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talked to my doctor's office and now i'm confused!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:49 pm
by Natasha
Honestly, this doesn't make sense. I asked the nurse about taking Advil for my pain during the day and I asked about weight lifting. She talked to the doctor and he said that I should not be bending my knee over my toes, and that my swelling will not go away until I have surgery. So first of all, am I bending too much by SG-ing?? I don't think so, but I don't always look at my knees when I am busy working out! I believe I bend and am ALMOST at the point of bending my knees to where they are almost over my toes. Does that make sense? As for the pain and swelling that never goes away completely, am I DOOMED to have to have surgery??? I am so miserable about this. I don't even know where to get a second opinion because all the ortho docs in this city are all in one practice. I don't know if it's worth it either. I just want to fix this without surgery, you know??

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:32 pm
by reinhard
I have no idea regarding the surgery, but shovelglove does involve bending knees (if you don't bend your knees, you're putting way too much strain on your back), so I'd be very, very careful. You might want to show your doctor the movements you are doing. I hate to say this, but frankly, it sounds like you might need to lay off and just get the surgery. It's better than waiting and aggravating the problem until it's much worse. If the doctor says it's what you should do, maybe make a trip to get an impartial medical second opinion. We're a sweet bunch here on this site, but even if we were medically qualified (which would be difficult do verify and I emphatically am not), I don't think it would be possible to do a meaningful diagnosis without meeting in person.

I had (relatively minor) surgery a couple years ago that knocked me out shovelglove-wise for about a month. It wasn't so bad. Anaesthesia is real nice nowadays.



Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:24 am
by Rollo
Regarding your knee...I believe I may have read in an earlier thread that you have had some physical therapy? If true, was that any help at all? I understand your not wanting to have surgery if there's any way to avoid it, I'd feel the same way if I were you but it may end up being necessary of course.

Also, just because all the doc's are in the same practice doesn't mean you can't ask for another one to review the first one's findings. Same with physical therapists, not all are created equal.

Do you have any kinesiologists in your area? Might be another thing worth looking into.

Just a few thoughts off the top of my head, 1 or 2 cents worth. Good luck!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:56 pm
by Natasha
Hi guys,
Thank you for your input :) It really is nice to know that everyone is so friendly around here!! Well, my knee never had any problems until I dislocated it just by standing around at work this summer. When that happened, initially I was not able to bend my knee at all. Over time, I've gained more flexibility in it, and the pain has decreased, but swelling has stayed. I didn't really know that I had actually dislocated my knee though until about a month after I injured it. At that point, I went to an ortho doc who took 8 x-rays and determined the patella was partially dislocated. He put me on 6 weeks of physical therapy and had me come in again for a follow up. At that visit, we determined that the pt didn't do anything, and he said the next step would be to have surgery to put a screw in place--as a permanent option because he said that I would probably be prone to this happening all over again if I don't. Now, occasionally in the past few years I've had my tibia move (but my sitting habits were poor each time so I know when that would have happened and I've since stopped sitting that way), and my chiropractor has adjusted it. In fact, prior to this happening, she had just adjusted it, so she was saying that when I still had pain it would probably be like that for a couple of weeks until my leg heals. Unfortunately, it only went downhill from there. Can you see why I have all these questions now??? Ugh. I hate having problems.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:24 pm
by NuBiker
Hi Natasha,

How about checking out this website, and adapting shovelglove to it?

Best wishes to you about your knee.

edited to add: one more thing, how heavy is your sledge? I'd go to the 6 pounder if I were you. I went to Home Depot the other day and got just the sledge handle for 10 dollars - that's what my wife is using - just the handle. HD keeps them right next to the sledges....

not using a sledge

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:55 pm
by Natasha
I actually use a 9 lb. body bar, because I had it on hand and didn't have the funds to justify going out and buying a sledge hammer at this time.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:41 pm
by NuBiker
I keep meaning to get me body bar. That looks as fun as the sledge. Maybe you can continue to carve out the 14 minutes a day, but really make an effort to avoid any exercise that might cause you to irritate your knee. The imporant thing is those 14 minutes, I suppose. Take good care.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:17 pm
by Natasha
Well, I'd really like to keep doing SG because it has really shown results very fast! I just am not sure with the bending and all of that. I mean, it's not like after bending my knee each day that I would be in pain after that. On mondays when I've started my exercise for the week, I do notice that not having done those movements in a couple days usually makes my knee tend to click or sometimes feel sore, but that is only until I go through my first set of reps. After that, I feel great to be able to finish exercising the second set.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:54 pm
by Spudd
Can you find a place in front of a mirror where you can do your SG to see if your knees are going out over your toes?

I don't know much about SG, but I know for traditional weight-lifting squats, you're supposed to focus on sticking your butt out behind you, and your shins should stay pretty much vertical (not totally, of course, but that's the mental image you should have). That way your knees won't go past your toes and you don't risk injuring them. Is that any help?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:55 pm
by Natasha
Spudd wrote:Can you find a place in front of a mirror where you can do your SG to see if your knees are going out over your toes?

I don't know much about SG, but I know for traditional weight-lifting squats, you're supposed to focus on sticking your butt out behind you, and your shins should stay pretty much vertical (not totally, of course, but that's the mental image you should have). That way your knees won't go past your toes and you don't risk injuring them. Is that any help?
Well I really do think I do that, because I honestly don't have my knee hurt after I exercise. Today was fine, with my knee clicking only twice and that was it. I think that last week was bad for the joint because of the front system that came through. I've been noticing that I've been susceptible to that ever since my injury. My back has been that way for several years now too. Guess I'm starting early with rheumatism! LOL