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When's the shopping spree?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:24 pm
by ShannahR
Okay here's my issue: I need to buy new clothes.
I've lost weight, all my clothes are baggy and it looks funny. One the one hand, I want to go to the store right now! I feel (or I've heard) that wearing your old baggy clothes subconciously gives you "permission" to gain the weight back. I definately don't want that.
On the other hand, if I lose more weight, I'll have to buy new clothes again and I have a limited bank account. I don't really want to waste.


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:57 pm
by sheepish
I'd do a bit of both. There are probably some of your old clothes that don't look too bad baggy - flowing skirts, say - that you can keep wearing but you probably do need to replace some of them. Plus it's a nice reward for doing as well as you have - even if they end up being too big for you in a few weeks! You might want to try and buy new clothing that isn't as dependent on size if possible, styles that don't require being really fitted.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:54 pm
by Starla
Buy now! New clothes that fit will make you look better and feel better. As sheepish said, you don't have to replace every item in your wardrobe.

If your wardrobe changes seasonally, don't worry about losing more weight - you can replace winter clothes in that smaller size, and then buy smaller summer clothes next year.

I've had to replace things a couple times now, and I try to stagger things a little, so I'm not buying five pairs of pants at once.

Have fun with this - you've earned it!

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:03 pm
by kccc
Chiming in to agree with buying some, but not replacing everything.

If you get just a few pieces, you'll feel much better. Some core basics (whatever those are for you - I always have black pants and khaki pants, for example), and maybe a few "not too size-dependent" items.

And congrats on having this problem. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:20 pm
by ShannahR
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Sheepish--you have a good idea there but there's one problem: believe me, if I had any "flowing skirts" I'd keep them :lol: I'm more of a jeans and tops sort of girl. Too big tops look bad, too big jeans look worse. It's weird to lose weight on the top, because I don't really notice the weight on my back/not tummy torso area. When I put on some of my too big tops at first I didn't even know what was wrong, I was like WTF?!?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:03 pm
by idontknow
When I lost quite a bit of weight with ww I used to look for a few good quality items in charity shops (thrift shops in US??). I know this is not to everyone's taste, but I enjoyed getting 'new' clothes without spending loads of money. I love a bargain, so it ticked lots of boxes for me! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:51 pm
by sophiasapientia
I agree with the others and voted for "Buy a few things as needed, as you go" ...

I actually had to do this myself today. :wink: I had gotten to the point where none of my capris fit anymore. Very baggy and I was starting to worry that they would fall off in public. :lol: :oops: I hit the Eddie Bauer outlet when we were on a daytrip and found a few new pairs for 70% off. 8) Thankfully, I have quite a few things in my current size tucked away from a few years ago so I'm not completely starting from scratch.

Anyway, treat yourself to some clothes that fit, girl! You deserve it! :wink: :D

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:05 pm
by Grammy G
Try this; wash your jeans and tops in hot water and put them in the dryer..see what happens! (You don't want to wear them baggy and this might tighten then up a bit!) If the jeans shrink in length..make ae cuff and turn them into capris! Try adding a chain belt to some of those tops. Also..this is a good time to buy a few things on sale... do it and enjoy,, you are worth it!

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:21 pm
by dmarie710
I can find some really great clothes at thrift stores. Also, if you have a Ross Dress for Less, they have excellent prices. I have to say, what a great problem to have :P

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:36 pm
by wosnes
I agree with those who have said to buy some, but not a complete new wardrobe. My daughter has been going through this and she just buys a couple of things at a time.

I'd also suggest resale, consignment or thrift shops. There are some really good bargains -- sometimes garage sales, too.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:23 am
by frugaltexan
Since you are still "in progress" I would try to avoid buying too many new things yet, but get as much as I could from Goodwill or Salvation Army or perhaps Craigslist. Some department stores sometimes will have really great sales - Kohl's and sometimes Macy's are quite reasonable. It might not hurt to also put out the word to friends and family (who have similar taste/style) that you're looking for some clothes to get you through a few months or so. The time I'd splurge on a really good shopping spree would be after I'd reached a weight that seems pretty stable and maintained for at least 3 months. Then I wouldn't even look at the thrift stores. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:43 am
by bluebunny27
I voted to 'Wait at least a couple of months' once you're done ...
;-) That's what I did but for me it was probably a bit easier since I had clothes from back when I was lighter that I still had in the back of my closet. Everything was fitting me ... so no need to run to the store, I just switched gradually to the 'lighter' clothes.

I bought a few pairs of pants, sweaters and whatnot later on. Isn't it nice when you can go to the store and get anything you want though, when I was a FAT BOY I would go and it would always be a struggle to find something ... not anymore.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

38 Years Old, 5'10" Tall
Nov. 1st. 2008 : 280 Pounds
Nov. 1st. 2009 : 190 Pounds
(1 Year : - 90 Pounds)

Current Weight : 192 Pounds

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:53 am
by ThomsonsPier
I tend to buy as I go, but that's more because I rarely find anything I like and I have to grab stuff when I see it. You might try buying a few items that you really like in the new size; you'll make the effort to continue because you'll want to wear them. I seem to have changed shape rather than size, so this has never really been an issue for me; the suit I wore for university interviews at seventeen fits better now (I'm thirty) than it did then. Curiously, it's also more in fashion. Perhaps I was just ahead of my time.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:27 pm
by sophiasapientia
I've had a lot of luck finding "transitional" clothing on sale at places like Target. I've gotten a number of shirts for around $2 recently by combining clearance prices with coupons. As mentioned, outlet stores can be a good resource. The Eddie Bauer outlet had new jeans for $10 yesterday ... The plus for me was that they had many items in short/petite lengths which I have a harder time finding used.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:12 pm
by Nichole
I'm not sure! I lost 20 lbs last year and was walking around with droopy drawers for the longest time. Only got good fitting jeans because my mom handed me down some of her ones that no longer fit her. My work pants were falling off my butt. The shirts I was wearing STILL FIT ME and I'm PREGNANT, which shows how overly baggy they were :/

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:08 pm
by ashbeephoto
I thought I'd put my 2cents in here ...
I lost about 65 lbs with noS so far ... when I was engaged (and had the wedding day to motivate me) I was loosing weight fairly quickly. I fell down into a size 12 and for a couple weeks I refused to buy new pants because I thought, "I won't be here long no need to waste the money."

On top of that I'm picky about my clothes ... I only really like GAP jeans which are about $60 a pair at the cheapest. I thought what a waste of money. (especially when your engaged ... weddings are expensive!!)

Finally I went out and bought two pairs of size 12 jeans because people kept commenting on how baggy my jeans looked. I ended up only wearing them 4 weeks before I needed size 10. $120 for 4 weeks? Was it worth it?

Absolutley. For one thing it just feels nice to look good in your clothes and to have clothes that fit you well. Secondly, it was very motivating to fit into a smaller size pants and I think that helped push me to sticking with no-S very strictly ... probably one of the reasons I was only in them for 4 weeks :)

I am getting very close to being near a size 8 jeans ... although with no wedding to motivate me anymore it's been a little more difficult :roll: not gaining weight, but no really losing either ... but the minute I can fit into them I will def. be buying me a couple of pairs :)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:46 pm
by oolala53
I'll just "third" or "fourth" thrift stores, if you're in a big enough city (although I've gotten several things at small towns in Calif. and AZ). I get compliments on items I've found and I don't sweat the cost. In fact, I'm a little spoiled. I have a hard time now shopping at the big dept. stores. I get the same brands they sell all the time!

But it also does inspire one to have clothes that fit better. I'm wearing a pair of pants today that had been tight a month ago and almost impossible to wear 6 months ago. Feels good and helps me thinking of myself as a slimmer person.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:44 pm
by osoniye
Just my 2 cents- I usually try to have one pair of jeans and one other kind of pants (navy or khaki's) that fit at any given time. I wear one while the other is being washed, and since both are in neutral colors I assume that people don't really notice that I'm wearing the same clothes. I hate to spend money and still like to look OK, so that is my compromise. Wear forgetable clothes that fit, and after losing another 10# buy some more (thrift stores are great!!)