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Giving blood and S days

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:03 am
by wrigleyj
This is only my 3rd week of No S (21 days on Sunday, see) and I haven't used any Special days yet but I find myself pondering a kind of N+S day on monday.

I am planning to give blood on monday, and the time is kind of awkward. I won't have time to eat my evening meal before I do it, but by the time I get back it will be a much later meal than normal.

I've pretty much made up my mind that I'll allow myself an extra "something" before I go give blood and then just have a normal evening meal when I get back.

So I don't know that I'll change my mind, but I figured I could throw this up for discussion as it's kind of interesting.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:35 am
by MerryKat
I would suggest something small, like half a peanut butter sandwich with a small glass of milk and then a smaller dinner.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:38 am
by apomerantz
I'm not sure giving blood is the time to stint as you may feel dizzy or lightheaded and need something. On the flip side, I guess you could plan ahead and bring some orange juice which is technically permissible and should do the trick! My inclination would be to plan for an S day, and if you don't need it to be, then great!

Re: Giving blood and S days

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:29 pm
by BrightAngel
wrigleyj wrote:I figured I could throw this up for discussion as it's kind of interesting.

Since there is the opportunity to drink juice between meals, if necessary,
I don't see how an "S" day would be necessary.

For the Record, I voted "No",
but when the poll results came up,
it showed zero "no" votes.
I'm not sure what is going on there.

Everyone reacts differently!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:53 pm
by la_loser
I think everyone will have to decide for themselves on this one because our bodies have different reactions. When I have given blood in the past, I've felt very faint and needed not only the juice and a snack, I had to take it easy the rest of the day. (I'm a wimp!) But when my husband and a number of other friends do so, they're good to keep going strong all day with just a little juice. I've had friends that are really woozy and weak yet they continue to donate on a regular basis.

If you do have to have a little extra, just count it as an NWS day and as Vicki has said before (and KCCC quotes all the time!)--just mark it (as a NWS) and move on.

Also, determining to "not be an IDIOT" on any S day should help you make it through the day.

It definitely shouldn't be marked a RED day--seriously, if donating blood to help others SURVIVE, isn't SPECIAL, what is? And it's not like you can take advantage of it since you can only give at regular intervals 90 days, I think?

And BA, when I clicked on the survey results, it showed two "no" votes--so your vote is showing up now.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:00 pm
by reinhard
I don't want to be responsible EITHER for creating a blood shortage OR for causing selfless (but strict) no-essers to faint. Make it an S-day! (or at least an S-Event, with whatever fortification you think you need before and after).


P.S. Juice is definitely not a problem.

P.P.S If they give you a cracker after, consider it "medicine"

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:41 pm
by wosnes
I don't think it's necessary to make it an S day. The icky feelings associated with blood donation have more to do with volume depletion which can cause a drop in blood pressure. If you want to give yourself something "extra", consider drinking more water, salty broth or a bowl of brothy soup, or even tomato juice or V8 Don't overdo it, though. You might want to try a cup before donating and another cup or two afterwards.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:53 am
by 15n@50
I give platelets, and do it every couple of weeks. I've been doing it on Mondays and swapping - making Sunday an N day for NoS and Monday an S day. I do a similar thing with shovelglove. I don't want to swing the hammer the day after I give blood so I swap Sunday for Tuesday for shovelglove. Sounds a little complicated but in practice it is not that bad.

Having said that, if I wasn't at the beginning of my habit and really wanting to wear a deep groove - I really wouldn't worry about another occasional S day. So I voted YES even though I don't personally take an extra S day for giving blood.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:41 pm
by kccc
I chose "partial" - I will usually sit down after and drink juice and perhaps even have a cracker or cookie or something, depending on how I feel.

I don't feel giving blood is an excuse for a full, potentially idiotic, S-day. However, a bit extra because of the circumstances is reasonable.

This IS a case where "your mileage will vary" though - giving blood is not a major deal for me.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:29 am
by maslowjenkins
I would consider it an S event. I'd definitely eat the cookies. I'd opt for water (regardless of no s, always water). But I wouldn't use giving blood as an excuse for eating a pint of ben and jerry's after dinner.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:21 pm
by CatholicCajun
Don't know about it being an S day, but make sure you do not give blood on an empty stomach, I used to work in a hospital lab and cannot tell you how many people passed out from giving blood on an empty stomach. I cannot give blood, had hepatitis as a child, so I am a permanent reject, but God bless you for giving blood, it is always badly needed.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:35 am
by wrigleyj
I usually don't worry, and just eat many biscuits (cookies to USians) and drink plenty afterwards. I was just curious what other people think.

I had given blood a couple of times and then I got 2nd hand confirmation that it's important when my grandmother was given 4 units over christmas a couple of years ago and it made such a huge, tangible difference to her almost over night. I'm now at least happy that I've repaid that "debt" for the family, and I'm blessed with very useful (pretty much universally accepted) 0+ blood type so I figure I should do what I can. There's no payment for blood in the UK. Unfortunately, this time I realised I couldn't donate because I've had a piercing in the last 6 months so I have to wait until April.

I've you've never considered donating, please give it a minute's consideration because it's really not a big sacrifice, but it can make a huge difference to somebody who needs it.

Sorry if I'm a little incoherent. My S day today has involved Cider :-)
