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Shears Gloving!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:56 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Well, after I posted that lame, whining, complaining SG blog, I felt sufficiently guilty to get moving... But I didn't do SG... Instead, I picked up the gardening shears, the *non-electric* kind, and proceeded to hack, chop, and then hack some more, through about 50 feet of garden hedge which lines the front entrance walkway, and doorway of our new cottage.
I started at 5:30 and just finished... Did about 50 minutes of chopping and cutting away dead wood and new growth... Wow, lots of woody material there! Then I took a large deck brush, in the absence of a rake, and gathered all the clippings together into two giant piles, then deposited them into a large garbage can via
Then, the final "Swabbing of the deck" to clear away any stray needles and twigs (I like to walk barefoot outside!) and clean up in general...

Let's just say, this counts as a "Real World" functional session!
I was moving and using my arms continuously for 70 minutes!
Ouchies! :lol:

About half an hour into the shearing work, my arms were totally itching and pulsing with blood! I was grunting and (internally) cursing the dead wood! Damn bramble! Arrrggghhhh! Die!
It was hilarious!
That felt awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My arms are really sore now.....
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:08 pm
by Kevin
Way to go, Deb. It's nice when your forearms feel like fire jelly (to quote Reinhard).

Real world work is definitely a challenge. I dug a couple of trenches yesterday for three hours or so (with lots of drink water and wipe the sweat breaks). It was hard, hard work. I'm guessing, though, that I would have had a hard time getting through one trench if I hadn't been shovelgloving.