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May challenge!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:35 pm
by ~reneew
Back with annother challenge because we had great success... :D

I challenge you to a no red month of May!

All green and yellow days on your habitcal for all of May with absolutely No red :evil: . Do strict no S. If you have a mod... be strict. Write only one post until the 5th to be sure everyone gets in at the top, and edit that one as often as you can. After the 5th we can all keep in touch at the bottom for encouragement. Good luck! :wink:

Remember to keep tabs on eachother and edit your top post as often as you can to show how you're doing.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:39 pm
by ~reneew
I'm certainly in!

May 1: green day and feelin' great...tis good!!!! weight down 14 total 8)
May 2: S day huge company weekend for me. I'll try to restrain myself. weight down 15! woohoo!
May 3: S day and my son's confirmation (we're lutheran) I ate WAY too much. Tomorrow's the day to get on track!
May 4: green day, although the kids had no school. It was tough. :cry:
May 5: tough, but gloriously green day :P :P :P
May 6: Green green green and happy happy happy
May 7: I feel I'm in a groove... it'll be green. Watch and see... yep it was green. such confidence
May 8: tough Friday, so I made it my S day
May 9: S day
May 10: green day, eventhough it was Mother's day! wow!
May 11: it will be a green day because I am strong today! ( bit of a subliminal massage) and it was! :wink:
May 12: I'm starting to feel boring too because I'm not even tempted yet... I was later though. Still green. :shock:
May 13: green, I got a new scale and it's up 3 ... but, I'm actually down 16.
May 14: green...pms craves!!!!!!!!!!!
May 15: green!
May 16: yellow S day
May 17: yellow S day
May 18: green
May 19: green
May 20: green
May 21: I made it to the 21 day club!!!!
May 22: green and I'm down 16 (actually 19... remember my scale problem?)
May 23: S day S-travaganza
May 24: S daygood grief!
May 25: S day extreme!!! I need to get a grip! maybe follow Marc's plan of going green until you do a yellow...
May 26:green and back on the track, but this time, not a rollercoaster track :wink:
May 27:green :D
May 28: green
May 29:green...twas green!!!! woopee! (I just need to control my s days with my new 3-s-only plan, so they don't go to reds.)
May 30: S day
May 31: S day

I ride a ridiculous rollercoaster every week. I need to get off of it! I will try for less yellow days because I gain fast!

I made it... all reds woohoo!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:41 pm
by khristal23
In. I'm new and this will help me stay focused.

May 1: SUCCESS My plate was a bit too full for dinner though.
May 2: S Day (Exempt)
May 3: S DAY
May 9: slight gain, pretty sure it's water though - S DAY
May 16 -Yay!!!!!!!! Green days all week except for Thurs. My first red day! Ugh!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:47 pm
by bluebunny27
Recent months :

11-1-2008 280.0
12-1-2008 266.0 ( Nov. 2008 Down 14.0, Total : 14.0 )
1-1-2009 254.0 ( Dec. 2008 Down 12.0, Total : 26.0 )

1-13-2009 250.0
2-1-2009 244.0 ( Jan. 2009 Down 10.0, Total : 36.0 )
2-19-2009 237.8
3-1-2009 234.0 ( Feb. 2009 Down 10.0, Total : 46.0 )
3-14-2009 232.2
4-1-2009 229.8 ( March 2009 Down 4.2, Total : 50.2 )
4-14-2009 224.8
5-01-2009 221.6 ( April 2009 Down 8.2, Total : 58.4 )
5-15-2009 217.8
6-01-2009 215.6 ( May 2009 Down 6.0, Total : 64.4 )


My objective for june 2009 : I'd be happy to lose anywhere between 4 and 5 pounds this month.


Future weigh in dates and objectives (Subject to multiple changes !)

6/01/2009 215.6

6/04/2009 215.2 (Objective)
6/10/2009 214.2 (Objective)
6/16/2009 213.4 (Objective)
6/22/2009 212.6 (Objective)
6/28/2009 211.8 (Objective)
7/01/2009 211.2 (Objective)

Alright, 215.6, that was my final weigh in for the month of may (or the first for the month of june)
I was a lil' disappointed actually cos' I thought I had been quite good in the past 2 days in
a row, I was expecting to be closer to 215.0, even in the high 214's ... oh well. Better luck next time !
I'll try a more reasonable approach from now on. My objective for june is to lose 4 to 5 pounds.
It's getting too tough now to do 6 to 8 pounds per month anyway. I was really good during the month
of may and I only managed to lose 6 pounds so I'm definitely slowing down (despite the fact I had
my best month ever according to my HabitCal). I am a lot more disciplined now than I was during my first
3 months and I'm losing half as much weight now as I did back then, I don't have as much of the easier blubber
weight to lose anymore, which is good, but that doesn't produce big numbers, heh !
I am done with the big numbers anyway. I'd be rejoicing just getting under 200 on nov.
1st really (even though I'll work really hard to get to 195.0 since that was my initial year long objective) but I won't
freak out now being a pound up over what I was hoping for this morning, minor set back that should be corrected
within a few days. Same with the year long objective, if I need an extra month to finish the job, it won't be a tragedy and
I'm not supersiticious either, 13 months. This is long term anyway, so I won't go back to my old ways the minute
I am done with the year long challenge.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/01/2009 : 215.6 pounds
7 months 1 day / 64.4 pounds

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:48 pm
by Thalia
I'm in. I'm pretty boring, though, because so far I haven't really had red days, and I'm not losing super-fast, so I will posting neither agony nor ecstacy! Unless I have to eat those words ...

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:22 am
by gratefuldeb67
I will post my progress for May. I would love to have all green, but even if I have some reds, it's okay.
This month I had mostly failures, so I will be happy if I even have two or three failures for the month of May, as that would still be a drastic improvement.
I'm really feeling pretty bad about how I've just become really apathetic. :(
So thanks Rene for the challenge..
I also will weigh at the beginning and end of the month, and see how this commitment helps.. I hope it does :)

I'll just edit my post here as i go along, and I will be tracking NoS and Exercise (any kind for at least 14 mins per day)

Good luck guys! :wink:
8) Debs xx

May 1st post
Well friends! By an amazing stroke of luck, me and Richard have landed a new apartment this week!! It all happened very quickly, and the moving will take a few weeks for sure, so for now, I'll just stick to habit cal and I'll update here in a little while. It will even be challenging to stick to Habit cal for now, with all the changes, and I might even have no internet for a little while.. I'll keep tabs tho on paper if that's the case.
Today's been fine so far and my yoga practice yesterday, first time, got me sweating soooo much, as I was really working harder than I have for a few years now and being so out of shape it was pretty difficult, I'm down 4 lbs since yesterday!
Our new place might just screw up my whole diet tho!!!
It's three doors away from *the absolute best* pizza place ever, and, hahah get this guys,,,, directly next to,,,,,,,,
A gourmet hand dipped chocolate store!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
Helppp!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
See you here in a week or two :)
Good luck everyone!
8) Debs x

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:16 pm
by mimi
I'm in too! I've been gone for a LONG time (whatever was I thinking...), so I haven't ever done a challenge with you guys, but I'm up for it! I'll watch and learn. Today is my first day back NoEssing and it already feels good!

Good luck! :lol:


So far, so good! (Weighed on 4/30)
May 1 - Green
May 2 - S Day
May 3 - S Day Weighed this morning and was down 4.5 pounds! I know this is mostly water weight and things will slow down greatly after this first week...but that's okay!
May 4 - GREEN! - it was REALLY hard in the evening after a very stressful day of state testing at school all day, but I made it - green all the way. Couldn't wait to mark it on my calendar and go to bed!
May 5 - GREEN!
May 6 - Green, green, green!!!
May 7 - GREEN!
May 8 - Green!
May 9 - YELLOW
May 10 - Yellow
May 11 - Red :( See my new Avatar and signature - more details in my daily check in...
May 12 - I'm green!
May 13 -- Still green!
May 14 - Red :oops: I need to tie a bigger knot...I won't elaborate here, but I slipped...
May 15 - declaring an S event this evening. We're having a baby shower for my daughter and I plan to have a piece of cake!
May 16-17 - yellow S days
May 18 - GREEN!! Yay! :)
May 19 - Green
May 20- Green I know I can do this! :D
May 21 - yellow
May 22 - GREEN and compliant (one yellow)! The whole week - yipee :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :mrgreen:
May 23 - yellow S day No idiotic behavior!
May 24 - yellow S day
May 25 - yellow S Day holiday
May 26 - yellow S event day
May 27 - GREEEEEN!!
May 28 - green day!
May 29 - GREEN! Yippee!
May 30 - yellow S day
May 31 - yellow S day

Looks like an awful lot of yellow here at the end of the month...will be interesting to see how it affects weight loss (if there is any :cry:

Hey - this was a good month overall and next month I will aim to improve by having less than 2 red days! That's my goal - focus on behavior!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:17 pm
by Marianna
Count me in! Thus far, this has been easy and fun. I have lost a couple of pounds--this seems so doable.

May 1--weighed in today, and I am down 1.5 lbs since I started last week--173.5. Of course, today is an S day for me, and so I am a bit anxious to see that it goes ok--being a part of this group should help! And by the way--my goal is to at or below 170 by the end of the month.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:17 pm
by winnie96
I'm in, too. I've gotten a bit lax over the past month. Focusing on "strict" No-S will be very helpful in getting back on track.

May 01 = Green
May 02 = Yellow (as planned)
May 03 = Yellow (as planned)
May 04 = Green (on all counts! Feeling very motivated!)
May 05 = Green
May 06 = Green
May 07 = Green
May 08 = Yellow (as planned)
May 09 = Green
May 10 = Yellow (as planned)
May 11 = Green
May 12 = Green (but just barely)
May 13 = Green
May 14 = Green
May 15 = Green
May 16 = Yellow (as planned)
May 17 = Yellow (as planned)
May 18 = Green
May 19 = Green
May 20 = Green
May 21 = Green
May 22 = Green
May 23 = Green
May 24 = Yellow (as planned)
May 25 = Yellow (as planned)
May 26 = Green
May 27 = Yellow (as planned)
May 28 = Green

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:08 pm
by Thalia
So far No S compliance has not been an issue for me, but I also have a HabitCal for brown-bagging -- not buying lunch at work. My husband was laid off in December, and I reallly NEED to not be spending money on lunch (when I could be spending my meager discretionary income on, say, perfume and shoes ...). Also, of course, I eat smaller, healthier meals when I fix them myself.

I've been working on this since January, and every month I have three to five REDS on my brown-bag calendar, because I haven't planned well enough to have packed lunches. In May I'm going for the green!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:37 pm
by butterfly1000
I'm in also!! Started end of March -- April was horrible -- looking forward to a green May (I hope ...).

MAY 4: GREEN Lots of temptations, but didn't give in.
MAY 5: GREEN Had a snack but still considered a success because lunch was at noon, and I wasn't going to have supper before 8:30 p.m. (snack was apple and yoghurt).
MAY 8: First RED day -- was doing good until the end of the day :oops: felt crappy to mess up my green streak
MAY 9: S-Day: ate way too much, feeling sick with the quantity eaten :oops:
MAY 10: S-Day: another really bad eating day :oops:
MAY 12: RED :oops:
MAY 13: RED :oops:
MAY 14: Still RED :oops: still in a rut -- will try to make a new beginning tomorrow

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:01 pm
by guadopt1997
I'm in too! I'm currently going for the 21-day club so now I have double the incentive. It'll be a bit tricky over Memorial Day weekend, since we're going to Florida (Sat through Tue) and meeting up with another family (the mom has a lap band, or whatever it's called, and the oddest eating habits I ever saw--lost over 100lb I think).



MAY 9: S-Day
MAY 10: S-Day
May 12: GREEN
May 13: GREEN
May 14: GREEN
May 15: GREEN
May 16: S-Day (S day gone wild and not that enjoyable)
May 17: S-Day (controlled S!)
May 18: GREEN
May 19: GREEN (not a perfect green, more of a lightish green]
May 20: GREEN
May 21: GREEN
May 22: GREEN
May 23: S-Day (controlled)
May 24: S-day (somewhat overboard)
May 25: S-day (somewhat overboard in terms of food choices and amounts)
May 26: Failure Should have gotten back to No-S. traveling back from vacation. 1-plate breakfast and snack that could have counted as lunch but it was junk food, then frozen yogurt at airport, then one small plate dinner, but two klondike bars.
May 27: Failure
Need to NOT write off the entire month!
May 28: Failure
May 29: Failure

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:21 pm
by ~hf
I'm thinking that I'll need a mod to get myself back to no s full swing.

My May plan is N days mon-fri but allowing one, portion controlled S on Wed evening to carry me through the week. And no more than 3 red days to consider May a success.

I'd also like to weigh in once a month to help with accountability but I'll need to buy a scale before I can start that.

I have about 80lbs to lose.


May 1 Ugh my first red day for the month

Plan on getting a scale next time I'm out shopping to do a monthly weigh in. It will help keep me honest I think.

Up for the challenge

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:12 pm
by Marcy62
Hi. I'm new to NOS. I would love to be part of the challenge. Hopefully I will do this right!

Day 1 - May 1 - Weight 253 # - Great day! Three regular meals and no snacks! Wahoo!
Day 2 - "S" Day. I didn't even overindulge much for my first S day. I think it's just knowing I CAN have anything I want, but I didn't really want much. Yay!!
Day 3 - "S" Day. Two good meals and cheesecake for dinner!
Day 4 - Three regular meals...even resisted the fresh cookies at Sweet Tomatoes! Yay!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:27 am
by dkretsch
I started in March (well thought about it), pretty much continued with my bad habits. :? April was a little better, but still had quite a few red days. I would love to be accountable for more N days so count me in! Hopefully having a challenge like this really kicks me into gear.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:16 am
by Laff
Count me in! I am focused and ready to go. This week I have been concentrating on no snacks and not worrying about portion size. Next week my plan is to bring the portion size down a bit but if I still need it I won't beat myself up about it.

May 1
May 2
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
I was at a conference for the past 3 days and the wheels came off my bus a little more each day!!
May 9
May 10

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:27 am
by dockanz
I'm in.

247.8 this morning. We'll see what the month brings.

May 1-Wife's birthday and travelling to Alabama Yellow
May 2-Yellow
May 3-Yellow
May 4-green
May 5-green

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:25 pm
by BuckeyePink
After an almost continuous binge this week, I am so ready to get focused again.

My start weight is 130.4 (gained two this week. Ack!)

Looking forward to fields of green!


Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:04 pm
by StrawberryRoan
It's May = I'm in.

No red days for May, I can do that.... :roll:

I will post my weight for motivation.

I weigh 153 today,

hope to weigh 149 by the end of the month.

A modest goal, I would say.


(Good luck, all)

Edited, Well, it is Monday - I weigh 153 still so I survived the weekend. Now if I can lose a pound or so this week, maintain over the weekend - repeat, etc. I will have figured this thing out.

Actually glad to be back on track, I prefer the more disciplined way of eating, actually. :roll:

Edited, Thursday, weight 152. All is going great. I really just want to weigh one pound less each Monday - which means I can eat this way all week, eat a little less stringent on the weekend and still SLOWLY lose weight and maintain. :?

Monday May 11th update - been on No S three weeks tomorrow. Have lost four pounds from Day 1, down to 150. But, more importantly, am at peace with eating again. Don't even think about it - eat three meals a day all week - indulge a little more on the weekends and Special days.

My goal is to be a pound thinner each Monday. So - aiming for 149 on 5/18.

Edited, May 19th. Weight is 147, unbelievable how well this is going. I literally do not think about eating unless it is meal time. Haven't really even snacked or eaten much in the way of "desserts" on the weekends. I now just eat food at meal times (I am usually pretty hungry) then forget about it.

Think I will make 145 my goal for next Monday.

Hey, guess what - it is Monday, May 25th. I weigh 145. Good thing, too, as I had forgotten I typed that in as my goal.

I feel so much better, nine pounds ( since starting No S ) makes a big difference in my clothes. I put on a pair of capri jeans on Satruday and didn't have to lay on the bed to pull up the zipper. :roll:

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:04 pm
by ~emilyr
I'm in!!

Its time to take this seriously

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:50 pm
by shmena
I started doing no S since mid Jan, and have been having some great days, and some really terrible red days. I have about 7 pounds to lose, and I think I've been playing around and not being serious enough. This is a great challenge to get back on track. For me, having a wide open S day leads to too much binging... ( I tend to go to parties, and pot lucks and just keep grazing!) So I need to set a limit, like one plate on deserts, or one portion to keep me in some control, otherwise I feel miserable. And since I don;t have much to lose, I can negate all the gains for the whole week by overdoing it on the S days. So thanks for this challenge, and all the great support.

May 1 Green!
May 2- an S-day, but I didn't binge. I also feel better when I have a little control. I decided to eat three meals, and look forward to a treat in the morning.. I had a scone, and a treat in the evening, another scone. But it felt so good not to go crazy. I've had those S-days gone wild, but psychologically I feel so much better when i have a plan and when I have something to look forward to.
May 3- S-day. grazed a little more than yesterday, but not a full out binge. I had Mcdonalds ice cream. I love that! But it felt great because I looked forward to it, and planned for it.
May 4- Good green day! Tempted to eat snack between lunch and dinner, but was able to hold off. Building new habits one day at a time!

Looking forward to a good week of N days, and a whole lot of green!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:05 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Bumping up the thread :)
i just edited my post all, so scroll away if interested.
Have a great weekend guys!
May is here!
Go for it!

8) Debs

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:50 pm
by flick
Hi, all. I'm new. I just stumbled on the No S diet today through someone's blog. What a brilliant idea! I've been looking for a new relationship to food and this sounds so sensible and do-able. My Grandma would like it, too. :)

So starting with this thread today seems as good a way to begin as any.

May 1: so far, so good on no-S. Afternoon is usually my vulnerable time for snacking but I'm holding out for dinner. I'll be back to report success for day 1 - wish me luck. After dinner (sirloin, asparagus rissoto and fresh raspberries -- and all the better for being hungry)
starting weight :shock: - 163.5 SUCCESS

May 2: an S-day (how convenient that May started on a Friday... 8) ). Weight: 161.5
May 3: another S-day. Weight: 163.5

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:58 pm
by Thalia
Our new place might just screw up my whole diet tho!!!
It's three doors away from *the absolute best* pizza place ever, and, hahah get this guys,,,, directly next to,,,,,,,,
A gourmet hand dipped chocolate store!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
Deb, I just read your update. You know what I think? You are going to have some AMAZING S days! And you know those gourmet chocolate shops let you buy one perfect piece at a time, so I predict you are going to have no problem at all. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:28 am
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Thalia! Haha, the simple fact that most of their stuff is about 18-20 dollars per pound, will keep me from having too much! ;)

I'm not really worried about it.. just thought it was funny and a little ironic to have such a potentially lethal temptation directly next to our front door! :P
The dark chocolate apricots are pretty S worthy though! :wink:

Hope you have a great weekend!
8) Debs x

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:40 am
by gratefuldeb67
Sorry, correction.. the chocolate apricots are 30 dollars a pound!!! LOL :shock:

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:21 am
by butterfly1000
May 1st almost over (it was a tough one). Went grocery shopping after work -- was hungry and thought about eating throughout the whole shopping time. On my way out, passed by a vending machine and caved in -- put in money for a bag of chips, but the machine had no change and was asking for exact change, which I didn't have -- took my money and went home -- phew! that was a close call!
I had supper a few hours ago -- feeling a little hungry -- I'm just going to have a glass of milk, and call it a day.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:47 pm
by ~hf
becauseIcan wrote:I'm thinking that I'll need a mod to get myself back to no s full swing.

My May plan is N days mon-fri but allowing one, portion controlled S on Wed evening to carry me through the week. And no more than 3 red days to consider May a success.

I'd also like to weigh in once a month to help with accountability but I'll need to buy a scale before I can start that.

I have about 80lbs to lose.


May 1 Ugh my first red day for the month
May 2 S day
May 3 S day

Plan on getting a scale next time I'm out shopping to do a monthly weigh in. It will help keep me honest I think.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:28 am
by butterfly1000
Had a horrible Saturday & Sunday foodwise. I was full of good intentions on Saturday morning (i.e. hoped for not more than 2 deviations versus a non-S day), but by Saturday afternoon I started getting off track, and it ended up feeling like a runaway train for the rest of the week-end. I hope this week will go better because I'm kind of feeling discouraged :oops: .

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:16 am
by winnie96
butterfly1000 wrote:by Saturday afternoon I started getting off track, and it ended up feeling like a runaway train for the rest of the week-end ... I'm kind of feeling discouraged
Oh man, I've been on that runaway train so many times ... I don't quite know how to explain how I reel myself in after these kinds on incidents. It has something to do with going deep inside and telling myself that I will follow my plan no matter what happens.

That said, you gotta have a Plan to be committed to a Plan. Did you have a plan for the weekend? In the beginning of my No-S-ing, I thought weekends were sort of a free fall zone, where I didn't have to pay any attention whatsoever. Lately, I've come to the conclusion that although S-Days are kind of "days off", it still helps to put some kind of plan/fence around how "off" you really want them to be. For example, tonight (an S-Day for me), I went out to dinner, but I had decided in advance that I would only have one appetizer and no dessert. Upon execution, I know from past experience that I could have had a ton of appetizers and the biggest dessert possible, but I didn't ... partly because of determination, but also because I had decided in advance what the limits were.

I've been there with that "feeling discouraged", but mostly that's been when I haven't fenced in the S-Days. I don't know if it would work for you, but it might help if you developed a plan for exactly which Snacks, Seconds, or Sweets you were going to have on an S-Day.

I do think, however, when you first start on No-S, some people need to start off with S-Days Gone Wild to get into the groove, then figure out sensible S-Days, too.

My main message is: don't get discouraged. If you can do your N-Days, hopefully your S-Days will eventually fall into line.

It's gonna be OK -- take deep a breath, relax -- you can do this!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:29 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I edited my weigh in up above but want to add that I agree - the first weekend is hard to manage.

I actually ate a lot I didn't even want (but didn't eat any more than I would have before this plan, it just felt that way because I was so aware).

I am SO glad it is Monday. I know exactly what I am going to eat today, when I am going to eat it and when I am going to stop eating for the day.

Now, that's a feeling of control.


Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:17 pm
by ~reneew
Hi guys, since I think everybody's in that will be... I'll bump it up to the top. My weekend was bad. My S days certainly lack control. It was O.K. Saturday, but I think that my Sunday was pitiful! Big gathering at our house. Way bigger than Christmas,but at least I didn't have the big build-up of the holidays.
As for the s days...I am trusting that if I stay on track during the week, the s days will eventually come around to the habit that I've been setting up during the week.

I am really pumped and ready to go this month!! :D

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:37 pm
by butterfly1000
winnie96 wrote:[That said, you gotta have a Plan to be committed to a Plan. Did you have a plan for the weekend? In the beginning of my No-S-ing, I thought weekends were sort of a free fall zone, where I didn't have to pay any attention whatsoever. Lately, I've come to the conclusion that although S-Days are kind of "days off", it still helps to put some kind of plan/fence around how "off" you really want them to be.
I didn't have much of a plan for the week-end. On Friday I was hoping that the week-end would be more of a Non-S day, then I adjusted it to 2 deviations, and then it was free-for-all. I agree with you that we need a plan for the week-end -- I was actually glad that it was Monday today, so that I didn't have to decide what was allowed or not. I'll try to plan next week-end a little better.
Thanks for the advice.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:17 pm
by ~reneew
Wow guys... we're doin' great! yea that was hard to color :? Mimi has lost 4.5 already... no input Marc?... Debs, I could never have food as neighbors! keep strong...Thalia, are you still boring? great!.. there are so many of us doing great! Does this challenge help?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:16 pm
by Thalia
I'm still boring. Unfortunately, the scale is still boring so far as well. Show me some drama, stupid scale!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:27 pm
by bluebunny27
Hum, oh yeah .. I edited my message up there directly earlier today ... ;-)

5-01-2009 221.6
5-05-2009 220.6 ( Down 1.0 )

I don't know how to do the colors, lol ! I tried a couple of different methods, it doesn't seem to work ... ;-( Yeah, a challenge is helpful, an extra incentive to be *GOOD*, that doesn't hurt ! Thanks Renee for your support and your work setting up and managing the MONTHLY CHALLENGE.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:41 pm
by mimi
Does this challenge help?! This challenge kept me from eating last night after dinner - I wanted to report another GREEN day! Thanks for suggesting it renee!

Being "good" or "bad" not such good lab

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:48 pm
by la_loser
I think it's important to remember that living up to the challenge or your Habitcal or whatever is awesome. . . but it's also important not to label our behaviors as "good" or "bad". . . they are what they are and they don't define us as people.

I know that for me that for me, telling myself I've been "bad" about a food choice or anything else for that matter sets me up for more failures. . . more of that "fender-bender becomes a crash" mentality.

Certainly, we recognize that we didn't make a good choice but that doesn't make us bad people. . . Huge difference. I'm not in on this "challenge" because I feel like every day is the challenge I need. But if the friendly competition helps, go for it. I just wanted to comment on the good/bad thing.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:32 pm
by ~reneew
I agree with La looser in that we all need to remember that "good" and "Bad" behavior doesn't mean that we are bad people. I don't like labels either. I just think that when you see constant, daily, personal support like here on this thread... it lifts you up to a higher level of confidence. Also, I don't like competition (I'll usually loose on purpose to make the other person win :roll: ) and this is more like a team. right? Can you tell I was a cheerleader in highschool?
Mark, so ya need color too? Highlight the words that you want to change and go up to "font colour:" to change it. I love color!!!!!!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:40 pm
by butterfly1000
Just figured out how to edit a post -- I'll start doing that for the daily updates.
I have a question. When I log on, I select to see only the new posts since I last logged on. In the cases where people are editing previous posts, does it show up as a new post or do we have to scroll up to see if anyone edited their posts?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:07 pm
by bluebunny27
Hum, yes, I tried doing that already Renee ... not sure if it's because I'm using FIREFOX and not Internet Explorer but it doesn't work ... the name of the color is written in the message but the letters remain in black ... at least on my screen.

Example :

*** I am doing quite well so far, had a few good days in a row in early may so I am pleased.

... Unless everyone see this text in blue ... except me of course ! ;-)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disable BBCode--to get the color to work. . .

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:12 pm
by la_loser
About getting the color to work. . . make sure the "disable BBCode in this post" box below the message box is NOT CHECKED. . .

I'm posting this using Firefox and it's working fine. :lol:

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:47 pm
by bluebunny27
Oh ... this works !

Thanks, LA Loser.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:30 pm
by guadopt1997
May 1-5, so far so good! Plus this is day 16 towards 21!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:32 pm
by ~reneew
Quadopt... be sure and tell us if you get to 21. I plan on joining you this month. I got to 15 last month. Better than my usual 3 :?
Marc... you're blue!
We're doin' great guys!!!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:51 pm
by bluebunny27
hehe !

Yeah, it's nice to be able to use the colors !

Hey, just this morning I was looking at myself in the mirror and I thought I haven't looked this 'slim' in a long time ... it's been around 7 years since I've been under 220.

Took a lot of hard work and more to come ... but it felt pretty good !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:00 pm
by ~reneew
Congratulations Marc! Are you having fun buying new clothes? I sure would! Maybe guys don't get the thrill like some ladies would. I like to hear about big losses. It gives us hope. :D

Butterfly, Thanks... I never saw the tiny thing about viewing your posts and new ones either. I had to log off and start again. My computer automatically goes past that and it doesn't come up. Any suggestions? Maybe we should check the "help" section :wink:

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:10 pm
by bluebunny27
Hum .. I bought some new clothes the other day but typical guy items, you know ... that means socks, underwear, a belt ... exciting !! ;-) oh yeah and a pair of pants and a couple of shirts ... I don't really like buying clothes actually. Besides I have a lot of clothes in my closet that I can put on now, a lot of things that weren't fitting me anymore. They were in the back and now they fit perfectly since I've been shrinking, it's really as if I had bought hundreds of dollars' worth of clothes. Too many choices now !! ;-) It's been going quite well for me since april 27th, right on track, not a lot of cravings and my PERSONAL alternate methods help me with that too (DISCLAIMER !!!) , exercising well ... so I am pleased.


Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:17 pm
by butterfly1000
This is how I get on NSD:

Google No S Diet
Select Bulletin Board
Log in with my user and password
Next screen I select "View posts since last visit" (on top right of screen)

Hope this works for you.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:24 pm
by Thalia
OMG, I'm such an idiot! I never noticed the "posts since last visit" button!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:40 pm
by mimi
Hm-mm. Add me to that idiot list too! That is a really nice feature!


Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 6:23 pm
by ~reneew
So cool! I got it! I had added no s as a favorite AFTER I was logged on and it's not on there then. I needed to go off and add it as a favorite before I put in my info. It makes me have to type in my password, but I like being able to see the new posts and the ones I did! Thanks! It also gives me a bit of privacy from my family. :wink: Does everyone have that disappearing-link-thing happen if you save it as a favorite after logging on?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 6:44 pm
by Nichole
I would have already failed if I would have opted in. My meals have been too small so I've been really REALLY legitimately hungry in the afternoons.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:00 am
by butterfly1000
Ref: "Posts since last visit" button

Glad this information helped! Feels good to have contributed something (even if it was only technical). I've been reading the posts for the last month and a half, and even though I haven't lost weight yet, I keep coming back because I have a feeling that at some point I'll start to see results on the scale.

You're a very supportive group of people. :)

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:06 pm
by mimi
Yes - you will! And you're right...the people on this board have always been very friendly and supportive. Interacting on the boards helps too keep me green!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:23 pm
by ~reneew
And green is great! I think that even when things seem to be going slow, I'm still making progress on the inside because I'm healing my eat-all-the-time-and-not-think-about-it habit.

Butterfly, your help has gotten me to finally figure out the picture thing :wink: . I added the tulips because it will remind me that exercise can be fun (some yard work is) and the red will remind me that snacking is a pretty temptation that will show up as red on my habitcal! I know, I think too much... or so my Dad tells me. :roll:

How is everyone doing? Details... details...

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:59 pm
by butterfly1000
As of May 7 it's still GREEN -- but man, sometimes it's hard. I often stop to run errands on the way home from work, because once I get home and the evening routine starts, I have no more energy to go out. That time, between leaving work and getting home, has always been an opportunity for me to pick up a chocolate bar or a bag of chips ... and when you're waiting in line at the cash, and there is chocolate and chips all around, it's hard to resist. But yesterday, as I was waiting in line at Walmart -- as hard as it was -- I did resist.

We received a box of chocolates early this week, and I had put a few aside for myself for the week-end, and I think that's what helped me yesterday to resist -- I kept thinking "It's o.k., you'll have your chocolate this week-end". Today I'm glad that I resisted because I got to put my yesterday green.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:15 pm
by ~reneew
You're doing great! I know it's hard to get going and keep it going. I get confident, then loose "it". What ever "it" is. It does seem that when I lost huge amounts weight (2 other times) I felt that I was in the groove... I remember thinking how easy it was once you got going and in the habit. My problem was that I chose diets that I couldn't possibly do forever. And it ended when I lost all the weight. I know that with No S, I can continue forever. It's not horrible, time consuming, outragious or depriving. It's normal eating. I do feel 'in the groove' right now.

Does anybody else feel in the groove??? 8) In case you're wondering how old I am... 42. No flower child :wink:

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by guadopt1997
Definitely in the groove! No thoughts of failure except:

the scones in my work cafeteria are calling to me occasionally and even though I figure I could buy one to eat tomorrow (s-day!), it might be stale. I have a bakery near the house but they're not as good. Oh well. Maybe for my birthday, which falls on a Thursday, I'll indulge (it's six months away!).

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:33 am
by ~reneew
I'm bumping up the list. How are we all doing? Re-boot for the week!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:52 am
by bluebunny27
Good work Renee ... Tulips ;-) Hey, Happy Mother's day to you !

I've been doing alright except for last night where I had too much wine and also .... chocolate. I was involved in a pretty severe and intense road rage incident as a huh ... witness. I was ridin' SHOTGUN in the car that was cut off and the driver next to me was furious, leading to a long confrontation with an angry motorist that was about 6'8" tall and weighed 300 pounds. ;-) That was right before going to a thai restaurant for dinner on Saturday evening.

This pretty intense and annoying incident rendered me agitated for the rest of the evening and lead me to cheat on my diet, something I was not expecting at all since I was doing well earlier that day. I guess I was disturbed and it lead to the 'emotional eating' after the incident ... anyway my day was ruined due to the EMOTIONAL EATING. Red day on 5-9 for that reason (I did cycle earlier that day though so it was not a total loss.) :-(

I am doing really WELL today 5/10 though ... Same deal for tomorrow, 5/11, hopefully and then it'll be a weigh in the next morning, I hope I'll be back on track despite the salty thai meal and the cheating on wine and milk chocolate 2 days before.

I changed my routine again anyway, lol ! I am back to training in 2 sessions again ... 30 minutes shovelglove mixed with some jumping jacks in the morning and then 35 minutes cycling in the early evenings, total 65 minutes on a typical day. I also have a new bicycle now, just got it, runs about 15% more efficiently than my old one, so I adjusted my cycling routine as well. Since it works 15% better according to my time, I do intervals for longer as well, so I'm 'Even-Steven' in the end.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:03 pm
by butterfly1000
marcdesbiens wrote: I guess I was disturbed and it lead to the 'emotional eating' after the incident ... anyway my day was ruined due to the EMOTIONAL EATING.
I'm all too familiar with emotional eating. I was having a good week last week (the first really good one since I started in March), and then on Friday night I had a dessert at supper, but it was an S (special) supper so it was o.k., then later in the evening I had more dessert (no excuses for that one) -- over the week-end I was feeling so overwhelmed with everything I needed to get done on top of the special events because of mother's day (I'm not complaining about mother's day, it's just that my week-ends are already quite filled up, and this is over and above everything else). So my self-control went out the window, and I ate and ate and ate .... (sorry for all the complaining :oops: , but sometimes I feel like an alcoholic or a drug addict where my head is telling me that I don't need to eat that dessert, but, for the life of me I can't stop myself).

I'm really glad today is Monday -- sometimes I think that I shouldn't allow myself any S Days, at least until I feel that I can have some control on them, because at the end of really bad S days I feel really discouraged.

O.K., I've done my complaining for the week -- now I have to head off to work.

Let's all have a good week -- WE CAN DO IT :!:

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:11 pm
by guadopt1997
It's funny how we can soooo be looking forward to our S-days, but then by Monday morning, be really happy to be back on N-days!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:02 pm
by ~reneew
I seem to totally look forward to the S days and then look forward to the N days for sane eating. Funny how that just started recently for me. :wink:

Quadopt's in the groove.. woohoo!

Thalia... still boring? ya!

Marc, are you o.k. after that road rage? I still remember when a friend and I had someone drive next to us and hit our car with a bat driving down a highway! It sure stuck with me! Allow yourself a bit of a pitty party :wink: and get on with it. You deserve it.

Butterfly... I'm a food addict and totally understand the unstopable pull. Remember that the more you resist, the weaker the pull gets :wink: You're doing great!

Deb... how are you doing? Ignore your neighbors!

Khristal, Mimi, Winnie, laff, and others in the groove... you're doing awesome!

Go challengers!!!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:03 pm
by mimi
I'm still in the groove, but didn't weigh this morning...not that I think I gained, but I didn't want to see numbers this morning. Sometimes they do weird things to my head. At least I recognize that now, and didn't want to throw myself into some kind of a tailspin. Had a very stressful weekend and I'm tired, so seeing numbers would not have been a good thing this morning. I might not even weigh again until the end of the month - we'll see. I was able to keep the weekend yellow and reasonable, so I'm happy! Can't wait to hear from everyone else in the challenge!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:18 pm
by Thalia
LOL -- I am still boring! I didn't get as much exercise as I would have liked over the weekend, but we did go to "little India" in Artesia, and I suppose I burned some calories walking around and trying on kurtas.

Last night I dreamed that I absent-mindedly ate a bunch of snacks on an N day. O NOES!

Apparently, I'm even capable of having boring nightmares.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:47 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I always just edit my original post but would like to say that after my second weekend of S days, it is so much easier. I ate a little bit more than I would have normally but not nearly as much as I would have eaten every day before starting here.

I am down several pounds, but more importantly, I am in control.

Have ten pounds to go, then will figure out maintenance.

That has ALWAYS been my problem, when I have to start eating more so I don't lose too much - I just go crazy. Hopefully the healthy eating all week and a little more on the weekends will do the trick.

All green days, so far. :lol:

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:10 pm
by bluebunny27
Yeah, I'm alright ! It was a bit too extreme for my taste though. My friend said that he hadn't slept at all the night before so he was really tired and got enraged by the other motorist's behavior (Which was stupid of course, but I would have honked the horn briefly at the most, not for 2 seconds straight in an angry way right behind him, and then there was more stuff going on later on... causing even more 'RAGE' !) :-(

I have seen worst cases of stupid behavior. This thing with this other motorist was just a minor thing in my opinion, yeah, he was an idiot and not admitting he had broken the rules of the road ... but it was not worth getting into a shouting match with an angry giant like that. I wasn't driving of course, ridin' SHOTGUN, but I was still in the middle of the argument to support my friend, especially facing a 6'8" giant ... ;-) No punches at least, just a lot of insults and later I was making sure he wasn't still following us as he had done previously.

Anyway, that ruined my evening before it even started and caused me to over eat (clearly a case of EMOTIONAL EATING, I was pissed off and annoyed the whole evening !) ;-)

Also that thai/asian food I had for dinner that night was way too salty. it was good of course, chicken and shrimps with a nutty flavored sauce as the main dish ... but quite salty, I suspect the sauce ... later in the evening I kept feeling thirsty. I was drinking a lot of water, many glasses and hardly URINATING at all, even the next day, same deal, few visits to the bathroom ... ;-) ... so that will probably cause some extra water weight, I am already worrying I won't be under 220 tomorrow morning despite being spot on with my exercises and diet for 2 days in a row (Sunday and now monday) ...

my objective is 219.6 for tomorrow morning. I was really good 2 days straight but was it good enough ??
I may fall a bit short this time, but at least I know what went wrong and if I am a bit over my objective I know it won't be by a whole lot, half a pound possibly, who knows ... I'll try to apply myself and do better the next time around ... I was looking at myself in the mirror earlier and I thought I looked rather 'thin' though, so I might be surprised ... Well, relatively thin ! I can feel bones on my body where there were none before I lost some weight, the ribs for example ... :-)

Eating at the restaurant is dangerous anyway, you don't know what they put in there ... salt, sugar, etc. Plus on the way to the restaurant you may experience 'THE RAGE' .... ;-)

It's stupid that my whole day was ruined by a road rage incident, I hadn't had any red days in over 2 weeks before that. I was just drinking too much wine, 4-5 glasses during that evening and I even had one of those super sized chocolate candy bars, not to mention the salty thai meal, definitely worth a 'red' flag ...

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:07 pm
by ~reneew
Marc... you're still on the right track and you know it. :D Yu'll get there. I think most of us have those little slips WAY more often than you... I do! :roll: Keep talkin' so we can all learn how you "don't stop until you're there"!!!!!

Thalia... HA! You even dream boring! I have had a dream that I'm getting groceries. At least you're doing no s in your dreams too, I'm buyin' more food! :wink:

Butterfly... remember that if you mix a tiny bit of red paint in with a bucket of green, it's still green even if you see a hint of tan :wink:

Mimi... keep going to see how green you stay. This isn't an all or nothing challenge, we just want to stick together to encourage eachother!!! Cute picture and your signature goes with it... how organized :wink:

Quadopt Liz.. Great! Great!!

Strawberry...down 4. Off to a great start!!

who did I miss?


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:42 pm
by shmena
Hi everyone,
I've been doing great so far, until last night! I was hungry pretty much immediately after dinner, and craving cereal. I eat it out of the box, standing up! Tues, Wed and Thurs I'm out of the house keeping busy after dinner, so I don't eat... but Monday..! Any ideas of tricks to keep yourself full, and away from the kitchen to not blow it after dinner.
I'm also an emotional eater... so I can relate to all of you. But despite last night this month I've been more green than I have since starting no S.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:59 pm
by Thalia
The hardest thing for me was learning not to eat after dinner, too!

Some kitchen-avoiding tricks:

Brush your teeth.
Clean the kitchen, turn off the light, and close the door (if any).
Go for a walk after dinner.
Eat enough dinner (OK, that one's obvious). Don't a eat such a skimpy dinner that you're ravenous half an hour later.
Take up a hobby that makes it impossible to eat -- embroidery, oil painting, jump rope, something involving super-glue or explosions ...

And if you DO cheat, make a resolution that you will never eat anything standing up, right out of the box. Any snacks have to be consumed sitting down at the table, on a pretty plate or bowl, with a napkin and utensils. Don't let some sneaky corner of your brain tell you that it doesn't count because you aren't sitting, seeing all of it at once, and because you don't enjoy it very much. It IS just as much cheating if you hide in the kitchen with the box, don't let it seem less cheaty. And if you're going to cheat, at the very least it should be pleasurable and intentional.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:30 pm
by ~reneew
Congratulations Quadopt Liz for joining the 21 day club! I plan on joining you next Thursday!

Shmena...Stay away from the kitchen. I know it's tough! These open-concept kitchens make it tough! My pantry is immediately opposite my washer and drier. There is a long counter there for me to wash, dry and fold for my family of 6. Imagine standing there with the pantry 3 feet behind me! Some times if I'm in a panic and still have laundry to do, I pop in a jolly rancher to keep my mouth busy. I don't count it if it's one. I figure, if it saves me from destruction... and it takes a long time to disolve, you can't chew it or you'll loose a filling, and it won't throw me off as much as my pantry would. :wink:

If in a real real panic use duct tape over your mouth. :wink:

Marc... I actually found myself taking notes from your words of wisdom on the other post! Quitting is not an option. I'll live like a nun for 2 days after a failure to avoid long slides. See, I've been paying attention! Now all I have to do is set a date!

please read my edit at the top or my post on general discussion to help me with my on-going scale saga... I need help... I'm really down today. But still green!

Moving On: Green & Yellow for the rest of May!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:15 pm
by Ms
Okay I know that I'm coming in at the middle of the month! I didn't see this thread until today... so please forgive me. I wish I'd seen this thread in time to start May 1! I hope there's a challenge such as this in June.

May 14: Failure :-( 2 snacks - 1 bagel & 1 scoop vanilla ice cream... both were yummy! :D Moving on...
May 15: SUCCESS This is my first green day in May! I did better in April. The next two weeks will be green & yellow.
May 16: S-day
May 17: S-day
May 18: S-day Special date with BF... not going to tell him "Sorry you spent all your time planning a hot date and then drove two hours one-way to show me a good time, but I'm only limited to one plate, and since the dessert you don't ask me to try everyday won't fit, I have to pass!" I had a little bit, then fed him the rest. It was definitely an S-day. Moving on...
May 20: S-Day cousin's graduation dinner... so glad that no one mentioned my "fatness" to my face
May 21: Success
May 22: Success
May 23: S-Day
May 24: S-Day
May 25: S-day
May 26: Failure :( I am not supposed to eat between meals, period. The wimpy pangs of hunger will go away. The more I resist, the less often they will show up to taunt me. Building good habits is hard, but I am determined this time to get it right. Tomorrow will be a success.
May 27: Failure
May 28: Failure
May 29: Failure
May 30: S-day
May 31: S-day

May was NOT a good month for me! It was worse than April! I must do better in June. Now that I have a gym membership and a simple workout schedule (sorry, I am just not motivated enough to exercise at home on a regular basis. I know from past experience during my thinner days that a monthly debit from my checking account motivated me to work out often b/c I felt like I had to get my money's worth), I should defeat these vicious urges and temptations that cause me to eat between meals and eat more than what's on my one plate (because then the time and expense arising from the gym membership would have went to waste, and I can't afford to waste precious commodities such as my time and money). I can do it!!! I will do it!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:49 pm
by ~reneew
Welcome Ms! It's never too late to join our informal challenge! I'll probably start a June challenge since it's been so good for me :wink:

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:57 pm
by shmena
Thalia, thank you for your tips. I need to try flossing and brushing my teeth. I hate flossing, so to have to do it twice will definitely make me think twice about eating again!
Reneew, i like the jolly rancher idea. I feel your pain about the pantry next to the laundry room! I have also tried having tea... as a signal that the meal is over... and also there are so many flavors it can help curb a craving for something sweet. I LOVE Good Earth Tea. Very cinammony.

I ate a bit too much at lunch today... Pizza and salad, but at least I limited to two and a half small pieces pizza, salad, one slice bread and butter, and some fruit, and even tho ordinarily I would feel like eating all afternoon after that, I'm holding steady... I'm counting it as GREEN!

Still green???

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:26 am
by guadopt1997
Thanks for your message of congratulations, Reneew. You are so supportive. I guess it's your turn tomorrow! :)

Good luck!

Not sure about today: had breakfast burrito, and chicken, spinach, and most of a baked potato with butter for lunch. So far, so good.

Went to the dentist for a new filling and now I can't bite down. So I decided to have yogurt for dinner . Had two of them, thinking one would never tide me over 'til bedtime. 170 cals each. Don't know if that's a red day now. If so, that takes care of the May challenge for me.

P.S. Now that it's the next day, I'm counting yesterday as success, because thinking it might be a failure, I didn't go and have a popsicle (which I could have sucked on), but left it at that. Tooth still hurts. have to go back to the dentist this afternoon.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:10 pm
by ~reneew
Butterfly! ... Jump quick, you're in a rut!!! You did at least 7 non-red days in a row... you can do it again! End your little streak of red today! If you need a goal, go for the 21 day club! You were 1/3 of the way there! If that seems too hard, invent a 2 week club :wink: It was a huge hurdle for me to even get 5 weekdays in green until April and now it's getting easier! I know I could fall back to my "whatever" attitude at any time, so I try to keep going. Like Marc says... if you have a red day, act like a monk (or nun) for the next 2 days. I think it kind of makes up for the red. Don't wait... jump on track today!

Butterfly and Marc... do you have a daily check-in? I really think they help!

Quadopt... I think that going to the dentist costitutes a special situation. I absolutely can't stand dentist days. Were you numb too? If so, you shouldn't eat chew things anyway. I say, call it good, yougurt isn't that sweet and total calories were good. :wink:

I listened to the latest podcast about mods, and I have a new outlook. I will have no mods... unless you call no breakfast most of the time a mod. Actually I can't find where Reinhard tells us how many meals to eat! In the Bible, they always talk about eating in the morning and evening. Maybe I'm right on and we were meant to just eat 2 meals. Hmm... :wink:

EDIT: forget that! I forgot about the jolly ranchers I occasionally use for emergencies and I forgot how good a beer is after a long day of yard work :wink:

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:27 pm
by Thalia
My first failure! I guess I'm not that boring. My group at work had a special, "rebuilding nonexistent morale" event at a movie theater, complete with a screening of an upcoming movie. They had free popcorn in little buckets for everybody. I wanted popcorn, I considered it, and I had some popcorn.

I felt like it was a very successful failure, because I had a small popcorn, thoroughly enjoyed it, and then went on to have a moderate No S lunch and dinner with no further snacking or dessert. It was totally worth it and I don't feel guilty. Still, the first red box on an N day since I started in January.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:33 pm
by guadopt1997
Thalia, that is a successful deviation (don't want to call it a failure), because you didn't let the popcorn derail you. Congrats!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:44 pm
by butterfly1000
~reneew wrote:Butterfly! ... Jump quick, you're in a rut!!! You did at least 7 non-red days in a row... you can do it again! End your little streak of red today! If you need a goal, go for the 21 day club!
Thanks Renée, for the encouragement. You're right! I'm in a major rut. :oops: What exactly is the 21 day club, and does it work the same way as other posts? I've seen it mentioned in some conversations, but I'm not sure what it is. I'll try to look it up in the main No S site.
Butterfly :cry:

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:56 pm
by butterfly1000
I think I found the 21-day Club -- is it a Sticky in the Daily Check-in? Is the objective to have 21 green days in a row, or not to have any reds for 21 days in a row?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:08 pm
by bluebunny27
21 day club .. is that like the MILE HIGH CLUB ?? ;-)

Hey, I just started the daily check in thing ... I'll update it daily probably, seems like a good idea, thanks for the reminder, Renee.

I'm doing really fine today and it's not even that hard actually.
It's funny that yesterday I was at the grocery store and I bought some chocolate covered peanuts, which I love ... I put the big bag in the cupboard, as a treat I can have sometimes, a few here and there, not too often ...

In the old days I would have eaten the whole bag in 2-3 days probably ... how many did I have this time ??


Bag's still unopened. ;-)

A bag last that could last me months probably. Having only a few peanuts once or twice a week.

Renee, As for the number of meals, I think it would be better to have 4 smaller meals personally, my own opinion is expressed here. You have the same amount of food you would have in 3 meals but you split in in 4 ... that's almost what I am doing now, the way I save some things for later ... works well for me to avoid drops in blood sugar in between meals.

Thalia, movie theater popcorn, with the butter .. is one of the worst things you can eat actually. I have some plain air popped pop corn 4-5 times a week. A few cups each time. I pop it myself in the microwave (inside a brown paper bag) Lots of fiber, hardly any calories ... To stop cravings, eat plain pop corn, air popped, no salt, no butter, nothing. You drink a lot of water later and you feel full. Hardly any calories and it stops a craving in a jiffy. The fiber in the pop corn absorbs the water, it expands, and you feel full.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:46 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey, I didn't know you could pop popcorn in a brown paper bag? Just regular popcorn? Hmm. I use this white bowl with a plastic lid with two slits in the side (available in the microwave cookware section at WalMart, etc) You just put in about a quarter cup of regular popcorn from the bag or jar (if using Orville), pop about four minutes and Viola. Popcorn.

I use butter cooking spray on mine (God knows what's in it but it allows the salt to stick. And calorie free.

I haven't even done that since I started here, I surely could have on the weekend but just didn't. I think I eat more popcorn in the winter for some reason.


Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:00 pm
by bluebunny27
Sure, it works fine, here's what I found :

"One of my friends suggested I try popping popcorn in a brown paper bag in the microwave for a healthier snack. I just tried it, and it worked great! Just put about 1/4 cup popcorn kernels into a brown paper lunch bag. Adding more will be a waste because the popped corn will start to burn. Fold over the top a few times, (don't staple, as some directions suggest), and pop in the microwave on high for about two minutes. Not only does it pop as healthy as air popped, but you don't have the maintenance of a contraption and the cost of popcorn kernels is significantly less than buying microwave popcorn. And you can re-use the paper bag to pop more popcorn."

I put the bag for 2 min. 20 seconds in my microwave. Then let everything cool and I transfer the popcorn to a plastic bag. It fills an old plastic bread bag (double bagged actually !) I kept for this purpose. This lasts me a week ... If some of the kernels have not popped, there are always a few, They remain in the bag at the bottom and they are popped the next time I make some, no waste. Kernels are not expensive either, especially if you buy them in bulk at the grocery store.

Eat plain pop corn, drink water and lose weight ... ;-)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:49 pm
by Thalia
I use a Whirley-Pop stovetop popper -- it works great, and uses a teaspoon or two of oil (without which no salt will stick to the corn). It makes for a nice S-Day movie-night treat!

Use caution using a paper bag!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:05 am
by la_loser
Popping corn in the microwave in a paper bag is ok only if you can be sure that the bag is NOT made of recycled paper. . . Recycled paper sometimes has bits of stuff that could cause sparks in the oven.

Do watch popcorn closely if you're using a microwave. It gets really hot, really fast and can easily create smoke and/or burned kernels. Additionally, it is not recommended to "re-pop" kernels that do not pop the first time. As inexpensive as popcorn is, it's worth it to toss the unpopped ones for safety's sake. Always use a new bag also.

Don't get me wrong-I love popcorn prepared in the MW. . . just make sure you take precautions.

I'm speaking as a former microwave specialist who, once upon a time, had her own microwave show on a cable channel. (No I'm not famous--it was way before anyone had imagined the Food Network! :lol: )

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:36 am
by ~reneew
Hi again... I thought I'd quick edit my last post. I need mods. :?

Thalia!... I feel almost relieved that you had a red day. The pressure is off. Just kidding. I was thinking of you as kinda a role model... It sounds like you were in total control of that red. Good goin', just don't make a new (old) habit out of it. :wink:

Marc, if I eat more often, I eat more all together. Portion control is an issue. I counted fat grams for WAY too long and since then, I think I need more on my plate. I'm working on that. :oops: As for the popcorn, for goodness sake, you guys almost had me going to make some!!! Popcorn is one of my favorite things and I have a theater machine myself (a dream I always had :D ), and I love it, but don't use butter. When I counted fat grams, I ate tons of microwave popcorn. I have a popper for the microwave that uses no oil if you want. It's a bowl and lid and it's from Walmart too. It's handy because it's already in a bowl. I use butter spray to make the salt stick too. Marc, I think we're worried about you because people have started fires doing the bag thing. Be careful... or go to Walmart. :wink:

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:38 am
by bluebunny27
Awh ok, I saw the tip about using a brown paper bag on a TV show, they didn't mention anything about recycled paper being a problem or I would have noticed.

I read somewhere you can simply pop the kernels in any non-metallic bowls as long as you cover the top of the bowl completely with an upside down plate. It should work just as good if not better than the paper bag.

Oh, my paper bag was not heated long enough for a fire, just 2 minutes 20 seconds ... I think it would take at least
2 minutes and 30 seconds (!!!) for a fire to start, so it's all
safe, I can assure you !! ;-)

I might try that other method (with the bowl and plate) next time since it doesn't sound like a lot of trouble to switch. Thanks, LA Loser !

Hey, Renee, did you win your movie theater pop corn machine on THE PRICE IS RIGHT ??

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:13 am
by mimi
Well Marc, since popcorn is one of my favorite foods (next to peanut butter!) I'm going to have to try your bowl and plate popping technique! Because I have already *almost* set popcorn on fire in the past, I'll be real careful...and if it doesn't work for me - I'll pick up a microwave popper at Walmart! I could almost pop some now too Renee, and it's only 7 a.m! :D

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:16 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Yeah, go for the bowl at WalMart. I love mine so much - it has lasted for years. I guess the only thing different from just using a bowl with a plate on top is that there are two tiny steam slits on the top of the lid (and the bowl is VERY sturdy.) I don't remember but I doubt that it costs ten bucks.

Think I might have popcorn tomorrow evening... What a crazy way to treat myself on the S day, huh?


When there's smoke. . . !!!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:52 pm
by la_loser
Yeah, sounds like lots of popcorn for all of us this weekend! Yum! I use my Crazy Pop.

And for the record, it takes very little time to get something hot enough to burn in the microwave. A few months ago I put one single biscuit from Doe's Eat Place (basically a small deep fried piece of dough) in my microwave in my office, wrapped in a white napkin, set it for about 45 seconds, walked outside to put something in my car and before I got back in the building, the alarms were going off and over 1600 teachers and students were evacuated for over an hour while the TWO (!) FIRE TRUCKS that arrived put out big smoke suckers to clear the air. I got to it before a fire started but the smoke was unbelievable. Not too embarrassing! --especially since everyone knows my history as Miss Microwave! :oops:

The issue is the combination of heat and oil/butter, etc.

Hopefully our other May Challenge is to stay clear of fires!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 3:48 pm
by Thalia
Oh, the biscuit incident must have been mortifying!

I believe I will start a "not bursting into flames" Habitcal.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:12 pm
by ~reneew
I think my popper is the same as Strawberries: very sturdy bowl with a kind of clear lid with slits on the side. I bought it maybe 10 years ago and have used it a ton!

Miss Microwave... Oh! Was that the big arson school fire I read about? Just kidding. Wow! Not quite funny, but it kind of is :? I've started 2 microwave fires. The first was food in a bag tied with a ribbon with a tiny gold stripe. (My grandma used to tie everything with ribbon :wink: ) It sparked and caught fire almost right away. The second was microwaving stale corn chips in a bowl to crisp them up. I think there again it was the oil content.

My longest green streak was 15 days, so if I succeed in making today green, and then have 2 yellow S days, I'll be on day 18 on Monday!!! Woohoo!

Oh, by the way, the '21 (day) club' is under 'daily posts' and defined as...21 successful consecutive days. So just having no red. It's a great goal. Then you get to belong to the club! :roll: :shock: :wink:

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 8:28 pm
by Ms

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 8:29 pm
by Ms
Thalia wrote: Still, the first red box on an N day since I started in January.

Wow Thalia! You are sooo good. I want some perfect green/yellow gold medal months too.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:59 am
by ~reneew
Yea, wouldn't it be nice if we all had it easy and boring green! :wink: Thalia, I hope you know I'm teasing! It really is getting easier for me since I started back on no s April 1.
Fridays are usually my hardest days, and I did great today. I'm still green for the month :P I can't wait to have popcorn.

Next week we should talk about soup or something that I can have right away. O.K., I guess I could technically have popcorn on my plate and call it a meal. :wink: No, No, I can wait!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:42 pm
by guadopt1997
This coming weekend should be interesting. We're going to Florida on Saturday, meeting up with a friend and her daughters. The friend has a lap band and has lost a lot of weight but has trouble eating meals. I might make Monday an S day, if anything comes up, but I'll probably be pretty self-conscious about my eating, which might work out well in the end...

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:25 pm
by ~reneew
congratulations Strawberry for making it to 21 days!!!! You guys are impressing me!! And, encouraging me!

And, Marc, what was that about the price is right?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:27 pm
by bluebunny27
Oh, I just noticed that they often give away pop corn machines on T.P.I.R. Theater machines.

Side note, I made pop corn using the plastic bowl and plate method and it worked well. I added a piece of paper towel to the bottom of the bowl though because I thought the hot kernels might damage it .... worked really fine.

It's just as good as the paper bag method I was using before, maybe even better.

Warning, you have to be careful because the plate on top gets quite hot. It was a good air popping method though.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:59 pm
by ~reneew
No, I've never been on the price is right, though I miss Bob. I've just always wanted a movie popcorn machine and when we moved into our house a couple years ago, the bar downstairs had a perfect place for one... we ordered it online. Awesome!!! ( Just incase anyone wanted to know :roll: )