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weighing daily a little scary

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:05 am
by Goodcooker
Yesterday i weighed 164. This morning it says 166! What the??? I know it even spoke of this in the book. Could be water retention as well. I still don't like it though. Think I will go back to the one weighing per week. In my mind though I am thinking "if I gained 2 pounds overnight how do I dare eat a sweet or snack this weekend?" Oh and by the way..I got a little cocky with the shovelglove yesterday. I did 14 min in the morning. And then 14 min in the afternoon. I can barely lift my arms today!!!! And I do hair for a living! :shock: I can be such a dummy sometimes. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:41 pm
by Blithe Morning
IF you weigh daily, you absolutely have to be committed to viewing your weight as a data point on a long term trend line rather than short term success or failure.

If you can't say "Oh, this is interesting" to an uptick in weight and then forget about it, my recommendation is you don't weigh daily or even weekly.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:13 pm
by wosnes
Weight fluctuations like that are absolutely normal and most likely is water retention. I'm not a fan of daily or weekly weighing.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:34 pm
by TexArk
If you weigh daily, I highly recommend the Hackers Diet website. You can log in your weight daily and the spreadsheet will calculate the trend for you. It will keep a graph of your actual weight for each day, but it figures in the ups and downs for a trendline graph also. You can keep records one month at a time, print them off, etc. This really helps especially when you are going down very slowly. This is the same method that is used to follow stocks going up and down on the market.

Or you can average several days for yourself. If you weigh once a week and hit one of those up days, you will still freak out. I had one of those this morning that showed I was up 2 pounds! But the trendline shows what is really happening.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:26 pm
by Sixty
If you weigh daily, I highly recommend the Hackers Diet website. You can log in your weight daily and the spreadsheet will calculate the trend for you.
That's what I do - I don't really think too much about my daily weight. The trendline is the important thing, ie, is my weight stable, declining or rising? You can even have quite strong daily gains without it affecting the general trendline. My weight could go up 5 lbs overnight, yet I still could maintain a positive trendline, since Hacker's Diet views your weight as a 10-day average, and not as a one-time thing.

So there's no point in getting upset by a single daily weigh-in - it actually signifies little, if anything. But trends over periods of months, on the other hand, are pretty important....

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:38 pm
by Goodcooker
I will look into the hackers diet. It sounds interesting. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:57 am
by ironchef
If you weigh daily, I highly recommend the Hackers Diet website. You can log in your weight daily and the spreadsheet will calculate the trend for you.
This is what I do too. Unless you do this, I don't see any point in weighing daily.

I have found over the past half a year that my weight can fluctuate up and down within about a 5 pound range, however my trend ("true") weight is somewhere in the middle.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:40 am
by oolala53
Daily weight fluctuations are mostly the result of water retention or not, and waste removal from the body. You would have to overeat by 7000 calories to add two pounds of fat in one day. And fat gain is all you should be worrying about.

I don't recommend you pay attention to the hacker's diet, just the feature that allows you to record a daily weight if you like. It averages it automatically.

If I could convince you not to weigh for two months while adhering to the plan with 100% compliance, I would. But I doubt you'd listen.