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Only 11 more restarts to go....

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:59 am
by Bennedicta
I read here it takes about 12 attempts to form a habit. So that's 1 down, 11 to go.

Yep I fell off the wagon. A vegan eating is so restricted and so healthy anyway, surely a handful of raw almonds cannot really be a problem? But of course it doesn't stop with the we go snacking again, fruit, vegan chocolate, more nuts and seeds, apple crumble, fruit tarts.......

So, today is Tuesday, and off we go again. This time I AM going to stick with it!


Re: Only 11 more restarts to go....

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:08 am
by earl7z
Bennedicta wrote:my eating is so restricted and so healthy anyway, surely a handful of raw almonds cannot really be a problem? But of course it doesn't stop with the almonds.
I call those "Dam busters". Once you've taken one step away, then it's very easy to keep going. I think that's mentioned in the book.

I've found being very rigid in my compliance is the only way for me...

Keep trying, you'll get there!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:36 pm
by oolala53
How long have you been vegan?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:04 pm
by joasia
I have had 1,000,000 + restarts over the years. There are never too many restarts =) while you are still breathing

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:37 pm
by Bennedicta
Earl7z.....Dam Busters! What a great way to think of them! I shall remember that, and the story of the boy with his finger in the dyke only takes a tiny hole in the dyke for the water to start pouring through.

Oolala53.... I have been Vegan a number of years now. And before that we were trending vegetarian as we had 2 vegetarian daughters in the house. It came on gradually, first we started sourcing cruelty free meat and it just carried on from there to its logical conclusion.
Don't believe all vegans are skinny! Coke and chips are vegan, and I know some great vegan doughnuts and ice-cream, and I enjoy cooking and make vegan cakes to die for. There are many ways to overeating as a vegan. The only thing in our favor is that it is hard to grab a snack when you are out, so I tended not to. I got round it of course by bringing my own snacks with me.....or buying crisps rather than fruit!

Joasia.....thank you for the encouragement. I think dieters are the bravest people I know. In the face of scorn and ridicule from the naturally slim, they try and try and try again. A new diet...sounds daft but maybe, just maybe this time it will work. And in desperation we try it. Then we get more scorn for wanting quick results! Eerr, yes, of course we do! The whole would is telling us how important it is to be slim! We know quick results are not likely, but any results will do.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:52 am
by oolala53
I just wondered if you were trying to institute two restrictions at a time: veganism AND No S. Doesn't sound like it.

Although I haven't seen many fat raw fooders (I know that's not you), I swear when I attend those events, I always leave feeling weirdly full. There always seem to be a lot of heavy/nutty desserts that I'm drawn to because the "entrees" are just...salad! I think I'd end up gaining weight on such a regime. I guess my eating isn't going to save the world.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:15 am
by Bennedicta
No, not 2 restrictions at once, I was a (fat) vegan anyway.

I have not met many raw food people. I think I would hate it. I love hot food. Hot yummy comfort food! I never feel full with a salad, and I don't even like them much. It's funny how many people seem to think all vegans eat is least that seems to be all they try to feed me.....

I eat porridge for breakfast, with nuts and dates and cinnamon and berries and fruit. Normally soups and crusty rolls for lunch (I work from home, and like to cook), or else toast and avocado or hummus, and fruit if I am in a hurry. And big homemade dinners, like lasagne, or hotpot, or baked potatoes or nachos or curry. Yum. I love food.......
And before no s I would make deserts as well, crumble, pies, cakes, muffins, we would put coconut cream on things. I could go on, but it is making me hungry! No wonder I am getting fat.

Sigh. Never mind. It will be the weekend soon.....

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:18 am
by Sweetness
i'm pushing the restart button today. Not sure how many but I could very well be up to 12 by now. Let's cheer each other on! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:39 am
by oolala53
Just to clarify, having a slip and going back the next day or so doesn't really count as trying all over again. As long as you don't give up the idea of the pursuit, you are on your first try. If you abandon most or all hope of even attempting to follow the plan, and then come back, that is try #2. I have had many fails over the four years I've been committed, but I never completely abandoned ship in my mind even though I would have whole weeks of red days. Before that, I had one compliant week each in the August 2009 and November 2008 before slip sliding away and putting it on the back burner. So this 4-year stint is attempt #3.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:15 am
by Sweetness
I agree. I love No S and I know it works, but my commitment and my resolve falters from time to time. It's maybe my third restart if you put it that way.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:11 am
by NoSnacker

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:53 pm
by Bennedicta
I think I may still be on my first time then. I had not read all the stuff, just the first bit. Whilst I was not no s-ing ( gosh that looks weird!) I was reading the web page and considering what I was actually eating. Becoming aware even if not doing anything about it.

Right now I am really glad for cups of tea. Whenever I get peckish between meals....I have perma snacked for years, not used to gaps between food...I make a cup of tea! :D


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:22 pm
by noni
Hot plain tea is my favorite beverage, too, "peckish" or not :)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:32 am
by r.jean
I have been committed to No S for over 3 years. I have had many red days and like oolala, I have had whole weeks of red days. However, I have never totally abandoned No S. I just get lazy. It was important to me to never quit and restart because that is what I used to do when I started each day with a new diet attempt and failed by the end of the day. It was self defeating. The beauty of No S is the idea that you are not expected to be perfect. The rules are few but can be hard. Keep hanging in there!