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Vanilla No S Weight Loss

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:38 pm
by HistoryTeacher
I have been fairly successfully No-Sing for about 3 months on vanilla no S. I've tried very hard not to over complicate things, I've kicked my Starbucks habit since it's summer time and yet I've only lost 1 lb. I've been exercising a little bit more everyday, I started with 10 minutes and am adding 1 minute every week. I'm getting really discouraged and I'm wondering if anyone has lost weight on Vanilla No-S, no tweaking by counting calories, no eating all no-fat, low-fat foods, etc.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:19 pm
by kbits
I feel your pain: the weight loss is s-l-o-w

Logically however, there's *no* real reason why it shouldn't occur, as long as you've had more successful days then failures, haven't gone too nuts on the weekend and have kept portion sizes in check.

Calories out > Calories in = you win

Other then seems like the usual case of "Hurry up and wait" :(

Here's hoping for some more successful testimonials to your question!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:19 pm
by rose
keep in mind no 2 persons eat the same way...
I don't count calories, don't eat no-fat etc...
I do try to eat balanced meals most of the time, meaning veggies/fruit, bread/rice/noodles and some protein at every meal.
I avoid eating fast food or very greasy foods more than once a week.
I usually avoid added sugar on N-days (not just sweets) except for a single cup of hot chocolate a day - if I really want it.
Would you call this Vanilla No-S?

When I go overboard on weekends and eat big plates on N-days, I maintain. When I am able to have moderate weekends and moderate N-days, I lose weight - slowly.

Perhaps I was lucky to have started NoS directly after the New Year holidays, so of course the holiday pounds went away quickly in my first month since, of course, I did not eat as much in January as in December. So I saw "results" in my first month.
However I was stalled in February (see chart in my signature). I had to look hard at what I ate (way too much take-away - greasy kebab) and how much I put on my plate (too much - I felt too full and sleepy after meals), in order to make small changes without feeling too restricted (since that might crash the NoS habits) and actually lose weight.
I also had a 3-month plateau during my 2nd winter. I just kept at it and adjusted my food intake again (I had relapsed into over-filling my plate again).

Some people may naturally tend to eat healthy meals in reasonable quantity. For these people, NoS may be simply a set of rules (i.e. Vanilla NoS) which becomes a way of life.

For other people, NoS begins as a set of rules and becomes a learning process: during the first months, you just follow the rules as best as you can, then you wonder why you don't actually lose weight, then you make one little change (make McDonalds an S-food if you eat at McDonalds every day for instance) and examine the results over several weeks or months.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:22 pm
by kbits
Rose -

What software did you use to graph that? It doesn't look like the bog standard Excel chart?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:45 pm
by rose
kbits wrote:Rose -

What software did you use to graph that? It doesn't look like the bog standard Excel chart?
Yes it's a standard Excel chart.
I used a line chart with dots. I may have edited the data series properties in order to make the line invisible to see only the dots. I may have edited the axis properties to add lines at every lb and every month.
I added a "moving average" trendline with a 14-day period.

Then I made a screen shot of the chart and edited it with Paint in order to add the comment boxes. So if I want to update the chart I will have to make a new screen shot and add the comments again. Not very practical. I don't know how to do that in Excel.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:58 pm
by kbits
It's looks great :) I'm gonna steal the format and make my own.

Who doesn't love a good chart :)