not, alas, been able to convince either of my parents to shovelglove, though my dad has always been a methodical exerciser so it's not really an issue (my mom on the other hand...).

I'm not going to knock kettlebells (except perhaps in jest). They seem like a great exercise -- leagues above those torture machines at the gym and close cousins to shovelglove.

Best of luck let us know how it goes for you both,


Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:07 am
by Sixty
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