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Snacks at the movies & No S

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:12 pm
by sophiasapientia
We are taking DD to see how to "How to Train Your Dragon" this weekend so I've been thinking about whether I'll have some snacks there. We don't go to movies all that often these days but my N Day strategy is usually to either order a coffee and enjoy that. Or, a few times, I've snuck my lunch in my purse and eaten that during the show. Since it will be an S Day, I could have a snack but I'm trying to figure out if a movie snack is S worthy to me. Or if I'd rather hold off and have a homemade baked good or a nice bowl of ice cream later. :? I'm not much of a snacker in general -- give me a dessert any day -- but I am always tempted if we see a movie at the theater (not an issue if my family is watching a movie at home, though.)

Anyway, this got me curious as to how other No Sers handle snacks at the movies ... Do you usually snack during the show? :?:

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:18 pm
by NoelFigart
It's an S-day. Don't overthink it. You want a snack, for pity's sake have one. If it doesn't sound appealing, then don't.

I personally don't snack at movies. Got out of the habit when I was a teenager and just... don't. You want power of habit, there ya go. I WAS certainly in the habit of snacking at other times and places. Just not the movies for some weird reason.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:23 pm
by Spudd
Probably because movie snacks are like 10x the price they would be anywhere else, and as a teenager you couldn't afford them! I know when I was a teenager I never even bought a drink at the movies. But somehow nowadays I must always have a drink. Usually no snacks for me, but occasionally I will have popcorn.

Sophia, I agree with Noel. If you want to have something when you go, then have something. It's an S-day. Don't over-think it.

I would say, try not to have it just because, only have it if you actually want it.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:37 pm
by sophiasapientia
Thanks Noel and Spudd. Just to clarify, I'm not stressed out about whether to snack at the movies or anything and will definitely have a snack if I really want it. I always plan at least one special treat in advance for each S Day, a tip I've taken from Reinhard's "S Days Gone Wild" podcast, which works well for me since I'm a planner by nature. I'm just to the point in the week where I am planning my special treats. :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:17 pm
by wosnes
In planning snacks, if it comes to having a snack at the movie or some other treat -- I'd go for the other treat. Having said that, I nearly always get some sort of beverage at the movies.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:29 pm
by marygrace
wosnes wrote:In planning snacks, if it comes to having a snack at the movie or some other treat -- I'd go for the other treat. Having said that, I nearly always get some sort of beverage at the movies.
I'd go for the homemade treat as well. Maybe it's the portion size or crazy amounts of sugar (or in the case of popcorn--salt and fat) but movie snacks always leave me feeling sick. I know it's against the rules, but sometimes my husband and I would bring a homemade treat the movies because we wanted a movie snack, but something that we really enjoyed.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:54 pm
by kccc
Like Noel, I don't snack at movies - and never really understood the impulse... despite the fact that I used to snack a lot at other times. There's a tightwad part of me that just can't pay that much for inferior food.

With that said... plan a good treat, then decide in the moment if you really want a movie snack or if you think it will undermine your pleasure in your treat. It's up to you, not anyone else.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:06 pm
by dmarie710
if it's an S day and I'm going to the movie, I like to buy some of my favorite candy (jelly bellies) to sneak in. Love those things.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:56 am
by sophiasapientia
Thanks so much the input all! :D DH and I both have a hankering for ice cream from a local parlor so I'm guessing I'll opt out of the movie treats ...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:50 am
by oolala53
If it's not too late: I almost always have had a meal before a movie or will be having one afterwards, so years ago, I stopped having anything at the movies unless I was legitimately hungry. I never miss food then as the experience is usually so compelling anyway. And it makes me a cheap date.