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Still Tracking

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:40 am
by montanajack
Thought I'd share a few things that may (or may not :D ) be of interest as things progress.

First, the weight loss continues. Despite my best efforts to ensure Fat Tuesday lived up to its name and seeing a (very) small gain the next morning partially from water weight, I'm sure, down 11lbs to date. This is since February 28.

Some of the things I'll share that I think have made a difference for me:

1. Daily workouts. I've continued my strength training, aerobics and stretching. I dropped weight training a few years ago and cancelled my gym membership in favor of primarily bodyweight workouts three times per week. I feel better and you're using more muscles. (For those who are low carb, Dr. Al Sears, MD, has a great section in his PACE book on why BW is exceptionally safer and more effective.) I walk daily and run/sprint 2 - 3 times/week for <15 min. No long chronic cardio on machines. And I try to incorporate easy stretching daily.
2. Adoption of the 4 Hour Body's "Slow Carb" Diet as part of my No S-ing. My wife picked up the book for me as a surprise and I liked the Slow Carb approach. So, I load up on lean proteins, lots of vegetables and beans (black, typically). Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD, notes beans are a wonder food for colon health and the diet ratios (60/30/10...c/p/f) appear to align with what leading cardiologists like Dr. K. Lance Gould, MD, advocate. Plus, the protein in the beans allows me to cut back on more expensive animal protein a bit.
3. Lots of cold water. I remembered this from my weight training days when Dr. Ellington Darden suggested cold water as a fat burner...the 4 Hour Body revisits this and science has proven regular ingestion of cold water forces the body to work harder to maintain body heat.

Apologies if I'm preaching to the choir or this is all 'old news'.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:15 pm
by BrightAngel
Thanks for sharing your plan.
I'll be watching your progress with interest.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:25 pm
by NoSRocks
Great News, montanajack! Many congratulations on your weight loss!

Thanks also for sharing your tips - I have heard that drinking cold water speeds up metabolism/helps burn calories, but its great to hear from a "real" person who has actually experienced this. I have been trying to up my water intake recently in favor of my diet sodas so we'll see what happens!!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:37 pm
by wosnes
I've read that the cold water thing is diet myth. By the time it gets to your stomach, it's body temperature.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:59 am
by montanajack
I've read that the cold water thing is diet myth. By the time it gets to your stomach, it's body temperature.
I think you made the point...that transfer of energy (heat) to warm the water has to come from some place. :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:27 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks, montanajack, for sharing all your thoughts. I love reading what is working for other people.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:15 pm
by bluebunny27
Good work, Montana. You rock n' roll. ;-)

I also like to do body weight training regularly. Friends are often surprised how many push ups in a row I can do for example ... well, if you do 'em regularly for years in a row you'll definitely get stronger ! I also do other exercises, squats, planks and whatnot ... total body work out, zero equipment required. That's called kickin' it old school. ;-)

You can also combine body weight training and cardio .. I often do that. I do my body weight training first and then do my cardio after taking a short break ...

Drinking very cold water on a regular basis is also a good idea. Fills you up, zero calories + your body needs to work a lil' bit to warm up the water so that burns a few calories ... don't expect to lose 10 pounds just drinking cold water but every lil' bit helps, right ? ;-) Also drinking very cold water right before working out helps you to perform better, especially if you work out outside during the summer season.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

38 Years Old, 5'10" Tall
Nov. 1st. 2008 : 280 Pounds
Nov. 1st. 2009 : 190 Pounds
(1 Year : - 90 Pounds)

Current Weight : 202 Pounds

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:42 am
by montanajack
Update: down 12.5lbs in two weeks.


1. Added a 35 minute run last week.
2. Added one exercise (an extra two or three minutes) to my resistance workouts.
3. Cut out the sodas (diet) completely. I was still consuming two - three sodas per week until last week so removing the sodium and inflammatory chemicals will probably help.
4. Adding MCT oil this week. Besides the fact coconut oil is supposed to be good for brain health, it is also supposed to be good for your metabolism. ... -alzheimer

So, even with the indulgences on Fat Tuesday, kept things on track.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:03 pm
by DaveMc
montanajack wrote:
I've read that the cold water thing is diet myth. By the time it gets to your stomach, it's body temperature.
I think you made the point...that transfer of energy (heat) to warm the water has to come from some place. :wink:
It's not hard to calculate how much it is -- and while it's not huge, I suppose you could argue that every little bit helps.

A calorie is how much energy it takes to warm up 1 mL of water by 1 degree Celsius (sorry to use metric at you, but that's how these things are defined). A litre of water is 1000 mL, so warming that up by one degree would take 1000 calories. One unfortunate wrinkle is that for whatever reason, the "calorie" used for foods is actually one kilocalorie, so warming up a litre of water by one degree takes 1 food-calorie of energy.

If you start with ice water (0 degrees C) and warm it up to human body temperature (37 degrees C), you should burn 37 extra food-calories per litre of water you drink. So, not huge, but not nothing ... (Of course, if the water is cold but not ice-cold, it'll start out a bit above 0C and those numbers will be smaller.)

And yes, I agree that the energy to do this warming-up needs to come out of your body, which means ultimately that your metabolism will need to do a bit of extra work to provide that energy, so in theory there's no reason this shouldn't work. I just hope nobody is presenting this as a cure-all: clearly the numbers of calories involved are pretty small, even if you drink several litres of water a day, so it would need to be part of a larger plan, not the whole plan.

(All assuming that I haven't messed this up somewhere. But I think that's right.)