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What about yogurt?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:01 pm
by Anoulie
So... I know plain yogurt is okay, but what about strawberry-flavored yogurt? I'm not even sure if it has sugar added to it... :?


Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:22 pm
by wosnes
My own thought on that is if you want strawberry-flavored yogurt, add strawberries to yogurt. I don't consider the flavored yogurts to be "real food." However, I think in the past it's been decided that they're okay.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:54 pm
by dmarie710
Hey Katie. How ya doin? I would agree with wosnes. For me, I like plain yogurt with Stevia mixed in (yummy) and fresh fruit or fiber cereal.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:09 pm
by kwidener7
I'm one of the weird people out there that just adores plain yogurt!

But not just any old plain yogurt. It has to be the full fat, organic type. You have to go to places like Whole Foods to find the best kinds, but I've recently found the StoneyField full fat at one of my grocery stores. And my personal favorite additive is cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. YUMM!!

If you haven't yet, try some of the organic brands (even if it has the sugar and fruit). My husband hated yogurt until he tried the 'real' stuff.

BTW, my name's Katie, too.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:11 pm
by ZippaDee
I don't have any problem eating the flavored yogurts myself. I don't consider it a sweet. It's much better than what I used to eat! :wink:

Re: What about yogurt?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:37 am
by Kevin
It has plenty of sugar in it, unless it is artificially sweetened. It is twice the calories of plain yoghurt, almost.
Still, it is not going to short curcuit your plan.
Anoulie wrote:So... I know plain yogurt is okay, but what about strawberry-flavored yogurt? I'm not even sure if it has sugar added to it... :?


Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:07 am
by Grammy G
Have you tried plain Greek yogurt? It is sooo thick and creamy!! I am satisfied with a few tablespoons of the stuff. I put it on fresh fruit salad and add a sprinkle of cinnamon and top with a bit of Fiber One cereal. I can get this at my grocery store. The best is the Amish made I get at the Farmers' Market in the summer..yum!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:15 pm
by oliviamanda
I agree with Grammy G! Greek yogurt is the best. I cannot eat regular yogurt ever again.

Do you know the commericals?... I just had key lime pie or some other dessert and it's about the yogurt... and how wonderful, we are enjoying desserts, but we can get away with it because it's yogurt and that's healthy! Some of the flavored yogurt's fat and sugar count rival candy bars. I would consider these desserts. I'd have one on an S day instead of the real thing... then I could feel like I was not taking part in S days gone wild!

I was adding lemon curd, honey, or pumpkin butter to my greek yogurt and it started getting too dessert-y for my liking for an N day.

I know, you're talking about just plain strawberry yogurt. I would get plain good yogurt and add my own strawberries... fresh or from frozen.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:52 pm
by Amyliz
I LOVE GREEK YOGURT! i buy the big tub and eat the recommended serving with a table spoon of really good jam (Bonne Maman 'four fruits' is amazing)

its the perfect finish to dinner and it kills any sweet cravings. plus, a tablespoon of jam goes a long way.

I've been eating ceasar salads and the yogurt above as dinners for months and I've been losing. Ceasar salad is a great thing to make at home, as long as you measure out your dressing, croutons and cheese, it can be light but SO flavorful. (just use the serving suggestion on the package)

try it!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:58 pm
by wosnes
Amyliz wrote: I've been eating ceasar salads and the yogurt above as dinners for months and I've been losing. Ceasar salad is a great thing to make at home, as long as you measure out your dressing, croutons and cheese, it can be light but SO flavorful. (just use the serving suggestion on the package)

try it!
Better yet, make it from "scratch". This is a tasty recipe.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:58 am
by Hunter Gatherer
No, storebought strawberry yogurt is not considered a sweet unless you personally decide to make it one. (I think that's the official book version.)

But as you can see, there are many options and different people take different approaches. Do what works best for you, if that's the storebought stuff, fine. If that's making your own or any intermediate stage, also fine.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:02 pm
by Tricia
Yogurt is pretty easy to make from scratch, too.

There are recipes on the internet, and I followed those when I first started, but I'm a little more loose with the rules now.

You warm up milk until it's frothy, then cool it back to lukewarm. Add some plain yogurt as a starter (I usually mix a little yogurt with warm milk, then pour it in and stir). Keep at lukewarm (~110 degrees fahreinheit) for about 8 hours.

That was always the tricky part to me. There's a lot of ways to do it from warming pads to putting in your oven with the light on. But, I put the warm milk/yogurt mixture in an insulated lunch bag with a container of hot water and replace the hot water as needed. I normally use large yogurt containers for the milk/yogurt and the hot water.

If I find milk/yogurt is no longer warm, I zap it gently in the microwave and put it bag in the insulated lunch bag.

I mix the yogurt with strawberry preserves and put that into my kids' lunchboxes, and I feel pretty good about it, too!

I'm going to go make some yogurt now. I'm just about out.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:45 pm
by noni
Tricia... when I used to make it like you, I would put the warm yogurt mixture in a pot or bowl with the lid, then wrap the pan all around with towels and set it in a safe place on my counter undisturbed for 8 hrs. It always worked with me.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:22 am
by blessedbeingmom
Hi, I'm new here, and my name is also Tricia. :)

I wanted to share that we always make our own yogurt and use it in smoothies (usually green smoothies).

We use this crockpot recipe, which makes a lot and is really very easy. ... ckpot.html

If you want it eat it fruity, yet sweet, we like to stir in a spoonful of allfruit.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:01 pm
by 3aday
I don't consider store bought, strawberry flavored yogurt a sweet if it is eaten at mealtime.
In fact, I had a Dannon yogurt with fruit on the bottom (strawberry) for breakfast this morning along with half a banana and a cup of hot tea with two sugars.
Ah, the beauty of Vanilla No S.....