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keep bouncing back

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:28 pm
by oolala53
"The difference between those who are successful with healthy lifestyle change and those who drop out is not that the successful ones don't struggle but that they bounce back!"

from Coach Yourself Thin: Five Steps to Retrain Your Mind, Reclaim Your Power, and Lose the Weight for Good[/u] by Greg Hottinger and Michael Scholtz

I committed to No S for a lot of reasons but another one was that I read on the National Weight Loss Registry that long term maintainers said they turned a corner when they started pulling themselves back from their slip-ups faster. They quit letting failures become long term and fought their way to keep them temporary.

Don't "crash the car," and if you do, just go back to sanity the next day, even if you have to do it an hour at a time. Fast between meals on N days and learn not to be an idiot on S days even if it takes months or years. Just keep going.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:35 pm
by NoSnacker
Nice post!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 5:12 pm
by sarahkay
very true. I really needed some motivation and that was great!

I was about to throw in the towel for the day just because I felt like it. But I know from past experience it really won't be that bad... just enjoy my meals and then walk away!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:17 am
by rungirl96
Great post!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:35 am
by lbb (Liz)
Needed this! Thanks!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:36 pm
by carpediem
Oolala, your post could not have come at a better time! I so needed to hear that failure does not come from falling, but from not bouncing! I love the way God works! :D
Looking at my HabitCal for May, I have 3 reds, all on Fridays. Something's wrong. This weekend, like the one before and the one before that, were all terrible. I have been trying to do my S days from 5:00 Friday to 5:00 Sunday. It just isn't working.
My first mistake is I get weighed on Friday mornings. Something in my head just seems to click after that. It's like I know I'm not getting weighed again for another week and either I deserve a treat for following the diet so faithfully and losing weight, or I'm throwing in the towel because I followed the diet and still gained.
I usually eat too much on Friday and then start out Saturday being pretty good (and feeling pretty lousy from over indulging the night before). Most of the time I make it until late afternoon before pigging out again. Then Sunday, forget it....that's my last day to binge before having to behave myself and follow the rules for 5 more days. I know this is a common theme on here and I'm just adding another verse to the same old song...but it's just so darn frustrating!
So this is what I'm thinking. First of all, I'm NOT giving up (although in all honesty the thought has crossed my mind). Instead I'm going to switch things up a bit on the weekends. I'm not going to weigh myself on Fridays anymore. Instead I'm going to get weighed on Monday mornings, afterthe weekend of eating. Hopefully knowing I'm going to step on those scales at the end of the weekend will help me think twice before I over-indulge.
Also, and this one is kind of drastic for me... I'm not going to have 2 days a week when it's 'impossible to cheat'. I'm going to give myself 3 treats a week. Can be any day, any time....but only 3 times a week. Part of the problem, as I see it, is that waiting all week makes me tend to pig out when given the chance. Also, 3 treats a week is much better than 3 treats within the first few hours on a Saturday.
In my head right now this is making sense. I may totally change my mind after testing the waters for a couple weeks and realizing I was better off on Vanilla NoS. All part of the learning curve I guess. All I know for sure is what I'm doing now doesn't seem to be working for me....

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:17 pm
by oolala53
Glad it is resonating for some.

Carpediem, I think people thinking of two S days as 2x24-hour days is a problem. I know it's not official anywhere on No S, but on another site that allowed free eating on a day, the originator said it was important for people to think of the day as starting in the morning, not the night before. Applied to No S, it would mean we have about a 36- hour window for S's, from Saturday morning to Sunday evening. If people want to start on Fridays, I think they need to end S's at Sunday brunch.

Hope your mod works for you! I think I'll try reviving a thread for people who have a continuing problem with S days gone wild. I know there are a few of us around, and Reinhard's most recent podcast addresses it. Apparently when he wrote the book, it wasn't as big an issue.

However, I know there are some who struggle getting N days going, too. Maybe they'll get over the hump soon.