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* * * January Challenge * * *

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:36 pm
by ~reneew
* * * I'm issuing a challenge for you to have a "perfect" January * * *
- your personal "perfect" is defined however you wish.
- *Remember* to only post once at the top and edit that first post all month.
- Please re-read that last one, some people don't get it. :roll:
- after January 3rd we will continue posting at the bottom for encouragement and fun.
- good luck and have fun with it!

2010 is a fresh new year and we can all get healthy together! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:37 pm
by ~reneew
Happy New year!!!

My plan? 3 dishes of food. Period.
1 :mrgreen: great start!
2 :wink: S day and a very respectable one it was!
3 :wink: S day enjoyable :roll:
4 :mrgreen: I'm really charged to do well today.
5 :mrgreen: today too! Doin' great! I love new years
6 :mrgreen: "legally" but just barely. Kids came home early. Blizzard. no comment.
7 :mrgreen: barely. Snow day for the kids... temptation day for Mom. Just barely green again. I'm pushing it. Changes in schedule are tough on my control.
8 :mrgreen: I am starting my day very determined. Another snow day, so it may get tough, but I am thinking of loads of things to so today to keep myself busy so I don't try to eat. :wink:
9 :wink: S day
10 :wink: S day
11 :mrgreen: I'm keeping very busy
12 :mrgreen: and :roll: I'm calling it an S event. It was a good day until I got a nasty migrane. I had a snack for a pitty party.
13 :mrgreen: doing very well! I'm enjoying this heat wave. It's not only above zero... it's 35' outside!!!! I guess only northerners can say that!
14 :oops: I snacked on popcorn all day that was leftover from midweek church. I should have fed it to the birds.
15 :mrgreen: barely. big plates.
16 :wink: S day
17 :wink: S day and a pretty respectable one at that!
18 :mrgreen: I'm going to go strong this week. Double Good days. Alright. Today was not double good, just o.k.
19 :mrgreen:
20 :mrgreen:
21 :mrgreen:
22 :mrgreen: I'm gunna make it ta the weekend! Then I'm gunna try ta be careful!!!!!!!
23 :wink: S day
24 :wink: S day
25 :oops: Oh for gosh darn sake! No school and I eat all day. What's with that??? I have no control on weekends and days with blizzards and no school. uggh spllokyblat. :evil: :evil:
26 :mrgreen:
27 :oops: Ummmmm yea.
28 :mrgreen:
29 :mrgreen: It's going well, so I'm calling it early!
30 :wink: S day
31 :wink: S day

Woo hoo! I'm doing well considering how terrible (and red) December was.
Only a week to go for the month. You can do it!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:26 pm
by Jammin' Jan
My Perfect January on Vanilla No S
I want to begin the new year with 31 of these happy little guys --> :D

1 :D Happy New Year! N-Day for me.
2 :D S-Day
3 :D S-Day
4 :D
5 :D
6 :D
7 :D
8 :D
9 :D S-Day
10 :D S-Day
11 :D
12 :D Funny day: lunch was light, so I snacked at 3pm, but that turned out to be dinner, so the day was saved!
13 :D
14 :D
15 :D
16 :D S-Day
17 :D S-Day
18 :D
19 :D
20 :D
21 :D
22 :D
23 :D S-Day
24 :D S-Day
25 :D
26 :D coffee with a little milk is a lifesaver on days like this, when lunch is early and dinner is late!
27 :D
28 :D
29 :D This is it! A perfect vanilla No-S month!
30 :D S-Day
31 :D S-Day Done!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:02 am
by aGAgirl1
I like the sound of that. A perfect vanilla no s January!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:49 am
by mrsj
I'm definately in! renew, keep those challenges coming!
Jan 1: :) S day. Wasn't an idiot.
Jan 2: :) S day. Not an idiot.
Jan 3: :? Don't know what to call it. I dozed most of the day. Got a bad cold. This is day 3 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 4: :oops: :oops: :oops: RED. I caved and had icecream last night.
Then a sandwich with chips. Didn't even bother to use a plate. Day Zero for 21 Day Club. January shot to the devil.
Jan 5: GREEN! Back on track! Day 1 for 21 day club.
Jan 6: Crash and burn! Slept most of the day. Didn't have seconds, snack, or have sweets. Day 2 for 21 day club.
Jan 7: :) Green. Day 3 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 8: :) Green. Day 4 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 9: :) Yellow. Day 5 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 10: :) Yellow. Day 6 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 11 :) Green. Day 7 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 12: :) Green. Day 8 for the 21 Day Club
Jan 13: :) Green. Day 9 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 14: :) Green. Day 10 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 15: :) Green. Day 11 for the 21 Day Club. It was hard for me today to stay green. My bad habit of munching after dinner while watching TV started rearing its ugly head. I knitted instead, but it was so tempting!
Jan 16&17: :) Yellow. Wasn't an idiot. Sunday lazed around watching DVD with DH. It was great!
Jan 18&19: :) Green. Days 14&15 for 21 Day Club
Jan 20: :) Green. Day 16 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 21&22: :) Green. Days 17&18 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 23&24: :) Yellow. Says 19&20 for the 21 Day Club.
Jan 25: :D Green. DAY 21 for the 21 Day Club. Yay! Green sparklies for me!
Jan 26,26&28: :D :D :D GREEN!
Jan 29: :D Green! Ranged to town and all over tow, over 8900 steps!
Jan 30: :D Yellow: Thank Goodness this month is OVER.
Jan 31: :D :D :D Yellow. I'ts OVER AT LAST!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:24 am
by ZippaDee
Me too! I'm in! :D

Jan 1: S Day
Jan 2: S Day
Jan 3: S Day
Jan 9: S Day
Jan 10: S Day
Jan 16: S Day
Jan 17: S Day
Jan 23: S Day
Jan 24: S Day
Jan 25:
Jan 26:
Jan 27:
Jan 28:
Jan 29:
Jan 30: S Day
Jan 31: S Day

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:16 am
by ~emilyr
I would love to take part in the January challenge :D :D :D

January 2 Enjoying the long S weekend :D :D

January 7 Green so far.... A snow day here again today ~ more challenges thans usual, but I'm trying to prepare.....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:07 pm
by dmarie710
I'm in. I don't usually post here, just read all your guys posts. I need to be more involved, though
1 N day
2 S day
3 s day.... yea so far.
4 great N day
5 N day. Almost ate chocolate covered pretzels, though. PMS is no fun.
6 :D
7 :D
8 S event this evening. Bunko. Will happen 2nd friday of every month.
9 S day
10 S day
11 :D
12 :D
13 :D even said no to ice cream at bible study.
14 :)
15 :)
16 S day
17 S day

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:49 pm
by Me Too
I would very much like to join in the challenge also.
count me in and back to the boards.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:54 pm
by Nay
Count me in. For some reason, I have been seduced away from No S EVEN THOUGH it worked fine (although slowly, but I knew that), made my iffy stomach feel great, gave me tons of energy, and calmed my whole attitude toward food. But I can have this stupid all-or-nothing attitude where if I mess up, I go hog wild. And if I eat too wildly on S days, it bleeds over into N Days. Gotta get a handle on that.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:42 pm
by Anoulie
Count me in, Renée! :)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:51 pm
by Ms
I'm BACK!!! And I'm ready to go full speed ahead. After months of failing, losing weight and then and gaining weight, and trying to tweak No-S (which also lead to the previous mentioned), I am ready to just DO No-S as is, to just trust the process. As Dora the Explorer says, "Vamanos! Let's Go!" :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:38 am
by lindalou
Count me in I am ready :P :P :P

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:38 am
by Stylish Mama
I'd love to join in. (Just going to blatantly copy Jammin' Jan's because I enjoy all the smilies so much (':D'))

1 :D
2 :D S-Day
3 :D S-Day
4 :D
5 :?
6 :D
7 :D
8 :oops: not a great day
9 :( even though an S-Day, not happy with it
10 S-Day
11 :D
12 :D
13 :(
14 :D
15 :(
16 S-Day
17 S-Day

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:01 pm
by BelfastBloke
I'm up for that, too, with my mod of counting NoS S-Days from sunset to sunset. Also aiming for perfect Shovelglove

1 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day until sunset
2 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day until sunset
3 Shovelglove s-day; NoS n-day all sunday
4 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
5 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
6 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
7 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
8 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day till sunset
9 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
10 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
11 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
12 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
13 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day been away from my house and my Shovelglove
14 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
15 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day till sunset
16 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
17 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
18 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
19 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
20 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
21 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
22 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day till sunset
23 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
24 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
25 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
26 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
27 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day
28 Shovelglove special-day; NoS special-day
29 Shovelglove n-day; NoS n-day till sunset
30 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset
31 Shovelglove s-day; NoS s-day till sunset And that is a perfect NoS diet January. Shovelglove went awry, but maintained my eating plan through a very tough month.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:28 pm
by Starla
I'm in. I didn't do the challenge in December, and, perhaps not coincidentally, I had my first failure. Here's to a perfect January! Perfect for me this month is vanilla No S with no non-weekend S days.

Jan 1: S Day
Jan 2: S Day
Jan 3: S Day
Jan 4: Green
Jan 5: Green
Jan 6: Green
Jan 7: Green
Jan 8: Green
Jan 9: S Day
Jan 10: S Day
Jan 11: Green
Jan 12: Green
Jan 13: Green
Jan 14: Green
Jan 15: Green
Jan 16: S Day
Jan 17: S Day
Jan 18: Green
Jan 19: Green
Jan 20: Green
Jan 21: Green
Jan 22: Green
Jan 23: S Day
Jan 24: S Day
Jan 25: Green
Jan 26: Green
Jan 27: Green
Jan 28: Green
Jan 29: Green
Jan 30: S Day
Jan 31: S Day

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:15 pm
by Miyabi
Hello all, I'm in and doing my first post. I have been working on No S since August with some good success, especially on the sweets S, and some weight loss, and now I want to re-commit to the rest of the S's. I'll be aiming for plain vanilla with a special emphasis on plating. For me success on an N day will have to include plating lunch and dinner.

2.S day
3. S day
6.Failed-who left those peanuts on the counter? But plating went well, anyway
9.S day
10. S day
12.failure, munched my way through lunch instead of plating
15. Success
16. S day
17. S day
18. Success
23. S day
24. S day
30 S day
31. S day

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:52 pm
by noni
I'm going to try a modification this month which is much like Wosnes's: Up to 3 S-events per week and S-days kept for holidays, weddings, birthdays parties, etc... Vanilla No S worked well for me for a few months and taught me that I can do without sweets every day. But I can't tame those wild S-Day weekends, so the weight is creeping back. Need to modify. Sure hope I could do this!

1. S-Day New Year's Dinner at relative's house
2. S-Day A wedding
3. Success An N-Day because of my mod.
4. S-Event #1 Leftover cheesecake from Christmas. Why won't it spoil?!
5. Success
6. Success
7. success

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:20 pm
by Anoulie
... please delete. :oops:

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:26 pm
by Anoulie
My definition of perfect: Vanilla No S.

January 1: N day
January 2: S day
January 3: S day
January 4: N day
January 5: N day
January 6: N day
January 7: N day
January 8: N day
January 9: S day
January 10: S day
January 11: N day
January 12: N day
January 13: N day
January 14: N day
January 15: N day
January 16: S day
January 17: S day
January 18: N day
January 19: N day
January 20: N day
January 21: N day
January 22: N day
January 23: S day
January 24: S day
January 25: N day
January 26: N day
January 27: N day
January 28: N day
January 29: N day
January 30: S day
January 31: S day

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:50 pm
by redqueen
I've gotta get back on track! I've never made it past 4 days :oops: , so this challenge will be so good for me!

2 S-Day
3 S-Day
9 S-Day
10 S-Day
16 S-Day
17 S-Day
23 S-Day
24 S-Day
30 S-Day
31 S-Day

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:30 pm
by mimi
I'm in this time...and it might be a good time to join a challenge. Going back to work is going to be stressful, and hopefully this will keep me focused.

My ***perfect January*** will be:
• vanilla NoS and
• ride my exercise bike 10-20 minutes at least 5 times each week.

1 - S Day - rode my bike 10 minutes
2 - S Day
3 - S Day

4 - GREEN for NoS and exercise - 20 minutes
5- calling this a RED day for NoS
6 - green for both
7 - green for NoS
8 -red...not a full blown red day, but red all the same
9 - S Day
10 - S Day

11 - green for NoS and exercise
12 - green for both
13 - green for both

14 - yellow S-event
15 - red - bummer...
16 - S Day
17 - S Day

18 -green for NoS
19 -green for NoS
20 -green for NoS

21 - red
22 - red
green for exercise
23 - S Day
24 - S Day

25 - GREEN for NoS!
26 -
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 - S Day
31 - S Day

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:18 pm
by ~reneew
We're off to a great start! Let's keep it up! Keep going! :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

Perfect January

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:14 pm
by boogbite
I'm brand new at NoS and really look forward to this challenge and keeping track of my days. I second what Reneew said: 3 plates of food. Period.

January 1: S day
January 2: S day
January 3: S day
January 4: :mrgreen: Green
January 5: :mrgreen: Green
January 6: :oops: Day 3 = red day (had some cheese and crackers before dinner)
January 7: :mrgreen: Green
January 8: :oops: Day 5 red. too many bites here and there, a bit too much to drink.
January 9: S day (but really it was green!)
January 10: S day
January 11: :mrgreen: Green
January 12: :mrgreen: Green
January 13: :mrgreen: Green
January 14:
January 15:
January 16: S day
January 17: S day
January 18:
January 19:
January 20:
January 21:
January 22:
January 23: S day
January 24: S day
January 25:
January 26:
January 27:
January 28:
January 29:
January 30: S day
January 31: S day


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:55 am
by boogbite
i accidentally replied instead of edited and i don't know how to delete this one! :)

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:27 pm
by Tricia
Success...No S all month. modified with FAT (Fruit any time) and one small sweet per day, but only after dinner. Also, I started on 1/4 this month because that was the day school started for my children!
4.Success I had a small second. Too small a transgression to qualify as a failure, but not a good green day, either.
5. Success Not counting bites of carrots, and other dinner prep against myself, though I probably should.
6. Failure Small transgressions, but too many of them.
7. Success
8. Success
9.S day
10. S day
11. Success
12. Success
13. Success
16. S day
17. S day
23. S day
24. S day
30 S day
31. S day

Count me in!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:03 pm
by staclinusa
I'm new to No S, so I'm starting a bit late, but I think this challenge is going to be a great help. I'm going to ease into my No S year by adding an S rule each week. We still have food in the house from the holidays that my husband won't let me throw out, so I'm slowly and systematically bringing all the candy and sweets to work! :wink:

Week 1 - No Seconds
1/4: :D
1/5: :D
1/6: :D
1/7: :D
1/8: :D (I'm being optimistic)
1/9: S-day
1/10: S-day
Week 2 - No Seconds, No Sweets
1/11: :oops: (note to self - do not prepare S-day foods on an N day (darn brownie batter!)
1/12: :D
1/13: S-day (Allyson's birthday, hence the brownies)
1/14: :D
1/15: :D
1/16: S-day
1/17: S-day
Week 3 - The whole enchilada!
1/18: :D (a really hard day since there was no school - but I did it!)
1/19: :D
1/20: :D
1/21: :D
1/22: :D
1/23: S-day
1/24: S-day
Week 4 - Adding exercise 3 times a week
1/25: :D

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:15 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Welcome, Stacey!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:00 pm
by kccc
I'm in. Thanks, ~reneew.

Despite a less-than-perfect (but not awful) December, I am actually feeling very "back on" in terms of No-S and exercise, so my "perfect January" will be...

- Maintain No-S
- Maintain exercise
- Add "SleepyTime" as my "Habit of the Month" for January. That means getting to bed at a reasonable hour. For this one, I'm using the colors on the HabitCal as a "stoplight" - Green is at the targeted time, yellow is within one half hour, red is any longer. So "yellow" essentially translates to "caution" or "watch it!"

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:14 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Can I sneak in late?

Just got back on the board after several issues (got rid of that dreaded dail up and got broadband wireless, lots of other stuff - missed you all)

Current weight 152
Goal 145 by March 1

Goal for January ------- 149

January 10 ---------- 152 ate well, exercised an hour
January 11----------- 151 ate well, exercised half hour
January 12----------- 149 ate well, exercised half hour
January 13----------- 150 ate well, no formal exercise (just work)
January 14----------- 150 ate too much, didn't exercise
January 15----------- 152 ate well, exercised an hour
January 16----------- 150 ate too much, exercise an hour
January 17----------- 151 ate okay, exercised an hour
January 18----------- 151 same
January 19----------- 150 ate great, no formal exercise
January 20----------- 151 ate okay, no exercise
January 21----------- 152 ate okay, exercised an hour
January 22----------- 153 ate too much, exercised an hour
January 23----------- S Day
January 24----------- S Day
January 25------------ 151 ate well, not enough exercise
January 26------------ 151 ate well, not enough exercise
January 27------------ 150 ate well, not enough exercise
January 28------------ 151 ate too much, exercised okay
January 29------------ 152 ate okay, exercised okay
January 30 NO S days the rest of the month
January 31 However, I need to get a grip so
I am gong to watch things and
head to the February challenge


Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:22 pm
by ~reneew
join on in everyone... the more the merrier! The more support we get the better.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:56 am
by blessedbeingmom
Hi, I'm Tricia O, and I'm new here. :D May I join in? I am from South MS, and I work as a pharmacist. My DH is a stay-at-home dad who homeschools our kids. They are: Elizabeth, soon to be 10, Katie, 8, and Michael, soon to be 6.

I have much weight to lose, I'm afraid. At this point, I would be absolutely thrilled to have a 1 in front of my weight, and it will be a long journey to get there. I really like this plan though because it seems very sensible and fits what I've always known to be what I needed to do. I've done WW in the past with success, but I just don't have the time or energy to devote to counting points or weighing & measuring everything I eat. I will say, however, that on my S days this weekend, I did measure my ice cream to ensure I only had a single serving, and found that helpful and eye-opening.

I have a few other habits I'm trying to work on, including reading at least 1 chapter of the Bible a day, exercising at least 10 minutes a day, going to bed by 11 p.m. (failure today), and having a green smoothie every day. My habitcal chart is here.

I just started on 1/5, which was a sick day, so I counted it as exempt. I was still sick (just a cold) the rest of the week, but managed to stick to it for 3 days! :D

What is vanilla No S?

I hope it's okay to borrow someone else's outline. I hope I did all this right! Glad to be here! :)

January 1 - not yet on plan
January 2 - not yet on plan
January 3 - not yet on plan
January 4 - not yet on plan (sick)
January 5 - exempt day (sick)
January 6 - success
January 7 - success
January 8 - success
January 9 - S day
January 10 - S day
January 11 - success
January 12 - success
January 13 - success
January 14 - success
January 15 - success
January 16 - S day
January 17 - S day
January 18 - success
January 19 - success
January 20 - success
January 21 - success
January 22 - success
January 23 - S day
January 24 - S day
January 25 - success
January 26 - success
January 27 - success
January 28 - success
January 29 - success
January 30 - S day
January 31 - S day

That's over & done with! Yay!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:12 pm
by Starla
Welcome, Tricia! Vanilla No S is No S with no modifications.

January Challenge

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:59 pm
by ShannahR
Hi everyone! My name is Shannah and I just started the No S diet. I started this diet because I'm sick of really complicated diets that don't allow me to eat certain foods, and require a lot of work. I never stick to them for more then 1-2 months and I always gain back the weight I lost and more! Not to mention they make me feel terrible about myself. This year I decided I'm looking for something totally different from what I've tried before (South Beach, Atkins, You Diet, and some others I don't even remember the names of). So I'm trying this and brainwave therapy. Wish me luck!
I'm doing No-S with 1 mod of a 3 pm mini meal of 10-13 almonds. So success will be defined as sticking with that. Additionally, I'm only going to weigh myself at the start of each month because I get discouraged if I don't see results quickly. This month I started at 175.
1 Not on plan
2 S-Day
3 S-Day
4 S-Day (sick)
5 S-day (sick)
6 :D
7 :D
8 :D
9 S-Day
10 S-Day
11 :D No problems today!
12 :D I was starving before dinner today but I didn't snack and had a slightly larger dinner-good job me!
13 :twisted: I dodged the cookies at the meeting but had half a leomade snapple. I later decided that it was mostly sugar and therefore a sweet. Next week I'll stick to water!
14 :D Avoided the temptation to eat seconds of my favorite dinner-spaghetti!
15 :D/S-night Note: I decided to move "S days" to Friday night to Sunday afternoon. I ate out Friday night and enjoyed it (no guilt) and was back to N days by Sunday afternoon. I think this is an okay adjustment as long as I'm strict about it. I can take Friday night as S as long as I go back to N on Sunday afternoon OR I can do the S days as described in vanilla No S BUT NOT BOTH
16 S-Day
17 S-Day/ :D night
18 :D Started a HabitCal!
19 :D I've weaned myself off of my 3 pm mini meal. I think it ws a good "mental crutch" because at the beginning I didn't think that I could go without eating in the afternoon. Now I know that I can and I don't even get hungry!
20 :D Sweets at meetings have no power over me!
21 :D
22 :D
23 S-Day :D Today's treat: Superfoods salad
24 S-Day :D Today's treat: steak, apple struddel
25 :D
26 :D No temptations today!
27 :D
28 :D Today was tough. My first day that stress has tempted me to emotionaly eat. I barely got by ( wanted snacks and sweets all day) but a slightly larger lunch helped. I even dreamed that I was snacking!!
29 Can't wait for S days!!
30 S-Day
31 S-Day[/u][/b]

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:12 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Welcome, Shannah!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:00 pm
by ~reneew
Welcome! There seems to be a bunch of new people around here. I know you're going to love it. No S is the most sane, normal way to eat.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:21 pm
by ~reneew
13 days in on the new year... I'm seeing lots of green successes and smiles! Keep it going :!: Encourage eachother. Recharge! :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:22 pm
by ~reneew
bumpin' up. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:53 pm
by ~reneew
Where to begin? We are off to a wonderful start of 2010!

me...I'm slowly getting back on track. Now if my schedule stays put I'd be happy.

Jammin'... saved the day by waiting for supper after a snack. Good job, and thanks for the reminder that we can do that!'s the vanilla?

mrsj... knit away! (I sometimes crochet to avoid food. I should have an afghan by the time I'm thin! :wink:

ZippaDee...Lookin' very green!

Emily... I hear ya! warmer (school on) weather ahead!

dmarie... passed up icecream!!!!

metoo... how ya doin'?

nay... I too have the "all or nothing" attitude. Let's give it our all!

Anoulie... your 3rd post looks the best :wink: Very strong!

ms... Vamanos Let's go!

lindalou... still goin'?

stylishmama...pick yourself up, brush off the crumbs and keep adding smilies! You can do it!

Belfastbloke... very green No S days!

starla... keep going! :D

miyabi... ignore those reds, they are just peanuts compared to the rest! :wink:

noni... rot that Christmas food! Fresh starts can start whenever.

redqueen... remember that there are only 5 N days in a week. Go 1 week at a time. You can do it!

Mimi... keep strong, you've had many setbacks forced on you, and you're doin' good.

boogbite... good start to no s!!!

Tricia... Good comeback!

staclinusa... brownies'll get ya every time! Freeze them until Saturday.

KCCC... are you still "back on"? It's never too late. :wink:

Strawberry... better late than never, good going!

Blessedbeingmom... great start!!!

ShannahR... good job you! Avoiding those temptations!

We are an awesome and big group and I thank you very much for the support! Lets keep bumping up and adding our encouragement! The month is half way done!

I sincerely appologize if I've overlooked anyone. :roll:

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:30 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Thanks, Renee, for doing these monthly challenges. They have really meant a lot to me.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:13 am
by kccc
~reneew, it is SO sweet of you to go through and mention every person by name! I am always so impressed at your thoughtfulness when you do it.

I am indeed "back on," though I tend to track on my daily page instead of the challenge. My big additional habit is a reasonable bedtime. So far, it's been "within half an hour of target" most nights... but the nights when I have met the target, I can tell the difference!

Exercise is at bare minimum because I'm doing physical therapy. But I am meeting my official minimum. No-S is on target... was actually pretty easy to get back on track for that. (December did have some bumps in the road... but I held steady overall, which I thought was good enough for the holidays.)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:59 pm
by Starla
I agree with KCCC, renee, it is SO kind of you to not only make the original challenge, but to encourage everyone individually. I just filled in a week of green days. Thanks for the additional motivation!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:13 pm
by oolala53
see below 1/25

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:13 pm
by CrazyCatLady
redqueen wrote:I've gotta get back on track! I've never made it past 4 days :oops: , so this challenge will be so good for me!
How is is going, RedQueen? Hope you don't mind that I am "stealing" your list to save myself some typing...LOL!

1 I don't remember!
2 S-Day
3 S-Day

8 A whole week, yay me!

9 S-Day
10 S-Day


15 Went to a conference with way too much delicious food. Overate terribly on the 14th, and felt stuffed & uncomfortable. Did much better on the other days, but not vanilla No S.

16 S-Day and DD's first anniversary
17 S-Day and birthday with party for a dear friend.

21 After reading this forum, realizing I don't have enough fat in my diet. Plenty of protein, will add a bit of butter, etc to help stay full between meals.

22 Yay me. Sure feels good to finally have a green day!
23 S-Day
24 S-Day

30 S-Day
31 S-Day

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:19 pm
by ~reneew
Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:52 pm
by ~reneew
Check through others' posts and see that we're really doing great!!! Send some encouragement, there's only a week left to the month. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:08 am
by mrsj
All are doing GREAT!!! What a great way to start the year. I'm sooo embarassed that I caved so early in the month. :oops: :oops: :oops:
I feel like I've let you all down. Really hoping for a perfect February. Thank goodness it's so short...

Happy Shrinking!

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:51 pm
by oolala53
Although I have often drawn inspiration from successful NoSers, no one need feel he/she has let me down if foundering on this difficult and personal journey, unless it actually helps the practice of not eatingt! If it doesn't, then it's just torture.

In the grand scheme of things, there is no new year or January or whatever. You had some days on No S and some not. Today is Saturday, so you are definitely on! You can't fail today.

BTW, I have never found that disgust with myself was an effective deterrent to eating. Ironic, but true. Some do. There have been various reasons over the years that have been the motivation--so far only temporary--to stick with any non-bingeing eating style, but mine rarely match anyone else's. I believe you'll find yours, and you'll do this or something to counteract overeating long enough for habit to take over. Mazeltov!

Lastly, just because it's an S day doesn't mean you HAVE to overeat.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:35 pm
by CrazyCatLady
Amazing to see so many perfect No S days. And so many with only one or two red days.

Then those of us still struggling to get more green days, but making progress. Lets all keep up the good work!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:00 pm
by mimi
BTW, I have never found that disgust with myself was an effective deterrent to eating.
No, me either oolala53. Expressing disgust with myself simply breeds more eating for me. Today I decided to give myself permission to stray from NoS if I wanted and to overeat if I wanted. Amazingly I have stayed green all day. I think I have come to terms with my sister-in-law having cancer and I know that me eating badly is not going to help her one bit. I will put my energy into things that I know might help - like visits, phone calls and just reaching out to her.
I will succeed with NoS - I've just taken a little detour, but I'm not giving up.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:29 pm
by oolala53
see 1/29 below

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:31 am
by blessedbeingmom
I just updated mine. I'm probably not being as hard on myself as I should, but I figure that I am so obese that as long as I only eat at mealtimes without taking seconds and only have sweets (in moderation) on weekends, and no more snacking (which was especially a problem after supper) then I'm doing good. I figure once I get this down and get used to this, then I will try to eat a little healthier & eat smaller portions (gradually).

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:44 am
by oolala53
You sound like you are doing things exactly right, including not being hard on yourself! Keep up the excellent work

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:45 am
by mrsj
Hi, folks! I won't be posting as often because I really have to pull myself together. I spend way too much time on the computer reading about instead of DOING. I've gained 4 KILOS since starting No S. I really need to get more active and the only way I can do this without injuring my body is in short spurts throughout the day. 15 minutes at a time. If I'm on the computer in the evening I just can't sleep at night. I guess it stimulates my brain too much.

I keep a habitcal in my pocket calendar, so I'll be noting every day. I'm limiting my computer time to S days, so I'll check in Saturday%Sunday.

Don't get nervous-I'm still NoS! I just need to move my tired fat body much more so it won't be so tired and fat!

Love all of you and Happy Shrinking!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:40 pm
by Jammin' Jan
If disgust kept me from overeating, snacking, chocolating, etc. I'd be thin as a rail.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:26 am
by blessedbeingmom
oolala53 wrote:You sound like you are doing things exactly right, including not being hard on yourself! Keep up the excellent work
Thank you! I just measured my waist and it's gone down an inch since January 5th when I started! I've also been doing Wii Fit Plus a minimum of 10 minutes every day for 23 days, with some days going up to nearly an hour, but most days at about 30 minutes. :D

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:03 am
by ~reneew
Start thinking about the February challenge! I may try to combine my "challenge" with the "wannabe club" that I started. Keep a look out!

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:19 pm
by Miyabi
Miyabi wrote:Hello all, I'm in and doing my first post. I have been working on No S since August with some good success, especially on the sweets S, and some weight loss, and now I want to re-commit to the rest of the S's. I'll be aiming for plain vanilla with a special emphasis on plating. For me success on an N day will have to include plating lunch and dinner.

2.S day
3. S day
6.Failed-who left those peanuts on the counter? But plating went well, anyway
9.S day
10. S day
12.failure, munched my way through lunch instead of plating
15. Success
16. S day
17. S day
18. Success
23. S day
24. S day
30 S day
31. S day

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:53 pm
by oolala53
I'm also on the wanna-be 21-day thread.

Day 1- Day 17 successes
Day 18 success 19 success
20 success 21 success
22 success 23 S-day success
24 S-day success 25 success
26 success 27 success
28 success 29 S-day
30 S-day 31

3 more days of January, counting today

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:27 pm
by kccc
Report out for January...

I wanted to maintain established goals and build one new goal.

My new goal was to work on getting to bed at a reasonable hour. I used the habitcal like a "stoplight" - green meant on target, yellow within 1/2 hr of target, red later. The target was slightly modified on weekends, but not abandoned.

For the month:
11 Greens
10 Yellows
4 reds
4 untracked days thus far

Visually, the yellows mostly fall toward the beginning of the month, followed by few rows of mostly greens... showing that I got better over time. However, they were interrupted by a string of reds that started on a weekend (3 of my 4 were in a row). Even with a bit of sleeping-in on weekends (not much, I can't), I was really dragging after those reds-in-a-row. But I also felt great after greens-in-a-row! Those results really reinforce that this habit is important.

Did okay on No-S overall... but I've got those habits generally in place by now, with only occasional re-training necessary. :) Exercise is a bit shaky, but only because I'm in physical therapy and that's eating my exercise time. Excused for now.

For February, will continue this habit (don't think it's solid yet) and add one SMALL new one... thinking on what it will be.