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Hello, I'm new!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:31 am
by morganalefay
I signed up yesterday, and today I went out and bought a sledgehammer, so I thought I'd say hello! This is such a brilliantly simple and functional idea, I had to give it a try.

The obligatory bit about me: I'm a 45-year-old, 5'5" girl who has always done some form of exercise - I walk everywhere (I haven't had a car for about 9 years), I like swimming and I also cycle a lot - up until recently I spent 6 months of the year cycling to work which is 14 miles away (I now mostly work from home). I also do yoga and Pilates, a bit sporadically.

I started working out with weights after hitting 40 and reading about weight training and maintaining your bone density (also I'm a bit fed up with my classic female cr*p upper body strength). After injuring a shoulder doing 'isolation' exercises, I wanted to do more functional stuff, and became a devotee of Mistress Krista, which is how I came across Shovelglove. I had been thinking about kettlebells, but this seems easier, cheaper and more fun (though kettlebells still sound like fun!)

I've got a 10lb hammer, figuring that as I regularly work out with a pair of 5kg dumbbells (about 11lb each) that would be a reasonable place to start, but VERY CAREFULLY. I'll post up progress!

Just to add that I love the whole Everyday Systems concept. I've been working on trying to establish habits for a few years now, and this looks like it would help quite a lot.

Geographical and nationality footnote: I'm a Brit - actually I'm Welsh, though I live in south-west London in the UK.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:33 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, Morganlefay! Give my regards to Mistress Krista.

I worked (very briefly) in London a few years ago. I was a librarian at an investment bank, which meant I had a relatively piddling salary but with master of the universe perks (the Travel and Expenses system wasn't set up to handle mere librarians). I was so grateful for the opportunity that I worked non-stop and didn't get to travel outside of London much, but managed to have a great time nonetheless (the hospitality of my co-workers, and the charming local custom of hitting the pub before/instead of dinner were instrumental in this).


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:59 pm
by MoTappin
I'm new to the shovelglove thing...did my first full workout with it this morning. Let's just say it aint' for sissies! I warmed up first with 15 minutes of aerobics, and by the time I was done shrugging, I was dripping in sweat. Didn't time myself though...I was just trying to learn the moves. Next time I'll watch the clock.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:07 pm
by morganalefay
I had my first go with it yesterday afternoon, and it felt quite different from anything else I've tried.

The 10lb hammer didn't feel as heavy as I expected, but I was careful to hold it quite near the head. I found I was putting quite a lot of knee bending into the shovelling movements in order to be careful of my back, as I don't have any problems with it, and don't want to start having any. I also found myself doing a sort of 'bell ringing' manoeuvre which involves holding the hammer out in front and going into a deep squat, then pushing up again and raising my arms in the air (sort of like the SG equivalent of a dumbbell swing, possibly?)

The most important thing, though, was that it is tremendous fun - I didn't want to stop at 14 minutes and had to stop myself!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:10 pm
by morganalefay
reinhard wrote:I ... managed to have a great time nonetheless (the hospitality of my co-workers, and the charming local custom of hitting the pub before/instead of dinner were instrumental in this).

Ah, that time-honoured British custom which Londoners are particularly good at observing .... everyone hits the pub on a Friday! :D

Re: Hello, I'm new!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:49 am
by London Mum
morganalefay wrote:
Geographical and nationality footnote: I'm a Brit - actually I'm Welsh, though I live in south-west London in the UK.
Snap! I'm from Cardiff and I live near Wimbledon.

Where did you get your sledge? I have been SGing for nearly two months, and started with a 7lb sledge which I have now added two 1lb weights to. The whole thing weighs 10lb now, so I'm not sure whether to get a 10lber next or go straight up to 12lb.


Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:24 am
by morganalefay
I got it from a tiny little hardware shop just down the road from Twickenham stadium. The guy behind the counter saw me considering whether to get the 7lb or the 10lb, and asked how big was the door I wanted to smash down. :D