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Thanks everyone!

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:19 pm
by worth it
So far I've been doing doing No S for about a month and a half. In the beginning, I was so excited and feeling great but during the past week or so, I've been having a rough go. This isn't unusual with my dieting habits as I always start off with gusto, and then become a slacker after some time in. I guess I was expecting to see immediate and FAST weight loss results, but have only lost about 5 lbs or so (which after reading the posts, seems pretty good in this short time). Maybe I was expecting to post my yearly success story by the end of month 2? Ha! Did I mention I have issues with patience?

The good news is that in all this time, I have only had one red day, was able to "mark it and move on" and I truly believe this is ONLY due to this wonderful community posting their own experiences and supporting each other when they are having a rough time! So, like the title of this post, Thanks Everyone! I look forward to reading what's going on with you all each day when I mark my Habitcal. Keep the posts coming, and I will do the same.

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:59 pm
by wosnes
Sounds like you're doing great!

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:45 am
by Liz46
Wirth7, Like you, I get so excited at the start and then the excitement begins to fizzle out, which is why this is again, a new start for me. I am determined to give it a real go this time, no matter how many mistakes I make. Reading the posts are and definitely will be helpful! We can do it! Forming new habits takes time. If we stick with it even through the rough times, we will have success! I really believe that.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:39 pm
by MerryKat
Sounds like all of us!

Gung Ho in the beginning and then reality sets in and we get bored!

I am the queen of re-starts - and I know that if I had stuck to this 100% I would have lost my weight ages ago and be happily maintaining.

But No I had to do things my way and alter and tweek and guess what I kept making it too complicated and failing.

Only to re start when reality sets in!!

But you know what for me I Know this plan works and the most important thing is you keep coming back when you stray.

Keep at it & you will see results ((((((((Hugs))))))))))

Not fast but consistent & lasting!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:44 am
by worth it
Thanks Merrykat! I needed your post today as I go through my second "red" day since I started. I will take your advice and just stick with it- I will just mark it and move on. I'm looking forward to the time when we can both post our fabulous 1 year results.

Let's keep it going!


Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:20 pm
by Donnadolittlemore
On the same boat! I too am in the beginning. I do enjoy the "romance" stage of a new diet. This one is almost too simple to be fun. No points to calculate. No foods to scan and enter into my phone. But I think the simplicity and lack of blurred lines makes it something I can stick with once the "romance" wears off. Everything is black and white. I am either doing it or I am not. There really is no in between.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:04 pm
by Zoid
Thanks for posting this. I've been in the red zone lately and can't pull myself out. I was doing so well too. :(

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:20 am
by worth it
Let's all declare ourselves "new" and cheer each other on. I know we can do this! I had a green day (so far) today. Fast forward one year... I'm imagining our little "team" posting our successes before the holidays in 2014. Fast forward a day or so, Looking forward to our S days!

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:00 pm
by oolala53
Wirth, hang in there.

I'm curious to know what you think your major overeating issues were before No S. Was it permasnacking? Having sweets with too many meals or in too large of portions? Having more food at meals after already being full or eating so fast that you took in more than you needed and felt too full later?

I ate very good meals and good snacks for years, but would start bingeing, or at least semi-bingeing, on sweets from about 3 pm on on weekdays and more of the day on weekends, so just keeping green N days at first helped me lose 10 lbs. in the first couple of months. I had another green month but lost no more weight and then went through a lot of wobbling. My S days stayed wild but I could NOT imagine reining them in, even though I felt cruddy every Monday, so I didn't try. But I knew I wanted to be a person who ate rather normally, and this IS pretty normal- or something close to it- in slim European cultures.

But eventually, you will also likely have to combine it with becoming more in tune with how much-or little- it takes to eat and yet get hungry for the next meal and/or whether S days calm down on their own or you get ready to institute mods.

I know here in the US, we expect "diets" to have relatively quick results, and some here on No S do. But isn't the real issue how can we live with food permanently? Can you imagine having to monitor every mouthful for decades? Unless you are a person who just naturally eats in accordance with her true hunger-- and obviously, most people IN THE WORLD are not like that because nearly every culture that has access to food also has an average population near the top of the normal BMI or even into the overweight range. The meal habit is one of the BEST ways for a culture to modify its intake of food. Of course, it helps if the culture also believes in being moderate not only in its number of meals but also in the amount of food considered reasonable at a meal. It is tough that here, we have to create our own little culture in our own worlds. But it's either that or likely keep gaining for a lot of years.

Lastly, I'll say that way down the line, I started eating A LOT less on weekends, almost like a pendulum swing on the wild days, but not by "dieting." More by accepting that I wasn't truly hungry very much. I often don't have even three meals on weekends because I eat out at bit more and the food is richer, so I get full on a lot less volume. But my major issue on weekends is having too much unstructured time. (No significant other nor kids, and some malaise about my next steps in life.) Don't know what the driving forces are for you, but you don't have to know this weekend.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:59 am
by Aprilsparrow
:) :) Keep up the great work! :) :)

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:42 am
by rosie b
You sound just like me. It was good to read your post. I am finding the daily check in section helpful. Maybe you could try this as well.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:30 pm
by worth it
Rosie b, oolala, et al:

Thanks for all of your responses. So, I'll admit that I have been getting a little frustrated at my lack of results, but I'm am settling down about it now. I guess if I look at things overall, I am down 2-3 lbs for two months work on No S. That's not half bad if I consider a few things- It has been a time of year when historically I would have gained- and probably a significant amount of weight (i.e. too much Halloween candy, eating WAY TOO much at Thanksgiving and eating Christmas treats like crazy). I have to consider this as a BIG win. Secondly, I was thinking of going back to a low-carb diet, but I actually wrote down the pro's and con's of doing that vs. No S, and I have to say that No S won hands down. I truly couldn't do no carb for the long haul- I never have been able to do it. No S is something that I can do forever, and my body just feels better doing it. I think about when I have been at a normal weight in the past and realize that I had eaten just like No S (no snacking, sweets only once in a while), but I always ate joyfully... and with LOTS of anticipation for my meals. I loved food. I'm realizing that for about the past month or so, I was almost in a type of "fear" of eating, and was trying to eat "healthy" rather than eating meals that bring me joy. For whatever reason, this did not translate into results for me, plus it made me feel like I was working really hard rather than enjoying the ease of No S that I did in the beginning. I guess that I probably just overloaded my plates with healthy food rather than eating something I enjoyed in a moderate amount. Not to mention, my S days have been crazy. However, I got some confidence back about this on Thanksgiving, where I just ate normally (and LOVED my meals that day), plus had a piece of cheesecake as a treat and felt very satisfied. It must be that satisfaction is the key for me to be able to eat in moderation. With this new found knowledge, I should consider the satisfaction factor for most of my meals. Either way, I will stay on my course and will look forward to when I will be able to post my successes.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:34 pm
by worth it
Oh, also forgot to mention that I have started to track daily- my weight and meals (good suggestion rosie b). I thought in the beginning that this would make me crazed, but in actuality, it shows me that I am making progress, albeit in small doses. The realistic person in me knows that even after crazy S days when I see the high numbers, there's no way I could have gained 5 lbs in a weekend even if the scale says so... and I see the lower numbers as the actual progress now. I think tracking each day is truly a personal preference, but I am starting to look forward to the scale each morning. It is a measure of my progress- not my failures.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:12 pm
by oolala53
Sweet! It seems especially important that you see that you have eaten similarly with good results before when pleasure played a bigger role. Those slim French people are very big on pleasure and looking forward to meals. They don't equate pleasure with eating more, but with really enjoying what they do eat.

And there is nothing to stop you eventually from seeing if you get pleasure from some low-carb meals each week.

For years of my life, and then for a long time on No S, I weighed once a day and averaged it once a week.

I also used physicsdiet. com for awhile. It averages the weight on a daily basis. However, I just went to the site and that feature isn't working right now, but I know there is something similar some members here use, if you get interested in this.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:23 pm
by Jethro
oolala53 wrote:Sweet! It seems especially important that you see that you have eaten similarly with good results before when pleasure played a bigger role. Those slim French people are very big on pleasure and looking forward to meals. They don't equate pleasure with eating more, but with really enjoying what they do eat.
I wanted to add that those slim French people (and Italians etc.) eat many courses, taking a long time between courses, which allows the stomach to tell the brain they are becoming full, thus eating less on the next course or eating less in the current one to leave some room for the next.

Kind of like NOS.