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Back, ready to give this a try, but kind of scared

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:59 pm
by stoogeswoman
Hi Everyone -

I'm back, and am about to go to my first Weight Watchers meeting in two weeks.

And I'm scared because even though I've been doing the No S plan* since before Christmas, and at least attempting to go out and do a long walk every day or at least every other day, my weight is still going UP - slowly, inexorably, not dramatically, but definitely UP.

And nothing I do seems to make any difference. It started creeping upwards in August and nothing I've done has stopped.

To be honest, I haven't really tried the No S thing very long, so maybe it will make a difference if I just stick to it for a few weeks. And I will give it the ol' college try.

But I guess I'm scared because it's all happened before - I've lost weight, felt like the battle was over, then watched in helpless horror as the pounds all came back (plus!).

So please be patient with me if I post here in panic from time to time. I don't really like to spend a whole lot of time whining online, but I may need some encouragement. Because I am going to keep trying.


(* I know I haven't kept my online calendar up to date. To be honest, that kind of tracking is hard for me to do - same with the Weight Watchers "POINTS" thing. I just want to do something and not have to keep track of it! But I'll make an effort to update the calendar as well.)

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:41 pm
by wosnes

I don't use the HabitCal at all. I find those kinds of things to be too "diety" -- and something I know I won't keep up.

The biggest problem with most diets is that they're something you go "on" to lose weight and "off" once you've lost it. No-S, on the other hand, is a series of behaviors that you start and continue for life. There's no "on" and "off." The way you start is the way you continue.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:32 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
Welcome back!

Tracking things is no fun! But especially at first it's nice to keep a record so you don't just rely on your memory, and (for example) think you've been perfect when you haven't. I have a desk calendar at work and just mark off on that.

You might find it easier to only keep track of failure days (less tracking, but also slightly less inspirational/more depressing).

Remember that No-S is a slow method, and needs time to work. It's no quick-fix. But it is a long term solution, unlike most diets. Which, as wosnes says, are something you go "on" and "off."

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:06 am
by Dandelion
I don't want to keep track of anything - life's too short, which is one of the best things about NoS - there's more time for 'life' without all that tracking.

It took me two full weeks of total NoS compliance before I started losing, but then since then it has been steady and surprisingly easy to stick with.